A shland ♦ ASHLAND CLIMATE, w n n o u i ❖ the aid of medicine, cures nine <®> <§> cases o u t of ten of asth m a. ❖ <> This is a proven fact. <9 .Y TIDINGS ♦ MALARIA GERMS cannot aur- <$> vive th re e m onths in th e rich <$> ozone a t A shland. The pure do- $> m estic w ater helps. «> ♦ A (International News Wire Sendee) VOLUME TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1922 4 (Successor to the Semi-W eekly Tidings, Voi, 4 3 ) 484TH COMPANY <$><§> <3> <3> -«><§><$> <®> <$> <®> <®> <$> ^> Near East Peace Conference at Lausanne • AI TO GRADUALLY CUTS HORSE'S MARKET VALVE <$> SHOWN IN QUOTATIONS T ---------- €> W ATERLOO, N. Y„ Dec. 19. • — The days of Old Dobbin a re • past. • The gasoline m otor is replac- !ng him so fast, both on the • farm and in th e city, th a t he • brings less th an one-half of his • valuation of two years ago, re- • sa rd le ss of how stro n g and DISBANDMENT CRISIS IS •• sound lie m ay be. An analysis m ade of recent BELIEVED TO BE PASSED • auction and priv ate sales in < >R( JA NIZATION J CM PS p R O M • w estern New York show s th a t BOTTOM Ol LIST TO lilT H • horses have b ro u g h t an average POSITION • of b ut $90 each while two years • ago the figures were from $150 In cre a se P leasing to M m a n d Offi-i • to $200. «•ers; R egular A ttendant■<> at Drill S iili X rressary; A th letic A d iv i- • ties A io N ow on Program . No. 91 <$• <•> <$> T > <•> <§> T 3» <*> <$> <•> <•> «> DRV DETECTIVE CARRIES «• O FF EVIDENCE IN MOI TH; • MUST EX PL A IN IN ('OURT T CORTLAND N. Y„ Dec. 19. ■ <$> — A private detective employed ¡4' by C ortland county to get evi- ■ local “ m ine h o st,” believed to <$> be violating the M ullan-Gage ¡3> dry law, will have to tell how T he carried aw ay the evidence in his m outh, when the case is ! moved for tria l in county c o u rt ';<$• here. .♦ The county a u th o ritie s say served as evidence ag ain st |<$> Riley. P rohibition enforcem ent H knows no sim ilar case, it is said. '$><&'§&<$>$>$><§><$><§>'$>•$><$><§> • • ••> . »s • CALIFORNIA MINISTERS T DEMAND «NVESTIGATION ♦ Lo» A n geles City Council A sked to ® Q __________ __________ Ï OF PUBLIC AGAIN Appoint C om m ittee to Probe A l­ leged Drug C enter; Com plete V in­ dication If Charges I’«Hind F alse. WASHINGTON, Dec. 19.— E n a c t­ If the p resent am ount of in terest m ent of m ore d rastic anti-narcot .c in the 484th com pany is continued, law's is likely to result from the reve­ A shland will not lose its m ilitary lation of W allie Reid slave of drugs, org an izatio n , according to a report it is declared in congressional c ir­ m ade by h ead q u arters. D uring th e Tbihsp. photographs have ju st arrived from Lausanne, Switzerland, where Hie Near East peace conference is in sessio n .^ T h e Turkish delegation is shown arriving for the opening of the conference, and inset are seen Lor-J Curzou cles today. past two m onths, the com pany lia s ; of Great B ritain, Prem ier Mussolini of Italy and Prem ier Poincare of France. S enator S lioitridge, of C alifornia, risen from 29th place on a list of. says R eid’s affliction is a danger sig 20 m ilita ry units in the sta te , u n t i l 1 nal to the whole movie world of the it sta n d s 19th. It was because ol , COMING EVENTS <$¡ “ frig h tfu l punishm ent Inflicted by th e length of tim e th e com pany had ___________ <•> ---------- <$> d ru g s.” S hortridge recom m ends a rem ain ed a t th e foot of th e lis t’ th a t I • Six m ore days until Xm as. • SALEM. Dec. 19.— The act of 1921 h a rsh e r enforcem ent of existing A d ju ta n t G eneral George A. W hite; DENVER, Colo., Dec. 19.