F riday, Novem ber 22, 1922 ASHLAND B A IL I TIDING« '' ■ ’ ' — PAGB TWO Ashland Tidings Established 1876 Published Every Evening Except Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER TELEPHONE 39 C. K. LOGAN, Editor Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Poetoflice as Second-class Mail Mat ter. BIBLE THOUGHT — FOR TODAY— Bible Thoughts memorized, will prove a | priceless heritage in after years. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22 GOD’S GOOD G I F T S :— The Lord will give grace and glory; no good th in g will he w ithhold from them th a t w alketh uprightly. Psalm 84: 11. THE NEW MARRIAGE LAW T here is only one logical m ethod to check th e spread of social and h ered itary diseases, and th a t is the one th a t is asked in a bill proposed by Dr. Owen A dair, which will be su bm itted to the solons of th e sta te a t th e next session of the leg islatu re. In brief, this bill will seek an am end­ m ent to the p resent m arria g e law and will be m ade to include a physi­ cal exam ination of th e wom an as well as th e m an before a county clerk is authorized to issue a m arriag e li­ cense. W omen over 4 5 years of age will be exem pt. In addition to Jhe h ealth test, both will be req u ired to suinbit to a m ental exam ination. If e ith e r or both of the applicants should fail to pass the two tests, a license shall not be issued unless one or both have been rendered- ste rile , and in no case shall any li­ cense be Issued or m arria g e per­ form ed wherp the c e rtificate of ex­ am in atio n shows a m ental capacity of not to exceed th a t of a child of 12 years of age. Exponents of the proposed bill be­ lieve th a t the passage of guch a m ea ­ su re will prove an ab so lu te check u p ­ on an increase of insanity and social diseases, th e u ltim a te resu lt to be the decreasing of the large num ber of w ards being cared for by th e state in its various in stitu tio n s. If any m an or any wom an, th ro u g h th e ir own fau lt or th ro u g h Inheritance, is in a position to pass on to posterity the blight which has settled upon liis Holiday Greetings The Quality Store of Portland, Oregon ’ T h e Q u a l it y S t o r e of P o r t l a n d , O regon F IF T H . S IX T H . M O B S tS O N . ALDER STS- J u * WE WISH YOU ALL fWerry C h ristm a s —and— H appy Heua Y ear We wish to thank our patrons and friends for a Most Successful Year, and will do our utmost to merit your continued patronage. PLAZA MARKET 61 NORTH MAIN STREET H. A. STEARNS J. L. BARNTHOUSE Merry Christmas wuiwiiiitnnnnTnTnnTfiinii^iiitu All Our Patrons Will Receive a Slice of Fruit Cake FREE—Saturday Also a Sacred Art Calendar Lithia Bakery Cutlery Sale pocket Knives, $2.50 values.................. \ Z X B H Pocket Knives, $2.25 values..................I Pocket Knives, $2.00 values.................,i ■ I Pocket Knives, $1.50 values...................1 Scissors, $2.00 values—Sale Price..........................$1.19 Scissors, $1.50 values—Sale Price.............................. 96 Scissors, $1.25 values—Sale Price.............................. 83 Scissors, $1.00 values—Sale Price.............................. 49 While They Last—Get Busy! 1 SIM PSO N ’S HARDW ARE 87-39 North Main St. Phone 203 Christmas Furs at or h er Jife, and he o r she h as not sufficient control to prevent this, then the law should provide some m eans by which these disorders can­ not be tra n sm u te d . Those opposing the m easure sta te th a t th e law has no rig h t to inflict ste rility upon any individual m em ber of th e com m onw ealth. W hile this m ay prove a h ard sh ip upon th e in ­ dividual in question it is for the good of the w orld in general th a t such a m easure is proposed. W hen idiots, m entally deficient people, and those carry in g a social disease, are so placed th a t they a re not able to pass on to an in n o cen t,ch ild th e b u r­ den they have been forced to hear, the w orld cannot help b u t be a b et­ te r place and will have a h iv l.tr sta n d a rd of living. U nder th e present law. the m an is required to p resent a h