7 I reland daeli tiding » W ednesday, December 27, 1922 PAGE THREE Luman Fam ily E n te r ta in s - j A p £ EXp £RT M 0NEY JE ST E R Among the many Christmas par-j _______ havoc in muse of DEAD ties held d u rin g the holidays w a s ' 8aid t0 Be lrnpossible tc F„ , Animals i Egyptian Mourner» for Departed One cent t i e w o rd each tim e. th a t of Mrs. L um an, 333 N orth Main of Siam With Any Counter- Break All Mirror« and the Choicest feit Money. PHYHICXAXd. NOTICE O F REDEM PTION OF stre e t. M embers of the fam ily and of the Chlnaware. friends who w ere p resent w ere. Mr. i —-— ELEC TR IC LIGHT BONDS and Mrs. G ilm an an d fam ily, of Tbe P®°Pl« of Siam are very fond j DR. ERNEST A. WOODS—-Praetic- When a member of an Egyptian R eco rd er’s office, A shland, O re­ lim ited to eye, ear, nose G ran ts P ass; Mr. and Mrs. C harles cf keeping n’onke>s of various kinds household passes away, every m irror throat. Office hours, 19 to 12 an; gon, D ecem ber 20, 1922. . , . ,, , as pets. Owing t<> their close assocl- in the house Is taken out and smashed, ... , , . 2 to 8. Svedenburg Bldg., Ash Notice is hereby given th a t the Lum an and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Bil- I • ation with human beings, these crea- < together with the choicest of china- land. Ore ”3< lie Lum an and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. | tures become very intelligent. follow ing E lectric L ight Bonds will ware to he found in the home. It is O P . J. 4. KMMENB— P h y s i o l an . be tak e n up and cancelled by said E lm er Les,le and fam ily, all of M ed-’ One of tbe luost rem arkable things! always the women who do the break­ Sot g ot a. P ra ctice lim ited t< city on th e 1st day of J a n u a ry , 1923.» fo rd ’ Mr8’ Leslie WiU rem ain in tbat these monkeys can do is to test | ing, while the men sit quietly in a eye, ear. nose an d th ro a t. G asse» by paym ent of the face value th e re ­ A shland visiting d u rin g the rem ain-i money, lu Siam there is a large! room on the lower floor of the house •a p p lie d . O culist and a a rls t io amount of counterfeit money, perhaps and smoke. der of the week. S . P. R. R. Offices. M. F. and fl of and accrued in te re st, and in te re st more than in any other country in the Professional wailing women go to B ldg., M edford. Ore. P hone F87 on said bonds will cease on th a t world. As a consequence, the lot of All wool su its, $15 and up, a t the home which has suffered a loss d a te : the m erchant is a difficult one. They DR. M ATTIE li. SHAW — R esidence P a u lse ru d ’s. , 96tf as ioon as the news reaches them. have, however, surmounted the tro u -1 E lectric L ight Bonds Nos. 161 to and office, 108 P ioneer avenue. hie to a large extent by making use They are not Invited, but go of their T elephone 28. Office house, 10 190, inclusive, dated Ju ly 1, 1910. Tubercular Cows Shipped— of apes to test the coins. Sitting by i own accord, taking with them drums, to 12 a. nj.; 2 to 5 p. m., only. H olders of said bon d s should pre- A carload of tu b e rc u la r or suspect­ the side of each m erchant is to he upon which they beat a loud tattoo. D R . H. M. SHAM — Physician and sent sam e a t tbis offlce fo r redem p- ed cows, condem ned by Dr. Bishop, seen a solemn-faced ape. Every piece When the family, the professional Surgeon. Special a tte n tio n Eyes, tion. GERTRUDE BIED E, T. B. teste r, who was in the city r e ­ of money handed to his m aster is at mourners and the friends are all E a rs, Nose, T h ro a t. G lasses f t - assembled at the house of mourning, City Recorder. cently, was shipped to P o rtlan d once given to the ape. The animal ted. Room 6, Mills-MeCall Block. D ate o f first p u b lication, Decem ­ Tuesday. T here w ere ab o u t a dozen tests the coin with his teeth. If it the preparing of the house in P hone 79 or 28. ber 20, 1922. 