C. of C. Secretary 111— — J. H. F u ller, secretary of the cham ­ In honor of h er son's b irth d ay , SAINT OF VIRTUE AND PIETY A. F . & A. M. ber of com m erce, was confined to his Mrs. Max G eB auer gave a delightful I j p arty at the Oregon hotel Tuesday home this m orning on account of ill­ A uxiliary M eeting P ostp on ed — St. Nicholas Was of Unblemished Special com m unication, F rid ay ev­ Character, According to Hone’s The Lad es A uxiliary of the A m er­ ening, Decem ber 22. T hird degree, evening. The list of invited guests ness. He expects to be able to as­ “Ancient Mysteries." ican Legion has postponed its F rid ay several candidates. V isiting b r e th ­ included Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Coffm an, sum e his duties in the m orning. m eeting u n til th e firs t F riday next ren welcome. Ledge opens at 7 :30. Mrs. P o rte r, Irving P o rte r, Miss CCORDING to Hone's “Ancient m onth, J a n u a ry 5. O fficers recen tly NOTICE M arjorie Adam son, and Ted GeBauer. GEO. B. ICEN HOW ER, W. M. M ysteries” Saint Nicholas, bish­ a : elected will be in stalled at thi3 tim e. Social a t Odd F ellow s’ hall Tliurs W. II. DAY, S ecretarv. op of Myra, was a saint of great F re sh crabs for your C hristm as day evening. D ecem ber 21. Odd F el­ virtue and piety. The old legend is G oing to P ortland— i th a t the sens of a rich Asiatic, on dinner will add to its richness. Get low, R ebekahs and th e ir fam ilies in- 92-2 I vited. Miss E d y th Stevenson, of the Ilavoid Simpson in Portland— their way to Athens for education, them a t the W hite House. 91-3 H arold Simpson, son of Mr. and H aw thorne school, expects to spend were slain by a robber innkeeper, dis­ the C hristm as vacation v isiting w ith Mrs. T. H. Simpson, is now in P ort- membered and their parts bidden in a H er hom e is in lan d, w here he is connected w ith the brine tub. In the morning came the friends in P o rtla n d W hitcom b & Com pany, certified ac­ saint, whose visions had warned him of Colorado. countants. Simpson is a sen io r a t the crime, whose authority forced con­ fession, and whose prayers restored Mrs. Minard III— the U niversity of Oregon, and was se- : the boys to life. Mrs. C laire M inard. of th e P laza lected by the faculty to fill the posi- St. Nicholas is the grand patron of confectionery, is confined to her tion in P o rtla n d for two weeks. W ord ' the children of France, to whom he hom e w ith illness. She has not been received recently sta te s th a t he m ay ' brings bonbons for the good, but a A FINE LOT OF SECOND HAND very well all week, though it is ex- rem ain in his position for th re e cane for tlie naughty child. In Ger­ FURNITURE pected she will be around as usual m onths. H e t is not expected home many he acts as an advance courier, : examining into the conduct of the by C hristm as. for the holidays. j children, distributing goodies and 389 E. MAIN GEO. B. ICENHOWER ■ promises to those with good records, a Cliff Payne has S prusteel ladders. Keep in m ind the H ard T im es” i further rew ard which the Christ Child ______ dance a t Ja c k so n ’s J a n u a ry 1. 93-1 , brings at Christm as time. But his own Buys Franklin Sedan— ---------- I peculiar celebration takes place in a | tiny seaport in southern Italy, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. G e a rh art, 72 P rice Services Today— On St. Nicholas day, December 0 Sixth s tre e t a re th e proud ow ners A g rea t m any people a tten d ed the the sailors of the port take the saint’s of a new F ra n k lin sedan, which has evangelistic services conducted by! image from the beautiful Church of been delivered in tim e for the holi- Dr. C harles S. P rice a t th e A rm ory St. Nicholas, and with a long proces days. j th is aftern o o n , and it was expected; slon of boats carry It far out