Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, December 27, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    Wednesday, December 27, 1022
« u n a n xnmnr mavoirav
Bring your RU BB ER BOOTS and
shoes to L eedom ’s T ire H ospital. W e '
vulcanize new soles and heels. 97tf
H ere fro m A g e r , C a lif.—
VI is» F b trk u s 111—
Miss B ernice Flack us, who has
been w orking a t Rose Bros, confec­
tionery sto re, is on the sick list.
D uring h er absence. May H adfield is
tak in g her place.
H ig h w a y P ro p e rty —
Some splendid p roperty on Pacific
H ighw ay betw een A shland and Med­
ford a t a ttra c tiv e price.
R ealty Agency.
Goes to P o rtla n d —
Among the local people who spent
the holidays o ut of tow n a re Mrs.
Mae E llis and d a u g h te r G arnet of
th e T avern cafe, who’ a re visiting in
P o rtla n d .
If you w ant those hens to lay m ore
uggs, get som e crack lin s 3 cents
per pound. P laza M arket.
.Miss E m e ry R ep o rted 111—
L ast m onth the A utom obile Spec­
ia list In su red th re e tru c k s, six auto
m obiles and 10 F ords. P hone 274-J.
Yeo, of course.
I’isiting with Jenkins’—
Mr. and Mrs. C lifford Jen k in s and
two ch ild ren , of R oseburg, m otored
to A shland T uesday for a sh o rt visit
with Mr. J e n k in s ’ p aren ts, Mr. and
VIrs. George Jenkins«, of Oak stre e t,
th e y re tu rn e d to the Um pqua valley
¡own today.
Cliff Payne has Sprusteel ladders
Ira. Broker Entertains—
Several young people enjoyed a
uletide p arty given by Mrs. Mary
Iroker, fe a tu re s of which were a
oose d in n er and th e d istrib u tio n of
ifts by F red P en n isto n , who acted
s Santa Claus. C ards and games-
rere played d u rin g th e evening,
'hose present w ere th e M isses Gen-
va C rosslin, Rachel H u rst, R uth
la ll; M esdames M arie G orm an, Ma-
el Seym ore, Mary B roker; S. Pen-
iaton and sons, Fred S. and W illiam
I. P enniston.
Believed to Be G ift of S p irit to Whom
T h e ir H unters Had Been
Elsie Bloom ingeam p, of A ger,|
Calif., was an overnight visitor in i An Indian tradition as to tlie first
appearance of tobacco in North Amer­
A shland.
ica is to the effect th at a Swedish min­
ister who took occasion to inform
H ere from R oseburg—
tlie chiefs o f the Susquehanna In­
W . O. Ball and wife, of R oseburg, dians, in a kind of sermon, of the prin­
spent th e n ig h t in A shland.
cipal facts on which the Christian re­
ligion is founded, was thus answered
W e have been forced to move into by an old Indian o rator:
“W hat you have told us is very
la rg e r q u a rte rs in o rd er to accom ­
we thank you for coming so
m odate o u r patrons. L adies’ w ork a
far to tell us those things you have
specialty. A uto delivery. A shland
heard from your m others; in re­
C leaning and Dyeing W orks. P h o n e ’ turn we will tell you w hat we have
97tf ¡ heard from ours. In the beginning
we had only flesh of anlmuls to eat,
and if they failed we starved. Two
4 8 4 th M en H a v e Meeting-—
our hunters having killed a deer
Officers, non-com m issioned offi­
and broiled a p art of it, saw a
cers and a few in terested enlisted
young woman descend from the
m en of the 484th com pany m et T ues­ clouds, and seat herself on a lull
day evening to discuss the develop­ hard by. Said one to the other: Tt is
m ent program of the m ilitary o rg an ­ a spirit, perhaps, that has smelt our
ization for the com ing year. Tt was venison; let us offer some of it to
planned to hold several dances, her.’ They accordingly gave her tlie
She was pleased with its
sm okers and o th e r form s of e n te r­ tongue.
flavor, and said: ‘Your kindness will
tain m en t. B asketball is also sched­
be rew arded; come here thirteen
L ie u te n a n t Y oung, who a r ­ moons lienee, and you shall find it,’
rived a few m inutes before a d jo u rn ­ They did so, and found maize grow­
m ent, was forced to “ set up the ing; where her left hand had been,
d rin k s ” to those p resent for his t a r ­ kidney b e a n s; and where she had sat
diness. The next d rill of th e 484th they found tobacco.”
com pany will be held T hursday, J a n ­
uary 4?
