A shland dalli tiding » Monday, December IS, 1922 PAGB THREB ■ÉÉSS B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L Return from O. A. C.— B C O LD S ’ Leaves fo r C alifornia— A com plete line of c h ild ren ’s toys Original Use of Worri -Dope." The word “dope” ns upplhst io drug!* comes from the Dutch •p," which In English originally meant a thick liquid or semi liquid. It was first ap­ plied as a term for (lie tieaclelike preparation of the opium smoker. Oliver A nderson and Malcolm are soon “nipped in the bud” Dave W hittle accom panied A1 Beck in balcony. E a st Side Pharm acy. 78t without witnout “dosing” oostng by Dy use of— °n a 10-day trip into C alifornia. The ---------- W harto n re tu rn ed S aturday n ig h t, from C orvallis w here they have been 1 ¡tw o young m en yeft by m achine late . Every day in every way, Paulse- One cent th e w ord each um e. ! S aturday night. San Francisco, B a k -iru d ’s Suits a re b e tte r and BETTER. ; atte n d in g the Oregon A g ricu ltu ral VETERINARY PHYSICIANS. _______ ___ ersfield and F resn o will be visited. ▼ V A P O R U a ' college. The men drove down in a 90tf Oner 17 Million Jan Uied Yearly . The trip down was m ade by the coast DR. .1. P. CHISHOLM G raduate fijvver ro a d ste r and rep o rt a fine! DR. ER N E ST A. WOODS— Practic V eterinary. W alker Ava. lim ited to eye, ear, nose an route. trip , w ith the exception of a coating th ro a t. Office h ours, 10 to 12 an CONVALESCENT HOME of ice on the highw ay betw een Cor- M oore R anch Is Sold— 2 to E. Sw edanbarg Bldg., Asfc Sale of the old Moore ranch near! NOTICE— W e do a general re a l' land. O ra 73-t CONVALESCENT HOME — Good vallis and C ottage Grove. The trip . cheer. Good care. Good food. was m ade w ithout any serious mia- the B ear Creek orchards, to the Ros-: e sta te business, but am ong our o th er DR. J . J. EM MENS— P h y slc'a a an Jenberg b ro th ers, has been announced, listings, a t present, we have a num -i Term s reasonable. 153 G ranite, hap. burgeon. P ractice lim ited t St. P hone 411-R. 306-lm o - - ¡T his p roperty consists of some of her of very good hom es for sale. Ori eye, ear, nose and th ro a t. Glass# F r u it cake and m ince m eat tim e 13 the oldest and finest pear tre e s in sm aller p roperty, e ith e r here or in supplied. O culist an d a u rist fo H E L P WANTED 8. P. R. R. Offices, M. F . and H here. F o r c itro n , orange and lem on ilh e valley, having been planted in! M edford, m ight be considered in ex-j MALE H E L P W ANTED , . „ Bldg., M edford, Ore. P hone 56 1885. In adding the Moore placei change. Yockey & Co 177 E. Main MEN WANTED— To so,, o»r good, 83-sat-m -w to th e ir o th er holdings, the B e a r'S t. Phone 146. DR. M ATTIE lì. SHAW — Residence su g ar, etc., D etrick ’s G roceteria sells in country and city. W hy w ork and office, 108 P ioneer avenue. 48tf Creek orchard is now the m ost ex- * 1 - — ■ for lesB. for o th ers when you can have a T elephone 28. Office house, 10 • • \ tensive pear o rch ard in the Rogne ; H andkerchiefs and o th er Xmas to 12 a. m .; 2 to 5 p. m ., only. business of your own w ith a steady Visiting from Hilt— gifts a t E lectric Bakery th is w eek? ! ^ ver valley. incom e. W e sell goods on tim e DR. H. M. SHAW — Physician and I Mrs. Broker. 90-2 Fay P o tte r, of H ilt, Calif., arrived and w ait for our money. Team or Surgeon. Special a tte n tio n Eyes, W IR E W H E E L SERVICE a t Lee- ---------- E a rs, Nose, T h ro a t. Glasses f it­ au to needed for country w ork, no in th e city Sunday for a sllort visit. , dorn's T ire H ospital, Broken spokes Vacation D ates A nnounced— ted. Room 6, Mills-McCall Block o u tfit needed in city. Experience replaced 25c. 84tf ; Official inform ation reg ard in g the Phone 79 or 28. O ur candy prices a re rig h t, q u a l­ unnecessary, we tra in in salesm an­ •--------- , holiday recess of the A shland public 74tf P iano T uning— DK. G. C. PHETTEPLAC'E— D entist, ship. McConnon & Com