X snL A Ñ D DAILY TilfiÑGA Tuesday, December 19, 19ä2 PAGE TU RE» gt t " - L J j L line of the city lim its of Ashland to the point of beginning, all in Jack- son county, Oregon. You a re fu rth e r notified th a t the Ona cent th e w ord each tim e. said p etition has been set for h e a r­ PHYSICIANS. NOTICE FOR INCLUSION ing for Tuesday J a n u a ry 2, 1923, a t 9 o’clock a. m., a t the office of th ej DR. E R N E ST A. WOODS— Practic lim ited to eye, ear, nose an< Betöre the Board of t* rectors of the Board of D irectors of the T alen t Ir- th ro a t. Office h o a rs, 1C to 12 an Talent Irrigation District, Jackson rigation District, at Talent, Oregon, I to P Sw edenonrg Bldg., Ash County, Oregon. and to a p p e ar a t said tim e and place land. O ra 73-t and show cause, if any you have, why DR. J. i . EM MENS*—P hysic’an an< To th e T alen t Irrig a tio n D istrict the p etition should not be granted. Surgeon. P ractice lim ited ti and to all free holders, legal voters D ated a t T alent, Oregon, Decern-1 eye, ear, nose and th ro a t. Giasse and assessm ent payers of said dis- 'h e r 11, 1922. supplied. O culist and a n rlst fo O. A RNSPIG ER, ! 8. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and 11 tric t and to all persons in terested in A ttest: i he lands lying w ithin the T alen t Ir­ Bldg., M sdford, O re .. P hone c8 S ecretary of th e Board of Direc- ¡ rigation D istrict and w ithin th e to rs of the T alent Irrig a tio n D istrict. • DR. MATTIE II. SHAW— Residence boundaries of the te rrito ry described (S eal) 84-4 mon! and office, 1C8 P io n eer avenue. T elephone 28. Office house, 10 in this notice; you and each of you to 12 a. in.; 2 to 5 p. m., only. are hereby notified th a t a petition B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L ¡ DR. H. m . SHAW— Physician " and ! / ’ l'e™ " le" » ' « “ °> “ • Surgeon. Special a tte n tio n Eyes, oai< or D irectors of the T alent Ir- E a rs, Nose, T h ro at. Glasses fit- rig atio n D istrict of Jackson County, ted. Room 6, Mills-McCall Block. Oregon, by the follow ing nam ed pe- P h one 79 or 2 8 , __________ titio n e rs: W ill Spend Xmas Here— Mrs. C harles M cW illiam s and DR. G. C. PHETTEI’LACE— D entist Glenn L. Inm an (fo r Mrs. L. C. — successor to W. E. B uchanan. In m a n ), C. A. Brown, J. W. McCoy d a u g h te r C onstance, of K lam ath Special a tte n tio n given to stra ig h t- (liq u id a tin g agent, also rep resen tin g F alls, arriv ed Monday to be an over- euing and care of c h ild ren ’s teeth. R Ashland I i»« w Office hours, 9 to 12 and 1:80 to 7.tdte Haak of A sh la n d ), Jas. W. C hristm as visitor a t th e F. G. Mc­ 6. Office phone 151. Residence «oung, M m. F. Y arter, M argaret W illiam s hom e on C hurch stre e t. phone 201-J. C asips Buliding. Y arter, Mrs. V esta N. Brown Betty A shland, Oregon. 45tf G ottsche, Carl G ottsche, M rs' L uke A com plete line of c h ild ren ’s toys ----------- CHIROPRACTORS^ Bounin F ra n k Beswick, F red C. in balcony. E a st Side P harm acy. 78t ____________________________________ Homes, N. L. Huxley (p e r Ada J DR. E. R. ANGELL— C hiropractic; H uxley), J. E. Gow land, Jo h n H Every day in every way, Paulse- and E lectro-T herapy. The com bi­ Frohboes, S arah F rohboes, Luke r u d ’s Suits a re b e tte r and BETTER. nation does w onders. F irs t N at’l Bounin J. C. B arnard, Isabel M. B ar­ 90tf B ank Bldg. Phone 48-1 42. n ard , H. C. Moore, B eaver R ealty Co. H ouse Calla (by Eliz. Y ockey), W ells D. Jack- Visiting w'.’tli Sister— TRANSFER AN!» EXPRESS. __________________________ son, J. W. M illner, C. E. Johnson, L. Meade Hoover of San F rancisco. FOR prom pt and carefu l service M iksch, Mrs. Hazel K irk p