20 & 27 of th e bovines in the shipm ent from ! ¡s good be throw s it into the money honor of the dead begins. All of the pictures are turned face to the wall, DR. G. C. P H E T T E P L A C E — D entist . .... i box; if it be bad he flings it to the the furniture is carried into the yard, th is vicinity. ground. Office h ours, 9 to 12 and 1:30 to ' the m irrors are taken out and smashed 4:30. Office phone 151; residence • ! The strange p art about the busi- phone 201-J. Cam ps Building. Kesidence and Business Lots— nes8 ¡s tbat n0 white person has yet »gainst a stone, and the choice china suffers the same fate. A shland, Oregon. 9 6ti At h alf value. Now is the tim e been able to discover liow the apes While the women wail and break to get bargains. D on’t w ait u n til tell the good money from the had. The O IU R O PR A C T O RS Klamath Falls People Her© — the m irrors and china they beat their sp rin g to buy. N uff Sed. Staples I m erchants politely refuse to explain ! faces until they are black and blue, DR. E. R. ANGELL— C hiropractic Mr- and M rs- A. D. H a m a k er and 88-2 bow tbe creatu res are trained to carry and tear their hair until they are and E lectro-T herapy. The combi- son, J. C. H am aker, of K lam ath F a lls R ealty Agency. _______ j out this useful otlice. The only sure completely exhausted. nation does w onders. F irs t N at 1 iire spending two w eeks vaaction in thing about the affair is that the apes During all of this time the men Bank Lld^ ’o u *eh<^ j ^ S 1 A shland visiting frien d s and rela- Cole Fam ily Moves— never make a mistake. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cole, of 183 Vista have been silent, not even shedding u ■ i ---------- —------------------------ -— ¡tives. They a re now guests of Mr. tear. s tre e t are m oving to th eir new loca­ TR A N SFER AND EX PR ESS. a n d Mrs. S. C. H am ak er, fa th e r and STATUES THAT HOLD SPIRITS tion, 1307 Iowa stre e t. •FOR prom pt and careful service !n0!b,‘I (,L A- I). H am aker. FAMOUS AS ANIMAL’S FRIEND au to tru c k s or horse drays, cal ---------- B e tte r in su ran ce a t reasonable Buddhists Firmly Believe That Souls W h ittle T ra n sfe r Co. Phone 117 If you w an t th e best th e re la in of Long Departed Sages Are Irishman Father of Law Which Office, 89 Oak s tre e t n ear Hot© bacon, boiled h am s, chipped beef. ra te s. Billings Agency. P hone 211. Present in Images. Aimed to Put a Stop to Their -A shland.______________________66U lard and sh o rten in g , get It a t Det- V isiting from Berkeley— III Treatm ent. Marco Polo, the celebrated Venetian T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS rick 's. W e sell for less. 48t; W illiam B. P enniston, of B erkeley, traveler, with Ids two uncles, was the P E R — Good team —sgud m otor Richard M artin Introduced Into the C aliL, is sp ending the holidays a t first European to travel in China. In tra c k s . Good service at a rea so r M asquerade Dan.ee T o n ig h t— British parliam ent in 1822 an act pro­ the ho m e of his fath e r, S. Penniston. the gilded statue erected to his memory ab le price. Phone 83 viding punishm ent for the “111 treat­ W ith th e closing d a te of th e fa ir He has been in the C alifornia city in Soo-Chow, China, the Chinese he- j ment of cattle,’’ and by the force of V E T E R IN A R Y grounds dance pavilion n e a r a t h a n d , for som e tb n e and has a fine position lieve his spirit still resides. Accord- ' his personality forced Its passage as several big and final dances are be­ as general m an a g e r for a large m on­ lug to Chinese superstition, a fly or a law. spider is the means by which the ing planned. Am ong these is th e V eterinary. W alker Avo u m en t concern in th a t city. “Hum anity” Martin, so named by spirits of the dead are coaxed back m asquerade which will be staged th is King George IV because of his intro­ CONVALESCENT HOME to earth to occupy their statues. Five ___________________ __________ evening. F o r th e ben efit of those duction and support of the law, was O ur $30 SPECIA L c a n ’t be beat hundred sim ilar statues, life size, line • CONVALESCENT HOME — Good who fail to come m asked, a supply of an Irish nobleman with Immense the walls of a dimly lighted room in 96tf Good food. m asks and carn iv al caps will be on for th e m oney. P a u lse ru d ’s. cheer. Good care. the Buddhist temple of that ancient estates In Galway. 