pany, W in­ ity considered. Rose Bros. schools was m ade today. The vaca- — successor to W . E. B uchanan., ona, Minn. M ention th is paper. Now is the tim e to have your piano! tion period will begin F riday a fte r ­ Special a tte n tio n given to s tr a ig h t­ If you w an t the b est th e re Is In 89-1* tuned. Carl II. Loveland. Studio noon, and will last for tw o w^pks. ening and care of ch ild ren 's teeth. bacon, boiled ham«, chipped beef, Office hours, 9 to 12 and 1:30 to 135 E ast Main. P hone 465. b(>t* A g rea t m any of the teach ers are lard and sh o rten in g , get it a t Det- FOR EXCHANGE 5. Office phone 151. Residence! planning on spending the holidays at phone 201-J. C asips Buliding, rlc k ’a. Wo sell for less. 48tf O. A. C. S tu d en t A«rives— hom e o r visiting w ith friends in o th ­ A shland, Oregon. 4ntf FO R TRADE— 160 a c re un in cu m ­ bered ranch on Pacific highw ay Here from Fall Creek— Miss M arjorie Adam son, well e r cities. CHIROPRACTORS. and county road, n e a r H ilt; sm all: E. P. R ippan, of F all Creek, is know n young woman of T alent, who: house and o u tb u ild in g s; good! DR. E . B. ANGELL— C hiropractic Jia s m any friends in A shland, has Home grown alm onds and w alnuts, stock o r chicken ranch w ith plen- j spending a few days in A shland, and E lectro-T herapy. The combi i re tu rn e d hom e for the holidays from , 05 cents a pound. P laza M arket. 85tf ty of wood and tillab le land. W ill ; ______ _ nation does w onders. F irs t N at'l tra d e for unincum bered A shland P o rtra its m ade up to th e 21st, de-jt»ie Oregon A g ricu ltu ral college a t j B ank Bldg. Phone 48-1 42. acreage; p refer no house, but livered before Xm as. D arling Corvallis. See our b arg ain windows for Xm as H ouse Calls would ensider acreage w ith sm all 90tf i gifts. Studio A shland. 84tf house. E lean o r G reer, 199 G ran , Studio, TR A N SFER AND EX PR ESS. D etrick sells for less. 7 2tf : ite St. 231tf* B asketball P ra ctice Begins— Always see me f ir s t ab o u t your FOR prom pt and careful service W ith the senior girls and the soph-J IN TER LR B A N AUTOCAR CO. Cheap insu ran ce is costly a t any a u to tru c k s or horse drays, cal Insurance; th e re ’s a difference; why? W h ittle T ra n sfe r Co. Phone 117 price. F o r sound insurance a t re a ­ om ore boys w inning the class cham ­ Ask me. Yeo, of course. S4tf (E ffectiv e J a n u a ry 1, 1922) Office, 89 Oak s tre e t n e a r H o ts sonable rate s, see B illings Agency. pionship in b ask etb all respectively,! Daily (Except Sunday) A shland. 56ti E stablished 1883. J41f in te rest a t A shland high school has! . ME n»FOIID LV. ASH1 la : ND 00 a. m. T. L. PO W ELL— GENERAL TRANS 7:00 a. m. now tu rn ed tow ard the re g u la r quin­ Jo h n G raham , of H ornbrook, Calif, 00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. F E R — Good team and m otoi Copco to Give Dinner— tet, work s ta rtin g in e a rn e st today. was in th e city over th e w eek-end. 00 a. m. tru ck s. Good service a t a rea so i 9:00 a. m. N early 200 m em bers of the Copco T ry-outs for the various positions are H e a rriv ed in A shland S a tu rd a y ev­ 00 a. ra. 10:00 a. m. able price. P hone 83. will be guests a t a C hristm as dinner now being contested by m any play­ 00 a. in. l l : 0 0 a. m. ening. WANTED. 00 no on given by th e pow er com pany a t th e ers who a re seeking b erth s on th e | 12:00 noon 00 P- ni. 1 :00 P- m. W ANTED TO RENT— C om fortable E a t b e tte r tam ales a t Rose Bros. H otel M edford, S aturday, Decem ber first team . Selection of a m anager 00 P- m. 2 :0 0 P- ra. 23. Follow ing the d in n er the guests will be m ade in a sh o rt tim e. 7 4tf refined hom e, p a rt fu rn ish ed or 00 P m. 3:00 P. m. will a d jo u rn to the lobby of th e ho­ 00 P- m. u n fu rn ish ed , th re e bed room s. No 4:00 P- m. tel 00 m. 5:00 m Cliff Payne has sp u r s te d ladders. P- P. X m as candy fresh from ou r own children. J. H. Robbins. Leave I w here gifts will be d istrib u ted 00 P. m. 6:00 m. P- from a large C hristm as tree. ’’T H E M E N’ S S T O R E ” kitchen. Plaza C onfectionery. 