1RHLAWD D A IL1 TIDINGS Saturday, D ecem ber 2 3 , 1922 PAGE TURKU ■H5HH Mina P. Bayllss and Cam elia E. Ow- ’P hene People H ave Tree— Construction Work Halted— ens to th e southw est corner of D. L. Em ployes of the local telephone Due to the n on-arrival of m ater C. No. 53; thence east 770 feet; j com pany will enjoy a C hristm as tree ials, construction work a t th e South-I One cent th e w ord each tim e. ¡thence in a southw esterly direction a t th e office of the exchange th is ern Pacific round house has been ’ ¡follow ing th e n o rth line of th e coun- evening. M _______ „ ______ - . y ; tem porarily discontinued. The work embers of th e _____r co m p - an PH YSICIANS. INTER U R BA N AUTOCAR CO. ty road approxim ately 2700 feet; will exchange gifts and expect to; will be resum ed Tuesday a fte r thence in a so u th easterly direction have a m ost enjoyable a ffa ir. A tre e C hristm as. DK. E R N E ST A . WOODS— Practic (E ffe c tiv e January 1, 1 9 2 2 ) lim ited to eye, ear, nose an< D ally (E xcept S un d ay) follow ing th e w est p ro p erty line of was also featu red by the e x c h an g e 1 th ro a t. Office hours, 10 to 12 an; . MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND the S. P. R. R., approxim ately 1200 ja st year Every day in every way, P aulse- 2 to 6. Sweden burg Bldg., Asb 00 a. m. 7:00 a. m. feet; thence south to th e so u th e a sti _______ ru d 's Suits a re b e tte r and BETTER. land, O re 73-t 00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. Home grown alm onds and w alnuts. The most up-to-date luncheonette outfit—all electrically 00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. corner of th e n o rth e a st q u a rte r of 90tf DR. J. J. E.HHKNS'— P h y slc'an an< 00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. th e n o rth e a st q u a rte r of Section 23, 25 cents a pound. P laza M arket. 85tf heated—just installed. This outfit enables u s to serve Surgeon. P ra ctice lim ited U 00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. Twp. 39 South, R ange 1 E a s t; thence you with the very best in L ast m onth the A utom obile Spec­ eye, ear, noae and th ro a t. Glaase 00 noon 12:00 noon w est 850 feet; thence so u th '280 D etrick sells for less. 72tf supplied. O culist and a u rist fo ialist insured th re e tru ck s, six a u to ­ 00 P- ni. 1:00 P- m. feet; thence w est 470 feet; thencei ---------- 8. P. R. R. Offices, 11. F. and B COFFEE — HOT CHOCOLATE m obiles and 10 Fords. Phone 274-J. J 00 P- m. 2:00 P- m. Bldg., M edford, Ore. P hone 18 south approxim ately 550 feet to the T urkey w ith Trim m ings— 00 P in. Yeo, o f course. 84t£* 3:00 P. m. HOT BOUILLON, ETC. 00 P. m. 4:00 P- m. point w here th e located line of t h e ; E a t $ u r C hristm as d in n er a t the DR. M ATTIE 11. SHAW — Residence 00 P. in. 5:00 P. IB. proposed A shland L a te ra l of th e T a l­ Home Bakery, 69 N. Main. and office, 108 P io n eer avenue. Our special home made Chile Con Came, Home Made M iss H am m ond R eturns— 00 P- m. 6:00 P. m. ent Irrig a tio n D istrict crosses th e T elephone 28. Office house, 10 Miss M arguerite H am m ond, dau g h -, Pies and Chicken Tamales are delicious. 7:00 P- m. 00 P- m. to 12 a. m .; 2 to 5 p. m., only. w est boundary of the so u th east q u a r­ L eaving for A pplegate— 30 P. m. Sat. only 8:30 P- m. te r of Rev. and Mrs. P. K. H am m ond, Miss Carol Van Dyke expects to who has been teaching a t G ladstone,; 9:30 P. m. te r of the n o rth e a st q u a rte r or Sec­ 30 P- m. DR. II. SI. SHAW— Physician and We Are Showing an Assortment of Most Exceptional 30 P- m. Sat. only 10:30 P. m. tion 23; thence in a no rth w esterly spend th e holidays visiting on the Surgeon. Special a tte n tio n Eyes. Or., n e a r Oregon City, has retu rn ed French Silk Neckwear of Luxurious Quality Sunday Schedule E a rs, Nose, T h ro at. G