• -I A shland D aily ♦ ASHLAND CLIMATE, w unoui • «> the aid of medicine, cures nine <§• # cases o u t of ten of asthm a. <$> This is a proven fact. 3 ❖ MALARIA GERMS cannot snr- <$> vive th re e tionfhs in th e rich ozone at A shland. The pure do- <$* m estic w ater helps. • ♦ £ > (International News Wire Service) VOLUME 4 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1922 (Successor to th e Sem i-W eekly T idings, Voi. 43) »' £* •? *S> 4> '*> ® No. 95 ® SOME SMOKER COMING EVENTS R i J ty TWO DAYS UNTIL CHRIST­ MAS. SHOP TONIGHT. STARTS SELLING IN CAPITOL DECI.ARED RU E IN CHARGES BY KANSAN ¿ I D ecem ber 24— C hristm as can ­ ta ta . M ethodist church. D ecem ber 25, Monday — C hristm as Day. D ecem ber 25— C hristm as ball benefit 484th com pany, Arm ory. Monday Ja n u a ry *1. 1923. J a n u a ry 1-5— W eek of prayer in A shland churches. <•> ■«* <$• <$> <•> $> <$ <§> *$> Q> *$> «s IM I 11 W , Wfcs, ¿ fe ! A SHERMAN, Texas, Dec. 23. — Som ething new in the way of “ w orld's reco rd s.” W illiam P itts was the recip- ient of a m eerschaum pipe as a gift from a friend in 187 8. He has been a constant devotee of the weed ever since, hut has never perm itted a n o th e r pipe to touch his lips. He estim ates th a t he has sm oked a ton of to- bacco in the one pipe. • • • • *i> • • PENDING INQUEST AROUSES MER ROUGE AND CRISIS EAST APPR O A t HES LOÜSIANIA GOVERNOR ORDERS MANY ARRESTS BORAH’S PROPOSITION BRINGS SENATE BREACH 5 Qm -tioi' Gt W hether A m erica Should Aid E urope in R igh ting A ffairs Is! A ired and Brings About Split Ann.nt' Lawm akers. G uaidsnicn Patrol S treets to Main­ tain G d e i ; Town Divided Into Two F ee:io n s; P o sitiv e Idm itifiea- ti<- Not Yet Made by P ath ologist a feSsRi 09887935 WASHINGTON. Dec. 2.3.— A con-| MER ROUGE La., Dec. 23.— W ith gressional investigation of alleged! an inquest soon to be held over the Y* ; < «&V985 dry violation in the shadow of th e ; bodies of W att Daniels and T hom as I®? An excellent program was hroad- capitol is th re a te n e d as a resu lt of j In view of the union services R ichards, an om inous situ a tio n is ! cast 1 from sta tio n K. P. A. Y. from charges th a t th ere is an open tra ffic , , 1 C hristm as day, the B aptist church is believed im m inent here. » , • . .9 o'clock u n til 10 o’clock last night. in forbidden intoxicants am ong civ-, Tow nsfolk here charge th a t the ! planning on special services of an ... . , , . Am ong th e num bers w ere the Ma- llians, congressional m em bers and , , Ku KIux K ian m urdered the m en, : excellent n a tu re at the church this governm ent officials. p estic o rch e stra and two vocal selec-! ¡evening. R ecitations, songs, a ser- w hi,e Bm-trop, seat of the pari h gov­ I C harges th a t bootleggers in v a d e d ; l b ’,ls b? {,<(n-ge W ilson, e rn m e n t is pro-klan. The feeling ! mon story by the pastor, Rev. M iller, C hristinas n ig h t, frill 9 to 10. wilt th e co rridors of the sen ate ’r. search! cre a te d is serious betw een , lie k lan ¡and a C hristm as tree are planned, of C hristm as tra d e led to an open ho booster n ig h t for so u th ern O re­ and an ti-k lan factions. At least 20 i Follow ing is the program : d eclaration of w ar iron. 3en.it j i Cur-j gon. a rre s ts are expected through Gover­ I Piano Prelude Mayor C. E. G ates, of M edford, tis, K ansas republican, ch airm an of nor P a rk e r’s activities. N ational ‘ Song by S c h ta l— 96 in Hym nal 80S« will talk to the to u rists of the United th e sen ate rules com m ittee h v has guardsm en a re patro llin g the stre e ts. ! G r e e ti n g s ............ . . E dw ard M iller issued o rd ers to the senate police to S tates, telling them of C ra te r Lake,! D epartm ent of ju stice operatives ! Soag “ C hristin as” . . P rim ary Dept. a rre s t on sight every m.«a detected the Josephine caves and of ou r var-, ¡S crip tu re R eading . . Lucile G illm ore who have been w orking on the case e ith e r carry in g liquor, selling or s o -1 ions o th er lakes and stre a m s He for th ree m onths, say th a t finding of i P r a y e r ................................. Rev. Finch licitin g for it. i wi11 be assisted by the C rater L ake, th e m issing bodies furnished the Music— “T h e re ’s a B eautiful S ta r” “ No am ount of poP tico’. influence m ale q u a rte t, ensisting of C. A .1 Choir m ss' n S link in a chain of evidence B will save th e m an caught violating M eeker, first ten o r; A. J. MacDon-1 “ A C hristm as F a iry ” | th a t bas long fceen nearly com Ple te ‘ R ecitation- th e prohibition law ii the c a p ito l," , ough, second ten o r; H. A. Canady,! Thelm a Cole P athologists a re expected to deter- b a rito n e; A. L. G ronian, basso. C u rtis said. ! R e c i t a t i o n ’ ." F ra .m il O’Neal m ine by an exam ination of the ton- F o u r pieces will be given, fol- , i Music——“ S ta r of the E a s t” . Q u artet 8«es of the m en. w h ether they were WASHINGTON, Dec. 23. —S en ato r lowed by individual solos, as follows: i throw n into the lake alive and tied R ecitations— “ Laugh and Sm ile” In the G arden of the Gods,” te n o ri ' B o rah ’s proposal th a t H arding call i . . . to heavy w eights, or w hetlier they Luella Gale W arsham .......... an in te rn a tio n a l economic confer-; solo, C. A. M eeker. ..................... C arlton W illiam s w ere m urdered first. ence has split wide open th e old sen- “ L ittle M other of M ine,” tenor Positive identification lms not yet “ A G ift” ................. M illicent P eters ate group of “ irreconcilihles,” which solo, A. J. M acDonough. School been m ade. The men w ere k id n ap ­ ¡Song— 92 in Hym nal fought the league of nations. ' “ Holy C ity.” barito n e solo, H. A. ped last A ugust by arm ed end m ask ­ O. F. Carson ! R em arks for O ffering S enators Johnson of C alifornia Canady, ed men. They were t iken to the O ffering and La P o llette of W isconsin who Mrs. II. A. Canady will give a sh o rt woods and horsew hipped in an e ffo rt Exercise— “ The Newborn K ing” w ere b itte r opponents of the Ver- m usical recitatio n . P rim ary Dept. to m ake them adm it killing the fo r­ sailles tre a ty , have declared them - The concludin n um ber will be a m er m ayor of the town. The men de- A utom obile Is S tolen — , M isses E hrke Now Home— > R eturns from Yreka— Solo— ‘ Silent N ight Holy N ight” selves as u n alterab ly opposed to violin solo, “ C ra te r L ake M arch,” b y ' ned it, and, according to the story, A Chevrolet to u ring car, the prop- The Misses Lillian and Florence Miss Nell P urvis re tu rn ed from Lucile R eeder A m erica sittin g down w ith E urope p ro f. E. C. Root of the Root Music . --------- one of them to re o 'f a k lan sm an 's at a conference table Both will at- com pany, com poser of th is selection, j e' y of Fred P a tto n ’ ™ *<>»«» early E h rk e, who have been atte n d in g the Yreka, F riday evening, w here she Serm on St o r y - “ The F irs t C hrist T ree Rev M iller m ask and im m ediately recognized St irtin»- S atu rd ay aftern o o n , and tb ls n io rn in S from in fro n t of the Soutlierlin academ y near Roseburg, has been doing nu rsin g for the p ast; m as W atso n '’ B uliana republican, also' a * f e w d a v r follow ing a p ro g ra m ' P’aCe w here he was «taying on Me- are home d u rin g the holiday vaca |tw o m onths. '¡S olo— “The L ittle Lord Je su s’ „ said to have him. Both victim s a ie St H BB A S H L A N D N E W S IN P A R A G R A P H tQ cham c stre e t. The m achine was tion, to spend C hristinas w ith th e ir V tir.e r C arson Home— Nelson Miller been killed for fe a r c apprehension. parked a fte r m idnight last night, b ut i p aren ts, M r.