ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Saturday, December K»t 1922 M M P A G I TU R E » SSBB ■MS Í without the counteraction of th e oppo­ Grandchild Had Croupy Cough REALLY NOT MUCH TO IT site half of the wave. “ My g ran d sh ild could get no relief ) The more perfect th e rectification How High School Boy Made Discov­ w hatever from a very bad croupy the louder the signal will be In the ery That All He Needed Was cough,’’ w rites P e te r L andis, Mey-i One C6HÎ th e w ord each tim e. pilones, because the resultant audible Ju st Confidence. ersdale, Pa., “ u n til I gave him Fol- current is the difference between the INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. FHÏM1U1ASB. j ey’s Honey and T ar. It is a g rea t two halves of the cycle. The crystal , A rthur is a manly young chap who (E ffective January 1, 1922) help for chest and th ro a t tro u b le .’* OR. ERNEST A. WfKIDS— P ra etk j is not a perfect rectifier. It Is has just graduated from high school. Daily (E xcept S unday) lim ited to eye, ear, nose *n< i merely a resistance which does not Coughs, colds, croup, th ro a t, c h e s t! He had secured a position in an office ME1H OKD LV. ASHLAND and bronchial Irrita tio n quickly re ­ th ro a t. Office honra, 10 to 12 ar. Ohm’s law. It offers more re- Where several times he had been in­ 00 a. m. 7:00 a. m. 2 to 5. Sw edeuburg Bidg.,‘ A*t U t t i l D i- I 1 sisuinet; to a current flowing in one vited to go to lunch with his employer. lieved w ith Foley’s Honey and Tar. iand, O re 73-t 00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. __________ direction than the other. Suppose the He always declined the invitation. 00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. C ontains no opiates — in g redients , t u x positive half of the current is to be M L J. J . I.MM EN»— Pfcys’. c 's a an From various bits of information 10:00 a. m. p rinted on the w rapper. Stood the 00 a. m. Simple Shock Absorocr That Wss utilized, partially neutralize the posl- o tr s e o a . P ractice lim ited the lad hail let fall, mother believed 11:00 a. m. 00 a. m. eye, e a r, ncse and th ro a t. Glass« 12:00 noon test of tim e serving th re e g en era­ 00 coon Devised by Operator on a !tlve reducing the strength of the man was interested in her son and ecpplied. Oculist and a u rist ft 89tf . . . . the signal. 1:00 P. m. tions. Sold everyw here. 00 p. m. tliouglit the hoy ought to accept the S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and B Transoceanic Vessel. Í A curve for a galena crystal is 00 p. m. 2:00 P. m. invitation. “Why don’t you go with Bldg., M edford, Ore. Phone ¿6 „ , u w i ¡ shown as curve No. 1, In Fig. 1. The 3:00 P. m. Leave for California— 00 p m. him?" she asked A rthur one day at 4:00 P- m. 00 p. m. tí P r i f 'i 'l a r ' One the worst irritations suffered curve will vary for every adjustm ent DR. M ATTIE II. SHAW — Residence __I the dinner table. 5 :00 P. na. 00 p. m. e an ey am i y et ri crystaj detector operator is the on the crystal. This graph represents and office, IOS P ioneer avenue “I’m afraid,” he answered. “I might 6:00 m. 00 p. in. P. day evening for Dixon, Calif., w heie¡ f reqUent jarring out of good adjust- u very good adjustm ent. The best slg- T elephone 28. Office house, 10 not know what to do. You know—I 7:00 P- m. they expect to m ake th e ir fu tu re j nient. Often the slightest vibration nal will he obtained when the sharp- 00 p. m. to 12 a. ni.; 2 to 5 p. in., only. might do the wrong tiling." ra. 8:30 P- 39 p. Ul. Sat. only home. They lived a t 129 G ran ite, caused by a heavy footfall, slumming est bend in the curve is at the work- | LITTLE TALKS ON THRIFT Now, mother bad bean very particu­ 9:30 m. 30 p. m. P DR. II. M. SHAW — Physician and of a door or someone brushing against Í ing point. In the case of tlie galena • lar in the training she had given (he 3 0 p. m. Sat. only 10:30 P- m. stre e t, while in th is city. Surgeon. Special a tte n tio n Eyes, the table is sufficient to disturb the crystal this point would be at zero • « Sunday Schedule hoy an«l was proud of the result. She E ars, Nose, T h ro at. G lasses f i t ­ F r u it cake and m ince m eat tim e is) g°°d