Asm. and D aily tidings ♦ ASftLAND CLIMATE, w unoui 9 €> the aid of medicine, cures nine Q> cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. <9 MALARIA GERMS cannot sur- <$> vive th re e Months in th e rich ozone a t A shland. The pure do- m estic w ater helps. <§> $ (International News Wire Service) VOLUME 4 (Successor to the Semi-W eekly Tidings, VoL 43) BLUE-EYED BABY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1922 «>^<8><8><8><»<8><3><2><»3><£<8><®> •> GOLD IX SOLUTION ♦ MAY BE EXTRACTED <& <•> BY CHEMICAL MEANS "f> & ---------- NSANITY TEST $! I ❖ COMING EVENTS > ---------- i<§> Monday Ja n u a ry 1, 1923. I ’ i £ J a n u a ry 1-5— W eek of prayer )■$■• in A shland churches. i> Ja n u a ry 8 — School reopens. ❖ com pany, Lyceum course. <$> ! 5> Ja n u a ry 26 — “ C aptain of j ?> P ly m o u th .” High school oper- T •> e tta . - <$> <5> <®> No. 97 nc a p r ' : t^;**™ *™ I l M ul I; n n p n L Q c i \ / c e « KdbKLoÒIVto TO RIMINALS # j ♦ » WILL BE BACKED t* RENO, Dec. 27.— Both scien- <8>j VIENNA, Dec. 27.— The Vi- • * tists and prospectors long have <$> enna police are experim enting ; known th a t th e w aters of beau- <§>, <«> with picture film s to detect tiful Mono Lake, C alifornia, in <•> crim e. : ?■ the high S ierras, contain gold <®>| W hen a m urd ero u s a ssa u lt 1 * in solution. Many a tte m p ts have was com m itted recently on an ! elderly woman about 10 o'clock <•>, •• cious m etal. ___________ ¡<$> in the m orning, the police had £ H. C. P a rk e r, professor of j ’ •> a film rep o rt of the crim e and <$> LOUISIANA GOVERNOR STIRRED • m etallu rg y a t Colum bia univer- sity for a num ber of years, in 3>i O F HOUSEBOAT KILLING 1 ROM POW ER IS THE l<î> sam e night in all Vienna “ mo- $>l D E R E D MAX TIME i • Reno on a brief visit, has ju s t ! ARE MADE OBJECT vies.” The public were invited -$>' ’ • come from the lake, w here he <•> ! • ------- I to help clear up th e crim e. ♦ ~~“ DADDY WAS WANTED ; •> has been several m onths con- MRS. LEARY DECLARES j^> D etailed graphic descriptions <§> A. F. L. CONVENTION TO AMERICA IS DECLARED HOME BY CHRISTMAS * ducting experim ents of ex tract- TO BE CLEARING HOUSE ’ of the suspected p e rp e tra to rs ing th e fine gold by a p a te n t _______ ; ■"♦> who had escaped, were elven. <• ______ _ P a rk e r Com piles w ith R equest, But •> process which he is satisfied can <$> stoi-y Is Told of A nother M urder o f U nited S tates Seeks Only to be H elp-' «> W ithin 24 hours the a ssa ila n ts 4 Meet Begins O cu.bcr I, 1023; Great- Father Was in a Coffin; Warfare be carried out on an extensive A B lack-H aired Y oung W oman; fu l in S tra ig h te n in g Out P re se n t Y w ere caught, upon inform ation ♦ e st Problem Is Unem ploym ent, Against “ Invisible Empire” Is scale. <*■ W riter o f A nonym ous L etter Not E u ro p ean C onditions and for Re- Ç furnished by persons who had •-*», H enco O bjection to Im m igration, S hak ing «he E n tire N ation. s- P rofessor P a rk e r has been in $ ! Y’et Located. lief, It. Is D eclared. ♦ seen the “ m ovies.” Frank Moi r s o n , Sesi-etary, Says. ---------- IY co nsultation w ith m ining m en in ---------- <§><§> NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 27. A lit- ♦ R eno and finds they a re m uch PORTLAND, Dec. 27.— D istrict! i WASHINGTON, Dec. 27.— F ra n c e ’s PORTLAND, .— Organized A ttorney Myers announced today! 