ASHLAND DAILY TIDING» Thursday, December 21, 1922 Standard Oil Force at Medford— j Trot A school of in stru ctio n was held. “ Hav< T uesday-at M edford for the em ployes kidneys One cent th e w ord each time. of th e S tandard Oil com pany. Mr. Mrs. G. M elchert, a specialist on gaso lin e,1 “ Now p WANTED. r a i'b iC lA N a , w ith th e S tan d ard com pany, w as.D ble bi WANTED W oman to do general p resent and m ade known m a n y , feeling, DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— PractJ lim ited to eye, ear, ftoae a housew ork. P hone 170. 92tf points of in te re st In reg a rd to th is By usin th ro a t. OffUie hours. 10 to 12 a product. P ractically all of the local panied 2 to 5. W re d a n b u g Bldg., ?..■ em ployes w ent down for th e talk , I soon f lend. Ore 76 (E ffective January 1, 1 9 2 2 ) which was also atten d ed by o thers ache, rh DR J. J. EMMKNft-—P b y s .j's n a n Daily (Except Sunday) from R oseburg, G ran ts Pass and b lurred Burgeon. P ractice lim ited i LV. MEDFORD LV. ASHLJ M edford. uey tro t eye, ear, noat and throat. Glasa- 7 .0 0 a. m. 7:00 a »upplied. O culist and a u rtst f 8:00 a. m. 8:00 a 6. P. R. R. Offices. M. F. and H 9:00 a. m. 9:00 a A com plete line of c h ild ren ’s Bldg., Msdfor l, Ore. Phono ¿6 10:00 in balcony. E ast Side P harm acy Boxing C ard 14.Miks Good— DR. M ATTIE B. SHAW — Residence 11:00 The e n tire card of 26 rounds looks noon and office, 108 P ioneer avenue. 12:00 noon Every day in every way, Paulse bjetter th an any previous o ffe iin g 1:00 T elephone 28. Office house, 10 2:00 ru d ’s Suits are b e tte r and BETTER. d u rin g the past year. Gordon Mc­ to 12 a. m .; 2 to 5 p. m., only. 3:00 90tf Kay, one of the m iddlew eight ring 4-00 D B . H. M. SHAW — Physician and m en of the coast, arrived in M edford Surgeon. Special a tte n tio n Eyes, 5:00 Leaves for North— 6:00 today for a sh o rt tra in in g period be­ E a rs, Nose, T h ro at. G lasses f i t ­ 7:00 Mrs. Ju lia M cQuilkin, of A ted. Room 6, Mills-McCall Block. fore he m eets “ B attling” O rtega F r i­ 8:30 Phone 79 or 28. stre e t, left W ednesday for day night. Tom Sharkey will mix 9:30 R iver and G ran ts P ass, whe w ith Jack Edm onston for six rounds I)K. G. C. PH E T T E P L A C E — D entis’ 10:30 will spend the Xm as holidays — successor to W . E. B uchanan Sunday Schedule w hile “ B a ttlin g ” F rick will meet Special a tte n t on given to stra ig h t Leave M edford for A shland and Danny Cum m ings. P erfo rm ers for ening and care of c h ild ren ’s teeth. A shland for M edford every h o u r on F o r sale a t N eedlecraft Shop, baby th e c u rta in raise? include Roy B ar­ Office hours, 9 to 12 and 1:30 tc the hour from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m .; doll sets, garden sets, bloom er suits. clay and Kid R ogers, in the 130 5. Office phone 151.' Residence then 6:50 p. m. and 9:30 p. m. 80tf phone 201-J. C a u p s B uilding A shland w aiting room— E a st Side pound class. M artin Bowers, of A shland. Oregon 45t< Pharm acy. Better be safe that; sorry. See Gold Hill is a rra n g in g the e n te rta in ­ ASHliAND-ROSEBURG STAGE Beaver Realty Co. about your lnsur m ent, which will be staged in the CHIROPRACTOR D aily (E xcept Sunday) F rid ay evening, and 287tl N atatorium LV. ROSEBURG ance. Phone 68. it. E . B. ANGELL— C hiropractic I.V. ASHLAND prom ises fans they will receive full 1:00 p. tn. and E lectro-T herapy. The combi 1:00 p. m. value for th e tickets. T ravel by stag e; sh o rte st ro u te by Entertain Class— nation does w onders. F irs t Nat 1 2 0 m iles; one of O regon’s most Bank Bldg. Phone 48-142. Mrs. M. B. Riley en te rta in ed her scenic trip s. F a re — Ash land-R ose­ L ast m onth the A utom obile Spec­ House Calls Sunday school class a t h er hom e, 141 burg, $4.60; Medford - Roseburg. ialist Insured th re e tru ck s, six auto High stre e t, from 4 to 6 o'clock TRANSFER AND EXPRESS m obiles and 10 Fords. Phone 274-J $ 4 .1 5 ; G rants P ass-R osebu rg, $ 3 .OO. Tuesday afternoon. A fter m em oriz­ Yeo, of course. 