Tuesday, December 26, 1922 U H L A N D DALLI TIDINGS B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S I O N A L One cent th e w ord each tim e. PHYSICIAN a. DK. ERNEST A. WOODS— P ractic lim ited to eye, ear, cose an- th ro a t. Office hours, 10 to 12 an 2 to 5. Sw edstiDarg Bldg.. A j ¡ í ¡ l a d . Ore 73~t Dlt. J. J. ESiMENS—- Phy3le’aa an; ?n.-geoa. P raettce limited t eye, e a r. nose and th ro a t. Glasse supplied Oculist and a u rtst fo 8. P. R. R. Offices, M F. and E Bldg., M edford, Ore. Phono i ! ’ Local and Personal ’P hone Com panies F ile— The K lam ath T elephone & Tele­ graph com pany, w ith h e a d q u arte rs a t F o rt K lam ath and a capital stock of $50,000 has been incorporated, ac­ cording to advices from Salem . Also the K lam ath Telephone and Tele­ graph com pany of Lakeview has been incorporated w ith capital stock t»f $50,000. H ea d q u a rte rs will be a t ^ k e v ie w . DR. .MATTIE B. SHAW — Residence and office, 108 P ioneer avenue. Telephone 28. Office house, 10 to 12 a. m .; 2 to 5 p. m., only. DR. H. M. SHAW— Physician and Surgeon. Special a tte n tio n Eyes, E a rs, Nose, T h ro at. G lasses f it­ If you w ant the best th e re ted. Room 6, Mllla-McCall Block. bacon, boiled ham s, chipped Phone 79 or 28. lard and sh o rten in g , get it a t rick's. W e sell for less. CUI K< H’RACTOK» COLDS S - WP PAGE TH RE» MEANING GF “ FREQUENCIES” PEST HARD TO DISCOURAGE of head or cheat are more easily treated externally ’ Distinction Between “Audio" and “Ra­ dio" Must Be Learned Early by the Beginner. V IS S I A newcomer into radio experiment­ ing ranks is often perplexed by the two terms called audio frequency and radio frequency. L eith A bbott R eturns— The necessity of making a distinc­ L eith A bbott, w ell-known Ashland tion in the frequencies in radio is im­ m an now a tte n d in g th e U niversity of portant. It Is generally known that Oregon, at E ugene, re tu rn e d to the vibrations of over 20,000 a secoud are city Sunday to spend th e C hristm as inaudible to the human ear. The radio vacation a t home. A bbott is one of transm itters, depending upon their de­ th e m ost pro m in en t stu d e n ts a t the sign, emit vibrations always running E ugene in stitu tio n , having been a Into tens or even hundreds of thou­ m em ber of the tra c k team for sev­ sands, and are known as radio fre­ quencies. In. the reception of these e ral years, e d ito r of th e E m erald, waves it Is necessary to reduce them stu d e n t publication, and o th er activi-J to within the range of audibility of our ties, including general c h airm an for ears. the Hom ecom ing celebration and Therefore, an arbitrary division has publicity m an. At in terv als d u ring been made by radio engineers and de­ his college career, he has served on signers to differentiate between the the P endleton T rib u n e and th e E u -| two frequencies. All frequencies above 10,000 are alluded to ns radio fre- gene Daily G uard, as teleg rap h edi-i quencies and uli below 10,1)00 as audio tor. He is a m em ber of P hi G a m m a ; frequencies D elta, Sigm a D elta Chi, national It must be remembered whenever jou rn alism fra te rn ity , and F ria rs , I the question of frequency is met with In the study of radio th at radio fre­ honorary upper-class society. quency is that used in transmission, and th a t it must ultimately, by various Troubled with Weak Kidneys "H ave been tro u b led w ith weak methods, l»e reduced to audio fre­ kidneys since childhood,” w rites quency in order th at the telephone re­ ceivers commonly used for the recep­ Mrs. G. Hyde, Benzonia, M ichigan, i tion of signals may function. "Now past forty and have hail ter- • This is analogous to the transíais- rible backache and th a t tired o u t 1 sion of power over great distances by feeling, h ardly able to do my work. ' wire, it is generally carried at a high By using Foley K idney P ills, accom ­ voltage over the greater distance, and, panied with Foley C a th artic T ablets by means of step-down transform ers, I soon felt like a new p erson.” Back­ converted to a voltage of 110 volts, or- ache, rh eu m atic pains, dizziness and dinarily used in our household scheme. By means