WednesiLay, December 30, 1032 ASHLAND DAILY «tDÎNGfi B U S IN E S S A N O P R O F E S S I O N A L Attend Medford show— Fire Pictures Are Shown— V ining P la n s Xm as Tree— Several A shland people m otored to Scenes of desolation caused by the C hildren a tte n d in g the Vining th e ­ M edford last n ight to see the per- A storia co n flagration were shown a t a tre a t the Sunday m atinee will be form ance of Kolb and Dill. Among I th e Vining th e a tre last night and greeted by Santa Claus and a large 1 those seen a t the show w ere Mr. and i proved to be very in terestin g . The; C hristm as tree. Every child attend-! Mrs. Carl H. Loveland Mr. and Mrs. slides w ere th e sam e as used by P o rt-jln g this perform ance will be given D illard and Mr. and Mrs. F arlow , j land papers, and were very m uch sack of candy and nu ts by Santa H. G. E n d ers Jr. and Miss McCredie. i clearer th an those printed. F. W. who will be present a t th a t tim e ---------- j H udson, of the C am era club, of P ort- th rough a special invitation of the A com plete line of c h ild re n ’s toys land, gave a sh o rt lectu re d u rin g the m anagem ent. ,n balcoaf- E a st Side P harm acy. 78t show ing of th e pictures. ! New shipm ent of su its aud o’coats L ast m onth the A utom obile S p e c -iju st in. W ill be glad to show them , Every day in every way, P aulse- S4tf 1 ru d ’s Suits are b e tte r and BETTER. ialist insured th re e tru ck s, six auto- P a u lse ru d ’s. i 9 0 tf ' m obiles and 10 Fords. Phone 274-J. Yeo, of course. 84tf ■ Xm as candy fresh from our own j kitchen. Plaza C onfectionery. 90af Here front Grants Pass Suggestions for HIM — One of Dewey Le Moss, of G ran ts Pass, stopped in the city for a short tim e P a u lse ru d 's ready-to-w ear s u i's -o r Im proves in H e a l t h - thia m orning to see friends. He He was was o’coats. 90tf H. C. S parr, who has been Quite ---------- | BI a t his home in this city, is re- on hig way to C alifornia points to ' Send her a box of chocolate cream s ported to be considerably improved. 3Pen ‘l th e w inter. The trip is being m ade in his m achine. 1— we w rap them free of charge for F o r H er— A picture box of candy 91 tt m ailing. Rose Bros. it Rose Bros. The price is rig h t 91tf F o r sale a t N eedlecraft Shop, baby -------- doll sets, garden sets, bloom er su its. H ere for W in ter— GF REDEM PTION OF 80tf Sam uel Sw cnning, who has been NO IIC E ELECTRIC LIGHT BONDS ¡w orking d u rin g the p ast sum m er R ecorder’s office, A shland, Ore- B e tte r be aare that, sorry. See with the f o re s tr seri ice in W ashing- Beaver R ealty Co. about your In su r-jto n sta te , arrived in A shland a few ',O11’ Decem ber 20, 1922. inca. Phone 68. Notice is hereby given th a t the 2 8 7 ti days a gO and expects to spend the ! w inter here. His d a u g h te r is m ak­ follow ing E lectric L ight Bonds will Talent, Club Meets— ing her hom e w ith his b ro th e r on be tak e n up and cancelled by said The T alent C om m unity club m et , Church stre e t, and a tte n d in g school city on the 1st day of Ja n u a ry , 1923 th is afternoon. Miss Florence Pool, by paym ent of the face value th e re ­ in the city. county hom e d e m o n stra to r, read an of and accrued in te rest, and in te rest excellent book review. Com plete sets for dolls a t Needle- on said bonds will tea se on th a t c ra ft Shop— Coats, su its, caps, etc., date: J u s t received a block of new dates. E lectric L ight Bonds Nos. 161 to, reasonably priced. 80tf Plaza M arket. 85tf 190, inclusive, dated Ju ly 1, 1910. W IR E W H E E L SERVICE a t Lee- H olders of said bonds should p re­ H. D. McNair and W llfani L. Pol- dom ’s T ire H ospital. Broken spokes sent sam e a t this office for redem p­ lel, formerly of the Buick Service replaced 25c. 84tf tion. GERTRUDE BIEDE, Station, are now in their new loca­ City Recorder. tion— the Park Garage, where they If you w ant those hens to lay m ore D ate of first publication, Decem­ are prepar ed to look after your many eggs, get some crackling 3 cents ber 20, 1 922. 