atric k , a rriv ed in A shland Sunday for a two a u to tru c k s or horse drays, cal M artin & W illiam s (by W. O. Mar- w eeks’ visit w ith his siste r, Mrs. W h ittle T ra n sfe r Co. Phone 117 tin», R. A. Avery, C. J. F o ster, J. E. N. H. H arrison. Office, 89 Oak s tre e t near H ote , Wikl> Geo w T re fren , Aiber t C. Joy, 9 Ashland._______________________ j j G esaenaner Mrs. L. J. H essen- T. L. POW ELL— GENERAL TRANS a n er, Mrs. F ra n k Beswick, O. V. F E R — Good team and rnotOT ; R ichie. E . D. Briggs, V. V. Haw ley, trucks, Good service a . a reason i K lm er j ensen Ila M M yers, I. J. able price. ____ _ M eyers, A lbert L. Peachey, C. F. Til- VETERIN A RY ton, W. B. P ra ch t (fo r Mrs. Mary W. iP ra c h t), Geo. M cW illiam s, E lizabeth DR. J. P. C H ISH O L M — G raduate, A. Sm ith. C a rte r L and Co. (p e r E. V. V eterinary. W alker Ave ¡C arter, P re s.) J. P. C hisholm , Claude CONVALESCENT HOME M illet, J. R. Maxedon, P au l H eld, F. Good York, Chas. A. G ray, Agnes M. CONVALESCENT HOME Good food.! Gray, Jam es A. Cook, Bessie M. cheer. Good care. T erm s reasonable. 153 G ranite Cook, C. A. B urns, L illian B urns, W. SOtDlmo B Beebe Mrs w Beebe w A St. P hone 411-R. F o r Ml« a t N eedlecraft Shop, baby doll sets, gardon Bote, bloomer suits. SOtf Better be safe than sorry. See Beaver Realty Co. about your insur ance. Phone 88. 28711 Be Cured to Stay Cured GUARANTEE to per­ manently cure your Piles without cutting, burning, stitching, anaesthetic, con­ finement or unpleasant after-effects. My patients I are re p u ta b le m en and w om en in every w alk o f life to w hom you may refer about this painless, non-surgical cure. If you are a sufferer from Piles, Fistula, Fissure or other rectal disease, call or write today for my FREE booklet. C ost o f tre a tm e n t re tu rn e d if I fa il to cure y o u r P iles. DR. CHAS. J. DEAN BNO AND MORKISON PORTLAND.OREGON MENTION THIS PAPER WHEN WRITIN6 ' Bu'ld New Fence— ! .A n a ttra c tiv e picket fence has ! been b u ilt a t the edge of th e raised ; portion of th e N ininger & W arn er i pool room , and will elim in ate any possibility of some one being in ju red in jum ping from th e higher portion k of th e floor to the low er part. See Us for“ Cheap insurance is costly a t any price. F o r sound in su ran ce a t re a ­ sonable ra te s, see Billings Agency. E stablished 1883. 34tf Do not fail to look over th e doll sets a t the N eedlecraft Shop. SOtf Installs New Player— Dobbin Irw in has installed a new i m usic box a t his pool room on E ast i Main street. The new box is one of | the very latest designs and tu rn s out i some fine music. P o rtra its m ade up to the 21st, de- I livered before Xmas. D arling Studio. 90tf Here for Holidays— Berion W inne, stu d e n t a t the Ore Residence and Business Lot gon A gricu ltu ral college, and a mera- At h alf value. Now is the tim e D on’t w ait u n til i b er of tbe v a rsit>' football squad, has to get bargains. gpring to buy N uff Sed Staples returne D etrick sells for less. G irls and boys, win a bicycle tire house num ber or telephone w ith p articu la rly described as follows: able to be ab o u t the house. in free guessing contest a t Fix-It B eginning a t th e N orthw est cor­ A shland F ru it and Produce Assn. New shipm ent of su its and o'coats I ner of Section 10,^ Twp. 39 South, Shop. C ontest ends S aturday, De­ ju st in. W ill he glad to show th e m ., 86-6* F ram ed p ictures for gifts. D arling' 87tf R ange 1 E a s t; thence E a st 1555 cem ber 23, a t 6 p. m. 8 iff ¡S tudio. P a u lse ru d 's. 90tfi W ANTED— I w ant to buy from own- feet; tbence SOttth 555 feet; thence F o r H er— A picture box of candy e r a th ree