A shland D aily • ASHLAND CLIMATE, w u n o u t ■« «•> th e aid of m edicine, c a re s nine ❖ cases o u t of ten of asthm a. T his is a proven fact. <$ «> $> $ MALARIA GERMS cannot su r- ♦ vive th re e wonths In th e rich ozone at A shland. The pure do- m estic w a te r helps. <$ (International News Wire Service) VOLUME No. 94 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22,-1922 4 (Successor to th e Sem i-W eekly Tidings, Voi. 43) WILL MARRY A SCOT <$> <$> COMING EVENTS ---------- <$>■ '•> TH R EE DAYS U N T I L TO SHOP. <$> D ecem ber 22— C hristm as pro- ; gram , High School. i *• D ecem ber 22— “ Man in the ' <3> M aking.” Civic club building. <§> D ecem ber 24— C hristm as can- ; •> ta ta . M ethodist church. <$> D ecem ber 25, Monday — <•> C hristm as Day. 3 0 0 0 HOMELESS AS RESULT OF <•> D ecem ber 25— C hristm as ball EARLY MORNING CON­ ; ’•> benefit 484th com pany, A rm ory. FLAGRATION Monday Ja n u a ry 1, 1923. •$» J a n u a ry 1-5— W eek of prayer BUILDING COLLAPSES; <§>; ?• <$>) *?> — <$>; • ♦ VALIDITY OF LAW IS BEING •' TESTED BY SPECIAL <$>; CASE >: •> •* ATTORNEYS DECLARE ROSCOE READY TO ANSWER ALL "FATTY” WILLING TO MEET HIS CRITICS ANYTIME AND ANYW HERE CALIFORNIA MINISTERS PROTEST HAYS’ RULING IT UNCONSTITUTIONAL Lus A n g eles P astors Are A ro n s« !; W enatchee and Indianapolis Alan D eclare Ran f the late M arshall Field of Chicago, th ro u g h a block of fram e buildings i CHICAGO, Dec. 22.— Almost 1 ,'d a y su b m itted to a rre s t a block from ¡150,000 persons in the U nited S tates the Hall of Justice. He was w aiting! Gen. John J. Pershing being dec > buckle is ready anytim e and any- a t th e sta tio n by a delegation from whose engagement to Charles, the eld- in Brooklyn early th is m orning. th e various churches, who accorded *'“■ Si" Archibald Ednmnstone n i t - F ire Chief Jo h n O’H ara w ere assisted d u rin g th e last year w ith a flask of w hiskey w hen O fficer orated with the PoIish -v iitu ti mili- • w here to meet critics, and to answ er T v . . , . . . . » 1 . ... * I. . w 1 ,. . r I . 1 L», n Hz\m » of P u n trc u th castle, Scotland, lias been ' ’ " . . .. , . 'b y the Travelers* Aid society, it is Dick Skain appeared. i ta ri” and “Polonia restituta,” aw arded a jj questions. them a h e a rtv welcome. The serv- nnouneed in c o d e d rep o rts from was el>U rem oved to the hospital in a B urke took out his flask and Juin by the Polish government for , ... , , . .. shown by the report ot Bayard G for Schenck says he hopes persons ices both afternoon and evening were j abroad. Miss Field has been living dying condition w ith a broken ba k ! E ek.n d e ra , „„„.a»..».,, se cre ta ry . i„ In p Chi- drank in th the o presence of the the »»nicer. officer, services services during during the the World World war. war. The i » ! . iivm V ¡n „re se n c e of I who oppose his re tu rn will tak e a d ­ held in the A rm ory building. Rev. it Ei, ’am i with her au n t, Lndy Beat- ' when a building collapsed, catching > < . , cago alone, m ore than 20,900 per- He was prom ptly a rre ste d and presentations were made by Dr. W ro v antage of A rbuckle’s desire to an- \ !'e »if the B ritish adm iral, ami Law rence, of th e P resb y terian church i I him under the w reckage. . , , , , , .¡„j.,».... „ «»..