ASHLAND D A lL l TWIN G& LVday, November 22, 1922 PAGE THREE 9B9 B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L One cent th e w ord each Unie. NOTICE OF BOND SALE PHYSICIANS. Notice is hereby given th a t sealed DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— PractiC' bids w ill be received by the board lim ited to eye, ear, nose ant th ro a t. Office hour», 10 to 12 ant u ntil Tuesday, J a n u a ry 2 1923, a t 2 to E. Sw edenborg Bldg., Ash 10 o’clock a. m ., at the office of the land. Ore 78-t Board oi D irectors of th e Gold H ill DR. J. j . IMMENS-—P h y slc'an an get som e cracklins 3 cents d in n er will add to its richness, Get per pound. P laza M arket. 8 5 tf ) Miss Leach to Return— them a t th e W hite House. 92-2 Miss M arion L each, d a u g h te r of ---------- New shipm ent of s u its and o’coatfi ! Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Leach, p ro p rie­ A V ictor reco rd — th e m ost appro- ju st in. W ill be glad to show them , to rs of th e H otel A shland, will re ­ p ria te gift for the phonograph own- P a u lse ru d ’s. 84tf tu rn from P o rtlan d th is evening to er. Rose Bros. 91tf; ---------- ___ - Leav’n g for Independence— spend th e holidays w ith her parents. Miss Leach has been a tte n d in g the High School Paper Out — , Miss P hila B. H all will spend The Rogue News, No. 7, was dis-' C hristm as week a t Independence and St. M ary's college in P o rtlan d . trib u ted to the A shland high school th e week follow ing a t Corvallis. Be- Every day in every way, Paulse- stu d e n ts today. The sm all publica- tore re tu rn in g to A shland she is ru d ’s Suits a re b e tte r and BETTER. tion is very n eat and contains sever- planning on a tte n d in g the State 90tf al C hristm as featu res. T eachers’ association m eeting in _______ P o rtlan d . L ast m onth the A utom obile Spec­ Cliff Payne has S prusteel ladders. ialist insured th re e tru c k s, six a u to ­ ---------- X m as candy fresh from our own m obiles a n d 10 F ords. Phone 274-J. New dance hits at th e Ja ck so n ’s (kltchen< Plaza C onfectionery. 90af Yeo, of course. 84tf dance S aturday night. 93-3 _______ F o r H er— A picture box of candy Here front Aloha— F a t chickens and tu rk ey s for Xmas a t Rose Bros. The price is rig h t 91tf J. W. McKeown and Ray L. An­ a t the E agle Meat M arket. 93-3 trim , m ail clerk s from A loha, were Will Vis t in Chico— in the city overnight. A g rea t many R e tu rn s from O. A. C.— Miss Amy Stifle, com m ercial in-! E arl and E lm er Biegel, who have ex tra clerks a re being em ployed d u r­ s tru c to r in the A shland high school, been a tte n d in g the Oregon A gricul­ ing the present C hristm as rush. will leave the la tte r p a rt of the week tu ra l college a t Corvallis, have re-, Better be safe that; sorry. See tu rn e d to the city for the holiday for Chico, Calif., w here she will visit Bearer Realty Co. about your insur recess. A nother of th e boys, M ilton form er friends in the e ast d u ring the ance. Phone 68. 287ti Biegel, is expected to a rriv e in the holiday season. city Sunday from W alla W alla. J u s t received a block of new dates. W ash. He will visit here for a week Residence and Business Lots— At half value. Now is th e tim e P laza M arket. 85tf or ten days. to get bargains. Don’t w ait until Hom e grown alm onds and w a ln u ts .1 s Pr in ? to huy. N uff Sed. Staples Klam ath F alls People Visit— 88-2 Mr. and Mrs. J. F. K im ball of 25 cents a pound. P laza M arket. S5tf R ealty Agency. K lam ath F alls, were in th e city to ­ F ram ed pictures for gifts. D arling W atch ou r window for the best day. E dw ard S utton, of th e sam e 90tf Studio. city, also spent th e n ig h t in Ashland. asso rtm en t of b eau tifu l candy boxes in A shland. Rose Bros. 91tf Always see me firs t ab o u t your in su ran ce; th e re ’s a difference; why? A nderson to R e tu rn — Ask me.. Yeo, of course. 84tf John A nderson, a senior a t the U niversity of Oregon, m ajoring in! Piano Tuning— jo u rn alism , is expected home for thO| Now is the tim e to have your piano Y uletide season. John has been! tuned. C arl H. Loveland. Studio, forced to pass up several trip s home Be Cured to Stay Cured 135 E ast Main. P hone 465. ilfitf this tim e of year, owing to the fact T GUARANTEE to per- th a t he is a m em ber of the o rchestra,! To Visit in Roseburg— which generally m akes a to u r of the manently cure your Piles Miss Leona M arsters is planning sta te d u rin g the vacation period. without cutting, burning, on dividing the holiday vacation im ­ stitching, anaesthetic, con­ partially . Both P o rtla n d and Rose­ Suggestions for KIM — One of finement or unpleasant burg a re to be