Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, December 23, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    Saturday, December 23, 1022
Established 1876
The a n n u al m eeting of th e sto ck ­
holders of the A shland F r u it and ’
Produce A ssociation will be held i n '
the city hall A shland, Oregon, a t 2 j
p. m ., S aturday, J a n u a ry 6th, 1923
A full atten d an ce is desired.
A. C. BRIOGS, Mgr.
Every Evening
* The engei said unto them, Fear not:
for, heboid, I bring you good tidings of
great joy, which shall be to all people.
LOGAN, Editor
Entered at the Ashland, Oregon
Postoffice as Second-class Mall Mat
Æ y ^ éert -M oses
' $>
P o p u larity has m ore m oney <*>¡
I <3> in it th an fam e.
|<3> '
For unto you is born this day in the
city of David a Saviour, which is Christ
Grandchild Had Croupy Cough
"My g ran d sh ild could get no relief!
w hatever from a very bad croupy
cough,” w rites P e te r L andis, Mey­
ersdale, P a., “ u n til I gave him F o l­
ey’s Honey and T ar. It is a g rea t
help for chest and th ro a t tro u b le .”
Coughs, colds, croup, th ro a t, chest
and bronchial irrita tio n quickly re ­
lieved w ith F oley’s Honey and T ar.
C ontains no opiates — in g redients
p rinted on the w rapper. Stood the
of tim e serving th re e gen era­
tions. Sold everyw here.
the Lord.— Luke 2: 10. 11.
Ffiii I
The tru th has to be repeated <?>
i 3- m any tim es before it is believed. <♦>
| Bible Thoughts memorized, w ill prove a '
priceless heritage in after years.
T ake a bad th in g and m ake
l<§> it w orse, and the w orld will
* call you a ‘ re fo rm e r.”
for all grades and ages. Bring your
1 ,i>
Bible. M orning service a t 11 a. m. ♦
JESU S SA ID :— And I, if 1 be
The credit for m aking th e ■$> Subject, “ The Shepherds, th e Child
lifted up, will draw all m en unto
m ost noise lies betw een a m otor <♦> and the W ise M en.” Mid-week pray«:
me. Jo h n 12: 32.
cycle and congress.
e r m eeting W ednesday evening a ti Hero from Grants Pass—
A 7:30 o’clock.
The them e for con-j
R. L. B urdic Sr., of G ran ts Pass
You tak e m oney from o th e rs; <$> sideration is the “ Sm all E nem ies of is visiting in the city.
B. R. Greer
<»' oth ers tak e it from you; and <§> U sefulness.” T here will be no even-!
<$> this a rra n g e m e n t is given th e <£ ing service.
NOTE— This colum n is not
In its place will be B akery Goods—
w ritten in the spirit nf dogm atic
nam e of “ civilization.”
<¥> given a Vesper C hristm as program j G raham bread, rolls, hom e m adej
criticism . It rep re sen ts th e p er­
* |b y the Sunday sdiool a t 5 p. m. The m ince pie, cakes and cookies. Home
sonal views of the w riter on the
1)Ubiic is cordially invited to all»these ' B akery and R e sta u ra n t; 69 N orth
■ubjects tre a te d , and read ers i rfe
W. Judson Oldfield, m inis- Main.
expected to accept them with
w hatever reserv atio n s they like. <1> m arriag e licenses a re w hat • t er
In the m ain, it is ihe hope of the
<•> “ society’ will eventually de- 4
____________ Jack E nders Com ing—
w riter io do good. This tolum n
_ Jack E nders, son of H. G. E nders
is th e w rite r’s pulpit.
Being it
m ere laym an, ordained m inisters,
Subject for Sunday m orning, “ The
w in s Pend C hristm as day w ith
who have :;iven he ! ubject much
G uiding S ta r.” Subject for the e v e n -jkis fath e r. He will come over from
th o u g h t and investigation may ♦
“ They a in ’t m uch fun
ing, “ T he P ractical A spects of the M edfotd.
take :ssue with us on m any points.
