PAGB TWO ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Tuesday, December 2ti, 1022 A. R. A. Ships Textiles To c. Russia For New War On Death— Americans To *Aid Ashland Tidings CaUbllBhed 1876 it w here you m ade it, thu3 creatin g ¡m ore business, w hich will give you! the happy chance of seeing your chil-; P u b ilih e a fiv e r; Evening Except dren o b tain in g lu crativ e positions or Sunday engage in a p rofitable business at* THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. home. If they did not do these OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY things, a fte r being advised, they PAPER , w ere p ut in th e “ knocker class” and TELEPHONE 33 e ith e r bought o ut o r pushed out. The C. K, LOGAN, Editor ¡old th re a d b a re a rg u m e n t “ th a t it is my m oney and I ’ll spend it w here I Entered at the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Second-class Mall Mat ¡p lease,” did not weigh as heavy in ‘K now ing how ” is all th e re 4 tsr. the scales as the g irls ’ and boys’ fu ­ is to an ything. tu re did. subscription Price Delivered in C ltj: ♦ ¡ One month ....................................I -65: F acto ries had been told th a t they 1 .9 5 1 ^ W hile a sm ile is contagious, #>l Three m o n t h s .......................... would get this loyal su p p o rt of the Six m onths .................................... 3.75 ¡ 4 so also is a frow n. 4 city; these m en saw to it th a t they 7.50 One year .................................... « got it. Mail and Rural Routes •> A ch ild ’s g re a te st joy comes One month ....................................$ .65 I - A case which th e w rite r has good Three m onths ............................... 1.95 from P a y in g a t th in g s th a t a re ' reason to rem em ber. A very large 3.50 * dangerous. Six m onths .................................. bank, holding th e g re a te r portion of 6.6€ (ft One year .................................... th e m oney of the la rg e r factories, ADVERTISING RATES 4> Business is larely a m a tte r •§> Display Advertising was com plained of by som e of the C o n te n ts : lln g le in sertio n , each i n c h . . ? . . .30c -i> of m ultiplication tables and sm aller ones, which desired finan- ?'• adding m achines. YEARLY CONTRACTS »4% YARDS, 20-0W C E 0!ARK WOOL CLOTH cial assistance requested along good, Display Advertising A YARDS, 3 2 -IH C H .C pT TO N llN IW One tim e a w e e k ..................... ,2 7 Vic <$> Sym pathy th a t tak e s th e find th an sym pathy of the verbal <$>! Local Readers BUTTONS AND THREAD TO MAKE UP G O O D S , th a t m uch of th e b a n k ’s funds w ere variety. Each line, each tim e ..................... 10c ssiisssimsii To ru n every o th e r day for one « used in bu> ing outside com m ercial «• liver a clothing package to any in­ unless the children can go out of More th an one million Russian month , each line, each tim e . . 7c paper and a considerable portion of dividual in Russia. Each package doors they will starve as surely as <3> W hile m arria g e b rin g s o u t ! children and several million adults To ru n 'e v e ry issue for one m onth this from concerns th a t w ere in di- though there were no food to be contains enough m aterial to supply th e good side of m en and worn- < S > are practically w ithout clothing this had. They fear the b itter Russian an entire family and Includes: N ear­ ok* m ore, each line, each tim e . . 5c reet com petition w ith the hom e con- Classified Column en, it also, sad to ad m it, brings •winter. They have no shoes or w inter even more th an they do ly 5 yards of dark w arm wool cloth, One cent th e word each tim e. »ft cerns, a visit was m ade to the bank out th e w orst. enough for one suit of clothing for stockings, no shirts, no covering of starvation. w here they w ere politely told th a t To ru n every issue for one m onth <«> any kind. The furniture in th eir “Unless clothing is supplied these an ad u lt and two garm ents for a — ♦ or m ore, % c th e w ord each tim e. hom es was sold for food or burned people," w rites a Russian relief child: 4 yards of black cotton lin­ they w ere not ru n n in g it. A grad u al HEZ HECK SAYS: A Legal Rate for fuel during th e fam ine of last w orker to H erbert Hoover, c h a ir­ ing; 16 yards of m uslin sufficient w ithdraw al of funds soon begun. “ T ru th has b u t one side; F irs t tim e, per 8-pcint lin e ..........10c * winter. Now they are reduced to m an of the A. R. A., "They will die for 4 suits of underw ear; 8 yards The w rite r had purchased an op- Bach subsequent tim e, per 8- paper shirts, a single sack cloth g ar­ of exposure and starvation through of flannelette sufficient for tw o th e ta riff, tw o; divorce, _ tion on a tra c t of m ineral land and m en t or rags of a most pitable the com ing w inter and m uch of m en’s shirts and wom en’s sh irt polnt line ...................................... 