ealth c e ri’.fi- cate to the county clerk before a m arriag e license is issued. In ju s ­ tice to h u m anitv, and w ith all due le-p ect to wom anhood, it can be stated th a t is not sufficient, and th a t in nearly as m any instances of a child born blind or inflicted w ith some hideous disease, the responsi­ bility can be placed upon the m other as rig h tly as upon the fath e r. Until a single sta n d a rd for men and wom­ en is m aintained in the stricte st sense and th e law prvents the in te r­ m arriag e of those not fitted to p ro p a­ gate, half-w itted and diseased b a ­ bies will continue to he born into the w orld and the re s u lta n t m isery in­ creased instead of decreased. ft ADDITIONAL LOCALS. B akery Goods— G raham bread, rolls, hom e m ince pie, cakes and cookies. B akery and R e sta u ra n t. 69 Main. m ade Home N orth 92-tf Hen* from Central Point— R ussell L. H arris, of C entral P oint was an overnight v isito r in A shland. H ear “ Poppy J a d e ” a t Ja ck so n ’s dance S atu rd ay night. 93-3! War Cqy I» Excellent— The C hristm as n um ber of the W ar, Cry, official publication of th e S alva-' tion A rm y, is being d istrib u ted in th e city. It is excellent and has a ' g reat m any a rticle s of in te rest. In ! addition it gives a review of the work • of th is organization d u rin g th e past I year, w ith several fine articles. B usiness was good th is year. We ¡expect th a t of 1923 to be better. A shland C leaning and Dyeing W orks. I Ladies w ork a specialty. A uto de- ! livery. Phone 63. 90-6 W. A. SHELL B A R B E R Safety blades resharpen ec like new. Single bit, 30> doi. Dobule bit, 60c doz Children’« Work A Specialty Bartlett’s Fur Store Largest Stock in Oregon Outside of Portland F. W. BARTLETT 115 W. Main, Medford PAGE THEATER The Big Xmas Day Event Matinee and Night, Dec. 25 MtNRY W.SAVAÖE offers A mericas F avorite P rima D onna C omedienne STUDENT WILL MAKE MORE MUSIC C rater Lake pictures, 50 cents up. D arling Studio. 90tf Leaving for W eed— Jam es L. Jarrew . who has been visiting w ith his fam ily in the city for the past five weeks, re tu rn e d to W eed, Calif., today to look a fte r his business in te re sts in th a t place. He ! reports th a t business is good in the C alifornia tow n, and th a t the saw ­ m ills and box factories a re now ern- l ploying nearly 500 men. Happy New Year Get Your B ert . M oses fam ily.” from ~7 Holiday Travel Heavy— Spend Holidays in Portland— Holiday tra v e l is heavy on all G. A. Briscoe, su p e rin te n d e n t of public schools will spend the holi­ tra in s, according to railro a d oLicials. ( days in P o rtla n d , visiting w ith his! Many people are trav elin g both n o rth ! son, Dr. Briscoe. W hile he is absent i and south to spend the holidays w ith ’ The w in te r : from A shland he will a tte n d the friends and relatives. trav el to C alifornia has ju st reached S tate Teachers association m eeting,! its peak and with holiday fares ef-j which will be held in P o rtla n d at fective this week, th ere is a great ( th a t tim e. exodus to Oregon points. Many U niversity of Oregon stu d e n ts, who F r u it cake and m ince m eat tim e is here. F o r citron, orange and lem on bad not pi .lined on going hom e be­ It is b e tte r to be cheated peel, raisins, c u rra n ts , figs, spices, cause of th e g reat distance, have th an to cheat. ♦ su g ar, etc., D etrick ’s G roceteria sells c la n g e d th eir m inds since th e lower > ---------- for less. 48tf rate s w ere announced. .