F resh moss for your gold fish a t
Miss Hazel E m ery, of th e W h ittle
E L H A R T ’S.
T ra n sfe r com pany’s office, is re p o rt­
ed as having joined th e list of those
confined to th e ir hom es on account Gives X m as D inner—
Mr. and Mrs. H uschke, of T hird
of bad colds.
stre e t, e n te rta in ed C hristm as day,
W e p u t th e chicken in our tam ales Mr. and Mrs. Ben Howe, of Rogue
Plaza Confectionery.
90tf R iver, Mrs. M. E. F ra z ie r and grand
d a u g h te r, Miss R acine, of 225 B
e t. They had a delightful din­
Pool Expert Is Here—
disclosing th e fact th a t Mrs.
E xponents of pool and b illiard s
was a m ost excellent cook.
will be given an o p p o rtu n ity to w it­
ness som e skilled cue w ork th is ev­
ening, when W illiam F. G reenleaf,
pocket b illiard cham pion of th e m id­
dle west will give an exhibition a t
th e N ininger & W arn er establishm ent
beginning a t 7 o’clock. G reenleaf is
th e cham pion of 11 s ta te s and will
give a fancy shot exhibition, a fte r
which he will be m atched against
som e local expert. He has a record
of having d efeated four ex-world
cham pions.
Have Been People Who Hated Die
Smell of Roses, and to Some
it Was F atal.
The ancient w riters tell us some
wonderful stories about queer likes
and dislikes, and some of the most
amazing of these are about people
who dreaded to see or smell a rose,
says London Tit-Biis.
According to Sir Kenelm Digliy, one
of the ladies of tlie bedchamber to
Queen Elizabeth had her cheek blis­
tered by placing a rose against it.
She was Lady Heneage. Afterward,
whenever she saw a rose she would
fall into a swoon.
Cardinal Don Henrique de Cardona
became faint and ill if he entered a
room where roses were p laced; and
it is said th at Laurentius, bishop of
Uratislavia, was killed by the smell
of a rose. Cardinal Oliverius Carassa
lived in fear of roses. He would not
allow a rose to be brought Into liis
palace, and dreaded to approach any
person who had a rose about him.
The smell of a rose was considered
fatal by all the members of the noble
Venetian family named Barharigi.
Doctors warned them to remain at
home in the rose season, as if they
went abroad they were in dunger of
being overcome.
Question Involves Not Geographical
M atters but the Introduction
of the Famous Bird.
W illia m G. Sumner Gave C redit to the t
“ Forgotten M an” fo r His Pa­
There is a turkey question. It Is
tien t Industry.
not of capital moment and it Is cer­
W ealth comes only from production,
and all that the wrangling grabbers,
loafers and robbers get to deal with
conies from somebody’s toil and sac­
rifice. Who, then, is he who provides
it all? Go and find him, and you will
have once more before you the For­
gotten Man. You will find him hard
a t work because he has a great many
to support. N ature has done a great
deal for him in giving him a fertile
soil and an excellent climate, and he
V isiting in Eugene—
wonders why it is that, a fte r all, his
Mary and E stes Spencer a re spend­ scale of comfort is so moderate. He
ing the holidays a t th e hom e of P eter has to get out of the soil enough to
L. Spencer, in Eugene.
pay all Ids taxes, and th at means the
cost of all the jobs and the fund for
the plunder. The Forgotten Man
E lectric boudoir lam ps glassw are,
Is delving away in patient industry,
china, candlesticks in cu t glass and supporting ids family, paying his
ivory, all ivory goods, m irro rs, taxes, casting ids vote, supporting tlie
brushes, etc., some m an tle clocks, a church and school, reading his news­
few good w rist w atches and m en’s paper and cheering for the politicians
w atches are included in th e special of his admiration, but lie is the only
sale from now u n til J a n u a ry 5 at one for whom there is no provision in
the great scramble and the big divide.
