FAGÜ TWO S atu td a y , jtooeniber K», UN­ ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS ■ ¡■ K U m 9BE Ashland ¡B E Tidings ; “J u s tic e .” The sc rip tu ra l reference : :a a o th er; in substance they a re en- t.re ly differen t. W herefore, m oral i to be /used in connection th erew ith E stablished 187« is M atthew 5: 21 and 22, and 43-45. philosophy should have no place in P ublished Every Evening Except ; The ch u rch extends a cordial in v ita ­ church curricu lu m . If it doe3, the Sunday By GEORGE E. ROBERTS tion to all who desire to w orship TH E ASHLAND PR IN TIN G CO. chu-ch becomes m erely a dogm atic (From the Monthly Bulletin for December Issued by The National City Bank of New York) ¡w ith us. W . Judson Oldfield m in­ vehicle in the insistence of th e fru it O FFIC IA L CITY AND COUNTY ister. of the sp irit m an ifestin g th rough PAPER TELEPH O N E 3 9 ihe individual consciousness as an N azarene C hurch H E advance cf agricultural missioner at M anchester, England, The Commission has determ ined in tellectu al force w ithout th e power C. K, LOGAN, Editor prices has put new life into as follows: that 5 |i per cent is a fair rate of C oiner of F o u rth and C streets, the sp irit, which conies only! business in sections where The marketing of wheat in the future return, and fixed $18,900,000,000 as i Services for Sunday, December 17: E n tered a t th e A shland, Oregon ( th ro u g h reg en eratio n — the conscious depression has existed, and the will be characterized by much uncertainty t h e aggregate value of railroad ¡Sunday school a t 9:45 p, in., T h o rn ­ P ostotfice as Second-class Mall Mat Volume of business beine done in re«ardln8 consumption and prices. Many „ the e ¿onUnen^ ^?! pr ope« y used in providing trans- contact, th ro u g h C hrist, w ith the v u iu i . u . c . u i . UU9111CS3 u c iu g u u u iic h i countr.es c o u n t r ie s in m th c o n tin e n t of'Euiope“ of Mistor* une doesn’t come to tor. m ost lines in all parts of the coun- be sorelv m need of »heat, but it is cot portation. This valuation is based ton S. W iley, su p erin ten d en t P reach ­ sp irit of God, and the supposed min-! What Constitutes Advertising try is now very satisfactory. As known how they can possibly pay for i t upon an investigation of the actual >u so freq u en tly as you go to ing services at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. iste r of the gospel becomes a t once, In o rd er to allay a m isu n d e rsta n d ­ a rule prices of m anufactures have dubious"'fund.*,0 m S ? A«e' value of rai.lroad property, before it. j in. Rev. C harles M. K ing, pastor of a professor of m oral philosophy in-j ing am ong som e as. to w hat consti i not advanced enough to cover the will be so much the larger quantity on offer the war, plus investm ents since, & advances in wages and raw ma- ¡2 C0Ufltrje5 whose credit is sound, with and has nothing to do with the the N azarene church at Medford will tu te s news and w hat advertising, stead of a tea c h e r of the doctrines ofi terials, with the result that com- the COQ“ we p rin t th is very sim ple rule, which ! I preach m orning and evening in th e C hrist. In such case no m ore sp irit-i rate of return named is not as- plaints of little or no profits are * Grain Congestion Is u sed by new spapers to d if f e r e n t : ‘ja c k ” a re a g reat aid in a tta in - <$> . sured to individual companies. common. , .. . . ual force would m anifest th ro u g h the I local church. Come and hear him. a te betw een th em : “ ALL fu tu re lh .,Ct e , m arketing ing popularity. <•> The ****** iron «••*** and siw» steel tsiuunvij industry is is w?