5 c A three. ch aractei Many of them are u n ­ our w ork during the past twelve w aist and buttons and thread to C ard of t h a n k s ............................. Jl.O e | s . a . a o . a a a / x z s x v . a . a a . a x ' . a ? bad his m oney and th a t of some of m ake up these garm ents. Bevcr.I able to go out of doors because m onths will have been in vain." O bituaries, th e line ............ .2*4« his friends in the above bank, to To m eet this em ergency the Am­ thousand banks and other they have nothing to w ear and this Fraternal Orders and Societies Ì . ,. . The follow ing »town th e e n tire com plete paym ent. condition Is particularly dangerous erican Relief A dm inistration has in­ zatlons have agreed to accept »«.J A dvertising for fra te rn a l order? iun n " U1> a r since the only food th a t a million augurated a system of clothing re ­ forw ard money for these clothing o r societies ch arg in g a re g u la r in iti­ length of the P acific coast to obtain day a tip was passed in the evening children are getting is served them m ittance packages by which it is rem ittance packages and by special atio n fee and dues, no discount. Re a n o th e r t am to help sh a re expenses. and he was a t the bank a t the open- in the Am erican Relief A dm inistra­ possible for friends and relatives to aft-angem ent w ith the Soviet, gov­ I’gloua and benevolent orders will he sat rig h t down and w ired the neces- ing hour, b u t it did not open. The tion food kitchens where they re ­ send im m ediate assistance to suf­ ernm ent they will be shipped free charged the re g u la r ra te for ali ad sary g u a ra n tee to clinch th e gam e. 'la n d m entioned was sold for a mil- Twenty dollars of duty and delivered a t the earliest ceive one meal a day. The organi­ ferers in Russia. v&rtislng w hen an adm ission or othe: paid to the Am erican Relief Adm in­ possible moment. saation has no facilities for deliver­ Packages not A fter M edford had seen all t h e 1 lion dollars in. 30 days. T h at is how • ò a r r e 1« m ade. ing food to h>mes and the parents istration headquarters, 42 Broadway m arked for any Individual will bo cards, she raised the ante. In com-! n e a r he cam e to be a m illionaire, themselves have nothing to eat, so New York City, will equip and de- given to the moat needy cases. What Constitutes Advertising m en tin g about th e situ a tio n , th e ' N othing in th e acts of th e people In o rd er to allay a m isu n d e rsta n d ­ ing am ong some as to w hat consti Mail T ribune em its th e follow ing: j which w ere disloyal w as overlooked.' H< re from Salem — Hero from H ornbrook— tu te s news and w hat ad v ertisin g , “ The Buckeyes a re expected to give! Such a com m ittee here would get a ADDITIONAL LOCALS. i> <®> -j, -.♦> <î> -«■ in th e city Sunday night to s p e n d ; was in the city yesterday. He came la used by new spapers to d iffe re n ti­ and because of the deal handed Med- any bread, b u tte r, load of blocks, C hristm as here. over the line Sunday afternoon. a te betw een th em : “ ALL fu tu re , , events, w here an adm ission charge I io rd by th e la tte r, th e Ohioans a re j wood th a t w as shipped in, canned H ere from (»old H ill— la m ade or a collection is tak e n IS th e fav o rites w ith local fan s.” ! goods, if any w ere canned here, o r if j Fred S cheurm au, of Gold Hill, S ileni V isitor Here— A D VERTISIN G.” T his applies to a jj depends upon w hose foot i s ! you took y our a u to elsew here to have j sp en t C hristm as v isitin g w ith his G randchild Had C ioupy Cough Mrs. F ra n k Crowson, of E ighth o rg an isatio n s and societies of every . R rep aired w ith a „ thing8 eqUal, ‘ “ My grandshild could get no relief kind as well as to individuals. | .r. p a re n ts and o th e r friends in the city. stre e t, is enjoying a visit from h e r' you w ould be show n th a t, for th e w hatever from a very bad crouny All rep o rts of such activ ities a fter m other from Salem d u rin g the holi­ cough,” w rites P e te r L andis, Mey­ T here m ay be no S anta Claus, b ut ben efit of th e tow n and your chil- A tten d T u rk ey Shoot— they have occurred is news. day season. All com ing social or organization two sta te in stitu tio n s found n e a t lit- dren th a t all such m oney should be ersdale, P a., “ u n til I gave him F o l­ Several local sportsm en atten d ed m eetings of societies w here no tie su rp rise packets in th e C hristm as spent here. ey’s Honey and T ar. It is a g re a t the shooting m atch held Sunday on Mrs. Kee- Improving-— m oney co n trib u tio n is solicited, in iti­ stockings. W illam ette univ ersity a t If we could now h e a r m any of you the L am port place on th e P a c ific ' Mrs. K ate Kee, of Iowa stre e t, has help for chest and th ro a t tro u b le .” ation charged, or collecton tak e n IS Salem is $1,250,000 b e tte r off, w hile who th in k you are 100 p er cent loyal NEWS. highw ay n ear Phoenix. been on th e sick list for some days Coughs, colds, croup, th ro a t, chest and bronchial irrita tio n quickly re ­ th e U niversity of O regon received a ¡to A shland, saying, “ I d o n ’t care a past, but is reported im proving. lieved w ith F oley’s Honey and Tar. special gift of $10,000 d u rin g the rap. The A shland b u tte r or b read H ere from K lam ath F alls— • C ontains no opiates — ingredients has not the flav o r of th a t m an u fa c ­ yuletide season. F ra n k B urns, of K lam ath F alls, C orvallis People H ere— , BIBLE THOUGHT tu re d elsew here.” If you buy h ere it was a w eek-end v isitor in th e city, j Mr. and Mrs. L. H. R oth and M. p rinted on the w rapper. Stood the — FOR TODAY— D ad’s pocketbook, which has been will create m ore business and th a t having been called here on a com ­ L. P u lle tt, of Corvallis, w ere in A sh­ test of tim e serving th re e g en era­ | Bible Thoughts memorized, will prove s. j tions. Sold everyw here. 89tf very low of late, is rep o rted to be will beget m ore com petition, and as bined business and pleasure trip. land Sunday and M onday. priceless heritage in after years. im proving. It is expected th a t it will good goods as th a t m ade elsew here. be back to norm al before long. Care W ith such te sts as to your loyalty, it TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2 I waa t ^ie re - A g rea t deal of fun and duced In so u th ern O regon, he sta te d , sp o rt was had w hen the showdown I i came. Men who had sm oked “ home "N othing but m oonshine and cord- t'o n tin u in g — How R educe Taxes ! m ade” for 3 0 days and bragged about wood.” i th e ir excellence, surely got out and To th E d ito r: It is very su rp risin g th a t a m an The m aste r b u ilders cannot com- : pushed. testify in g before one of th e m ost plete th e ir foundation for a g r e a te r ' A few h ard cases needed the “ rest a u g u st bodies, the In te rs ta te Com­ c u te ” and w ere sta rte d on the " firs t m erce Com m ission, should sta te to city, unless the very im p o rta n t rock, called “ Loyal C itizenry” is 90 per le g ” of th e ir jo u rn ey a strid e a rail, them th a t we produce only moon- shine and cordw ood. We b e lie v e ' cent th ere. ¡D was decided th a t a rid e on a don-' th a t Mr. Biddle should have sta te d Should any one ask you if you key for tw o ladies w ould be benefi-j th a t Ashland M edford, G ran ts P ass were loyal to A shland, you would cial for th e ir h e a lth , and as th e.i and the Rogue R iver valley were probably say, “ Sure 100 per c e n t,” m eans w ould not allow them to go shipping hun d red s of ■carloads of ; yet, as sta te d , your “ Lizzie” balked ab ro ad to get such rides, tin e lo>- grapes, peaches, apples, pears and principally on account of the heavy a ltv ” a t hom e gave them such a ride, ch erries an n u ally as fine as any, load of th is in fe rio r stone. I t is re- Suggestion 5 Chip off from y o u i-t grown in the U nited States. Also jected as the previous ones of im port- selves these disloyalties and m ake! could he not have told them of our ance were. • th is very im p o rta n t rock called loy- w onderful irrig a tio n system s on How then can th is be m ade a great al c itizen ry ’ acceptable to the m as- which we have spent th o u san d s/ of city? Answer- as o th ers have. A te r builders. do llars to bring into reality ? He n um ber of men who have vision, ex- How can we know or get them , should also have told them of the perience, excellent ju d g m e n t, some Surely you can not recognize them actu al and potential possibilities of w ith considerable m eans, and 99 per u n til you a re 100 per cent rig h t, n ori the Rogue R iver valley, but instead cen t loyalty, join them selves as a re they ap t to show up. If they d o , of this. Mr. Biddle sim ply s ta te s th at m aste r builders. They find m any they w o n 't stay. we produce m oonshine and cord- things to do, and men w*»o know how In M anitou, Colo., th re e or fo u r| wood. i are given th e various task s. “ The such m en showed up and w anted tOj If Mr. Biddle know s so much about principal stones are m ade accept- do g reat things for the tow n, sincej m oonshine being produced in th is 'a b le a very com prehensive survey of th e re were g re a t possibilities, b u tj section, we believe th a t the federal all possible resources is m ade, a con- too m any “ g ra n d fa th e r ideas w ere- STANDARD OIL COMPANY 1 ohibition officer or the W. C. T. U s la n t survey is m