<$>! C hristm as Id ea.” Sunday school a t
i n ' b u y in ’ C hristm as p res­
If vhey do, they are welcome io
I 9:45 a. m. Ju n io r C hristian E ndea-j
C ra te r Lake pictures, 50 cents up.
correct them from th e ir pul­ <S> en ts if you hev to go in
A vor at 3:45 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E. a t l D arling s tu d io -
These uerm onettes will in
no way open the colum ns of the
6:30. P ra y er m eeting, W ednesday,!
T idings to religious disp u tatio n .
7 :3 0 p. m. Topic, “ The Holy Spirit Nhoplifu™ B u s y -
Our view is th a t C h ristian ity is a
D uring the rush of s to p p e rs a t the
fa ith ,” not th a t em pty and lifeless in the Gospel of J o h n .” The C h rist-'
vital experience, not an intellect­ th in g th a t comes th ro u g h scientific m as program of th e Sunday schooi « holiday season, sh o p lifters have been
ual p h i l o s o p h y .
philosophy, dogm a creed and w orld- will tak e place th is (S a tu rd a y ) ev J active in the city. Am ong those r e ­
p o rtin g losses a re the E nders Com­
R egeneration comes to th e n a tu ra l ¡ ¡y know ledge. Such is b a rre n and ening prom ptly a t 7 o’clock.
pany who lost, am ong o th e r things,
m an as a g re a t m ystery— a m iracle ; un satisfacto ry . T here is no life in
rifles, several silk d resser scarfs
as It were. It is so sim ple, com- it. Religion is a grow th. R egenera-
Christian Church
o th er articles.
pared to th e complex philosophies of tion is an experience, an aw akening,
C orner of Second and B streets.
th e in tellect, th a t it is no less th an a living, vital thing.
John F. L eggett, m inister, 243 Moun-
Don’t neglect it. X m as vacation is
s ta rtlin g .
In the tw inkling of an
The new born babe begins to grow tf)¡n avenue
S unday school a t 10
your o p p o rtu n ity to have those pho­
eye the old m an has been born into in know ledge of the w orld about him a m
M orning w orship a t 11 a. m
tos m ade.
See our w ork. Studio
a new life— he experiences a power- only a fte r he is born into th e physi- g ubj ect “T h e Five T oints of the
ful, tra n sfo rm in g influence and s p ir-|c a l w orld. The new born sou, begins C hristinas S ta r.” C h ristian E ndea­
itu a l uplift.
The old th in g s are to grow in know ledge of the sp iritu a l vor a t 6:30. T he C hristm as program ,
passed away and he is fu ll of new w orld only a fte r he has been horn “ W hite G ifts fo r th e K ing,” will be Coming from W<cd—
M. M. G ault and fam ily, of Weed,
T ruly, th e th in g s he be- into it. Get th e new b irth first, then given a t 7:30 Sunday evening. The
will spend C hristm as w ith W.
fore loved, he now sees as a f e s te r - ! your grow th will be tow ard the sky, p ray er m eeting will be T hursday at
on Oak stre e t.
ing sore on his soul. The W ord of and th e fru it of th is new b irth will ?
m. The public is cordially in ­
God, before so d ark and m eaningless gladden and perfum e th e world vited to all these m eetings.
F o r sale a t N eedlecraft Shop, baby
is filled w ith new lig h t and m ean- a b o u t you, and lend charm and con­
doll sets, garden sets, bloom er suits.
ing, and he s ta rts , w ith joy, on a stancy to your life,
Methodist Episcopal Church
grow th in know ledge and u n d e r­
The Sunday school C hristm as pro-j
sta n d in g of sp iritu a l th in g s which
L et a m an once m ake a false move ¡g ram will he given S aturday evening! V isiting w ith C ousin—
before m eant n othing m ore th an rid-1
Miss T hela C arney, of Los Angeles,
at the edge of the abyss of public a t 7:30. At 9:45 Sunday m orning,
iculous su p e rstitio n .