of detectors, either crystal b lu rred vision a re sym ptom s of kid­ or tube, which are really rectifiers, we ney trouble. Foley K idney P ills give convert radio frequencies to audio fre­ quick relief. Sold everyw here. 89tf quencies. These detectors lop oft’, as O w 1 7 Million Jan Used Yearly Pigweed, Universal Nuisance, Has Been Known to Drive Amateur Gardener to Profanity. THINGS THE RADIO NOVICE WILL NEED Tools and Materials He Should Keep on Hand— Advantages of Keeping a Log Book. A pigweed is both an irresistible force and an immovable body, blond ed into one and working overtime. Pigweeds don’t ask any tiling of any­ body. They don’t need to. Even Dame N ature turned round and went away as soon as she'd introduced him. Books on gardening dismiss him with u jaunty direction to “Keep the weeds down.” But you can’t ostracize a pig­ weed that way. A pigweed begins making trouble the minute he shows above ground. I never saw a pigweed that could look more like more kinds of young plants. You can't tell by pulling ’em up, for tlie pigweed has a long, thin red root, but pulling lip little flower and vege- table plants by mistake discourages em, even if you admit your error and apologize. And, on the other limid, it does not hurt the pigweed. Just let him lie on the ground, and his roots curl into It and lie goes on growing as if nothing had happened. If you mash one into the ground with your heel, you just give him a better start. All they ask is to be near enough the ground to see it. I brought some into the house and put them on tlie window-sill, where they could see out by raising up a bit, and they all grew. You could lock them up in a closet, and if your hands were soiled when you handled 'em, they'd get enough nourishment to live on. Tin» only sure way to get rid of one is to can him and burn the can.— Everybody's Magazine. Be Cured to Stay Cured 1 GUARANTEE to per- manentlycure your Piles without cutting, burning, stitching, anaesthetic, con­ finement or unpleasant after-effects. My patients ®re reputable men and women in every walk o f life to whom you may refer about thia painh-c,. non-surgical cure. We are going to pause in explaining the theory of radio receivers und get If you are a sufferer from Piles, i down to practical thlugs for today. Fistula, Fissure or other rectal There are many novices building their disease, call or write today for own sets, or making uddltionul parts, my FREE booklet. wlm are in doubt as to just what tools Cost of treatment returned if I is in and m aterials they will neeu. fail to cure your Piles. beef, Naturally there are t«x>ls and tools. D et­ Some cost more than others. Then, ‘ there are people and people. S om e, 48tf people need more tools than others. DR. E B A N G E L L -C h iro p ra c tR B t H om e__ Some folks are just naturally handy and E lectro-T herapy. The combi , witii tools, and others find that tools E ugene B ryant who en tered the nation does w onders. F irs t N at’l won't behave and lead tlie user into U niversity of Oregon last fall, is Bank Bldg. P hone 48-3 42. all sorts of complications. TH E House Calls spending the yuletide season a t u... — ~~~ 1 The tools anu m aterials following VIKING ( REAM SEPARATOR home He is a m em ber of Sigma TR A N SFER AND EXPRHSS. are such as are necessary, and which Is a n o th e r C atalog House b u rste r K appa fra te rn ity . will he useful at all times. No prices FOR prom pt and c a je fu l service a t P eil’s. Prices, $31.00 and up. are given for the buyer will have to a u to tru c k s or horse drays, cal Save you $1.90 on a 20 rod roll Don’t neglect it. X m as vacation Is look to his pocketbook for guidance W h ittle TransSor Co. Phone 117 of fencing a g a in st anybody elsc's in this respect. Office, 89 Oak stre e t n ear H ote your o p p o rtu n ity to have those pho­ prices. New and used Sewing i tos m ade. See o u r work. Studio A shland. 56tf Tools that will come In handy; M achines for sale or rent. G arden A shland. 