1 anne>. bj a l u a t j wind, a Dodge perem ptory refusal to consider e n ter- tie blue-eyed baby g irl, th re e years . in terested in his process, labor will m ake a concerted effo rt th a t he will have Mrs. Helen L eary, ,iUtoInob’' e ’ d , * 'en b> W alter Robi a fo u r.p OWer tre a ty w ith G reat old, is behind the w ar which Gover- j to seat progressive ohndf d ates in who accuses Cash W eir and his son hOn’ of the Bulck agency, was con- R ritain Ita ly and G erm any, designed n o r P a rk e r, of L ouisiana is w aging ----------------------------- congress d u rin g com ing elections. E a rl of m u rd erin g an unidentified sum ed b/ lam es on the M cCracken-; to kgep peace ;n E urope, a nd to p re­ ag a in st the Ku K lux Kian. To her J I It is confident 'h e m ajority of del- girl in th e ir houseboat last Septem -j Lennox road a sh o rt distaIlce bayond serve present boundaries for 30 alo n e a re due the exposes which are ¡ in the senate and house at her exam ined as to h er insanity. 1,10 covered bridge n o rth w est of the year3 definitely ends th e project in sh ak in g the s ta te and country and ¡th e next session will be sufficiently | She changes her story frequently. j « ty yesterday afternoon. the opin5on of a d m in istra tio n offi- aro u sin g the nation a g ain st the I progressive to g u aran tee public in ­ Robison, who was alone in the hooded cohorts of the “ invisible em ­ The latest charge is th a t she) terest and unsaddle W all S tre e t from cials. G erm any o rig in ated the proposals, p ire .” I power.,, helped W eir m u rd e r a 22-year-old, !m acbine’ lir>t noticed a wisp of black-haired girl nam ed “ B etty” in sm oke com ing iiom the rig h t-h an d Tke U nited States has no in te rest The girl is little L eota R ichards, ; I These statem en ts were m ade by ! th e house boat. The w rite r of the c'o ln e r 01 tbe dash. He stopped the other th an being helpful in atte m p t- d a u g h te r of Thom as R ichards, who F ra n k M orrison, seerdtarjy of the j anonym ous le tte r saying she was the m achine, w ent around the front a n d :- ng tQ j ;nd a soiu tiOn for critical Eu- was kidnapped and m urdered. She ■ A m erican F ederation of L abor, while ! girl alleged to have been m u rd ered I r a *sed ,b e hood. Im m ediately the< ropean a ffa irs was w ith h er fa th e r when he was I conferring with local labor officials 1 has not yet been found. It is likely I : m achine b u rst into flam es w hichj j . js a ppavent A m erica is acting! John M. Newell, a gran ite d e a le r,(o n plans for the Am erican Federa- first tak en by a hooded gang a n d ’ , leached out from the b u rn in g c a r , ag an unofficja i clearing house for well known th ro u g h o u t .the s t a t e ,' tion convention, which will he held qu estio n ed . He re tu rn e d but la te r the case will be dism issed. for m any feet. Though the auto was j suggestions for E uropean relief, was tak en again, never to re tu rn , ! MER ROUGE, La., Dec. 27.— C iti­ ! who recently arrived in A shland from here beginning O ctober 1, 1923. com pletely dem olished, and very lit- She clim bed on the governor’s k n e e 1 zens of th is section a re w aiting for i e astern Oregon w here for several s e v e ra l; j “ D efeat of an ti-lab o r leaders, p ar­ I tie of it can be salvaged, the gasoline late r and said: ly e a rs he has operated a q u arry , has ticu larly Beveridge and Poindexter. th e ax to fall again, follow ing the! jin the supply tan k failed to ignite, ‘W on’t you please brin g my d a d d y ja rreg t Qf tWQ form er citi2ens o f th e | | obtained th e exclusive rig h ts on a was decidedly sa tisfa c to ry ,” M orri- though Robison m om entarily expect- hom e for C h ristm as.” He vowed re-! M oorehouse parish in connection tra c t of land joining th e B lair qu ar- son said. “ Labor will be prepared ed an explosion. lentless w arfare and spent th o u sa n d s' , w ith th e kidnapping and m u rd erin g ry, th e g ran ite dike on this new prop-1 a t the next cam paign to solidly hack The m achine, according to H arry of d o llars to m ake th e fight a g ain st , f W a tt Danielg and T hom as R ich. ‘ e rty being a co n tin u atio n of the j