PAGH TWO Ashland ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Tidings G su b lish e d 1876 C nbilihed Every Evening Sunday Except i THE ASH LAND PRINTING CO. OFFICIAL CITI AND COUNTY PAPER TELEPHONE 39 C. K. LOGAN, Editor E n tered a t th e A shland. Oregon j Poetofflce as Second-class Mali Mat ! ter. Wh*t C o n stitu tes A dvertising In o rd er to allay a m isu n d e rsta n d ­ ing am ong som e as to w h at consti ta le s new s a n d w hat a d v ertisin g we p rin t th is very sim ple rule, which is use buying atoek. I t wa3 jn st an w anted $700 to tell them w here it old Mexican town th e s tre e ts were was w asted so narrow th a t when the dim inutive You a re going to be told now, s tre e t car cam e o r r a th e r tried to ___ ; w ith o u t cost, w here the g re a te r por- get along, being draw n by a m u le ’ the size of a b u rro ; all o th e r > oses t of cent the of wa th st e e fix ls tu res n is which throu eh J about 75 on per are vehicles had to tu rn out in th e cro ss' A hero is one who gets up leakillg in th e to ilet rooms. Sugges-1 stre e ts, to let it pass. tiabscriptiou Price Delivered in City: before the alarm clock goes off. <$> ^ on 2. Stop these leaks and you One of the b e tte r re s ta u ra n ts had One m onth ....................................$ .65 ♦ ---------- will have sufficien t w a te r u n til y o u ia n um ber of long rows of tables, T hree m o n t h s ............................... 1.95 All prom issory notes a re <§>l grow a n ^ y ° u a re soing soon to over which hung a so rt of trapeze. Six m onths .................................... 3.75 '$> good up to th e tim e you try to <$>,tak e on new B etter get a good Those in each row were tied to- One year ...................................... 7.50 •> discount them . <$> engineer an d “ hake a p lan .” jg e th e r, and on them were m any col- Mail and Rnrai Routes One m onth ....................................$ .65 ---------- If a m in er had a ditch w ith a f u l l 'o red ribbons of paper whtch hung! T h ree m onths ............................... 1.95 '•> The m ore you give, th e m ore <£i head of w a te r a t th e upper end, b u t ' down over the tables. At the end of Six m onths .................................... 3.50 One year .................................... 6.5f you get back — p a rtic u la rly not sufficient when it reached his each row stood a little d ark y pulling ADVERTISING RATES <8> kicks and grouches. and build a reserv o ir to sto re m ore going and the paper stre a m e rs kept Single Insertion, each in c h . . . . . . .30c »> The sm a lle r th e tow n, th e <$>j w ater? No, he would put a shovelful th e flies h u stlin g for th eir eats, YEARLY CONTRACTS • m ore people you find who a re °f d irt h ere and th ere and stop t h e ; while you w ere try in g to down the Display A dvertising • c o n stan tly a ilin ', co m p lain in ’, <$>} leaks. E ach fix tu re th a t has a s m a ll1 red pepper which seem ed to have One tim e a w e e k ......................... 27 Two tim es a w eek......................... 25 c and d o ctorin'. ^,- leak u n d er heavy p ressu re, soon c u t s ,b een sp ilt in everything, and the ’Cvery o th e r d a y ............................ 20 t ---------- <») a crease in the m etal seat and g a s - ic°ram on talk from the com m ission' L ocal R eaders 9 H onesty, when followed as a • ket w ith th e silt flow ing th ro u g h it; i m en, to the high brow ns, was w hati Bach line, each tim e ..................... 10c To ru n every o th er (Jay for one ♦> policy, c a rrie s less specific grav - v then it runs 24 hours a day and fools those m en w ere who were m onth, each line, each tim e . . 7c • ity th an w hen followed as a ! w astes m ore w ater th an th e fam ily building a foundation for a grand Ta rw n e v e ry issue for one m onth <$, uses. These leaks a re s ta rte d by the hotel, having bought a city block of ok m ore, each line, each t i m e . . 