«I ^ aru ei,nK situation snuauon in the but is simply the basis upon which (P ra y e r m eeting W ednesday, 7:30 p. church th an th ro u g h a college or a> events, w here an adm ission charge at about about 80 The going at 80 per per cent of * e_8L .h^ ? _ bec? complicated b y . a rate-calculations are made. im . You are cordially invited to is m ade or a collection is tak e n IS scentific lab o rato ry . It m anifests capacity, and m aking headway country °railw of ay offerings at the companies must compete, with the Every ad d itio n al divorce in ADVERTISING.” T his applies to - (come and w orship w ith u- J. E. only a dogm atic m oral, scientific and . X.. , upon bookings accum ulated during result that some will doubtless o rganizations and societies of every • the movie crow d m eans an ad- ♦h* strikes. Pig iron is lower as ,1,t^ . of the rai Foads to h a a " cam more than 5K per cent, and ■ M cShane pastor. the strikes. Pig iron is lower as dead philosophy. N othing m ore. kind as well as to individuals. •’ tional boost in salary. a restiP of tne resum ption of die it. The congestion seems to othcrs will earn less. Those earn- S piritu al experience and pow er is All rep o rts of such activities a fte ’ num erous furnaces, and prices are have been the w orst ever known, ing more arc requircd to pav one. At R«i>(ist Church they have occurred is news. lacking. weaker in several lines. The fu­ over 400 country elevators m K an- half tne excess ] nto a fund to be A conservative is one who is All com ing social or organization sas b e i n g at one time closed be- m anaged by the Inter-S tate Coin- “ F ray Go T h erefo re,” the tliemo ture is hopefully viewed, on the N ew spapers in the W illam ette val­ m eetings of societies w here n c ! opposed to every form of rad i- stren g th of buying by the railroads, cause their bins were full. But the mission and invested in reserve ifo r Sunday m orning. Evening topic, ley a re raisin g a g re a t hullabaloo m oney con trib u tio n is solicited, ln iti • ? calism except his own. prospects for another year of ac- congestion has n ot been simply at ra jlroad equipment, available for : “ God’s Suprem e D em and.” Sunday the railroad stations in the west, use ¡n emergencies like g the atlon charged, or collecton tak en IS j ab o u t the d octrine of divine healing a i " « x » s E , ÿ " ;r °'” 8 ¡school a t 9:45 a. in. B. Y. 1*. V. 8ca" present. NEWS. as ta u g h t by Dr. Price. They a re Efficiency Is the noble a rt of e^nf nfidencc am ong autom obile man- ^ ‘he’ N orthw estern Miller says r purposc of railroad at 6 p. in. Ju n io r 11. Y. F. F, at 5. Subscriptiou P rice D elivered iu City: says regulation of course is to protect tak in g m oney and g e ttin g m ore , j hacked by such m oral philosophers as usarr hirers. i You a re cordially invited to a tte n d that millers One m outh ................................. S .65 Doctors Poling, W ood, H arp er, Rey­ T he textile industries have been been paying m M inneapolis nave the public. The roads are natural m ileage o u t of it th an it con­ • these services. The pastor would 1.95 T hree m o u t h s ............................. remiums of 5 in to cars 10 monopolies and it t in t nolds, Snyder, W aldo, Boozer and stim ulate« by the rise of raw ma- cent , pcr bushel for w heat Vhrir charges a n d is « right operations tains. Six m onths .................................. 3.75 ’ request th a t th e sick, if possible, r % S iCh a7 regarded that could be re-routed Eastw ard, ¡hoüld ! Clyde. These doctors of divinity 7.5c ! One year ................................. be under governm ental in •n strong position, and ar* m ’ »nomo I come M onday, W ednesday and F ri­ p C e i y " "em ployedQ th in for p ^ i i n ^ o S o F o r b e a r s ” re'« ‘ o n tro !’ The Interest’ of (he Esch- T here a re two so rts of sh o rt- « .¡-a n n o t stand for th e stro n g d o ctrin e Mail and R a m i R outes comp day evenings, or on Sunday, to ho vears pairing out oi order cars. »C um m ins law is to give a s s u rjje e One m onth ............ ..................... $ .65 more e th»n t»-o years. age th a t a re u n p ard o n ab le; one J01' baptism by th e Holy S pirit and n the whole e the the outlook outlook for for ° nC fm Vhng company has had a t? to th# t he P«6!1 public c • - ■ ! prayed for. If necessary, lie will go 1.95 On T hree m onths ............................. . ? ? n one t!'e t, a ,n o ‘®, tn e o u tlo o k t o r crew of about one hundred carpen- charges will 1 e restricted, a.'d to T hat is too m uch 3.50 ¡ is of rep u ta tio n and the o th er <♦> divine healing. Six m onths ................................. b iu tre ss during the w inter m onths ters at w ori. a n a ,u at cnarges w ill r j to your home at any tim e. B. C. to r them . T h a t tran scen d s the in ­ __ investors ________ on the other hand is good with a promise o f c n n t ln - 1 1 work, an a estim ates tnat the is of cash. S.5Í One year ................................... . vance . nex* T i e ‘¡urmtr ’ j roinise ot contln each car lt gcts ,s cogting the com- t h a t in r u n i M iller, pastor. n-ovidina de- ' ' “ v ” '"c*r *l g c t s ,s C 0 8 tId ® t"® c, ? m * th a t in regulating charges the ADVERTISING RATES ters and are n ot ready to adm it th a t < ¥> “ Some goes to social Sunday school at 9:45. At the YEARLY CONTRACTS In- Ot »o*» u !e s / i ° CS ''iOt losses through /allure to fill con- The threat to repeal the Esch- ^ s p i r i t u a l th in g s a re not discernible by g ath erin g s to show off, »et t c r.re te.at has taken p,ace in tracts on account of the car situ- Cummins law naturally has the ef- Display Advertising j m eriting church service, R ?v. G. (). ‘arm products. 7 oe D tt cannot be atinn ihe c arn al m ind. One tim e a w e e k ........................ 2 7 ^ v & w hile o th ers go jis t to be ¡O liver who is with the Me hodist licglec e J t ’ a> ihe nrices -d firm at!'rE l « . t .t. k . . j v bo red .” products are d -e n .l-p t u n -r F u_ . The eJ^ect °J blockade hs.s th e public toward railroad iim s t- W ell, when we heard Dr. Price we jb o ard of education, will speak. Spe- Nvery o th e r d a y .......................... 20 « m p i's taki"« -ncc-«Aor*ed sun ?u-en t0 kCCP tbe pnCC oi w bcat in m ents. Railroad service cannot je surm ised as m uch. The devil can- ) cial music by «the choir at botli tho - h e - a - i \ L t " D- v s n e r ^ v c a n n o t C,°Uu i 7 S,Xu tO ten C?Dt* ? Cr had without the facilities, V and Local Reader» ------------------------------------------------------ jn o t be expected to give lip any of te main a.’re d unless the farmed bl?S-hel bcl° W -he n? rm a - pa- ^ y th c ” cannot be had un,ess “ “ »” Each line, each tim e ................... -10« m orning and evening church sirv . with prices at the seaboard and in vesting public is assured 61 a rc- To ru n every o th er dby for one w ere conform ity to law and cusiom bis strongholds w ithout a protest, ¡ices. E vangelistic m eeting at 7 :30 ».St a share in it. Tbe improved c o rd iti- rs in the k r ° ? e' O cean tra n sP °rta tl°n 19 tu rn corresponding to what can be m onth, each line, each tim e . . 7c as set out in th e Mosiac law and a t - P 1 a church has been reduced to a i p d u . t N e s ' s f f ! ! U h t l a r g e ! / n ^ r level r d° Wn ‘° in ° ‘her 6 ® ^ i n v « tm«nt. ! with an opening song service. T he To run every issue for one m onth I pastor will be the speaker a t the ev- the nature cf a rally from the ex- P It must not he suooosed how- ° nC V‘eWf . hcld at ok m ore, each line, each tim e . . 