91tf large, medium and sniull screwdrivers; T. L PO W ELL— GEN ERA L TRANS tools and everything for the flat, three-cornered and round file; F E R — Good team and motos farm er. buck saw, m iter saw and box and tru c k s. Good service a t a reaso r Frazier B ic k fo r V acation— cross-cut s a w ; a small plane, a vise, a able price. Phone 83 A nother of the U niversity of Ore- ¡ bit and auger, pliers, a square and PEIL’S CORNER go.i stu d en ts, who is spending the VETERINARY yardstick or tape rule, dividers and holidays in A shland is Edw in F ra z ­ hammer, preferably a small one. DR. J. P. CHISHOLM — G rad u ate ier, sp o rtin g e d ito r on the Daily M aterials that will be convenient to V eterinary. W alker Ave E m erald, s ’udent publication. F ra z ­ have on hand are us follows: Sand­ CONVALESCENT HOME ier was a m em ber of th e K appa Sig- paper. emery paper, wire of all gauges, it were, oue-half of tlie cycle, perm it­ round and fiat-headed screws, a sup­ CONVAItESCENT HOME — Good ma b ask etb all team th a t won the G. R. Anderson III— ting only a flow in one direction, the ply of brass nuts und washers, paraf­ cheer. Good care. Good food, in te r-fra te rn ity loving cup. D uring other alternation being almost eliml- ! fine und sealing wax, bakelite, curd- G. R. A nderson, 430 Holly stre e t, T erm s reasonable. 153 G ian te [],e sum m er vacation he was city e d i­ nated. 306-lm o is rep o rted as being on the sick list. board and fiber board, tinfoil, por­ St. P hone 411-R. J to r on th e Albany H erald. He is also Mr. A nderson is a re tire d M ethodist celain insulators, binding posts and FOR R E N I. a m em ber of Sigma D elta Chi, jo u r- Radio Strange to Him. terminals, sheet copper and sheet m in ister, and is now one of the fru it ! nalism fra te rn ity . brass and adhesive tape. The modern schoolboy knows wire­ ROYAL MIXED FEED grow ers of the d istrict. FO R RENT— T hree room furnished less from A to Z and can rattle off the Tape is possibly the most useful a r­ a p a rtm e n t, five blocks from post term s with a fluency th at staggers the ticle in the whole layout, tor it will F r u it cake and m ince m eat tim e 13 L ast m onth the A utom obile Spec­ office. A dults only. 326 N orth Straight Car Just Received casual dabbler in the new' art. In some be found to have many uses. It is in here. F o r citro n , orange and lem on ialist Insured th re e tru c k s, six a u to ­ sections of the country, however, only ■ short a versatile piece of m aterial in Main. 94-2 peel, raisin s, c u rra n ts , figs, spices, m obiles and 10 F ords. Phone 274-J. 16 per cent protein—$40.00 ton rumors of the wonders of wireless the electrician’s kit. su g ar, etc.. D etrick ’s G roceteria sells Yao, of course. FOR EXCHANGE 84tf have seeped in and the native isn't Those of our readers who are build­ 1 n surpassed for Dairy and Poultry for less. 48tf quite sure what it is all aooui. ing sets may find th at it is good pol­ FO R TRADE— 160 acre u n in cu m ­ In Bleecker, a little hamlet outside icy to keep all tlie odds and ends of Here from E a g le P o in t— bered ranch on Pacific highway H arry P e lle tt, of E agle P oint, was of GloversviUe, N. ¥., u progressive wire, tape, copper, etc., that they may and county road, n e a r H ilt; sm all RiSl'nj; S cheuiinan Home— R illing Scheurm an, stu d e n t a t the am ong th e out-of-tow n visitors in farm er was erecting poles for ids aer­ have. It seems that uses for these house and o u tb u ild in g s; good stock o r chicken ranch w ith plen U niversity of Oregon, is spending the the city d u rin g the past week-end. ial the other day for the purpose of short bits are always to be found Just getting crop reports and weather fore­ when It is discovered that they have ty of wood and tillable land. W ill; holidays in A shland. He is a mem- He spent S aturday n ig h t in Ashland. casts. A neighbor happened along and been thrown away. tra d e for unincum bered A shland .' , k So, therefore, acreage; prefer no house, but ber <* T au D elta fra te rn ity , learning that the work liad something hoard all small piec es. w ould ensider acreage w ith smaP D etrick sells for less. 72tf to do with wireless asked: “Which One thing we want to stress In build­ W hy not have th a t photograph house. E lean o r G reer, 199 G ran, pole does that feller sing off of.” ing radio a p p a ra tu s: -Use care in your lte St. 