-and Mrs. W alter E h rk e, V erner E. Carson, son of Mr. and Exercise _ “ Gold, F rankincense EAST AND W EST TO SETTLE when P a tto n went to get it th is j of Iowa stre e t. ¡M rs. O. F. Carson, who has been em- and M yrrh” FOOTBALL CHAM PIONSHIP m orning it had disappeared. The p Gltiand W oman Here— ployed in the division en g in e e r’s de- R ecitation— “ W hat I ’d Do” . . . . police were notified and a descrip-l Mrs. May A ustin arriv ed in Ash-1 Pa rtm e n t of the Southern Pacific, at .......................... V irgil Em m ens E ast may be east and west he west, tion of the m achine sent out. land this m orning from P o rtla n d , to O akland, Calif., has retu rn ed to the D ecoration of C hristm as Tree. i as th e poet eaid, b u t “ never the tw ain C. E. to Meet Sunday— ¡spend the holidays with friends and city to spend the holidays w ith his clo sin g Song ¡shall m eet” is a m istake. The e a st C h ristian E ndeavor a t th e P re sb y -' relatives. parents. He will re tu rn to his posi- closing P ra y er PLAY PRESENTED BY : will m eet the w cRy rer c a rrie rs and ALL par- T he P resb y terian Sunday school w o rk s During; Vacation.— i Mrs. C laire M inard of the Plaza | grew to m anhood. ball a t its best on the co; because Jo. Not know ing how to e n te rta in celg w in be delivered, will hold th e ir C hristm as e n te rta in Edw in Mowat is spending his va- confectionery, is very ill. The serv- He was m arried in 1871 to S arah they could use the agricu ral col- g irls they fix up one of th e cow-- R u ra l c a rrie rs will m ake th e ir m ent this evening a t 7 o” clock. A n rettv n roeram hv the children will c a t:° n at his old Position in the post ices of a tra in ed nurse have been Adeline F rench, who died in 1897. lege field, stadium , arm ory and gvni- boys as an old m aid for chaperon, a s, ]pguiar trip s on M onday. p ie n y program oy m e e n u n ren w in . . . necessary. ........... ...... *...« ,i-----1, nns um , hoenn«» thov v w m anted tf.il m found ¡Of this union th ere were two (laugh- nas.um because the> to the m atro n of the ranch is sick. Then Banks will be closed in observance foe given. The choir will have spe- office. He is a senior a t O. A. C. Miss P eters to R eturn — te rs born, Ellen D. and M yrtle E. strik e as near the cen ter of popula- com es a general m ix-up. as the fe l- ;Of th e dav as w in cjty offices, cial C hristm as num bers a t the serv- i,u e s l «t “ Sap and Salt Miss Zada P eters, of P o rtla n d , will Mr. H am m ond had moved to the Pa- tion as possible, and because, th e ir low does not play J iis p a rt as the ice orrow em em ber, th e C Miss R oberta W ard was anion; - ' IH tom lOlIUJI I O Yv . • J R tv cllltilllUtil» Lilt? V 1 hrist-! 11 lb I “ - _ I /./-ill IJTVTl 'f. m as offering Sunday m orning at the th e guests of Jesse W inhurn a t “ Sap arriv e hom e Sunday m orning to ciflc coast a year before the death coach he ng an o d W hitm an grail. old m aid a u n t of Hal H all. The j Sundav school service i and S a lt” la st night. spend C hristm as w ith h er p aren ts, of his wife. they w anted to ke s d o - ■ to W al- whole play is a ' ’sc re a m '' from be­ DORAN L E I’TV RE GIVEN UNDER DIFFICULTIES Sunday 8Ch° o1 8erV1Ce Mr. and Mrs. S. A. P eters Sr. In 1900 he m arried Sadie