A shland D a t j .v ♦ ASHLAND CLIMATE, wirnout v tha aid of medicine, cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. ® €> This is a proven fact. Q • ♦♦ 4 4 M 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4* # MALARIA GERMS cannot sur- <$> vive three months in the rich <$> ozone at Ashland. The pure do- ® mestic water helps. ♦ ♦ <& ♦ (International News Wire Service) VOLUME LEADS PROGRESSIVES CREW BELIEVED LOST IN STORM GREAT LAKES T IG STR IK ES KOI KS 111 RING RAGING R U Z Z A R !) LIFEBOATS DISCOVERED FLOATING OVERTURNED T w o B oats M embers To Have Way for from “R elia n ce” Carried <»r Crew; E ight T hought Keen Saved; Captain on Supplies. No. 90 MONDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1922 4 (Successor to the Semi-W eekly Tidings, Voi. 43) HARDING TELLS GOVERNORS TO COMING EVENTS *<$> -------------- !«> XMAS DAY ONE W EEK I w U XW AY. <•> D ecem ber 18-19— U. S. navy <§■ rec ru itin g officer here. <£• D ecem ber 19 — M eeting of <♦> Civic club. i> D ecem ber 19— C. of C. m eet- ting, Civic Club building. D ecem ber 21.— Cooked food <$• sale, T rin ity Guild ? Decem ber 22— C hristm as pro- DISCUSSES MEAN’S OP CLAMPING M aking.” Civic club building. Decem ber 25, Monday — CLOSEST CO-OPERATION C hristm as Day. IS DEEMED NECESSARY • Decem ber 25— C hristm as ball benefit 484th com pany, A rm ory. President D eclares S tate and Federal ’ Monday January 1, 1923. Men Must W ork T ogeth er in Hat-* j> tnon.y to Obtain Rest P ossible R esu lts; O lcott Is P resen t. 4> Q> ♦< WALLACE REID LILLIAN AND LADDIE OBJECT OF «■ <$> ❖ $■ • «• DARING DAYLIGHT ROBBERY NETS BANDITS fauO.AOO IN I t HIT SYSTEM W EAK ENED DY E FF O R T TO BREAK NARCOTIC <§>! HABIT ■'? ’ , <3> _ »« ROBBERY SAID FIRST IN HISTORY OF U. S. BLOOD PRESSURE IS REPORTED ABNORMAL <^j _______ M ovie A ctor F igh ts Drug January 1-5— W eek of prayer <•> Through Individual E ffo rts; jn Ashland churches. Grip W ill Heavy R ifle Eire Exchanged Between O utlaw s and G uards; One Is K illed ; E scape in M achine A fter Down-Town DutCe. Hays V iew s Condition o f Star with P ity, Not Scorn. WASHINGTON, Dec. 18.— Gover- LOS ANGELES, Dec. 18.— W allace DENVER, Colo., Dec. 18.— Staging * ¡nors of 15 sta te s will m eet the p res-,i Reid, m otion picture sta r, is suffer- one of the m ost d arin g daylight rob­ here to discuss ways and m eans !' ■ ing from a severe case of influenza, beries since the days of the old west, sis & art«G i ident of clam ping down the prohibition! ra th e r th an an over indulgence in four heavily arm ed b andits held up Miss Lillian G atlin, wlm m ade avia- > alcoholics or the use ot n a rc o tic s,, tion 1|ist((ry by flyIug fpum ga)| Fran a United S tales m int autom obile and Senator Robert M. L aFollette in enforcem ent lid. Harding* says t h a t ; characteristic pose making the opening dry ag en ts, federal and sta te , m ust two physicians told th e In te rn atio n a l cjs,.o to jgew y ork recently, making escaped with three sacks ol money address before the meeting of “pro­ w ork in closest co-operation and on- News Service today. He is su fferin g fr| en(is with Laddie Roy, the Presi ¡containing $200,060. ^ressive” senators and representatives ! ly ¡n th is way can the «national from in testin al trouble and an abnor- dent’s famous pet. Miss Gatlin asked The bandits drove up to tb s m int in the senate otHee building, Dec. 1, ! scand a l” of prohibition laxity be mal blood pressure. Doctors believe the President to set aside the first when the m achine carry in g the m on- W ednesday when a new congressional bloc was ' ’ he has passed the crisis, alth o u g h h e ;week in November as Aviation week. ley left the in stitu tio n . They openetL dealt with. E ig h t w ere saved from the wreck. tornied- The question of the propriety and I is still very w’eak. , tire when the guards resisted. Cliur- is the rep o rt of th e tug “ F a v o rite ” ! expediency of the dry law is not an The a c to r’s condition is declared ! les Lenton, a guard, was knocked going out to rescue the vessel, but it, issue of th is conference. P resident to he the direct resu lt of his iiitti- j from his seat with a b ullet in his is believed the m en a re dead from J PORTLAND, Dec. 1S.