•S finn of tho i. <•■• One of the hùat best wuvo ways trt to olim elim i­ n a te tro u b les is th ro u g h the F o r sale a t N eedlecraft Shop, baby C ra te r Lake pictures. D arling ♦ sw eat glands. doll sets, garden sets, bloom er shits. Studio. S9tf » ---------- 80tf ’♦> I t ’s am azing how m any jobs W ill Bo Homo This Evening— you can get when you alread y Melvin K aegl, who is a tte n d in g the Local Man A rrested — Among th e several violators of the * have a good one. U niversity of Oregon, is expected traffic law s to appear before Ju stice ■3> ---------- hom e to n ig h t or S aturday, for the Glenn O. T aylor in M edford, was H. <§> It Is safer to tru s t a woman holiday recess. He will be accom ­ N. T aylor, who was picked up w ithin ■ w ith larg e feet th an a woman panied by K enneth Cooper, of The the city lim its by the night police i ♦> whose feet a re sm all. Dalles, who will stop overnight w ith for operatin g a m otor vehicle w ith ---------- him. Cooper is on his way to C ali­ $> W hen a doctor tells a m an fornia to spend the holidays w ith his the cu t-o u t open. He was fined $10 bis disease is incurable, it is parents. The two boys a re both upon pleading guilty. ♦ easy to get him to join church. m em bers of Phi Sigma Pi fra te rn ity . Leaves for Roseburg — * E llaleene S ten n ett left this m orn­ O rres cleans clothes. P hone 64. ♦ P ro g re ss is m ore su b sta n tia l ing on tra in No. 14 for R oseburg, when b u ilt upon reasonable Do not fail to look over th e doll w here she will spend th e holidays | economy th an w hen b uilt upon sets a t th e N eedlecraft Shop. 80tf visiting w ith her sister, Mrs. S. N .' 8> wild extravagance. M iller. s> Here from Ontario— HEZ HECK SAYS: H arry K im e and C. S. B aten, of 8- “ Laziness in a m an O ntario, Or. spent the night in Ash­ seem s to hev no effect in MITCHELL PIANO land, on th e ir way to C alifornia. re d u c in ’ th e size o’ his IN THE M U S IC A L R O M A N C E - "Lfedy Billy" O riginal splendid S inging C a s t » WISHING ALL OUR FRIENDS 3 0 0 TIMES AT THE LIBERTY NEW YORK PR IC ES— M atinee a t 3 P. M.— Lower floor A Merry Christmas $2.20; Balcony, $1.65, $1.10 and 55c. NIGHT— Low er floor, $2.75; Balcony, $2.20, $1.65 and $1.10. AND A Happy New Year EAGLE HEAT MARKET Detrick’s Groceteria Good Things to Eat GOOD THINGS TO EAT GATHERED FROM THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE WORLD FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS FEAST Lettuce Orange Peel Bananas Lemon Peel Oranges Turnips Walnuts Lemons Beets Cocoanuts Apples Carrots Almonds Pears Parsnips Brazils Raisins Onions Peanuts Cluster Raisins Cabago Pecans Currants Sweet Potatoes Filberts Dates Irish Potatoes Chestnuts Figs Squash Celery Citron KIPPERED AND SMOKED SALMON I JUST ARRIVED WE SELL FOR LESS----- QUALITY THE BEST Electric Christinas Gifts U S E F U L - - S E N S IB L E FOR HER FOR HIM — Ranges — W illard Storage Battery’ for — W ashing Machines His Car — Vacuum Cleaners O — Spot Lights — Sewing Machines — Flash Lights — Percolator Sets — W indshield Cleaners — Grills, Toasters — Set of Spark Plugs — W affle Irons — Aluminum Plates for Run- — Laundry Irons ning Board — Heaters, Stand Lamps — Stop Lights „ — Light Fixtures — Trouble Lamps — thirling lio n s — Horn. Mirror MANY OTHER PRESENTS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION SAVE THIS COUPON— IT IS WORTH MONEY - Make Christmas the Sweetest Day of the Year Let Everybody Receive a Box of Delicious Candy We Have Many Varieties to Choose From Choice Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos A Full Line of Pipes Choose something that will bling joy to those you wish to please Pop Corn and Peanuts THE FOUNTAIN R. P. PORTER, Proprietor Go Home for -Yulelide Holidays Why not surprise the folks at home with a visit at Yuletide. It will make them happy and you, too. Plan now to take advantage of 25° o Reduction —in— Round Trip Fares Between all sta tio n s w here one-way fare is $30.00 or less Sale d ates: Decem ber 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 5 l, J a n u a ry 1st. F in al re tu rn lim it, J a n u a ry 3rd. % F re q u en t and C onvenient Service will m ake your journey a trip of pleasure. TYatp.............. ................................ For Qf Mn . ................................................................ fu rth e r p a rticu la rs, ask agents, or w rite w e win anow a o per cent uwcuum wu cavu fill out and p resent th is coupon. Not good a fte r Dec. 20th, 1922. JO R D A N E L E C T R I C 201 EAST MAIN— PHONE 80 SEE OUR DISPLAY AT THE FAIR ■ ' —■»» ' — ...... JOHN M. SCOTT, G eneral P assenger Agent.