P°lnt- The Pro"ess of the read-1 potential. At this point the rectifica-! B y S . W . S T R A U S , P re s id e n t L e . ve ?.lediord for A shland and had perfect confidence in him. So ted. Room 6, Mills-McCall Block justm ent has to be gone through again. . tlon will be the highest. A m e ric a n S o c ie ty fo r T h r i f t . A shland for M edford everv hour o n i here with a serious face mother simply re­ Phone 79 or 28. F o r citro n , orange and lemon This happens with such regularity th a t Some crystals require a local hat- the h o u r from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m .;j m arked: “Why, all you have to do Is raisins, c u rra n ts , figs, spices, ’T ’H R IFT of effort is person h rtt. G. C. P H E T T E P L A C E — D entis then 6:30 p. m. and 9:30 p. m. P *« * numerous schemes to avoid jarring tcr.v and potentiom eter to bring tlie to keep your hat on, put your feet on — successor to W . F,. Buchanan. efficiency, which depends A shland w aiting room — E a st Side su g a r, etc.. D etrick ’s G roceteria sells the detector stand have been devised.' working point to the proper point on the table, put your knife in your Special a tte n tio n given to s{r3ight- Pharm acy. largely on one’s willingness to for less. 48tf Most of these were failures, and the the curve. Curve No. 2 is for a car- mouth, make as much noise as pos­ iening and care of c h ild ren ’s teeth. concentrate on ASHliAND-ROSEBURG STAGE phrase “Don’t J a r Out Detector,’’ h e -! borundiiiu crystal. To work this crys- sible when you eat and—’’ one thing a t a (Office hours. 9 to 12 and 1 :3 " to Daily (E xcept Sunday) ! lal most effectively the potentiom eter O ur candy prices a re rig h t, q u a l­ “M other!” shouted Arthur, a look of S. Office phone l a I. x. - , y 4SHL^ XD EV. ROSEBURG time. would have to be adjusted to give a fc,hone 201-J. C a jtp s B ulidm y m . m ity considered. R o m Bros. amazement on bis face. Then the 7 4tf Carelessness ß u b b e r B ands X ahland Oregon. 45t* 1:00 p. m. 1-00 p. m. i positive potential of about three volts. humor of it struck him and there was in the per­ . . -2______________ _____ T ravel by stag e: s h o rte st ro u te b y , ^ _ ; Tlie dotted line for No. 3 is for an ¡ much merry laughter. form ance of a CH IROPRACTORS 20 niiles; one of O regon’s m o s t! R e tu rn s to T ru ll-— ordinary and is a straight line. j. -V Next morning Arthur Informed duty no m at­ __________________ _________ _____ scenic trip s. F a re — A shland-R ose- Mr. and Mrs. R alph D unlay, and mother that be bail gone to lunch te r how trivial DR. E. .B. ANGELL— C h iro p ra c tif buJ,g) $i.6O ; Medford - Roseburg. baby have re tu rn e d to th e ir home with the boss. •'Everything was tine, it may seem Longer Life for Your Tubes. and E lectro-T herapy, 1116 ’'°N at’1 $*-15; G rant» P aas-R oseburfe $3.00. a t T rail, a fte r a sh o rt visit in the constitutes one and we had a good talk, too," he nation does w onders. F irst For storage battery economy and M EDFORD-GRANTS PASS city. of the w orst added. .B ank Bldg. P hone 48-142. longer life of the vacuum tube, it is draw backs to "Were you embarrassed?” asked H ouse Calls always best to employ the minimum LV. G T'S PASS LV. M EDFORD personal j suc­ mother. If you w ant th e best th e re is in filament brilliancy consistent with ade­ 7:30 a m. ; 10:00 a. rn. CONVALESCENT HOME cess. I “Of course n o t!” be answered In quate audibility of the signals being 1:00 p. m. bacon, boiled ham s, chipped tfeef. 2 :00 p. m. An old ad­ surprise. Why obottld 1 be?” And received. Nothing is gained by burn­ 5:00 p. tn. lard and sh o rten in g , get it a t D et­ CONVALESCENT HOME — Good 5 :00 p. m age tells us : mother, satisfied, smiled knowingly.— cheer. Good care. Good food. ing the filument above the tem perature S. W . S T R A U S Sunday Only ric k ’s. W e sell for less. 4 St? w i t h d e e p . Chicago Journal. came a standard joke. There is one necessary for maximum regeneration, 10:00 a. m. T erm s reasonable. 