lasses f it ­ direction follow ing th e line of the Applegate. to A shland. Sljie will sjjend the Leave M edford for A shland and located line of the said proposed A sh­ ted. Room 6, Mills-McCall Block. SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY G'FTS A shland for M edford every hour on holidays visiting w ith h er paren ts.: Phone 79 or 28. land L a tera l to a point in Section Xm as Ball, A rm ory, C hristm as ------------------------------------------------------ the hour from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m .; 15, Twp. 39 South, R ange 1 E ast, night. DR. G. C. PH E TT E PL A C E — D entls’ th en q ; 3 0 p. m . and 9:30 p. m. EXTRA FINE LINE OF 94-2 B etter be safe tha»; sorry. See — successor to W. E. Buchanan. • A shland w aiting room — E a st Side w here said canal line in tersects the Beaver R ealty Co. about your inaur Special a tte n tio n given to s tra ig h t- i p harm acy. east boundary of th e city lim its of Cheap insurance is costly a t any ance. Phone 68. 287ti ening and care of < h ild re n ’s teeth. A S iil AXD-ROSEBURG STAGE A shland; thence follow ing in a price. F o r sound insu ran ce a t re a ­ Office hours, 9 to 12 and 1.30 to Dailv (E xcept S undavl 5. Office phone 151. R esidence a w s i i ANr> IV ROSEBURG n o rth e rly direction th e east boundary sonable ra te s, see Billings Agency. J u s t received a block of new dates. phone 201-J. C .w p s Building, LV ASHLAND L \ . ROSEBLRG iine of the city lim its of A shland (o E stablished 1883. 34tf Plaza M arket. 85tf A shland, Oregon. 4 5 t f , l ; 00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. the point of beginning, all in Jack- --------- — ------ . T ravel by stag e; s h o rte st ro u te bv 20 m iles; one of O regon’s m ost son county, Oregon. CHIROPRACTORS M edford M inis!er to R etire— You a re fu rth e r notified th a t the M iss M yers R eturns Home— scenic trip s. F a re — A shland-R ose- D. E. M illard, p asto r of the C hris­ Miss Bernice Myers a stu d e n t at I>R. E . II. ANGELL C hiropractic $ ».60; M edford - R oseburg, said petition has been se t for h e a r­ tian church, of M edford, will re tire and E lectro-T herapy. The combi , ,, „ . . the U niversity of Oregon, retu rn ed nation does w onders. F irs t Nat l M - la ; Grant« P a ss-R o ^ b u r g , $ 3 .0 0 . ing for Tuesday J a n u a ry 2, 1923, a t from the m inistry tem porarily, due 9 o ’clock a. m., a t the office of the last night from Eugene. She will M EDFORD-GRANTS PA SS Bank Bldg. Phone 48-1 42. to th e condition of his health. H e , rem ain in the citv over the holidays. Daily (E x cep t Sunday) Board of D irectors of the T alent I r ­ H ouse Calls expects to re tire M arch 1, and his LV. G’T ’S PASS rigation D istrict, a t T alent, Oregon, LV. M EDFORD friends are glad to learn th a t h e ' 7:30 a m. and to ap p ear a t said tim e and place 10:00 a. m. T R A N SFE R AND EXPRK SS. M asquerade Ball! F a ir G rounds 1:00 p. m. 2:00 p. m. will rem ain in M edford. FOR prom pt and carefu l service 5:00 p. tn. and show cause, if any you have, why Pavilion! W ednesday, Decem ber 27. 5:00 p. m the petition should not be granted. a u to tru c k s or horse drays, c a t Don’t m iss it! 94-4 Sunday Only Always see me first about your W h ittle T ra n sfe r Co. P hone 117 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. D ated a t T alent, Oregon, Decem ­ in su ran ce; th e re ’s a difference; why? Office, 89 Oak s tre e t n ear H ote 4:30 p. m. ber 11, 1922. 4 :30 p. ni. W ho will tqlie th e big stick home Ask me. Yeo, of course. 84tf A shland. 