¡„t.» blewskt, tl»e neu m inister to tills Coun- sons w ere aided. booked as a \io la to i ot , e v\ lig h t », , » of (l.e w is t popular Am eriian ! sw er any questions they wish to ask. in M edfoid, and Rev. Angell of Phoe-1 ,, ,, x. , try from Poland. Men and women rushed scream ing, mi. in 1 (hut social ai lIvltles. E lderly persons, children and for- act. W illiam H ornblow er, attorney _________ _ Local m in isters have protested nix being p re s e a t a t These services. | j from th eir hom es, carry in g children ' j eigners were those who received most for th e “ w ets,” has tak e n steps to Many o th e r people from out of the | | against th e ru lin g allow ing Ar- and the m ost valuable of th eir house-j of the help. More than 1000 tele- secure a w rit of habeas corpus, al-! ! buckle’s retu rn . city w ere also in atten d an ce. hold effects. ' gram s w ere sent on behalf of ’’lo st” ! leging the act to be u nconstitutional, j More th an 1000 people greeted th e : It is b itte r cold and the panic-! ■persons, and 1000 persons were es- F ifty a rre s ts were m ade w ithin t h e : W ENATCHEE W ash., Dec. 22.— evangelist a t th e evening m eeting, strick en persons run the risk of in corted to th e ir hom es. first few hours a fte r the act w ent. P ictu res show ing Roscoe ( “ F a tty ” ) w hich was opened by the song ‘‘R e - , fiuenza and pneum onia in escaping N um erous “ puppy love” elope- into effect. Many places, convinced A rbuckle will not be p erm itted to vive Us A gain,” to which all joined . in th e ir night-clothes. | m ents were fru s tra te d , the youngest th a t the police m ean business, have be exhibited in W enatchee, accord­ in w ith g reat gusto, except when he being the case of a girl of nine who closed up shop. ing to George Seam an, chairm an of called for ju st th e men who w anted | CHICAGO, Dec. 22.— Six children . .,, , . . . . .. .v it . j ..„ .a was eloping from Chicago w ith a boy the m otion picture censoring com ­ to be m arried , to sing it. The sp irit I v & i were c a n t-ied by th e ir la th e r, E dw ard ' of six. m ittee. th ro u g h o u t the m eeting was all th a t STATE TAX TOTAL IS ¡T . Jensen, th ro u g h sm oke and, ‘At a n o th e r tim e we stopped two could be desired when next they sang I SLA SH ED H A LF-M ILLIO N ' flam es to safety in a fire here th a t! , ... , i,nm ps girls of 15 who had come to Chicago INDIANAPOLIS, lnd., Dec. 22.— the chorus, “ W hat a W onderful Sav-; ! routed five fam ilies from th e ir h o m e s, ................ „ , „ with tw o hoys of 16, the girls riding Motion p ictures show ing .‘ ¡b u ck ’»* lo u r,” w hich was composed by Mrs.) SALEM, Dec. 22.- A to tal of $8,- and for a tim e th re a te n e d hom es of ' KLAMATH FALLS, Dec. 22 — I will not be perm itted to be shown in M cPherson, and dedicated to D r. I Sixteen m em bers of the 1922 foot- . » -n.,„ rni,o I in the dav coaches, and the hoys 835,295.39 m ust be raised by the m ore th an a score of lam ilies. T he. il’ ” M a t .- o tn rt^ in the j ensen hom e. In- ‘riding »bo lbe m ra i!’’” r- E ekard said. taxpayers of Oregon for sta te pur “ 1 M agnus Bush, a Scandinavian, w h o ! In d ian ai,olis> according to th e stat P ric e ; and it was also repeated ju s t i ball team of A shland high school i .. J crashed into th e Mecca pool hall in m gnt jssued by M ayor Rha<)k when before th e benediction. ‘ The A rk Is. j ¡n form ed (h at W ill Ha i, ch airm an Com ing Up tlie R oad,” was sung as i evening, will do no m ore d r i v - L f the m otjon picture j ..lu s try, had a solo by Miss C arvell, w ith the ch o ir, for some tim e to come. announced th at A rbuckle m ight have and audience jo ining in th e c h o ru s ,. A rraigned in th e ju stice c o u r t,; a chance to come hack in pictures, ! sound sp an k in g s.” and the vast audience raised the roof . lei body co n stitu tio n , th a t a m anj QUEBEC Can., Dec. 22. F ire Tax C om m issioner Lovell, of the j Bush has pleaded guilty to t h e . __________________ w hen “ I Know the Lord Laid His : p |it, in th re e w inning halves. If the fiend3 inspired by K11 K lux K ian sta te tax com m ission. This is $540,- charge of failing to stop and ren d er BI ’«I NESS GIRLS' CLUB