153 G ranite ¡ 10:00 a. m. tru th th a t anything w orth do­ scheme which will protect the ad ju st­ and white heat Is seldom necessary to 4:30 p. m. St. 1‘faone 411-R. 306-1 mo 4 :3 0 p. m. ing, is w orth doing well. There New sh ipm ent of su its and o'coats ment from almost anything short of an ¡ G rants Pass w aiting room — The A w ant ad will sell it. accomplish this, according to Radio is no place in our progressive VETERIN A RY ju st in. W ill be glad to show them . earthquake. •Bonbonuiere, phone 160. I Broadcast. By resorting to a two- A m erican life today fo r the slip­ Office and w aiting room — No. 5 P a u lse ru d ’s. 84tf 'Ibis idea was first encountered on S(age amplifier in receiving from dis­ DR. J P. CHISHOLM — G raduate shod, careless person. Those who a shipping board vessel. Tlie vibration tant broadcasting stations, ample au­ V eterinary. W alk er Avo m erely shuffle along, dodging es­ on a ship is great, and for this reason Students Expected Tonight— dibility can be obtained without ex­ T« sential details, are out of place in TEA NS F E B AND EX PRESS. Sunday will see m any fam iliar galena cannot ordinarily be kept in cessive filament brilliancy. As a m at­ ou r c u rre n t life. adjustm ent, and is rarely used. How­ ter of fact, signal strength may well faces in the city ag ain for stu d e n ts O pportunities to broaden and S?OR prom pt and carefu l service ever, on a vessel in transoceanic service be sacrificed to purity of tone in voice advance come only to those who now a tte n d in g th e Oregon A gricul­ a« to tru c k s or horse drays, caj the crystal, unless the very best possi­ and music, for a fte r all it is fulthful prove th eir ability, step by step, W h ittle T ra n sfe r Co. Phone 1 1 1 tu ra l college a t C orvallis w ill, for ble, will not bring in a signal for days reproduction of sound rath e r than and a re willing to take infinite tOffiee, 89 Oak s tre e t near H ate M arriage Is R eported— E dw ard O. S teiger and Miss Mary the m ost p a rt, arriv e on th e m id­ at a time when the ship is near mid- maximum noise which m akes radio­ pains with each thing they do. .A shlaed. 56t! ocean, far from any land stations. Thia phone reception enjoyable. N a tu re does not endow us with Agnes B ennett, both of A shland, n ig h t tra in to n ig h t, or on an early operator had rigged up a shock absorb­ f . lL. PO W E LL— GENERAL TRANr tra in tom orrow m orning. The col th e genius of doing big things p jE R — Good team and m otor w eie m arried here last M onday, J u s ­ lege will re-open Its doors on Ja n u er for his galena detector as shown quickly and well. P rogress m ust in tlie figure. Little explanation is n?c- Radio School for Army Flyers, trem ks. Good service a t a reaso i tice Bagshaw o fficiating.— Ja ck so n ­ be acquired by diligent applica­ ary 2. ab,» p rice. Phone 83__________ _ _ ville Post. essary. A block of woopl a foot square A new army radio school for traln- tion and concentration, first upon or sm aller supports four large nails i inS a ir service radio operators and the seem ingly u n im portant tasks WANTED. Always see me f irs t a b o u t your or wood posts between which are , electricians lias been established at F o r th e b est cull*. Try Rose and then on those of constantly The school /4 tf¡in s u ra n c e ; th e re ’s a d ifference; why? stretched rubber bands as shown. T h e se ! 431umute Field, Illinois. WANTED TO REN T— C om fortable I Bros increasing consequence. Ask me. Teo, of course. 84tf bands support tlie detector stand. If I w« s removed from Post Field, Okla- L earn how to do well one thing refined hom e, p a rt fu rn ish ed or, ---------- the stand is heavy with a small base : homa. and new classes for radio In- a t a tim e. This involves not oniy u n fu rn ish ed , th re e bed room s. No, F o r sale a t N eedlecraft Shop, baby The e n tire E astm an line— variety lt will be top heavy; and ibe stand struction are being formed. It will be the fe a t of accom plishing the E at b e tte r tam ales a t Rose Bros. .children. J. H. Bobbins. L eave, doll sets, garden sets, bloom er su its, enough for every purpose and definite undertaking, but it is a hud better be mounted on a larger «'quipped witti all «the latest radio de­ 7 4tf 80tf every purse— :s at your disposal 'house num ber o r telephone w ith lesson in accuracy as well. base. Tlie rubbers should be only vices, including apparatus for aerial here, to g eth e r w ith ph.»to album s A sh la n d F ru it and P roduce Assn. work In both heavier and Ilghter-than- The m istake often is made of heavy enough to keep tlie stand from T re e B rings E lks $1700— E d w ard s to Serve Tim e— try in g to do too much or of en­ air craft. Enlistm ents for training In 86-6* photo calendars, p o k e ,copes (th e touching tlie block, so th at there in T he E lk s ’ C hristm as tree a t Med­ plenty of flexibility to absorb all radio for the army air service are now : deavoring to advance too rapidly. Tlie suprem e court a t Salem re- new pocket telescopes) — every­ As a resu lt no forw ard steps are LOST. ceutly affirm ed Judge C alkins in the ford netted the org an izatio n $1700 vibration. being accepted at Chanute Field. thing in photography. taken, tim e and energy are used in cash to add to th e fund which the i. - i< of S tate vs. “ Shine” E dw ards, Use a flexible cord for connecting up try in g to correct m istakes ma«!«- LOHNT— Saddle «colored, sheepskin Vatican Uses Radio to U. S. lodge will use to dispense C hristm as tlie detector into tlie circuit so th at it CRATER LAKI! PICTU RES who appealed from conviction under pressure of undue haste, bag ( reinforced lo st en route Tlie first use of radio by the Vatican can be taken off tlie shock absorber bootlegging charge. E d w ard s was cheer am ong th e needy poor. Mem­ E astm an Film s E xpert Finishing and a general condition o f in­ was the recent transm ission to tlie th ro u g h M edford o s Main SL, to at. in c ! to serve th re e m onths in bers from all over th e county were and adjusted on tlie talih*. When a efficiency results. good adjustm ent is obtained, carefuiiy United States of a message from Pope highw ay to A shland. C ontents of Study concentration. It is Die county jail and to pay a fine of p rese n t a t th e a ffa ir. replace tlie detector on (lie shock ab Plus XL, through Mgr. F. Morgougini but little value to o th ers in c lu d ­ ».hrift of energy which is just as $ 00. He is a t liberty on $1000 sorber and it will stay in adjustm ent i Daca, papal pro-secretary of Extra- ing poems and rem iniscences of accessary to our w elfare as thriD W e will m eet any and all bona bonds, agni now resides a t W eed, almost indefinitely unless of course j ordinary ecclesiastical affairs, to »f money. m any y ears as a m iner and pros-' As soon as th e m an d ate is fide subscription offers. E L H A R T ’S disturbed by the heavy signals or Janies A. Flaherty of Philadelphia, C alif. 85-eod-3 •e’tto r in Colorado. F in d e r will be supreme knight of the Knights of static. . . : i\ d from Salem , he will be ta k ­ — R eliable A gents. libtg/illy com pensated. A ddress In the ease mentioned the defect«,r j Columbus. The nidio carried the I t pays to read th e classified page. 1 en in to custody. Davit F. Jackson. 215 N utley St., See ou r b arg ain w indow s for Xm as would hold an adjustm ent through an i formal approbation «if Pope Pius of the 84if entire watch, though the vib ratio n ' Knights of Columbus, mlllioii-dollar Asblair.l, Ore. P. O. Box 63 87-3* Horne grown alm onds and w alnuts, gifts. Studio A shland. from the engine was pronounced and i American welfare campaign in Italy, 25 cents a pound. Plaza M arket. 85tf f o r rent in a heavy sea there were strong IF' Molay Elects Officers— trem o rs and jum ps. T his ship roiled Big Chinese Program. G ran t Selby and Stan Sherw ood, of F O R -.R E N T --/' splendid th re e roo n . B e tte r ne safe that; sorry. See considerably, b u t although tlie d etee to / The new radio program in Chinn furbished a a rlm e n t; ad u lts only. | A shland w ere, elected ju n io r «oun- calls for tlie construction of four wire- 357 V ista St. P hone 122. SOtfj Beaver R ealty Co. abuut your Insur cllor and tre a s u re r respectively trt a , less stations. One in Shanghai Is to nice. P b o ie 68. 287li recent m eeting of th e O rder of l>e lie larger than any now in existence FOR REN T— Five room fu rn ish ed i in ibis country. Completion Of this 'M olay. A d a n c e for m em bers of the ¿O house, c en trally located; a d u lj^ K lam ath Man Is Sentenced— station will mean direct communica­ ROY AL M IX E D F E E D Pau-iek Bishop, 22. who was a r- organizatio« and th e ir friends is p referred . In q u ire 357 V ista St. tion between the United States and Phone 122. 88-tf laste d in San Francisco and b ro u g h t planned for D ecem ber 28, at \v’ 14T i China. 1 back to K lam ath F a lls to answ er to tim e the new officers will be ip- Straight Car Just Received e FO R RENT— F u rn ish ed bed room, the charge of passing bad checks, stalled, I 16 p er cent p ro tein —$40.00 to n hot and cold w ater: b re a k fa st if was sentenced to the s ta te penitenti-) Uo © J desired. 147 G ranite. 88-2* RADIO FLASHES ary for th re e years by Ju d g e A. L. : If yon w ant those hens to lav m ore I Unsurpassed for Dairy and Poultry eggs, get some crack lin s 3 cents 5 FDR REN T— A th re e room , com ­ Lea vitt. | A good safety-first slogan for 85tf ¡per pound. P laza M arket. pletely fu rn ish ed a p a rtm e n t. Two) 1 tiie radio fan might be “Live 1 wire? Dead m a n !” blocks from p o st-o ffice on paved j W IKI! W H E E L SERVICE a t Lee- Splendid m usic. F ine floor. Con­ 1 A couple m arried by radio a street. P hone 432-Y or 40. 88-2 ’- oni’: T ire H ospital. Broken apokes genial crow d. F a ir G round P avilion 1 short time ago already are seek- replaced 25c. 84tf Dance S aturday. L e t’s go! 83-fr-s ing a divorce, a report says. FOR BALE. 1 Sort of a loose coupling, Make vour clothes a X m as pres- »FOR SA LE— Drv lau rel wood, plenty . La Spends V acation in F resn o — i It is said that information of h e a te r ch u n k s; 12 inch tier, ent of a cleaning and pressing Al Beck an em ploye of th e city I broadcast from South America $4.50; also 12 inch body fir, $3.75; djes w ork a specialty. A shland . stand sometimes almost stood on end i 1 to m anufacturers of motorcars j 12 inch second grow th fir, '3 .2 5 : \ C - ; leaning e in ing and Dyeing W orks. Phone n Kht d e p a rtm e n t, expects to a and Dyeing W orks. 84t ( th is evening for F resno. Calif., w here during tlie bad rolls, unless the ad- i 1 in the United States resulted in delivered. 1224 Iowa St. 6S-mo* 63. Auto delivery. justm ent was particularly erratic j large foreign orders. he will spend the holiday season vis- no trouble was had. FOR RENT— Bed room w ith outside j | A W estern m inister broadcast «iting w ith a siste r. Beck is d riv in g _ — It will repay anyone who lias liad ! a talk upon the value of tlie \ i 1 i door, su itab le for two gentlem en. | I- ;ns< P la te s A rriving Sam e of the A shland m otorists down in his m achine, and will re trouble with keeping a good adjust- , | right atm osphere in home life. ) 1 In q u ire 376 B St. 87 ¡have received th e re new au to license tu rn to A shland before th e first of ment to construct this simple ja r ab­ ! Tlie home life, like radio, often sorber. | has static in its atmosphere. FO R SALE AT A BARGAIN— six plates for 1923, and a re rejoicing th e -y e a r Tiie detector is used to rectify al­ Members of tlie regular army, room house, wood shed and chick- over t p P n jce c]ean appearance of ternating current of radio frequency. ! organized reserves and National reasonably Better insurance at en house, lot 50 by 150 feet. Ad­ the new plates. They a re m ade w ith Oscillations of radio frequency are ¡ 1 Guard In San Francisco will dress A. D., care Tidings. 87-4* ) w h ite fig u re s and le tte rs m ounted ratee. B illings Agency. P h o n e 211. inaudible, the ear being able to dis­ j have the opportunity to buy FO R SALE OR T R A D E -O v e ria n d a d a rk blue background. tinguish only up to a frequency of | some of the 10,0(X> arm y receiv- Our box eandy assortm ent is the 10,000 per second at tlie very highest. ! ing sets a t $7.50 each. These sets S7-3 , car. See C. L. Loom is. Rose The longest radio frequency waves N arcissus bulbs, 15 cents each, a t moat complete in Ashland. i were declared surplus stock and ^ t f are about 20,000 m eters wave length, ELH A R T’S. 85-3 Bros, 1 cost $1,000,000. Buyers are lliu- FO R EXCHANGE or 15,000 oscillations per second, | ited to m ilitary men only, i A small piece of hollow brass which is well above audibility, and Com plete sets for dolls a t Needle-* Dis« lu n g ed fix>m H ospital— FO R TR A D E— 160 acre unincum bered ranch on Pacific highw ay c ra ft sh o p — Coats, su its, caps, etc., Roy C ofm ann. of Phonix, w ho was also above tlie frequency range of tlie ' 1 tubing, such as often used for 1 and county road n ear H iit: sm all ouablv priced. 80tf in ju red d u rin g the county fa ir a u to telephone diaphragm. Tlie frequency I curtain rods, will make a good W IT H CARBON I shaft for the rotor in a varlo- I house and o u tb u ildings: good • , . . „ of tlie present short broadcasting wave stock o r chicken ranch w ith plen- --------- - races, and who has been in th e com length ____ is __ _ _ _ _______ ____ many times as high as tills. f coupler. The two connections m unity hospital a t M edford for th e audible frequencies that we hear 1 for tlie revolving coil are made tv of wood and tillab le l^nd Will 11,‘i'i' to \ isit Son— tra d e for unincum bered Ashland Mrs. F. E. M iller arriv ed in Ash- past th re e m onths, has been p erm it- are Impressed upon the carrier wave I by wires running through the Two Books ................................................ ................. 25c acreag e; p refer* no house, b u : land F riday for a visit w ith h er ted to leave th e -in s titu tio n and to in variations in am plitude of tlie ear hollow tube to the center, then ! 1 w ould ensider acreage w ith sm alt through a hole to tlie windings. house. E lean o r G reer. 199 G ran, son. J. V. M iller, and fam ily of H ar- re tu rn to his hom e. He is now able rier wave. P e r Dozen ............................................... ................. $1.25 ! Tills connection will do away If only a tuning device and phones ite St. • 23ltf* gadine stre e t. Mrs. M iller has been to get ab o u t a little w ith th e aid of I witli sliding contacts in tiie va- staying w ith a n o th e r son, who was cru tch es, b u t m ay have to have an- were used at tlie receiving station | riocoupler. em ployed by the S outhern Pacific a t o th e r o peration upon his broken leg without some kind of rectifier tins Tw o Dozen ................. .............................. ................. $2.25 It often is difficult to make wave modulated by the audible fre- j | W eed, but has now been tra n s fe rre d before it is healed en tirely quencies would- have no effect what- ' | dials or knobs hold firmly in to K lam ath Falls. ever on the diaphragm s of tlie head­ ! place, on such instrum ents as One H u n d re d ........................................... ................. $8.00 The crow d will be a t Ja ck so n ’s set, because regardless of the strength ! | variometers, rheostats, etc., be­ cause the shafts are too smooth. W hy not buy h er a Singer Sowing dance S atu rd ay night. W ill you be of the oscillations or the percent 87-3 of modulation the positive liaif is ai- j This may be overcome easily by M achine for Xmas. $5 down and $3 (there? filing one side of tiie sliuft slight­ ways equal and opposite to tlie nega­ HOT W ATER HEATING SYSTEM p er m onth will put one in your home. 1 ! ly, making a flat surface. Place tive half, and they will exactly neutral- | F o r Sm all or Laig«‘ Houses S inger Sewing M achine Co., 10 So. tlie tightening screw over tills TAKE OUR A DVICE-USE ize each other. When rectified either f O ur New l i n e of H eating Stoves F ir St., M edford. fiat space. Adjust it firmly, and the positive or the negative side of tlie Ar«* Now In. the dials will be held in p lace.' carrier wave is cut off, leaving tlie i L a st m onth the A utom obile Spec­ other half free to affect the diaphragm s BM tIM G POWDER ialist insured th re e tru c k s, six au to , m obiles and 10 F ords. Phone 274-J. I EAST SIDE GROCERY If it is for Ashland, we are for it. Read the want ad*. .Y eo, of course. 84tf B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S I O N A L CRYSTAL JARRING PAN PRFVFNTED fo!low Local and Personal A Kodak for Chri'tmas M c N a i r B ro s . Siort MONTANA i LZ1 ' 7 ) ✓ U ✓ S / / / // z / ✓ / J --L — Ill ! Oll «UIIMMtllltllllltMIOMMirUHWUl' >• - / Ashland Fruit Association T, In S to c k Duplicating S aies Books In v estig ate cu r Ideal Arcola CALUIHET Provost Bros. ASHLAND TIDINGS