90af house num ber or telephone w ith 00 P- m. 7 :00 P- ra. W e have the best prices on used NEXT TO TH E POST O F FIC E A shland F r u it and Produce Assn. 30 P. m. Sat. only 8:30 P. m. 5. E very su ffe re r from stom ach cars to be found in th e city. Come 86-6* 30 P- m. 9:30 P. m. Home for Holidays— Bnick Iverne K eller, a sophom ore a t th e tro u b le, gas, belching, sour stom ach, in and look them over. 30 P- m. Sat. only 10:30 P- m. 72t? LOST. S unday Schedule Oregon A g ricu ltu ral college, has re-| nervousness, dizziness and billious Agency. L e a 'e M edford for A shland and tu rn e d to A shland for th e holiday ness, should get a box of Mi-O-Na LOST— Saddle colored, sheepskin A shland for M edford every h o u r on stom ach tab le ts today a n d s ta r t a H eer F u n e ra l Sunday— bag (re in fo rc e d ), lo st en ro u te the hour from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m .; recess. F u n eral services for L. Jam es Heer tre a tm e n t. G u aran teed by McNair th ro u g h M edford on Main St., to then 6:30 p. m. and 9:30 p. m. w ere held from the E lk s’ lodge room s If you w ant those hens to lay m o r e ! Bros A shland w aiting room — E a st Side U S E F U L - - S E N S IB L E highw ay to A shland. C ontents of Pharm acy. Sunday aftern o o n a t 2 o’clock. In ­ i eggs, get som e cracklina 3 cents ASHLAND-ROSEBURG STAGE but little value to o th ers includ­ 8 5 tf! Looked A fter T im ber In te re sts— FD R HIM FOR HER term en t was m ade in M ountain View ! per pound. P laza M arket. Daily (E xcept Sunday) ing poem s and rem iniscences of Jam es H. Owens, of Brookings, cem etery. — R anges — W illard S torage B uttery for LV. ROSEBURG m any y ears as a m iner and pros­ LV. ASHLAND over on the coast n e a r C rescent City, — W ashing M achines His Car H ei# from Gold Hill— 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. pector in C olorado. F in d e r will be was in the city la st week, looking af- — V acuum C leaners 0 — Spot Light« F. S. C a rte r and wife, of Gold Hill, New shipm ent of suits and o ’coats T ia '.e l b> sta se (Jf sh °^® sotnr ° ut^ o1^ w ere in the cjty over th e w eek-end ter som e tim ber land in which he is liberally com pensated. A ddress — Sewing M achine) — F lash L ights ju st in. W ill be glad to show them . 20 nl’les; one David F. Jackson, 215 N utley St., scenic trip s. Fare— Ashland-Rose- • visiting w ith Mrs. C a rte r’s siste r, interested. Before re tu rn in g to his P a u lse ru d ’s. — W indshield ("eanei's — P e rco la to r Sets 84tf A shland. Ore. P. O. Box 63 87-3* burg, $4.00; — G rills, T oasters — Set of S park Plugs Medford - Roseburg. Mrs. F red Hom es and th e ir fa m ily .! home he expects to visit in the east. Do not fail to look over th e doll — A lum inum P la te s for R un- — W affle Irons $4.15; G ra n ts Pass-R oseburg, $3.00.! FO R R E N I. sets a t the N eedlecraft Shop. 8Otf , ning B oard — L aundry Ii-ons B e tte r insu ran ce a t reasonable Scotch Scones—• M EDFORD-GRANTS PASS At th e Home B akery and R e sta u ­ Daily (E xcept S unday) — H eaters, S tand I. nips — Stop L ights rate s. Billings Agency. P hone 211. FD R REN T— A splendid th re e room LV. G’T ’S PASS ra n t. E a t your Sunday d in n er hère. C hester M acC racken R e tu rn s— furnished a p a rtm e n t; a d u lts only. LV. MEDFORD — T rouble Lam ps — L ight F ixiures 7 :3 0 a m. 357 V ista St. P hone 122. 80tf 1 0:00 a. ra. 88-2 C hester M acCracken, a senior a t — H orn, M irror — C urling Irons Visiting During Holidays— 1:00 p. m. 2 :00 p. m. th e Oregon A g ricu ltu ral college, re ­ R alph Young, stu d e n t a t Oregon FO R REN T— Five room fu rnished 5:00 p. m 5:00 p. m. MANY OTHER PR ESEN TS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION O rres cleans clothes. ? h o n e 64. tu rn e d hom e S atu rd ay n ig h t for the Sunday Only A g ricu ltu ra l college, is here v isiting house, c en trally located; ad u lts C hristm as vacation. He is a m em ber lM O a fr iends d u rin g the C h ristm as holi- p referred . In q u ire 357 V ista St. 10:00 a. m. SAVE TH IS COUPON—-IT IS WORTH MONEY Ju dge C uikins H onored— 4:30 p. m. 4:30 p. in. of Sigma A lpha Epsilon fra te rn ity . P hone 122. 