Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, December 27, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    W edncsday, Deeembc 27, 1922
i t s can only be m ade by a tra in e d 's h o w appreciation for the gift and
i technician in a properly equipped;
' laboratory.
Every h ospital, no m a tte r w hat
.' . .
. ,
size, should at least conform to th e
'm in im u m req u irem en ts of the A rnei-,
i ican Surgical society. This is fun-
; d am ental.
To conform to such req u irem en ts,
C. K. LOGAN, Editor
! every p atien t a d m itted to th e hos-
E n tered a t th e A shland, Oregon.
i p ita l should have a carefu l history
Postof tice as Second-class Mail Mat
tak e n and recorded. Such th o rough
<S> A pound of w orry
lab o ra to ry exam inations should be
changed an ounce of fact.
subscription Price Delivered in C ltyjj^
m ade as m ay be indicated by th e re-
One month ....................................> -®a I
To be in d u strio u s is ju st as <¥ qu irem en ts of the case, every sus-
Three m o n t h s ............................... 1-95
a virtue as to be honest. <*U peeled fra c tu re should be X -ra je d .
31x months .................................... J.7 5 •
<$, If th e re is a b reak of th e bone, an-
One year ......................................
Mail and llaral Routes
The only in stru m e n t over-
o th e r X -ray exam ination should be
One m onth ....................................$ -®5
looked in a jazz o rch e stra seem s <£ m ade a fte r reduction to determ ine
Three m o n t h s ............................... 1.95
. w h eth er th e re is proper apposition
Six m onths .................................... 3.50 ; to be the m otorcycle.
the bony frag m en ts, and if^neces-
9ns year ....................................
...................................... ®-®s -i>
a th ird a fte r a reasnable tim e
Display Advertising
e grap h s should not judge me by €>!to assu re both p a tie n t and physician
tin g le in sertio n , each iu c b ............ 30c
• the silly th in g s I w rite b u t by ♦ th a t ev erything is going well w ith
• the sensible.
<8>ithe broken bone.
Display A dvertising
Record sheets which indicate the
One tim e a w e e k ........................ 2 7 %c w
Two tim es a w eek........................25 c
W hen a speaker gets red in <$■ c h a ra c te r of exam inations regarded
Tvery o th er d a y ...........................20 c
• th e face and pounds th e table, <3> by th e Am erican Surgical society as
Local Readers
E ach line, each tim e ................... -10c • it is a sign th a t he has ru n o u t <$> the m inim um for high-class m edical
To run every o th e r »Say for one
of facts.
€> and surgical w ork can be purchased
m onth, each line, each tim e . . ÏC
a t a sm all c o st. To follow these
To runTevery Issue fo r one m onth
sheets and to study the cases In a
Ok m ore, each line, each t i m e . . 5c
gency, a political p arty should
careful m an n er not only benefits the
Classified Column
One cent th e word each tim e.
■'•> leave a hole th ro u g h w hich to '?>' p a tie n ts, b u t actu ally auto-educates
To ru n every issue for one m onth -?> em erge when th e crisis comes. <?>ithe physicians.
o r m ore,
the w ord each tim e.
i No abdom inal operation should be
Legal Rate
Firs', tim e, per 8-pc.'nt lin e ..........10c <$> H EZ HECK SAYS:
! perform ed, except >in the stric te st
Bach subsequent tim e, per 8-
“ Men gits tired o’ m ar-
em ergency w ithout a prelim inary
polnt line ......................................
r a g e quicker ’n w im m in.”
lab o rato ry and X -ray exam ination.
Card of t h a n k s .............................|1 .0 0
F a ilu re to perform such exam ina­
O bituaries, th e l i n e .....................2% c
Fraternal Orders and Societies
tions not in freq u en tly leads the su r-
A dvertising for fra te rn a l orders less th a n two hours a fte r the solicit­ geon to perform unnecessary o p era­
o r societies charg in g a re g u la r in iti ing com m ittee s ta rte d work.
tions or to fail to give proper a tte n ­
atlon fee and dues, no discount. Re
MetMord Held Q u itte r
tion to tro u b les o th e r th a n th e one
llglous and benevolent orders will be
M edford ap p aren tly d id n ’t w ant a for w bjch the o peration was u n d e r­
charged th e re g u la r ra te for all ad
verttelng w hen an adm ission or other gam e w ith a Toledo eleven as m uch ; taken or eVen to o p erate for a non-
charge Is m ade.
as it pretended for the high school i existen t disease.