— Secret <» I • D on’t d elay shopping. m aking women eligible for ju ry duty law's, and new federal restrictio n s to was seriously contem plating the dis- service m en, d e p a rtm e n t of ju stice Decem ber 18-19— U. S navy <£ ' was declared c o n stitu tio n a l in an I w'ipe o u t the drug tra d e th ro u g h o u t handing of th e 4S4th com pany, as it m en and peace officers nave joined ■ $ > rec ru itin g officer here. ^1 ¡opinion of the sta te suprem e court the nation. was not living up to req u irem en ts in a g rea t man h u n t to ap p re h e n d m eet- ® i I^> D ecem ber 19— C. of C. Senator Borah, of Idaho, - recom ­ handed down today. Also the pro- m ade by the governm ent. the four d arin g b an d its who yester- j ■ # > ting, Civic Club building. m ends such action. He frow ns on a ; vision for an equal num ber of men D uring th e m onth of O ctober, day held up g u ard s tra n sp o rtin g ' < $ > D ecem ber 21.— Cooked food < •> federal movie censorship, however, and*wom en in the tria l of sex crim es w hen the unit stood second from the m oney from the U nited S tates m int, sale, T rin ity Guild. < S '! . m eans exactly th a t, the opinion declaring A m erican m otherhood is foot of the list, 68 men were a tte n d escaping with $200,000 in g ree n ­ 3> Decem ber 22— C hristm as pro- lar republican prisoners were execut- sta te of Oregon, w here th e defend- S enator Meyers, of M ontana, de­ m en was recorded. This was a gain th e posses are hot on the tra il, h elpfully p a rticip a te in th e settle- <» M aking." Civic club building. <8>'ed a t M ount Joy prison today bv t h e 'a n t wag charged w ith the rape of a clared th e Reid case indicated a need over Septem ber when but 25.3 men Eva Lewis, “ q u een " of the notor- rep a ra tio n s. de-}<» D ecem ber 25, Monday — «> Irish Free S tate governm ent. They , „ i„ e _vear-old girl, was in question. m en t of G erm an to clean up the undesirable c h arac­ a tte n d e d drill. This was a gain o ious Dale Jones gang, denies she had scribed as the crux of the E uropean ¡< g > C hristm as Day. < S > w ere a rre ste d two weeks ago a t K i l - .j j e pjed tb e baw wag unco n stitu tio n al ters in th e movies. 7.9 w ith no losses. an y th in g to do w ith th e crim e. She ever the. pawn of s itu a lio n > has been renew ed by the <» D ecem ber 25— C hristm as ball < ? > dare for tea rin g up rails and t h r e a t- ! when men j urors weve re fused in an In N ovem ber, the 484th com pany says woman is benefit 4 84th com pany, A rm ory. ening to wreck tra in s. LOS ANGELES, Dec. 19.— M etho­ effo rt to get th e sixth woman ju ro r jum ped into 19th place, w ith a m an. She acts im pulsively and w ith- p resid e n t and his cabinet. A m erica so far has put fo rth only feelers to ;<» Monday J a n u a ry 1, 1923. The condem ned men w ere tried by t0 com plete the panel. dist preachers of southern C alifor­ s tre n g th of 75 men and a quota of out p rem editation. It is h ardly pos- d e te rm in e w hether the allied govern-!,» J a n u a ry 1-5— W eek of prayer $ > a secret court m a rtia l, and charged _______________ nia have urged the Los Angeles city 85. This represented an average in- sible she was im plicated in this de­ incuts w ant A m erican help. ¡„ A shland churches. w ith having weapons for rebellion. council th a t alleged vice and d rug crease over th e previous m onth of lib erate a ffa ir.” T he governm ent w ants re a d ju st- $>'$’ '9 Stephen W hite, Joseph Johnson, P a t- conditions in Hollywood he investi­ 4 5.3. The gain for th e m onth of No-! ---------------------------- rick M angan, P a tric k Nolan, Brian tnent of re p a ra tio n s to aid in fund-} ------------------------ — gated. The plea followed the case vem ber was 6 per cent over any i I I Moore, Jam es O’C onnor and P atrick ing th e eleven billions of w ar debts of W ally Reid who is very ill fol­ o th e r org an izatio n in the sta te . The Bagnell were th e men executed. owed to A m erica. • lowing a breakdow n said to he due com pany was rate d d u rin g Novem-j io the effects of narcotics and over- h e r a t 56.9 instead of 39.1 as it w a s' indulgence in alcoholic drinking. T EST E R TO VISIT d u rin g October. In o rd er to keep up PLEASANT SU R PR ISE PARTY’ The m inisters ask th a t a rem edy TALENT WEDNESDAY th e av erage a tten d an ce, according toi GIVEN E R N ESTIN E HICKS ____ J be taken if Hollywood is found to be m em bers of th e organization, it is . , su rp rise . p arty . was held WASHINGTON The tu b e rc u la r testin g of c a ttle be­ necessary for as m any men as pos- ■ A . pleasant « r t o n a ’ u i v a , Dee uev. 19 ±;r. __ The m e . a drug center, and also, if charges ing a b o u t com pleted in the Ashland j for Miss E rn estin e Hicks at her hom e; federal i,a d e com m ission has issued are found to he false, th a t a com plete sibly can to a tte n d th e T h ursday, vicinity, activities have shifted to a io n N orth Main s tre e t on S atu rd ay i a coniplaint ngäinst all w holesale p a - , vindication of the film center he SAN ANTONIO, Dec. 19.