HAS H ands on Me” was announced, sin g -, team does not win a single contest propaganda o r religious m ania, are 993.72 less Ilian the am ount îaised assistance and was fined $350 and ANNUAL C H R ISTM A S PA R T Y ing it in the old C h au tau q u a sp irit. | ¡luring th e season, no le tte rs are responsible for the destru ctio n of the for sta te purposes this year, which sentenced to four m onths in jail. The subject tak e n for th e evening ; aw arded. Both le v ie s’ to taled $9,376,289.11. m agnificient B asilica, Q uebec’s include the special levies for e d u c a -i011 * charge of d liv in g w hile intoxi* ! M embers of the L usine-s G irls' w as on tlie w onderful m essage Dr. Follow ing are th e men who receiv- proudest church stru c tu re , according tio n al, bonus, le m m en e n ta ta rv ry t ; c a te d ’ t0 w h‘ch ~ x pled ° guilty, h e ; club were were ouv«».uiueu e n te r ta ined a t 1 th»> 1‘rice only knows how to deliver. ,,d t jie official “ A’.’ : C harles Rush, to Chief of D etectives Dan L o rrain , bonus, road road and and e e le ...........-iuu . hom e of » purposes. D educting the ele- was sentenced to 30 days in i ail an() Miss Calla Biegel F riday evening, " T lie Ark is Coming Up th e Road. ptain. E llis Beeson, F ra n k Nelson. here. school He said he had received a ry school tax, which is levied; fined $25’ Tllis’ w ith the costs-;T h e annua! C h risi’ / ta s tree was in H e held his audieuce spellbound as ! Cleni C lark and Max M offei^ half- th re a te n in g anonym ous le tte r th a t men tar; brings the total pealty to five piace> w hile Santa Claus him self, l i e told them how. when the a rk was backs; M errick T hornton full-back; the Basilica would be burned on De- by th e sta te but retain ed in th e var- m onths in jail and $383 in fines, j though a little early, paid his first c ap tu red in w ar from the Israelites Aiber t M arske, q u arte r-b a ck ; How- cem ber 28 i ious counties for the support of the E. V. C a rte r president of the F irs t Also his o p e ra to r’s license was sus- visit t0 the c ity, d istrib u tin g gifts to by the P hilistines, and when David . rd Hobson, Lisle W entner, C hester: ! grade schools,, th e net s ta te tax for N ational ban k ’, m et w ith a p a in in g 1923 w jn be ?6>816 297 07> as com . pended. those present. was to bring it back, he- w anted to Woods and Glenn W ild, ends; G rover; Mrs. G eorgia Fischer, 7 05 U p h a m ; D ecorations were in keeping w ith accident last n ig h t w hile going 10 pared tQ $7.3 94,680.72 in 1922. b rin g it in th e sam e old ru ts o. the Leach, tack le; W ilbur C hapm an,! a tte n d the Dr. C harles S. Price serv- __________________ stre e t a t whose hom e Bush lives, ; the holiday season, and a very en- c h ario t w heels th at carried it away. tacji!e and end; “ Bo” C arlon and E l - • l ices at th e A rm ory, when he slipped said th a t she believed she would b e 1 joyable evening is reported by tlie He com pared it as chaff w hen sp eak - m er jji , g uards, and T heodore Lock-! > on the pavem ent and cracked his able to raise the am ount of th e m em bers. P resents w ere m ailed to ing th e churches of th e m odern tim es j ,.,, t center. H arvey Wood m ana-J i knee-cap. ! fines. | three m em bers of the organization w ith all th e ir brass rails, silver serv ' ger, w as also aw arded a letter. Mr. C a rte r had ju st driven up to ---------------------------- who a t present are out of th e city. ice and m agnificient furnishings. D r .' » I A rm ory and had stepped from hisi TUG Hi,AT CAPTAIN ----------------------------- P rice said in all of his m inistry o f 1 SEV EN TEEN ARE GRADUATED ’ i m achine. In going to the re a r of INJUR ED BY CABLE TURKEY POOL NETS th e p ast seven years he never won a 1 I ROM STATE NORMAL SC HOOL 1 the sedan, in o rd er to inspect his ' ----------- PROFIT TO FARM ERS soul to C hrist, till a fte r he received! tail-lig h t, he fell. It was firs t be­ M ARSHFIELD, Or., Dec. 22.