153 G ranite T erm s reasonable. Less than u year a fter M artin's 300-lmO: band. St. P hone 411-R. Orres cleans clothes, phone 64. city. They contain the spirits of the death at Boulogne, France, In 1834, sages they represent, devout Buddhists FOUND. his original act was amended, and hull believe. ___________________________F r u it cake and m ince m ea t tim e i3 A spirit is unable to enter a statue and hear baiting and cock fighting ff’QUWD A tam e p h easan t near city here. F o r citro n , orange and lem on unless another an<’ freshly liberated were prohibited throughout the Brit­ iiibr» ry. See W. J. A lbert 29 So. peel, raisin s, c u rra n ts , figs, spices, ish isles. 96-2» su g ar, etc., D e tric k ’s G roceteria sells P.toueer spirit is there to receive it, say the Two years a fter the passage of the priests. Through a door in the hack for less. 48tf M IK R E N I. of a new statue, therefore, a spider or act M artin organized the Society for (C ourtesy Rogue News) fly is introduced. The door is then the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, FO R RENT— M odern th re e room Snow en G reen Springs— sealed and the insect is left to smother, Queen Victoria later giving her ap- ' furnished bungalow . Inquire 357 JUNIORS AND SOPHS WIN provai to the addition of the word N early th re e feet of snow is re ­ V ista St. P h o n e 122. 9Ctfi SEM I-FIN A LS LN DERATE its spirit, fluttering about inside the “Royal” to the title. From this so- ( slKtue, is taken possession of by the ported on the G reen Springs m o u n ­ The in te rcla ss debates w ere held soul of the long-departed sage. Marco elety originated the American Society FO R EXCHANGE tain road betw een A shland and recen tly . T he question debated p ojo was brought hack in this way. for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani- ! F O R ’ TRADE— 160 a c re uninemm-i K Iam ath F a Ils- according to a re p o rt w as. ‘ Resolved T h a t th e recent the priests say. W orshipers burn in ' mais. bered ranch on Pacific hi h w a y : m ade hy th e highw ay engineer. The com pulsory school bill passed by the cense before the statue and seek com- and county road, n e a r H ilt; sm all stag es are still m aking the ru n he- Hook and Eye 8ecomes Popular. O regon voters is A m erican and d e m -! niunion with the spirit of the alien ivii. ;ood ! tw een th e two tow ns. house and o u tb u ild in g s; dwelt so long in China, ami even ruled I In the Sixteenth century the manu­ ¡stock or chicken ran ch w ith p len ­ ocratic in ita pro v isio n s.” us governor of one of the provinces. I facture of silk, which had formerly ty of wood and tillab le land W ill, T he Ju n io rs d eb ated ag ain st the been Imported from the East, was »trade for unincum bered A shland j Cheap Insurance is costly a t any Seniors, and won th e decision, 2 to! taken up in Italy, and the vogue of : acreage; p refer no house, b ir price. F o r sound in su ra n c e a t rea- 1. They had th e a ffirm a tiv e side of! Story of the Hi3h HeeL this lighter m aterial created a de­ ensider a e r t a w i t h snial sonahle ra te s, see Billings Agency, Mrs. E. B. D oughty, of P h ilad el­ Tbe hi«b beeletl shoe was ¡«iff mand for sm aller and lighter dress ¡h o u jt. E leanor G reer. j EstabH sbed 1S83. 34tf th e qu estio n , and th e ir rep re seu ta -l TH E phia, with h er two prize w inners at , . „ , n , i duced in the Middle ages, when bojh fasteners. The hook und eye became tives were Jo h n G a le /, M arion Cost- . , , , VIKING ( REAM SEPARATOR ’ i men and women took to it. more popular. Their m anufacture th e Silver Society cat show. Their ley and R osie H ake. T he Seniors) Man llwwever> SO !)