ade of th in g s need- there. These m en w ent out a few (California) should ask him to furnish proof of ed and of those th a t a re shipped in. m iles, built Colorado Springs, and these large q u a n titie s which he s ta te s If it is found th a t such th in g s can m ade a natio n al playground of it. These so rt of m en and m eans w ill ‘ th is locality is noted for. The O re-| be m an u factu red th ere , q u a lity and gon G row ers’ C o-operative associa- price equal, th e “ g o -g etter” m an is draw one a n o th e r to g ether. One su c h ' tion has spent tho u san d s of dollars s ta rte d to get th a t p a rtic u la r fac- has come to your tow n and th e g ra n d fa th e r sp irit has been show n; iu a d v ertisin g th e Rogue R iver val- to ry w ith su itab le capacity, ley, and the testim ony of Mr. Bid- A personal visit is m ade to every him , in plain w ords, m any have trie d ! die will work irre p a ra b le harm and m erch an t, business and every to run him out of town. Z ero len e g o o d cold-test How long! Oh how long! will you have a tendency to c o u n te rac t to a o th e r m an, to endeavor to educate oils flow freely and lubri­ g reat extent the favorable publicity them to buy everything m anufac- let th e “ wool hang over y our eyes"? c a te p e r fe c tly in z ero which the associatiou has given to tu re d th ere , w ith qu ality and price ’n o th e r w ords listen to knockers. w eat ttn er — p proi r o te c t th e being equal, because it keeps all th e R a th e r get out and push hard. The th is section. bearings — increase the ----------------------- —— j m oney tu rn in g aro u n d a t hom e; th is "good rocks will then be accepted pow er and flexibility o f TH E SHOE STILL PIN C H ES keeps th e w heels of ind u stry going, a n ^ p u t in th e g reat foundation and your engine. O ver in M edford they cannot for- th e ir products going out to brin g in >'o u r “ Lizzie will go over th e hum p, get the “ raw " deal handed th a t vil m ore m oney. Pay rolls a re spent a t O- B- SERA ER . 1 ige when th e Scott high school foot- hom e and th a t is the key of p ro s-' hall team , of Toledo, Ohio, rejected perity. It m akes m ore pay rolls, in- th e m agnanim ous o f.e r to play th e stead of keeping up pay rolls in some MITCHELL PIANO R ogue River valley tow n. M edford o th e r town. No pardons asked for STUDENT WILL MAKE does not consider it “ u n sportsm an- rep eatin g th a t w ord “ pay ro ll,” as l'k e ” to protest a g ain st C orvallis the m aste r b u ilders will know w here MORE MUSIC playing the eastern ag gregation. you spend it. They will try by all —— ——----- - —----- ------ — — . Corvallis^ instead of dickering and reasonable m eans to have you spend T idings classified ads get resu lts. THAT DULL ACHING Don’t w orry and com plain about a bad back. Get rid of it! F o r weak kidneys, lam e and achy backs, your neighbors recom m end D oan's Kidney Pills. Ask your neighbor. Mrs. C. M. W ilcox, 152 H elm an St., A shland, says: “ D oan’s K id­ ney pills helped me w onderfully and I gladly recom m end them to others. My kidneys troubled me a lot and 1 suffered w ith dull, nagging back­ aches, and such pains over my kid­ neys I could h ardly keep going. I was hardly ever free from dizziness or headaches and my kidnew s d id n ’t act right. I used Doan’s Kidney Pills and they soon rid me of th e com plaint.” P rice 60c. a t all dealers. D on’t simply ask for a kidney ram edy— get D oan’s Kidney P ills— the sam e th a t Mrs. Wilcox had. Foster-M il- ŒYaBERT^MÔSËS A <20. A R.A. CLOTHING PACKAGE. j Late Fiction for the long evenings Flow ing Gold ..........................$2.00 By Rex Beach Cuppy Ricks R e t i r e s ............$2.00 By P e ter B. Kyne The Tale of T r i o n a .................$2.00 By W illiam .1. Locke B abbitt ................................. $2.00 By the a u th o r of Main Street In the Days of Poor R ichard $2.00 By Irving B.icheller r To the L ast M a n ................... $2.00 By Zane Grey The B reaking P oint ............$2.00 By Mary R in e h a rt The Shadow of the E a st . . .$1.00 By the a u th o r of The Sheik G entle J u lia ............................ $1.75 By Booth T arkington M c N a b Bros. TAe three. oasoline requirementsfor ^winter driving Star, • > I f you’re having trouble starting— if you sit in the cold and buzz-buzz your starter without result— then it’s time to change to "Red Crown”- —the winter fuel for motors. U se "Red Crown” exclusively, and you get off at the first jump o f the spark. "Red Crown” vaporizes readily in the coldest weather. Fill your tank with "Red Crown” and nothing else, and you’ll be rid o f three-quarters o f your cold-weather motoring troubles. Fill at the Red Crown sign—at service stations, garages and other dealers. 100 % power ’W