5c ♦ principle. ♦ ---------- <> gasket catching a grain of sand when business houses and to rn them down Classified Column Oae cent th e word each tim e. Y our brain s w on’t o n 't do you <8> j it is closing. ; and optioned m any others. To ru n every issue for one m onth m uch good unless you give them <®> Most of you can and do fix your F ifte e n years la te r, th e w riter was o r m ore, Vic th e w ord each tim e. faucets, but few of you fix th e fix -, prospecting for oil in th a t country,} < # > enough exercise to Tteep them < ♦ > L egal R ate from g e ttin g m uscle bound. tu re s in th e toilets, and surely you ' an(^ when he arrived a t th is town, he F irs t tim e, per 8-pcint lin e ..........10c Each subsequent tim e, per 8- do not w ant to be com pelled to call ^°” nd it a grand city, and it took polnt line ...................................... 5 c HEZ HECK SAYS: a plum ber every two o r th re e w eeks. j a ^ong tim e to get his bearings, as C ard of t h a n k s .............................$1.00 “ Onions an d sen tim en t ^ ¡S o m e say, put on m eters, then t h e / , ' ^ e lan d m ark s were gone. Going O bituaries, th e l i n e ......................2 Vic should not be com bined in Fraternal Orders and Societies ♦ : will stop th e leaks. W e are not go- lin to a re s ta u ra n t he found the din- the sam e b re a th .” A dvertising for fra te rn a l orders '? ing into th e m eter question, as t h e y i ing room m ore like a palm garden, s g o r societies c h arg in g a re g u la r in iti­ the tables w ere nearly hidden by i soon “ le a k ” too. ation fee and dues, no discount. Re plants, 'an electric fan a t each table Suggestion 3— Get p u re w a te r free ligions and benevolent o rd ers will be charged th e re g u la r ra te for ail ad been m arked by a slow and steady from sand and silt then fix your fix­ — b u t not to keep the flies h u stlin g J vertisin g w hen an adm ission or other progress and th e re is no d o u b t in th e tu re s and they will co n tinue to func­ since th ere w ere none. The red pep- j •b a rg e is m ade. m ind of th e T idings b ut th a t th e en­ tion properly for long periods, and per had also gone and the fine m eal j included four iced dishes. It is now tire sum will be tu rn e d in by C h rist­ the w aste stops. one g rea t w in ter reso rt and a b u s - ! m as day. In o rd er to get w a te r of th a t s o r t ,; tlin g citv you m ust filte r it. R eservoirs o r ' " (T o be continued) BIBLE THOUGHT s e ttlin g tan k s could not give you wa-i » PEOPLE’S FORUM «> — FOR TODAY — te r free from sand and silt all the Bible Thoqghta memorized, will prove a priceless heritage in a fte r years. tim e, and they w ould not keep the iptSmiiciL imumurr rqr; i rang How Can Ashland Have Her T axes}s *ate m an from tellin g you, and then MONDAY, DECEMBER IS to the w orld, th a t th e w ater is unfit! R educed O ne-T lvrd? RIGHTEOUSNESS PAYS: — for dom estic use, as was done th is B etter is a little w ith rig h te o u s­ (C o n trib u te d ) fall. M aster b u ilders w ould reje ct « .«..«..e. ••»#»*« You have probably voted for som e such a “ sto n e ” for th e ir city ’s foun-j ness, th an a g re a t revenue w ith­ one who t-old you th a t if he was dation. out rig h t. P roverbs 16: 8. elected, he w ould reduce th e taxes You a re paying approxim ately ten SCIENTIFIC PHILOSOPHY one half. H as it been done in the thousand do llars an n ually fo r sh ip ­ In his class lesson recently, Mr. past? ped in electricitj'. This am o u n t will U rdahl discussed, very in te restin g ly , You have a sm all tow n w ith m any pay 5 per cent in te re st on $200,000, th e philosophy and w ork of Em ile sm all farm s in it; you have m odern if th a t am ount is p u t intellig en tly Coue, the noted F ren ch psychologist city conveniences w hich cost consid- in to th e w a te r system , which will reg a rd in g whom so m any of the erab le m oney, hence y our sm all pop give you am ple w ater for a m uch new spapers and m agazines in F r a n c e .; u lation m u st hear a heavy load ot la rg e r city and power of your own E ngland and this country a re a t t h e , “overhead expense” — taxes. (su fficien t to g en erate all of your own p resen t publishing th e story ot his How m uch m ore will it cost t o ! electricity. You will then have two healing of Lord Curzon and Lady light and keep the stre e ts clean i stones th a t th e m aste r b u ild ers w ould Betty, as well as his m agic fo rm u la ; around a city block, w h eth er th e r e 'a c c e p t for th e foundation of a g reat- — “ Every day in every way I g ro w } a re two houses in it or 20? T h e n ' er city. b e tte r and b e tte r.” q u a d ru p le y our population, a n d you Suggestion 4— Build five concrete; Mr. U rdahl show ed th a t the noted have four tim es as m any people to i dam s up above your upper intake, F rench psychologist is m istaken pay th e taxes, w ith o u t in cre asin g the ¡costing approxim ately $25,000 each, when he contends th a t th e pow er of ru n n in g expenses in any such p ro p o r-} o r to ta l cost of $125,000, th en con- im agination tran scen d s the pow er o p tio n s ; th u s th ey a re low ered. I nect them in series w ith pow erj the will. B ut he also show ed th a t . . in p o . li-■ . I plants, a t a cost of $75,000. You This a rticle —••• will — not . deal the so-called pow er of will and the- tics, except in scientific governm ent,I th en have a g rea t s ta r t in your foun-l power of im agination, a re both de­ hut principally in o fferin g e x a m p le s' dation. And please note th a t your Innum erable pretty things in dress p endent upon th a t w hich he has of w hat o th er cities a g ain st g re a t taxes for vears to come would not be act>essories and house furnishings are . If »in m i m . L , 'I , v , • i . n p r o a c o n , n n o n n n n v s i . n n o v n n P :in > presented in the shops a t Christm as term ed the “ Key of K now ledge,” odds have been b . n . i u . l ilt up quickly, ¡in creased one penny, since you can tim e fo r women The on,y dJfflculty hence th e nam e of his book. w hen m en who knew how V “ got ent busy h n s r ” sell long tim e bonds a t 5 per cent is to m ake the rlght choice among Anyone who has but the s m a lle s t' a n d steered the activities, a n d th e $10,000 sp en t an n u a lly for - them. Whoever determines to settle am ount of know ledge p erta in in g to F act 1— A shland people have been p u rch asin g c u rre n t would pay the in- upon neckwear cannot go w rong; for the so-called power of will, pow er of a long tim e try in g to build a city, 'te re s t and a n o th e r generation and a no woman ever cries “hold, enough!” im agination, pow er of speech and and have failed. They do not keep g re a te r city w ould re tire the bonds; in this m atter of dainty accessories. words, powers of p ray er or afflrm a- up w ith her n a tu ra l grow th. W hen h u t before you act on th is suggestion, A vestee and collar of embroidered Swiss, as pictured here, is a thing of tion, as well as the pow er of su g g e s-jy o u r children leave high school a n d send a MAN to Norway to get p rac­ sheer beauty th a t Is sure to please. tion, or w hat not, will readily recog- begin to cast around for a livlihood, tical know ledge in reg a rd to th is nixe th a t the U rdahl philosophy they cannot find lu cra tiv e business of m ode of sto rin g w ater and g enerat-i shows what these a re all dependent any so rt to e n te r into hence they in g pow er and m aking the canyon a h - ! - ————— — ■ . — - ZZZ. upon. They will com prehend, also, leave. W hose fa u lt? T he people of Moluiely safe to build a thousand c a b -1 w hat gives them th eir seem ing pow er A shland. |i n s to ren t to the to u rists th a t will and th a t, in them selves, they a re all j F act 2— Y our “ lizzie” has s ta lle d 1 com e— re n t them and spend m any im potent. S tudents of this philos- on th e hill. Suggestion 1. D on’t ¡'thousand of dollars w ith you. The ophy get a b e tte r u n d erstan d in g of tell th e kid to get o u t and push. Get ¡p ro fits w ill form a sin k in g fund to th e relatio n sh ip betw een m an and, out and push h ard