ASHLAND D A IL l TIDINGS PAGE FOCTt Saturday, December S3, 1922 M V T O M O V I E S /^ B Y L E E D O M S T IR E HOSPITAL I SEE DARK. DEE pjft trouble ahead F or you --- -"•U N LE S S i . y Season to all. î Ç > /^ i R w % 2 : r-~ - A lm a Rubens 12IGOODS in the C^aramount (picture> TheValleyf/'Silent Men “ Glory to God in the H ighest, and on e a rth Peace, Good Will tow ard Men.” ’ Iu the notes of joy encircling the w orld, we are rem inded of God's greatest gift to the w orld— a Savior. It is still the glad tidings of great joy. >7 ^ .\i We wish to extend cordial greetings of the A MERRY CHRISMAS TO ALL First Methodist Episcopal Church S. J. Chaney, Minister >0U BUY SOME V < C > 'V G ood T ires ! O ahead and consult th e fo rtu n e te lle r if you d o n ’t LAST TIMES TODAY know som e o th e r foolish w ay of g e ttin g ride of y o u r m oney. But w e ’ll tell you rig h t h ere w ith o u t hope of p ay fo r o u r advice th a t if you d o n ’t buy a n o th e r tire o r tw o now y o u ’ll be m ak in g faces a t the road some day th a t w ill re g iste r d e sp a ir and d isg u st. T H E TH EA TER BEAUT ÍFUU ROSE w ith Anita Stewart (Uotdiy C'osmopohtanProduciions \ ining— Monday ami Tuesday — Also— ¡SALK OK STRAHORN ROAD IS DENIED IN TELEGRAM HOLIDAY GREETINGS I wish to thank my friends for their patronage and kindness during the past year, and also extend to them a Zfte/rp Christmas * We expect to continue in fair treatment in business. This has been our policy in the past and will continue so throughout the year to come. KLAMATH FALLS. Dec. 23.— Denial th a t negotiations are under way for sale of the Oreon, C alifor­ nia & E astern railro ad rum ored fol­ lowing the purchase by S. O. Jo h n ­ son of a mill site a d jo in in g K lam ath F alls on the south, was contained in , a telegram received here by W. F. i Bond, su p e rin te n d e n t of the railro ad from R obert E. S trah o rn , who is now in New' York City. S trah o rn declared th a t the road will b? b u ilt according to his orig i­ nal plans, “ being headed stra ig h t for Bend, and destined consistently to’ develop all of cen tral O regon.” ¿P"wnr GREETINGS Malta Conunandery No. 4 Knighta Templar Masonle Hall C hristm as observance, M onday, I Decem ber 25, a t 10 o’clock a. m. j sharp. E xercises brief. All Sir I K nights courteously invited. F. H. JOHNSON E. C. W. II. DAY, R ecorder. GREETINGS TO ALL We h eartily th a n k you, for your ¡valued patro n ag e the past year, and extend to all A M erry C hristm as and I a Happy and P rosperous New Year. A. G. ADAMS ; The Wood Man 240 T hird St. “ THE VAGRANT SPECIAL—SUNDAY ONLY Greetings MAY McAVOY — I ll - "The Top of N ew Y ork” — T he b ig -h earted love story of a p re tty girl and a g rea t c ity ’s tem p tatio n s. L av ish ly and ap- 1 >ea I i n gl y p ictu rized. — Shop w ith the New York b eau ty the d ay before C h rist­ m as. Then see the w onderful C h ristm as T ree w ith all its jo y s— and th en — We wish to state that our friends and patrons will receive the same kindly treatment during the year 1923 that they received in 1922. Thanking you and wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Local and Personal 0 . H. JOHNSON O THE SEA ” THE ELKHORN GUN STORE R. MIDDLETON see the R E A L C h ristm as T ree and the real jolly old St. Nick, lie will have a parcel in his pack fo r every good little hoy and girl here rig h t a fte r the first show S u n d ay afternoon. T he com edy will he “ SUNSHINE SAMMY” and BABY MARIE OSBURN in— “ MARIE’S ROUNDUP” and Pathe News A dm ission .....................................10 and 35c including tax Hang a Home on the Christmas tree this Year MONDAY AND TUESDAY **O U I M .A T C « « -L A tM V » M s c x rs C O a » O R A T iO N THE VALLEY SILENTMEN Ima ftubens MODERN WOODMEN MEET Tuesday evening, D ecem ber 26 » a t Moose hall. F inal m eeting of the year. C u rren t assessm ent payable. G. L. NUTTER, Consul. : : We wish to extend to our many friends and WANTED— Someone to tak e conval­ escent lady into home. Inquire Tidings. ,95-1 customers the best wishes of the Season, and wish to announce we are now in our new location at the Park Garage. W e tak e th is occasion to th a n k o u r m any frien d s fo r th e ir k in d ly good will and p a tro n a g e d u rin g 1922 and to w ish all a It’s The, Gift Supreme The gif t of a home is the most practical and most appreciated g'ft you could select for your family. Ask for ideas and assistance with your build ing problems, Carson=FowIer Lbr. Co. In the Heart of Town BUSTER KEATON IN "C O P S ” An u p ro a r from th e R iot Squad a n d — “ A TRIP TO PARAMOUNT TOWN” An in tim ate peep into the Movie Kingdom A dm ission .................................................................10 and 50c ni'iii Ihlüilflllii'.t miiiiiiiiiiiiiii C h r is tm a s D ay T H IS d ay snowy locks fo rg et th e ir y ears; w eighted sh o u ld ers east off th e ir cares. E yes sp a rk le as th e lig h ts on th o u san d s of C h ristm as trees, and voices send fo rth th e ir joy in carols. F o r the sp irit of good old St. N icho­ las is ab ro ad , m aking all of us ch ild ren once a g ain as we join the universal m errim ent. Jackson County Building and Loan Stock Safest and Best W h a t a relax atio n fo r a busy w orld! W hat a revelation of the sp rin g s of new life th a t lie deep hidden in th e n a tu re of m ankind! W h at a red isco v ery — th ro u g h kindness and generosity — of th e secret of etern al youth! Such is th e m essage and blessing of C h ristm as to the ages. SAFEST - - BECAUSE Back of every dollar loaned is over twice the amount of unin­ cumbered real estate insured for more than amount borrowed. Is under direct control of the Corporation Department of the State of Oreon and all books and securities frequently audited and checked by the State Auditor. May the fires of good cheer an d w arm th b u rn b rig h tly in m any h earts, as on m any h e arth s, d u rin g th is C h ristm as fe stiv a l; and m ay it he a feast in tru th of “ peace on earth , good will to w ard m en .” BEST - - BECAUSE Every dollar placed with us immediately begin earning 7 and 8 per cent dividend. Is available on short notice at any time. Is Non-Assessable and exempt from income tax. JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION E. R. ISAAC & CO T he Q u ality S to re 30 NO. CENTRAL, MEDFORD C. M. KIDD, President O. C. BOGGS, Secretary lividi úllüili Bill®-' [IUKIUIülllil TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY — B ig g er and b e tte r th an “ T he R iv e r’s E n d ” ! A g rip ­ p in g d ram a of g re a t souls, aijd strong. W ag in g th e ir b a ttle s of life and love in th e F ro zen N orth, G o d ’s C ountry. A ctually film ed am id th e m ajestic C anadian Rockies. W ith a b rillian t su p p o rtin g cast, including Lew Cody. — A lso— *