— ---------- th e baptism of the Holy S pirit, a OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL. Mon­ j Clarence H arris, captain of th e to w | ROSEBl RG, Dec. 22. I lie Iloug- lieved th a t he had sustained a broken little over a year ago when now lie m outh. Dec. 22.— Seventeen stu d en ts! boat. W olverine, w hile w ith his b o a t! ^a s county farm bureau tu rk e y pool lim b, but an exam ination late r re- has to his credit over .»¡»00 souls, and j-eceLed diplom as for th e sta n d a rd ; • e a le d th e in ju ry to be in his knee, MER ROUGE, La., Dec. 22. -The l l l c |v ; at a log boom, was stru ck by a cable was sold for for 3 2 ’4 cents. Ih e he has only ju st begun. He spoke of two-, e a r course today, and five will j bodies of W att D aniels and Thom as bg c o n ;jn ed b ,s i|Ome for ! and suffered a fra c tu re d skull. His pool consisted, of 1 40,000 pounds ol th e w onderful work accom plished in elem entary certificates, having R ichards, kidnapped last A ugust j som e f ,me w ith his in ju ry . In spitej i condition is serious. H arris, is a I turkey, and was purchased by O. J. A lbany, not only w inning souls, com pler j tlie one-year elem entary a band of m asked m en, w ere f o u n d ; of th e h a r t, Mr. C a rte r was reported! PORTLAND, Dec. 22.— The first) son o£ th e ia t e C aptain W. C. H arris, Lindsey of Rosebur- . buying for the which is the most im p o rtan t, hut t< ehe-s' tra in in g course. Ten stu- restin g easily today. clew to identify the 15-year-old girl qoos Bay pioneer. Makin com pany, 01 San Francisco. m afvelous healings as w ell; some (Te n ts will com plete the 12 weeks /f 1 l o a ti n g on th e surface of L ake La v I » ci.nr» of .„¡1 ik , t Fourche, a sh o rt distance from here. __________________ alleged to have been m urdered by __________________ ¡This will net the grow er 3 0 J4 or being n o thing sh o rt of m n acu io u s. norm al tra in in g course, p re p a ra to ry ; . . . . ------------------- --------- ! A fter tin- serm on was over, a lje:il- to . ,♦»» „» » » » h ^ . ' A WOman TeP°rte d th a t h e i. husband | TIERNAN AND W IF E Cash W eir, aged n v e rm a n , was given SENATE TO ADJOURN 30% cents. W ith im prov d m eth- tin g th e sta te te a c h e rs’ exami found the bodies w hile fishing De­ USE ASSUMED NAME today by Mrs. Helen L eary, th e ac- UNTIL DECEMBER 27 ods th e exchange has m a? ged to ing line was form ed, being w hat Dr. 'n a tio n s. tectives im m ediately went to verify _______ cuser. _______ ¡cut the handling cost to low er th an P ric e called an im prom ptu h e a l i n g -------------------------------- the report. NEW YORK, Dec. 22.— P rofessor She says the girl wore an agate WxUSHINGTON, Dec. 22.— W hile the usual 2 cents, and th e re tu rn s to service, w ithout p rep a ra tio n . Many t ;jn>ERS ARE HEAVY’ 1 . . „ ,1 . , fell under the power of God d u rin g 1 O R MONKEY GI AXDS A r ' nS Wlt" *W° keys waS tountl a »ul Mrs. John P. T iernan, and the ring, bearing a scene w ith clouds and in executive session yesterday, th e the grow er will be la rg e r than in th is s e r v ic e ind some reci i\t d th e _______ on tbe sh ° re ° f tb e la ^ e - and m a>’ 1 year-old boy over whose p a te rn ity • trees. Also a w hite old rin g and a senate agreed to ad jo u rn from Sat- past years. The cash m arket th is b ip tism of the Holy Spirit as well LONDON. Dec. 22. A London Plove to be valuable evidence. T h e : the p air fOught in th e c o u rts of S outh lavaliere. urday, D ecem ber 23, to