He sees the
w ith her cousin, Miss R uth
In the Sunday school will m eet in reg u ­
w orld ab o u t him in a new gown__¡opinion, and he is lost forever.
He | spite of the fact th a t o th ers have la r session for th e study of the Osm un, over ih e holidays.
clhthed in beauty and glory.
. ..
sinned and been found ou t, and la te r C hristinas lesson. A C hristm as ser-j
sees his n eighbor in a d iffe re n t as- i bl“ UBU
W hy not have th a t photograph!
I „„ „ 1 “ cam e back, a m ovem ent is on foot ! mon by th e p asto r a t 11 o’clock. At
pect— even his enem ies. He lias a
1 this service the choir will sing, m ade w hile th e c h ild re n , are home
, , to n ..¡„hti,.
aia to ‘ prevent Roscoe ( F a tty
) Ar- Room *for~Thee/’ an d a q u a ’r te t’w ill! ^ r vacation? Studio A shland will
new goal,
and t is able
g h tlv dis-j
♦ »
iu,,i= .„ buckle from show ing any picture he
cern the narrow way th a t leads to u
ni*v m ake. The form er film come- sing “ A rise and Shine.” The young Please you
to his u under-,
And, above a ll *«
n d e r-J “ »-/
d ian has sta te d he intends to life a people will m eet a t 6:15 for th eir
sta n d in g , these w ords have a clear
A C hristm as Returns Homo fo.' Holidays—
1 fe beyond reproach and above any devotional m eeting.
Miss W ilm a C hattin who is at-
m eaning: “ Not by m ight n o r by.
c a n ta ta , “ a‘ Y
ories,” of will¡
pow er, but by My sp irit, saith t lie ! Cfcnsure Though
i n s tan
t “7'.3
O b v M ‘ em
a choir
40! tending the U niversity of Oregon a t
1 to do is to assist him m his new de- be given a t 7 .3 0 h> a cnoir 01 n t!
. . . .
E ugene, has re tu rn e d to A shland fo
.It is an experience, so
, .„„1,0
. .
; te rm in a tio n to live down and m ake voices. The chorus has been work
spend the hoi day vacation w ith her
m a r k e d a n d re m a rk a b le —so m yster-
ing h ard fo r several w eeks in pre
• rm in g — xi
ious and
tra n sfo
th a t x i~
h e ' am
am ends
enns for
101 th
m e o i past, , th ere a re too
m other, Mrs. C. W. C hattin.
»1 x» . m auv w illing to give th e under-dog p aring this special m usic for C hrist
vearns to have it come to all th? m auJ
m as eve, and some excellent m usic)
, ,
, In , it , lie sees ' onp
D arling
people o i the w orld.
one wiore
aiore hoot
oom. in th e w rong » diiec*
C rater Lake pictures.
the on,v m eans of estab lish in g rig h t tioa.
In the past
A rbnck e
a is prom ised. All a re cordialy invited :
to all th e m eetings a t the M ethodist Studio
relations w ith m ankind.
He sees b ro u g h t joy into the lives of many
society perm eated w ith h arm fu l self- tho u san d s by his actin g on the church. S. J. Chaney, m inister.
Will Plat New Townsite—
ishness, which brings su ffe rin g and screen, and w y preven
One hundred acres of governm ent i
T rin ity E p s c o p a l C hurch
woe. He sees th is selfishness dem - do«p g so in the f u tu r e . T h e r a
land in the n o rth end of C hiloquin,j
\ ...
black sin n ers in every com m unity , V icar the Rev. P. K. H am m ond.
o n stra tln g , in n atio n al life, in w ars as m aca sin n ers
east of the W illiam son riv er, will be
th e w orld as he. though they m anage to “ get H oly com m union a t 8 a. m. S u n d a y , .
a tow nSi.e lm m edlately.
and rum ors of w ars-
by” because th e ir d a rk needs have school a t 9:45.
M orning service
Q F red A B ak er, superin-
tu rn e d topsyturvy, stru g g lin g for a
and serm on a t 11. Monday being ten d e n t of the K lam ath Indian reser-
false and tra n sie n t goal.
He sees m i been b ro u g h t to light.
C hristm as day, services will be held ! vation. B aker has received in stru c ­
the continued stru g g le o i m ankind to
at 8 a. m. and 11 a. m. S tran g ers tions from W ashington to proceed at
free itself from th is th ralld o m
th ro u g h dead and b a rre n philoso- ’Tls C h ristm as Day— a glorious day. and visitors cordially welciffned.
i once w ith the p la ttin g of th e area,
phies and the fu tility of it a ll— m an A day of love, to rejoice and pray.
j He expects th a t it will be divided
atte m p tin g to reform him self in con- j A holy day, for it b rought our*Lord— ,
Rapt ist Chinch
into lots and ready for opening b y .
trad ictio n of all history of the race. The facts we prove by His tru e w o rd .: The W h ite Gift C hristm as w ith ap-'|s p rln g
He did not com prehend all th is be- It is the day when all the e a rth
j p ro p ria ,e exercises under the d ire c -; ----------
---- -------------------------
Now he has found th e fu n d a- W ill c eleb rate th e S aviour’s b irth . tion of M rs. v . O. N. Sm ith, and h e r | l i r u j |/|k in DC I IP U T
m ental— he is given a new view, a The W ise Men knew it from a fa r— corps of heipers w ill-he given a t the] n L n R lllU Ul
new consciousness, a new life— th e T heir guide we" call the "B ethlehem church to n ig h t, the 23d. The pub-J
vision or a new and proper relatio n
S ta r.”
lie is given a cordial inv itatio n t o . In v en to r Discovers W ay of 1 roducing
of m ankind, and he goes fo rth joy-
¡th ese exercises. “ The G reatest T hem e' W h iter L ight th a n E lectric from
K erosene Oil
fully to re a d jv /t him self to his new They b ro u g h t Him gifts of gold and Q, th e A ges;> serm on Sunday m orn- I
E vening evangelistic services
environm ent. Above it all, he fully j
m yrrh
Sunday I A new lam p has l/.cently been In
realixes his own insufficiency. His N aught was too good they had in and baptism
and vented which b u rn s comm on k ero -|
past experience clinches th a t.
now recognizes a new force behind They found Him in a m anger old— ! m em bers a re especially invited to be sene oil and produces a sott, w h ite,
the -n a tu ra l m an, th e intellect, the To them th e crad le seem ed like gold. preSPnt L et us m ake th is th e g reat-, light said to be even b e tte r th an ele c -(
reason creed, dogm a and philosophy it held a prize, O, d e a re r fa r
! est day of the y e a r. ju n io r B. Y. P. trie o r gas. T ests by the governm ent
and he feels m ightily hum bled in the T han m in ts or m ines or spoils of r & p m
Senior B Y. P. U. at 6. and leading universities prove this
face of it. The m ight of intellect
w ar—
T arry m eetings Monday and W ed- new light is su p erio r to ten ordinal.-
an d the pow er of know ledge did not It held a K ing— th e P rince of Peace. nesday evenings next week. P ra y e r o’.l lam ps. It b u rn s w ith o u t odor,
B. c. sm oke o r noise, is sim ple and econ­
brin g him to th is conscious sta te . So great H is reign will never cease. fQr th e gick a fte r services.
om ical, requires no pum ping up and
He realixes th a t it cam e th ro u g h con-
; M iller, m inister,
has been approved by the u n d e rw rit­
tac t w ith sp iritu a l pow er and recog- We th in k th e m essage of th e gift
nixes him self as a p a rt of the g reat W as “ Help the poor— th e weak up-
c h ,n.i>h of u h ris t, Scientist ers for insurance.