What Constitutes Advertising
of th a t city, a fte r m aking a g rea t
R .g nQt enough th a t th e surgeon
In o rd er to allay a m isu n d e rsta n d ­ fuss because C orvallis scheduled,
m ak e an exploration of th e ab-
ing am ong some as to w h at co n st! Scott high before M edford could i dQmen Qnce R Jg open though tn is ig
tu te s new s and w hat advertising,
* e p rin t th is very sim ple ru le, which raise th e required g u a ra n tee , b a a i 3Omethlng to w hich every p a titiit is
is used by new spapers to d iffe re n t!-, tu rn e d down a challenge from W a ite ; en tit)ed ; b u t th e surgeon should be
a te betw een c th S em
high of
lost o n to e !fu l p relim
' in ary PXrdo
n bv will
a care-
l e c : U o "A
^ ^ LL
^ a k 'e fu n tu " re
is Scott
by a m This
argln school
of only
B itabllahed 1$7 6
Published Every Evening Except
í E y « éert -M oses
to buy enough oil to keep the m a-
chine m oving— seeing th a t Mr. W in-
burn has not only given the hospital
m achine but provided the gas to run
on for a tim e reasonably sufficient to
bring U up t0 a pay,ng bas13-
Formation of Quotation Marks Not
Always Exactly as They Are
Seen Today.
The use of quotation m arks dates
from about 1550. They were not com­
mon in books of the Eighteenth cen­
tury in England, and when they were
introduced the English printers re-
insed to accept the French form,
which consisted of two parentheses
a t the beginning and end of the quota­
When the English printers decided
to use quotations, they substituted
two inverted commas for the begin­
ning and two apostrophes for the end
of a quotation.
Later, quotation
m arks in imitation of these, necessi­
tating the setting of merely one type
instead of two, were cast by certain
In Lis “Practise of Typography,”
Theodore L. DeVinne in the chapter
on “Correct Composition” uses noth­
ing but quotation m arks beginning
with tails up and closing with tails
down. He illustrates the use of the
French method of double parentheses.
The introduction of quotation m arks
with tails down a t the beginning of a
quotation as well as tails down a t the
end is a comparatively recent innova­
tion due to our appetite for novelty to
create new forms.
In the old Ben Franklin type the j
beginning quotations had their tails
u p ; in the Bodoni type of today the
quotations have their tails down. The
standard of American typographical
practice as reflected by the trade pub­
lications as well as books treating of
the subject shows in the beginning
quotations have tails up and ending
quotations have tails down, but the
craft cannot prevent the introduction j
of idiosyncrasies.—Literary Digest.
rect hig in tia-ab d o m in al m anipula-
F u rth e r show ing why C orvallis got i Uong and aggure to the p a tient th at
Cuban Ladies Employ Them for
tbe gam e W!,b Scott and M edford i no reasonable p recaution has been
Adornment— Give Light for Do­
ls contained in a telegram re-i
... <
mestic Purposes in Haiti.
> om itte l.
ceived by th e Corvallis G azette Tim es | I t ls not suf£iCient th a t th e phys-
The most brilliant lireflies are found
from F red L. Seibert, a th le tic mana-1 ¡cjang a n(l surgeons of a com m unity
in the w arm er regions of tlie
ger of Scott high, and m ade public L
abJe p ro p eriy £o conduct an ex-
world. The ordinary firefly gives off
h ere:
¡am in atio n or to perforin an o peration a very much brighter light if placed
“ W e selected C orvallis high as a ' correctiy. it is first necessary th a t in warm water. Fine print can lie
$9 | rep re sen ta tiv e coast team because ; . p pe()p,e jn the com m unity under- read by the light of one kind which
▲ n m i T T H n iT C H T lI ' the credentials su b m itted showed I sta n d th e va!ue of a th o ro u g h exam l. ls found in the West Indies. In Cuba
’A r
1 lhe team entU led t0 pU y ° n thiS | nation and th a t they sh a ll expect and the ladies have a fashion of imprison­
" " F b R I JL A a ""“ .y 1 y e a r’s record and those of past y e a rs .1 cjeman(j Of th e ir physicians and su r- ing them as dress ornam ents, and in
l Ba* IS S 5 S M ie O?n, ^te7!yae^ rwe a S
The e«u iPm ent tbey offered ’ls a n d Igeons such an exam ination as would Haiti they are used to give light for
domestic purposes, eight or ten con­
a rra n g e m e n ts for th e care of o u r ; pass m uste r before th e Am erican fined in a vial emitting sufficient
team was m ore m odern th an any.. S urgjcal society.
light to enable a person to write. The
o th e r subm itted.
