ASfiLAftft DAILY TIDINGS PAGE FOUR Friday, Novem ber 22, 1022 5S5= M asquerade Ball! F a ir G rounds Miss Mabel R ussell has sold her Pavilion! W ednesday, D ecem ber 27. H arold Stone, a senior a t th e Ore­ 94-4 gon A g ricu ltu ral college, a t Corval- fo rest fire pain tin g to Mr. and Mrs. D on’t m iss it! R obert P rosser, of Los Altos, Calif. ______________________________i lis, has re tu rn ed to th e city for hi» _______ * holiday vacation. He is a m em ber TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Back from M cM innville— D ance P avilion to d o s e — oi L w ad* c h i A lpha fra tern ity . FOR RENT— T hree room furnished F red K oehler, son of Rev. and T he big am usem ent pavilion a t the a p a rtm e n t, five blocks from post Mrs. K oehler, re tu rn e d from Mc­ fair grounds will close J a n u a ry 1 fot Tttxl Mar, R e tu rn s office. A dults on:y. 326 N orth th e rem a in d e r of th e w in ter season 11 M. P o tte r, one of the ......... J,1i, M innville th is m orning w here he has Main. 94-2 and will not re-open u n til next m en, has retu rn ed from San Francis-1 been a tte n d in g L infield college. Fred spring, according to an announce- co w here he had tak e n a passenger, entered college^ th is last fall, and FOR SALE OR TRADE— Reo " 6 ” will re tu rn a fte r the holidays. m ent ju s t m ade by th e m anagem ent.. to u rin g car, A -l condition. T. F. The closing will be m arked by th ree U niversity S tu d en t B ack— L o ck h art, 712 Boulevard. 94-2* Come to the Xm as ball, A rm ory, big dances d u rin g the holiday sea- Ivan Phipps, who has been a tte n d - 94-2 FOR SALE— Five foot glass show son, th e C hristm as ball, S atu rd ay ing th e U niversity of Oregon a t E u- C hristm as nig h t. case . Inquire Plaza C onfectionery. n ig h t, th e H oliday m asque ball W ed- gene, retu rn ed to A shland la st n ig h t 94-tf M rs. Low e to Ix*ave— nesday n ig h t, DecenAJer 27, and th e to spend th e holiday recess. Mrs. Jam es Lowe will spend the New Y ear’s ball, S aturday, Decent- ---------- her 30. C hristm as Ball! F a ir G rounds w inter with her siste r * Mrs. A. D. ---------- Pavilion! S atu rd ay n ig h t, December Jillson, at 4 32 V ista stre e t. T urkey w ith T rim m ings— 23. A real holiday fun festival! E a t jlur C hristm as d in n er a t th e Special favors, s tu n ts and prizes! C hristm as G reetings— T H E TH EA T ER BEAUTIFUL Get your fru it cake, m ince pies, ‘ R eal m usic! Everybody’s going! 94-2 Hom e B akery, 69 N. Main. TODAY AND TOMORROW pum pkin pies, cream puffs, a t the Home B akery, 69 N. Main. L ocal A rtist S ells P ictu re— Back from O. A. C.— Local and Personal Season’s Greetings Thanking Our Friends for their Patronage during the Year 1922, and wishing them One and All Xm as night. Ball, A rm ory, Leste:' P h illip s R eturns— L e ste r P hillips, who has been w orking in C alifornia, will be hom e for the holidays, v isiting w ith his m other Mrs. Lena P hillips, of 1068 E ast Main stre e t. MERRY CHRISTMAS and N ational G uard benefit ball. A r­ m ory, X m as night. - 94-2 HAPPY NEW YEAR Soup Chicken Soup— Cheese Dum plings Salad F ru it Salad •will help to have the Xmas Bread find Cake .just right Call for it at your grocer: Entrees R oast T urkey— C ranberry Sauce Stewed C hicken— Home Made Noodles F ast Side Grocery Holmes Grocery II. B. Plummer Dennis Grocery Wolcott Grocerv Vegetables M ashed P otatoes Cream ed C auliflow er Sweet Potatoes C ream ed Parsnips Dessert Plum Pudding Hot Mince Pie P um pkin Pie Apple Pie —Also— ‘‘TORCHY’S FEUD” C()NFE( ’T1OX ARY AX1 > M USICAT, Poultry Feeds SPECIAL! SUNDAY ONLY Eggs Mashes and feeds fed the poultry during the eold winter months should be of the best quality. You are sure of good results bv using Cherro Feeds. Santa Claus will visit the , INSTRUMENTS SONORAS EDISONS 1.50-Xmas Dinner de L uxe -1.50 at the Depot Hotel Admission, 10 and 35c A Big Christmas Program Sunday Matinee Vining Theatre and bring a boy and girl here. . I A Big Christmas Tree Too Dennis Grocery W olcott’s Grocery U. B. Plummer