A shland D au . y tidings ♦ ASHLAND CLIMATE, t h d o u i « «> th e aid of m edicine, cures nine <$> cases o u t of ten of asth m a. <£ €' This Is a proven fact, MALARIA GERMS cannot but - vive th re e m onths in th e rich ozone a t A shland. The pure do- <§> m estic w ater helps. ♦ ♦ & * (International News Wire Service) VOLUME L WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1922 4 (Successor to the Semi-W eekly Tidings, VoL 43) I E TOLD BY NAGLEY • STARVATION TH REA TENS TZARITZIN RESIDEN TS; NO R E L IE F IS PLANNED ; <$> • • ♦> •> ■ • • UNIV ER SITY PRO FESSO R SAYS THINKING POW ERS ARE • NOT DEVELOPED • FORTUNES ARE MADE BY APPLICATION OF IDEAS 4>: A <8> I -•> Money Should Be Reward ami Not • Aim of Industry Diwlswes Speaker; • N*val Man Also Talks; Social •> • Hour Follow s. _______ LONDON, Dec. 20. — Two h u n d red and fifty th o u san d peo- pie a re alread y approaching stra v a tio n in T zaritzin, and the local soviet a u th o ritie s have as yet m ade no plans for th e ir relief. This sta te m e n t was m ade here recently by Dorsey Steph- ens of Los Angeles, Calif., for- m er supervisor of the A m erican relief ad m in istra tio n in th a t G ubernia, who has ju st reached London on his way hom e. This y e a r’s crop in T zaritzin am ounts to betw een 19,000.000 and 20,000,000 poods, Mr. Stephens said, of w hich five m illion a re being collected as a grain tax. Com pared w ith the norm al crop of 00 m illion, th is m akes a poor showing. CLEMENCEAU IN COMING EVENTS <•> ---------- <$> CHRISTMAS FIVE DAYS ® AWAY. -i>] No. 92 <•' GEORGIA SOLON’S SHOES <$> STOLEN BY THIEF WHO ♦ ❖ R IFL E D PULLMAN TRAIN <♦ — —— .... . . <§>1 <3> ATLANTA, Ga., Dec. 20.— ] ❖ H erb ert M ilner, rep resen tativ e <§■, 1 e l e c t of Dodge county and can- <$> <§> •§> didate for speaker of the sta te <§>] i house of rep resen tativ es, en- <♦> •$> tered A tlanta in a ‘‘soleless” '»> sta te , and th e prospects of fac- <$>] ■$> ing the w intry winds th a t 4>j MRS. HARDING NOT YET S T R O N G S swept the s tre e ts of the city in <$> FR IEN D S ARE DOING HER "■» sock feet did not s trik e his sense 3>i <•> of hum or, as perhaps it did th e SHOPPING <8>1 th ief who m ade away w ith his <•>! < $ > shoes and those of th re e o th er BELIEVED COMMITTEE Q> <§> passengers aboard a P ullm an <3>l W ILL CLEAR DAUGHERTY * car “ Even a t th a t,” he rem arked ♦ D ecem ber 21.— Cooked food sale, T rin ity Guild. <»> D ecem ber 21.— Dr. C harles S. P rice. A rm ory. <«> D ecem ber 22— C hristm as pro- <$> €> gram . High School. '?■ D ecem ber 22— “ Man in th e M aking.” Civic club building. ♦ D ecem ber 25, Monday — DENIES INTERVIEWS CREDITED <$> C hristm as Day. TO HIM AND SNAPS AT <$> I D ecem ber 25— C hristm as ball REPORTERS !<$ benefit 484th com pany, A rm ory. <$> Monday J a n u a ry 1, 1923. ❖ $»| <$> J a n u a ry 1-5— W eek of prayer ROUGH OCEAN TRIP IS CAUSE OF SULLENNESS ',<§* in A shland churches. <®-- <•> <®> <®> <§> ■$><$> <§> French “Tiger” Can’t Sleep; Auto­ graphed Photograph of Popular <•> Actress Brings Greater Sum Than <•> That of Famous Old Statesman. <$> <§> HAVRE, F rance, Dec. 20.— The v v “ T iger of F ra n c e ” retu rn ed to his native land in a su rly mood. N ew s-, paper m en were m et by sn arlin g • statem en ts. ‘The interview was false,” bei PORTLAND, Dec. 20.— M emories <$>] , UPON ARRIVAL « <• HAYS PERMITS <$>, <•*' ■$> •*' <$> <•> INTO FILMDOM MOVIE HEAD ACTS AS SANTA I LA US TOW ARDS FAT •$> COMEDIAN 4*1 ACTION IS DECLARED < NOT “ REINSTATEMENT” <$> _______ C om plete E xoneration by H ouse good-naturedly “ w e w ere bet- <•> A m erican Public io Deride If R oscoe C om m ittee Is Indicated and Hear* RenuZns in Picture-.; Life Since <$> te r off th an the p reacher— the in.g T hou gh t to End Today; W ood­ th ief took everything he had <•> Tragedy Said to be Prosaie; Fatly ruff, M ichigan R enew s Charges. • except his beeveedees.” <•> Is Elated. WASHINGTON, Dec. 20.