Jo h n so n ’s Jew elry Store.
Such Is the Forgotten Man. lie works
he votes, generally he prays—-but lie
always pays—yes, above all, he pays.
Three Given Jail Terms—
Nine tre sp a sse rs w ere guests of •—William G. Sumner.
the city overn ig h t th ro u g h th e invi­
Sunset Joy.
tatio n of a special railro a d police,
W hat a s u n s e t' How golden! how
who found them on the com pany’s
b e a u tifu l! . . . The sun ju st disap­
property. W hen b ro u g h t before J u s ­
pearing, and the narrow liny clouds,
tice Gowdy th is m orning, th re e of which a few m inutes age iay like soft
them w ere handed a 15-day jail sen­ vapory streaks along the horizon,
tence in th e county bastile.
The lighted up with a golden splendor
o th er six w ere released, and ordered th at tlie eye can scarcely endure.
Another minute and the bril­
to h it it for the south. The trio, in , . . .
totally disappears, and tlie
custody of Chief of Police H a tc h e r ,'
sky above grows every moment more
were tak en to Jacksonville th is m o rn ­
varied and more beautiful as tlie daz­
zling golden lines are mixed with
glowing red and gorgeous purple, dap­
pled with small dark specks and
R unning Special Sale—
O. H. Johnson, the Jew eler, is ru n - i mingled with such a blue as the egg
ning a special sale u n til J a n u a ry 5th. | of the hedge-sparrow. To look up at
He is closing out discontinued p a t - ' that glorious sky, and then to see
that magnificent picture reflected in
te rn s in silver p late w are, also “ odds tlie clear and lovely Loddon w ater is
and ends” in o th e r lines. This is a a pleasure never to be described and
good o p p o rtu n ity for ladles to fill never forgotten. My heart swells and
in on th e ir silv er sets and to buy my eyes till as I w rite of It and think
from m any o th er lines a t very low ; of the im m easurable m ajesty of nature
prices. Sales ru n s to J a n u a ry 5th ami the unspeakable goodness of God
who has spread an enjoyment so pure,
97tt so peaceful and so intense before the
tain that tlie fate of Europe is not
involved in its solution, but it is still
curious, because it raises a point in
gastronomic history.
At what epoch did the turkey make
its first appearance on the European
Anderson and Crucy assert th at the
first turkey eaten in France was at
the m arriage of Charles IX, i. e., in
1571. Now, a document lias been dis­
covered of 1490 where mention is
made of the Indian fowls of Charles
VIII, two years before Columbus’ first
voyage, although this precious bird
had come from America.
Until now It was thought th at the
first turkeys raised in France were in
Bourges in 1518. On the other hand,
it is confidently declared th at these
birds were introduced somewhat later
in Spain, whence they were taken to
England in 1524.
A grave problem Indeed. Who will
furnish the solution?
The Child and the Anim al.
Everyone knows how quickly the
child’s interest is aroused in the pres­
ence of an animal. He takes to It
much more naturally than to one of
his own kind. This seems to be In­
stinctive in childhood, and within rea­
sonable limits parents should encour­
age it. Children brought up with ani­
mal pets are bound to show tlie influ­
ence of that companionship through­
out the rest of their lives, but it is
of great importance that parents and
others should teach young children
how to handle these pets of which
they really become so fond. They
should be taken up not by the nape
of the neck, with all the rest of the
body left dragging down, but picked
up carefully in the arms, so the whole
body gets some support; if they
should not lie squeezed and maul?<l
about and their lives made unhappy
by such usage, which, while it may
denote affection, often grows into
carelessness as to the anim als’ wel­
fare.—Our Dumb Animals.
Bobby Burns' Snuff Box.
Robert Bum s was never happier
than when he could “pass a w inter
evening under some venerable roof
and smoke a pipe of tobacco or drink
w ater gruel.” He nlso took tpbacco
In the form of snuff. Mr. Bacon, who
kept a celebrated posting house north
of Dumfries, was ids almost insep­
arable companion.
