- j. L «« ASHLAND CLIMATE, wix M i • «> the aid of medicine, cores nine $ ♦ cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact, MALARIA GERMS cannot sur- ❖ vive three nonths in the rich 4» ozone a t A shland. The pure do- ♦ <$> m estic w ater helps. ♦ (International News Wire Service) THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28. 1922 V O L U M E 4 (Successor to the Semi-W eekly Tidings, VoL 43) ENGLAND AGAIN ANGRY CITIZENS E LIFE OF No. 98 COMING EVENTS ■$> TW O AMERICAN GIRLS <§■ <♦> UNITING FAMILIES WAR HAS SEPARATED > ' I Decem ber 31— W atch serv- ii- j T ices. P re sb y te ria n '.c h u rc h . €> ♦ --------—• A <«> Monday J a n u a r y ^ , 1923. *3» i ATHENS, Dec. 28. — Two A m erican girls, Miss M yrtle No- <$> !<3> J a n u a ry 1-5— W eek of prayer | < $ - in A shland cliurclie^ < i> | lan, of M inneapolis, and Miss <§>! I Ja n u a ry 8— School reopens. <♦' ; <$* Louise M acLachlan, of D etroit, «•" I i> Ja n u a ry 9— Theresa Sheehan | <•> have tak en possession of the <®> : ■ ♦' com pany, Lyceum course. ♦' ♦ a p a rtm e n ts form erly occupied <•> I <§> J a n u a ry 26 — “ C aptain of <$> by the Dowager Queen Olga. ----------------- I Miss Nolan and Miss Mac- •§■ ■•> P ly m o u th .’’ High school oper- <•> e tta. «>1 <§* L achlan a re ru n n in g the “ Lost <$> PRISONER ALLEGED TO H A \ E, an„ Fou„d B„ rea„.. „ M r * INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ( X IN­ -$> $ FORMER PRESIDENT REPORTED MADE BRUTAL ATTACK ON ______________jL-__ IN BEST SPIR IT S SINCE FERENCE DOESN'T APPEAL E a st R elief association, which ® 4> TO PRESIDENT ILLNESS WOMAN ® is striv in g to find lost relatives , <9> who w ere sep arated from th e ir DAY SPENT QUIETLY fam ilies d u rin g th e G reek de- <$>j CONSIDERS EXPRESSION BODY IS DISCOVERED ENTIRE NEAR EAST his anti8eptic solution IN CLOSET BY SPOUSE READING NEWSPAPERS bacle in Asia Minor. The bu- WILL BE UNDESIRABLE ---------- I <3> reau has received m ore th an • “ No, pet — you know, the F ear Is E xpressed in C ertain Quar- F inally Sneh W ould S erre to Spread Falsi» P i'.'sent S itu atio n in Sem ite A ppeals ♦ 12,000 inquiries, som e of the sensible kind. But, doctor, I -A A ssaila n t S n a tc h e s and teiw T hat T here Is a P ossib ility of S tran g les V ictim ; Seven-Year-O ld I m p ie s a c n s to A ll Europi» and To Him in Light M anner, in P a r- inquiries com ing from relatives •$> never th o u g h t he would bite me. <$• R ussia Join in g W ith T urkey, Says D auhter Id en tifies Man a s F orm ef W rong Ones to A m ericans, De­ in Am erica. < J > tieu lar th e Old Irrecon eillb le Group ♦> The doctor heaved a sigh of <$• D ispatches. E m ploye o f th e H ousehold. clares C hief E xecutive. Led by Borali. relief and said it w ouldn’t -he <$> LONDON, Dec. 28. — M enacing " serious, ORANGE, N. J., Dee. 2 « .— The WASHINGTON, Dec. 28.— P re si­ WASHINGTON, Dec. 28.— Wood- clouds of w ar again loom om inously * ' * ? * ‘ * n egro a d m itted a ssa u ltin g and k ill- d e n t H arding in a le tte r addressed to ' ~ row W ilson is celeb ratin g his 66th over the n e a r east. The m enace is lin g M is. B righam la te today. i Senator Lodge, chairm an of th e sen- BELFAST, Dec. 28— H ere in Ul- birth d ay today. He spent a p art of from th e th re a te n e d collapse of the Id en tifica tio n w as com pleted w ith I ate foreign relatio n s com m ittee, ex- N ear E ast conference at L ausanne. fin gerp rin ts found on her body, ster, w here blood is shed in re lig io u s 1 the m orning in the study of his hom e I presses disapproval of S enator Bor­ T he B ritish and T u rk s a re dead-1 rle w ill be arraigned for first de- I feuds, the break in g up any gang of on S s tr e e t’ Perusing th e new spapers a h ’s proposal to call an in te rn atio n a l ; religious m u rd er fanatics is of ut- and the Congressional Record, which locked over c ertain issues, and n e ith ­ gree m urder. I economic conference as an am end- an account of — tlie storm y •’ de- i 1 m ost im portance. Such an a c h ie v e - held " ” “ ---------------- e r side will give ground. j nient to th e navy appropriation trill. ORANGE, N. J.. Dec. 28.