This m eans the i R a tow n expects to be recognized fireflies seen so often on summer eve­
TH E ONLY GOD:— H ear, O field, gym nasium and d ressin g room .! ag & h ealth recort it is n ot alone nings in America are sim ilar to the
C orvallis was th e first team to
suf£icient th a t they sh all have beau- species of beetle called the glowworm ;
Isra e l: the Lord ou r God is one
a g u a ra n te e and place gam e on de- Uful gcenery> an excellent clim ate, a in Great Britain, although ti e glow­
Lord. D euteronom y 6: 4.
worm there does not give as much '
j fjpgf-class hotel and a w ell-equipped light as the firefly in America.
M edford often boasts of its e n ter-
Medford Too Slow
It is also necessary th a t
It is really only the female which i
prise, but once in a while e n te rp er-
“ The only o th er coast school to be tbey gba,j g .ye c a re -u i a tte n tio n to is tiie firefly, for the male is not ;
neu ral ability slips a cog. In o r d e r , considered, M edford, was w orking in tbg jiyg}eno o£ tb e com m unity— in­ equipped with any lighting power. She
i t i a l an o p p o rtu n ity be given w here- conjunction
w ith B eikeley, Calif. c, U(u ng even th e cow stables. It is seems to possess the power of mod- ,
by all m ay know how they do th in g s Berkeley w ired us 1 1 hours before n o t alone sufficient th a t we shall erating or increasing the light ut will.
in Corvallis, th e follow ing press dis- C orvallis m ade the deposit th a t
it bave lab o ra to ry and h o sp ital facili-
Houghton and Copper Industry.
patch th a t appeared in the Sunday would be unable to play. M edford tieg . jt ig necessary th a t th e work
to ten years ago the little shed •
O regonian, under a C orvallis date wired its w illingness io play 14 done in th e lab o ra to ry and th e hos-
Jn which Douglas Houghton made the
line, is p resen ted :
I b o u rs a t,e r we had signed up w ith p ital be th e best.
experiments in m etallurgy which later I
“ If th e intersch o lastic claim ant of C orvallis. The cost of a gam e w ith
giving its sanction to a hos- resulted in his dem onstrating the cop- ,
th e e a ste rn and m id-w estern football M edford would have been so m uch p ita i as conform ing to th e ir require- per possibilities of the upper penin- j
cham plonship. Scott high school, o f ' h ig h er th a n w ith C orvallis th a t w e )raentg the Am erican Surgical society sula of Michigan was standing in j
Toledo, O. is stro n g enough to b eat doubt if we would have been able to rep re sen tativ e s find th a t w hile the Fredonia, N. Y.
Houghton, son of a judge who was i
C orvallis here New Y ear’s day, anil taise th e necessary funds to m ake phySical equipm ent of m any hospit-
its backers have enough m oney to the trip. W e a re even having some a ,g ig eufficient to p erm it them to a pioneer of the town, was regarded !
v.ager on the re su lt, they can j u s t 1 trouble to raise th e ex tra $1500 to qualify as sta n d a rd iz e d in stitu tio n s, as a phenomenally bright boy, and ,
ab o u t tak e all the loose cash th a t m ake th e C orvallis trip. We w a n t-' he piiysjCian s and surgeons of th e established a chemical and meta!- i
lurgical laboratory when in his teens, i
S anta d id n 't get his claws on.