Many a merry
night they spent together over their
cups of foaming ale or bowls of whis­
ky toddy, and on some of these occa­
sions Scotland's great hard composed
several of his best-loved convivial
! songs. The bard and innkeeper be­
came so attached to each other that,
as a token of regard. Burns gave Ba­
con his snuff box, which for many
: years had been his pocket companion.
m eanest and tlie lowest of His crea­
tures.—Mary Russell Mitford.
W ere C h ristm as Guests# —
D etrick sells for less.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. K ing had as
Three Cities in One.
th e ir guqsts a t C h ristm as d in n er.
Visiting with Father—
Peking is really three cities in one.
H. F. R ussell and wife, of Ogden,
V ictor York, who has been w ork­
U tah; C harles McCormick and wife There is an inner or Mancliu city and
an outer or Chinese city. Tlie inner
ing in K lam ath F a lls for some tim e,
and d a u g h te r, and F. E. R ussell and
comprises the imperial city, which,
is spending th e holidays w ith his
d a u g h te r Lois.
turn, contains the “Forbidden City,"
fath e r, F. W. York.
or tlie purple forbidden city, inside
L adies who have silv erp late in i the walls of which again is the im-
isiting Johnson Fam ily—
Peking itself is one
dam ” or “ P a tric ia n ” p a tte rn s in | perial palace.
Mrs. P earl M. Dodge, of Berkeley,
of the oldest cities in tlie world, be­
'allf., a rriv ed in the city the first C om m unity w are; “Jam esto w n ” or. ing known to exist in the Twelfth
f th e week to spend the holidays “ N ew port” p a tte rn s in H olm es & j century before Christ, but although It
4 th her p a re n ts, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. E dw ards silv e rp la te ; “ La Salle” pat-i is of immense size, being 25 miles in
ohnson 165 N orth Main stre e t. Be- tern or “ L incoln” or “ C lin to n ” p at-i circumference, much of the space w ith­
“ Death V alley" on leland of Java.
ore re tu rn in g to her home in the tern in R ogers w are, should fill in in tlie walls i9 unoccupied.
California is not alone in the dis­
tinction of having a "Death valley.”
o u th , she will visit a siste r and on th e ir silverw are w hile they can
Asoka Sovereign of Ancient India.
On the island of Java is an oval­
ither relatives in th e Spokane get it at reduced prices d u rin g th ej
Asoka of Magadlia, whom H. E. shaped hollow, near the summit of a
o u n try .
Jo h n so n ’s Jew elry Store. 1 Wells selected as one of the w-orld's mountain, about 35 feet in depth and
greatest men, was a sovereign of half a mile wide, which, from the
Rem em ber th e dates, u n til Ja n u a ry ;
Spent Xmas in Medford—
India who reigned 255 to 223 B. C. deadly nature of its atmosphere. Is
97tfi over the whole of northern H indu­
Oscar and Mrs. G ustafson spent 5th.
known as the “Valley of Death," or
stan. He embraced Buddhism and ' tlie "Poison valley.” The atmosphere
C hristm as w ith th e ir d a u g h te r and
forced his subjects to do likewise, i is loaded with carbonic acid gas, and
son-in-law . .Hom er Elw ood, in M ed Mr. a r d M rs. O tn b y E n te rta in —
temples and “topes” in India though not a t once fatal to’ human
ford. O ther guests who were p res­
are attributed to him. He wielded a beings, proves so to dogs or fowls.
ent were Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Elwood,
powerful infiueuee and was the “nurs­
The valley has seldom been ex
Lloyd Elwood and wife, Mrs. Jo h n ­ diana, en te rta in ed a n um ber of th e ir ing father” of Buddhism, as Constan­
plored much beyond the borders, ns
son. C. A. W inetrout and children,
tine was of Christianity.
from there it Is seen th at the surface
present w-ere Mr. and Mrs. Neese.
Mice D oran and Lee G ordan.
Asoka is often called “th e king be­ of the ground is strewn with tlie
Miss Hazel Neese, Mr. and Mrs. A. D .■ loved of the gods” by natives of India. bones of tigers, pigs, deer and a>l
M eetin g Is Postponed—
T illson. Mrs. Jan ies Mowe, Mr. and
kinds of birds, and also human beings.