— M u tte r- ; m ent is reported to have been m ade b a,e in the ien a fe 0Vf*r A m erica» All available B ritish w arships in The president says he knows of ing citizens around th e county jail ’ recently hy the U lster governm ent ,luty *° Europe. th e M editerranean have been ordered! “ no prohibition ag ain st such an ex- here th re a te n sum m ary vengeance I and has resu lted in gretyt excitem ent 11 ls sai<1 by !r-en s 1 aI • ‘»»»‘>R j to proceed to th e D ardanelles, ac­ j pression on the p a rt of congress for upon W illiam B attles, a young ne- in B elfast. Because of fear of re- 18 hugely enjoying the present sen-; cording to a dispatch from M alta, the ___ . | calling a conference,” hut he said ho gro, who is being grilled by detec- prisais and fu rth e r artfusing relig- ate situ a tio n , p a rtic u la r y th e spec- chief B ritish M editerranean naval ¡fran k ly questioned the “ desirability tives for inform ation bearing on th e p o u s h atred s, th e governm ent is w ith- ' ‘itL of nnrai- the o i i f ln T.tahn ect.n i Am ong a larg e num ber of appli- of such an expression.” He also said depot. .,,K. o. ,, mem . „r. ber., hvo , g ’ .’ . . . cations to the sta te e n g in e e rs office ft would convey a false im pression T he B ritish hold possession of | b ru ta l m u rd e r of Mrs. E le an o r Brig- holding all official statem en ts. It is understood th a t th e govern^ _ ac ing he ign oi par îcipa ion for the uge of w ater in j ackson tQ g urope an(j a wrong im pression points of high stra g e tic im portance, P assing of an ordinance licensing ( ham , wife of a prosperous business E uropean affairs. county are the Pom padour M in e ra l! to A m ericans. and a re able to control th e M editer- peddlers and haw kers in the cltv as ; m an, and th e m o th er of th re e chil- m ent succeeded in break in g up a W ilson is said to be in b e tte r ran ean and Aegean seas. The fear is a protection to the m erch an ts was i dren. The body was scratched and secret society whose m em bers were Spiings com pany, of A shland, for .1 j This is ............i the first • practical step in h ealth and sp irits since his grim expressed th a t R ussia m ay join the final piece of legislation enacted 1 cut when found in a preserve closet pledged to wipe o u t the ad h eren ts npqr-i seCOn<' t00t Ol w ater from a spring dealing w ith E uropean a ffa irs to free b a ttle to “ come back” from the near Turkey. by the present council, which held ¡in h er basem ent last n ig h t by the Qf th e religion which they opposed. | for dom estic supply; covered c o n -’ the hands of th e A m erican debt fund- I its final m eeting W ednesday night, j horrified husband. ■ — --------------------- T hree of th e m em bers of the secret fatal illness which stru c k him th ree crete basin and pipe line a p p ro x i-; ing comm ission neg o tiatin g witli the HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENT ¡T he m eeting was an a d jo u rn ed s e s - ; The wom an was outraged by her society a re reported to have tu rn e d Iyears ago m ately eight m iles long to be con- E uropean pow ers for paym ent of stru c te d a t a cost of $8000. The th e ir debts to this country. W ILL RESIGN JANUARY 1ST sion. U nder th e new ordinance, p e d - * assa ila n t and then strangled. A inform ers, and as the resu lt of th eir H artm an Syndicate of th e Pacific _______ dlers and haw kers will be com pelled | seven-year-old d a u h te r identified the disclosures, th ere have been several Coast, w ith offices in th is city, has TELEPH O NE GIRLS FINALLY Miss Florence Pool, hom e dem on- t 0 pay a license fee of $100 per y e a r ,’negro as the one who was employed a rre s ts and large q u a n titie s of arm s stra tio n ag en t for Jackson county* except any person residing w ithin about the house the day of the crim e. have been seized. also applied for a perm it to construct RECOVER FROM XMAS PARTY a reservoir in the channel of a draw for the past th re e years, will resign the lim its of the city, who will be ----------------------------- The U lster governm ent is try in g M embers of the local telephone from springs. D etails of the con­ her office J a n u a ry 1. Ill health is assessed a fee of $3. In e ith e r case* to resto re o rd e r im p artially, and is given as the reason. D uring her no license will be issued for less than stru ctio n a re not given, hut the esti- exchange were so overw helm ed w ith using every effo rt to restra in relig­ service in the county she has won a one year. I m ated cost is $7500. In addition the I the m any p resen ts they received at ious feuds w ithout fear or favor. I concern asks to ap p ro p riate .25 sec-1 th eir second a n n u al Ch; Istmas party g rea t m any friends, and it is w ith; Very little business was tra n s a c t - ■ ond feet of w ater from th re e springs* th a t they were not able to give a co­ re g re t th a t they learn of her decision. ed o th er th an the passing of the o r1 OREGON CITY. Dec. 28.— The trib u ta ry to Antelope cre.-k and the! heren t rep o rt of the a ffa ir until Miss Pool has n ot yet definitely an- dinance. An old blacksm ith b u ild­ new Pacific highw ay bridge connect-1 Rogue riv e r fo r m anufacturinR a n d i today, nouuced h er plans for the fu tu re. ing, long an eyesore to th e com m un­ j ing Oregon City w ith W est Linn was dom eatic purposes, d etails of con The girls had prepared a fine She lias been connected w ith this line ity, was knocked down for the tnag- throw n open to tra ffic w ith fittin g of work for the past six years, in n ificient sum of $5, m erely to get — H -. ___ _ ¡C hristm as tree for th e ir own pleasure istru c tio n to be fu rn ish _____ ed later. exercises today. The s iru c tu re rep-1, George T . J H ershberger, of *C én-|anil exchaligêîUgifts wfih each otln>r. CHICAGO,. Dec. 28.— The new N orth D akota and M ontana before rid of th e s tru c tu re . The city prop­ resents an expenditure of $27 5 ,0 0 0 .| t r a , p o -ntj askg fQr 1;, sec(md foQf. In addltion t0 the8e, they also re . com ing to Jackson county. e rty on M echanic s tre e t recently de­ year grain leaders predict, will seei D elegations w ere p resent from Qf wftter {rom W jbow cre ?k, trib u - m em bered each othe.- wi ll presents H er successor. Miss G rayce Teich, stroyed by fire was sold to E. N. b e tte r w heat prices and the inevi- P o rtla n d , Salem and o th e r valley ta ry to the ROgue r ; | e r fOr the irri- niore ap p ro p riate and illu strativ e of who took g ra d u a te courses a t Iowa B utler for $1200. This consists of | table “ come b a c k ” of the farm er. F a ilu re to estab lish proper cred its; SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 28.— p o -| t° w ns- A cting-G overnor R itn er was ga tjon 0( jo acres of land. C o n -p h e individual ch a ra c te ristic s than S tate college, Ames, Iowa, the larg- w hat is left of th e building and the abroad is said to have prevented a lice here have a rre ste d C harles Mil- also present. The bridge is a s te e l, st.ru cy on w orfc jias already been of value, which created a great deal est a g ric u ltu ra l college in the w orld, i lot. com pleted. Nels P. H ansen, _ of C li-jo i m errim ent. A fter the dist ribu- ______ _____ and a t C olum bia u n iversity. New W illiam M. Briggs, city atto rn ey , su b sta