' ed to ld ay as n e a r the liome ot OU1 com m unity do not avail them selves Old residents tell of ids once produc- '
F o r th e re isn ’t a m an h ereab o u ts coach. Dr. W. A. Neill, who hails o£ £be lab o ra to ry facilities; th a t they ing an explosion which nearly ended
w ith sporting blood in him th a t will from W hitm an college, as possible, do nQt m ake th o ro u gh and careful his career.
not bet his sh irt, his last red cent, o r ¡and as we had two offers fiom the exam in a tions, and th a t they do not
He became an instructor in chem­
boots on th e local gridders. These south am i one in F lo rid a , we feel confOrm to the SP IR IT of the stand- istry In one of the colleges of the
state a t twenty-one, and was less than
fam iliar bettin g articles a re in jeop- ju stified in accepting th e first rep re- ar(1jz a t;on reg u la tio n s ,
ardy if the O hioans w ant to tak e a 's e n ta tiv e school to deposit a g u a ra n -,
It is not enoUgh th a t Mr. W inburn thirty j ears old when he was drowned
in Lake Superior, a fter having been
chance, and m any a valleyite sta n d s fee. Local clubs hope to have th e o r gome o th e r c h a rita b le individual the means of establishing u mining in­
a good show of w alking back to th e necessary funds ready F rid ay , and should preseilt an X-ray and a labor- dustry that brought untold millions to
farm on foot if Toledo tro ts off Bell th e team will leave C hristm as day in a to ry to th e com m unity. Every in­ Michigan.
field w ith th e long end of th e sc o re .! a 16-section pullm an via the New (liv;du a l jn the com m unity should
Ju lia n M cFallen. hotel ow ner, race York C en tral, N orthw estern, D enver have and feel an a c u te and a per-
Wideawake Snoring.
horse m an | ___
and leading _ all-aro u n d & Rio G rande and Union Pacific for aouai in te rest in the lab o rato ry , con
A group of women were in the dress-
sp ortsm an of Corvallis, is a football P o rtlan d . Sorry any a rg u m e n ts have s}dered as an in te g ral and an essen-i Ing room of the Pullman, laughing
good naturedly over having been kept
fan who would sit down Indian fash- arisen over gam e, but M edford’s u n - |t al p a rt of th e hospital.
a " a k e all night by the snoring of
ion on th e sidelines in a driving necessary delays m ade o u r final ac-
their own husbands and tlie husbands
¡som e a c tu a l financial in te re s t in the
suow storm to see two elevens bat- ceptance im perative.,
of each other. The whole car had
in stitu tio n no m a tte r how sm all the resounded with the mighty chorus
tie each o th er, and he has seen m any!
a hard -fo u g h t stru g g le in his tim e in
am o u n t invested.
T hat everyone throughout the night.
As they were making their way
various p a rts of the country.
should know and ap p reciate th a t a
Corvallis Held Good
lab o rato ry is an absolutely essential back to their seats again they heard
Among o th e r intersch o lastic team s
land in te g ral p a rt of a good hospital their husbands talking.
"Didn’t sleep a wink last night,"
he has seen in action was th è fam ous! th e E d ito r:
and th a t in no priv ate house can one
Oak P a rk eleven of Illinois several, Every hospital should possess a obtain service of th e sam e excellence
“I never do on a sleeper,” said a sec­
years ago when th a t team proved w ell-organized and
w ell-equipped as in a w ell-equipped and well-con-
such a sensation
th ro u g h o u t th e lab o rato ry .
If its financial s ta tu s ducted h ò sp ita ! It is not a m a tte r
“I knew every time the train
U nted States.
M cFadden says does not perm it the hospital to en- of financial outlay, though it takes stopped,” said a third. (The train had
th e C orvallis team
is a t least four gage a physician to do lab o rato ry m any tho u san d s of dollars. The chief made but one stop.)
And all agreed to a sleepless night. :
touchdow ns b e tte r than th a t one was.i work, it should a t least have on th e obstacle to overcom e in an em ergency
the wives, poor dears, took com- !
and he believes th e hom e tow n high sta ff a nurse-technician who can per- fn a private residence is th a t it takes
the fact th at no one husband
schoolers a re the best in th e U nited ¡form th e necessary chem ical, bacter- weeks of tim e to assem ble the need-j
was more truthfui than the other.