visited before school P a u lse ru d 's ready-to-w ear sui s or ! after-effects. My patients is again in session. are reputable men and women 9 0tf o’coais. Fog Is Very D e n s e - One of th e heaviest fogs fo visit A shland enveloped the com m unity in a thick b lan k et last night. The fog a rriv ed d u rin g the d in n er h o u r and rem ained d u rin g th e night. Auto- ists were forced to proceed carefully. W hile a fog of this kind is common along th e Rogue river, it is seldom A shland has one as dense. V 'C lt S FO R SA LE— T hree B arred Plym outh Highway Property— Rock roosters, $3 each. 872 B St. Some splendid property on Pacific 93-6*! H ighw ay betw een A shland and M ed­ ford a t a ttra c tiv e price. Staples 8 8tf R ealty Agency. TH E VIKING ( REAM SEPARATOR Engineer le a v e s— is a n o th e r C atalog House b u rste r D. M. Stevenson, of the H yatt a t P e ll’s. Prices. $31.00 and up. Save you $1.90 on a 20 rod roll P ra irie dam project, left today for of fencing a g ain st anybody else’s P o rtla n d . He rep o rts th a t the camp prices. New and used Sewing at the dam has been closed down for the w inter, but will re-open again M achines for sale or ren t. G arden in the spring. He expects to re tu rn tools and ev ery th in g for the to A shland a fte r th e first of th e year. laru ier. PEIL’S CORNER O ur X m as candy is hom e-m ade. Plaza Confectionery. 90tf Thought for the Day. A ninn’s mind, like trunk. f its beat when well packed. c-ir- C ra te r Lake pictures, 50 cents up. D arling Studio. 90tt COFFEE — HOT CHOCOLATE HOT BOUILLON, ETC. Our special home made Chile Con Came? Home Made Pies and Chicken Tamales are delicious. We Are Showing an Assortment of Most Exceptional French Silk Neckwear of Luxurious Quality SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY G'FTS EXTRA FINE LINE OF Christmas Candies for Less Nininger & Warner See Us fo r- Gifts that Please Men Leaves for San F r a n c is c o - Mrs. Gus H edburg is spending the holidays w ith hei d a u g h te r in S.m Francisco. Save by buying doll clothes a t 80tf the Needlecraft Shop. G et it at the Army Store. Open this week from 7 a m> t0 10 p ‘ m ’ 91-4 Coming from San F r a n c is c o - R obert F oltz and Raym ond Drew, fo rm er A shland boys, who a re w ork- in8 >n San Francisco, will spend the holiday season in the city. They are expected to a rriv e in tim e fo r C hrist­ m as. W ho will tak e th e big stick hom e from th e P laza C onfectionery Xm as Eve? 90tf MOST OP OUR CUSTOMERS USE CALUMET Th. B M I M POWDER IDEAL GROCERY CHENEy CRAVATS Not Many Men Have Too Many Ties ELL’ DR. CHAS. J. DEAN ‘friendly QUarmth R easonable. 78 Liiivl;« rm an H ere on B usiness— 92-eod-3«| A. ,W . Moon, lum berm an of H ilt, and 'C a lif., is in the city looking a fte r his FOR SALE F re sh young cow a 1410 Boulevard, business in terests. Mr. Moon is equip- 50-pound pig. 93-2* ping a saw m ill and logging cam p on Phone 4 85-R. Jen n y creek, and is a freq u en t visit­ FOR SALE— All kinds of household o r in A shland. fu rn itu re . R easonable prices. Must be sold th is week. Call a t 110 B e tte r insu ran ce a t reasonable N orth Main St. 93-3* rates. Billings Agency. Phone *11 The most up-to-date luncheonette outfit—all electrically heated—just installed. This outfit enables us to serve you with the very best in PILES W hy not buy her a Singer Sewing Machine for Xmas. $5 down and $3 FOR TRADE— 160 a c re unincum - bered ranch on Pacific highway per m onth will put one in your hom e. and county road, n e a r H ilt; sm all! Singer Sewing M achine Co., 10 So. house and outb u ild in g s: good I F ir St., M edford. stock o r chicken ranch w ith plen-j in every w alk o f life to whom ty of wood and tillab le land. W ill! chilly these good tam ales E at you may refer about this painless, Send her a box of chocolate cream s tra d e for unincum bered A shland, H e re from Oak Grove- non-surgical cure. 91 tt’ Rose Bros. days. acreag e; prefer no house, but Though the present season is not — we w rap them free of charge for If yon are a sufferer from Piles, would ensider acreage w ith sm ai ! an exceptional one, still a g rea t m ailing. Rose Bros. 91tf If you w ant the best th e re Is in Fistula, Fissure or other rectal house. E lean o r G reer, 199 G ran.) am ount of m ail is being handled by disease, call or write today for 231tf* bacon, boiled ham s, chipped beef, ite St. the local office, according to M illard my FREE booklet. lard and sh ortening, get it a t Det- FOR SALE. G rubb, a ssista n t postm aster. Dur- C ost o f tre a tm e n t re tu rn e d i f I rick's. W e sell for less. 48tf Swallow slowly small pieces fa il to cure y o u r Piles. FO R S A l.E — F ord to u rin g