ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS U AGB TWO W ednesday, December 20, 1022 I Stevenson B reaking Cam p— Piano Tuning— Talks in Me ’fc id — D. M. Stevenson, who has had! Now is the tim e to have your piano J. H. Doran appeared this a fte r- charge of th e construction work at tuned. Carl H. Loveland. Studio, noon before the M edford high school 'nrltabed Every Evening fizcep* the H y att P ra irie dam d u rin g the 135 E a st Main. Phone 465. *>6tf and delivered his lecture, “ Man in Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. past sum m er, is p rep arin g to breait ---------- the M aking.” Mr. Doran has some cam p T hursday of this weex. A great! C hristm as Special— 40 slides, « lu stra i i - hi- tall:, whi h OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY deal of the equipm ent has already j Special prices on box h an d k er- he uses in all of his lee.u res and PAPER been brought c u t, and the balance! chiefs, crocheted yokes, towels, gar which he used tod y. H expects to TELEPH O N E 39 will be brought to the city today and ters, m en’s pongee handkerchiefs and appear to n ig h t in a public m eeting C. K. LOGAN, Editor T hursday. c h ild ren ’s dresses and coats, all this a t M edford and d ’. iv c i the sam e E ntered a t the A shland, Oregon week. The N eedlecraft Shop. 91-4 lecture. r’cstoffiee as Second-class Mall Mai NOTICE 3> F ashions change constantly, <$> i ‘.or. Social a t Odd Fellow s’ hall T h u rs­ Don’t neglect it. Xm as vacation is Fram ed pictures for D arling ■t> b u t good ta ste never goes out day evening, D ecem ber 21. Odd F el­ your o p p ortunity to have those pho- Studio. 90tf <$> ♦> of style. low, R ebekahs and th e ir fam ilies in ­ tos m ade. See o u r work. Studio ______ vited. 91-3 i A shland. BIBLE THOUGHT 91tf » D etrick sells for less. 72tf W h at you accom plish in life — FOR TODAY depends about 95 per cent on 3 Bible Thonjrhta memorized, will prove ?> you, and 5 per cent on luck. priceless heiicage in a fte r years. •> .---------- •• An enem y often tells us WEDNESDAY; DECEM BER 20 • $> th in g s we o ught to know, even LAW OP LO V E:— Love w ork- ?• if they do h u rt. $>¡ eth no ill to hi3 neighbor; th e re ­ <4 i if —-------- fore love is ‘-he fu lfilling of the • H appiness consists in doing 4>{ law. Rom ans 13: 10. •> w ithout things we w ant and be- ' - J3T i „ r Z ing cheerful about it. AXENT TH E BONUS ■ ! ! Since the sm oke of the recent pol­ The reason the world seem s <8>i itical conflict has been blown away, so wicked is because the editors and P resid en t H ard in g has had an pul its w ickedness on the fr.-nt o p p o rtu n ity to analyze th e resu lts ol 4> page. - T! the election, he announces th a t he is ? > ---------- now w illing to pledge his support to Most of us a re much disap- <*¡ a bonus m easure for ex-service men, ? providing a feasible m eans for finari* •$> pointed to find how little o u t ? influence am ounts to when we cing the burden can be found. 3> try to use it. P rio r to th e election, P resid en t * > ---------- $ H arding appeared to be adverse to HEZ HECK SAYS: any suggestion fo r a bonus. Now <§> “ If you w ant to m ake a th a t he has seen and studied the re ­ <8> $ th in g b e tte r, don’t tak e it sults of the Novem ber holacaust, in 7 which m any political su rp rises were to congress.” ® & sprung, he evidently believes th a t a change of fro n t Î3 necessary. P e r­ sym pathy with th e feelings th a t haps he has discovered w hat a fine surged th ro u g h A shland w hen th e job he has, so m uch b e tte r th an be­ T hanksgiving day contest was c a n ­ ing a m ere United S tates se n ato r and celled. The bread th a t was cast; a new spaperm an, and he is anxious surely has retu rn ed . Glory be! J to re ta in the p residential seat for : a n o th e r term . W ith so m uch u nrest I in the ran k s of th e p arty and m any S> ADDITIONAL LOCALS. d isg ru n tled soldiers, long disgusted <@ > <®> <®> <8> -"Ç» ^ <§><$> -®> w ith the non-fulfillm ent of em pty prom ises reg ard in g a bonus, P re si­ B usiness was good this year. We dent H arding a p p aren tly feels the expect th a t of 1923 to be better. necessity of pacifying th e populace. A shland C leaning and Dyeing W orks. The vote of a m illion or so form er L adies w ork a specialty. A uto de­ soldiers when p arty politics are so livery. Phone 63. 