— W hile LOS ANGELES, Dec. 20.— W ill T h at the av erage m an is not 50, . . xz Mrs. H ard in g continues to show a Hays, head of the m otion picture in­ per cent efficient in th in k in g was rapid recovery from her recent s e r­ d ustry, today m ade a C hristm as t h e sta te m e n t m ade by P rofessor F .1 ious illness, she is not sufficiently present to “ F a tty ” A rbuckle, giving A. Nagley, of the business a d m in is-’ recovered to regain stre n g th to par- him a chance to “ come b a rk ” be­ tra tio n d e p a rtm e n t of the U niversiiyl ticiPa te in an elab o rate C h ristm as' fore the Am erican public. This is of Oregon, a t th e m eeting last night; snapped when quizzed about »¡rate-, of hun d red s of business m en and ' celebration. not in the stric te st sense of th e word of th e cham ber of com m erce a t the. C hristm as will be strictly inform al m ents ae was *quoted as m aking fav-i women were stirre d by the death this a “ re in sta te m e n t.” His p ictures Civic club building. Prof. Nagley] oring H a rd in g ’s in tervention in the ¡m orning of Miss C hristina MacCon- a t the W hite House, and only a few jn a d e p rio r to the ban will not be L.’ I talked upon th e subject of “ M aking' rep a ra tio n s program and declaring nell, for 42 years a school teacher r’ftrso,ial irien d s ot r>,eadfint and released, according to the Hays Money from Ideas.” Several in-j , F ran ce should ratify th e W ashington j here. H er death came from pneu- Mrs. H arding will call. F rien d s are ruling. stances w ere cited tellin g how large m aking Mrs. H ard in g ’s purchases in , tre a tie s. W hen asked if he had op- m onia. H ays’ action followed an Inquiry fo rtu n es had been a c c u m u la te d ! She was known to thousands. She Place of the a n n u al to u r she ««“ e ra l*i posed H a rd in g ’s in tervention, he a n ­ and the subsequent conviction th a t th ro u g h the application of hard w ork; retire d a y ear ago when she was 82 ly m ak es’ G i f t s w iU b e t a k e n t o t h e i sw ered, “ I have n o thing to sav.” F ire which was discovered shortly A rbuckle b a « be«n living a prosaic to an idea. W hite House. A ndre T ardieu, long one or the years of age. life since the San Francisco tragedy. KLAMATH FALLS, Dec. . 2 . 0 . - p ast m idnight last night destroyed “ Money should not he th e aim of I " T ig e r’s ” stro n g e st su p p o rters, was -------- —. . 4 “ We m ust try to live and help in d u stry , b u t the re w a rd ,” declared T rial of the su it b ro u g h t by th e sta te . . „ o . . . . . . v- . i WASHINGTON, Dec. 20.— Every! the P a rk grocery sto re, th e property , . . . . a , x J pleased when he denied the in te r-. MBS. EM IIA I. BINGHAM live— live and let live is not e n ­ th e speaker. “ Men do not come i n t o .ot Oregon a g a .n st Alva C. M arsters.,*’ , n n r n AT a , HOME TODAY t DIED indication is th a t A ttorney G eneral of Tom H ill, located n e a r th e to u r- | view. " I said only fear of a n o th e r ou g h ,” Hays says. A rbuckle will prom inence suddenly, h u t only a fte r, R oseburg b a n k e r; Ida F. M arsters, " ‘ D augherty will be exonerated by the ist camp grounds in the upper end wTa r will come if the R u h r is occu-| work for Joseph Schenck, and is very years of laborious effort and hard his wife, and the F o rt K lam ath M ea' | pi“ d j^e ' had" a rough trip and! Mrs. Em ily Bingham died a t h e r house ju d iciary com m ittee, which is of Lithia park, a t a loss of nearly m uch elated. work. The housew ife, in p e rfo rm in g , dows com pany, fo r recovery ot t ‘Ge cannot sleep home on