n tia l advance in the m ark et, j ler, an alleged “ w obbly” organizer, and concrete stru c lire. E urope needs w heat but is bank- in connection w ith the bomb w arn- Miss H a rrie riie tt Phipps, I tupps, as Queen max reque8t8 >-c 75 second foot Of w a -jtio H a n n of f e gifts 'i f t s a an n A excellent Y e o llo n t f feed c o a was Y ork, has a rriv e d ^ a n d is p reparing read a com m unication in which h e, . . ----- 1 ------------ ------------------ --- _ to assum e charge of the work. M is s j8t a ted he had served in his present i ru p t. If cred its a re established, it ing sent Chief of Police O’Brien. H e i H ai-rlett reigned over the e n tire cel- | te r from Antelope creek to irrig a te served. Teich recently com pleted a course a t capacity for the past th re e years,! is predicted A m erica w ill see $2 has in his possess'on a cryptic te le - , ebratio n period. An elaborate p r o - j ^ acreg Hg aJso hag com plet ed h i s l As a a m ark of appreciation of the ; gram from “ wobbly” h ea d q u arte rs a t Sram has been com pleted, in c lu d in g , dUch construction George H. Sto- services rendered by the local ex­ O. A. C., and gained her experience w orking in harm ony w ith th e coun-l w heat, F resno directin g M iller to move a p arade, dedication cerem ony, re * | well> of E agle P oint asks 25 second change, m any business and p ro fe s­ in A rizona. She comes very highly ; cil, and than k ed them for the m any bodies of men to C alifornia w a te r ' ception, public m arriage and ban- ; foot of w ater to irrig a te 20 acres, sional men rem em bered the “ hello recom m ended and is fa r from being little courtesies they had accorded I quet. 19308351 pow er projects for ‘ job action. g irls” with a variety of presen ts. a novice in hom e d em onstration ’ j,jm d u r jng th a t period. w ith a ditch to cost $500. The Rogue R iver Valley C anal candy predom inating. Those who w ork. M embers of the council th a t go OREGON ARTILLERY UNIT ¡com pany, of M edford, also asked per-, helped m ake it a m erry C hristm as ---- —--------------- —— out of office the first of the year are ¡m ission to co n stru ct two re s e rv o irs ,! for the girls were the Ideal grocery, HONORE BUILDING OUTLOOK BRIGHT Mayor C. B. L am kin, Dr. W. E. Li lone in Long lake and the o th e r in H. F. N orton com pany, E. R. Isaac FROM PRESENT INDICATIONS Blake C. H. Pierce, G. M. F ro st, J. PORTLAND, B adger lake, in K lam ath county, for & Company, F ran cis Call, Kay & ---------- L. H arn er, A. C. Joy and Irving F ind- m ental croix de g u erre w ith six si!-* storage. Ray W arn er T rail, seeks M orrison, N ininger & W arn er, Mrs. W ith the close of th e old y e a r|le y . The new council will tak e of- i ver b a ttle rings, one for each m ajor | to ap p ro p riate .013 second foot of j Sugg the Ashland G reenhouse, the com es the encouraing inform ation ; fice on T uesday evening, Ja n u a ry 2, PORTLAND, Dec. 28. — A lfred engagem ent in which it took p a rti i w ater fo r irrig a tio n purposes As T avern cafe. Rose Bros., Dr. Sweden- th a t several building p ro jects a re be-, 1923. , , • u n F/.in »n Rowen, of G ladstone ’ W elland Brad- I, d u ring the w orld w ar, will be pre- i I he had not com pleted his application, burg, H. C. Stock anu th e Meyer 5ne considered, which will help to Those who assum e the responsihii- mJ, louM i.r, tu „ * |le v , of W est Linn, and George Nel- sented to h a tte r A, 147th field ar- ¡it- was retu rn ed to him. E dw ard I Creek Telephone com pany. relieve the housing situ a tio n in gen- ities of th e city governm ent a t th a t , ui , a i s ( oo .. tim e a re M avor C harlie 1 Loom is 30n’ of J e n n in S3 Lodge, all boys in tillery, Oregon N ational G uard, at CHICAGO, Dec. 28.