S tates today.
iologic and blood exam inations, as ed a p p a ra tu s ; to say no th in g of the
So enth u siastic is he
over th e well as be able to execute th e purely added adv an tag es of change of scene. I
Maryland Names.
com ing game th a t when it was a t technical side of X -ray exam ina- a fresh relay of nurses on duty 24
M aryland cities and towns received
first proposed to bring Toledo here tions.
hours a day. and a t an expense m uch their names largely from Indian
and business men were tak in g up
Such a lab o rato ry need not be ex- less th an the cost of only one nurse tribes, their lodges once dotting the
subscriptions to g u a ra n tee th e ex-, pensive to equip or to m aintain. If in the home.
shores of M aryland's fine streams.
penses, he handed the com m ittee a the physicians of th e d istric t served
To have such a fine physically The M aryland Academy of Sciences j
blank check and told them he would by th e hospital m ake proper and con- equipped hospital as th e d isin terest- mentions the following tribes which
u n d e rw rite th e contest alone.
; tin u o u s use of its facilities th e labor- ed generosity of Mr. W inburn has put have left their im print on the state,
althqugh the names now in use have
The rest of th e tow nsm en, how- a to ry should not be a financial d rain a t o u r disposal is of the g re a te st b^ n
gornew haf The Seco-
ever, w ere too eager to sh a re in the upon th e in stitu tio n .
Indeed, it ad v an tag e to A shland and th e sur-- wocomocog tbe patapscios, the Pama-
ad v en tu re w ith the Tesult th a t 160 should be self-m aintaining th ro u g h ro u n d in g country.
The people o f , cecacks . t h e Yawacomicos, the Patux-
of them oversubscribed the neces- fees paid by patien ts and physicians so u th e rn Oregon and n o rth e rn Cali-! ents, the Wighcomicos, the Nantlcokes
»ary am ount by m ore th an $2000 in for such very essential exam inations fornia should a t lea st be w illing to and the Delawares.—Baltimore News.
T his applies to
o rganizations an d societies of every
kind .. as well as . to individuals.
. --ttv tti« « a fte r
All rep o rts of such acti ities
they have occurred is news.
All com ing social or organization
m eetings of societies w here no
m oney c o n trib u tio n is solicited, Initi
atlon charged, or collecton taken IS
Jersey Appliqued on Jersey New idea
fiÄtfAr ’
/ ,\K>pi->Qu£ o r /
¿./i e x \ j e r s s y
P A V L /f/£ QAROW ffv S^ROOL.
o r L fO H T M e t - y
3 T £ R S £ y , r m r f E # / w 7~ a i / P £
YYfOOLEN stitches on jersey
cloth dresses for trimming
has »een the mode in the past;
r«r-v it ¡3 jersey appliqued on jer­
Thia last is particularly pretty,
especially when two different
co’ora are contrasted.
T ie applique design usually
run«? along as a border of point­
ed edges, or scalloped edges, or
so»6c such conventional motifs.
Tit the sketch above a dressy
b ru k red, or henna, and black is
It is a simple thing of straight
lines with the fashionable panel
down the front. The panel and
bateau neckline are edged in black
jersey, in the pointed trimming.
The waist line, being very f ash­
ionable, is rather low, and is sug­
gested by taut draping. Narrow
cuffs finish off the long tight
This model in two shades of
blue, or in black and brilliant
green trimmings, would be strik­
In the photo above, Pauline
Garon, a featured player in Cecil
B. De Mille’s Paramount produc­
tion, “Adam’s Rib," shows a
charming school girl dress of light
green, almost a jade, trimmed in
taupe collar and cuffs, with edg­
ings on skirt, blouse and belt also
of the taupe. The blouse is a sort
¡^ o o í .
ro s tri n rs
FA ocjc
of jacket, reaching to1 the hips, and
belted in self material. This cos­
tume does not bring out the rp-
plique idea so much as just the
use of two tones of wool jeraoy
The sketch to the right, how­
ever, shows both the use of c••.-»-
trasting colors and the applique.
The top part of the dress is
to look like a separate jacket, hot
it is in reality one with the r*rt.
The panel skirt and sleeves a rt of
dark grey, and the “jacket’’ purt
is of deep wine color. The scal­
loped applique runs along th»
coatee edge. The skirt is straight,
and is made somewhat full by *
little smocking over each hip, to­
ward the front.
them "
Send your holiday greetings
by long-diftance telephone