or four room house close past 420 feet; thence south 1260 Christmas Visitor Exported— Green Springs Road Good— a t Rose Bros. The price is rig h t 9 l t f in. W ill pay $200 dow n, term s on feet; t bence e a st 1100 feet; thence H. B. K ennedy, of R ockford, 111., The G reen Springs road is now in balance. House m ust ho priced n o r| b 1815 feet to a point on the left th a t city Monday and is bound gOO(j condition, sta*e d rivers of the reasonably. A ddress Box E, c a re .,* o rtb Rne of sa i j Section 10; thence A rrives from T illam ook — for A shland, expecting to a rriv e here K lam ath F alls stages. The recent A. G. Bial, of T illam ook Or., a r ­ of T idings. 90-3* }n a so u th easterly direction follow- before C hristm as. Mr. K ennedy is rreezeg have resu lted in a sm ooth ing th e south hank of B ear C reek to rived in A shland Sunday for a few an uncle of Dobbin Irw in, and will s u r(ace as the snow is frozen hard, FO R RENT. a point w here th e said so u th bank of d ays’ visit. visit w ith the Irw in fam ily for some Tbe trlpa wiB contin u e to be m ade on FO R RENT— A splendid th re e room , Bear Creek in tersects th e w est prop- i schedule tim e, unless a thaw occurs, L ast m onth the A utom obile Spec­ tim e. furnished a p a rtm e n t; a d u lts o n ly .ie rly line of M arcus P. T ru e; thence ---------- which will greatly dam age the sur- ialist in su red th re e tru ck s, six a u to ­ 357 V ista St. Phone 122. 8 0 t i , goutb and e ast follow ing th e south Xm as candy fresh from our o w n : Qf thg FO R REN T— Five room furnished and west property lines of th e lands m obiles and 10 F ords. Phone 274-J. kitchen. Plaza C onfectionery. 9 Oaf ____ 84tf house, c en trallv located; a d u lts 'ow ned by M arcus P. T ru e, Jesse Neil, Yeo, e f course. , x • vi , f T rinity Guild cooked food sale at J u s t received a block of new dates. J <> preferred . In q u ire 357 Vista S t.'M in a P. Bayliss and Cam elia E. Ow- E nders Store, D ecem ber 21. 96-21 Suggestions for HIM — One of 88-tf ens to the southw est corner of D. L. Plaza M arket. S5tf, P hone 122. C. No. 53; thence east 770 feet; P a u lse ru d 's ready-to-w ear su its or 90tf Buys Car in Ashland— H glnvay Bi-operiy— thence in a southw esterly direction o’coats. FOR SALE. In a clipping taken from the Ore- Some splendid property on Pacific, FO R SALE Dry lau re l wood, plenty j follow ing th e n o rth line of th e coun- S p o k a n e P e o p le V is it — gonian a few days ago, it was stated Highw ay betw een A shland and Med-1 of h e a te r chunks; 12 inch t ie r .'ty road approxim ately 2 ,0 0 feet, Jack F ry and L. B. Otis, of Spo­ th ro u g h the colum ns of th is paper ford a t a ttra c tiv e price. Staples >4.50; also 12 inch body fir, >3.75; thence in a so u th e a ste rly direction 12 inch second grow th fir, >3.25: follow ing the west property line of kane, W ash., a re spending a few th a t E. V. C a rte r had purchased a R ealty Agency. 88tf delivered. 1224 Iowa St. GS-mo* the S. P. R. R., approxim ately 1200 days in A shland and looking over the new Buick sedan while in P o rtlan d . FO R SALE AT A BARGAIN— Six feet; th ence south to th e so u th east su rro u n d in g country. It seem s th a t the O regonian was m is- Detri<-k Now Im pn.viiig room house, wood shed and c h ic k -' corner of the n o rth e a s t q u a ite r of inform ed on the m a tte r of w here M r.’ Eugene D etrick, who was quite ill P o rtra its m ada up to the 21st, de- C a rte r purchased his car as the car »a s t w eek- is able to be o u t a s a in ‘ en house, lot 50 by 150 feet. Ad- the n o rth e a st q u a rte r of Section 23. 87-4« Twp. 39 South, R ange 1 E a s t; thence livered before Xm as. D arling dress A. D.. care Tidings. 