progressive candidates. Yeo, insurance m an, was protected te rrific odds, but b ro u g h t home her m am m oth dike of g ranite. From “ L ab o r’s biggest problem is unem - a rd s last A ugust. by his agency. ■daddy only in a coffin. this property g ran ite v ill be obtain-1 ploym ent. The 3 per cent im m igra- , The m en locked up a re T. B u rn e tt, j ed for the m an u factu re of m o n u -jtio n law aided in c u ttin g down un- form er deputy sh eriff, and Dr. B. I W hile driving on the Pacific high Dr. WASHINGTON, Dec. 2i PA R TY WILL BE GIVEN | m ents, v au lts and o th er cem etery I em ploym ent in A m erica, t a t labor McKoin, fo rm er m ayor of M er: TO “ BOYS” OVER NINETY Rouge, who was a rre ste d in B alti­ ; W ilbur C rafts, head of the In tern a- way to th e east of the city T uesday,! LONDON, Dec. 27.— Tw enty-eight work. M arble will be handled for favors com plete stopping of lmm i- Itio n al R eform b u reau , died a t his I Jo h n Crosslin was stru ck by a south- ; were lost and five ships de-1 in te rio r building work by the new gration. T here are l,5UU,ti. ;> nnem - m ore. O ther a rre s ts a re expected here today. The im m ediate ; bound autom obile, which crashed in -| gtrove(1 NEW YORK, Dec. 27.— The old j home in gales which sw ept th e com pany, which will be know n as the i ployed in the co u n try to day.” m om entarily. Dr C rafts to bi,a am idships. Dam age to the B ritish coast d u rin g the past 4 8 A shland G ranite company. e over 100, ---------------------------- strictly as a retail m an u fa ctu rer deal- j OPEN, COMMISSIONERS SAY tim e ago th a t “ refo rm in g people or ra th e r, th a t they should live to gives me real pleasure. T here is NO REACTION A FT E R lin g direct with the consum er. De- ■ ______ _ be a t least 200. m ore th rill to me in stopping a prize XMAS, HOLD E X PE R T S signs and estim ates on w ork will be PORTLAND, Dec. 27.— V ehicular Ezra, who w ent over th e Oregon fig h t o r suppressing sen sational ; traffic over the Colum bia highw ay tra il in an ox c a rt in ’52, founded; WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. — The gation. hooks th an any gam e or am usem ent. j betw een P o rtlan d and eastern Ore- P uyallup, W ash, and w rote books ----------------- record breaking volum e of C hristm as | gon m ust be continued 12 m onths in long hand, will give the w orld PORTLAND Dec. 27.— Dave L ig h t-' STEVEN A. HAWKS SUCCUMBS business indicates th a t th ere is no, ! out of th e year and keeping th is a C hristm as present a t the com ing I n e r narco tic sm uggle r , w in leave to -| “economic m isery” in the United FROM INJURY TO HIS H U’ | highw ay open in w inter as well as in ■.dinner by telling his secret of life. S tates, and th a t pessim istic predic- ¡sum m er is as essential to M ultnom ah m orrow for McNeill Island to s ta r t SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 27.— V ^ jo n s for a business reaction a fte r Steven A. Haw ks, 128 F actory C hauncey M. Depew w ill be the) serving a th re e years and six m onths county as it is to any of the railroad liatiy at the table, he being only 88 sentence. Then he will be deported stre e t, died about 5 o’clock this note signed I. V . W. w arns police j.jje holidays have no foundation, the ! com panies to keep th e ir rig h t cf m orning. He suffered a broken h i p ! to look out for a bom bing of the Ex-j d ep artm en t of com m erce sta te d to- y ears of age. It is because he is such ! to R oum ania. I ways open, it was stated a t the lu n ch ­ a few weeks ago when he slipped and change building here, sim ilar to th e ! d a y a good story te lle r th a t M eeker has j eon of th e P ortland Ad club, when fell a t his residence. Owing to h i s ; bomb explosion in W all S treet two! p relim in ary estim ates of business let down the b ars a little in his the m a tte r was discussed by com m is- TENTH CHILD A R R IV ES; I advanced age he was unable to r a l l y ’ years ago. The w riter said he is th is C hristm as indicate th a t all pre- favor. sioners-elect and re tirin g com m is- IS BROUGHT BY SANTA from the accident. I ¡giving the . info rm atio n . to get re"jv io u s records have been broken, the heavy i s oners of M ultnom ah county. PORTLAND, Dec. 27.