56tl G ran ts P ass w aiting room — The A tte st: O. ARNSPIG ER, from th e P laza C onfectionery Xm as B onbonniere, phone 160. T. L. POW ELL— GENERAL TRANS Secretary of the Board of D irec­ Eve? 90tf Piano T u n i n g - Office and w aiting room — No. 5 F E R — Good team and m otor to rs of the T alent Irrig a tio n D istrict. Now is the tim e to have your piano tru ck s. Good service at a reason N O TIC E FO R IN CLU SIO N (S eal) 84-4 mon H ere from G resham —• able price. Phone 83. tuned. Carl H. Loveland. Studio, Edw in B. C urtis, of G resham , Or., 135 E ast Main. Phone 465. t»6tf B efore the Board or lX rectors of the VETERINARY was an overnight visitor in A shland. T alen t Irrigation D istrict, Jackson DR. J P. CHISHOLM — G raduate A tten ds Shop M eeting— County, O regon. V eterinary. W alker Ave _____ i W hy not buy her a Singer Sewing H. F. Stokes, an em ploye in the car | M achine for Xmas. $5 down and $3 shops, recently a tte n d ed a m eeting To th e T a len t Irrig a tio n D istrict CONVALESCENT HOME R e tu rn s from U niversity— ' - Pe r m onth will put one in your home. ol' the Shop C rafts P rotective League „ „ , and to all free holders, legal voters CONVALESCENT HOME — Good George Ross J r., re tu rn e d this cheer. Good care. Good food, and assessm ent payers of said dis- m orning from E ugene, w here he is Singer Sewing M achine Co., 10 So. in the office of George McCormick, F ir St., M edford. 153 G ranite tric t and to all persons in terested in T erm s reasonable. in San Francisco. He was accom ­ a tte n d in g the U niversity of Oregon. St. P h o ne 411 -R . 3 0 6 -lm o th e ia n ds lying w ithin the T alen t I r ­ panied by A. F. Holm es, of D uns­ Ross en tered the in stitu tio n as a A com plete line of c h ild ren ’s toys m uir, Calif. rig atio n D istrict and w ithin the W ANTED. b o undaries of the te rrito ry described fresh m an la st fall » and is a m em ber in balcony. E ast Side Pharm acy. 78t W ANTED— W om an to do g en eral, in th is notice; you and each of you of P hi Sigma Pi fra te rn ity . If you w an t the best th ere is in housew ork. P hone 170. R e tu rn s fro m E u g e n e — a re hereby notified th a t a petition bacon, boiled ham s, chipped beef, W IR E W H E E L SERVICE at Lee- j has been filed in th e office of the Miss C aroline T ilton, d a u g h te r of lard and sh o rten in g , get it a t Det- LOST. ___________ _____________ ______ ____ J Board of D irectors of the T alent Ir- dom ’s T ire H ospital. Broken spokes Dr. and Mrs. C. F. T ilton, retu rn ed riclc's. We sell for less. 48tf 84tf to A shland last n ig h t from Eugene, LOST— M an's red roughneck sw: at- lig a tio n D istrict of Jackson County, replaced 25c. Prices a m b e tte r at th e Variety er. F in d er re tu rn to Tidings of- Oregon, by the follow ing nam ed pe- w here she has been spending the If you w ant those hens to lay m ore fice. 93-2* titio n e rs: 91 tf past few m onths as a stu d en t at the Store, 89 X. M ain St. ------------------------ - _ -------------- Glenn L. Inm an (for Mrs. L. C. eggs, get some cracklins 3 cents U niversity of Oregon. She will re ­ 85tf FO R EXCHANGE In m a n ), C. A. Brown, J. W. McCoy per pound. P laza M arket. M echanical Forem en M eet— tu rn a fte r th e holidays. F o r the purpose of talk in g over F O R ~ T R A D E ^ 4 6 0 acre unincum ‘ H quidating agent, also rep resen tin g A new shipm ent o f fancy gold fish and discussing the m echanical prob-; l.ered ranch on Pacific highw ay j S ta te Bank of A sh la n d ), Jas. W. T akes T eachers’ E xam ination — Not Many Men Have Miss E laine Todd, who recently r e ­ at tho V ariety Store, 8 9 N. Main. and county road, n ear H ilt; sm all j Young, W in. F. Y arter, M argaret lem s of the division, m echanical house and o u tb u ildings: good Y arter, Mrs. Vesta N. Brown Betty tu rn e d to A shland a fte r a tte n d in g 91tf forem en of the Shasta division m et; Too Many stock o r chicken ranch w ith p le n -; Gottsche> Ca rl G ottsche, Mrsi Luke norm al school a t Cheney, W ash., has recently in D unsm uir, by o rd er o f . ty of wood and tillab le land, vv ill ’ Ties tra d e for