5 c ten tio n to rite s and cerem onies as niere philosophical society, it has established by tra d itio n of th e elders ceased to function as a sp iritu a l tr»»»., denression and lo w n r o d n c - .i, I 1 supposed, how- sources of this agitation seems t» Classified Column | ening m eeting. The young people’s . depression ana low procuc ever, that the railroads have not h e that the railroads are owned hv One cent th e word each tim e. -£>n of 1921. Many experienced heen moviniz larire Quantities of r • u . ra,.lroaa8 ? re ° * (devotional service at 6:30 p. nt. All Jesu s scoffed th e ir tra d itio n s and pow er, and if the tea c h e r has become observers do not believe that 1.» • nA. 8 • 9ua ntities or a fcw n c h bankers who are able 16 To ru n every issue for one m onth Í in tellectu ally philosophical instead -o ervers co not Deneve that in- grain. lh e receipts of wheat a t Ol,t their hands in thei- n r r k e t » are invited to all the m eetings a t asserted th a t he cam e to estab lish a 1 or m ore, %c th e w ord each tim e. ffustnal costs are low enough to , 19-2, 114,973,000 bushels, stock, but this is ju st like putting Pglous and benevolent orders will be was blasphem y, because they could 3,024,000,000 bushels, or about the against 161,572,000 bushels in the a second m ortgage on a farm, charged th e re g u la r ra te fcfr all ad not im agine a M essiah in the person ing born again, into a new sp iritu a l ¡ am ount of last year’s crop, saying ,p<; ri ,n° t for railroads by that m eans re- r.LmrTo ' • nr( ’"i-TarL'iCTi^ ’ ¡of form and rites, and announcing of corn were consum e! in this over 10,000,000 bales, and prices cently. M ost of the purchases of R ealty Agency. 88-2 the w orks of Dr. Price and not being SATURDAY, DECEM BER IG (th a t tl’.e “ g rea test am ong you shall country or exported last year and ? rc man double the pre-w ar equipm ent lately have been accom- ! able to explain them , or from w hat A SAFE IN V ESTM EN T:— He i he your se rv a n t”— th a t, to them , was there never has been but one crop ^eve*- Ih e w orst of it is that until ptjshed on the installm ent plan, ¡so u rce th e pow er sp ran g would a t­ of that size in the history oi the ?orae waY 18 discovered of m aster- m ortgaging the equipm ent for th a t h a th pity upon the poor lend- ■ blasphem y. country, and but four crops ex- in g the boll weevil, we are des- about 75 p er cent of the value, trib u te the resu lts to psychological! e th to the L ord; and t h a ' which Then he denounced them u tte rly , ceeding 3,000,000,000 bushels. The tin ®d to have short crops and high The railroad rafli blockade this fall effects, such as co n centration a n d ' he h a th given will he hap him ; when he said: price in Chicago is about 70 cents Pnce8- The short crop of this year has shown th at the biggest railroad ’Woe unto you, per bushel, and a t w estern railroad 18 not due to small acreage or an problem is how to raise the m oney again. F roverbs 19: 7. I Scribes, P harisees, hypocrites! for ! the like, but, it is stra n g e th a t men,-' stations about double the price of «specially bad season, but chiefly to keep the railroads up to the • yet sh u t up the kingdom of heaven supposed to have experienced regen- ‘ a year ago. to m® insect pest. grow ing business of the country. C laim s W h ite r and Much Cheap4‘r era tio n and given deep investigation ; ag a in st m en; for ye n e ith e r go in W heat is in a strong position.