231tf» m ade w hile th e children a re hom e work, and put a good finish on your Miss Wood Returns— ••-•’{J I..». for vacation? Studio A shland will FOR HALF- sets. Not only does It greatly add to V iolet W ood, d a u g h te r of C. D. please you. 91tf the appearance of the set, but It also RADIO SPARKS FO R SALE— F o rd to u rin g car, th o r­ W ood, 151 G resham stre e t, arrived t eliminates odd com ers and stray ends Pocket Knives, $2.50 values................... from the W illam ette valley this oughly equipped, $100 w orth o f i Miss A bbott H ere V isitin— of wire th at catch dust or catch on In Seattle an appeal has been Pocket Knives, $2.25 values................. ) tefe' accessories. $300 cash. P hone surrounding objects and will hamper Miss E th a A bbott, of P o rtla n d , a m orning for a sh o rt visit with her broadcast to motorists for co­ tlie efficiency of the set, either by 172. 89tf fo rm er resid en t of th e city, is spend- parents. Miss W ood is teaching Pocket Knives, $2.00 values.................. J operation in preventing traffic shorting the circuit or causing It to school near Eugene. accidents. s iOc k e d 'in " a days in A shland visiting Pocket Knives, $1.50 values................. ) FO R SALE— 20 acre farm be dragged off a pedestal and thrown Doctor Majt'oni recently stat­ and equipped, on E ast Main stre e t. h er fam ily and th e ir friends. on the floor. Those who have vacuum Scissors, $2.00 values—Sale Price...........................$1.19 ed to an interviewer that he be­ WIRE W HEEL SERVICE a t Lee- tube sets know that usually a fall F ra n k Beswick R. F. I), box 176. Scissors, $1.50 values—Sale Price................................96 lieved radio atmospheric dis­ Cheap in su ran ce is costly a t any dom ’s T ire H ospital. Broken spokes means some new tubes. 92-6* turbances came from the land Scissors, $1.25 values—Sale Price................................83 84tf price. F o r sound insu ran ce a t re a ­ replaced 25c. To those radio novices who desire and not from the sea. to go skipping blithely through the FD R SA LE— T hree B arred P lym outh sonable ra te s, see B illings Agency. Scissors, $1.00 values—Sale Price............................... 49 Radio was first installed in ether, picking out a station here and 34tf Goes to Corvallis— Rock ro o sters, $3 each. 872 B St. E stablished 1883. China by tlie Germans some ten While They Last—Get Busy! Louis Ito th b la tt, who is connected a station there, as fancy directs them, 93-C* years ago, consisting of obsolete we recommend a log book. Just any w ith the m ilitary d e p a rtm e n t of the apparatus of a type that would F in - Milin Men in Town,— sort of book will do, or rather any FDR SALE— Five root glass show now be scorned by an American F. T. Ashby and Jim De Carlow , of, Ore 8 °n A g ricu ltu ral college, re book will do in which one can jot boy enthusiast. case . In q u ire l ’laza C onfectionery. E tn a Mills, Calif., w ere in A shland I tu rn e d to C orvallis today a fte r; 87-39 North Main St. Fhone 203 down records of tlie evening’s broad­ 94-tf Some of the youngsters are spending a few days in th e city vis- [ S a tu rd a y night and Sunday. casting. getting the best of the landlord ¡ting w ith friends over the holidays. I The reason for the log book is that FD R SALE OR TRADE— Two fresh by erecting clothesline antennae, it prevents a lot of unnecessary fuss­ Piano T un in g— where aerials are forbidden on cow’s. P hone A. B. Chapm an. ¡ ing with the dials when a certain sta­ Now is the tim e to have your piano He,-C t,’om G ran ts Pas? the housetops. It is found that tion is desired. Say for instance, ,Dr. R. L. B urdic J r. and Mrs. B urdic, even when the wire is hung with Studio. INTERURRAN AUTOCAR CD. tu ned. Carl H. Loveland. KDKA v.»as going nicely, but that of High stre e t, a re enjoying a visit drying clothes good results are 66tf 135 E ast Main. P hone 465. there was a certain concert going on (E ffectiv e J a n u a ry I , 1922) obtained through radio clothes­ from Mr. B urdic’s p a re n ts and g ra n d ­ In New York at WUZ or WGY, or Daily (E xcept Sunday) lines. m other from G rants Pass, d u rin g th e! maybe WGI up in Boston. Let us LV. ASHLAND Her«» from Hilt — l.V . MEDFORD Tlie electric light socket aerial make tlie problem even harder and say 7:00 a. m i N. Burl B row njohn, of H ilt. Calif., J I holidays. 