84t: M EDFORD-GRANTS PASS FO R prom pt and careful service ing some sc rip tu re verses for the Daily (E xcept S u n d ay ) a u to tru c k s or horse drays, cal LV. G’T’S PASS ju n io rs and a clothes pin contest, pop W h ittle T ra n sfe r Co. P hone 11 < LV. MEDFORD Suggestions for HIM — One of 7:30 t m. corn and hom e m ade candy was in­ Office, 89 Oak stre e t n ear Ilote 10:00 a. m. P a u lse ru d 's ready-to-w ear suits or 2:00 p. m. 1:00 p. in. Ashland. 66V dulged in to the delight of all the 5:00 p. in 6:00 p. in. o’coats. 90tf youngsters. . T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRAN Sunday Only Those present w ere: Mary Poley, F E R — Good team and m ate 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a .m . Send h er a box of chocolate cream s tru c k s. Good service ai. a reaso 4:30 p. m. 4:30 p. m. Je a n n e tte S tearns, C h arlo tte and ab le price. Phone 83. G rants Pass w aiting room — The Naomi Sedim, M arlon H itchcock and — we w rap them free of charge for Bonbonniere, phone 160. m ailing. Rose Bros. 91tf Office aud w aiting room — No. 5 M yrtle and M ary McCoy. VETERINARY PAG® THRKB B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S I O N A L The most up-to-date ltmelieonette outfit—all electrically heated—just installed. This outfit enables us to serve you with the very best in H ERE was once a very, very old rag doll who lived in Our a nursery. She was so old Pies that she had seen all the children grow up—the boy We who wore trousers now, the girl who had her hair done in braids, the middle sized child who had so often left the rag doll out In the gar­ den at night. There was only the baby left—bless his pink toes! lint the rag doll was very, very old, and one beautiful Christm as time slie began to show her age. Her liair had been combed so much Hint it bad come out dreadfully, aud her nose, from a great deal of kissing was entirely gone. H er pretty piuk cheeks hud been washed away when the hoy tried to teach her to swim in the bath tub, and _ all her c l o t h e s were very untidy a special .home made Chile Con Caine, Home Made and Chicken Tamales are delicious. Are Showing- an Assortment of Most Exceptional French S;ik Neckwear of Luxurious Quality SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY G’FTS EXTRA FINE LINE OF • C h r is tm a s C a n d ie s f o r L e s s noticed all th ese made the most un- RgnSraJ { kind rental ks to A ^ -4 '¡:gv K-fore Christ- .¡nt in the attic to- night. T h a t ’s J u s t received a block of new dates Leaving; for California— Miss Johnson, health n u rse in the where tne old dolls go.” “Look at your Plaza M arket. 85tl public schools of the county, is ex­ dress,” said the jumping Jack. “It is CONVALESCENT HOME pecting to leave tom orrow n ig h t for all torn. I wouldn't walk across the Always see me firs t ab o u t your Will Spend Christmas at Home— in su ran ce; th e re ’s a difference; why? San Francisco w here she will spend ¡ m i sery floor with you.” CONVALESCENT Hl D uring th e C hristm as recess. Mist “Did you ever see such thin hair?" cheer. Good care Ask me. Yeo, of course. 84tf the holidays. Callie VogelL, teach er at the hlgl asked tlie hobby horse. “I thought my T erm s reasonable. tail was thin, but it isn’t to be com­ St. I ’hone 411-R. school, will help decorate th e tret New Book of R u les Ont— Com plete sets fo r dolls a t Needle pared witli th a t!” at her home near T alent. She alst The m ain indoor sp o rt am ong ra il­ craft Shop— Coats, su its, cans, etc. But ju st then the nursery door intends m aking a trip to Portlanc road m en, tak in g place before wages reasonably priced. S0d opened, and tlie Christm as Angel came LOST— L e a th e r note book and check before school r sum es on J a n u a ry 8 or w ofking conditions ju st now, are in. You could be perfectly sure that W IR E W H E E L SERVICE a t Lee- it was the Christm as Angel even if site book, S aturday. F in d e r re tu rn to the qu estio n n aires on th e new book 11. D. McN. L and W illiam L . Pol- of rules th a t goes in effect Ja n u ary dom ’s T ire H ospital. Broken spokes did have on a gingham apron, because T idings office. 