-------------- Railroad Situation ^ bc radroad companies came in­ Light th a n Elei-trlc o r Gas to the sc rip tu re s— th e teachings, j SA T l’RIiAY SERMON ETT E to the crop-m oving season with statistical! ly, in view o f t h e ------ yourselves, n e ith e r su ffe r ye them doctrines and w orks of the C h ris t' crops of br< bread _ grains _ in ____ Europe. r _ _ The value of railroad stocks has m uch motive power in poor con di B. R. G reer th a t a re e n te rin g to go in .” T h at, to T he norm al pre-w ar w heat pro- suffered a marked decline in the tion as a result of the shopm en’s and His early follow ers— fam iliar • Edison enabled us to enjoy tli NOTE— This colum n is not them , was blasphem y personified, duction-of France was about 325,- p ast m onth, which is generally at- strike, and have had to deal with benefits of i Itcr.c Tight, r o u n t Weis w ritten n Lhe spirit f dogm atic w ith the record th a t not only was Í 000,000 bushels, and the norm ai tributed to the results of the re- an extra heavy m ovem ent of coal, b ach ’s m antle m ade it possible to criticism . It rep re sen ts th e per­ and they cricJfled Him. th is healing pow er m anifest in tlie annual consum ption is 340,000,000 cent election, and the stren g th en - resulting from the coal strike, ana I h e fu n d am en tals of the doctrines have ¡he incandescent /a s light, hu sonal »lews of th e w riter in lhe to 345,000,000 bushels. A saving ing of the anti-railroad elem ent in w ith all traffic reviving. In the last w orks of Jesu s H im self, h u t also i :t I eniained ¡or ; !,we:iish • nglnet in b je c ts tre a te d , ; ml le a d e rs are of C hrist w ere these; R egeneration of 14,000,000 is expected from the Congress. It is supposed th at the week of O ctober 1,014,480 carloads ¡hrough his disciples and th ro u g h nam ed Johnson, l ow living ; i For • xpected to i ccept them Wit.i m illing regulations, requiring “war first effort by this elem ent will be of freight were loaded, which is th io u g h faith in His divinity and land to devise a lam p th a t woul i w hatever reserv atio n s they like. th e seventy as well, could not readily |( flour” to be used, but the im port for the repeal of the so-called but a fraction of one per cent be- m ission; baptism of th e Holy Spirit, b urn o rdinary, everyday kerosene o In the m ain, it is the hope of the requirem ents are calculated a t “g u aran ty ” clause of the E sch- low the peak-loading of any week and healing sickness of th e body accept it as a m an ifestatio n of super- ¡ and produce a light said by iiie man about 80,000,000 • bushels. T he Cummins law, which directs the in the history of the country. The w riter :o lo ¡ood. This tolum n n a tu ra l healing power d em o n stratin g scien tists who have seen it to b ■’ grain crops of Germany are very Inter-State Commerce Commission car loading figures for the past th ro u g h faith . Those now p reach ­ s ihe w rite r's pulpit. Being r. th ro u g h an o rd in ary serv an t of th e ( w hiter than electric. The lam p is a short, and this is true of Italy, to so adjust rates as to yield a fair m onth not only exceed those for nere laym an, ordained m inisters, ing th e " fo u r s q u a re ” gospel claim sim ple to o p erate as the old style oil The situation is summ ed up by return upon the value of aggregate Novem ber, 1921, but are the high- Lord. Surely they a re not blind ¡i who have given the tu b je e t much th a t is the Bible record, and those lam p, burns w ithout odor, sm oke o J. E. Hay, Canadian T rade Com- investm ent in railroad property, est for th at m onth on record. thought and in v estigation may philosophers— the blind leading th e who profess to believe th e record noise, and is proving a sensation ake ;ssue with ns on m any jo in