F AGB FOCB Local and Personal H om e from C orvallis— Miss M argaret Johnson is a t home from O. A. C., for the holidays, vis­ itin g w ith h er p a re n ts, Dr. and Mrs F. H. Johnson, 146 M anzanita. W hy not have th a t photograph m ade w hile th e children a re home for vacation? Studio A shland will please you. 9 l tf TODAY — TOMORROW THURSDAY TOO LATE TO CLA39IFT Shopper from W e e d - Mrs. E ugene Holm es, of W eed, FOR SALE— T urkeys, dressed or u n - ' , Calif., ia a C h ristm as shopper in dressed. George W. Nichols. • ! A shland today. Phone 18F2. 91-5* I I G randchild H ad C ioupy Cou*:h LOST— L e a th e r note book and check ‘ My gran d sh ild could get no relief book, S aturday. F in d e r re tu rn to .w h a te v er from a very bad c ro m y , T idings office. 91-3* i cough,” w rites P e te r L andis, Mey­ ersd ale, Pa., “ u n til I gave him F o l­ LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN— One light colored Jersey cow, branded ey’s Honey and Tar. It is a great on jaw . Tin tag in left ear. N ot­ help for chest and th ro a t tro u b le .” i ify C harles Pape, A shland. 91-2* Coughs, colds, croup, th ro a t, chest and bronchial irrita tio n quickly re FOR SALE OR TRADE— 10 room lieved w ith F oley’s Honey and Tar. bungalow and larg e lot in east C ontains no opiates — in g redients M edford valued a t $3000. W ill p rin ted on the w rapper. Stood the ta k e A shland p ro p erty up to test of tim e serving th re e g en era­ $2000. V alue and difference can tions. Sold everyw here. 89tf be paid like ren t. C. C. P ierce M edford. 91-4* A new shipm ent o f fancy gold fish at th e Variety Store, Hit Have you ever asked yourself that question alter spending more money than you knew you could afford:’ I t ’s not a selfish reflection; it’s really your conscience entering a protest against waste. i3 100 per cent ready for the Final Days. Ready with the best all-round stock of Gift M erchandise we have ever o tte re d — ami th a t is a significant statem en t. TOILET ARTICLE SETS 1* rom th e W orld’s Best P erfum ers D jer Kiss Sets .................................................................. $3 ft0 H u d n u tt’s T hree Flow er Sets ........................................ $2 50 to $" 5<> Jonteel Sets ................................................................ >4 5«) C olgates Sets for Men ............................................. ................ s , ' , 5 Cutex M anicure Sets ...................................................... . . . . .60c to $L 50 Red F e a th e r M anicure S e t s ............................................... l 00 The Citizens Bank of Ashland MITCHELL PIANO STUDENT WILL MAKE MORE MUSIC P rices are b ettor at the Variety Store, 8 » X. Main St, 91 if Drug Store You don’t feel that way when you put vour money into an interest-hearing account. Main. 91tf McNair Bros. What Did I Get Out of It? Ashland, Oregon PERFUMES Many Novelty Packages— say it w ith p e rfu m e ................ 25c to $2 50 P erfum e A tom izers ............................................................. .. fl0 to $2.50 P erfum e D ropper B o t t l e s .................................................... $1.25 to $5 00 Don’t neglect it. X m as vacation is y our o p p o rtu n ity to have those pho-j tos m ade. See o u r work. Studio A shland. S ltf r Í Get it a t the Army Store. O p e n : this week from 7 a. ni. to 10 p. m. 91-4 The Best Stationery Values W e’ve Offered in Years E aton, C rane & P ik e ’s High G rade P aper, all white or an asso rtm en t of colors, from ................................. 25c to $9.00 Eversharp Pencils Single Pencils .............................................................................. to |6 00 In Sets with W ahl F o u n tain Pen .................................................... $8.50 Christ m as Special— Special prices on box han d k er chiefs, crocheted yokes, tow els gar ters, m en ’s pongee h andkerchiefs a n d ' c h ild re n ’s dresses and coats, all this: week. The N eedlecraft Shop. 91-4 FIRST NATIONAL ATTRACTION while the hurricane howled, a destroyer roared in pursuit and above a ’plane soared beagle-like, woman did not fight against woman, hut FOR woman in a climax as big as they make ’em! —Also— Views and Description of the Astoria Fire —Also— “ TOPICS OF THE DAY’’ —and— “ AESOP’S FABLES’’ Adin., 10 and 35c, inch tax Fountain Pens Announcement H. I). McNair and W ili'am L . P o l­ lei, form erly o f the Buick Service ! Station, a re now in tlie ’r new loca­ tion— th