M embers of th e Lady E lks will Mrs. V erne Carey, Miss H ubbard.
Business Is Business.
not m eet a t th e local club room s Ray Jillson. the host and hostess and
A dozen or more men were waiting
Raleigh's Tobacco Box.
T h u rsd ay afternoon, but have po st­ son and d a u g h te r, G aius and Ilene for arraignm ent in the detention pen
Sir W alter Raleigh was no niggard
of a New York city court. Among I of his tobacco, if one may Judge from
poned th e a ffa ir u ntil the next r e g u ­ Crosby.
them was an old man who had been ‘ the size of his box. It was cylindrical
la r m eeting in Ja n u ary .
for peddling suspenders in form, about seven inches in diam ­
W hiting & Davis mesh bags, finest
without a license. He had a pile of eter, and thirteen Inches h ig h ; the
qu ality m any styles, at less th an suspenders hanging over his shoulders outside was of gilt leather, and in the
w holesale cost to close out. J o h n ­ but he was not sitting down with the inside was a cavity for a receiver of
97tf rest of the prisoners. He was busily glass or metal, which would holu
At bedtime rub the throat ana so n ’s Jew elry Store.
chest thoroughly with—
trying to make a sale among th e m ; I about a pound of tobacco. A kind of
m fact he did manage to get rid of j collar, connecting the receiver witli
Mt d fc id V isitor H ere—
A. W. H ubbs. m anager of th e Hub one pair before lie was called before the case, was pierced with holes for
______________ ______
tlie judge.
sto re of M edford was a business vis-
O « 17 Million Jan U ttJ Yearly 'ito r in the city today.
Tidings classified ads get results.
A want ad will sell it
Saving Alm ost Naked Russians
From Death From Cold Problem
For Doctors; Hoover Plans A id
( T h e S a n F rancisco B ank)
526 C alifornia St. (and B ranches),
San Francisco
F or the h alf year ending December
| 31st, 1S22, a dividend lias been de-
- d a re d a t th e ra te of fo u r am i one-
j q u a rte r (4 *4) per cent per annum
oa all deposits, payable on and a ite r
Ja n u a ry 2nd, 1923. D ividends not
called for a re added to the deposit.
¡account and earn dividend from Ja n -
i uary 1st, 1923. Deposits m ade on
1 or before J a n u a ry 10th, 1923, will
earn in terest from Ja n u a ry 1st, 1923.
GEO TOURNY M anager.
A m e ric a n re la tiv e s a n d f r ie n d s of
tin s c a n tily c la d in R u ssia a n d th e
U k ra in e a r e h u r r y in g re lie f to th e
c lo th in g n e e d y th r o u g h th e c lo th in g
m a te r ia l p a c k a g e p la n of th e A m ­
e ric a n R e lie f A d m in is tra tio n .
first b ig s h ip m e n t of te x tile p a c k ­
a g e s b o u g h t by s y m p a th e tic p e rs o n s
in th e U n ite d S ta te s h a s g o n e fop-
w a rd a n d Col. W illia m N. H a sk e ll,
d ire c to r o f th e A. R . A ., in R u ssia
h a s in fo rm e d H e r b e r t H o o v e r t h a t
l... y w ill be d e liv e re d im m e d ia te ly
to th e p e rso n o r g ro u p fo r w h o m
th e y h a v e b e e n d e sig n a te d .
H e e d in g th e p le a o f t h e ir r e la ­
tiv e s a n d frie n d s w h o f e a r to fa c e
th e h a r d R u s s ia n w in te r w ith o u t
c lo th in g , h u n d r e d s b o u g h t c lo th in g
p a c k a g e s in th e first few d a y s of
sa le so t h a t th e A. R A., c o u ld d e ­
liv e r tn e m
w ith o u t loss o f tim e .
T u t in te n siv e w in te r w e a th e r Is now
s e ttin g in th r o u g h o u t R u ssia . T h e
p a c k a g e s a r e p u rc h a s a b le th r o u g h
tn e A m e ric a n R e lie f A d m in is tra tio n
h e a d q u a r te r s a t 42 B ro a d w a y , N ew
Y o rk C ity.