car, t h o r - ’ng the past two days, m ore th an 200 —rub well over the throat. oughly equipped. $100 w orth of sacks of parcel post w ere handled Will Visit Home in Eugene— accessories. $300 cash. Phone in addition to first class m ail and Miss M arie R idings, of th e A sh­ 2N D AND MORRISON PORTLAND.ORESON 89tf local m ail. Sacks w ere destined to land high school, will spend her holi­ M E N T IO N THIS P A P E R WHEN W R IT IN G 172. every sta te in tiie Union. The clerks day vacation a t h er hom e in Eugene, O ti» 17 Million Jan U ted Yearly FO R SALE— 2 1-3 acres good l* ',k a re being forced to w ork u n til late and will also visit so rority sisters on soil. Several oak trees. a t n ig h t nearly every n ig h t in order the U niversity of Oregon cam pus, a t Page w ire fence on two sides. In to fac ilita te the d istrib u tio n of both th e Alpha D elta Pi house. city lim its. T erm s. O w ner, Lou­ the incom ing and the outgoing m ail. ise C. T aylor Box 66, R. F. D. Prices are better at the Variety A shland. 90-6* O ltf A new shipm ent of fancy gold fish Store, 80 N. Main St. at the Variety Store, S!> N. Main. FOR SALE OR TRADE— 10 room 91 tf F ram ed p ictures fo r gifts. D arling bungalow and larg e lot in east 90tf Studio. M edford valued a t $3000. W illj Visiting with Mother— ta k e A shland p ro p erty up to . Blaine K lum m , form er resident of Will Visit in W ashington— $2000. V alue and difference can M edford who has been in P o rtlan d Miss Zipora B lum enfeld, ath letic be paid like ren t. C. C. Pierce and S eattle on business, stopped over in stru c to r in the A shland schools, 91-4* M edford. _ here for a visit w ith his m o th er be- will spend the holidays at h er home FO R SALE__T urkeys, dressed or u u - 'to r e re tu rn in g to his hom e in Oak- in S eattle. Miss Alice Heys, Spanish George W. N ichols.' land, F rien d s in M edford and histo ry tea c h e r of A shland higty Nichols.! land Calif. dressed. 91-5* i w ere also visited. school, will accom pany her. P hone 18F2. .1 FO R SALE— 20 acre farm , sto ck ed ' We put th e chicken in our ta m a le s ., O rder those Xm as oysters a t the 90tf and equipped, on E ast Main street. P laza Confectionery. 90tf Tavern Cafe. F ra n k Beswick R. F. D. box 176.] M erry C hristm as will soon be here. 92-6* G irls and boys, win a bicycle tire We have a full line of n u ts and can ­ in free guessing contest a t F ix-It FOR SALE — Five room plastered Shop. C ontest ends S aturday, De­ dies a t th e rig h t prices. P laza M ar­ W inter’s chill soon vanishes when house, sleeping porch, garage, j 83tf 87tf ket, 61 N orth Main. fru it house, lot 50 by 110. Cen-j cem ber 23, at 6 p. m. you have a good oil heater filled tra lly located. Second stre e t. Your Attention, Please " ÏH E M EN’ S S T O R E ” NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE What Did I Get Out ot It? Have you ever asked yourself that question after spending more money than you knew you could afford? I t ’s not a selfish reflection; it’s really your conscience entering a protest against waste. You don’t feel that way when you put your money into an interest-hearing account. The Citizens Bank ot Ashland A sh lan d , Oregon with Pearl Oil. The touch of a match brings a steady, friendly w arm th —many hours on a single filling. Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined by our special process, which makes it clean burning—no sm oke—no odor —no dirt. Buy Pearl Oil in bulk —the same high quality kerosene as the Pearl Oil sold in five gallon cans. At dealers everywhere. Order by name — Pearl Oil. PEARL (.KEROSENE) HEAT AND LIGHT OIL STANDAR» OIL COMPANY ( C*lij cr.l, ) The appalling news of A sto ria’s recent fire loss is still fresh in the m inds of the people of the N orthw est. This is probably the larg e st conflagration in th e history of Oregon, and yet A storia is only a m oderate sized city. W ith a predom inance of shingle roofs, uot in frequent high winds and a w ater supply from a single source, the conflagration hazard exists in A shland ju st as it has been show n to have existed in A storia. O ur fire d e p a rtm e n t is w ell-equipped to fig h t a single fire— b u t how could they handle the situ a tio n when the one fire was s ta rtin g new fires every m inute? Insurance is on th e job a t A storia to pay its losses in full, RUT THE FELLOW WHO WAS NOT INSURED DOES NOT GET A CENT. The only safe way to protect y our property ag ain st loss by fire is to carry ad eq u ate insurance in stro n g , w ell-m anaged com ­ panies. A few dollars today m ay save you several thousand to­ night. Call us today. Billings Agency 41 E. Main St. Real Estate and Real Insurance E stablished 1885 Phone 211