PAGE FOUR A8BLÄKD DAILY TIDUGH Monday, D ecem ber 18, 1922 55- Local and Personal < d e b ía te A nniversary— , u Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Johnson, of Low er Alm ond stre e t celebrated th eir 66th w edding a n n iv ersary quierly at th e ir hom e Sunday. T his elderly couple have a host of friends in the city th a t wish them m any happy re- tu rn s of the an n iv ersai> . F ram ed p ictures for gifts. D arling Studio, 90t? We p u t the chicken in our tam ales C ra te r L ake pictures, 50 cents up. F ile Depai trcent C alled— Plaza C onfectionery. 90tf D arling Studio. 90tf The fire d ep artm en t was called to 1235 E ast Main s tre e t shortly a fte r W ho W ill W inter in South? Dr. Pi ice to R e tu rn — ¡noon today, by a roof fire. The fire A local p arty received tw o le tte rs I D r‘ C harles s - P lic e > v;ho recently was out before th e d ep artm en t a r-l th is m o rning from friends in L o s , conducted a serie3 of evangelistic rived. The house was o ccu n ed bv Angeles announcing th a t it had been and divine heaHng services in th e O. E Jobb. rain in g ‘ night and day” for th e p a s“ city, will be in A shland D ecem ber 21, _______ week in th e m etropolis of so u th ern according to a w ire received in t h e ! NOTICE C alifornia. D oesn’t sound like m uch city yesterday. On account o f hi»i Car now on tra c k containing four- b e tte r w eath er than can be found in being here but one day, J. H. Doran, foot lim b wood, four-foot black oak, A shland. ¡w ho was scheduled to speak on “ Man • 12 and 16 inch big dry pine and 16- ---------- I in th e M aking” a t the Civic club inch dry limb wood. O rders for this O rder those Xm as oysters at the building on th a t d ate, has postponed wood should not be la te r th an Tues- T avern Cafe. 90tf hjs lectu re u n til the follow ing even- day evening. Save ex tra drayage ins Dr. Price is now conducting from yard. Phone 460. A. G. Ad- m eetings in E ugene, and has ju st am s. 90-1 com pleted a series in Albany. D A R L IN G S T U D IO TODAY ONLY— Mae Murray -IN- ‘The Broadway Rose’ —The splendor of “ popular­ ity ” and the glamor of the Great W hite Way. *T'O BRING to you and your friends as much as possible of the Beauty, Mystery ami Color of C rater Lake is the mission of Patterson. Pictures F or sale by DARLING’S STUDIO McNAIR EROS. DRUG CO 3 r Make Christmas the Sw eetest Day of the Year Let Everybody Receive a Box of Delicious Candy We Gave Many Varieties to Choose From Choice Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos A Full Line of Pipes Choose something that will bring joy to those you wish to please We Are Headquarters for Hot Tamales THE FOUNTAIN R. P. PORTER, Proprietor ! W ill L eave for Portland— Mottoes. Christmas Cards. Maxfield Parrish. We do picture framing. “ Portraits That Please” Tuesday, Wednesday and • Thursday Get Your Dorothy Phillips I Christmas Furs -—in— ‘Hurricane’s Gal’ — Destroyers, hydroplanes, phantom ships and slinking smugglers, all in a terrifie play! Sensations; seascapes, wonderful snatches of life strife where league-long roll­ ers swell! —Also— at Bartlett’s Fur Store Largest Stock in Oregon Outside of Portland “ TOPICS OF THE DAY” — and— “ AESOP’S FABLES” Adm., 10 and 35c, inel. tax F. W. BARTLETT 115 W. Main, Medford Page w ire fence on two sides. In i city lim its. Term s. Owner, L ou­ ise C. T aylor Box 66, R. F. D. A shland. 90-6*! Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wood and son K enneth expect to leave W ednesday j for P o rtla n d , w here they will spend i th e holidays as the guests of Mr. LOST Between Sum m it and Ash-j W ood’s parents. land brow n grip. L iberal r e w a rd ., Leave a t Tillings office. 90-2* i I Our Xm as candy is hom e-m ade, ! 90tf i FOR SALE— Full blooded Jersey! Plaza Confectionery. bull, two and a half years old. i 90-3* ! Phone 4-F-12. Odd Fellow s dance T h u rsd av night I ------------- at hall. Rebeccas and friends invit-1 W ANTED I Wiint to buy from own-! ed. Music by Dickey’s orchestra. e r a th re e or four room house close 90-3 in. W ill pay $200 down, term s on! balance. House m ust be priced reasonably. A ddress Box E, care of Tidings. 90-3* , XMAS Crater Lake views, 50e and up. PATHE NEWS H ighw ay P ro p e rty __ ! FOR SALE OR RENT— F o u r room Some splendid property on Pacific cottage w ith garage. See Mrs. C. Highw ay betw een A shland and Med-! p,ane a t Tidings. 90-4 ¡¡ford a t a ttra c tiv e price. a