L aurel s tre e t shortly be- likely to com plete its hearin g today. $3000. W ith the exceptilon of goods h er ro u n tin e d u ties could th ro u g h ¡0 about 8000 acres of land border- It was learned th a t C lem enceau’s f ° re noon today, follow ing an illn e s s 1 R ep resen tativ e W oodruff, Michi- in the basem ent, the e n tire stock was gan, republican, renew ed his charges badly dam aged, and though some ar-, REGULAR SESSION OF proper application, in m any in- ¡„g Upper K lam ath lake, n e a r F o rt au to g rap h ed photo sold for 650: of a few’ days. COUNCIL HELD LAST NIGHT stances, be ab le to devise som e s im - , K lam ath, has begun. fran cs on board ship, while Cecil] Mrs. Bingham was strick en w ith th th a a t t secret secret agents agents shadow shadow ed ed congres- congres- tid e s can be salvaged, the greater! pie a rticle s th a t m ight yield g rea t The sta te alleges th a t in 1903 j Soril. an actress sold hers for 2 0 0 0 1 paralysis and has been a t the point s onal who criticized portion were destroyed. m em bers The reg u la r m eeting of the city The fire was first seen about 12:30 r e tu rn s .” ! M arsters acquired title to the lands of death since the la tte r p a rt of last D augherty. francs a t a c h a rity exhibition. ------------ o’clock by Mrs. Hill, who lives across council was held las; evening in t! - Prof. Nagle also pointed out th e in qUe8tiou by m eans of dum m y lo-; week. --------------- ¡th e stre e t from th e store. At th a t city hall. Bills were allow ed and unlim ited possibilities th a t aw ait the ca»ors> advancing to them all neces-] F u n e ral a rra n g e m e n ts have not ¡tim e the flam es were already shoot-1 o th er ro u tin e business transacted, discoverer. T h irty years ago th ere sa,... fees and costs in connection w ith; ; been com pleted and will he an- ¡in g th ro u g h the roof and high into | ^lie new dairy ordinance was was not a single autom obile in th e appiicat}on8 j n 1920, title to t h e ’ | ounced later. the air. W ithin a few seconds t h e ; brought up and quite a num ber of U nited States, and now th ere a re ,ands wag tra n sfe rre d to th e F o rt; j d ep artm en t responded to the alarm , ((a *rym en w ere present to express m ore th an fo u r m illion, lie declared, K lam ath Meadows com pany and su it! PRESID EN T HARDING TO EAT ‘ and though Mr. Hill told them t h e v l ’Beir opinion on the new law A fter in driving hom e his a rg u m e n t. j was b ro u g h t by the s ta te in 1921. OPPOSCM EROM THE SOUTH could not reduce the flam es, no tim e ! n e a r^y ^wo hours of discussion it Speaking in the in te re st o ' the w ith purchase of th e lands, the was lost in m aking the a tte m p t. Mr. j was decided to m ake the 1 ense fee WASHINGTON, Dec. 20.— Honev U nited S tates navy, L ieu ten an t R. E. p ort K lam ath Meadows com pany in-: K e rr, of th e naval re c ru itin g service, .,u „ n ra te d pian s for extensive 1m- j Hill was high in his praise for the a g rad u a tin g one. A fee of 50 cents H oneycut, self styled cham pion ’pos­ i local d e p a rtm e n t today. i is t0 be charged d istrib u to rs of milk sum h u n te r of the south, has sent told about foreign relatio n s and the provem ent8, including d rain ag e and! An investigation was m ade today ; an ?*re cham ber of com m erce, a social h our v.as b ro u g h t by th e state. ______ i , Pt P ’ , . a v of the build.ng, it is not believed the; a clean and san itary condition. This ' violation of the narcotics and prohi- i followed, d u rin g which ladies of the __ ______________ _ scheduled to spe&k twice T-liursday, inspection > » to « he “ ««> * / X n it X id e «it the dis- PA W S. D e,. 