— A MANY CARS ARE HANDLED SPR IN G FIELD , Or., Dec. 27. — The rem ains are a t the H. C. Stock venge on the gang th a t kicked him d ep artm en t stated . ■ i D ifficulties of providing financial- storm is rain g in various p a rts of IN LOCAL S. P. YARDS The sto rk on C hristm as day, 1922, u n d e rta k in g parlors, and funeral a r-!o u t. j Econom ic conditions as reflected the state. A gale a t Tillam ook tore | ly for year-round traffic were pointed b ro u g h t g reetin g s to Mr. and Mrs. j r a n gem ents, not yet com pleted, w ill. by the holiday business a re funda-j off roofs from b arns, caved in the j out b>' W illiam E atchel, ro ad m aster, Some idea may be had of the ac- V irgil Moon, w ith a sm all son, th e ir |>e announced later. THREI DEAD FROM m entally sound. The dep artm en t doors of the M ethodist church and wbo declared that the county had tiv ities along the local Southern Pa-j ten th child. I i 1921 th e wise oldl ___________________ FATAL GUN FIG H TS. gees tlie continuance of good condi-j blew th e tick et office at the fair I alread y expended $56,000 th is year cific yards by these figures of c a rs ib ird m issed by one day, the sm all! The P o rtlan d R ailw ay, L ight and ; tiens for the new year. in clearing the highw ay and rep air- grounds across th e stre e t. handled th ro u g h the A shland yards | b ro th e r of the new a rriv al m aking Pow er com pany will expend $5,000,- TRINIDAD, Colo., Dec. 27. D eschutes county lum ber o u tp u t is The ru in s of fire-sw ept A storia in S da“ia g es ^ausr‘J by s,o r n is’ wb:l<; d u rin g th e week ending Decem ber presence know n on De em ber 24. 000 on extensions and b e tte rm e n ts T hree men were dead today a fte r a series of gun fights C hristm as day. ¡207,000.000 feet h r '1 ’922 com pared tum bled under the heavy gale. Many the i 922 budget , h i ’ work had 23. W est bound cars a re those go­ Mçon o p erates a eakery h- d u ring 1923. been $10,000. brick w alls have fallen. ing tow ard C alifornia and east-bound W illi i n Jam ison was shot and w ith 107,000,000 feet in 1921. cars into Oregon. The figures a re : killed by A ugust Malezia a t th e la t­ MAY GRJECT TO W IVES W est-hound, received 1014 loads, te r's roadhouse a fte r Jam ison ran BEI NG STENOGRAPH ERS 13 em p ties, delivered 1048 load3, 59 am uck, according to M alezia. em pties, oil c ar and loads from C ali­ C andeliro A ragon was killed and! SALEM, Dec. 27.— L egislators who fo rn ia unloaded here m ake the d if­ J e rry Saiz was jailed, charged with, have been accustom ed to b ring th e ir ference betw een those received and the crim e, follow ing a q u arrel here. wives to Salem to act as th eir ste n o g ­ delivered, ex tras and bad o rd er cars D om etrio A ragon was slain hv Tin: rap h ers d u rin g th e legislative ses­ in the loads. M artinez a fte r a q u arrel involving! sion, will find them selves besieged E ast-bound, received 431 loads, M artinez’ wife. by a num ber of unem ployed P ortland 1478 em pties; delivered 415 loads, and Salem girls if they a tte m p t to which show s nearly 1300 em pties repeat the procedure th is year. It is 200 em pties to Oregon each day for alleged by a num ber of such girls the week. A carefu l check of the who are dependent upon work for a co n ten ts and physical condition of llivlihood th a t in the past preference the cars a re kept by th e yard forces.; & has been given m arried women for positions as clerks and ste n o g ra ­ EMERGENCY BOARD TO phers. It is pointed out th at w ive; TAKE U l’ ASTORIA AID of legislafttrs who know no th in g of EUGENE. Dec. 27.