to sea ---------- 'a n even la rg e r crow d would atten d Returning with it at nightfall they at*, FEED AND GROCERY Those w anting th e Big New Y ear the healing services th is evening.' met by bonfires, torches, all the towns A nnual O regonian, ’phone E lh a rt’8|'The services th is evening will begin people and hundreds of quaintly before D ecem ber 25. I t a t 7 :30 o’clock. Dr. Price is in Ash- dressed pilgrims, who welcome the re We Wish All Our Friends a Merry Christmas and a ---------- land ju st th is one day, as he is an- turning saint with songs and carry bin Happy New Year \ batin g in Sacram ento— xious to re tu rn to his hom e in Lodi- to visit one shrine after another, be fore returning him to the custody o: Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sanford will CaJ5f in |lRie for Christm a3 the canons. spend the holiday season w ith Mr. I Chambers’ “Book of Days” s a y s : S! S an fo rd ’s m other in S acram ento, ' F at chickens and tu rk e y s for Xmas “Through the native rock which forms Calif. a t th e E agle Meat M arket. 93-3 the tomb of the saint, w ater constantly ------------ a> $> €> exudes, which is collected bv the can­ ons on a sponge attached to a reed, I FOUND — ‘‘The M issing L in k .” : Miss P u tn a m Hom e— H ear John H erb ert D oran in ‘‘Man M adge P u tn am has arriv ed home squeezed into bottles and sold to pil­ in the M aking” a t the Civic Club from San Francisco for a m o n th ’s grims as a miraculous specific under the name of the ‘manna of St. Nich­ House, F rid a y a t 8 p. m. 93-1 \ isit w ith h er parents, Mr. and Mrs. olas.’ ” ---- — . F. L. P u tn am , 357 V ista street. New dance h its a t the Jack so n 's dance S aturday night. 93-3 NEW S is any hum an activity or event that i s o f in terest to oth er hum ans. T he BEST new s is that w h ich in terests th e greatest num ber o f people. The T idings w ould greatly appreciate it if you w ould call 3 » when you have an item o f in terest. Thank you. FINAL SHOWING TODAY Dorothy Phillips —in— « Thursday, December 21, 1922 ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAGE FOUR Hurricane’s Gal The girl with a will of her own—the man who did his duty for the law—and the crew that lnutined in mid- oeean. — Also— “A ESO P’S FA B L E S” — an d — “TOPICS OF THE DAY" Friday and Saturday A C elebrates B irthday— Ashland Lodge No. 23 SAVE a NEW AND SECOND-HAND STORE J. N. D E N N 1 S MONEY One Day Only D ec. WE WILL HOLD A REMARKABLE SALE OF Detrick’s Groceteria Provost M arried Today— Love currents drifted the sea-waif through a sea of strange glittering society— and left her stranded as no­ body’s wife, until— Coming Sunday— MAY McAVOY — in— “ The Top of New York” A G enuine Big C hristm as P ictu re —AND— Santa Claus will he here at the Matinee with something for all the Kiddies Admission......... 10 and 35c » Domino P rovost, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Provost was m arried to Miss M ildred C arlton, in O akland, Calif., today. Mr. and Mrs. P rovost ----------- TOO LA TE TO CLASSIFY Attend Reunion— Mrs. Bessie E lh a rt and son w ere FOR SALE— F re sh young cow and recent visitors n e a r Gold H ill, when 50-pound pig. 1410 Boulevard. a num ber of people atten d ed a fam -! Phone 485-R. 93-2* | are expected to a rriv e in the city in ily reunion a t the hom e of Mrs. A. E. i ^ Q g rp M an* led roughneck sw eat- I tim e to spend C hristm as here w ith K im ball, on Sardine creek. O thers er. F in d e r re tu rn to Tidings of- his p aren ts. . who w ere p resent w ere Mrs. J. D. fice. 93-2* _______ : S tearns, of G ran ts Pass and Mrs. Mrs. B ingham ’s F u n e ral F riday— L alu D usenberrv, Mrs. N ora W a it FOR SALE— All kinds of household fu rn itu re . R easonable prices. Must F u n e ral services for Mrs. Em ily I . ! and Miss M ary New lon, of Sardine be sold th is week. Call at 110 Bingham will be held from th e Epis- creek. N orth Main St. 93-3*1 copal church F rid a y aftern o o n , a t 2 ---------- o’clock. In te rm e n t will be m ade in 25 cents a pound. P laza M arket. 85tf LOST— On Boulevard betw een Mt Hom e grown alm onds and w alnuts, the M ountain View cem etery. Ave. and Rose Bros., cap for gas-: oline tan k . F in d e r please re tu rn O rres cleans clothes. P hone S tu dents to R eturn1— to Dr. Sw edenburg. 93tf S tudents a tte n d in g in stitu tio n s of Phoenix P astor V isits— higher lea rn in g in th e W illam ette FOR SALE— F resh m ilk goat (tw o y e a rs ), four q u a rts second k id ­ Rev. Joseph Angell, of Phoenix, valley, o th er th an Oregon A g ricu ltu r­ ding last Ju ly , two q u a rts now, was tra n sa c tin g business in A shland al college, a re expected to a rriv e in long lactation period. $50. In ­ Tuesday. the city tom orrow evening, the first q u ire Chas. Drue, 50 T hird St. it* tra in away from th e cam pus a fte r the com pletion of final exam inations. FOR SALE— T hree B arred Plym outh S tudents will be hom e from the Uni­ Rock roosters, $3 each. 872 B St. versity of Oregon, W illam ette u n iv er­ 93-6* sity and L infield college, at McMinn ville. is 100 per cent ready for the Final Days. Ready with the best all-round stock of Gift Merchandise we have ever offered—and that is a significant statement. TOILET ARTICLE SETS F rom the W o rld ’s Best P erfu m ers Djer Kiss Sets ........................................................................$3.00 to $9.00 H u d n u tt's T hree F low er Sets ...........................................$2.50 to $7.50 Jo n teel Sets ..................... $4.50 Colgates Sets for Men ............................................................................. $1.25 Cutex M anicure Sets ................................................................ 60c to $1.50 Red F e a th e r M anicure S e t s ....................................................................$1.00 PERFUMES Many Novelty P ackages— say it w ith p e rfu m e .................25c to $2.50 P erfum e A tom izers .............................................................. $1.00 to $2.50 Perfum e D ropper B o t t l e s .....................................................$1.25 to $5.00 The Best Stationery Values W e’ve Offered In Years Eaton. Crane & Pike's High Grade Paper, all white or an asso rtm en t of colors, from ................................. 35c to $9.00 Eversharp Pencils Single Pencils ............................................................................ 50c to $5.00 In Sets w ith W ahl F o u n ta in Pen .................................................... $8.50 Fountain Pens Waterman's Fountain Pens with the same price range as ever ............................................................................ $2.60 and upward P a rk e r Duofold P e n ................................................................................ $7.60 The New Novels Make your selection from our assortm ent of new fiction of 1922 by Rex Beach, Curwood, Rinehart, Kyne, Lincoln, and other p opular au th o rs. Whitman’s Chocolates and Bon Bons In Gift Packages .................................................................. $1.00 to $3.00 SUGGESTIONS G illette, Auto Strop. E n d ers Safety R a z o r s ....................................$1.00 Men's P urses and Bill F o l d e r s .............. ..............................50c to $5.00 R nbberset Shaving B rushes ...................................... . . . . . 5 0 c to £3.50 Big Ben and Baby Ben A larm C l o c k s ........................................... .$3.50 P yralin Ivory Combs. B rushes. M irrors Pow der and P u ff Boxes P a tte rso n P ictures of C ra te r L a k e ...............................