- 1>ortland 1Si vidual e ffo rts some m onths ago of ------------ H arding is concerned w .... ith effective! stom ach, and late? died. exposure, since the is sinalddc905g enforcem ent. He says th e e n fo rc e -; th re a te n e d Wlth a silver thaw t0 ' break in g him self of using various; F ifty em ployes of the m in i? h ear- exposure, since th e island is w ind­ m ent task is hopeless unless sta te ¡n ig h t, as rain s fall and the snows of narcotics A lthough succeeding, his ' ing the shooting, opened fire w ith officials co-operate. * ; th e past week m elt. A gu st of sleet system was in such a condition th a t sw ept. i shotguns and rifles from th e w in­ The boat was picking up lum ber! G overnor O lcott, of Oregon, a n d , is sent down the Colum bia gorge, he collapsed. dows of tlie m int. One of the b an ­ jacks from cam ps along Lake S u p e r­ j Governor Davis, of Idaho, a r e 'w h ile in P o l'la n d wind and rain W ill Hays, szar of the movies, as­ dits fell, but his . o m p a n io rj picked drive w ith varying velocity. ior. and was forced by the fierce gale, among those present. sum ed an a ir of pity ra th e r th an of him up and escaped in th e m achine. At A storia, th e wind is blowing scorn when he was inform ed of to seek sh elter. Food and fuel were; The robbery was in the business betw een GO and 70 m iles an hour. giving out. The captain was forced R eid’s condition. section of the city and sto re s of At Seaside the su rf is alm ost a t the to choose betw’een death th ere or people looked on. The gunm en d ared top of the sea wall. A utoists are Elm o S. Neil dropped dead Satur- a terrify in g rain ol b u llets fired by m aking a run for port to secure sup­ At the Civic club m eeting on Tues-! finding it d ifficult to hold the road. plies. ¡day night a t his hom e east of t h e u p e m int g u ard s in gettin g (ho day D ecem ber 19, a t 2:30 o ’clock, city, as he was changing his clothes* The craft fought its way th rough Air. J. H. Doran will throw on th e, ¡p re p a ra to ry to com ing to A shland. i R is decJarcd t0 be th c firat | nci- th e blizzard u ntil it sm ashed on the R. A. M INKLER M ARRIES sere n over GO colored slides of I hidden rocks. Mr. Neil had been out all day r ’ The follow ing m essage was r e - , and about A shland. His parents, Mr. way com m ission is in a deplorable in d u strie s of the U nited S tates to Mrs. C a rte r (S usanne H om es), J a c k - , h .gh schooi a n d - Could not tak e the force the release of the 64 rem ain — ------- w here they will m ake th eir fu tu re ceived by W. P. M cM asters, principal and Mrs. L. A. Neil, cam e to tliis i C0n(|jtj0n> suggests th a t the tim e lias ing w ar espionage prisoners is being ' 1,11 county school s u p e r i n t e n d e n t full fQur year worR in dairy h u s. ¡of the C orvallis high school, S atu r- vicinity in the 50 s and pioneered in come fOr a paid highway com m ission planned by th e general defense com- jn d 1 Galt} eac i s p ta - on e u a ¡jja n d ry jf any room is still left, home. day n ig h t: “ Scott accepts your offer the valley. be appointed by the governor is m i,tee of th e In d u stria l W orkers of tional Problem s of Jackson c o u n t y , ^ me a reg erv atio n .