Middle- la W alla as possible. ginning to end. ____ . Webster W ertz Injured— V isit ng from K lam ath F alls— ton, a t R ichfield, W ash., who lived - The cast was as follows: A fair sized audience greeted J. L. W ebster W ertz, form er night po- C harles M cW illiam s, of K lam ath w ith him for 17 years, a t which tim e BUSINESS MEN ARE ENJOYING Bill ...................... F red erick Johnson Doran at th e Civic club building last lice officer, who is now w orking ot F alls, arrived today to be m i over- her d eath occurred. On Septem ber A TH LETIC (L A SS E S WEEKLY P e t e ....................................E a rl N u tte r n ig h t to h e a r his lecture, “ Man ini th e S outhern Pacific round house, j C hristm as v isitor a t the hom e of his 23, 1918, he m arried Mrs. Jennie ---------- Shorty ...................... George Johnson the M aking.” U nfortunately, the was seen lim ping aro u n d th e city ¡p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. McWil- Spindler, of th is city, who survives .N early 25 business, professional Cowboys electric c u rre n t in the b uilding had today as a resu lt of ru n n in g a n a il, Hams, 126 C hurch stre e t. him. and office men are m eeting twice a Mr. H all, ow ner of th e r a n c h . . . no: been properly ad ju sted for use th ro u g h his foot while w orking y e s -! __________________ F o r a g reat m any years Mr. Ham - week a t the norm al school w here John C hurchm an ‘ ill stereoptican m achines, as th re e terd a y aftern o o n . He expects to mond was engaged in the real estate they have fixed up the old gym nas- Mrs. H all, his w ife. . . . F ran cis P ra tt ' . , light globes w ere burned ont w ithout re tu rn to w ork next week. MANY TEACHERS TA KE EXAMS buginess> and was a m em ber of th e ium and installed show er b ath s and H al Hall, th e ir son . . . Paul K oehler & ° 3 ! AT JACKSONVILLE TH IS YY’E E K A q \v . for a num ber of years. put in a th le tic equipm ent. R egular success, so tire lectu re was delivered Mr. and M rs. Moses Leave Mrs. K err, cook and m atron a t w ithout the slides. " i Mr. and Mrs. B ert Moses, of “ Sap, ---------- ' Besides his wife, he is survived by m eeting nights are Tuesday and F ri- th e ranch . . . . K ath erin e P ra tt T eachers’ exam inations a t Jack - Qne daugbter> M yrtle E. Spalding and day, though m em bers are privileged The lectu re was good. The speak- and S a lt,” left this m orning in th eir Mrs. Becker, a neighbor ............ er had gone deeply into th e la te r car fOr a two or th re e m o n th s’ trip ; , BALTIMORE, Md., Dec. 23.— A sonville this past week a ttra c te d " a g ran d -d au g h ter, Mrs. Mabie Cul- to use th e gym nasium w henever they ............................... M ary M cKendrie ver, of O akland, Calif. In addition desire. Those feeling in need of a d ­ Josephine B arber discoveries which tend to show th a t th ro u g h C alifornia. They have no five dolia r bill handed t0 pay a m eal m any applicants for certificates. Gene m an as he is today is the resu lt of d efin ite plans, but will proceed lets-; check in a dow ntow n re s ta u ra n t, has Am ong those who took the exami- bg jeaveg several g reat-g ran d ch ild ren ditioual exercise or recreation are Cecil .......................... M ildred Beeson naiioils w ere: and a host of friends to m ourn his,w elcom ed to join the organization, j o ..........‘........................ Eileen N u tter evolution, and Mr. D oran, in his u reiy down tow ard San Diego, and been identified as a p a rt of th e haul j A com m ittee has been placed in pleasing m anner is able to convey p erhaps rem ain th ere a good p art of m ade by the Denver b an d its. The -Mss Hazel Neese, Miss E laine loss G irls related to Mrs. Becker The rem ains are a t the H. C. Stock charge of the club, consisting of V. his th o u g h t perfectly to the m ind of t he tim e w hile away. Mr. Moses will cashier was so busy she did not note ^odd, Miss M ildred Million, Miss — Rogue News. th e a u d ito r. One m ay not ag ree w ith vjsR aR new spapers en route in th e th e serial n um ber u n til a fte r giving L illian K. Reed, of A shland, Mrs. u n d e rt a king parlo rs and funeral ar- O. N. Sm ith, Carl D arling and H om er the conclusions of th e e v o lu tiriiists. in te rest of his ‘ Sap and S a lt.” The the custom er his change and o th ers F va Collins, Mrs. H ugh Jones, Miss r a n genien ts have not yet been com- Billings. HOLLY REPLACES MISTLETOE L aura Cook, of Jacksonville; Miss plated. It was tho u g h t probable FOR YULET1DE K ISSE S but we m ust adm it th a t Mr. Doran ¡nt e n tion is to re tu rn to A shland had stepped up in line. Theoue C arkin, Mrs. Ina R. P ursel, thege woul(, b0 delayed> pending the AGED COUPLE MADE HAPPY _______ has gotten to g eth e r about ev ery th in g a b0Ut A pril 1, 1923. ______ WHEN CLERK FINDS MONEY CHICAGO. Dec. 23. — H oliday new o i the subject in a very in te rest- H ere fpom o, o _ SANTA F E , New Mex., Dec. 23.— Mrs. H ow ard G. King, Mrs. E lvine a rriv a l of some of th e fam ily, and kisses will be expensive to anyone ing way Miss Lillie Poley, a senior a t the Police today a rre ste d seven men in F lury, of M edford; Mrs. M artha E. tfaat jn t erm en t would be m ade Tues- SEATTLE, Dec 22.— H alf an hour who feels he needs a valid excuse for He prom ised, late r, to have his U niversity of Oregon, arriv ed last ev- a "large autom obile bearing a Colo- P o rte r, Gold H ill; Mrs. Ida W est, day or W ednesday. < a fte r Thom as R ussell, city health ! rado license. They were taken into E agle P o in t; Mrs. Anna Carte, Rogue K la n te rn a d ju ste d to th e c u rre n t con- e pin g for th e vacation period. em ploye found bills to ta llin g close M istletoe favorite sh ru b of the ditions of th e building and repeat v Y'teited is ite d Mi*. I custody, suspected of being connect- River, Miss Mayme P. T ucker, B utte TAXI DRIVERS UNIONIZE M i*. JUms— Nlms— to $400 in the m ire, he retu rn ed Mrs. Jam es T. R ogers, of Santa ed w ith th e $200,000 federal reserve Falls. tim id, is scarce, and sells th is year th e lectu re w ith th e slides, MONTREAL, Dec. 23.— Taxicab them to a weeping old couple, near- Cruz. Calif., who has ben visiting bank robbery in Denver last Mon- ■ ' for 50 cents a pound and up. d rivers here have form ed a union ing a breakdow n from the loss. Tho P o rtla n d — In spite of ftx super M erchants o u t of m istletoe, how- The forest service will build 58 w ith Mrs. C. W. Nims, retu rn ed to day. The men claim Denver as th e ir hom e b u t deny all know ledge of the visors cut of $94,753, taxes will rise by which they hope to stan d ard ize old m an said it was t i e on j ever, insist th a t holly will serve the miles of road a t a cost of $83,000 in h er hom e today. Mrs. Rgoers for he had. sen sational hold-up. 5 m ills. ! wages. purp o se ju st as well. W allow a county next year. ( m erly resided in A shland. » i l l opposes the idea. P oindexter of ‘ will be given from 2:30 o’clock W ashington, an o th e r form er “ irre-, 5 ; 3Q o’clock. concilible,” tak es issue with Borah ---- ------------------ — — on the necessity for A m erica taking th e in itia tiv e in p ersuading E urope to set its house in order. POSI-OFFICE open ; CALLED B¥ DEATH /ill POLICE EEL CLEWS L z \ ! r > 1» r ,1