2 0 . - A strin g of 209 a t , he A rm ory. The , lrst m eetl„ g stove was responsible. D ' efective, bition laws. organization served cake and coffee. He will be sentenced S aturday. w iring or incendiarism a re c o n sid -jlie ilu n 01 a m c c is an « pearls, to talin g 405 c arats, sold in wjn foe jn th e aftern o o n , a t 2:301 often as they may see fit. He is a stool-pigeon and double- CIVIC CLUB PRAISES a public auction a t the P aris H otel ' o’cioev a n j t t,e second m eetin “ in ered the Probable causes, crosser, as the testim ony shows. He ] (les Ventes f(>r 1>932,g75 ir a ncs. T hat ! U m ^ n ^ g a Î 7 : ^ k i c T Insurance on the stock am ounted The onlv o th er m a tte r of in te rest MR. DORAN'S LECTURE i th at came up d u ring the evening was was cap tu red last Ju n e a fte r fleeing] ig n e a r,y $150,000 ac the ra te of ex. to approxim ately $1800 and w as car The evangelist has ju st com pleted . .** Havru n . « 9 i ; a nn t h e ' wben tbe council voted to call in to China from the P o rtla n d jail The Civic club had a ra re tre a t in change on the date o. the sale. This a serie8 of m eetings in Eugene and / . buil’d ine was also pro ‘ >15,000 of the electric light bonds. Mr. D oran’s illu s tra te d lecture on sets a new high record for prices of a t A lbany. D uring the Albany m e e t-' b u lld in g - Tbe building ’ also p 1 0 __________________ so u th ern Oregon Tuesday evening a t : PARENTS DISOWN GIRL pearls in France. The strin g is p a rt in g s, peopie cam e Dorn all portions tected by *500 e a rn e d by Mrs S. L. th e club house. The club th in k s ofj WHO FLED TO “FREEDOM” o [ the sequestered G erm an p r o p e r ty ,|of the W illam ette vallev and filled AGen- ’s estim ated th at loss t o , > ia n y TOURISTS GOING Mr. Doran as th e genial su p erln ten -j MARION, Ills., Dec. 20.— H orror] BOSTON. Dec. 20— P a re n ts of which the French governm ent is ’ . u - th e building would reach about TO HAWAII THIS YEAR ls the Albany arm ory, larg e r th an th a t I $1200. dent of th e cam p grounds, and a re upon h o rro r was piled before th e, E m ily Drago, who disappeared from here, u n til tho u san d s were turned proud th a t to u rists should find such ju ry here try in g five men indicted her home recently, have disow ned | HONOLULU, Dec. 20.— P red ic­ aw ay, unable to find a seat. Special a mail in charge. It w a s a happy ;-or th e m u rd e r of H ow ard H offm an her, saying they would not receive tions for a record-breaking to u rist seats w ere held d u rin g the m eetings su rp rise to find him a professional d u ring t&e H errin m ine riot of h e r even if she w ished to come back. season in H aw aii are being m ade th ere for business people, as m any le c tu re r w ith a charm of personality, j une 22. Follow ing h er sudden d e p a rtu re , she here. An exceptionally large influx cam e early in th e day and brought flu e n t expression and a choice of Tilis culm inated when P a tric k Jos- sent a telegram to her p a re n ts, giv­ Grapes Kept Two M onths— . of w inter visitors io the islands is th eir lunches in o rd er to be su re of w ords th a t added to the beauty of eph O’R ourke, a m ine gu ard , exhib- ing her “ lack of freedom a t hom e” j expected from Los Angeles, acco rd ­ E xperim ents th a t m ay prove valua- having a seat for the services. p ictu res which every n a tu re lover r C( j Rvid scars of knife w ounds on as reason for leaving. i n g to advance reports of R obert F. ble to grape grow ers of so u th e rn O re- ______________ _____ should see. I11 appreciation for Mr. h is neck and told of having his Cullen, d istrict passenger ag en t of gon are being carried out by F r a n k 1 D oran’s courtesy in giving this lec- th ro a t slashed and g e ttin g seven bul- the Los Angeles Steam ship com pany, W ood, of G ran ts Pass. A keg of To- tu re . the club house com m ittee h a s 'lets p u m ped into him. He has yet SPOKANE, W ash., Dec. 20. One-! who recently arrived here. kays, packed in redw ood saw dust I offered him th e au d ito riu m F riday t n endure op eratio n s to regain the j th ird of the apple crop of the sta te ] two m onths ago, w ere opened this evening for his lecture, ‘ Man in the fuU uge of hig lim bs and j aw of W ashington is going to ruin due week and found to he in splendid Siskiyou Chapter No. 21 M aking,” free of charge. T here will ___________________ to a lack of tra n sp o rta tio n facilities condition, and colored to a high de­ R. A. M. be no a d m itta n c e fee, but a silver LOCAl| MERCHANTS ANNOUNCE ' and e x o rb itan t fre ig h t rates, John gree. M asonic Hall, A shland. offering will be taken. STORES WILL BE OPEN LATE j Quincy Adam s, president of the , Many E m pty Cars .Move— : W ashington s ta te farm ers' union , The m ovem ent of em pty cars to N otice of M eeting. MISSING AIR PILOT IS Beginning tom orrow evenipg, m er- WASHINGTON, Dec. 20.— Uurg- sta te d bere today. He estim ates the Oregon was especially heavy on Tues- S tated convocation, T hursday ev- FOUND AT LONELY RANCH] ch an ts 111 general in th e city w ill, PROVIDENCE. R. I., Dec. 20.— day> th re e d rag s of 70 cars each be- ing the powers of the world to find loss a t a 500,000 on a $6.000.000 D ecem her 21. Election and -W on 1 kWP PlaCe8 ° f busine98 open ‘“ ¡P rovidence society was throw n into lag evidence. Sixty cars has been m eans o th er th an w ar to settle dis- crop. in sta lla tio n of officers; also o th er SAN U v A M lS tO Dec V .- A ra- the evenings, in o rd e r to accom mo- a panic Tuesday when counsel for th e lim it h ut the dem and is so g rea t putes the federal council of churches Tbe a ™ les a re ro ttin g and are . . . . . hn Q q v « business ro u tin e. Sojourning and d.o m essage 10 the I m t . d m ates a.: aIe t ; , , c h ris a n a s shoppers, m any .M rs. M innie E n g le h ea rt, who is sa - th a t as th e supply increases the sky sky issued issued a a C C hristm hristm as as call call to to 100,000 100.000 bei b e,nS dU“ P ” w. . . ’ n visiting com panions invited. R efresh- m ail service h e a d q u a rte rs here to- of whom a re unable to get down ing h er husband. Rev. Dr. Adolph H .'i s m ade the lim it clergym en to observe D ecem ber 24 Adam s sa>s tb a t ' a g ‘ ™ I m ents. V V. MILLS, H. P. who sta le ^ . b a n d . “ p a sto r” of th e Church of th e pai of th e A shland high school, is the* year tow ard a tta in in g “ an even- *---------- --- Knights Templar cared for since his plane was forced people a re spending c o n sid e rab le , Divine Science, has a stro n g hyp- keeping th e fam ily in A shland over tu allv w arless world th ro u g h in ter- ASTORIA W ILL LICENSE to land east ot P orcupine Ridge in niOney for p resen ts this year. A m a- notic power which he uses over the the holiday season. Before illness n atio n al co-operation.” ITINERANT MERCHANTS Musoni« Hall I tnh by a snow storm . Boonstr:: s j 0 r ity of these are of a practical na-, women who come to him for “ divine visited th e fam ily, Mr. F o rsy th e a n d ___________________ ASTORIA, Or., Dec. 20. — The S tated conclave, W ednesday even- plane was found } am . tu re , and not th e useless gifts so h ealin g .” The church is said to be his fam ily planned on spending th e N. Y. COUNTY HANGS ONE j problem of preventing itin e ra n t m er- ing, D ecem ber 20. In sta lla tio n of se ^/e h in g p a rtie s today located him comm on a few y ears ago. ch an ts from crow ding the city w ith officers. R efreshm ents. All Sir of a sp iritu a listic leaning. holidays in Eugene. MAN IN ENTIRE HISTORY at a point far rem oved from civiliza- Y uletide decorations in m any of Mrs. E n g le h ea rt bases h er su it on D rill Slatc-il for T onight__ I stocks of goods before the local K nights courteously invited. W. H. McNAIR, E. C. ,io n - th e local estab lish m en ts have been charges of extrem e cru elty and her The last drill of 1922 will he held W ATERLOO, N. Y., Dec. 20.