20 & 27 want» In the autom obile line. O i-2 iper pound. Plaza M arket. 85tf PHYSICIANS. DR ERNEST A. WOODS— Practio lim ited to eye, ear, noce an; th ro a t. Office hours, 10 to 12 an 2 to E. S iredanburg Bldg., Ash !an l. Ore 73 d L eaving lo r O akland The W. D. Gill fam ily . left today for O akland, Calif., w here they will D li. J. i . i.MM ENS— P h y slc'a n an Suit,8Ga. P ractice Urn.ted U spend the next two weeks visiting eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasae w .th relatives of Mrs. Gill. supplied. O culist and a u ris t fo 8. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H H ighw ay P ro p e rty — Bldg., Msdfcrd, Ore. Phone c# Pome splendid p roperty on Pacific DR. a n d MATTI office E D- 1C * P J ^ Z r ^ ' mu’?. betw eea A ahland and Med­ Telephone 28. Office house, 10 ford a t a ttra c tiv e R ealty Agency. to 12 a. in.; 2 to 5 p. m., only. price. Staples S8tf DR. II. M. SHA W — Phy s i eia n and O ur X m as candy Is hom e-m ade. Surgeon. fir Special a tte n tio n Eyes, 90tf E a rs, Nose, T h ro at. G lasses f.t- P laza C onfectionery. ted. Room 6. Milla-McCall Block. Phone 79 or 28. W ill K pcnj H olidays H ere— b it. G. C. P H E T T E P L A C E — D entis’ Edwin M owat is expected hom e — successor to W. E. Buchanan. Ido-. Corvallis »0 spend the t* ilidays Special a tte n t on given to s tra ig h t­ with his paren ts, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. ening and care of c h ild ren ’s teeth Office hours, 9 to 12 and 1:30 to Mowat, of Reach avenue. 6. Office phone 151. Residence phone 201 -J. C a u p s Buliding, C ra te r L ake pictures, 50 cents up. A shland. Oregon 4 5 tf D arling Studio. 90tf CHIROPRACTORS W e have the best prices on us«d DR. E. B. ANGELA__ C hiropractic cars to be found in th e city. Come and E lectro T herapy. The com bi­ Buick nation^ does w anders. F irs t N at l in and look them over, Bank Bldg. Phone 48-3 42. Agency. 72 tf H ouse Calls Looking for Visitor—• TR A N SFER AND EX PR ESS. Mrs. E lla Sperry, of M ountain ave­ FO R prom pt and careful service nue. is expecting her oldest b ro th e r nuto tru c k s or horse drays, cal from e a ste rn Oregon to Visit her W h ittle T ra n sfe r Co. Phone I l f Office, S3 Oak stre e t n ear H ote soon. A shland. 56ti Hom e grown alm onds and w alnuts, T. L. PO W ELL— GENERAL TRANS 25 cents a pound. Plaza M arket. 85tf P E R — Good team and m otor j tru c k s. Good service a t a resso r ! O rder those Xm as oysters at the able price. Phone 83. i T avern Cafe. 90tf VETERINARY Always see me first about your Changes at Paint Store— in su ran ce; th e re ’s a difference; why? ; The shelves a t the Rigg paint and Ask me. Yeo, of course. 84tf wall paper store have been p artly re- ---------- 1 a rran g ed those on the south side Seal Sale E n d s S atu rd ay — of the sto re having been changed to Sale of C hristm as seals will close go across the sto re ab o u t h alf way S aturday n ig h t and is one of th e i from the fro n t to the back which mo3t successful sales in th e h istory m akes it possible to work in the rear of th e Oregon T uberculosis associa- room and see any custom er who tion, according to word received from m ight come in th e door. Mrs. Sadie O rr-D unbar, executive secretary of the organization. This O ur chocolate cream s are u n su r­ is the 14th an n u al sale of the seals. passed for quality. Rose Bros. 9 3 tf DR. J. P. CHISHOLM — G raduate J s h o PP«Mi in C i t y - V eterinary. W alker Ava. Mrs. Bess Y ork W rade, who lives , ( a st of town on E m ig ran t creek, was CONVALESCENT HOME i in town S aturday doing som e shop- CONVALESCENT HOME — Good ping cheer. Good care. Good food. 153 G ranite! T erm s reasonable. M erry C hristm as will soon be here. 3 06-1 1110 St. P hone 411-R. We have a full line of n u ts and can­ LOST. dies at th e rig h t prices. Plaza M ar­ ket, 61 N orth Main. 83tf LOST— G irl's green (sw eater. R e­ tu rn to D etrick’s G roceteria. S uit­ A Vici or record— the m ost appro- able rew ard. 9 0-tf ______________ ___ p ria te gift for th e phonograph own- G irls and boys, win a bicycle tire W hy not buy h er a Singer Sewiug 91tf LOST L eatlier note hook and c h e c k !e r - Rose Bros. in free guessing contest a t Fix-It M achine for Xmas. $5 down and $3 book, S aturday. F in d e r re tu rn to Shop. C ontest ends S aturday, De- per m onth will put one in your home, T idings office. 