A shland D aily ♦ ASHLAND CLIMATE, w n noui 4 th e aid of m edicine, cures nine ® & cases out of ten of asthma. 4 4 Thi3 is a proven fact. I 4 ------------ FO UR DAYS UNTIL XMAS. Q> CHRISTMAS EVE TO BE OBSERVED HERE WITH FINE CANTATA MALARIA GERMS cannot sur- 4 vive th re e n o n th s in th e rich 4 ozone at A shland. The pure do- 4 m estic w a te r helps. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 No. 93 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 '4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ¡4 COMING EVENTS 4 I 4 D ecem ber 21.— Cooked food 4 sale, T rin ity Guild. ♦' SEATTLE, W ash., Dec. 21.— 4 4 D ecem ber 21.— Dr. C harles S. • “ W h a t’s in a n a m e ? ” 4 Price. A rm ory. N. L. Loveall is the tu rn k e y 4 4 Decem ber 22— C hristm as pro- 4 a t the sta te p en iten tiary a t 4 4 gram , High School. • W alla W alla, a post he has held 4 4 D ecem ber 22— “ Man in th e Î for five years. 4 4 M aking.” Civic club building. •> Like Oliver Onion, the poet, 4 4 D ecem ber 24— C hristm as can- • the nam e is not especially apro- ® 4 ta ta . M ethodist church. 4 pos, adm its Loveall, who de- 4 COMEDIAN SORRY HE CANNOT • d a re s , how ever, th a t he has an 4 WALL STREET SURVEY SHOW’S <§> D ecem ber 25, Monday — GLADDEN CHILDREN BY OUTLOOK FOR GREAT 4 C hristm as Day. • affection for the prisoners, even 41 XMAS FILM PROSPERITY 4 D ecem ber 25— C hristm as ball • if he do?s have to lock them up. 4 1 4 b enefit 484th com pany, A rm ory. ,4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ' 4 Monday J a n u a ry 1, 1923. “ FATTY” FILLED WITH CHRISTMAS BONUSES 4 Ja n u a ry 1-5— W eek of prayer MANY HIGH AMBITIONS ARE PAID THIS YEAR 4 in A shland churches. Firm s Unable to Reward Faitliäul U f e to b e One B eyond Censure Employes in 1921 Are Doing So D eclares; W om en’s Clubs This W inter; General Business E ntire C ountry Prepare for Eight Better, Reason Given. A gain st His M ovies, 4 4 4 4 4 4 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21. 1922 4 (Successor to the Semi-W eekly Tidings, Voi. 43) •• tidings 4 O M M < l4 « O 4 M « LARGEST CARM IAD OF MILK SH IP P E D FROM BRATTLEBORO, VERMONT <$> 4 4 S> BRATTLEBORO, Vt.. Dec. 21. <®> 4 4- — E ight tho u san d , six h undred - 4 4 and forty q u art bottles of m ilk, • 4 4 co n stitu tin g the largest refrig - 4 4 ♦ e ra to r carload of bottled m ilk • 4 4 ever sent out of B rattleboro in 4 4 4 one day were shipped out of • 4 4 here recently to Springfield, 4 4 4 M assachusetts, by the W indham • 4 V. MAYOR WANT KF KLUX 4 MYSTERY SURROUNDS M E A N S County Co. op eralive Milk P r0- 4 * KLAN PUBLICATION EMPLOYED BY H U FF IN 4 d u cers’ association. The milk 4 <$> STOPPED JAIL BREAK . 4 p lan t was established two years 4 4 <$> ago, and the business th is year 4 ’ 4 HAPPINESS OF NATION 4 PRISON SIX STORIES 4 has exceeded $250,000. 4 ABOVE STREET BELOV/ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ALLEGED THREATENED 4 I Federal A utboi i.'«‘.s Must Cheek Skylight Is B u k e n and Method of A ciivili'es fit' T hose W ho Destroy Descent Unknown; Prisoner Was I P eace, lie D eclin es; l*aper Owned Known as Gunman; Wanted in By Col. M ayfield, o f Texas. Portland on Two Charges. TO STOP WEEKLY L NEW YORK, Dec. 21.— P resid en t LOS ANGELES, Dec. 21.— W hen SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 21.— Wil- NEW’ YORK Dec. 21.