E sp e c ia lly a r e c h ild r e n in n eed of
c lo th in g . T h e y a r e u n a b le to leave
th e ir u n h e a te d h o m e s in th e ir ra g s
Dislike O rdinary Salt.
to go to th e /v n ie ric a n R e lie f A d­
m in is tr a tio n k itc h e n s w h e re th e y r e ­
ceive th e o n ly m e a l th e y a r e a b le
to o b ta in .
T h e c l o t l l n g p a c k a g e p la n is sim -
ilia r to th e H o o v e r food r e m itta n c e
sy ste m
w h e re b y
A m e ric a n s se n t
lo o d to frie n d s a n d re la tiv e s a b ro a d
a n d sa v e d m illio n s o f lives.
c lo th in g
p a c k a g e s n o t d e s ig n a te d
fo r a n y p a r tic u la r p e rso n will he
fo rw a rd e d to th e m o st n e e d y p e r ­
so n s k n o w n by th e A. R . A. w o rk ­
e rs.
O ne p a c k a g e , w h ich c o sts tw e n ty
d o lla rs, will p r a c tic a lly e q u ip a
sm a ll fa m ily w ith c lo th in g . E a c h
p a c k a g e w ill c o n ta in
n e a rly
y a r d s o f d a r k w ool c lo th , e n o u g h
fo r o n e s u it o f c lo th in g fo r a n a d ­
u lt o r tw o g a r m e n ts fo r a c h ild ;
f o u r y a r d s o f lin in g : 16 y a r d s of
m u slin su fficien t f o r fo u r s u its o f
u n d e rw e a r; e ig h t y a rd s o f tla n u e i-
e tte su fficien t fo r tw o m e n ’s s h ir ts
o r w o m e n ’s s h ir t w a is ts a n d b u tto n s
a n d t h r e a d to m a k e u p th e se g a r ­
m e n ts.
M an y A m e ric a n
th r o u g h o u t th e U n ite d S ta te s h a v e
c o n se n te d to rec e iv e a n d fo rw a rd
fu n d s
fo r
c lo th in g
re m itta n c e
p a c k a g e s.
__ ,
A report made to the French Society
of Biology shows that 25,000,000 hu- ! FOR SALE— T urkeys, nice fat ones,
man beings in the Congo region com-
dressed or undressed. C, L. Mor-
inonly employ salt of potassium instead
r js> e ast O11 p acific highway. 97-4
of salt of sodium for seasoning their
food. They obtain this salt from the '
ashes of certain plants. Since the FOR RENT— T hree room furnished
opening up of tlie country ordinary
a p a rtm e n t, clean and com fortable,
salt lias been largely imported, but the
close in. Phone 263-R or call at
negroes regard it as Insipid, and aban­
369 H argadine.
don with regret the use of their fa ­
miliar ashes. They take the imported
salt only because it is cheap.
Youthful Beau Too Stingy.
When I was sixteen, I went to my
first show with a boy whom I greatly
admired. Before we reached tlie show-
lie went into a candy store and bought
a box of chocolates. Thinking it was
for me, I held out my hand for the
box. He opened the box and offered
me a piece and put the his coat
pocket. T hat was the last I saw of
the box of candy and, believe me, it
ended my first love affair.—Exchange.
m iu x ii
The picture New York went
wild over; the screen m asterpiece
the whole world is anxious to see.
The m ost gorgeous settin g s ever
seen, the m ost spectacular th rills
— and through all th e m agnifi­
cence a flam ing appealing love
sto ry .
W ith a sensational new
beauty as the heroine.
— Also—
— and—
A d m is s io n ..................... 10 and 35c
W . T. B L A C K W E L L
M otor W ork .A rm ature W inding, W ashing M achines, Irons and all
kinds of E lectrical A ppliances R epaired
Phone 359-Y
516 Elizabeth St.
P. 0 . Box 161
50 D resses
W ool and Silk
$4.95 - 6.95 - 9.75 -14.75
A fine lot of the better dresses at i-3 oil
20 Suits I oil
R anging from $14.75 to 32.09
________________________________ _
30 Coats 1 off
R anging in price from $14-75 io 35.
10 Better Coats left at the same discount