e Park G arage, w here they are prc|N»ted to look a fter your m any w ants in th e au tom ob ile line. 9 1 -2 ^ W a te rm a n ’s F o u n tain Pens w ith the sam e price range as ever ........................................................................... .. and upw ard P a rk e r Duofold Pen .................................................................. $7 50 The New Novels Make your selection from o n r assortm ent of new fiction of 1922 by Rex Beach. Curwood, R in eh art, Kyne, Lincoln, and o th er p o p u lar a u th o rs. Whitman’s Candies In Gift P ackages .................................................................. $1.00 to $3.00 We wish to announce to the Public that we have moved from the Buick Service Station to the Park Garage, and can now give you real service in Storage, Car Washing, Repair Work and anything else in the Automobile line. Mr. W heeler, of th e east p a rt of the city, expects to leave this week for C alifornia, w here he will spend ia th e holidays. Trouble«] w ith W eak K idneys SUGGESTIONS L adies’ H andbags and P u rses ........................................ $1.25 to $6.00 Book E n d s ..............................................................$2.00 to $4.50 per pair F ram ed M o tto es..................... 70c F l a s h l i g h ts ...........$1.50 to $4.00 “ A Day in the Siskiyous .....................................................................$2.00 G enuine Ivory P y ra lin , single pieces or sets Games for C hildren— F linch, Rook, Polly A nna. Dom inoes, Puzzle Peg— Etc., Etc. G enuine Therm os and U niversal Lunch K its ...............................$2.75 E astm an K odaks .................................................................. $2.50 to $70.00 HcNair & Pollei “ Have been troubled w ith weak kidneys since childhood,” w rites Mrs. G. Hyde. Benzonia, M ichigan. “ Now past forty and have hall te r ; rible backache and th a t tired out feeling, h ardly able to do my work. By using Foley K idney P ills, accom ­ panied w ith Foley C a th a rtic T ablets I soon felt like a new person.” Back­ ache, rh eu m atic pains, dizziness and b lu rred vision a re sym ptom s of k id ­ ney trouble. Foley K idney P ills give quick relief. Sold everyw here. 89tf Greeting Cards PARK GARAGE ASHLAND, ORE. O ur tables are full to overflow ing with the leading m a u u fc c tu re rs’ b ran d s of G reeting' C ards— 3c to 25c " McNair Brothers The lis a s THE store SINCE 1894 Oregon Fire Relief Associatior of M c M innville O regon Has Stood for the Highest Standards of Mutual Fire Insurance ’•> > \ -, "' Av It is Oregon’s largest fire insurance company, with a record of twenty-eight years’ successful fire underwriting. During thisperiod is has paid policy lrolders for fire losses nearly two million dollars, besides accumulating a * Surplus and R eserv e Fund of Over One-Half Million Dollars This for the protecting of its fifty thousand policy holders, representing Seventy Million Fire Insurance IN THE ASTORIA FIRE DEC. 8, 1922 the association sustained losses on twenty-nine policies, which were adjusted under the direction of President Rhodes December 10th, lltli and 12th, reported to the Executive Committee, ap­ proved and ordered paid December 13th. Dn December 14th, Secretary Hagerty and Treasurer Apperson delivered in person cheeks aggregating forty-one thousand dollars, in full payment of these losses, for which they received letters of commendation for prompt and satisfactory settlement ami for personal attention of Executive Officers from the following: a / S. Mrs. W. S. K inney Dr. N ellie S. Vernon Mrs. L ena W ildt Mrs. E m m a K. C olw ell H. L. H enderson (7 policies) (2 policies) S kyles J. H. .Jeffers S easide Ixxige, A. O. V. W. Mrs. M. K epler M oose L odge J . G. and A. 8. Babbidge L ow er Colum bia Co-Op. Creann ry COULD YOU EXPECT MORE? / A ndrew Y oung Jacob E ddison Mrs. Theo Josephson M aty T aylor E sta te Mrs. 8. L. B urgess Im proved Order Redm en (2 policies) (2 policies) J. H. Hall SHOULD YOU BE SATISFIED WITH LESS? Why Place Your Fire Insurance In Foreign Companies, When the Best Can Be secured In Oregon’s Largest Home Company? > 3F Mt •’ I If interested, phone our local agent, or write THE OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION B. F. RHODES, President E. NORTHIT, Vice-President MCMINNVILLE, OREGON HEWITT & SOX Counselors G. H. YEO, LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE PHONE 274-J W. C. HAGERTY, Secretary E. C. APPERSOX, Treasrure V