!1 1((tin(1 lbat he FOR HALE. is a n o th e r C atalog H ouse b u rste r : ¡¡tc:! from G ran ts Pa«J— was also made easier now by the ap­ nam es a re , respectively, W in targ a t P e il’s. Prices, $31.00*and up. chose th e negative, a n d D an Bower- Pouit, noi Hve a m: u s life and do u car, ;her Am ong the week-end guests in th e plication of w ater power to wire P e rp n ette and The I.ark. The show FOR SA LE— Fois! tom in y m an and K ath ery n P r a tt com posed man’s work while w earing high heels. drawing, and from th at time until the Save you $1.90 on a 20 rod roll was given a t the Hotel B iltm ore and o u g h b wqiupped, ' 1100 , " tti of c i f was Miss D orothy H ow ard of ! this team . ! and so resum ed Ills iow-iieeled shoes. present day they have been continu­ of fencing ag ain st anybody else’s Phone G ran ts Pass. a ttra c te d social leaders in terested in accessories. $396 The ju dges fo r the JuBoBf-Senior i leaving high heels l > the ladies, with ally in use. prices. New and used Sewing blue-blooded felines from a consider­ S9tf 172. whom they hav« always been pepu- debate w ere; Rev. O ldfield, M ayor M achines for sale or rent. G arden The first modern improvement, on ' Piano T u n in z- able su rro u n d in g area. The proceeds lur. all these fasteners of o!d were the tools and everything for the FO R S A L E --20 a c n , Now is the tim e to have vour p ia n o ! L am k in ’ and M r- F u lle r- The modern high heel is, in its wav, attem pts at spring fas!en«rs made for were devoted to the Speyer Home for ta n n e r. ‘I. tuned. ......... 1 Co.i ores debated and equipped, ou E; » b i . 3 1 s t u d i o ' 1 The 1,10 Sophom ^op>«’»nores ueoaieu ^<9 a triumph of art. being of wood, winch C arl « H L oveland. Qf„air, the close-fitting gloves when they, suc­ Anim als. F ra n k Beswick It. F. D «¿6tf I Fre9hm en on th e sam e queatiftiB. j s lighter than leather and keeps its 135 E a st Main. P hone 465. ceeded the gauntlet. About 1890 a 1 choosing th e negative side. T heir ’ ¡shape. The lieel contain a spring, sewed-on fastener with a spring wrs Try the classified colum ns. d eb aters w ere B a rn a rd Joy, G eorge i ‘Wtrfch adds to the grace of its wear- successfully tried opt on all sorts of H ere from Eugene IF tifi S A L E - T hree B arred P lym outh G illette and Riley P itte n g e r, w hile ;**«*.-» walk. As the instep is raised the clothe», and the making of these little „ . , . S. A. P a tte rso n and fam ily, resi- roosters. $ »-ach. S i - B St. , i th e F re sh m a n team w as com posed of thrown slightly forward, ami snaps lias now become a world In­ 93-G* . dents of E ugene, w ere o v ern ig h t vis­ TI „ A „ . . . . . . i a pronounced elegance is th e result. dustry. H om er C ulbertson, K en n eth M adden )>e a(hnitte(1 tlie lligll lieels> itors in th e city Tuesday. They have their place In the mu­ and C harles T ilton. T he decision j y 10Ugii hnproving the appearance, do IFO R S?V.grE— Five foot glass show seum a t Prague, hut what a long road Always see me firs t ab o u t your was 2 to 1 in favor o i th e n e g a tiv e ? not always Im prove the physique of te a s e . I m tiire Plaza Confectionery. leads back through time from the The ju dges w ere M r. F o rsy th e. fhelr wearers, and are frequently 94-tf in su ra n c e; th e re 's a d ifference; w hy? snap fastener to the bone pin of the the cause of fid-health. Ask me. Yeo, of course. 84,tf Mr. H ughes and Miss B lum eufeld. caverns In the Pyrennees! FUR SALE— Tw o good m ilk cows. So far, m uch b e n e /jt has been de- C ta t. B aughm an. 525 E ast Main ' Man He Famous Explorer. rtv.ed from in te rc la ss deb atin g , and Elk Teeth as Ornaments. St. 96-3» Among your many good resolutions for the New H om er R ioth, of R oseburg, v a ? it h a s proved a v alu ab le plan for Louis Hennepin, u F.j-ench Recollet Indian braves decorated themselves NEW TOW N AND W IN ES A P A p p le s'in the city last night and today. friar, missionary and traveler in North Year, resolve to stop taking eha- ees on leaving a ro u sin g in te re st in forensics. America, o s horn at Atii, in Flanders, with necklaces made of claws taken — one d o lla r per box; culls 50c. i ---------- your valuable papers, stocks. In ids and the from the most ferocious animal in Call 17-F-4. 