— .d e a le rs who were burned out have W. H. DAY, Recorder. m ade, giving m any of th e stores an h u sb an d ’s association “ w ith o th er by m em bers of the 484th com pany Seneca county h isto rian s, delving in- an opportunity to establish new loca- Mi l 11 H E FLOATING excellent appearance. Suggestions w om en.” a t tbe A rm ory this evening. T his to records of the county, have dug lions, and a t the sam e tim e m ake CARD OF THANKS IN UOLUMR1A R IY E R of the holiday season a re not con- d rill is required to brin g th e to tal up a record for o th e r counties of room for any legitim ate en terp rises, We w ant to th an k o u r friends, ST. H ELEN S, Or., Dec. 20. Tfierc fined to windows alone, but to t h e _ E quipping New R e s ta u ra n t— up to federal req u irem en ts. It is de- the various sta te s to shoot at. faces th e city council. As a m eans J. H. Groves has ren ted the room sired by C aptain J. Quincy A dam s In the history of Seneca county, of solving it an ordinance is now in neighbors and the Eiks lodge for all is m uch ice floating in the riv e r op- in te rio r of th e sto res as well. a t 345 E ast Main stre e t, which was th at every m an he present. ju st one m an has been hanged for force req u irin g every person or firm the b e a u tifu l flow ers and th e ir kin - posite St. H elens and betw een here -------------------------- ----- form erly a p a rt of th e S quare Deal Spends Y ncaticn in P o rtla n d — m urder. He was C harles Johnson, desiring to engage in business to oh- n rss to us in the loss 01 oui ov ng ¡;nd K alam a, and two of the wooden Pi«ks Up D etroit— ; husband and father. steam schooners, which left, took the W hile tu n in g in to various dis-: grocery, a n d is in sta llin g fix tu res Lloyd S hriner, son of Mr. and Mrs. who w ent to his d eath on a scaffold tain a license from th e city. Mrs. B ertha Heer. precaution to have the how sheathed tances last n ig h t, Sam Jo rd a n , of th e . p rep a ra to ry to opening up a lunch N. L. S hriner. who is a tte n d in g th e erected in the jail y ard here in 1887. * The question of xvho shall get L-- Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Anderson. w ith lum ber before s ta rtin g down Jo rd a n E lectric com pany, picked up room. Mrs. Groves was form erly in Oregon A g ricu ltu ral college a t Cor- Johnson was convicted of the m u rd e r censes is to be determ ined by a spe- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sm ith. river. R iverm en rep o rted th a t the the D etroit. Mich., radio sta tio n . Ex-; th e Bon Ton re s ta u ra n t for som e vallis, will not spend the holidays in of a ja il tu rn k e y . He had been in -]cial license com m ittee appointed by Leslie E. Heer. the council actin g in conjunction ice is well broken up and sott, but cellent re su lts w ere obtained, an d ; tim e, and Mr. and Mrs. Groves have A shland, according to word received carcerated for a petty crim e. Thelm a G. Heer. ] w ith a sim ila r com m ittee appointed thick enough to do dam age to wood- everything cam e th ro u g h w ith per-! both had experience in the re ts a u ra n t by his p aren ts, but will visit w ith Jim m ie Heer. by the business interests. en hulls. feet clearness, declared Jordan. A want ad will sell i t business. his two siste rs in P o rtla n d . i I GALLED BY DEATH LEGAL BATTLE OVER E E Al CAMP GROUND AT KLAMATH FALLS F L IN FUEL SESSION Local and Personal » P E A C E 10 BE El