90tf was bought th ro u g h the Buick sales Studio. -------- w est 850 fee t; thence so u th '280 O ur X m as candy^ is hom e-m ade, j agency in th is city before he left for FO R SALE— F ord to u rin g car. fhor- feet; thence w est 470 feet; thence 90tf i P o rtla n d , and was delivered to him Plaza C onfectionery. I -_____ If you want the best there Is in oughly equipped. >100 w orth of . south approxim ately 550 feet to the here. accessories. >300 cash. P hone point w here the located line of the bacon, boiled hame. chipped beef, C ra te r Lake pictures, 50 cents up. 172. 8 9tf proposed A shland L a te ra l of th e Tal- lard and shortening, get it at Det- 90tf Always see me firs t about your D arling Studio. --------------— --------------- ------------------ pnt j r r jga tion D istrict crosses the rlc k ’s. We sell fer less. 48tf in su ran ce; th e re 's a difference; why? ! HAVE SOME FIN E b u tte rm ilk fed wpst bm in(larv of the so u th east q u ar- Ask me. Yeo. of course. 84tf ' »siting in G ia n ts Pass— capons. W hy not buy rig h t from of thg n o rth east q u a rte r ot Sec- Here from Portland— Mrs. H attie N euber, of this city, th e ra ise r? R easonable prices. tion 23; thence in a no rth w esterly R. B. Dorsey, of P o rtla n d , spent is frien days in A shland d u rin g p ,eW j, ^ 7 This< 'l n EA .h la .d : She visiting will rem ain d s in G ran ts Pass. Mrs, M ary Scott, Siskiyou. Ore. d irection follow ing th e line of the . in th a t city for S9' 3 located line of the said proposed Ash- la tte r p art of last week. Scores of Ashlandr people can tell some tim e. ■ ■ yon about D oan’s K idney P ills. __ FOR SALE OR RENT— F o u r room land L ateraJ *° “ p0" U 1B 5 ^ ° ? F r u it cake and m ines m eat tim e is , M any a happy citizen m akes a public o ,, , r 15. Twp. 39 South. R ange 1 E ast, . . g. tt i W e have the best priees on used c o tta w w .lh garage. See n r o citron, tir n n n r a n e p a and n d lem on sta te m e n t of his experience. H ere Qf is carg to b# fouad . th# C)ty here. P For orange lemon Com« E. Lane a t Tidings. __________________________ east b oundary of th e city lim its of peel, raisins, currants, figs, spic«8 j m erft can ba had th a n such en- in and look them over. Buick FOR SALE— 2 1-3 acres good d ark A shland: thence follow ing in a su g a r, etc.. D etrick ’s G roceteria sells dorsem en t? Agency, 7 2 t? ‘ 48tfi F re d D eardorff, m achinist, 5 2 3 j soil. Several oak trees. New n o rth e rly direction the east boundary for less. N orth .M ain stre e t, A shland, says^ Teachers to Leave Friday— Page w ire fence on tw o s id e s .. In ” « v v. ,1^11 xintbun at “ My kidneys w ere out of fix, and I T eachers of the public schools who city lim its. Term s. O w ner, L ou­ S ate by buy g bad sucb severe backaches I could the Needlecraft Shop. 80tf h ard ly bend and it was ju s t as h a rd , live outside of A shland a re planning ise C. T aylor Box 66. R. F. D. i to stra ig h te n . My kidneys d id n 't on leaving F riday night and Saturday A shland. 90-6* , act rig h t, e ith er, u n til I began using m o rn in g for th e ir homes. Several ALWAYS ASK US FOR D oan's K idney Pills. They stre n g th - » i FOR SALE— Full blooded Jersey Safety blades resharpened ened mv back and kidneys and rid who hve to ° far aw ay t0 m ake t h e , hull, two and a h alf years old. like new. Single bit, 3Or me of th e aches and p ain s.” I trip hom e, a re planning on visiting P hone 4-F-12. 90-3* doz. Dobule bit, 60c dot P rice 60 cents a t all dealers. D on’t friends in P o rtlan d and o th e r po in ts.' sim ply ask for a kidnev rem edy— . T U R — e^y BJUUMS POWDER Today's Wise Word. Chil a m