— Mrs J n ig h t d rills in addition to the re g u ­ Domino P rovost, son of Mr. point fu rth e r north. and ------- beau tifu l presents per These will be elected at the n college, Corvallis, Oregon. d rill n ig h t, which will be W ednesday NAME W ASN’T SAMSON, I «>«>«> <$> $>;know n 1,1 the clty ’ M r’ Provo3t hav‘ i Those present were: Mr. and M rs.' be P°rtray ed on fhe screen at the These courses are a rra n g e d to give ^ ¡ i n g been associated with his f a t h e r ^ G ui,ey Mp &nd Mrg Coovling>; Vining tonight and a brief talk on the larg est am ount of practical night of th is week instead of T hurs- J 1ST PLAIN SIMPSON ADDITIONAL LOCALS. iin th e h a rd w are business and is ai •?><$><$>’$> <®> <ê> Mr. and Mrs. B. M iddleton, Mrs. F. w hat he found when he arrived in tra in in g possible in a sh o rt tim e, and day. ---------- g rad u a te of A shland high school. T n ie • « Schwahn v • ork will be , At a business m eeting a fte r d ril’, NEW YORK. Dec. 19.— Sam Simp-1 A shland L odge No. 2 3 .............................. , .... , D eardorf »• Mrs. Jen Mrs i ; the citv ? to do rescue ««»cue w wui». ‘ , have been a rran g ed , to come a t a His bride also has a host of friends m ade by a form er Ashland m an, tjm e when tfae w orj. 0„ (he farm ig various form s of ath le tic s, including son worked hard. All day long h e l Em m a M urphy, the Misses R uth Os­ A. P . & A. WI. in the city, having spent several F ra n k W. H udson, who was am ong ,eagt pressing b ask etb all, boxing, hand and volley c u iie d heavy iron b aulks and g ird -i S tated conclave, W ednesday even­ m onths here d u rin g th e sum m er I m an, Mae H adfield, E rn estin e Hicks, to help the hall were planned for the com ing ers to and fro. T ow ards m orning ing, D ecem ber 20. The only a d m is ' on req u irem en ts In sta lla tio n of Upon leaving A shland about six i A deline Coovling, E ffie H azen, H a z e l!the firs t to a rriv e D eardorf, and Ollie E asterlin g , F red S(ricken people. y e a r. It was also announced that he said io th e forem an, who was a., o fficers. are th a t the applicant m ust be a t R efreshm ents. AH Sir m onths ago, she w ent to Pasadena. p pcj. L ars Allison W rig h t Hicks,) bas addressed m eeting a t Al- least 18 years of age, and m ust have garriso n caps would he issued in a notorious slave d riv er: “ Boss, y o u 1 K n ig h ts courteously invited. w here she had a fine position w ith T M oran, and Mr. and Mrs. Hicks. !ban y . Eugene, Roseburg, G rants Pass i hort tim e and th at foils to be used am su re you got me down on dat pay-, conipleied the eighth grade of the W, H. McNAIR. T C. th e telephone com pany. A sh o rt tim e __________________ ’ and M edford in the in te re st of the in fencing would be available roll, y e h ? ” public schools o r by practic ’ experi­ 91-1 W. H. DAY, R ecorder. ago she resigned, and visited with . • fire victim s, and a good crowd is ence have acquired the ability to The Arm ory club room s are kept The forem an glanced a t his list, friends and relatives in San Diego CHAM RER OF COMMERCE ¡expected to a tte n d to h e a r th e exact carry the w ork successfully. “ Yes,“ he said stern ly , “ here you open for m em bers d u rin g the w eek­ O. E. 8. and o th er C alifornia cities. She is BOARD IN SESSION MONDAY facts about w hat A storia is like to- T h a t’s rig h t, end and on Sunday aftern o o n . This a re — Sam Simpson. Courses offered a re as follows: R e g u la r m