91-3* f o i i .x t ly o f th e Buick Service ! er face shone so through the dark. replaced 25c. 8 ttf first. LOST—-Betw een Pine aud F r u it As­ Station , arc now in th eir new loca­ “Tlie French -doll must go up to tlie sociation. black g a u n tle t driving tion — th e Park G arage, w here they If you w ant those hens fo lav m ore attic,” said the Christm as Angel. P ian o T im ing— aggs, get some crackling, 3 cents “There is a more beautiful new best glove for rig h t hand. R etu rn to a; ■ prepared to look a fter your many • Now is the tim e to have your piano per pound. Plaza M arket. 85tf doll coming.” 41 G ranite St. for rew ard. 92-2* wan'-. In th e au tom ob ile lin e. 9 1 -2 tuned. C arl H. Loveland. Studio, • “Why, tlie jack-in-the-box has for­ 135 E ast Main. P hone 465. u6tf Social c irc le Meets— gotten how to jump.” O ur chocolate cream s a re u n su r­ You see tlie jack-in-the-box had heeu The social circle of the C hristian Don’t neglect it. Xm as vacation is FO R T R A D E— 160 a c re unincum ­ passed for quality. Rose Bros. 91 tf so excited about the rag doll’s dress church m et a few days ago a t the bered ranch on Pacific highway your o p p o rtu n ity to have those pho­ •hat lie had broken his spring. W hy n ot buy h er a Singer Sewing J. V. W rig h t hom e on M ountain ave­ and county road, n e a r H ilt; sm all tos m ade. See o u r work. Studio “Tlie jack-in-the-box must go up to house and o u tb u ild in g s; good M achine for Xmas. 55 down and $3 nue. D ainty refresh m e n ts were he attic, too,” said the Christm as An- 91tf stock or chicken ranch w ith p len ­ per m onth will p u t one in your home. A shland. served by th e hostesses, M esdam es ty of wood and tillable laud Will S inger Sewing M achine Co., 10 So. W right and W ebber. This being a Leaving for Los Angeles— Then she went over to the hobby­ tra d e for unincum bered Ashland F ir St., M edford. acreage; prefer no house, hu Miss Ann F orberg, H aw thorne business session of the circle, not as horse. would ensider acreage w ith sm al “Poor, old hobby-horse!” she said. school tea c h e r expects to leave F r i­ m any ladies got out as usual. Those house. E lean o r G reer, 19 9 G ran. V isitor from T he D alles— p resent w ere M esdam es S tru th e rs, Your leg is very badly broken. 1 will day for Los Angeles and Long Beach. Ite St. 231tf* Mr. and Mrs. T. A. M orris a re en ­ take you up to the attic until you Calif., w here she will spend the holi­ O. W. Long, Delpha B ryant, F ra n k •an he mended.” joying a few days’ visit from th eir FOR SALE days with friends. Miss F o rb e rg ’s Crowson, M innie W right, Hazel W eb­ “There.” the Christm as Angel said d tighter, whose hom e is a t The ber, John Cochran, F anny L eggett home is in M innesota. FOR SALE Dry lau rel wood, plenty ¡t last, “the nursery is all tld.v, aud and Misses May Benedict and Sarah of h e a te r ch u n k s; 12 inch tier, D alles Or. ready for new toys—but, dear me, $4.50; also 12 inch body fir, $3.75; good tam ales these chilly Sperry. The ladies of the church did w hat's this? Why, it is the little rag 12 inch second grow th fir, $3.25: A new shipment, o f fancy gold fish Rose Bros. 91tf very well w ith the b a z aa r on S a tu r­ lo ll1” delivered. 1224 Iowa St. 68-mo* at th e V ariety Store, 8 9 N. Main. day, and th a n k s a re due to all who “Oh, please, do I have to go to tlie 91tf W e d o n 't sell for less, b u t we give so kindly assisted. F o rd to u rin g car, thor- attic, too?” said the rag doll. “It's you the best buy for y our m oney a t tipped, $100 w orth of very cold there, and I know the best W e put the chicken in our tam ales .New shipm ent of su its and o’coats doll will have tlie chimney corner for th e W hite House. 