W ednesday, year varied from 30 to 31 cents. as th e ir healing a t th e sam e tim e. concern has o rdered 200* live, full-»m en who b id»*PPed tbem w ere i n jB end, Ind., m oved today from th e ir Police th is afternoon to u red th e D ecem ber 27. -------- to ---------— meet the ------------- dem and tbe garb of tbe , Ku K lux x. K lan ’ 1. De' i : relativ es to a Greenw ich village ho- , b anks of the Colum bia riv er w ith! 1 —- W ill A ttend T en ch eis' M eeting— The p a rty left on tra in No. 15 a t sized m ..akevs ------. _ -- m id n ig h t Miss Carvell for h er hom e of m onkey gland p urchasers, a c c o rd -!Pa rtra e n t of ^ustice ag en ts haVe been ^1. They reg istered u n d er the nam e Mrs. L eary .hoping she m ay locate NEW PR ESID EN T IS Among the Jackson county dele- ELECTED IN POLAND gate« to th e S tate T each ers’ m eeting in Y reka, w here her aged fa th e r is ing to the Capetown correspondent in v estigating for two weeks. of W in ;ara A. Ross and fam ily. the spot w here her sw eeth eart. E arl ---------------------------- j --------------------------- W eir, is alleged to have pointed out ---------- to be held in P o rtlan d Decem ber 27 q u ite ill; Mr. Yeom an, the piano of the Daily Express. The bidder of-; WARSAW, Dçp. 22. Stanislav gg. a re Mrs. Susanne Holm es Gar- It pays to read th e classified page, w here the body was throw n. A w ant ad will Bell I t player, to his home in S acram ento, t'ers $3.50 for each m onkey which j W ojciechow ski was elected president tç r . coun£... school su p e rin te n d e n t; and the rest of the P rice party to is considered very low, as it is very of Poland W ednesday to succeed Qeorge A Briscoe, su p erin ten d en t of Lodi, C alif., w here they will spend d ifficu lt to c ap tu re the m ale of the P resid en t N arutow icz, who was as- p;ty gcbools and Mrs Bessie M urphy. C hristm as, a fte r which the e n tire species. sassinated Saturday. of A shland; A ubrey Sm ith and O. R. p a rty will journey to Los A n g e l e s , ; ---------------------------- Cam pbell, M edford; H. P. Jew ett. Carey J o in s V. S. Navy— R estaurant D resses Up— ! will be nearly $10,000, less than half to a tte n d a t th e dedication of the C entral P o in t; E. C. Brown, of Rogue C larence V erne Carey, son o f| An enorm ous C hristm as tre e is one Of which ig protected by ingurftnce ; g re a t tem ple th ere ju st com pleted by R iver; Miss Almeda F u lle r, Satufl George L. Carey, 120 G resham stre e t ¡of th e m any decorative fea tu re s th a t He says the building which he owned Mrs. Aim ee Sem ple M cPherson. Valley, and Miss Inez W illits, of P e r­ retu rn ed to the city th is m orning adorn the Depot re s ta u ra n t d uring w a / consum ed in an even 12 m inutes These services will ^continue for sist. A ltern ates selected w ere Miss a fte r having spent several days in the holiday season. The eatin g place th re e weeks, beginning Decem ber 31. d u rin g the fire. Ila Myers. A shland, and Miss Edith P o rtla n d undergoing a physical ex- is planning on a n o th e r of its special All th e g rea t speakers n tb e coast S. 1’. Spruces Up— K ubli of Agate. A nother delegate am ination p rio r to his e n tran ce in de Uixe din n ers for C hristm as day, from tb e various churches will speak _ »j- o ».jin • i Tbe local r a >lroad yards a re bright will be selected by the teach ers of ___________ He enlisted w hen according to F. K. Schilling, m spec- w ith new coIorg p ain ters hav{ th e U. S. navy. a t these services. Many of the local Ashland and M edfoid. L ieu ten an t R. E. K err, naval rec ru it- to r of re s ta u ra n ts for the S outhern been a t worR for gome th n e s ,uc, no people now sojo u rn in g in the City of W itness Has Fam ily Here— TUCSON, Ariz., Dec. 22,— E ith e r in officer, was in th e city recently. Paefic. This will be served the sam e; up a l, tb e railro ad b u ;kiinps and th e Angels, will have tne privilege BENICIA, Calif., Dec. 22.