Ashland E stablished Published I'Eh? e t ^ T K i n . a t a re m ad e Tidings 1876 Every E v e n in g Sunday l r ' f iie e p t ¡ A N D THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO O FFIC IA L CITA AND COI NIA PA PER TELEPH O N E 39 C. K. LOGAN, E ditor E n tered a t th e A shland, Oregon Postoffice as Second-class Mail Ma. ter. BIBLE THOUGHT J — FOR TODAY — Bible Thoughts memorized, will prove a ¡0 ’ * heritage in a fte r years. gSiumnnii THURSDAY’, DECEM BER 21 REAL ways a re and all P roverbs Thursday December 21, 1022 WD DAILY TDMMOâ PAGB TWO PEA C E: — W isdom ’s ways of pleasantness, h er p ath s are peace. 3: 17. BYiBERT- M oses ■ <•> W hen "ear e n te rs ihe h e a rt, •• $ wisdom goes. our. <>*i ---------- ♦ { ‘ Doing things tom orrow ” is responsible for m any a shabby C hristm as luckily comes a t a •»> tim e of year w lim we can save a little cn gasoline and oil. < ? > * ---------- NOT ONLY CHRISTMAS < •> Alm ost any wom an can teach P lan s for C hristm as day have •3 > a m an a lot of th in g s about de- nearly been com pleted now as the interv en in g tim e becomes shortru.' ’ ce^ th a t he never th o u g h t of and sh o rte r, in both the fam ily and him self, in th e com m unity. & W hile it is occasionally diffi- D uring th e p ast few yeai’3, the * cult to find tim e for prayer world in general has passed th rough * m eeting, t >s a .ways easy i m uch unhappiness, and su fferin g has * find tim e ;o r the movies. been the portion of m any of its peo- ’ pies. Not only have e ffo rts b e e n ' *? m ade to m ake th e heavy burden •« *' > I1EZ HECK SAYS: “A good p air o’ legs borne by these lig h ter, but also to «> often supplies m ore safety lend a helping hand to th e u n fo rtu ­ th an a good pair of fists ” n a te s in th is country. C haritable - IÇeep D ry! Business was good this year. We expect th a t of 1923 to be better. I Ashland C leaning and Dyeing W orks. Ladies w ork a specialty. Auto de­ liv e ry . Phone 63. 90-6 Q e <•' «> ■•> <•'■ <• Ä <*> - v._ . -t> «v •$> S Chri&mas Sonnets one street betw een the foot o f th ese ; Shepherd of souls, Emanuel, the ! Am The First and Last, Salvation’s only Name, high steep hills and th e lake. This Our yesterday-today-for-aye the same, ♦ P E O P L E ’S FORUM « $<$><®><§>$><8>^ <§><$><»<» «? hay th a t Superior, was b u ilt on ex­ L'ght of the world and conquererof death, tended up n e a r the bluffs, b u t was Author and Finisher of our Faith. <®> <5> <$> T ourist Cam p G round E m pty— T here was not one m achine in the lo u rist camp grounds in L ith ia park W ednesday. Though those who have a m ania for sleeping outdoors and ’ to u rin g over the country a re tew ! th ere are generally one or two who ! defy th e chilly nig h ts and sleep in should l»e used in selecting a delicate to u rist parks in preference to w arm ­ perfum e; violet is always dependable. o n e can evolve a lovely cap from er hotel rooms. scraps left over from the coverlid i and pillow. Each row of shirring is O ur stock of candy and n u ts is outlined with infinitesimal roses. com plete and the price is rig h t. At The bootees are matched to the the W h ite House. 92-2 i faille silk sacque. The pin cushion is a clever thought and calls for a bit of D arling C ra te r L ake pictures, hand painting to indicate the face of 89tf the clock. Not only is there a place Studio. for ordinary pins, but the dangling F r u it cake and m ince m eat tim e h ribbons have rings to hold various here. F o r citron, orange and lemon safety pins. It would bring joy to any wee baby ‘ peel, raisin s, c u rra n ts, figs, spices, to play with the doll rattle as shown ' sugar, etc., D etrick ’s Gfloceteria sells above. It may tie nil band made, for jea3 - ' » L itf even to the hand painted head, al- . though It saves time to buy a doil F in d AYcimded Man— head. Observe that tiny sleighbells M edford police fohrid a m an giv­ are caught here and there among the ing his nam e as P ète Sdîfôff,"lying in ruffled ribbons. ■ a w eakened condition' oh the