— P rosperity! H arding lias been requested hv May­ Roscoe ( “ F a tty ” ) A rbuckle, film s liam H uff, held on seven charges of j ! is believed w ithin hailin g distance, or H ylan, of New York, to stop pub­ b u rg lary , escaped in th e first city com edian, re tu rn s to th e screen it ' follow ing a close survey m ade In lication of “ Colonel M ayfield’s W eek­ jail break here in the history of the will be as an a c to r and not a direc­ W all S tre e t by an In te rn a tio n a l News ly," a Ku K lux K ian paper published i In stitu tio n . He pried off the b ars i to r, it was learned today from Joseph Service correspondent. The C h rist­ in Texas. He says the paper is de­ 1 of the jail door, scaled a vent pipe to m as bonus is Indicative of b etter! Schenck, his em ployer. Schenck says, liberately dissem inating race p re ju ­ NEW’ YORK, Dec. 21.— The anti-'; (he roof, broke the skylight and mys- th a t a fte r the holidays A rbuckle w.ll a m usical tre a t of an unusual na- tim es. , The end of 1922 m eans m ore; dice and is endeavoring to destroy ta k e p a rt in a s tirrin g new film tu re will be offered Sunday evening m oney to th e m an who tak es orders I saloon league was charged with “ de- teriotisly descended six stories to the Election of officers in the newly the peace and happiness of the n a ­ comedy. I a t th e M ethodist church, when as well as the m an who gives orders.! 1 herately reso rtin g to falsehood to stre e t. organized F ra te rn a l club, by m em ­ tion. “ F a tty ” expresses re g re t th a t he “ Y uletide M em ories,” a C hristm as The W all S treet canvass shows an 's 't money from t ’.i? churches hv He is known to th e police as a des- bers of the 484tli com pany, was held ‘ Is it not the duty of federal a u ­ is unable to m ake a C hristm as pic-j c an ta a, will be given by a choir of increase of 15 to 20 per cent over! U nited States Sena’or-elect Ed- p erate gunm an. Two b u rg lary charg following the drill period last night, th o ritie s to check activities of those gunm an. Two b urglary tu re to gladden the h e a rts of the 41) voices. The m usical num ber is bonuses given o u t last year to be dis- w ards of New Jersey in a d d re s s in g ' p erate who destroy the peace, happiness and trib u te d th is C hristm as. Increased a “ wet m ass m eetin g ” of th e Molly 1 charges are pending a g ain st him in and resu lted in th e following offi­ ch ild ren. He says lie is determ ined under the direction of George H. prosperity of the n a tio n ? " Hylan cers for the com ing year: L ieutenant to m ake good and to keep his pri- y eOi w ith Mrs. Anabelle H enry and business is given as the reason. Many P itch er club, m ilita n t w om en's or-1 P o rtla n d , Or. It is believed H uff hid L ieu ten ­ asks. He says the paper is edited hv vate life so ordered th a t th e public \ j lS j{ j . v a n Fosson as accom- firm s, unable to give bonuses last ganization of the New York sta te d i - ; in the prison, aw aiting a favorable, . an t N orton, vice-president; P riv ate Senator-elect E arl M ayfield, Texas will never have the slig h test provo- panists. The chorus has been work- year, a re doing so this year, the cor- vision of the A ssociation A gainst opportunity to m ake a break for the Bow erm au, a new m em ber, secretary, dem ocrat, but advices from H ouston, outside. the P rohibition am endm ent. cation for censuring him. | ing h ard for several weeks in pre- respondent finds. and C aptain J. Quincy Adam s, tre a s ­ Texas, sta te the ow ner is Coionel / “ I shall have scm.. in te re stin g dc-l It has been learn ed th a t w om en's p aring the special num ber for C hrist- Billie M ayfield. urer. clubs over th e country a re prepar- m as eve> and some excellent m usic velopm ents in th is fie'.d to m ake P lans are now well under way for ing to renew th e fight against th e ;s prom ised. public la te r,” G overnor E dw ards WASHINGTON, Dec. 21.— P r e s i­ the big C hristm as ball to be given A rbuckle film s. continued. j. Follow ing is the pro g ram : the night of Decem ber 25 by the o r­ dent H arding has referred Mayor Hy- In a n o th e r p a rt of his 'speech he P relude ............................ Mrs. H enry ganization for the benefit of the m il- la n ’s petition requesiing the govern­ I.ARGE BEAR IS KILLED I accused th e anti-saloon league <»£ 1. “ P raise and G lory” — Soprano m ent to stop publication of May­ I ita ry unit. BY ASHLAND HUNTER ' i.-suing u n tru e inform ation from Ps solo; choir and chorus; Miss D rill last night consisted of plenty field’s W eekly to the departm ent of bureau in W ashington. Evelyn Dew, soloist. of the in fa n try variety, w ith C orpor­ justice, and the post office d e p a rt­ In tru e Daniel Boone fashion, fol­ 2. “ The S tar and th e Song” — So­ C i.n a c te riz in g the sp re a d i f hoot- als B utterfield. Adam s and Hobson m ent. lowing th e tra c k s and everything. legging as ‘ the m ost /Conspicuous prano and alto d u et; Mrs. E d ­ It is likely he will wait reports and P riv a te s S o u th er and W ertz in Hugh B arron, son of H om er B arron, ¡evil developm ent” or prohibition,. na Sm ith and Miss Jean An- com m and d u rin g a drill period. Ser- from the d ep artm en ts before tak in g of east of th e city, shot and killed G overnor E dw ards said: derson. ___________ 1 geant S argent was in charge of a action. one of the larg e st h ears seen recently 3. ‘ The P rophecy”— Tenor solo; j “ I am on my way to W ashington i school for nam ing the various me- in th a t section of The country. The ' and they are going to h ear from me Dr. C. F. Tilton. NEW YORK, Dec. 21.— D rug raid-1 chanical pavts of tb e m uskets, PORTLAND, Dec. 21.— The police MISSIONARY SOCIET” MEETS kill was m ade in the vicinity of the 4. “ B eihleliom ”— Choir. th ere on the p ro h ibition question e is, follow ing the ' poppy p a th ,” in- W ith the exception of one night, are grillin g H elen L eary, 20, who a l­ AT PR E SBY TE R IA N CHURCH somehow and soon. H yatt P ra irie dam. 5. “ A C hristm as L u llaby” — Con­ vaded the h e a rt of Greenw ich vil- 3Utficien t men have been present leges she saw Cash W eir, an aged Young B arron was out h u n tin g O thers who also spoke a g ain st pro­ tra lto solo; Mrs. W. M. Den­ The P resb y terian m issionary so­ lage, and a rre ste d five men a fte r a d u rin g the drill nig h ts to enable the riverm an m u rd e r a 15-year-old girl when he ran across the tra c k s of the hibition were A ugustus Thom as, ex-j ton; violin obligato, Dr. Tilton ciety held a pleasant and p rofitable desp erate b a ttle in a d ark room, al- ' off;Cers to qualify for pay d u ring the in his boathouse last Septem ber, and b e a r in the j*now. He proceeded to 6. “ The Shepherds’ V ision”— Choir ecutive chairm an of the P ro d u cin g , m eeting yesterday, w ith Mrs. C. B. leged to be an opium den, w ithin the last eight drills. dum p the body in the river. follow these, which led him to a ! M anagers' association, and Miss Eliz­ and q u a rte t. L am kin, hostess. shadow of the Judson M emorial F o r o btaining the g reatest num ber W eir denies the sta te m e n ts, say ­ cave in which th e bear had m ade its; 7. “ The M idnight C hoir”— Alto so­ abeth M arbury. Miss Niver opened the m eeting church. of new rec ru its to the 4 84th com pany ing th e wom an is endeavoring to get home. W hen he encountered the li); choir w ith alto obligato; w iih reading of th e prophecies con­ Tho sounding of sm ashing glass v ic to r H. Dale was aw arded the shav- even, since he told his son, E a r l,'to an im al. H ugh had to use his gun in Miss Jean A nderson, soloist. have n othing to do w ith her. UMPQUA HARBOR JETTY windows drew h u n d red s to the scenei ¡ng set &ffe re d as a prize in th is con- cerning the C hrist Child from Isaiah, a h urry. He took a quick aim and 8. ‘ The W ise M en”— Bass solo; She says she saw the m u rd e r MAY BE ELIM INATED from nearby tea room s and dancing ;esp This was over a six w eeks’ per- then giving the b eautiful description b ro u g h t it down w ith one shot. m en’s voices and soprano ob­ th rough a knothole in the boathouse.; ---------- places frequented in G reenw ich vil- ¡O(| Dale brought in six new men, of the B ethlehem shepherds from The anim al was of the black h ear lig ato ; Mrs. Mabel Hughes! The police a re looking for E a rl W eir, j ROSEBURG, Dec. 21.— T elegram s; lage. four m ore th an his closest com petitor Ben H ur. trib e anil weighed 375 pounds and Mr. A rtie Crews, soloists. 1 Mrs. Ross, president, conducted ; w ere sent to congress urging an ap- Two com plete layouts of opium for honors. 9. “ The G uiding S ta r” — Soprano j the business m eeting a fte r which I propriation. for the U m pqua h arb o r and two k its of b u rg la r tools were This was the final drill for 1922, solo; w om en’s voices w ith so-1 < I T -O FF REH EA RIN G SET Mrs. Riley gave a good review of th e ¡je tty . S enator S tanfield telegraphed seized. Many actresses a re said to i and plans are u n d er way to m ake piano o bligato; Mrs. E d n a ’ FOR EARLY IN JANUARY leaching and falsity of M oham m ed­ th a t the budget com m ittee recom - have visited the establishm ent, 1923 a b an n er year for the organiza- Sm ith, soloist. anism . Mrs. K oehler added points j m ends reducing th e app ro p riatio n of I tion. The disbandm ent crisis faced W ASHINGTON, Dec. 21.— A re ­ 10. “ Room for T hee”— Choir and SO-1 I by the 484th com pany recently ap ­ on the conditions in o u r m ission ' $56,000,000 for harbors urged by Ike hearin g will be held here on J a n u a ry p ian o s and altos. ¡arm y engineers, to $27,600,000. If pears to he passed, and it is the hope fields in Syria and Persia w here this 3 on the p ro test of Pendleton, Or., 1 i: “ Sing, Oh H eavens”— Q u artet; this cut is m ade, th e Umpqua h arbor of the local organization th a t th ere religion prevails. ag a in st th e proposed W allula cut-off Mrs. Sm ith Miss A nderson, Mrs. Boyd talked on “ M onnan­ will be elim inated from the list, it will never arise in the history of which was included in the Oregon M essrs. Crews and Yeo. ism , the Islam of A m erica,” which was said. The passage of the bill th e unit a n o th e r sim ilar condition. s ta te highw ay com m ission construe- 49 “ The H allelu jah C h o iu s” ; Choir. led to discussion of the evils of this SALEM, Dec. 21.— A few m in u tes're co m m en d e d by th e engineers was »ion program a t the request o. the faith in America. Mrs. Ross p re­ before m idnight pledges to the W il- urged. federal b u reau of good roads. sented the need of th e new P resb y ­ j lam e tte university endow m ent fund —------------------------ - The federal b u reau has been in­ te ria n college in Utah. The m eeting ¡crossed th e $1,250,000 goal. The clined to stan d firm on its original ARMY STORE CHANGES HANDS; closed with o ffering and prayer. LOS ANGELES, Dec. 21.— Colonel university also get $350,000 from the decision, b u t consented to reopen the JORDAN SELLS TO JORDAN F rancis M arshall and L ieutenant; general education board of the M eth­ case a t the req u est of P endleton, first C harles W ebber, m issing a v ia to rs,' NATIONAL FO RES’I’S RETURN odist Episcopal* church. s e ttin g the reh e a rin g on Time to J a n ­ Sale of the Army store owned by were found burned to death a b o u t' LARGE IN< CUE TO I’l BLIC The stu d e n ts and faculty held a uary 15. b ut th e secretary of a g ri­ W. F. Jo rd an to Al E. Jo rd an , h a s ; „ 5 m üea south of Tucson, Ariz., / c - | g rea t p arad e and rally. President! c u ltu re would ag re e to only a two- been announced. The new p io p n e -, co rd in g to rep o rts from th e rail- A to tal incom e of $866,532.54 was Carl G. Doney. R obert A. Booth and weeks* extension. It is understood to r will conduct the business a lo n S | road offices here. SALEM, Dec. 21.— S terilization of received from the n atio n al forests of m any oth ers deserve g rea t credit fori th a t P endleton and P o rtla n d and UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, E u- the lines of his predecessoi and will bodies w ere ch a rre d beyond a ji feeble-m inded, insane, epileptic Oregon and W ashington fo the year this accom plishm ent. some of the so u th e a ste rn W ashington gene, Dec. 21.— Oregon has 132 corn- do business in th e sam e place. The recognition and were found beside persons, h a b itu a l crim inals, m o ra l; closing Ju n e 30, according to Dis- tow ns will be rep resen ted a t th " m unities suppo rtin g one or m ore store has been the property of W. F. (he w recked plane Ttiis ends the degenerates and sexual perverts is tric t F o rester George H. Cecil, of the new spapers, according to a sta te P u ttin g in B ath— Jo rd a n fo r th e past few years. Mr. m ost sensational search in the hearing. his- provided for in a bill which Dr. Ow- N orth Pacific d istrict. new spaper directory prepared under The O. K. B arbers a re in stallin g a Jo rd an sta te s th a t he is undecided as torv of aviation. ens A dair of P o rtlan d has prepared Revenue am o u n tin g to $5,068,- HAREM QUESTION TABOO direction of P rofessor George T urn- fjne new aix foot bath tub a t th eir lo w hat he will do in th e fu tu re , but for consideration by th e forthcom ing 527.42 was paid into the L nited AT NEAR EAST CONFERENCE bull, o; the univ ersity school of jo u r-j piace Of business on N orth Main will rem ain in A shland for the presj ; leg islatu re. I S tates tre a su ry fiom all of the na- ent I A want ad will sell It nalism . Of 2S dailies in O regon, six stre e t. A sim ilar m easure, d rafted by Dr. tional forests, says the forest serv- LAUSANNE. Dec. 21.— T u rk e y ’s are m orning papers. E ight cities — ------------------- - A dair an d passed by th e legislature -C8, I nited S tates D epartm ent of Ag­ h arem s a re sacred and p riv ate and outside of P o rtla n d have two daily in 1919, was declared u n c o n stitu tio n -;> ¡culture, in its annual rep o rt m ade they cannot be discussed by the n e a r papers and eight have two weekly 1 ! al because it provided for no day in public today, by the d istric t forest- e ast conference, the T u rk ish dele- publications. ■ fl co u rt for those aifected. The new e r’s office in P o rtla n d . Receipts for gates here announced. Seven w eekly new spapers a re edit- hill overcom es th is objection. ¡the last q u a rte r w ere fa r in excess W lien th e sub com m ittee on C hris- ed ^y wom en, two being full owners. ■ M The bill would include in its pro- of those for any preceding q u a rte r K« tian m inorities a tte m p te d to intro- Qne th e Long C reek R anger, con-- we visions not only inm ates of sta le in- in th e ad m in istra tio n of the natio n al duce a rep o rt by Mile. V acaresko, a ducled by Grace P o rte r, is a one-- ww stitu tio n s b ut any person whose m e n -( iorests, except one in 1920. R um anian d elegate to the league of wom an paper, for Miss P o rte r does ■« tai or physical condition would jus- N early fo u r and a h alf m illion of nations, alleging th a t m any C h ristian »be w ork herself, ed ito ria l, bus!-; R» tify such an operation. ! th ese receipts are derived from the women are prisoners in T urkish negs and m echanical. A nother, th e ' A nother proposed m easure d rafted use of tim b er and forage, the rem ain- hom es, th e O ttom an delegates de- MilUpin Tim es, conducted by Mrs. u by Dr. Owens A dair would req u ire a der for th e use of land, including d a re d th at T u rk ish hom es are pri- j e SSe]iUe E. M orrison, is an all-wom - S3 physical and m ental test for both daterpow er sites. vate and th a t th e conference cannot an paper. H m en and women as a requisite to the^ bring them into discussion. T he n u m b er of one-m an shops in II issuance of a m arriage license, worn- ETATE TAX COMMISSIONER -------------------------— the s ta te is decreasing, w ith few er en over 45 years of age only being W ILL RESIGN TH IS MONTH GUARDSMEN OVERSEE th an a dozen p ro p rieto rs now doing exem pted. | ---------- DREDGING FOR BODIES th e ir own m echanical work in addl- II ---------- ----------------- | SALEM, Dec. 21.— F ra n k K. Lov- --------- - tion to ed itin g and business m anage- II lell, s ta te tax com m issioner, who has MER R O l’GE. La.. Dec. 21.— Com- m ent. N early 50 c-wners, or one- II EUGENE FIRE VICTIMS been em ployed in various sta te ca- pany G o. the L ouisiana N ational fo u rth of th e e n tire num ber, are coni- If ARE AIDED BY < 1TY pa c jt;es fo r m ore th an 30 years, will G uard, under com m and of C aptain bining the position of forem an of the - file his resignation in th e executive Re W. W. Cooper, a rriv ed here W ednes- com posing room w ith t^ e ir news- EUGENE, Or., Dec. 21.— A bout office la te r th is m onth, p rep arato ry FS day and went into camp. The gu ard s- g a th e rin g and adv ertisin g duties, f « $2000 will be d istrib u ted am ong th e for leaving for C alifornia, w here he men w ere engaged this aftern o o n in F o rty changes of ow nership out of Kk fam ilies of Iver Johnson, Jam es will pass several m onths in hope of overseeing the dredging of two lakes 187 daily and weekly publications in u I Church and Mrs. H enry N estle, who b e n efiitin g his health. n e a r here, w here a u th o ritie s believe the s ta te are listed since th e last I I I ¡suffered in recent fire and drow ning Mr. Lovell had intended to resign th e bodies of W att D aniels and com pilation of a new spaper d ire c -j« » ¡trag ed ies here, as a C hristm as gift, as sta te tax com m issioner a few Thom as R ich ard s have been hidden tory. Oregon has been 200 and 225 i l The money was co n trib u ted by local m onths ago, but a t the request of since th e ir m ysterious disappearance publications. ¡persons th ro u g h the M orning Regis- G overnor Olcott agreed to serve un* In the gun shop of the W ashington navy yard they are m aking letter boxes for the Post Office departm ent out of last Ju n e in the hands of a band of ----------------------------- I til th e first of neax year. ter, which o riginated th e fund. discarded shell cases and other ordnance material. masked men. T*ry the classified columns. OFFICERS ELECTED ADICTS FIGHT- PARTY DF RAIDERS L « D I S I SGHOOl GOES OVER THE TOP BILL IS PROPOSED OF STATE PAPERS Peace Use for the Instruments of Warfare V i 1