« of $4000 for only gam e on Pacific Mr. Neil’s p arents both preceded a t hand and A shland and th ere will be sev- Carft Qf thg herd {n pasture> lot < iinyCnv;n e R ead Opened— th a W orld. coast New Y ear’s day. O fficials m ust , hint in d eath , and he is survived byj , He says th e highw ays a re unfin- T ourists and o th ers w ishing ’° be aceptable to both schools and list ; his wife, Mrs. P earl (P a rk e r) Ne)l» |jsb e(j aa(i some of them a re b re a k ­ New tactics w ere m apped out a: a f i'ji excellent m usical p io g ia m s. | a n d b arn , handling, groom ing, m ilk-j H ostesses for th e year have been ing, feeding and breeding, will be drlve to P o rtla n d on the Pacific high- subm itted by M onday.” The m essage one b ro th er, Jesse Neil, and two sis- ¡ng down He win recOniraend sll,.h special m eeting of the delegates in ; ; , Dinted, and a social h our w illi ta u g h t by in stru ctio n , lab o rato ry way a re cautioned about the Gan- convention here. was sent by F red L. Seiberts, m a n a -.te rs , Mrs. K ing and Mrs. G erald Tor- a com m ission to the legislaiure. follow i.' li p io g ia n ,. A dniittance ! tra in in g , and experience w ith pure- yonville-G alesburg road. On the odd ger of the Scott team . rence. Jesse Neil lives on the old ---------------------------- these lec ares ul be b> tin nibei ship ,)red con ege herds. Some of the b o u ts m achines a re p erm itted to pass RARIES ARE SUSPECTED OF W ashington high school, of P o rt- hom e place w hile the sisters a re both! ELA1XE OLIYE FREELAND A c h a i-e of -5 coj,ege COWg a re on te st and m ust ; going n o rth , while m achine i3 coming land> M edford high school, and A b e r-, residents of tbe eastern part of the CAUSING DEATH OF RANCHER ticket, pi ice .1- AND OMAR REITMANN MARRY cents will be m ade to non-m em bers. haye in fui l care have sk sk illfu care anti when stu- so u th a re p erm itted to pass on the deen, W ash., sought gam es w ith • the ‘ country. * 1 and both men and women are cordi- dents get fa r enough into the d e p a rt-¡e v en hours, This is the only p art O m ar R eitm ann and E laine Olive ONTARIO, Or., Dec. 18.— R ufus ea ste rn cham pions. i F u n eral services will be conducted 1 ally invited to a tte n d . tak e over t j j m ent confidence to t h e ’of highw ay betw een the sta t W ard, a ran c h e r whose home was Business m en of C orvallis raised* from th e E ik s’ tem ple a t 2:30 o’clock F reelan d were quietly m arried Sun- ! T h an k s to Mr. W inburn T m e n tire *CHre ° f the9e cham Pion cow s> thev line and C orvallis th a t is not paved the $4000 g u a ra n te e in less th an two W ednesday aftern o o n , w ith in te r-jd a y afternoon a t the hom e of Mr. n e a r New P lym outh, Idaho, died at house is free from debt. 10 en ” will have som e recom m endations and opened to general traffic at t h i s 'hours according to a long distance m ent at H argadine cem etery and Mrs. George P. K ing, a t 6 Beech th e Holy R osary hospital under c ir­ su p p o rt now rests upon the Civic th a t o th er dairym en will be interest- tim e, w ith the exception of th e bridge! ca,j from C orvan is S aturday night. cum stances which have baffled tlie avenue. Thus has club. m u s far, m i, the m e building m » . . — o a t Gold Hill and th a t section of the Mr. R eitm ann is a civil engineer physicians called to care for him. MUSTC RECITAL GIVEN been ren ted to cover all ru nning ex-j Pacific highw ay lying w ithin the city ' and lias been e m p lc ed for some tim e W ard was found unconscious at his SATURDAY AFTERNOON penses. T hrough the courtesy of the FRANCE NEEDS 12 NEW W EA TH ER FO R TH E W EEK lim its of G rants Pass. ¡on the C rater L ake h'gliw ay th ro u g h hom e and New Plym outh physicians city lo u n cil in g ran tin g land, free! WASHINGTON, Dec. 18.