92-2 $300 cash. P hone Plaza C onfectionery. 90tl herself—and 1 don’t want the mice to ju st in. W ill be glad to show them . 89tf If you w a n t th e best th ere Is in P a u lse ru d ’s. 84tf gnaw iny to e s1” “Why, you dear old th in g !” said the FOR SALE OR RENT -F o u r room G irls and boys, win a bicycle tire bacon, boiled ham s, chipped beef, X m as candy fresh from our own Christinas Angel. “ You're tlie same cottage w ith garage. Pee Mrs. C. in free guessing contest a t Fix-It lard and sh o rten in g , get It a t D et­ rag doll that I used to play with when 90-4 Shop, E. Lane a t Tidings. C ontest end3 S aturday, De- ric k ’s. W e sell for less. 48tf kitchen. Plaza C onfectionery. 90af i was little. You go to tlie attic? Why, 87tf cem ber 23. a t 6 p. m. i just guess n o t! We couldn't get along FO R SALE— 2 1-3 acres F o r H er— A pictu re box of candy V isitin g in P o r t l a n d - without you in the nursery. You do soil. Several oak tr Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Logan are a t Rose Bros. The price is rig h t 91 tf need a little mending, hut 1' am going M akes T rip to M edford— Page w ire fence on twi to sew you, and then you shall sit oil Jo h n Dill was a visitor to M edford am ong th e city people who a re visit­ city lim its. T erm s. C T id in g s R e p o rte r 111— tlie very tiptop of the Christm as tree.” ing away from hom e. They are W ednesday m orning. Ray W. Conover, rep o rter on the ise C. T aylor, Box 66 sDendinc a few days in P o rtla n d . Tlie Christm as Angel lighted one of Daily Tidings, was m issed from his tlie Christm as caudles so that she A shland. W hy not have th a t photograph re g u la r rounds in p u rsu it of the auld see to sew. Then she took tlie Prices are better at m ade while th e children a re home FO R SALE OR TRADE— 10 room elusive news item today. He is con­ rag doll in her lap and opened her Store, 89 X. Main St. bungalow and larg e lot in east for vacation ? Studio A shland will fined to his home by illness, though workbag anti set to work. 91tf Medl'ord valued a t $3000. Will please you. F irst she stuffed tlie rag doll’s in­ F ram ed p ictures for gifts D arling lie expects to he aro u n d as usual in sides with plenty of cotton so she ta k e A shland p roperty up to 90tf a day o r two. B etter insurance a t reasonable Studio. couhl sit up. Then she sewed lier toes $2000. Value and d ifference can be paid like rent. C. C. Pierce rates. B illings Agency. P hone 211. W ho will tak e th e big stick home M edford. 91-4* from th e P laza Confectionery Xmas On tlie Streets Again,— L ithia park is nearly covered w ith Eve? 90tf J . D. M ars, who has been confined FOR SALE— T urkeys, dressed or un dressed. George W . Nichols to ’»A hom e on T hird s tre e t for the ice, th e six sw ans ap p ear not to m ind several days, is able to be on the chilly w ater, for they swim abor t R esid en ce and B u sin ess L ots— Phone 1SF2. 91-5’ At h alf value. Now is the »he stre e ts a vain, a lth o u g h he is not as usual, searching the bottom of FOR S A L E —B flat cornet. Call 561 able to he back a t th e shop. the lake for choice tid-bits. T heir to get b arg ain s. D on’t w ait C St. 91-3* house is ready for them , and th e door sp rin g to buy. N uff Sed. Si alw ays open, h u t they continue to R ealty Agency. H 'ghw ay Pi*operty— FO R SALE OR TRADE— Two fresh Some splendid p roperty on Pacific swim around up to th e edge of the cows. P hone A. B. Chapm an. F ram ed p ictures for gifts D arling H ighw ay betw een A shland and Med- ice. ’ _ 84-m on-thn 90t? Studio. i o r l at a ttra c tiv e price. Staples O rder those ^ k m as oysters at the 88tf FO R SALE— Alm ost new w hite en ­ R ealty Agency. T avern Cafe. ‘ 90tf M edford A ids A storia— am el kitchen cabinet (H oosier) A C hristm as cheek fo r -$500 has Our Xm as candy is hom e-m ade. $30. Apply H otel Vendome. 92 t M erry C hristm as will soon be here been m ailed to A storia by City R e­ Plaza C onfectionery. 90ti W e have a full line of n u ts and can corder A lford, of M edford, to help sleeves and a white apron with strings FO R SALE— 20 acre farm , stocked dies a t the rig h t prices. Plaza M ar­ relieve th e em ergency needs of th a t to keep tlie dress clean, and a plnjc- and equipped, on E ast Main street. in City for Visit — F ra n k Beswick R F. D. box 176. 83ti chy. This was th e last im p o rta n t and-white checked sunhoiniet to tie W illiam M errim an, one of the head ket, Cl N orth Main. under tlie rag doll’s chin and keep her tra ffic officers of th e S outhern 'P a ­ act of th e city council before the iiair tidy. In Portland on B usiness— present city a d m in istra tio n goes out SPECIA L SALE ON A PPLES this cific com panv w ith h e a d q u arte rs at “ I think you will do now, you dear F. W. H errin is spending a O akland Calif., was a v isitor itl' the of existence on J a n u a ry 1. ■Id thing,” said the Christm as Angel. week only. Nice, large, red a p ­ days in P o rtlan d on business. Mr. M errim an was ples, good e a ters, good keepers, city recently. So it cante Christm as morning, and Cheap in su ran ce is costly a t any there on the tiptop of the tree sat the good cookers good lookers. Come called to th e valley to a tte n d the Save by buying doll clothes price. F o r sound in su ran ce a t re a ­ rag doll quite made over. The chil­ an d get them for $1.00 per box. or fu n eral of his b ro th e r, I. A. M erri­ the N eedlecraft Shop. ! sonable ra te s, see B illings Agency. dren thought her really the most beau­ m an, of M edford. I will deliver a t $1.25 per box. E stablished 1883. 34tf tif u l of ali the Christinas things. As A. G. A dam s. 2 40 T hird St. Phone for the rag doll herself—why, all the C ra te r L ake pictures, 50 cents up 460. 92-1 Do not fail to look over th e doll pleasure of her old days was as noth­ D arling Studio. 90ti ing to the happiness that was hers FOR SALE — Five room plastered sets a t th e N eedlecraft Shop. 80tf now .- - Carolyn S. Bailey, In Kinder- house, sleeping porch, garage, We have the best prices on u se ! •irter. Review. t h e Economy BAKING POW D£B G et it a t th e Arm y Store, fru it house, lot 50 by 140. Cen­ cars to he found in th e city. Come DETRICK’S GRtX’ETERIA tra lly located. R easonable. 78 in and look them over th is week from 7 a. m. to 10 Buick It pays to read the classified page. Second s tre e t. 92-eod-3* Agency. 72tf DR. J. P. CHISHOLM — Gr d u ale V eterinary. W alker Ave. COFFEE — HOT CHOCOLATE HOT BOUILLON, ETC. Local and Personal CHENEy THE M EN’S ST O R E ” NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE " o a n t- iiin a Have you ever asked yourself that question after spending more money than you knew you could afford? I t ’s not a selfish .‘flection; i t ’s really your conscience entering a protest against waste. You don’t fed that way when money into an interest-bearing A sh land , Oregon J ifc A îïa U r ;pnt,=infcir The appalling news of* A sto ria’s récent fire loss is* still fresh j h the m inds o the people of the N orthw est. This is probably the ■ •»• * g .' r t * ’ *. — ' larg est conflagration in the history of O regon, and yet A storia is only a m oderate sized city. W ith a predom inance of shingle roofs, not in fre q u en t high winds and a w ater supply from a single source, the. conflagration haz t exists in A shland ju s t as it has been show n to have existed 1.» A storia. C ur fire d e p a rtm e n t is w ell-equipped to fig h t a single fire — but how could they handle th e situation when the one t ra was sta rtin g new fires every m inute? Insurance is on th e job a t A storia to pay its tosses in lull, BI T THE FELLOW WHO W AS NOT INHERED DOES NOT WfeT A CENT. The only safe way to p rotect y our property a g ain st loss by fire is to carry ad eq u ate insurance in strong, w ell-m anaged com ­ panies. A few d o llars today m ay «ave you several thousand to­ night. Call us today. Real Estai? and Real Insurance Es'.ablished 1885 Phone 211