Jackson I bridge W ednesday àtfeï'fldon,-’With a gunshot wound in his' head. Ati a u ­ tom atic pistol of G erm an m ak e ,'w as ! . found lying beside him when Chief eO TYilC HT »Y VU TEZN N tfftP A ttft UNIO M j Tim othy a rriv ed in answ er to a call CHRISTMAS IN THE HEART ¡sent in by D. E. Phipps, who heard H . that Christmas in ihe heart. ! the m an ’s cry. The police believe D o n 't you Joel it, d o n 't qou know 't h a t Sopoff inflicted th e wound. A lt the q lo n j cf it« spell. Walrus; Brand W. A. SHELL i^ te rp ro o f clothing keeps ¿y o n B A R B E R Safety blades resh arp en er like new. Single bit, 30r ■ doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz C ra te r L ake pictures, 50 cent« up. D arling Studio. 90tf ‘i> how hard it storms, you will keep warm and dry with MITCHELL PIANO STUDENT WILL MAKE MORE MUSIC W atch o u r window for th e best asso rtm en t of beau tifu l candy boxes in- A shland. Rose Bros. 9 1tf OMETIMES mere suggestions be­ <$> G> <§> -S> ® <•' and benevolent o rganizations are do­ come glorified inspirations. Per­ ing m uch th ro u g h o u t th e country to haps the ideas conveyed in this was today you could h ard ly locate b ring cheer on C hristm as day tG group of pretty things that cun be it. Anyw ay, a few m en went over mnde at home will lead to joyous re­ those less fo rtu n a te th an others. th e Red R iver on a wagon bridge, sults in the way of preparing dainty To the m an w ith o u t a hom e, or tc b u ilt a fine hotel, laid out a tow n- Christm as gifts for baity dear. th e one th a t is fa r from friends and site and called it F arg o , N. D. Now The center coverlet is a billowy mass relativ es, a cheering word or a kindly ‘ you can find it. They m ade F argo of chiffon, puffed over a china silk sm ile comes as a blessing; the lonely | dry » w hile M oorhead was w et, and foundation. The Huffy ruffles about a re com forted; th e deserving a re she ran free hacks across th e bridge the edge are of hemstitched silk under­ rew ard ed ; th e poor and needy are at h er own expense to haul those who neath, topped with the sheer chiffon. fu rn ish ed w ith provisions and clo th ­ One, of course, can make the wee th o u g h t w ater w as not good for th eir rosettes out of bits of silk, but the ing th a t is ap p reciated m ore th an co n stitu tio n . F arg o soon becam e the ribbon departm ents offer them in such m ere w ords can tell. These a re all : place w here the trav elin g m en and attractive colors, and so perfectly a cts prom pted by the sp irit th a t per-1 m eates th e atm osphere d u rin g th is o th ers w ent to spend th eir week-; made, it seems the better part of vvis- i ends because of th e fine hotel. Some dotn to buy them, especially as they tim e of year. • went across the riv er to d rin k , but cost but a trifle. The pillow cover is T hough all this is con cu rren t w ith ] they ate and slep t in F arg o . Soon made to match. T hat little sacque C h ristm as day and th e holiday sea­ which you see is of faille silk with ' it becam e th e g re a t d istrib u tin g point son, th e sp irit should be everlasting, double rows of fluted narrow ribbon. ‘ for business. It is lined with crepe de chine for and ch eer and good-will spread The sam e can be said of G rand warmth. th ro u g h o u t th e e n tire year. Do not F orks, N. D. When making the coat hanger, be perform acts of ch a rity as such, orj | Suppose we now look a t D uluth, sure to get the best of sachet powder a fte r the fashion of duty bound but i M inn., then look tw ice to find Su- o enclose in the little hearts. Fare w ith a m otive th a t is prom pted by a I perior. At the tim e we wish to desire to aid o th ers. Make this speak of, S uperior was easy to lo- C hrislm as a special C hristm as for : cate, but D ululth was yet to be. Su- F --------------------------------------------------- those who w ant and a re lacking in perio r a t the head of the g reat lake í» th e w ealth of th e world, and m ake of the sam e nam e, had a good liar-] each day