91-3* In front D ead In d ian — cem ber 23, a t 6 p. m. 8 7 tf ! Singer Sewing M achine Co., 3 0 So. Vernon H ooper was in from the ---------- F ir St., M edford. LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN- One Dead Indian country Sunday. He W hy not have th a t photograph ---------- light colored Jersey cow, branded rep o rts the snow two feet deep in m ade while the children are home A new shipm ent of fancy gold fisli on jaw . Tin ta g in left ear. N ot­ the vicinity of his home. for vacation? Studio A shland will at th e V ariety Store, Si) N. Maim ify C harles Pape, A shland. 91-2* 9 ltf ; 9 ltf F ru it cake and m ince m eat tim e 1? please you. FOR EXCHANGE here. F o r citro n , orange and lem on FO R TRADE— 160 acre unincum -i peel,, raisin s, c u rra n ts, figs, spices, bered ranch on Pacific highw ay su g ar, etc., D etrick ’s G roceteria sells and county road, n e a r Ifilt; sm all for less. 48tf house and o u tb u ild in g s; good stock o r chicken ranch w ith plen­ Save by buying doll clothes a t ty of wood and tillab le land. Will tra d e for unincum bered A shland the N eedlecraft Shop. 80tf FOR HIM FOR HER acreag e; prefer no house, b u ; — Willard Storage Battery for — R anges w ould ensider acreage w ith sinal His Car — W ashing M achines house. E leanor G reer, 199 G ran. AV.11 V isit a t R oseburg— Miss D orthea A braham plans to Ite St. 231tf* —-Spot Lights tí — V aru u m C leaners ■ o to R oseburg for C h ristm as and — Flash lig h t s — Sewing M achines WANTED. will also visit relativ es at C orvallis — W indshield Cleaners — P e rco la to r Sets W ANTED*-1 w ant to buy from ow n­ d u rin g h e r vacation. - Se t of Spark Plugs — G rills, T oasters er a th re e or four room house close -A lu m in tu n Plates for Run­ — W affle Irons NOTICE W e do a general real in. W ill pay $200 down, term s on ning Bourd — L aundry Irons balance. House m ust be priced e sta te business, but am ong ou r o th er — Stop Lights — H eaters, S tand Lam ps reasonably. A ddress Box E. care listings, at present, we have a num ­ — Trouble Lamps — L ight F ix tu re s of Tidings. 90-3* ber of very good hom es for sale. Or — Horn, Mirror — C urling Iro n s sm aller pro p erty , e ith e r here or in MANY O TH ER PR ESEN TS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION FO R RENT. M edford, m ight be considered in ex­ FO R RENT— A splendid th re e room change. Yockey & Co.. 177 E. Main SAVE THIS COUPON— IT IS WORTH MONEY 83-sat-m -w furnished a p a rtm e n t; a d u lts only. St. Phone 146. D a te . 357 V ista St. P hone 122. 80tf Will Spend H olidays H ere— FO R R E N T— Five room furnished Na m e . Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Beebe, of east house, cen trally located; a d u lts of tow n, a re looking for th e ir d au g h ­ St. No......... p referred . In q u ire 357 V ista St. ♦ ♦♦ « « ♦ ♦ ♦i te r in-law. Mrs. C laire Beebe, to ♦ « ♦ ♦ M t n o t n »»« O I «♦♦>»» »♦»««»»» P hone 122. 88-tf W e will allow a 5 per cent discount on each purchase if vou will spend th e holidays w ith them . fill out and p resen t this coupon. Not good a fte r Dec. 20th, 1922. FOR S ALE. B e tte r insurance a t reasonable j FOR SALE— Dry lau re l wood, plenty rates. B illings Agency. Phone 211.! of h e a te r ch u n k s; 12 inch tier. 201 EAST MAIN— PHONE 80 $4.50; also 12 inch body fir, $3.75; E at good tam ales these chilly 12 inch second grow th fir, $3.25: SEE OUR DISPLAY AT THE FAIR 9 ltf delivered. 