The inventor, V. M. Johnson,
sp iritu a l plan of th e universe. Sci-
P io n eer avenue South.
ence, m echanics, a rt, m usic, knowl- T his is God’s legacy to m an
1 services a t 11 o’clock. Subject of N. F ifth St., P o rtla n d , Or., is ot er-,
edge ta k e s on a new m eaning, and B equeathed to us bv His g rea t P lan. le3son «‘C hrist Je su s.” Sunday school »ng to send one of these new lam ps
■ ’ Ore.
-E lizabeth Yockey, A shland.
o ’clock. W ednesday evening on ten days free tria l, or even give
his h e a rt is in tu n e w ith th e ry th m
m eetings a t 8 o'clock. R eading room one to the first user in each locality
of n a tu re and the solace and power
open daily from 2 u n til 5 p. m.. ex- who will help him introduce it. W rite
of it. He has contacted w ith c re­
him today for p a rticu la rs. Also ask
cept Sundays and holidays.
ative tho u g h t and action, beyond the
him to explain his agsncy proposi-
lim its of intellect and reason. He
— adv.
F r u it cake and m ince m eat tim e 13 tio p -
has come into a real experience,
Catholic Cliurch
! here. F o r citro n , orange and lem on
conscious and sublim e. The sp iritu a l
peel, raisin s, c u rra n ts, figs, spices,
w orld has becom e a rea lity to his
soul. He has been tran sfo rm ed from th e C atholic church, beginning a t 12 3ngar, etc., D etrick ’s G roceteria sells
a dead n a tu ra l m an to a live sp irit- p. m. the night of D ecem ber 24th. ;or iess.
ual en tity . And surely as the sun Services will be held C hristm as day j — — — —
- -
Safety blades resharpened
shines b rig h t th ro u g h a cloudless sky a t 8:30 o'clock and 10 o’clock in the
like new. Single bit, 3Of
so will th e lig h t of his sp iritu a l h e ri-| m orning. F a th e r Conaty.
doz. Dobule bit, 60c do?
tag e shine th ro u g h him , b rig h te r a
brighter to the perfect day.
First Congregational Cluirch
C hildren’s W o rk A
B ro th er get the experience th a t
B oulevard and Main stre e t. Sun-
com es th ro u g h “ ju stifica tio n by day school a t 9:45 a. m ., w ith classes
JV Ierpy
C h ris tm a s
M a y j t find you w ith
A song in your h e a rt,
A sm ile on your lips
And a burden of kindness
To sh are with those who
Touch shoulders with you.
Ashland Laundiy Co.
W irt M. W rig h t, Owner
le -
nutiount ¿picture
jop oj Nets) ¡Jork,*
McNair Bros.
1.50-Xm as D in n e r d e Luxe-1.50
Christinas Bookstore
-------------------------------- at t h e --------------------------------
Depot Hotel
Flow ing Gold .......................... $2.00
By Rex Beach
Cappy Ricks R e t i r e s ............ $2.00
By P e te r B. Kyne
The Tale of T riona ’. .............. $2.00
By W illiam J. Locke
Babbitt .................................
By the a u th o r of Main S treet
In the Days of Poor R ichard $2.00
By Irving B acheller
T o-the L ast M a n .................... $2.00
By Zane Grey
The B reaking P oint ............ $2.00
By Mary R in e h a rt
The Shadow of th e E a st . . $1.00
By th e a u th o r of The Sheik
G entle Ju lia ............................ $1.75
By Booth T arkington
M c N a ir Bros.
Chilled Celery
R adishes
O yster Cocktail
Cream of Corn
Crab M eat au G ratin
Young Oregon T urkey— C ranberry Sauce
Celery D ressing
M ashed P otatoes
Browned Sw eets
C ream ed C auliflow er
G arden Peas
Tom ato and L ettu ce— M ayonnaise D ressing
E nglish Plum P udding— H ard Sauce
P um pkin and Apple Pie
H ot Mince P ie— Cheese
F ru it
N uts
R aisins
Ripe Olives
W ishing All O ur Friends
A Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
The Automotive Shop