96-3» j B etter he sare tha»; sorry. fie« about 1040. He em barked /o r Canada WHO'S WHO IN A. H. S. America, the grizzly bear. Only the like around the home. and arrived in Quebec in 16t7;>. Be­ Beaver R ealty Co. about your festttr FO R SALE— Five room p lastered T h e follow ing fitpdents have a t ­ tween that period and 1682 4\e cx- squaws wore elk teeth as decorations, Phone 68. 28741 house, m odern, th re e lots, east j m ce tained « very reco rd in i yiored the regions afterw ards ca^ed i and they used only those from the fro n t, 75 by 148% feet. F r u it i sctut'larship. They haye ..stanA- Louisiana, and, returning to Europe, anim als killed for food and clothing. Then resolve to invest a few cents a week for and berries, g arage, wood shed. s. 1* M an Is T ra n s fe rr e d — Now the white men are following the a rd th a t ail of u s should -strive to published an account of his researches, chicken house. 263 Seventh St. ! E. S. Lewm an a blacksm ith foi­ a safe deposit box in our big vault. equal. W e c a n do th is o*1y by h a rd , The geographical portions of ids works I fashion of the squaws, but are pay­ 96-eod-3* ing a price th at tem pts the lowest ba» the S outhern Pacific com pany, . . . , , .. , , are feeble, \ hut tliev present much in- He e a rn e st study amd re g u la r a tte n d - terest . as descriptions been tra n s fe rre d to P o rtla n d , of the manuers characters to slaughter and waste the ance, no m a tte r w h a t the in d u ce m en t of t „ e aborlginal races wllicb the au. elk for these really worthless trinkets. Eaiiy Mdcfene Sewm j. expects to leave the first of th e year. The earliest aitem pt at sewing by He spent C h ristm as visitin g w ith otherwise may be. . thor visited. He died in Utrecht A fuller understanding of the history and significance of the custom of The honor s tu d e n ts a re a s follow s: j about 1706. m achinery of whit li the«© is an a u ­ relatives in G ran ts Pass. wearing elk teeth should have an In­ O rla W ilson, C lara W ill, M arion! -------------------------- th en tic record was m I7.’i.*> in which fluence In depreciating the m arket for y ea r a tnachlne w as patented io Bug Chinese Have Fondness for Birds. M asquerade Ball! F a ir G rounds Costley. E ugene D etrick, K ath ery n them and thus removing the incen­ , land by C. F. Weisentlial. In addition to using birds and their ! tive for this wanton destruction of Pavilion! W ednesday, D ecem ber 27. P r a tt, F ran ces P r a tt, Dim ple Slack, Don’t m iss it! 94-4 R u th F ifield, Velm a Clapp, Isa b e lle pests as food, the Chinese keep birds our noblest and most valuable game Silver, A rtro Sw ingle, E dith Dodge, as pets. Their fondness for birds is animal.—Exchange. one of the most pleasant feutures of V isited t:o n i Gold H i l l - Rachel Jalo. their national character. Birds furnish Lloyd M iller and D eacon” W alker Somewhat Odd Phrases. them with much amusement. “We use many phrases very glibly,” and fam ilies, of Gold H ill, sp en t the O PE R E T T A PO STPO NED Several kinds of bird pets are taught holidays w ith th e W ill M yer fam ily. Because of several unavoidable d e ­ to catch seeds thrown into the air said a college professor, “which have lays it is im possible fo r th e op-iretta a fte r Jumping from perches held in an entirely different meaning from the one we intended. We all speak, for WIRE WHEEL SERVICE at Lee- “ C aptain of P ly m o u th ” to be p re ­ the hand. Except in winter, one can instance, of a man being a scholar and dom ’s T ire H ospital. B roken spoke» sented on th e d a te of D ecem ber 2 1 .¡alw ays see people going into the open a gentleman. It's supposed to be replaced 25c. 84tf so it has been postponed u n til J a n - country early in the morning with highly complimentary. Now I have No one will deny the im portance of up-to-date ifre fig h tin g ap p aratu s. nary 26. The c ast a n d d ire c to rs are their pets, to catch g rasshoppers to spent the most of my life trying to The efficiency of o u r fire d e p a rtm e n t m ust alw ays he m aintained. feed them, and to teach their pets new R e tu rn s to K lam ath F alls— be a scholar and I hope I am a gen­ d iligently w o rk in g in o rd e r t h a t th e songs. tleman, hut why should we make the The Misses Alice and Mary W alk er p ro g ram will be successfully c a rrie d But a fte r all is done in th e way of p rep aratio n for fire fig h tin g , th ere distinction? Another phase insults is a very large elem ent of ‘ lu ck ” in the results, when it comes to a real ot K lam ath F alls, who w ere over to o u t on th e d a te of its a p p e ara n ce 1 . j - , , Balked a t Wearing Old Costumes. a much larger class. It Is the use spend th e holidays w ith th e ir p a r­ To balance th e ch o ru s th e follow ing; test. In the A storia co n flagration, Ih e fire loss was greatly increased by . . . . . „ of the word ‘but’ In the phrase, ‘poor ents,. Mr. and Mrs. B utler W alker, sopranos h av e been added: \ e h n a cou(d be found u> represent the but honest.’ This Is a confession, of high wirtds and b u rstin g w ater m ains; when th e W ashington High School retu rn ed to th e ir hom e over th e hills Clapp, B ernice K incaid, A rlene Jo h n - j f a gjd Qi, between 1880 and 1900, in the course, that it is a rem arkable thing building burned a few weeks ago, a sw eeping fire would probably have STRENGTH AND VIGOR Tuesday. destroyed a large section of P o rtlan d If it had not been for a lit'.le rain son, D oriae M ontgom ery, Lola K e lly .; fasb b ,n parade. They were so ugly for a poor man to he honest.” will come from eating proper th at cam e ju s t in tim e to pio tect th is property. E sth e r C o u n te r, C lara W’ill, Alta that n<> one would wear th e m ! (Tino- foods. “ Bread is the sta ff of life ” P ic k e tt, L ola B a m h o u se and D o ro th y ! lines were there, und other eccen- Help Always Near. when it is m ade from flour th a t It is never safe to depend upon “ luck” for th e protection of. your Lamson. i tTlcities of fashion before and after One thing th at never disturbs the gives the best n o u rish m en t and (th a t period, but th at time of bustles, day’s serenity at Jefferson City is the property, when you can get INSURANCE THAT W IL L MAKE YOU Si R E re ta in s some of the m ost wuole- B A R B E R ¡full and heavy trimmings, big sleeves refusal of locks on safes und baggage Call us today. som e properties of th e w heat. O ur ! and ridiculous hats were voted out al­ to open. Nothing is simpler than just bread is m ade from the best flo u r DON’T ■ ■ ORDAPPOiNTED- Safety blades resh a rp en e d together; they were not even consid­ to send up to the penitentiary and Xnd is tem p tin g and of exquisite A LW A YD (W E like new. Single b it, 30<: ‘flavor and m akes healthy children ered funny or quaint enough to he borrow a safe blower for a few min­ E stablished 1883 ’as well as grow n »eople happy doz. Dobule bit, 60e do*4 given a place in the procession.—Lon­ utes, when all is soon well again.— All of o u r b ak estu ff is of the don Times. Jefferson City Democrat-Tribune. E conom y M K I M S POW DER Phone 211 41 £. Main St. Children’s Work A highest quality. ENDERS CO. CROC. DEPT. LITIUA BAKERY 1 1 Specialty Victorious Exhibitor and Prize Cats at M.Y. Show B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S I O N A L High School News PEIL’S CORNER Resolve lo Invest a Few Cents The Citizens Rank oi Ashland Ashland, Oregon Insurance to Make Sure W. A. SHELL Billings Agency CAUUMET Try the Classified Columns. Real Estate and Real Insurance