$1.50 to $15.00 C hildren’s Games and Books— 1923 C hatterbox G enuine T herm os and U niversal Lunch K i t s ............................... $2.75 E astm an K odeks .......................................................... . . . $ 2 . 5 0 to $70.00 Holiday Greeting Cards O ur tables a re full to overflow ing w ith th e leading m a n u fa c tu re rs’ bran d s of G reeting C ards— 3c to 2 5 c McNair E ¡MB* GOOD THINGS TO EAT GATHERED FROM THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE WORLD FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS FEAST Lettuco Orange Peel Bananas Lemon Peel Oranges Turnips Walnuts Lemons Beets Cocoanuts Apples Carrots Almonds Pears Parsnips Brazils Raisins Onions Peanuts Cluster Raisins Cabagc Pecans Currants Sweet Potatoes Filberts Dates Irish Potatoes Chestnuts Figs Squash Celery Citron KIPPERED AND SMOKED SALMON JUST ARRIVED SAui Verne Blue Home— V erne Blue, son of Mr. and Mrs. j D. P. Blue re tu rn e d hom e.from Ber-i kelev, Calif., this m orning. Mr. Blue is a g rad u a te of the U niversity of Oregon, and accepted a c h a ir in the history d e p a rtm e n t of the University of C alifornia th is last fall. He ex­ pects to visit w ith friends and fra- . te rn ity b ro th e rs in P o rtla n d and E u ­ gene before re tu rn in g to th e south. Ho is a m em ber of Delta Tau Delta , fra te rn ity . WE SELL FOR LESS----- QUALITY THE BEST 1 B uys New C hevrolet— Carl H. L oveland, one of the city ’s m ost tale n te d m usicians, has bought J a 1923 m odel C hevrolet to u rin g c ar fo r a C hristm as p resen t for him self and wife. The autom obile wag sold by Mr. Zundel, of the A shland Auto! com pany. Mr. Loveland expects to I m ake good use of his new purchase, as he plays for dances betw een D uns­ m u ir an d Y reka, Calif., and M edford, and is alw ays in dem and w hen good 1 m usic is needed. WISHES YOU ALL COATS * * MANY WONDERFUL COATS $15 to $20 DRESSES THAT WILL ATTRACT YOU Old SAflTA CLAUSE H im self every afternoon and evening until Christmas See Our Large Assortment of Velvets, Canton Crepes and x Duvetynes for Street and Evening Wear ALL WOOL DRESSES He just arrived today. Greatly Reduced Many from Bring the Kiddies to See Him HIS PACK IS FULL Just Ask tlie S. P . Clerk—Ç - J. N. D ennis has purchased a new Ford delivery tru c k in which he ex­ pects to m ake all fu tu re deliveries on tim e. $55 to $65 S39.50 ONE PRUE and invites you to come in and see George N. K ram er, local re p re ­ sen tativ e of the S outhern Pacific, was a business visito r in D unsm uir. Calif., th is week. He w ent across th e line Monday, re tu rn in g to A sh­ land yesterday. ---------- . ■ B uys New Truck— than One Half $125 Value $59-50 A Merry Christmas K ram er V isits D u n s m u ir - If you don’t know , ask the clerk a t the Southern Pacific offices. A few nights ago, some one called up! a t m idnight to know w hat tim e m ass was Sunday m orning, and last n ig h t, som e one called up from down the line, to ask th e price of n um ber one Newtown apples. REAVER TRIMMED Renvaline, Beaver Trimmed, a E n d ers C om pany The series of pictures illu stra tin g “ Man in th e M aking” a t th e Civic Club H ouse F rid ay evening, a re the m ost rem ark ab le ever Bhown in th is city. This will likely be the last op­ p o rtu n ity to see them . 93-1 AND PAXVALIXE, H ear “ Poppy J a d e ” at Ja ck so n ’s ¡ dance S atu rd ay night. 93-3 j Drug Store AND Good Things to Eat McNair |{ros 22 OUR TOYLAND IS HIS HEADQUARTERS KIDDIES, BRING HIM YOUR LETTERS $10 Io $15 A Few Stouts at $5.00 to close out—Sizes up to 54 B. L. COLEMAN & Co. SAN FRANCISCO SAMPLE ROOM, ASHLAND HOTEL Next to W h ittle T ransfer O ffice O|xm from 9 A. M. u n t/l 8 :3 0 I’. M. SHOP EARLY IN OPEN- EVENINGS THE MORNING UNTIL CHRISTMAS C o m p a n y Dec. 22 Only Open from 9 A. M. until 8 :3 0 P . M. ! Save Money! > 1