Wednesday, December 20, 1022 ASHLAND DALLI TIDINGS PAG» FOUB Going to Portland— L eaving for Independency»— Get Your Christmas Furs at Miss E dyth Stevenson, of the Miss Leota R ogers, of th e A shland high school will spend th e holidays H aw thorne school, expects to spend w ith h er p aren ts, who live near In ­ the C hristm as vacation visiting w ith friends in P o rtla n d H er hom e is in dependence. Colorado. Largest Stock in Oregon Outside of Portland Miss M arie F alld in e, Jackson county h ealth nurse, was in th e city today a ssistin g the E lk s’ in th e ir plans for C hristm as. AT OUR STORE V isitors from Gold H ill— Mr. and Mrs. F red Adam s, of Gold Hill and M edford w ere recen t guests a t th e Aden Spencer hom e e a st of A shland. Mr. A dam s is w ith the R eaver cem ent people. V isitin g W ith Friends,— WE HAVE ALL THE NUTS AND Mrs. N athan Gale, of G ran ts P ass, is visiting a t th e hom e of her p ar­ en ts Mr. and Mrs. A1 S h erard , of E ast Main stre e t. CANDIES FOR HOLIDAY SHOPPERS DECEMBER We don’t sell for less, b u t we give ! you the b est buy for y o u r m oney a t ! the W hite House. »2-2 21 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. Apply H otel Vendom e. 92-tf HEALING SERVICE LOST— Between Pine and F ru it As- — sociation. black g a u n tle t driving, J glove for rig h t band. R e tu rn .to 41 G ran ite St. for rew ard. 92-2* Iggj WANTED— W om an to do general housew ork. P hone 170. 92tf; F re sh crabs for your C hristm as d in n er will add to its richness. Get FO R SALE — Five room p lastered J them a t the W hite H ouse. 92-2 house, sleeping porch, garage, j: fru it house, lot 50 by 140. Cen-!l Going to E ugene— tra lly located. R easonable. 78 J Miss G eraldine R uch expects to Second stre e t. 92-eod-3*h spend th e holiday vacation a t her hom e in E ugene, and will also visit FOR SALE— B fla t cornet. Call 561 91-3* in P o rtlan d . C St. 115 IV. Main, Medford A r m o r y , T o m o r r o w O n ly O ur stock of candy and n u ts is FOR SALE— 20 acre farm , stocked I ¡com plete and the price Is right. At and equipped, on E a st Main street.) 92-2 the W hite House. F ra n k Beswick R. F. D. box 176., 92-6* County N urse in City— F. W. BARTLETT WILL HOLD SERVICES AT THE H. D. M cNair and W ilLam L. P o l­ Ciiff Payne has Sprusteel ladders. led, form erly o f th e B uiek Service S tation , are now in th eir new loea- TOO LATE TO CLASSI*'« t l i n — th e Park G arage, w here they are prepared to look a fter your many FOR SALE— A lm ost new w hite en-j am el kitchen cabinet (H oosier) w an ts in th e au tom ob ile lin e. 0 1 -2 $30. Bartlett’s Fur Store Dr. C h a r les Price Best Christinas Suggestion SPECIAL SALE ON A PPL E S this week only. Nice, large, red ap- 'p le s, good e a ters, good keepers, good cookers good lookers. Come and get them fo r $1.00 per box, or I will deliver a t $1.25 per box. A G. Adam s, 240 T hird St. Phone 460. 92-1 YHC THEATER BEAUTIFUL tei TODAY, TOMORROW Fáfs Dorothy Phillips —in— B akery Goods— G raham bread, rolls, hom e m ince pie, cakes and cookies. B akery and R e sta u ra n t, 69 Main. H . B. P L U M M E R GROCER m ade Home N orth 92-tf O ur celery and lettu ce is th e best to be had. Look ou r stock over be­ fore buying. W hite H ouse G roce­ te ria . 92-2 I ‘Hurricane’s GaV — The p u rsu it th ro u g h gale swept seas of sm uggling schooner and d estro y er; hydroplanes soaring overhead to a tta c k — w hile in the m idst of a h u rric an e seaw om an and society woman b a ttle for the one m an. —Also— “ AESOP’S FABLES’’ •—and— “ TOPICS OF THE DAY’’ COMING— NEXT SUNDAY' A REAL CHRISTMAS STORY SANTA CLAUS a t the M atinee w ith Som ething for all th e Kiddies What could be better for her? Saves its price in laundry bills, and you use it as it pays. Satisfactory terms arranged so the saving will pay the bill in a year. Come in and let us show you how fine it works and how easy it can be paid for. - ? E =3 r£’2 M urphy Electric Shop ON THE PLAZA ASHLAND, OREGON TELEPHONE 82 Adin., 10 and 35c, inci. tax To Our Friends and Customers As we are approaching the New Year, we take the liberty to extend our Friends and Customers, a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR. We wish that each of you may prosper and that I may again be favored with the opportunity to serve you, as in the past. So we thank you in advance for any patronage you may extend for 1923, and again wishing you a Merry Christmas T h e S p irit of C h r is tm a s White House Groceteria 338 EAST MAIN That genial spirit who hovers over the earth during the Christmas season, scattering his cheer and good will among us mortals with a lavish hand, will soon make his yearly visit. And who among us can resist the glow of good-fellowship and the impulse to wish anyone we max happen to meet, “ A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,’’ that the holiday season carries with it. But the real pleasure of Christmas' lies in the gifts with which you remember your friends, and if you would enjoy shopping for them, this store is the place to come. Here the cheery holiday atmosphere prevails, accompanied by a desire to render helpful service to you in the choosing of your offering to The Spirit of Chri s tm a s. ASHLAND, ORE. Do Your Christmas Shopping Here » Toys and Dolls on the Balcony Dressed Dolls at a Saving of •' to H R IST M À / I SEE OUR LINE o f TOYS and DOLLS BEFO R E PURCHASING ELSEW1I OVELTIEZ WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO WISH ALL OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS . A ZZ?errp Christmas J AND /Jappp Dew Year THE VARIETY STORE 89 North Main Games, D ishes, P ian os, Picture Books, M echanical Toys, H arm onicas and Tree Trim m ings Gift Suggestions You Can Find Here Gloves. Neckwear, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Silk Underwear, Boudoir Caps, Hand Bags, Vanity Cases, Cunuy Slippers. Hand Embroidered Underwear, Bath Rohes, Kimonas in Silk or Cotton, Silk Umbrellas, Silks, Ivory Toilet Articles, Bags and Suit Cases, Ash Trays, Sox, Neckties, Men’s Initial Handkerchiefs, Boys’ Sweaters, Wool Blankets, Pendleton Fancy Robes, Auto Robes, Table Linen, Lace Scarfs and Center Pieces.__________ __ S T O R E H O U R S C O M M E N C I N G T H U R S D A Y 8 A. M . T O 8 : 3 0 R . M . CHILDREN’S HANKERCHIEFS —7 cents each, three for 2 0 cents. THE STO R E E. R. IS A A C & C O W HERE TH E QUALITY' STORE YOUR PATRONAGE BOYS’ HANDKERCHIEFS —With colored borders—10c eaeli ’S A P P R E C IA T E D n