ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS PAGE FOUR Mrs. S ten n ett Iill— Mrs. L. E. S ten n ett, of 494 F a ir-, view stre e t, was tak e n ill w ith t h e : “ flu ” S aturday evening. Though she is still confined to h er bed, it is be-- lieved 3he will recover her health in a few d»vs. Tuesday, December 26, 1022 A ttend M edford Show— Versatile Author Rolls His Own Spaghetti Diabolique V isiting 'r. U dlifornla— Mrs. Ed Spates and d a u h te r D or­ othy a re spending the holidays w ith, relatives in Berkeley, Calif. C hristinas Mail H eavy— Blank Books Filing Devices General Office Supplies s a tte n d in g colleges, is v isiting his W . Long. O ur $30 SPECIAL c a n ’t be beat for th e m oney. P a u lse ru d ’s. 96tf — V isiting in PortSanrl— Miss May H edrick, the youngest d a u g h te r of Mr. and Mrs. W illiam H edrick » of B s tre e t, w ent to P o rt- land to spend th e holidays w ith her sister, Mrs. Opal W ilson. Miss Hed- ; rick is teach in g th is year a t Rose- : burg. — * It is our aim to make our store the real headquarters in these goods. See our heavy stock. Let us know your needs. Motor H ere fio m R oseburg— Mr. and Mrs. H arry R a n d le tt, Mr. and Mrs. B ert S air and Wm. P a tte r ­ son m otored up from R oseburg to spend C h ristm as w ith Mrs. S. R. ' Je te r, on F o u rth stre e t. , I-P Loose-leaf hooks $1.50-4 (Counter books ......... 10-50c Order hooks .............. 45 75c C hristm as S ocial T onight— Canvas Blank Books 100 pages .........................35c 200 pages ......................... 45c 300 pages .............. 75c-$1.25 4(M) p a g e s ...............$1.00-1.50 ,500 p a g e s ............... $1.50-2.50 Leather and imitation leather blank hooks $1-7.00 Columnar hooks, 3 to 24 columns ............ $1.50-5.00 Inks, Mucilages, Pastes 2 oz., half pints, pints, quarts Box letter files ..............85c Waste Paper Baskets, Etc Mo or W ork .A rm ature W inding, W ashing M achines, Irons and all kinds of E lectrical Appliances R epaired Phone 359 Y 51G Elizabeth St. P. 0. Box 161 You m ay live in luxurious h o tels— or in rose-bow ered bungalow s and com fortable boarding houses at less cost. , For LOW ROUND T R IP FA R E S. tra in service, reserv atio n s a n d de­ scriptive folders, ask your local ticket agent o r w rite, JOHN M. SCOTT, G. P. A., P o rtla n d , Ore. “E very m ile a scene worth w h ile” ~ W. J. CAMPBELL LUMBER CO. Ltd. fAMOUt »’.At«■ « -LAtHV COSPCRATiO* »ACCENTS FOUND— A tam e p h easan t n ear city j library. See W. J. A lbert. 29 So. P ioneer. 96-2* : NEWTOWN AND W INESAP Apples: — one d o lla r per box; culls 50c. i R E D ER IC Arnold Rum m er, a u th o r of "The First Days of Man”, believes th a t a know­ ledge of food preparation should p a rt of every m an’s equipm ent. “A m an who does not know his way around in the kitchen is just as badly off as a woman who has not learned how to ride a horse”, says Mr. Rum m er, and by way of ex­ am ple rolls up his sleeves and shows us how to prepare his favorite dish, “Spaghetti Diabollque” . Most people buy spaghetti ready made, but Mr. R um m er rolls his owe the following m anner. Meas- urt a q u art of flour, break in yolk of th re e eggs, add three half egg­ shells of ice w ater and work to proper consistency. Then roll the dough and cut Into thin strips. W hen dry, cook in boiling w ater to which salt has been added, for tw enty m inutes. Now comes the “diabolique” p a rt F iFCARS 6 4 N0?3 SHOP AND BETTER Quote F. O. B. cars Oshkosh, Mis. Write us when you have California White Pine Shop Lumber for sale. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE— Five room plastered ’ house, m odern, th re e lots, east front, 75 by 148% feet. F ru it] and b e rr’es, garage, wood shed, chicken house. 263 Seventh St. 9G-eod-3* of the recipe. Mince the shells of four sweet peppero, one ouneli of celery, one bunch of parsiey, three be onions and two sections of ciove garlic. Brown one and a hail pounds top plate of beef in half a cup of vegetable fat for about in DR. G. C. PH ETTEPLA C E— D entist hour, tu rning the beef frequently. Office hours, 9 to 12 and 1:30 to The vegetable fat helps to nuke 4:30. Office phone 151; residence th e m eat tender and also adds to phone 201-J. Camps Building, I the digestibility of the recipe, since A shland, Oregon. 