— Consulera- _____ ___________ _________ ¡P eile, of th e sam e locality, w ishes! The em ployes of the exchange wish e ra l. C. H. P ierce. S. A P eters Sr.. H. G .|th e ir early te e n s’ a re believed to be im pressive cerem onies to be held a t itiö n of th e present confusion in the gecond foot Qf w ater from Long to extend th e ir hf ftiest wishes for Among those announcing plans for lost in the snow on L arch m ountain, the A rm ory, 10th and Couch stre e ts, a ir w.ll come up for discussion a t ' a happy and prosperous New Y ear to I branch, to irrig a te 10 acres. construction work is E. N. B utler. W alcott. N. C. L ininger, Mrs. W. M. the N ational B ro ad casters’ league The trio left Tuesday for a clim b, to n ig h t a t 8 o’clock. | those who so rem em bered 'h em , and who purchased from th e city last B arber and Dr. R. L. Burdic. ■and searching p arties have been un- B attery A is the oldest m ilitary m eeting here on J a n u a ry 16. It will j to the p atro n s of the tele; hone com ­ n ig h t four lots on Van Ness avenue,, ---------------- -— ¡able to find any trace of them . . I organization in the sta te and is th a he the first g a th e rin g of the league pany. form erly M echanic stre e t. On this ---------------------------- only Oregon unit tliaf m aintained it- since its organization in October. p roperty is a partially burned house BRAVE T H IE F TA KES self in tact, as a un it, th ro u g h o u t th e Among questions to be considered' which will be to rn down. Mr. B u tler, KLAMATH COURT HOUSE REES, H IV E AND ALL war. ' «¡11 be w hether copyrighted m usic,: today sta te d he is planning the erec-i B R IE FS FILED AT SALEM EUGENE, Dec. 28.— A hive of The decoration is to he presented including grand o peia, can he tra n s-l tion of fo u r m odern bungalow s on Ita lia n bees was stolen d u rin g the^by A d ju tan t G eneral W hite on beh alf u n ite d by radio th ro u g h o u t the SALEM, Dec. 28.— Briefs in the th is property, com plete w ith sid e­ week-end from th e back yard of Mrs. of the governm ent, and is to he ac- United S tates w ith o u t paym ent of; lease of F ra n k W ard against K lam ath w alks and garages. T hese will he ; K ate M iller, in Creswell. The th ie f cepted hy C aptain W illiam S. G ray, fees to the ow ners of the c o p y rig h t.; i county have been filed with the su- b u ilt fo r investm ent, and will e ith e ri ¡carried th e hive, bees and a ll, away. I who cam m anded th e b a tte ry w hen it T he a ttitu d e of the league tow ard th e ' p u n e ra l 8ervicejj fQr gteven Ab r a - ‘ prem e c o u rt here. The case involves be sold or ren ted . He expects to i n - ' SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 28.— The ¡They w ere recently im ported from : w ent to F ran ce and who brought radio bill introduced In congress by hflm Hawkg> whQ (Ued a t hjg home> the sta iu s of K la m a th .s lulinerolH vest ab o u t $15,000 in th e four was C alifornia, being a new species in it hack to Oregon still under his W allace H. W hite also will he de- 128 Factory stre e t, December 2 7 ,'c o u rth o u se s and is In the suprem e schooner “ Stockton C ity” buildings. cided. | com m and. W ork on the bungalow s will not w recked n e a r P o in t A rena today, th a t d istric t. will be held from the B aptist cbjnrch ; court on appeal of K lam ath county. begin u ntil th e w eather is settled . All the m em bers of th e .c r e w w ere F riday afternoon a t 2 o’clock, w ith ; B riefs have also been filed in the probably about M arch 1. W ith th e. saved. Rev. M iller officiating. M embers of ’ca se of K lam ath county against the the I. O. O. F. and W oodmen w ill, K lam ath Development com pany, in- com pletion of these houses Mr. But- BOSTON CHURCH GIVEN a tte n d the services in a body. In ter-! volving the title to land on which 1er will own seven residences on this^ ANCIENT GOLD FABRIC m ent will be m ade in the I. O. O. F. th e new Hot Springs courthouse is stre e t. ss | ' cem etery in Belleview. located. BOSTON, Dec. 28.