— A m eeting of Li stenographic work have in the past ’ C ontributions to d ale, m oney d e ­ th e s ta te em ergency board has beenj posited to the A m bulance F und, a re : draw n th e sta tu to ry fee of $4 a day called for F rid a y at Salem to con­ A shland Daily T i d i n g s ..................$100 and overtim e. sid e r a n ap p ro p riatio n for relief Jesse W i n b u i n ............................... 100, w ork in A storia. A cting G overnor L. Dr. George Ja rv is ........................ 100 DRUNK EN MAN SH(X>TS E. Bean will a tte n d th e m eeting, Dr. Wood ........................................ 100 O FFIC ER MAKING ARREST probably not in the capacity of gov­ J. P. Dodge & S o n s ..................... 100 e rn o r but as sp eak er of the house of i? G. S. B u t i e r .................................... 100 I M ARSHFIELD, Or.. Dec. 27.— rep resen tativ es, as Roy R itn er, pres-' Dr. Sw edenburg ............................ 100 j N ight policem an W. E. Hi gley was H. G. E nders & S o n ...................... 100 ident of th e sen ate, is expected to he shot and w ounded last night bv a Bert M o s e s ...................................... 50 back in th e s ta te by F riday. m an who has not yet been identified O. A. P a u l s e r u d ............................. 25 A d ju tan t G eneral George W hite and who m ade his escape. The man Phoebe W e l l s ................................. 20 h as m ade a rep o rt th a t $2000 will ¡was d ru n k , it is said. H ig’ey had C. L. L o o m i s .................... c a rry on the relief work expense u n ­ 15 How college women can be induced to take up farm life was discussed by taken him out of a re s ta u ra n t and 10 J. H McGee . ’. .................... ....... til th e leg isla tu re convenes. I t is the Women’s National Farm and Garden association in session in «‘ldcago. 1 “The hope of the country lies in getting the women with education on the was leading him to the police s ta ­ W. S D e P e a u ............ . . . . . . . . on th is recom m endation th a t the E ric W eren ............... 1 farm ,” said Mrs. Newton B. Ashley, sister of Secretary Wallace of the Depart- tion. At a d ark co rn er the m an put em ergency board will pass. O ther co n trib u to rs declared but ! nient of Agriculture, who is a member of the association. “The rwwmen with up resistance, and pulling a big re- A cting G overnor Bean w as not not yet paid, a re : Mrs. E ugenia A t-; college degrees will not stand for the drudgery of the farm women of yesterday ivqlver, shot Higley th ro u g h the left called upon d u rin g yesterday to, According to close friends of Ciinrlie Chaidin and Pola Negri, motion pic- itiuson $25; the M urphy E lectric and will, consequently, turn their efforts to running the farm on scientific lines.” arm . The officer fired several tim es tra n s a c t any official business. He and \s h la n d E lks lodge,! ■ In the Illustration, left to right, a r e ; Mrs. Frances King, Mrs. Russell Tyson, j as the m an broke and ran in th e does not an tic ip a te going to Salem j ture stars, they are to be married in the first fortnight In January. Rumors qq th at they already were man and wife were em phatically denied. i president, and Mrs. B ertram W. Rosenstone. ■dark. 944, $50; H. A. S tearns, $5. before th e em ergency b o ard m eeting TO GIRL WITNESS OFFICIALS STATE I F! I [ SOCIAL CALLED BY DEATH [M E R L O LEAVE Chaplin and Negri to Marry Soon Say the Farm Needs Educated Women •I AMBULANCE FUND III