ts, blind. Surely th e ir religion is n o t w here nil light i; used. m ust accept th is doctrine because it if .hev do, ihey are welcome to • a scientific philosophy in stead of a filled w ith untold riches— flow ing! ad v a n ta g e s as a d esirab le location ( P ra y er m eeting, W ednesday, 7:30 p. Mr. Johnson offers to send a lam; co n trad ict .hem from th eir pul­ is fu n d am en tal. on ten days' free tria l and will even reg e n e ratin g , vital, sp iritu a l ex p e ri­ w ith m ilk and honey— beckoning to ¡fo r factories, b ran ch p lan ts, pits. These ¡.erm onettes will in etc.— m. Them e, “ The Holy S pirit in the T here is a deal of difference be­ give one to the first user in each lo • no way open lhe colum ns of the th e footsore and d istressed to e n te r'A D V E R T IS E . ence. Synoptic G ospels.” The glad hand cality who will help introduce it. A tw een m oral philosophy and C hris­ Tidings to religious disquisitions. C ertain t is th a t the d o ctrines and in and be a t peace. ¡ T h a t vour section will a ttra c t is extended to all. C. F. K oehler, le tte r addressed to V. M. Johnson, 3;. tian philosophy. The point of di­ O ur view is th a t C h ristian ity is a m an ifestatio h s of h ealin g pow er, N. F ifth St., P o rtla n d , Ore., wifi ( g re a te r a tte n tio n today th a n ever be- pastor. ; ita , experience hot cn ¡niellect- gression is subtle, and th e g rad ien t is bring full p a rtic u la rs about th is won ­ claim ing to d e m o n stra te th ro u g h Dr. i fore if you A D VERTISE. WILL IT NEVER CEASE? •.al philosophy. easy. M orality has all to do w ith derfu l new lam p. He has an I n te r ­ Price is not a fam iliar sig h t in the Eleven years ago. Jesse P. W ebb, j T h a t y o u r v ast resources w ill re- ( F iis t C hurch of C hrist, S cientist esting agency offer, too. •— ad',-. At th e tim e of C h rist’s m inistry, m ate ria l m a tte rs. C h ristian ity Is a m odern church, b u t th o se who have u n d e r sentence to die for th e m u rd e r ceivc th e consideration th e ir inipor- P ioneer avenue south. Sunday th ere were two recognized religious philosophy of the soul. Law is th e | atten d ed m ust a d m it th a t his of W illiam Johnson, in P o rtla n d , I tane© has long en title d them to, if services a t 11 o’clock. S ubject of orality is organizations— th e P h a rise e s and m edium th ro u g h which m th e "thing !preaching haS 3 v ita lity ‘ in fe rest and w as received a t the sta te p e n ite n ta ry ' 5 ou ell th e w orld— A D V ER TISE. lesson, “ Is the U niverse including Saducees. These w ere the Jew ish enforced. C h ristian ity is pow er th a t is not found in th e ordì- j n Salem . Today he is w alking the T h a t th e d ire c tin g heads of m anu- Man evolved by Atom ic F o rce.” Sun­ organized religious societies of th e behind th e soul which d irects the n ary church service, th a t u n d e r b is s tre e ts a free m an. faetv .-ers, investors seeking profit- day school a t 10 o’clock. W ednes- m an into inpral rec titu d e and sp irit- tim es. T he P h arisees w ere rigid preaching, men and women in g rea t Though th e extension of ex ecu tiv e’ able o u tle t for c a p ital, as w ell as, day evening m eetings a t 8 o’clock, Don’t fill your house w ith steam observers of th e e x tern al form s of ual power. num bers a re strick e n w ith a con­ clem ency, G overnor Oswald W e s t'th o s e on the outlook fo r good farm s R eading room open daily from 2 un- by w ashing a t home. religion, w ith o u t genuine piety; full Mora! philosophy may have a form sciousness of sin and confess to th e com m uted his d e a th sentence to life j and hom es, are rea d in g th e papers til 5 