— A gold-em -| | Mr. H aw ks was born in Virginia,* a petition has been filed by Twohy HAINES ICE HARVEST ' broidered cloth of un u su al beauty.I A ugust 30, 1861, and celebrated his B rothers for a reh earin g cf the case IS BEING DELAYED used for m ore th an 250 years in th e, 61st anniversary a little over four ag ain st the Ochoco irrig atio n d istric t _______ U n itarian church a t K olozsar, Ru- • m onths ago. A fall resu lted in a involving m oney alleged by Twohy HAINES, Or., DflC. 28.— Tem pera- m ania, th e oldest U n itarian church broken hip several weeks ago, from B rothers to he due on construction tu re s above th e freezing point which in the w orld, has been p resented to which he never recovered.' W ith his work for the d istrict. have prevailed here for th e week K ing’s chapel, of the local church, wife, he moved to A shland nine y e a r s ---------------------------- past have caused considerable delav. The Rev. Dr. H arold E. B. Speight, ago from Moscow Idaho. ¡5 0 WOMEN 1‘ROHI AtiENTB in the ice harvest. A sm all lake a ssista n t p asto r of th a t church, He is survived by his m other, Mrs NAMED FO R LOH ANGELES owned by th e H aines Meat com pany, b rought it from R um ania this sum - M artha Long, his wife and son. Max- LOS ANGELES, Dec. 28.— F ifty lost th e w ater from b eneath the ice iner. well of A shland, and two o th er sons, women will be appointed special pro- and the crop which was nearly ready --------------------- ------- John J. H aw ks, Long Beach Calif., hibition agents to keep Los Angeles for the harv est, fell in. The Pacific NEW ZEALAND FE E LS and E lm er L. H aw ks, of Elm a, W ash d ry on New Y ear's eve It was an- F ru it Express com pany which annu- EARTHQUAKE SHOCK ' nounced today by H arold H. Dolley, ally cu ts several hundred tons of ice W ELLINGTON, N. Z., Dec. 28.— ¡“d ry ” enforcem ent d ire c to r here. for cooling re frig e ra to r cars on tlie Fresh e a rth q u a k e shocks w ere re- Mrs. C ornelius R e tu rn s lloni»---- “There was too much Christmas Union Pacific d u rin g the sum m er, ported from the in te rio r of New Zea-I M rs. R. P. C ornelius, who has sp irit,” said Dolley. “ We did uot will sto re a very in ferio r q u ality of land today. Severe dam age was re-, been visiting in Los Angeles and receive tlie co-operation prom ised by ice on account of mixed rain and ported from th e region of W’aik ari. o th er so uthern C alifornia cities for cafe ow ners. So we will see w hat snow which has covered th e com- , Owing to in , te rru p te d com m unication „ v This is the vice regal lodge in Phoenix Park. Dublin, which becomes the residence of Tim Healy, governor gen- t he pa8t two m onths, has retu rn ed i woman agents can do New Y ear’s pany's ponds d u rin g the past few it was not known If th e re had been Free , £ day». any loss of life. j ,| -'¿-L Z V - J I ■■ ■ ■■■■■■ I W i h c f u < xaifi ..... !<» LIZARD RITES GIRL; <î> “LOUNGE?” ASKS DOC. <«> “NO, PET,“ IS REPLY ❖ ---------- * LOS ANGELES, Dec. 28.— I •$> Miss “ B illie“ Dailey expert ma- ■$> chinist, recently walked into the ; th e police em ergency hospital <§> and exhibited to Police Surgeon W allace Dodge some p unctures ♦- in her neck. : “ D og?” asked Dodge, as he I got busy. ’ BRITISH FLEET ORDERED TO “ No, liz a rd ,’’ replied the PROCEED AT ONCE TO THE young girl. DARDANELLES •> “ L o u n g e?” queried th e doc- ¡3> to r as he arched his eyebrow s WAR _ _ CLOUDS MENACE _____ I and increased th e stre n g th of LAUSANNE MEET <3>j | ♦ ------------ - <$> BORAH'S ACTION ULSTER ARE GAUSE IS B SUSPECT IS NOW UNDER S E E Ì t ” BROADCASTERS TO L 'F SEI FOR FBI VESSEL WRECKED: IS Residence of Governor General Tim Healy I