88-tfi G rants P ass w aiting room — T ht days. M embers of the Josephine Coumy Tinte................................................. B onbonniere, phone 160. ! Bar association a re giving a d inner FO R REN T— F u rn ish e d bed room, P o rtra its m ade up to the 21st, de­ Our box candy assortm ent is the Office and w aiting room — No. 6 N a m e ...................................................... tom orrow a t the Oxford hotel, G rants hot and cold w a te r; b re a k fa st if livered before Xm as. D arling most complete in Ashland. Rose 1 7 4 ~ J|P a ss, to Ju d g e P. M. C alkins, who St. No............................................ desired. 147 G ranite. 88-2* 90tf Studio. ' Bros. I is re tirin g as county judge. Judge ♦ »»♦-»<"♦♦♦ • « » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ W e will allow a 5 per cent discount on each purchase if von will FO R R E N T —A th re e room , com ­ C. M. Thom as will also be present, D arling C ra te r Lake pictures. • Save by buying doll clothes a t fill o ut and p resent th is coupon. Not good a fte r Dec. 20th, 1922. pletely fu rn ish ed a p a rtm e n t. Two _____________________ SOtf i as will the wives of th e m em bers. 89tf Studio. the N eedlecraft Shop. blocks from post office on paved s tr e n g th Given — _______ s tre e t. P hone 432-Y or 40. 8 8 -2 1 A ccording to a m onthly statem en t! y Get your C hristm as neckw ear at Plaza Confectionery. 90tf 201 EAST MAIN— PHONE 80 Many people w ere o u t Sun(iay a f­ O rres T ailor Shop. All pure silk and issued by the h e a d q u a rte rs N in th , W ho will tak e the big stick home FD R REN T— F u rn ish e d room s and big values— ju st opened from New SEE OUR DISPLAY AT TH E FA IR from the P laza C onfectionery Xmas sm all a p a rtm e n ts w ith ru n n in g c' ” !>s a r a. the to tal ag g reg ate j tern o o n jn searCh of C h ristm as trees, 88-3* Eve? s tre n g th of th e N ational G uard in j Sunday will be too late to York today. 90tf w ater. O pposite p ark a t Litliia . m a t . 1 r h o n e ‘ th ls C O 1’1 )S a re a 1S now 10,786, dls*l decorate a tre e fo r the occasion, ad- F o u n tain . 153 G ranite Si. tr ib ir e d as follow s: C alifornia 3576,, wag tak en q£ th e faet th a t G uessing C ontest B< ng S taged— B usiness was good th is year. W e S9-1 411-R. W ashington 2546, Oregon 2334, Ida- wck recognition. |P ast iive >'e a rs ’ an av erage of $22’_ VIKING CREAM SEPARATOR land from B utte F alls last week to from Main St. in best p a rt of town. s j 452 every year, according to a Q nan- spend th e holidays a t his hom e, 338 is a n o th e r Catalog House b u rste r T his is a real buy. Lot and pav-| T rin itv G uild cooked food sale. • d a l sta te m e n t issued by H. H. A llyn, a t P e ll’s. Prices, $31.00 and up. ing w orth price asked for prop­ E nders Store. T hursday, D ecem ber! «¡ty recorder, says th e G ra n ts P ass Holly stre e t. Save you $1.90 on a 29 rod roll erty. Phone 396-J. 89-1 „ i st s g .! C ourier. C h ristm as candy special a t the V a­ of fencing a g a in st anybody else’s prices. New and used Sewing FO R SALE— A few W hite Leghorn riety store. Buy it now. 86tf Com plete sets fo r dolls a t Nbedle- Have you ever asked yourself that question B etter he safe th a n sorry. See M achines for sale or ren t. G arden one-year-old hens. Have kept for c ra ft Shop— Coats, su its, caps, etc , after spending more money than you knew yon J u s t received a block of new dates. tools and everything fe r the my own breed in g pen. but Ja c k of Beaver R ealty Co. about your I n s u r­ reaso n ab ly priced. 8