p. m. excepting Sundays and Don’t risk sickness hanging your of fo rm ality ; w ith a censorious self- of G odliness, but it m ust of neces- new b irth — th a t th ere is som ething im prisonm ent. T h u rsd ay n ig h t Act- e v e r? day looking for o p p o rtu n itie s, holidays. wet clothes out in the icy w eather. rig h teo u s spirit in m a tte rs of m orals sity, deny th e pow er thereof, in it th a t is not found e lse w h e r ing G overnor Roy W. R itn e r g r a n te d ' ADA E R TISE. Send us tlie weekly w ashing and and m anners. T h eir pretensions to The line of dem arcation betw een an im m ediate experience of individ- him a full pardon. A n o th er m u r-i T h a t th e best re su lts from any Christian Church keep your hom e b rig h t and pleasant su p erio r san ctity led them to sepa- m orality and C h ristia n ity is a very ual u p lift an d lig h t th a t is not ex- ! ¡k in d o f a d v e rtisin g a re obtained by C prner of Second and B streets. and yourself free from colds and rate them selves from th e o th er Jew s, i fine one a n d m ay be lost sight of perienced in m oral o r scientific d e re r is free. Not once d u rin g the 11 y ears did i “ keeping ev e rlastin g ly a t it.” AD- Jo h n F. L eggett, m in ister, 243 M oun­ sickness. I hey were stric t and form al o b s e n - ' e n tire ly unless m orality is viewed philosophy— and a cle a r conscious­ W ebb seek his rele ase o r was th e in -jV E R T IS E . tain avenue. Sunday school a t 10 The care, thoroughness and s a n i­ era of the rites and cerem onies of as but a fru it of C h ristian ity ., ness of a new life. liu e n c e of friends b ro u g h t to bear T h a t no m a tte r w h a t you have to a. m. M orning w orship a t 11. Sub­ ta ry processes we use in ou r plant the w ritten (M osiac) law and for in- and not in any sense C h ristian ity it- Such doctrines and m an ifestatio n s, to o b tain his freedom . H e w as th e sell, th e colum ns of th e new spapers ject, “ The Story of a Brave L ittle is resu ltin g in an increasing num ber sistence on the validity of the tra - self. M oral philosophy d irects the to th e o rd in a ry m ind, ap p e ar very oldest m an in th e penal in s titu tio n ,j w ill fill y our needs in th e su re st and G irl.” The ju n io r congregation will of satisfied patrons. ditions of the elders (theology of the intellect, th ro u g h its reasoning fac- F o r th e s e 'm o s t econom ical way. A D V ER TISE. m eet in the m ain au d ito riu m . Chris- law ). They had th e ir p riests to per- ttlty. into th e p ath s of sobriety and s ro n - -in fact, they tran scen d rea-» from point of sentence. rites. fillin ’' v irtue and a high idealism , so th a t son— but, to those who claim to have reasons, life im p riso n m en t, im posed: T h at if you w a n t in cre ase d b u s i- jtia n E ndeavor a t 6:30 p. ni. Even- form th e ir religious irtu e becom es a hibit. C h ristian ity expeldenced a sPi r i t ûal tra n s fig u ra - because of a crim e co m m itted in cold ( n e ss— AD V ER TISE. ing service a t 7:30. Subject, “ T h e 1 about th e sam e office o u r m odern preachers fill. Thev expounded the reg en erates th e m ind and h e a rt of tion and a Personal know ledgee oi blood, was sh o rten ed to 11 y ears.j T h at m ost new spaper re a d e rs a re l T hree M anifestations of the Holy h.,> according to the tra d itio n s (th e- the individual and gives s p ir itu a l,sp iritu a l P°w er. ’hey seem to be b u t No w onder th e law has little t e r r o r s , bo o sters. They pass on. ev e ry th in g . S p irit.” This is the th ird of a series Send iï o’ogy) of the elders. The governing pow er to continuously m anifest vir- the n a tu ra l w orkings of s p iritu a l to r ce rtain e le m en ts.. How m uch! good, w h e th e r found in e d ito ria l or! of constructive serm ons on th e Holy class m ostly were P harisees. They tue th ro u g h th e actions of m ankind. law s in th e Ph>sical w o rld , in f u l f i l - louger is th is w holesale pard o n in g ¡ a d v e rtis in g pages. ( S pirit. A hearty welcome is extend- o f crim in als going to continue? had charge, not only of the church It tran scen d s reason. It is an ex- nient oi a d efin ite prom ise of God. — E. R . W aiie. ! ed to everyone to w orship w ith us. W it î M. W right, Owner Í rites, but a d m in istra tio n of the civil perience. The w orld, th e flesh and the PH O N E 1«3 F irs t C ongregational CTiurch law s, som ething like th e C atholic The church is an in stru m e n t devil a re not presum ed to under- Good Work Prompt Mervi'««* B oulevard and Main stre e t. Sun- church had d u rin g the period from th ro u g h which th e pow er of God stan d , or accept, these as m an ite sta-, <§> THOUGHTS FROM OTHER day school, 9 :45, w ith classes fori SOURCES th e seventh to th e tw elfth century, j should be con tin u ally m an ifest; not tions of sp iritu a l pow er— th e know l- 'e» all grades and ages. B ring your Bi- C hrist was crucified, not by pub- a vehicle for th e dessim ination of edge seem s to come to those only P re sb y te rla n C Lureh | bles. M orning service, 11 a. m. Sub- licans and sin n ers, but by the P h a r- m oral philosophy. "When it becom es who a re “ in, b u t not of th e w orld,” Subject fo r th e m o rn in g s e rm o n ,; ject, “ The Deception of Sin.” Ju n io r l ees W hy? Because he denounced sim ply an in stru m e n t of m orality, and from th a t view point they see DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK B A R B E R T h a t if your city is in need o f “Jesu s th e G re a t P h y sic ia n : of th e C h ristian E ndeavor, 4 p. m. C hris-j th e ir hypocrisy, th e ir em pty form s, its v itality is vanished its power is the m oral philosopher, w h e th e r in Safety blades resharpened th e ir tra d itio n s and self-rig h tecu s- gone, and its sole possession is a cold the p u lpit or out, sore d istressed and m ore m ercan tile e stab lish m en ts of S oul.” S u b je ct for S unday ev en in g ,| tian E ndeavor, 6 :30 p. m. E vening' like new. Single bit, 30c 7 :3 0 o’clock “ F rom E gypt tow ard service, 7:30 p. m. Subject, “ The! ness and propounded th e new doc- philosophy, in stead of a sp iritu a l sp iritu a lly em eciated, w andering, any kind— ADVERTISE. doz. Dobule bit, 60c do«. S u n d ay school a t 9:45 (F ru its of In d ifferen ce.” Mid-week T h at if you w ant m ore farm ers o r C an aan .” trin e of reg en eratio n th ro u g h faith ¡pow er. Philosophy, m oral and oth- like th e children of Israel, t!W r 40 J u n io r C h ristian E n d e a v o r, 1 service every W ednesday evening a t in him self. To them th a t was b las^ erw ise, is a m ere psychological the- y ears in th e w ilderness, w hile th o hom eseekers to locate in y our cor a a. m. Children’s Work A phemy. lo rin m ; C h ristian ity has to do o n ly , prom ised land lies all unobserved a t m unity— ADVERTISE. 3 :4 5 p. m. Y. P . S. C. E , 6:30 D. ¡7 :3 0 . The topic for discussion for Specialty T h a t if you can offer any s p e c ia l¡m . W e stm in s te r G uild, 6 :3 0 p m 1 next W ednesday evening will be The fundamental!» of P hariseeism w ith sp iritu a l power. One is not th e ir feet b e a u tifu l and in v itin g . C u rre n t B usiness C o n d itio n s =3 CäAAAJ U Â rBÊRT-MÔSES T SWEDISH INVENTOR HAS NEW O ILLIC H T When Winter is in the Air Ashland Laundry Co. At the Churches W. A. SHELL >-