90-6 un certain , is not to be despised Ev- ery little vote salted down am ong the W atch o u r window* for the best o th er little votes is ju st one vote a sso rtm e n t of b e a u tifu l candy boxes m ore, and in 1924 every little vote In A shland. Rose Bros. 91tf Service to all is going to be needed, if P resid en t H arding does not wish to re tu rn to Takes Truck to Portland— points in the his new spaper desk and wield the W illiam Heil. w*ho has been oper­ United States sh ears, blue pencil and paste pot a tin g a tru c k a t the H y att P ra irie ' again. dam d u rin g the sum m er, je f t T ues­ The p resen t ad m in istra tio n has day for P o rtla n d w ith his tru ck . Mr. had m any d ifficulties to contend Heil took w ith him a large m otor, with, perhaps fa r m ore than w ere ex­ which the com pany was sending back pected when the prom ises m ade prior to the factory in P o rtlan d . to and d u rin g th e early days of the a d m in istra tio n . But contentions or C ra te r L ake pictures, 50 cents up. no contentions, the fact rem ains th at D arling Studio. 90tf m any of the prom ises are still but w ords. The first act of the ad m in is­ W e p u t the chicken in our tam ales. ¡ tra tio n would be th e re tu rn to A m er­ Plaza C onfectionery. 90tfi ican soil of all soldiers along the Rhine. The boys w atched the de­ T rinity Guild cooked food sale at cline of the m ark s for m any m onths E n d ers Store, D ecem ber 21. 96-2 before they sighted a hom ew ard bound tra n sp o rt. The bonus is still Leave for Klamath— unpaid. W allace R eeder and C. R. Rush p ro m ises m ade and not fulfilled left Tuesday for K lam ath F alls and a re w orse th an no prom ises. P re si­ P elican bay. Mr. R eeder has some dent H ard in g is realizing th is now, equipm ent a t Pelican bay, which he and is seeking to m ake am ends and w anted to get before th e extrem ely is p rep arin g to gam ble on sins of cold w eath er of th a t section sets in. com m ission ra th e r th a n upon the sins of om ission. C ra te r L ake pictures. D arling âshiand Tidings Established 1876 . Merry Christmas Ffiniijiiüinnnitiiiu «.’lai Happy . N ew Year All Our Patrons Will Receive a Slice of Fruit Cuke FREE—Saturday Also a Sacred Art Calendar L ith ia B a k e ry M oses * Make Christmas the Sweetest Day of the Year Let Everybody Receive a Eox of Delicious Candy We Have Many Varieties to Choose From Choice Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos A Full Line of Pipes Choose something that will bring jov to those you wish to please them* hear them " Send your holiday greetings by long-di&ance telephone Pop Corn and Peanuts THE FOUNTAIN R. P. PORTER, Proprietor High Grade Foot Wear I am closing out my line of High Grade Foot- Wear at factory prices, and those wishing to take advantage of jobbing prices may do so now. Thanking you for past patronage, I wish you A Merry Christmas and A Happy and Prosperous New Year. A. M. ORCHARD The Plaza Shoe Shop 71 North Main « ■ rr“ ------ Ashland Studio. 89tf The Golden R ule is a noble piece of lite ra tu re . M edford is how ling Cheap in su ran ce is costly a t any its head off because C orvallis beat price. F o r sound in su ran ce a t rea- i them to a gam e w ith the Ohio foot­ sonable ra te s, see B illings Agency. ball eleven. P erh ap s, and perhaps Established 1883. 34tf ; only, th a t city m ay have a little Delivers Piano a t Hilt— The W h ittle T ran sfer com pany de­ livered a piano in H ilt one day this week, th a t w as sold th ere by one of th e local dealers. SANTAS HERE AGAIN You will find what you want in Do not fail to look over th e doll sets a t the N eedlecraft Shop. 80tf Announcement We wish to announce to the Public that we have moved from the Buick Service Station to the Park Garage, and can now give you real service in Storage, Car Washing, Repair Work and anything else in the Automobile line. flc N a ir & P ollei PARK GARAGE ASHLAND, ORE Get it a t the Arm y Store. Open th is week from 7 a. m. to 10 p. m. 91-4 | | | Visitors from M is s o u la - Mr. an d Mrs. C harles E. G raves, of M issoula, M ont., a rriv ed in the city th is week for a few d ays’ visit 1 w ith E. B. Shaw, of B stre e t. M rs .! G raves is a neice of Mr. Shaw. The visitors expect to go on to C alifornia to spend, th e w inter. F ram ed p ictures for gifts. D arling Studio. 90tf W ho will ta k e th e big stick home from th e P laza C onfectionery Xm as Eve? 90tf Candies Oranges Grape Fruit Bananas Green Vegetables | Fresh Meats and Turkeys jj of Best Quality and Right Prices Equipment Arriving— Some of th e e q u ip r& n t for the Moon L um ber com pany’s new saw ­ m ill and logging cam p e a st of the city is a rriv in g here and is being hauled to th e com pany’s holdings n e a r th e G reen Springs road. Residence and Business Lots— At h alf value. Now is th e tim e to get bargains. Don’t w ait u n t i l , i sp rin g to buy. N uff Sed. Staples i R ealty Agency. 88-2 at The P laza M arket 6 1 North Main Street I