96tf : vegetable fat is very easily absorb­ ed by the system. Mix in the min­ FO R SALE— Two good m ilk cows. | ced vegetables, add a salt spoon of C lint B aughm an, 525 E a st M aini ground thyme, a teaspoon of salt, St. 96-3* I black pepper and red pepper > taste, a q u art of tomatoes, a pint of ¡FOUND— Package. Ow ner m ay have j w ater and cook slowly for t,\o sam e by identifying and p a y in g ; hours. for ad. Phone 401. 9 6 -1 : Place the spaghetti in the center of a large dish, pour the sauce and FOR RENT— M odern th re e room shredded meat around it, and you furnished bungalow . Inquire 357 have an excellent dish, which fills V ista St. P hone 122. 96tf all the requirem ents of tastiness, nourishm ent, and digestibility. THE VALLEY OF SILENT Rubens CAKATte «y Cosmopolitan Come along to the white land where courage and daring rule, and see this battle for life and love. All of the swift fury of the elemental passions embodied in a drama, powerful, thrilling, intense. ----- Also----- BUSTER KEATON • and— IN “COPS" An uproar from the Biot Squad “ A TRIP TO PARAMOUNT TOWN” A glimpse of Movieland as the public seldom sees it. Admission ................................10 and 50c including tax LEGISLATORS PROMISE TO JUM PS FROM ROOF OF TOMORROW AND THURSDAY Come to her glowing, mysterious Fast. See this gorgeous romance of passionate young love played in settings of unrivalled lavishness and splendor. C O P Y R IG H T STRENGTH AND VIGOR will come from eatin g proper foods. “ B read is the sta ff of life ” when it is m ade from flour th a t gives the best nou rish m en t and re ta in s some of the m ost w hole­ som e properties of th e w heat. Our bread is m ade from the best flo u r land is tem pting and of exquisite 'flavor and m akes healthy children ’as well as grow n neople happy All of ou r b ak estu ff is of the highest quality. AESOP’S FABLES and TOPICS OF THE DAY and last, hut not least—our regular admission, 10 and 35c LITH IA BAKERY In-Between S CIRCLE BARGAINS APRONS 59c to 89c In Between Christmas and New Year’s day, when we take inventory, we will otter a splendid Pre-inventory Sale in Sunny up your tmilks and go now to this Land of (¡olden Sunshine. Here you may enjoy every out door pastille in winter as in summer. California While Pine Mrs. Judy Again Home— Mrs. M. Ju d y retu rn ed last week from Berkeley, Calif., w here she was: called by th e d eath of her neice. The Itiw o rth League of the M eth­ L E M ) HAND TO ASTORIA 20 STORY BUILDING odist church will stage a C hristm as social a t the church a t 7 :30 o’clock ASTORIA, Or., Dec. 26.— A ssur­ SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 26.— In i this evening. E veryone who atte n d s full sig h t of the late holiday crowds, ance was given the people of A storia is requested to b rin g a sm all gift, an unidentified Jap an ese clim bed to which will be exchanged w ith o th er th a t they will m ake a rep o rt to the th e roof of a 20-story office building guests. leg isla tu re recom m ending th at the on M arket s tre e t and dove headlong _ sta te m ake an a p p ro p riatio n for as­ to his d e a ih , a fte r rem oving his Leaves for S isso n — sisting in th e reconstruction of the Police Mrs. Jam es P h ilp o tt and d a u g h ­ city by m em bers of the special leg is­ coat, shoes and stockings. te rs Evon and F ran ces, left Sunday lative com m ittee who visited A storia inv estig ato rs declared th a t death was m orning for Sisson, Calif, to spend and m ade a thorough inspection of i instan tan eo u s. a couple of weeks w ith Mrs. Phil- the devastated d istrict. Those in the p o tt’s m other, Mrs. Cam pbell. Mrs. p arty w ere S enator R. S. F a rre ll, ! M rs. Lane 111— Mrs. C. E. Lane, circulation m ana- , P h ilp o tt enjoys th e distin ctio n of R epresentative I). E. F letch er, L. M. having spent every C hristm as of G raham and E. N. H urd, m em bers of i ger of the T idings * is confined to her hom e on account of sickness. her life w ith h e r m other. th e com m ittee, and R epresentative M ilton R. K lepper, chairm an of the M»«. B om ar R eported 111— M ultnom ah county delegation. His Greach. Mrs. C. M. B om ar has been con­ "As the song has It. we are only poor fined to her hom e since Sunday w ith weak mortals, a fter all.’’ “Admitted,” a severe case of influenza. C a ll th e A m b u la n c e . said Mr. Grumpson. “What I object to “K.” says he saw a meek-looklng is the large number of persons with man on the street ear who was carry­ no other visible means of support who CARD O F THANKS ing home a rolling pin. This is the draw fat salaries for telling us how modern wav of signing your own weak we are.”—Birmingham Age-ller- I wish to th an k our m any friends death w arrant.—Brooklyn Eagle i aid. for the b e a u tifu l flo ral offerings and for th e ir love and sym pathy d u rin g i my sorrow . Mrs. Elm o Neil. m ia WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR i Here from Roseburg — H. J. T h rall of R oseburg, was • i forced to spend C hristm as eve in t h e : city, though he was able to re tu rn to his hom e in tim e for the big day. to E ugene for the holidays. IVs Playtime * AUTOMOBILE IGNITION EXPERT i were in the city yesterday. R aym ond I .co g H om e— FOR Etf(TR/C/£/V Several people from G ran ts Pass Among these w ere C. Stevens, H. and L. Lee. & R aym ond Long, who one of the C alifornia spending th e holidays p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. T. BLACKWELL H ere from Grant« Pass— Every package received by the lo­ A shland L odge No. 2 3 cal post office p rio r to this m orning A. F . & A. M. was delivered. A large num ber of parcels w ere received today. Tlie In sta lla tio n of officers * W ednes- m ail th is year was exceptionally: day evening. D ecem ber 27. Also heavy, both reg a rd in g the incom ing] work in the th ird degree. L ight re ­ , and th e outgoing m ail. fresh m en ts served following. Visit-: ing b re th re n welcome. All wool su its, $15 and up, at GEO. B. ICEN HOW ER, W. M P a u lse ru d ’s. , 961 f W. H. DAY, S ecretary. • ---------- V isiting w ith .Mother— Miss M adge P u tn am , of San F ra n -j R eturns from C alifornia— cisco, spent the holidays with h er I A1 Beck and Dave W h ittle, who left ab o u t a week ago for a to u r of m other and visiting with form e” i C alifornia, cut th e ir trip sh o rt and friends in the city. She expects to i re tu rn e d to the city in titre for rem ain in A shland about a m onth! I before re tu rn in g to her present C hristinas. ! hom e. H eadquarters I Several A shland people m otored I over to M edford to w itness th e a p ­ pearance of Mitzi a t the Page th e ­ a tre . I — H eie from Siskiyou— Mrs. Em m a Richison, of Siskiyou, was in town ihe last of the week. — ■ Gold Hill Mais H ere— F. S. C arter, ot Gold Hill was in A shland over the week-end. A Splendid O pportun­ ity to Stock up a t our P re-Inventory Clean-Up Tuesday to Saturday, December 26 to 30 SILK UNDERWEAR—ONE-FOURTH OFF ALL COATS—ONE-THIRD OFF WAISTS—ONE-FOURTH OFF ONE LOT SUITS—ONE-THIRD OFF SKIRTS—ONE-FOURTH OFF ALL DRESSES—ONE-THIRD OFF ALL FURS—ONE-THIRD OFF HAND BAGS—ONE FOURTH OFF j TOWEL SPECIALS SWEATERS AT $2.95 Ladies’ Winter Underwear Turkish Towels, 16x32 with pink or blue s trip e s ....................... 29c A whole table full of sweaters in a big clean-up. Some that were worth twice the ^rice—in an pre­ inventory elean-out— One lot Wool Suits that have been previously cut to $2.49, now reduced to close out what sizes are left, a t ..........................$1.98 A few sizes in Gilt Edge Silk and Wool Union Suits .............$2.49 White Ilnck Towels with colored cheeked b o rd e rs ................... 29c Up to 65c values in fancy Turk­ ish T ow els.............................. 48c L adies’ and C hildren’s . .. .$2.95 WOOL DRESS GOODS Up to 85c values in Fancy Turk­ ish Tow els...............................65c and Coatings should go out in $1.25 Boxed Sets ................$1.00 make a special 10 per cent Dis­ $1.50 Boxed Sets ................. $1.38 count from prices. $1.75 Boxed Sets ................$1.60 quantities this week, for we will the present sale Women’s Heather Hose, now at better prices Many splendid offerings from all over the store in odd lots and broken sizes, to be priced for pre­ inventory disposal. Four more days of year-end bargain giving. SILK HOSE—$1.00 A special lot of broken sizes ami lots, tan or black, $1.50 values. at .........................................$1.00 COTTON PETTICOATS—89c values up to $1.19 w o o l MIDDIES—$4.95 Including the fine Goody Ixanti- koy flannels in gold, rose, orchid, red and navy, values up to $9.50, at .........................................$4 95 MISSES’ GOWNS—98c Sizes 2 to 14, in white or colored outing flannel.