— One Miss Helen L eary, who told th e of w itnessing the dedication of this. Colonel F rances M arshall or Lieu- C arey will spend C hristm as w ith his as th e T hanksgiving dinner, as it is sw itch postg ¡n thg yardg F re s i, . . . , „»hors the g re a te st tem ple in the west. ten a n t C harles W ebber, av iato rs, re- p a re n ts and fam ily, and will leave planned on having w aiters from th e paint hag been a p p ,ied ¡ngide and m an 18 dying an<1 10111 ' , police yesterday in P o rtlan d th a t sin- seriously in ju red in a sh rapnel ex- wag fln eye. w itnesg t0 th e killing of Before leaving the c ty. Dr. Price ported - e ste n lay as having been D ecem ber 26 for San Francisco. dining c ar service on th e job. out ju 1 a -m a jo r ity of the buildings, plosion in th e United S tates arsenal g 15 a r old pirl by Cash W eir, a sta te d th a t he hail refused several found burned to d e a th beside a Speed O fficer in City— Mr. and Mrs. Wel»h Ix-ave including the tra in m a s te r’s building, here. C larence Thom as is dying. riverm an aged 63> is being held by a ttra c tiv e offers from the east, es- w recked plane, may have survived, J. J. MefRahon pecially one call from Savannah, Ga., according to word received here. cer for th is d istric t was in th e city m orning for P o rtlan d to spend the stru c tu re s p a jn » h tt. , Y\ illi.un Fox is bjd1^ 1111 11 the police. She stated th a t she had but th a t he intended, following the The s h x if s office says an Indian, on biiY&ness th is m orning. He s ta t e d ; holidays w ith th eir son. They ex-j S een use j . H a rris a so s e n o u s j .1UI. been in P o rtlan d since S epiem bu dedication of the Los Angeles ten:- who gave the inform ation about the th a t the fog here last night and to- pect to be gone ab o u t two w eeks.: ' g° ° af \ an a,,e 1 j A11 tbe ini uret ' ' e i ® c ' l ia u enl j and t b a t she had come west w ith pie. to re tu rn to Oregon for at least plane, observed only one body beside day was light in com parison to th a t Before re tu rn in g to A shland, Mr. 1 oolh 0 ‘ e ' e ,a 0 1 ie 111 ( in «s- plo..es engaged .1. c failing up a ma_> a b ro th e r, his wife and chi.dren. a year, as he felt th e re was much th e m achine. This causes arm y m en around M edford. He stopped several W elch will m ake a trip to A storia to e ,uen a ie a t W01 now on 1 e azine burned seveia m ontas ago. gbg rem ajned jn P o rtlan d , she said, p roperty he had m aln b lu ld ,n S- aild were working ; live shell in th e ru in s exploded. w hile her relatives cam e on to Ash- need of his work. He expects to , and a u th o ritie s to redouble e ffo rts people d riving on th e highw ay in ex- look a fte r some yesterday on the telegraph offices. Hand, w here they are now. to locate the bodies and th e plane, cess of 20 m iles an hour, and cau-! th e re before th e recent conflagration visit C orvallis in p a rticu la r. No one can be found who a c tu a lly ! tinned them ag a in st even th a t m u c h ! wiped out the business d istric t of The im provem ents a re being m ade in C. L. H inson, of Oak Grove Or., T idings classified ads get results. heard the I n d ia n s story. ! speed w hile th e fog was so heavy, ¡ th a t city. Mr. W elch sta te s his loss “ m e «>r the holiday season. , was in th e city last n ig h t and today. T ry th e classified colum ns. » I . I BY TRAVELERS j 9 Al IHL E GETS FIVE MONTHS ANO PAYS $3/5 FINE ¡i id ME OF FOOIBftLL TEAM KLAN IS SUSPECTED HOPES STILL HELD AVÎATORS NOT DEAD SHELL EXPLODES: