ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAGE FOUR Saturday, Decem ber 16, 10*22 Trailing Aurora. Here from G leen S p r in g s - Incidental to his voyage of discovery , The “ L 3 n te rh C o o le rs ” Profession. Mr. DeCarlo, of the Green Springs I Am ong th e th e a tric a l Agencies in tlie Arctic, C aptain Roald Amund­ w here ta le n t is to lie em ployed fo r a ll m ountain country was in th e city ' sen plans to make movie pictures of F rid a y on business. He rep o rts the aurora borealis—thnt wonderful occasions a new t i l l i n g is th a t o f phenomenon, now known to be electri­ “ la n te rn co o le r." W hat is m eant is about 10 inches of snow on th e top N E W S Is any hum an activity cal in its nature, which m anifests it­ th a t at some sm all m o v ie shows a v a ­ ■ cf the m ountain, and says th a t very or even t th at ,'s o f in terest to self In the form of light-streamers rie ty tu rn is ¡mt on between tlie reels few people a re using the road a t the SAN QUENTIN, Calif., Dec. 16.— o th er hum aus. The BEST new s is that ascend into the sky all around w h ils t the p ro je c to r recovers fro m a •• As I p resent tim e. passionate six-re e l film . The g reat day is over. The monoto- the Arctic circle. that w hich in terests th e greatest ! ny of prison life has retu rn ed , hut Occasionally in our latitudes we get num ber o f people. T he T idings A lot of good second-hand fu rn i­ the m em ory of T hanksgiving day re- !a glimpse of It, but only a glimpse; w ould greatly appreciate it if you ", «Cl tu re a t Icenhow er’s new and second i I m ains w ith the several thousand and It seems to us us if the stream ers w ould call 3 0 w hen you have an hand store. Come and see it. 389 prisoners behind the gray w alls of sprang from the surface level of the item o f in tere st. Thank you. earth. But they do not. They start E ast Main. Phone 171. 87-2 San Q uentin. from 40 to 50 miles up. F o r instance, th ere was the m em ­ It is the sun th at makes the aurora, Let us renovate your suit now and ory of the joy of a condem ned man R em ains Critically. Ill— which varies in size and Intensity w ith avoid the holiday rush. P a u lse ru d ’s. who w.ill carry to th e gallows the solar activity. Once In a while, when S. A. H aw ks, who was badly in ­ rem em brance of having won in his it reaches a maximum, its stream ers Send us th e w ashing and use tho ju re d In a fall several weeks ago, r e ­ < hi Sick L ist— . i*. i la st com petition w ith his fellowm en. may be seen stretching clear across tim e saved in getting ready the re ­ m ains q u ite critically ill at his home Mrs. A. H. P raclit is confined io our night sky, and there Is so much And the joyous chorus of “ Ma-a- on F acto ry stre e t. It is th o u g h t his h er hom e by illness resu ltin g from a electricity let loose th at all our tele­ m inders th a t will m ake th is for you a-a -s!” th a t greeted the 73-year-old graph instrum ents go on strike. chances for recovery a re very slight. cold. a tim e of good will— gland tra n sp la n te e w inner of the 50- THE JOY SPOT OF A LONG Linguists in the Spirit World. Save by buying doll clothes a t F ram ed pictures. D arling Studio. yard dash for men over 65. •‘How was the seance?” A nnually the prison of San Quen- GOOD YEAR th e N eedlecraft Shop. 80tf “A great success. Mine. Hokns ma­ Some new dance h its a t Ja c k so n 's' tin population “ comes o u t” in the Ä .5 ^ terialized Napoleon Bonaparte, Marie D arling H ot Springs S atu rd ay night. P o rtra its th a t please. ¡yard and enjoys a tra c k m eet. The 87-3 Antoinette and Julius Caesar.” 