unincum bered A shland f F ra n * Beswick, Fred C. been spending a portion of the week ; W e p u t Hie chicken in our tam ales M aster M echanic C. Bess, J. E. Ange­ 90tf vin, of th is city, was present. acreage; p refer no house, b u '; Hom es, N. L. Huxley (p e r Ada J. in Jacksonville, w here she took the p jaza Confectionery. would ensider acreage w ith smaL H uxley), J. E. G ow laud, Jo h n HI tea c h e rs’ exam ination. She retu rn ed house. E lean o r G reer, 199 G ran-, F rohboea^ Sa ra h Frohboes, L uke to A shland F rid ay evening. U niversity S tu dent H om e— F ram ed pictures for gifts. D arling 231tf* ite St. Bounin J. C. B arn ard , Isabel M. B ar­ Miss Lucille Perozzi a stu d e n t a t Studio. 90tf ______ New shipm ent of su its and o coats tbe u n iv ersity o f Oregon, retu rn ed FOR R E N I. nard, II. C. Moore, Beaver R ealty Co. O rder those Xm as oysters at the; (by Eliz. Y ockey), W ells D. Jack- ju st in. W ill be glad to show them to A shland late last n ig h t to spend FOR RENT— T hree room furnished 84tf the holiday vacation w ith her par-i T avern Cafe, 90tfi son, J. W. M illner, C. E. Johnson, L P a u lse ru d ’s. a p a rtm e n t, five blocks from h °st Mikschi M rs. H azei K irk p atric k , ents. office. A dults onty. 326 N orih M artin & w in ia m g (by w. O. Mar- X m as candy fresh from our own Mrs. P /ngham ’s Funeral H eld — 94-? Main. Plaza C onfectionery 9 Oaf G irls and boys, win a bicycle tir e ' F u n e ral services for Mrs. Em ily I. j t n ), R. A. Avery, C. J. F oster. J. E. kitchen " T H E M E N ’ S S T O R E” in free guessing contest a t F ix - I t! Bingham w ere held F riday afte rn o o n ; W ild, Geo. W. T refren , A lbert C. Joy, FOR «AIA-:. N EX T TO T H E PO ST O F F IC E L. J. H essenaner, Mrs. L. J. Hessen- Miss M annle Leavi Shop. C ontest e n d i S aturday, De- from T rin ity Episcopal church, with A nother of the local teach ers who cem ber 23, a t 6 p. m. FO R SALE— k o rd to u rin g cm . iltoi- a ner,_,Alrs. F ra n k Beswick, O. V. 87tf the Rev. P. K. H am m ond officiating.;,' oughly equipped, $100 w orth of R ;chie> E. D. Briggs. V. V. Hawley, is spending the vacation out of th e ---------- ¡M rs. B ingham was nearly 85 years accessories. $300 cash. P hone ElpiPr j ensen, Ila M. M yers, I. J. citv is Miss V era M annle. She left B e tte r insurance a t reasonable of age, and had a g rea t m any friends J, S9tt' M eyers, A lbert L. Peachey, C. F. Til- last night for a visit in Eugene. rates. B illings Agency. Phone 211. in the city. In te rm e n t was m ade in ~ 2 1-3 „ a c re s good ,i d i a rk ,.i to n ’ w - B P rach t (fo r Mrs. Mary ~ W. i | ---------- M ountain View cem etery. FOR SALE , s New B ra c h t), G o. M cW illiam s. E liz a b e th 1 F o r H er— A picture box of candy Miss Yeo R e tu rn s — ---------- soil. Several oak , , ‘ , A. S m ith , C a rte r L an d Co. (p e r E. V. at Rose Bros. The price is rig h t 91tfi Miss Eernice Yeo, d a u g h te r of Mr. I M erry C hristm as will soon be here. P a g e w ire fence on tw o -ides, in and Mrs. G. H. Yeo, o ’ Oak stre e t,! We have a full line of n u ts and can- C arter, P re s.) J. P. C hisholm , Claude city lim its. T erm s. Ow ner, L ou­ Miller. .1. It. M axedon, Paul Hpld, F .l R esidence and B usiness Lots— retu rn ed to A shland last night from dies a t th e rig h t prices. Plaza Mar- ise C. T aylor Box 66, R. F. D. W. York, Chas. A. Gray, Agnes M. • At half value. Now is th e tim e , E ugene, w here she is a stu d e n t at ket, 61 N orth Main. 83tf Have you ever asked yourself that question A shland. 90-6* Gray, Jan ies A. Cook, Bessie M .jto get bargains. Don’t w ait until ; the U niversity of Oregon. ------- -- after spending more money than you knew yon F()R SALE T urkeys, dressed or un-.C o o k . C. A. B urns, L illian Burns, W. j spring to buy. N uff Sed. Staples _______ Com ing for the H olidays— could afford? I t ’s not a selfish reflection; it’s dressed. George W. Nichols. , B- Be be> Mrs. w - B- Beebe, W. A. j R ealty Agency. 