you rself; a s you re tire the bonds before due. God, so lh a t he will m ore ap preciate have failed as an o p e ra to r, get a F a c t *4— A nother stone for the his divine heritage. j b e tte r one— and push hard. g re a t foundation m ust be a GRAND It tak e s a few m aste r b u ild e rs to H O TEL— far b e tte r th an any o th er ¡build a g re a t city quickly, but It r} city w ithin a rad iu s of m any miles. ASH LAND’S XMAS PR ESEN T Less th a n $200 rem ains to be its foundation th ey m u st have f o r A few exam ples to su b sta n tia te raised before th e idea of a Com m un- m o rta r to bind th e rock, “ reso u rceo .” th e above fact, w hich the w rite r has ity am bulance for A shland ceases to i These th in g s you have. The rock observed, and heard a discussion of 1.' a proposition on paper and be- m ust be good and am ple, as follow s: his g ran d p a re n ts, who had laid out tom es a reality. Every effo rt should An am ple supply of good p u re w ater.? the tow n of P ainsville on Lake E rie, 1 • m ade to com plete the to tal of an electric p la n t w hich develops s u f-'O h io . Some p rom oters had come to $1200 needed for the purchase of ficient c u rre n t a t an econom ical c o s t.g r a n d f a th e r and asked for a gift of the am bulance and to provide a fit-! They m ust also have A B ETTER ) p a rt of his tow nsite to erect a b e tte r ting C hristm as present for th e en- HOTEL th an any o th e r city w ith in , hotel th a n th ere was then on L ake Buy your t ie com m unity. a large rad iu s; then w hen th e wall i s E r i e , and would p u t in a foctory. To date th ere is in the special , to be “ pointed u p ” o r th e fin ishing, j G ra n d fa th e r being like m any here, CHRISTMAS FRUIT fund for th e purchase of an am bu-j these bu ild ers m ust lfnve a citizenry 1 had no vision, b u t w hat he th o u g h t iauce $912, in addition to th is which, when tested , will prove 90 per j w as plenty of good sense. He told CAKES am o u n t th e re a re $105 s u b sc rib e d ,. cent loyal to them and A shland. G hent lie had no land to give away, but not yet paid. This leaves but j Each of the above m entioned e s -f b u t if th e ir proposition was as good at the $183 to be co n trib u ted before th e, sen tials would re q u ire an a rtic le to as th ey said, they could well afford rm b u la n ce can be purchased. j briefly set them forth. to buy it. They acquired a large Though th e fund for the purchase The w ater problem has p erh ap s tra c t very close to his, laid out a site UTHIA BAKERY of a C om m unity am bulance has not ¡m ore “ half-baked ideas” th a n any of fo r a city, b u ilt th e ir hotel and fac- buen senaALonal In its gains, it has the rest. ¡to ry . Today it is one of th e fore- M " 1 , - Gifts— of Utility and Economy The charm of Electrical Gifts lies in this fact—they keep right on serving and pleasing year after year. Electrical Appliances are the “ little servants of the Home” so much in demand in modern housekeeping. Could any gift he more appropriate to express a lasting regard? There are so many things to choose from at this Electrical Shop— Percolators, Washing Machines, Electric Irons, Vacuum Sweepers. By all means give Electrical Gifts, and every member of the household will bless you on Christmas and every day thereafter. You will he pleasantly surprised at the low prices on every item in our stock. Come in and he convinced. Murphy Electric Shop ON THE PLAZA TELEPHONE 82 ASHLAND, OREGON ¿Dainty (¿Accessories 1 D odge B rothers MOTOR CAR Few days are too cold for co m fo rta b le driving in this sturdy car. Snug-fitting cu rtain s, w hich open and close with the doors, afford complete protection from wind and snow. The carburetor and starter are famous for their prompt and dep en dable response on cold mornings. Cord tires, with safety treads, act as a safeguard against skidding, and greatly reduce the possibility of having to change tires in disagreeable weather. GEO. L. TREICHLER MOTOR CO. 16-18 S. Front St. Medford, O regon Phone 3 0 4