Ripe Olives Soup —If you want her to love you the rest of your life, get her an parcel in his pack for every An Extra Special Program Call for them at Relishes R adishes O yster Cocktail Ripe Olives —Follow Rose, the sea-waif, through the currents of a strange, glittering society— through adventure, intrigue drama, romance, from which she emerges as an unexpect­ ed wife. CHERRO Chilled Celery Celery $1.00 R IG Rose Bros. VICTROLAS CHEERO Flour PORT SHASTA XMAS DINNER Relishes The Best for Her— C hristm as 94-2 R e tu rn to Corvallis— A. C. K eller and fam ily, who have been visiting in th e city d u rin g the past few days, have re tu rn e d to th eir hom e in Corvallis. S1.00 ELECTRIC SWEEPER-VAC —Nothing better for a Christmas Gift. —Come in and see how fine it works. M u r p h y E le c tr ic S h o p Admission, 10 and 35c ON THE PLAZA Cream of Corn ASHLAND, OREGON TELEPHONE 82 Fish C rab M eat au G ratin Roast fD e rry C h r is tm a s Young OregoA T urkey— C ranberry Sauce Celery D ressing I wish to tak e this o p p o rtu n ity to th an k my m any friends fo r th eir Vegetables M ashed P o tato es Brow ned Sweets C ream ed C auliflow er G arden Peas past p atro n ag e, and extend them a M erry C hristm as and Happy New Y ear Salad MRS. J. H. SUGG, MILLINER T om ato and L ettuce— M ayonnaise D ressing Dessert E nglish Plum P u dding— H ard Sauce P um pkin and Apple Pie H ot Mince Pie— Cheese F ru it Cheese N uts R aisins Coffee Tea Milk FIRST QUALITY MEAT Choice Steaks—per lb....................................................20c Chuck Steaks—per lb....................................................15c Roasts—per lb..................................................... 14 to 18c Boil and Soup Meat—per lb........................... 10 to 12%c Christmas Sale GREETING 10 ALL This Store wishes One and All a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. We also want to thank our many customers at this time for their patronage during the part of 1922 we have been in your city. Our aim for the New Year is the same as ever— Courteous Treatment to Our Customers, Lowest Possible Prices on Merchandise of Quality, and the Very Best Service. FOURTH STREET MEAT MARKET E. B. Decker, Prop. ---------------- OF ----------------- Furs Wishing All Our Patrons and Friends a What could give more delight and real comfort than a Gift of a Fur Neck Piece? Merry Christmas and a Happy And what could you find that would give more for vour monev invested than these Furs as they are now priced! EAST SIDE MARKET Elliott & Kerby One Day More to Do Your Christmas Shopping WE WILL SERVE A W e have a nice line of Presents to choose from, for the shoppers who were unable to do their shopping at an earlier date. These goods are all displayed, so it is a very easy m atter to make your choice, and our Sales Force can give you quick service at this late date. $ 6.00 Black Coney Chokers—now ............$ 4.95 $ 7.50 Imitation Fitch ( ’linkers— now.. ..$ 5.95 $ 7.50 Large Black Coney Chokers—now .$ 5.95 $11.50 (trey Stpiirrel Chokers—now ......... $10.00 $14.75 Genuine Fitch Chokers—now ....... $12.50 $20.00 Mink Choker—n o w ............. •........... $17.50 $14.50 Brown or Black W olf Scarf—now $11.50 $19.50 Brown Wolf Scarf—now ................ $17.50 $24.00 Black Wolf Scarf—now ................ $20.00 $25.00 Large Black Coney Scarf—now. .$18.75 $25.00 Black Wolf Scarf—now .................$21.00 $27.50 Taupe Wolf Scarf—n o w ................$24.50 $30.00 Black Wolf Scarf—n o w .................$26.50 $35.00 Brown Wolf Scarf—now ...............$29.75 $40.00 Brown Fox Scarf—n o w ...................$34.50 $69.50 Taupe Fox Scarf—n o w ...................$49.50 $85.00 Brown Fox Scarf—n o w ...................$64.50 New Year Turkey Dinner with trimmings on Xmas Day WISHING OUR FRIENDS A MERRY CHRISTMAS Gifts for the Men —Ties, Handkerchiefs, Etc. Hose, Shirts, Gifts for the Ladies —Hadkerchiefs, Gloves, Boudoir Caps., Etc- and HAPPY NEW YEAR The Woman’s Store— —Buy Her Gifts Here Home Bakery and Restaurant 69 NO. MAIN ST. TH E GO LD EN R U LE