88"2 H-ghway P ro p e rty — ' Miss Mabel T ro tt is expected home Phone 18F2. 91. 5» i Cooper, Mrs. W. A. Cooper, R .i ---------- really your conscience entering a jirotest Some splendid property on P a c ific ; to n ig h t from D rain, w here she has ___________________________________ ; S cheidereiter A. Scheidereiter, J. C. i V isitin g in P o rtla n d — Highw ay betw een A shland and Med- ^ 6*11 teaching. Miss Nellie H ake will against waste. FO R SALE -20 ;»cre farm , s ocked p etit, Mrs. j . C. P e tit, O. D. Low.j Miss S arah W illiam son, one of the ford a t a ttra c tiv e price. S tap les' be hom e from Jacksonville, also. and equipped, on E ast Main stre e t. Mrs. M. M cW illiam s, Mrs. E lla B. city teach ers, left F rid a y for Port- SStf the Misses R uth and Alice Brown, R ealty Agency. You don’t feel that way when you put your F ran k Beswick R. F. D. box 1 7 6 .(M ills, C. Guy Crosley, Mrs. Susie land w here she will spend th e C h rist­ from C alifornia w here Miss R u t h ; money into an interest-hearing account. 92-6* R andles, T. T. R eeder, Jos. E. R an- m as holiday season. O ur X m as candy is hom e-m ade. has been teaching, and Miss Alice has j ------------------------------------------------- —— idles, Mrs. Millie Jensen, Mrs. Em m a 90tf a position as sten o g rap h er in San Plaza Confectionery. FO R SALE — Five room plastered Egke W iinam R oberts E m m a R ob. F ram ed pictu res for gifts. D arling Jose. house, sleeping porch, garage. ertg W m j K eeton Geo w G rant Studio. 90tf¡ L eaves for L ebanon— fru it house, lot 50 by 140. Cen-, w L Huxley< Amy L M oore, W. L. H ear “ Poppy J a d e ” at Ja ck so n ’s Miss Buena Tem ple, who is teach- R easonable. t rally located. ‘ S fdoore, O. J. R a th b u rn . Suggestions for HIM — One of ing in th e local schools, left yester- dance S aturday night. 93-3 92-eod-3*j Second stre e t. S etting fo rth th a t the said peti-i P a u lse ru d ’s ready-to-w ear su its or day for L ebanon, w here she will 90tf FO R S A I.E -A 11 kin d s o! household llon,‘rs ,h e »' »"'> ° 'coals Do not fail to look over th e doll ¡spend the C hristm as vacation. She: fu rn itu re . R easoneble „rices. M ust; « ' eyW ence ot tille repre-l sets a t th e N eedlecraft Shop. 80tf i will visit in P o rtla n d before re tu rn - f Home from P alo A lto — Ci'.l at ( I P sp n tin s a m ajo rity of the acreage lin g to the city. be sold th is week. a c ertain portion of land which is Miss Agnes D anford is now a t W ounded Man W as Robbed— V o - o N orth Main St. d jacent to th e boundaries of the home from Palo Alto, Calif. She P ete Sopoff, th e young R ussian.j Corae to th e Xm as hall. A rm ory, FOR SALE— T hree B arred Plym outh T alent Irrig a tio n D istrict and they has been teaching a t a g irls’ school. 94-2 who was found on Jackson bridge C hristm as night. I * Rock roosters, $3 each. 872 B St. do petition the Board of said D istrict Miss D anford will re tu rn a fte r th e , _______ n e a r M edford recently w ith a gun ( 93-6» for inclusion of all lands w ithin said holidays. C ra te r L ake pictures, 50 cents up. shot wound in his head, was the vic- _____________________ - b o undaries to be included and ad- 90(f tim of robbery, according to a story D arling Studio. FOR SALE OR TRADE— Reo ” 6’ niitted to said T alent Irrig a tio n Dis- Cliff Payne has Sprusteel ladders. told Chief of Police Tim othy. Though to u rin g car, A -l condition. T. F. tric t. The boundaries of th e body ¡he had ordered a d ra ft .u. for T« $900 New dance h its a t th e Jack so n 's H ere fio m A lbany College— ! I ie , lr t U ^ i u c k - u « w to ong w -jj j eny Gie iin p o rt ance of up-to-date ifre fighting a p p aratu s. 9 4-2* of land petitioned to be included in L o ck h art, 712 Boulevard. 