7 :00 a. m. has appeared In France and is S:00 a. m was in A shland d u rin g the week-end. 8 :00 a. n». that there were two addresses In one becoming popular. A French en­ 9:00 a. n».. 9 :0 0 a. m. evening, both especially good, and one If you w ant those hens to lay m o re ! gineer has ju st turned out some Among your many good resolutions for the New 10 00 a. ni. Salem M- •» on Short V isit— 10:00 a. m. •jf the addresses in New York was eggs, g et som e cracklins 3 c en ts, of these devices, which are be­ 11:00 a. in. i 11:00 a. in. Year, resolve to stop taking elm -es on leaving scheduled to sta rt two minutes after 85tf ing purchased by the govern­ 12:00 noon ; J. L. W addel, o Salem , was ini per pound. P laza M arket. 12:00 noon the one in Pittsburgh was over. As your vahiable papers, stocks, hoods and tlie ment for distribution to the 1:00 p. m J A shland S atu rd ay n ig h t, leaving! 1 :00 P- m. soon as the one address Is over, the farmers. Residence and Business Lots— 2:00 p. in. 2:00 P- m. like around the home. enthusiast starts playing with ids dials 3:00 p. m .' When a steady hum is heard 3:00 P m. At h alf value. Now Is the tim e to catch New York. Sometimes it 4:00 p. m J 4:00 P- m. in tlie receivers a fter wiring up Always see me firs t about your to get bargains. Don’t w ait until takes two minutes and sometimes it 5:00 p. 1H.‘ 5:00 P m. a set, it may be understood that Then resolve to invest a few cents a week for spring to buy. N uff Sed. Staples takes a great deal more time to catch 6:00 p. ill. 1 6:00 P- in. there is an open circuit some­ tlie desired signal, and more often Yeo, of course. S 4 tf , R ealty Agency. 88-2 7:00 p. m . 7 :0 0 P- in. a safe deposit box in our big vault. where. T race out the wiring than not, the lecture is half over be­ S.30 p. m 1 8:30 P. in. Sat. only carefully and some little fault 9:30 P ni i fore it is tuned In correctly. 9:30 P- in. Don» Provost’s Return— will present itself. 1 0 .3 0 p. in. Sat. only 10:30 I». Bl. Among the resid en ts of o th er cities To assist tlie enthusiast to tune in Mr. and Mrs. Dom ino Provost re- Jam es H. Rogers, an Inventor Sunday Schedule quickly on any desired station Is the ■n A shland d u rin g th e w eek-end w ere tu rn e d from O akland, C alif., early of Maryland, claims that he has Leave M edford for A shland and mission of the log book. In this book I received radio messages from A shland for M edford everv h o u r on F. D. B ryant, F. L. B urns and C. H -, Monday m orning. They w ere m arried should be entered tlie necessary data distant stations through the th e hour from 9 a. m. to 5 p. in .¡¡B la k e r, all of K lam ath Falls, in th e so u th e rn city last T hursday. about all stations th at have been ground by simply burying a th e n 6 :3 0 p. m. and 9 :30 p. m. Mr. P rovost is associated w ith his picked up. H ere should be noted A shland w aitin room — E a st Sid P o rtla n d W om an Visits— wire. He says that not only do fa th e r in th e h a rd w are business down tlie exact position of the dials P h arm acy . radio waves travel through tlie Miss H elen Van Dyke, of P o rtla n d , here. where the station was tuned in the ASHLAND-ROSEBURG STAGE earth, but they meet with less spent th e holidays in A shland visit- best and other pertinent remarks. All Daily (Except Sunday) resistance than when going these rem arks should be entered, of l.V. ASHLAND LV, ROSEBURG ing w ith frien d s and relatives. through the air. Cliff Payne has Sprusteel ladders. course, the first time a new broadcast­ 1 :00 p. m. 1 :00 p. m. I — — _ Hundreds of jewelers in Paris ing station is picked up. W ith the in­ T ravel by sta g e : sh o rte st ro u te by ’ B e tte r be safe thar. sorry. See Orres cleans clothes, ¿»hone 64. have installed radio sets for tlie formation before him, the enthusiast 20 ni’iles; one of O regon’s most Beaver R ealty Co. about your in su r purpose of setting their clocks needs but a glance at his book to tell scenic trip s. F a re — A shland-R ose- tnce PhonG 68 2170 by Greenwich time. Heretofore W. C. T. V. Changes Meeting— him how he set his dials the last time b urg. $ 4 .6 « ; M edford - R oseburg. _______ the official time was obtained by M embers of th e W. C. T. U. will he heard WBZ. telephoning the observatory. * 4 .1 3 ; G ra n ts Pass-R osvbut g. *3.00. 4 a ik , {,a d y Home— m eet a t th e hom e of Mrs. Stearns,J The oft heard rem ark to the effect M EDFORD-GRANTS PASS Radio has taken Argentina by Am ong the m any A shland people 112 Pine stre e t, W ednesday after-! tliat RNU was heard last night but storm. Many broadcasting sta ­ who arc a tte n d in g in stitu tio n s o f 1 noon a t 2 o'clock, instead of this No one will deny the im portance of up-to-date lire fig h tin g ap p aratu s. cannot be beard tonight, should be a G’T ’S PASS LV. tions have been opened and a l.V . M EDFORD higher learn in g is Jack Brady, son afternoon. thing of the past if a log book Is ; The efficiency of o u r fire d ep artm en t m ust alw ays he m aintained. 7 :30 8 m. 10:00 a. m. multitude of shops for the sale about, that is, providing one’s set has 1:00 p. ni. of Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Brady. He a r ­ 2 :0 0 p. n». of the equipment. French ma­ But a fte r all is done in the way of p rep aratio n for fire fighting, there range enough for the distance. 5:00 p. tn. rived in the city from th e Oregon Highway P r o p e r ty - 5:00 p. m terial has had the call up to this , is a very large elem ent of * lu ck ” in the resu lts, when it comes to a real Sunday Only No directions are set down here for college in tim e to; time, but the American manufac­ Some splendid p roperty on Pacific 10:00 a. n». A g ricu ltu ral making a log book as it is thought 1 0:00 a. m. , test. In the A storia co n flagration, the fire loss w ^ greatly increased by turers are now actively after the holidays here, and expects, H ighw ay betw een A shland and Med-! 4:30 p. m. 4 :3 0 p. m. that each one of tlie radio folk will high wiifds and b u rstin g w ater m ains; when th e W ashington H igh School business. irn to C orvallis about the m ld -,,„ _ ., „» staples; G ran ts Vass w aiting room — T ht ford a t a ttra c tiv e price have his own ideas on the subject. i building burned a few weeks ago, a sw eeping fire would probably have A w riter says, “With radio, B onbonniere, phone 160. die of th e week. However, space should be left to in­ 88tf ! R ealty Agency. Robinson Crusoe would have had destroyed a large section of P o rtlan d if it had not been for a l it’le rain Office and w aiting rr)o m --> 11 scribe even tlie m inutest data about quite a ‘jazzy’ time.” We have th a t came ju s t in tim e to pro tect th is property. M asquerade Ball! F a ir G rounds i H ere from San Jose— signal reception. always thought th at radio was W ednesday. D ecem ber 27. ' The Misses Alice and R u th Brown I one of the things th at Professor It is never safe to depend upon “ lu c k ” for th e protection of your Two-Way Phone Plan. Don t m iss it! 94-4 gan j oge c a lif., a re spending the Nemo had 3,000 leagues under property, when you can get INSURANCE THAT W ILL MAKE Y<»U S I RE the sea and that it was in daily By operating on two different wave B A R B E R j holidays w ith relativ es and friends Call us today. use on the Mysterious island, lengths, one 450 m eters and the other i in the city. A L W A Y S A SK U S FOR but that Verne failed to tell Safety blades resharpen'»? 350 meters, a two-way radio talk was Real Estate and Real Insurance about it. successfully carried on between Port­ like new. Single bit, 30 E stablished 1883 B e tte r iasu ra n ce a t reasonable land, Ore., and Los Altos, C at dot. Dobule bit, 60c do rates. B illings Agency. Phone 211.! Th» iâS aS ^ÿ riA K ìlV G POWDER DR. CHAS. J. DEAN MONTANA Ashland Fruit Association Cutlery Sale SIMPSON’S HARDWARE Resolve to Invest a Few Cents i The Citizens Bank oí Ashland Ashland, Oregon Insurance to Make Sure \Y A SHELL Pavilion! Billings Agency CALUMET C hildren’s Work A Specialty J . N. DENNIS W e put th e chicken in our tam ales Plaza Confectionery. 90tf i 41 E. Main St. It pays to read the classified p a g e.! A want ad will sell It Phone 211