in spirit a C hristm as day. bor in a bay, lum ber m ills and ore I docks. It was the o u tfittin g place j HE Did you notice how sh o rt the dayi CHRIST for th e g reat lum ber ind u stry and I was today? It was the sh o rte st ini Day-Bpring, Deliverer, Just and Holy One, 1 iroii m ines. In o rd er to give you an th e e n tire year, and tom orrow the^ The way, the Faithful Witness, Prince of , idea of th e te rrib le handicap th a t Peace, day lig h t period will be slightly long­ D ululth had to contend w ith, I m ust The bread of God, Lord of our righteous- i e r th an th a t today. The change is ness, tell you th a t she was s ta rte d a t the not perceptible for several weeks, but 1 extrem e point of the lake, ■with no Our Passover, True Vine and Cornerstone, all a t once it daw ns th a t the evenings' Adam the Second, only-begotten Son, I h arb o r, no ground on which to build I Image of God, desire of every race, a re g e ttin g longer and it is not ne­ cessary io tu rn on jth e lights so a city w hich was only about four | Qur chancellor, our advocate for grace, m iles from Superior, up against high The Morning Star, Horn of Salvation, early . blurts, with only room enough for ! Root and offspring of David, Israel's Lamb, <§><§><§><§> «SÍ» Phoenix to Hove Tree— .. - 1 grand lodge of Masons of W yoming, The C hristm as tre e and holiday and a 32d degree Scottish R ite Ma­ program a t Phoenix .will be held a t Dizziness and faintness a fte r eat son, died here this week. Z ,,, , . ,, , tng show th a t your food is not di Clyde hall tom orrow evening, a t gested and is \ tu __ ■- It was said th a t he raised the first rn in g into poison ; 7:30 o'clock. P a te n ts and friends and gas. Simple buck-.horn bark, Am erican flag over a t:rri.«on be- of the boys and girls a re invited to glycerine, etc., as mixed in A dlerika, tween the P la tte liv er and M ontana ‘atten d . As th is is the tim e set for expels all poison and gas from BOTH at F o rt Phil K earney. Mr Daly was the a n n u al C hristm as Sunday schooL “ »Pe r ^ L y h ^ 1 fo o d -m a tte r’’’"vou a a form m and ander of the form Pr er r.rand grand com comm , offering, a special o ffering w iU .b e neve’r tboug'h t was in your system . K nights T em plar. I ta k e n for work am ong needy chil-, which poisoned stom ach and m ade dren. A special tre a t is being ar- you dizzy and faint. A dlerika is ranged for the children. M edford E X C®LLENT to ai? ¡is planning on a com m unity C h ris t-, . _ m as tre e about 5 o’clock Sunday a f-' _____ No m atter ternoon. . • suit of clothes. • | i _______ <♦'! -> To be in love w ith br ill your • job and your wife is a sh o rt - cut to happiness. <$> NOTED MASONIC M EM BER Dizzy Spells Due DIES AT R A W ilN S , W Y d, RAW LINS, W ye., Dec. 21.— W il­ To Undigested Food liam Daly, grand tre a s u re r of th e I «► _ ADD ITIO N A L. LOCALS. 1 $ The Enders Co. Children’s Work A Specialty C oats, p an ts, ap ro n s an d all o th e r w aterproof clothing. U Get Your Christmas Furs at Bartlett’s Store Largest Stock in Oregon Outside of Portland F. W. BARTLETT 115 W. Main, Medford ' *- J - V X 1 W L UJi~ ~ W LTJ..X. A U XJ-1II ■■ 1 imi»» to— Ig/q 1 MB9EK7»! --Í O A ll th e tnaqic of it» qlcu>7 T h a t Christmas feelin q «tcalinq fr o m ijour h e a d unto -,our feet — A liv e to a ll that liqhts the w o rld . T o a ll that deck« Ih e alreet 1 O h , that Christmas in the heart. T h a t lonq. that laslinq voice T h a t ainq« throuqh a ll the harrow inq years. A n d »in q » — ' R ejo ice 1 R e jo ic e l'* T h a t Christmas qlo ry creep inq F ro ® flnqer tips to toe» — T h e music of th e w o rld awake. A n d the bells across th e »nows 1 O h . that Christina» in the heart. T h a t you've qpt to have to b e O n e with th e spirit of the love Th at make» all Christmas q le e ; Th at Christmas qladness rinqinq T h ro u q h every hour you live — T h a t spirit of th e q o la e n p o w e r T h a t cries, " I q iv s ! " I q i v e V ' —By the B entitow n B ard, in H ouston Post. B akery Goods— G raham bread, rolls, hom e m ince pie, cakes and cookies. B akery and R e sta u ra n t. 69 Main. D etrick sells for less. Lfedy Billy" 92-tf 72tf A V ictor reco rd — the m ost appro­ p ria te g ift for the phonograph ow n-' er. Rose Bros. * 9 1 tf' P o rtla n d M inister H e r e - Rev. W a lter Van Nuys, of P ort-] land, was th e guest of th e Presby- I terian m anse Tuesday, w hile confer-j J rin g w ith Rev. K oehler on questions; of Sunday school and young people’s ' work. not navigable; its e n tran ce for navi­ JESUS C ontinuing “ How to R educe Taxes’ gation was down the south shore A Quitter. Christ-dazzled eyea we turn how comfort- five m iles. These th in g s a re men- i To the E d ito r: Old Santa Claus, that generous soul, ably Creates a joyous din. W hen L eavenw orth, K ans., got her tioned to show you why, w ith ap p ar- To xhee, O Gentle Friend, sweet Naza- But hastens homeward to the pole first railro ad a few m en in the sm all cut reason, S uperior ridiculed t h i | renel Before the bills come in. town of K ansas City, Mo., had a idea of building D uluth, and gave John-like upon thy bosom fain to lean, G randchild H ad (Toupy Cough O eyes we love to look in I eyes that see v.sion th a t if they would build a her the w orst of everything and call- Beneath our faults our human frailty— “ My g ran d sh ild could get no r e lie f ; b e tte r hotel th an L eavenw orth and ed h er the city of fools, and u n print- Forgiving ayes I And hands so strong and w hatever from a very bad c ro u p y ; s ta r t a bridge for th e ra ilro a d to able th in g s were said ab o u t her. In clean cough,” w rites P e te r L andis, Mey-1 cross th e .riv e r, they could induce i t , fact, these u n p rin ta b le things gave We love to feel our frail hands nestling in; W e kiss the white scars where thine agor.y ersdale, P a., “ u n til I gave him Fol- ■ to build down th e re and cross, which D uluth such adv ertisin g th a t the lit Once flow’d for us, and in our grateful blies ey’s Honey and T ar. It is a g r e a t ! was done, and the gatew ay to the ¡tie dinky s tre e t c ar would be loaded So filled are we with Christ love wa are help for chest and th ro a t tro u b le .” ; southw est was opened and a grea* at n ig h t w ith people going up to the fain Coughs, colds, croup, th ro a t, chest city a tte s ts of th e “ foolishness of j b e tte r hotel in D uluth. In the m orn- To separata even Judas from his kiss, m en w ith vision.” ing people would look around to see And if we have them,, say to our enemies, and bronchial irritation quickly re- lieved w ith Foley’s Honey and T ar. i " Tomorrow meat with me in Paradise.” Council Bluffs. Iowa, had a b e tte r th e nasty th in g s about it, and would — OR ELI A KEY BELL. C ontains no opiates — in g redients chance, but the visionaries m anaged ask of a re a l esta te m an to show him p rin ted on the w rapper. Stood the to build a b e tte r hotel in th e sm all a lot, w here he could do unto his test of tim e serving th re e genera-; tow n of Om aha across the river, th e n , n eighbor w h at he would do unto i tions. Sold everyw here. 89tf for a ra ilro a d bridge across th e riv e r ¡him , if above. th a t should be open to all railro a d s ’ The real e sta te m an would get him W ith this in m ind, they w ere unable in his buggy and drive down under The Big Xmas Day Event to get th e railroad at Couucil B luffs th e hill from the m ain s tre e t, show! to help and only by unusual effo rt j him th e g rea test ore dock u n d e r con- Matinee and Night, Dec. 25 and several y e a rs ’ tim e w ere they si ruction, the d redgers cu ttin g enabled to get some federal aid. But th ro u g h th e n a rro w neck of land to 1 they b uilt b e tte r th an they knew. deep w ater in th e lake, tellin g him i HtNRY W. SAVAGE offers Council j th a t it would soon be a g reat canal Evidence— see poor old A mericas F avorite P rima D onna C omedienne ¡all concreted, show ing him factories! Bluffs, then Om aha. W hen St. Paul was com paratively under con stru ctio n by th e score, then a larg e city, a t the head of navlga- upon th e s tre e t, foundation for great tion, w ith the term in a ls of several buildings w ere tinder way, som e for roads, M inneapolis was s ta rte d some the general offices of greaf ore corn- eight m iles up th e river, w ith a few panies, etc. m en— th e real kind of m en, th a t if The u n p rin ta b le th in g s th a t had you had 20 here like th e m , you been said about it, aro u sed th e ir cur- would soon have a city. They had no losity, and they w ent th e re ju st to w here n ear an even break w ith St satisfy th a t curiosity, but finding 100 Paul which seem ed to have every- per cent loyalty to D uluth and the th ing to block M inneapolis; but its beginning of a g rea t city sta rte d , people w ere self-satisfied, sim ilar to they bought. IN THE M U S IC A L R O M A N C E - ihe m ajority here, and the hustlers.! In m entioning th e lOO per cent boosters aud men w ith plenty of loyalty and how to test y ourself and vision and you would agree, w hen b rin g such conditions a b o u t here, you could see M innehaha falls, and w hile it will req u ire cosiderable de- O riginal S plendid S inging C a s t - tb in k th a t was w hat they m ade so ta il, we believe it will he w orth your g reat a cam paign of ad v ertising w ith, while to read. BOO Ti'.IES AT THE LIBERTY, MEW YORK C om pare it w ith yours in th e p ark (To be continued) PR IC ES— M atinee a t 3 P. M.— Low er floor $2.20; Balcony, that required real vision. In a few ---------------------------- years they were a rival and a little I O ur celery and lettu c e is th e best $1.65. $1.10 and 55c. la te r grew to be th e g re a te r citv. j to be had. Look ou r stock over be- NIGHT— Low er floor, $2.75; Balcony, $2.20, $1.65 and $1.10. M oorhead, M inn., was a b n stlin g j tore buying. W hite House Groce- city — if I did not tell you w here it teria. 92-2 PAGE THEATER m ade Home N orth Merry Christmas ¡nt! Happy New Year All Our Patrons Will Receive a Slice of Fruit Cake FREE—Saturday Also a Sacred Art Calendar L ithia Bakery MONTANA ROYAL MIXED FEED S traight Car Ju st Received |ost everyone has occasional interruptions or unforseen delay on bak­ ing d a y s , b u t the house­ wife w h o u s e s C re s c e n t 'B a k in g P o w d e r will net it w orry.-'- ■"*+'' • She w ill h'dtve light,/Iftelt- , in-your-hioutli biscuits,iriu- ffins, and cake b e c a u se — Crescent combines the tw o leaveriing Units th at''ir.sufe good results under variable circumstances. . .. ... From any groexr. Crescent Manufacturing Company Seattle, W ashington ’ Cteseent Baking Powder 16 per cent protein—$40.00 ton Unsurpassed for Dairy and Poultry Ashland Fruit Association -Ciirisunas Specials ■Freeh G olden D ates, p er lb. 25c— 5 lbs. f o r ..................... ..............$1.00 Fre:;h C itron, Lem on a n d O range Peel E nglish C u rran ts, p e r lb ........................................................................ 25c C luster R aisins, p er lb........................................................................... 25c Sun Maid S eed less R aisins, 7 lbs. for ...........................................$ 1 .0 0 D ates stu ffed w ith P ecans, per pkg................................................... 10c No. 1 C alifornia W alnuts, per lb. 35«— 3 lbs. f o r .......................... $1.00 Home grow n W alnuts, p er lb ........................................................... 25c Home grow n A lm onds, per lb ............................................................... 25c Brazil N uts, 5 lbs. f o r ............................................................................. $1.00 C hestnuts, p er lb ....................................................................................... 25c H ickory N uts, p e r lb ..................................................... 25c W e Have a F ull Lino of C h ristin as C andies a t th e B est Prices GIVE US YOUR ORDER FO R CHRISTM AS TURKEY R aises the Dough PLAZA MARKET 61 NORTH MAIN STREET