93-3' Miss Grace Leslie arriv ed hom e ‘ t ° J i ^Por _ \ b.ank; The efficiency of*our fire d e p a rtm e n t m ust alw ays he m aintained. said irrig a tio n d istrict a re s itu a te d , dance S atu rd ay night, upon his person. He FOR SALE— Five foot glass show ¡th is m orning from Albany college for ' had ’ som e money ........ " Uz' in Jackson County, Oregon, and are was w alking in a “ ju n g le ” n ear the But a fte r all is done in- the way of p rep aratio n for fire fighting, th ere case . In q u ire P laza C onfectionery. F a t chickens and tu rk ey s for Xm as the holiday visit at her home, p a rticu la rly described as follows: 9 4-tf bridge when he was a tta ck e d . is a very large elem ent of ’ luck" in the resu lts, when it comes to a real b e g in n in g a t th e N orthw est cor- a t ihe Eagle Meat M arket. 9 3 -3 1 - ---------- I test. In the A storia co n flagration, th e fire loss was greatly increased by Business was good th is year. W e ner of Section 10, Twp. 39 S o u th .1 ---------- T roubled w ith W eak K idneys high wii»ds and b u rstin g w ater m ains; when the W ashington H igh School R ange 1 E a st; thence E ast 1555 ¡T ’ Leaves— ¡expect th a t of 1923 to he better. feet; thence south 555 feet; th en ce' ®r - B*shop, who has been testin g A shland C leaning and Dyeing W orks. “ Have been troubled w ith weak building burned a few weeks ago, a sw eeping fire would probably have so u th ______ 1260 dairy c °ws for tub ercu lo sis in this , Ladies w ork a specialty. Auto d e - i kidne>’s since childhood,” w rite s 1 destroyed a large section of P o rtla n d , if it had not been for a little rain east 420 feet; thence ____ _____ ----- 90-6 Mrs. G. Hyde, Benzonia, M ichigan, th a t came ju st in tim e to p rotect th is property. feet; thence east 1100 feet; thence J section of th e county for the past (ivery. P hone 63. “ Now p ast forty and have haJJ ter-: n o rth 1815 feet to a point on th e th re e w eeks, left today for P o rtlan d . n o rth lino of ra w Sec.ioa M i th en « ,! --------- ' ' O ------------------ --------- “ “ P° " ‘luck” ,<,r ,h e »' rres cleans clothes. .P hone 64.' r,b le backache and th a t tired out property, when you can get IN Sl'RA N C E THAT W ILL MAKE YOU SI RE. HOT W ATER HEATING SYSTEM in a so u th easterly direction follow ­ ____ — feeling, h ard ly able to do my work. C hristm as Ball! F a ir G rounds Call us today. For Sm all or L argo H ouses I By using Foley K idney P ills, accom-; ing the south hank of B ear C reek to Pavilion! S atu rd ay n ig h t, December TAKE OUR A D V IC E —USE Our New L ino o f H eating Stoves a point w here th e said south bank o f ; 23. A real holiday fun festival! ’ panied w ith Foley C ath artic T a b le ts ! Real Estate and Real Insurance A re Now In. B ear Creek in te rse c ts th e west prop-j Special favors, s tu n ts and p riz e s:. j I soon felt like a new p erson.” B ack-| E stablished 1883 ache, rh eu m atic pains, dizziness and e r \ - line of M arcus P T ru e; thence Real m usic! Everybody’s going! 94-2 south and east follow ing th e south J ---------- omv B a a iN G PQWOER i b lu rred vision a re sym ptom s of kid- JJ Main St Phone 211 and w est property lines of th e lands! N ational G uard b enefit ball, Ar- ! ney trouble. Foley K idney P ills give HOLMES GROCERY . owned by M arcus P. T rue, Jesse Neil, m ory, Xm as night. 94-2 quick relief. Sold everyw here. 89tf B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S I O N A L a Your Attention, Please Christinas Candies lor Less Nininger & Warner See Us for- Gifts that Please Men Local and Personal Our Assortment Complete CHENEy CAVAIS ITCHELL’ What Bid I Get Out of It? The Citizens Bank oí Ashland Ashland, Oregon Insurance to Make Sure In v estig ate our Ideal Arcola Provost Bros. CALUMET Billings Agency