eeting A lpha ch ap ter expected to reach O akland on the day. Mr. H udson says the newspa- T ra cto r m echanics, J a n u a ry 2 to fe a tu re is providing a place of re c re ­ isn ’t it? }No. 1 , 0 . E. S., th is (T uesday) even-; sam e day t h a t Domino Provost does. The reg u la r m eeting of the board pers have g reatly u n d e rra te d the a tio n for those whose hom es a re not j “ Yaas. boss, but Ah tho u g h t meb- I ir,„ >uR M asonic hall, 7:30 o’clock. Vis la n d the two will m eet at the court- of directo rs of the cham ber of com- dam age and th e su fferin g now occur- March 17, 1923; general a g ric u ltu re , In the city. A canteen also supplies b e ; uh done gone got me down dah )itin g m em bers cordially welcome. J a n u a ry 2 to March 17; h o rtic u ltu re , house. The w edding will he solem n- m erce was held in the se cre ta ry 's r jng in th a t city. One can hardly th e ir w ants. A vote of th a n k s was a x Sam son." Ja n u a ry 2 to March 17; dairy h e rd s­ LORENA McNAIR, W. M. ized a t th e hom e of friends im m edi- office Monday evening. A rep o rt of realize, he says, how nearly d e stitu te J given the Civic club last night f o r ---------------------------- m an's course, J a n u a ry 2 to Ju n e 1ft; LEAH CALDW ELL, Secy. ately , and th e trip hom e com m enced th e activities of the organization in m any of th e prom inent business men th e donation of chairs for the club S tudy S d w tiu le A rran g ed — dairy m an u factu rin g , J a n u a ry 2-27 f —------------------------------ th e W in ter F a ir was read and the Of A storia actu ally are today. S tu d en ts a t A shland high school} and J a n u a ry 28 to F eb ru ary 24; room . NOTICE ten ts belonged to him. He pleaded m a tte r of the a n n u a l b anquet was The business men of A storia car- g h o rt’ conrge jn h o rtic u ltu ra l p ro d . were busy today a rra n g in g their} Social a t Odd Fellow s’ hall Thurs- to a charge of having l a k en UP antl discussed, it being de- r jed very little insurance owing to study sch ed u le for th e next te r m ,^ E. E. D etrick and I. R. Vining heavy loss sustained. The ro to g ra v u re section of the school of the city will begin F riday, bondg I was selected to m ake th e n e c e s s a r y __________________ M INISTERS OF (TTV M inneapolis Jo u rn a l for Sunday, De- D ecem ber 22, and will te rm in a te the C. of C. M eeting Tonight— _______ arra n g e m e n ts for th e affa ir. SET W EEK FOR PR A V E Il cem her 3. lias a splendid picture of m orning of J a n u a ry 8, 1923. F. A. Nagley, professor of business <"» a i x " 1. .SIL E N T CALL SYSTEM Mr. D etrick has been chosen a d m in is tra tio n of th e U niversity of Dunn is Proud b a th er - r- e "ric as ®en c losen to INSTALLED AT HOSPITAL i he A lexandria, Milin., high srh o o ’ R -skt thall Practice lo g in s — The m inisters of the P ro te s ta n t George Edw in Dunn, com m ander tak e tllp l’lace on the hoard ot direc- Thg M urphy E lectric com pany has football team , th e cham pions of B asketball practice has begun in O regon, will speak on “ M aking n o rth e rn M innesota. earnest at the high school, w ith Money from Id ea s” a t a m eeting of of A shland post No. 14, A m erican «>rs of E. V. C arter, who handed in jugt com pleted ¡„stallin g the silen t churches of th e city have a rra n g e d T his team m ade an excellent show- nearly five team s out th e first n ig h t, the ch a m b e r of com m erce this even- Legion, is w earing a happy sm ile h,s resignation early in the year, b u t caU gygtem at th e C om m unity hos- to hold a week of prayer, beginning ing d u rin g the past season u n d e r the O nlj two m em bers of the ch am pion­ ing. The m eetin g will be held in today on account of the arriv al of a which was not accepted until a re- p k a l whjch maMfeg the ¡ocal ¡„stitu - th e evening of J a n u a ry 1 and contin- coaching of H arry E. Roese. T hough ship team of last year a re in school th e Civic club building, and will be L egionairre a t his hom e this m orn- cent m eeting. A. C. N