1224 Iowa St. 68-mo* days. Rose Bros. Electric Christmas Gifts U S E F U L - - S E N S IB L E JORDAN ELECTRIC Co. FO R SALE— F ord to u rin g car, th o r­ Orres cleans clothes. Phone 64. oughly equipped, $100 w orth of accessories. $300 cash. Phone P asses T hrough A shland— 172. 89tf Arlo Bristow , th e C hristian m inis­ te r at K lam ath F alls passed th rough FOR SALE OR RENT— F o u r room A shland last week en ro u te home cottage w ith garage. See Mrs. C. from E ugene, w here he has been vis­ E. Lane a t T idings. 90-4 iting his parents. FO R SALE— 2 1-3 acres good d ark If you w ant the best th e re is in soil. Several oak trees. New bacon, boiled ham s, chipped beef, P age w ire fence on two sides. In lard and sh o rten in g , get it a t D et­ city lim its. T erm s. O w ner, L ou­ rick ’s. W e sell for less. 48t? ise C. T aylor Box 66, R. F . D. A shland. 90-6* P rices a re b e tte r at the Variety » ttf FO R SALE— Full blooded Jersey sto re , 85? N. M ain St. h a lf years old. ; ------------------------- bull, two and a 90-3’ P h o n e 4-F-12. physician. Then begin FOR SALE OR TR A D E— 10 room emergency” treatment with “emergency” ti bungalow and larg e lot in east M edford valued at $3000. Will ta k e A shland p ro p erty up to V V a r o R ub $2000. Value and difference can Over 1 7 Mil'ion /a n U teJ Yearly be paid like ren t. C. C. Pierce M edford. 91-4* pneumonia W SCKS MITCHELL PIANO STUDENT WILL MAKE MORE MUSIC nen in fò i What Did I Get Out oi It? One cent th e w ord each tim e. FOR SALE— T urkeys, dressed or un-| dressed. George W. Nichols.; P hone 18F2. 91-5*! PAGE THREE w SÉ5SE AV. A. SHELL BARBER Safety blades resharpened like new. Single bit, 3Or doz. Dobule bit, 60c dos Children’s Work A Specialty Your Attention, Please The most up-to-date luncheonette outfit—all electrically heated—ju st installed. This outfit enables us to serve you with the very best in COFFEE — HOT CHOCOLATE HOT BOUILLON, ETC. • Huv c \ ou evei asked voursolf that Question, after spending more money than yon knew you could afford! I t ’s not a selfish reflection; i t ’s really your conscience entering a protest against waste. You don’t feel that way when you put your money into an interest-bearing account. The Citizens Bank oi Ashland Ashland, Oregon See Us fo r - Gifts that Please Men DON’T BE D IS A P P O IN TE D — A L W A Y S U SE CALUMET t h e feeonomy B A K IN G P O W D E R PLAZA MARKET’ TH E VIKING CREAM SEPARATOR is a n o th e r C atalog House b u rste r a t P e il’s. Prices, $31.00 and up. Save you $1.90 on a 20 rod roll of fencing ag ain st anybody else’s prices. New and used Sewiug M achines for sale or ren t. Garden tools and everything for the ta n n e r. C heney C uvais et PEIL’S CORNER Ties TRE M EN’S ST O R E” NEXT TO TH E POST O FFIC E ~ 3 D ont let fiction “ warm vp " your engine A poor cold test oil will not lubricate your motor in cold weather. It congeals in the oil reservoir and is not responsive to the action of the pump. Therefore, while your engine is warming up, it is running practically without any lubri­ cation. The result: worn bearings, scored cylinder walls, and drain on batteries. Zerolene fo r W inter Lubrication Zerolene No. 1, No. 3 and No. 5 flow freely at zero, so that the en­ gine bearings get oil even when the motor is cold. The correct body of Zerolene will make starting much easier on your battery, elim­ inate the danger of burnt out bear­ ings and noticeably increase the power and responsiveness of you r engine. Consult the recommend­ ations for w inter lubrication as shown in the Zerolene Correct Lubrication Chart. STANDARD OIL COMPANY ( California I We Are Showing an Assortment of Mc-st Exceptional French Silk Neckwear of Luxurious Quality SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY G’FTS EXTRA FINE LINE OF Nininger & Warner Too Many TCH Our special home made ( ’bile Con Carne, Home Made Pies and Chicken Tamales are delicious. Christmas Candies for i ess Not Many Men Have more poweréspeed less friction and wear tinu Gomel £ui I I U tt,