— W ea­ SUBMARINES, IS CLAIM 'th e n o rth ern p art of the county and b rought him to O ntario, w here Dr. A m usic recital was given Satur- w ater and lights, th e Civic club i s ; PA RIS, Dec. 18.— F rance req u ires o. e . S. E n terta in s th e r outlook for th e period of Decem- d u ring the past few week has been W . J. Reese was consulted. able to assist w ith Miss F a lld in e ’s i 12 new subm arines of a t least 1200 cem ber 18 to D ecem ber 23, inclusive,i day afternoon by the pupils of Miss The, officers of A lpha c h ap ter No. ' engaged in bridge w ork on ; he higli- W ard never regained conscious­ Im ogene W allace a t her studio in the „ . ......................... work and extend c ertain courtesies tons each, declares Le Matirt.—which l , O. E. S., e n te rta in e d the w orthy is forecast as follows: way. Mrs. R eitm ann is the d a u g h te r ness and from his actions the phys­ Red Cross. The Civic club S tates— Consider-; Beaver block. w arns the governm ent th a t the pres- m atron, Mrs. H&l McNair, and the Pacific Coast S tates— C o n sid er-!c e a ' r omen.. m . s s i..u*aie ixiiensj^^ F reeland, who lives n e a r icians decided th a t he was suffer- fo tl,e needs the support of everv Pu b ,c ', ent fie e t o[ subm ersibles is not su f-iw o rih v p atron, Mr. S. A. P e ters S r .,! able cloudiness w ith occasional rains, to Rive a n um ber or such recitals, us- a cousin of Mrs. K ing, a t ing from rabies. A postm ortem ex­ A shland. ith i d i f f e r e n t pupils for each occa * whose hom e th e w edding occurred. K . W lllS ficient protection for th e F r e n c h ! S atu rd ay evening a t th e hom e of T em p eratu re n e a r norm al. am in atio n was m ade today and still sPivited womaD ™ a large m em bership the ( m e ciuo coasts. Of the fifteen reliable sub-1 Mrs. N. G. Bates, on Scenic Drive. N orthern Rocky M ountain a n d > io n . th is being tbe f irs t-e v e n t of. The young people expect to ta k e th e cause was not determ ined. Sam ­ will be able to continue P s old-tim e m arines in the F rench fleet now five The evening was spent w ith g a m e s,; P la te a u Regions— G enerally fair and tbe kind. a w edding trip of a few weeks, a fte r ples of his b rain w ere sent to the Follow ing is the program as given: program of service, for A shland, and were received from G erm any a t the a fte r which delicious refresh m en ts cold, b ut w ith probability of snows which they will re tu rn to th e n o rth ­ sta te bacteriologist for exam ination. Bugle C a l l .......................... Tom linson pleasure and education for every m iddle of week. tim e of th e arm istice. w ere served. ern p a rt of the county u n til the work W ard was a bachelor. H unting Song ..................... K inscella individual m em ber. in which Mr. R eitm ann is engaged Jack Nims ¡th e re is com pleted. REINH ART W INS CASE Sweet M e lo d y ................. Mana Zucca Only im m ediate m em bers of the IN LOCAL .II STICK COURT (H ARD SER VES 1 2,0«« MEALS Goldenrod ........................ Mana Zucca b rid e’s fam ily w ere p rese n t a t the ----------- DURING W EEK AT ASTORIA E lean o r Dean w edding am ong who was a b ro th er, T he case of R einhart vs M itchell, ¡D uet— F allin g L e a v e s ............ B ilb re ’ SALEM. Des. 18.— More th an Eugene L. F reelan d and wife, her was tried in Ju stic e Gowdy’s court H a rrie t Bevington, A udrey Brown m other, Mrs. F reelan d and Mr. and S a tu rd a y aftern o o n , and resu lte d in 2,000 m eals were served by th e Ore-; Story of H a y d n .................Jack Nims Mrs. George P. King. a verdict for the p la in tiff in the sum gon n a tio n a l g u ard detach m en t a t; j R ussian Folk Tune . D iller and Q uaile of $1S9, the full am ount asked for A storia d u rin g th e last week. L ast Bird S o n g ........................................ E rb in th e com plaint. S aturday im m ediately a lte r the fire. HAPPY F E E T SEC RET OF M ary E lizabeth Dean The case grew out of an an > acei- 519 were fed. Sunday, the to ta l DANCING, KAYS DANSEUSE In the G lo a m in g ................. H arrison dent which o?’ ’t r r e l several m onths jump» 1 to 1743. W ednesday was G ertrude A hlstrom ago a t the corner of N orth Main and the la rg e st day of th e week, when CHICAGO, Dec. 18.— “ Happy, con­ M erry G a m e ..........................K inscella G ran ite s tre e ts, when the R e in h a rt 2142 people w ere served. ten ted feet,” a re tlie secret of boau- I K athleen High ear. driven by Mr. R unh.art’ - laugh- T he cold w eather has caused aft* 'G u ita r S e r e n a d e ..................... G a y n o r tlfu l dancing, according to M adame te r, was stru ck full in the side by a increased dem and for woolen arm y G aynor A nna L udm ila, 18 years old, prem ier The W itch ............................ c a r driven and owned by J. W. b lan k ets from th e N ational G uard danseuse of the Chicago Civic O pera Louise Moor 's to re s shipped to A storia. More th an ! M itchell, of M edford. Bilbre association, which has ju s t opened A House by the Roadside S00 b lan k ets and several hundred T he R e in h a rt car had only bet th e season here. A udrey Brown cots w ere ¡issued th e la tte r p a rt of used 16 days at th e tim e of th e act . “ The one th in g a d an cer m ust for- Story of Schum ann d en t, and was so dam aged th a t in the week. Happy F a r m e r ................... Schum ann get is her feet." said M adam e Lud- o rd e r to rem ove cU m ark s of th e The Salem K iw anis club sent H unting Song .......................... Lvnes m ila. “ T his is possible only when sm ash n p , an en tire new body would $106 to A storia to be used fo r th e, H a rrie tt Bevington ¡they a re com fortably, correctly and have to be placed cn th e car. relief of fire victim s th ere. A tele- ___________________ ! b e a u tifu lly »lothed as well as per­ Tlve defence offered no evidence grant also was sent to P resid en t fectly tra in ed . Only when a danc- L eave on I.ong T rip— in th e case, as they exnected to ap- H ard in g u rg in g .co n g ress to appropri- A. L. Lam b and wife will leave e r ’s feet a re happy and contented is peal from th e ju s n - e court. a te $3,000,000 for the relief of the The site of old Fort Dearborn, Michigan avenue and tbe river, (Chicago, has been acquired by tlie Loudon Guar- ,'* a a u (° tom orrow foi i o rtla n d . Van- „oin. danci.i^ p A ttorneys B riggs and Briggs rep- strick en city. antee and Accident company which is erecting a skyscraper there. The laying of tbe corner stone was tbe couver and o th e r n o rth e rn points on stage. resented th» p la in tiff, a b b m ' occasion for an imprqgslve ceremony in which many leading citizens took part. There was a m ilitary escort of 55 men a business trip. They will be gone ney P o rte r J. Neff was Mr. M itchell s. The t o w n bein« the nunibt;r tbe fort s ^ r r ls o n a t the time of the m assacre, Aug. 15, 1812. A w ant ad w ill sail It- about two weeks. gon, is planning a com m unity house lawyer. 8AULT STE. M ARIE. Mich., Dec. 18.— The lives of 27 passengers and crew m em bers of the tug “ R eliance" are alm ost c e rtain to ft©,,lost with th e finding of two o v e rtu rn ed lit" b o ats know n to have carried the party. T he tug dashed ag a in st hid- den rocks off Gizzard island last SILVER THAW WHEN DEAD AI HIS HOME BE OFFERED AIO. AC. 1 . 0 . s. ™ , GENERAL STRIKE= PLAY OHIO EVEVEN Skyscraper Going Up on Fort Dearborn’s Site I