nnnger is also tjon absoiu teiy noiseless when pa- uing for five nights. The serm on oa New Y ear’s n ight will be by Rev. th ere a re probably not very m any this year, th e o th ers being lost follow ed by a social hour, d u rin g ing. Both the young soldier and his a new m em ber of the hoard, having tjentg cal, for a n u rse . which light re fre sh m e n ts will be! m other a re reported to be doing very been selected to ta k e the place of Thg gyBtem ¡s composed of lights John L eggett, of the C hristian people in the city today who will th ro u g h g rad u atio n . These a re served. T his m e e tin g is held in nicely. The latest addition to the M rs- H - c - E lm ore, who left here for v a riOus colors and is so a rra n g e d church, on Tuesday night hv Rev. iem em b er him . those who were close Hobson and Chapm an. The m aterial T his m e e tin g is the east a few m onths ago. th a t n n u rse is able to tell in sta n tly S. J. Chaney of the M ethodist church, follow ers of the g ridiron in 1912 is good th is year, and Coach H ughes place of the re g u la r T uesday forum Dunn fam ily weighs 1 0 pounds, on w hat floor the call was from and on W ednesday night by Rev. J. E. will recall th a t Roese was a m em ber has* hopes of developing a n o th e r luncheon. T he public is cordially in- ’ AND SALT” WALL on reaching th a t floor, lig h ts in- M cShane of the N azarene church, on of the A shland high school football cham pionship team this season w ith vited to a tte n d th e m eeting this ev Many S tores B eing Decoi-atefl— APPEAR ON THE SCREEN stalled a t th a e n tran ce of each room T hursday n ig h t by Rev. W . Judson team of th a t year. This is the first pro. er support from th e stu d e n t ening. In keeping w ith the holiday sea­ _______ will tell the nurse w here th e call Oldfield of th e C ongregational de- word of Him th a t has been received body. To do this, every available son, m any m erchants a re m aking an received word th is cam e from . In th is m anner, th e call nom ination, and on F rid ay night tlsts by for som e tim e and friends will he m an m ust rep o rt for practice, effo rt rt to to decorate decorate th th e e ir ir scores scores and and Medford Cop Sm ells Booze— effo Bert Moses »»».- ---------------- A collection of choice liquors in- ¡ „ a m ajo rity of instances th e resu lt- m orning from the P rem ier Syndicate, also rem ains continuous u n til (he Rev. B. C. M illers oi ,b^ tb0 glad to learn of his success in th e W ill See Kolb an d Dill — eluding gin, c lia m p a /n e and whiskey, a n t effect is very fine. The win- who are placing his sayings w ith nurse goes to the p a tie n t and tu rn s riie services will all e e •. coaching gam e, and wish him good A p a r ’v composed of Miss R uth owing to P ie s b jte r ia n cburc an luck next season. Osmun Mr.s Em m a M urphy, Mrs. six sacks full, w ere located in a m a- dows in general present an a ttra c tiv e periodicals over th e country, to th e th e lig h t off in th a t room . A ten-volt tra n sfo rm e r lias also th is fact. Rev. K oehler will not de — -------------------------Selma Gray and Mrs. C. H. P ierce ex- chine in a garag e hy O fficer Adam s, appearance, w hile the in te rio r of the effect th a t the L ite rary Digest had been in stalled to provide for ihe liver a serm on d u ring the week but Rev. W. R. M orenz-Oeser. of Med- pect to m o to r to M edford to n ig h t for of M edford. The* d riv e r, who gave buildings have been m ade g&y with contracted for his a rticle s and th a t special lig h ts th a t are used w ith the will have charge of th e m usic each ford, ow ner of the east side service th e Kolb and Dill show, which plays hia ad d re ss as V ancouver, W ash., festoons of evergreen, tin sel and col-! they would be shown freq u en tly in night. sta tio n , was in the city today. there. some 1000 th e a tre s over th e country. system . sta te d n e ith e r tHe car no r its c o n -.o re d paper. T fi I E DURING SEX TRIALS FREE SFATE ORDER X iVirtHixu mah dnuT r M AS HUSBAND SLEEPS*’ " A