89tf Studio. m eet th is year was m ost successful. Y T A V f ’TTPr?AY in “BROADWAY ROSE” “Quite a distinguished gathering." O rdinarily condem ned men do not Makes Trip to A p p le g a t e - “Yes, and I was not aw are until after VINING— TOMORROW AND MONDAY com pete. A negro won the baseball the seance started that all three could Benton Bowers m ade a trip to the V isit in A shland— Send it throw , se ttin g a new record. The speak English fluently." —Birmingham Mr. and Mrs. A ustin T aylor, of A pplegate section th is week to brin g Angwin Visits Dunsmnlr— ¡On B usiness from H ilt— m an doomed to die threw off his Age-Herald. Spokane, W ash, spent tw o days this hom e som e of his c a ttle th a t w ere J. E. Angw in, forem an of the A. W. Moon, of H ilt, Calif., cam e lethargy. He was given perm ission week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ■ driven out on th a t side of the m oun- Few of Us Are. ... Snyder, who live in the Phipps ta in a t th e close of the grazing s e a - / 1 1 was a visitor over the Sisklyous yesterday, and by W arden Jam es Jo h n sto n to try. W irs M. Weigh», Owner "This is a mini’s world,” she com J. H. building. Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Sny- son. He took over som e of the cat- ' ' ‘ lie ^ alilC 'iiia line last T hura- was in the city on business today. ¡He did not equal the hew record. The plained. PHONE 165 d er a re cousins, w hile Mr. T aylor is tie th a t belonged in th e A pplegate ‘ ° ’ sPen and has coma t ° the coast in. incom e. We sell goods on tim e N orth Main stre e t to the Mary W oods ,b e hope of finding a m ore even cli-; and w ait for ou r money. Team or p roperty a t th e corner of High a n d i ,n a^e > an d sbouid it prove to his lik-j au to needed for co u n try w ork, no L aurel streets. ' ing in A shland, he will probably buyj _______ property here and m ake his h o m e 1 o u tfit needed in city. Experience I SW EE T S TO DELIGHT unnecessary, we tra in in salesm an­ here perm anently. Piano T u n i n g - K IDDIES OF ALL AGES ship. McConnon & Company, W in­ Now is th« tim e to have your piano M ention this paper D arling : ona, Minn. C rater Lake pictures. tuned. Carl H. Loveland. Studio. T rue to tiin e-h o iw ied tradition 89-1* Studio. 89C 135 E a st M ain. P hone 465. 66tf o f C hristm as “ Hard C andies,” Prisoners Frolic In Athletic Meet At Calif. Pr son Awfully Busy Getting Ready for Christmas? Ashland Laundry Co. CAO V llv V’ A ." II • C c ilV l . 'l l -J . 11 V I* V CX C * V fc-J Q| 1 , , — *C * 1 ' ** • A U TO m o v i e s flY LEED O M ’S TIRE HOSPITAL RIGHT OveRTKÄT WAY, pa u : VllUArt-j IZING, v ,L' Get Your Christmas Furs at Bartlett's Fur Store Largest Stock in Oregon Outside of Portland F. W. BARTLETT 115 W. Main, Medford See Us for-- Gifts that Please Men KRISMAS KANDY Mae Murray — IN— ‘The Broadway Rose’ — T he b rig h te st lig h ts cast the d a rk e st shadow s. A dram a of the most dazzling and dangerous s tre e t in the w orld. — Also— THE PATHE NEWS — The m orning news before your eyee. A d m is s io n ................... 10 and 35c » v have m ade up an unusually fin e assortm en t. Only th e best m aterials and pure fruit flavors are used to m ake th ese erystal-elear can ­ dies. -*■ And of cou rse th ere is an end- 1< 98 assortm en t o f ch ocolates to choose from . SEE OCR W INDOWS TONIGHT ,ah’e ARMORY STEWART I. LONG CR^ vaxs Too Many Ties VETERAN OF TWO WARS G I'ESS THE W EIGHT OE THE RIG SUGAR STICK will speak on “Reaching the Goal PLA ZA CONFECTIONERY C H E N ^f Not Many Men Have 8 o’clock :: :: Admission 25 and 50c NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE