• ♦♦$> < $> ♦> ♦> ♦ «> < »< $> < & ♦♦ « ♦ «> «> €> ASHLAND CLIMATE, w unuui <5 the aid of medicine, cures nine <§> cases out of ten of asthma. This i3 a proven fact. MALARIA GERMS cannot sur- ❖ vive th re e « o n th s in th e rich <$> ozone at Ashland. The pure do- <$> mestic water helps. ♦ # <$ ♦ (International News Wire Service) VOLUME 4 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1922 (Successor to the Semi-W eekly Tidings, Voi. 4 3 ) K. K. K. BY GOVERNOR AS ALLEN URGES ST E PS TO DRIVE ORGANIZATION I ItOM AMERICA ‘ORGANIZED OUTLAWRY’ SAID MENACE TO ALL _______ Tribute to Woodrow Wilson on Armistice Dav • LOWLY MUDHEN CAUSES •'«' TELEPH O NE MEN G R IE F <•> WHEN FLIES IN W IRES -» SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 16.— W ire tro u b le was rep o rted re- cently on one of th e m ain rail- road teleg rap h lines betw een San Francisco and the no rth and east. A “ tro u b le sh o o te r” was dispatched to locate th e irouble. On a rriv in g a t Cvg- nus, a sta tio n ju st e a st of P o rt Costa, Calif., the linem an dis- covered th a t a m udhen had be- come entangled in the lines and in its a tte m p ts to free itself had crossed the w ires, th u s ty- ing up the service. The m udhen, released, flew away. No. 89 <$> W. VIRGINIA TO SEN D t •? WOMEN CRIMINALS TO NEW JE R SEY PRISON ---------- >' ELKINS W. Va.. Dec. 16, ♦> W omen h e re a fte r sentenced in •> the United S tates d istrict court for the n o rth ern d istrict of ? W est V irginia to s e rie term s of ♦> a year or m ore, will be com m it- ted to the Essex county peniten- •> tia ry , a t Caldwell. N. J., by vir- <•> tu e of an o rd er entered by Judge t> W. E. B aker in court here. The o rd er conform s to one issued by !<$> A ttorney G eneral D augherty. H eretofore women so sentenced • have been sent to the correction <$> farm a t W arrensville, O. <$><$<§><$> <$> ’ <3> 4 <9> <8> ?> <$• , <$> > M. NARl TOWH'Z IS K ILLED DUR­ ING OPENING OF ART EXH IBIT A • ELECTION RELEASES POLITICAL TEMPEST Cnemies A ccuse Him of B eing E lect­ ed by “ N on-P olish V ote” ; N ation ­ a lists §> A m erica. • ing the poor and needy as far as th e . cause he “ believed it b e st.” . y COMING EVENTS <$> "T he organization is as dangerous a rep o rt of th e resu lt of the cowj m eans at hand will allow , and ini The election of N arutow lcz bro u g h t :< $ > ---------- «- to p ro te sta n ts as it is to C atholics o r, te s tin g t h a t lias been going on in conjunction with o th er county o r - ’ to a head a political storm long g ath- |<£ One More Week to Shop. • to th e negro, because it exists only and about A shland for th e past sev-j I ganizations is try in g to follow the ering in Poland. He was accused by • Nine D ays Until Xm as. when governm ental a u th o rity b reak s e ral days w a s m ade th is m orning by; advice and adm onition th at it is m ore j,is foes of being elected by "n o n - D ecem ber 16— B azaar and • down. It grows rapidly and tak es a ssista n t county ag en t Lloyd Moss, j biessed to give than to receive. <$> food sale. C hristian church. Polish votes.” ab o u t a year to convince its best and th e people of A shland a re ^ re -i A C hristm as tree and program He succeeded G eneral Pilsudski. < •> Decem ber 16— S tew art Long, 4> m em bers it has no usefullness in reiving the best m ilk to be found in will be held a t the Salvation Army Polish n a tio n a lists undertook the « $ > le c tu re r Lyceum course. < ? > A m erica. No m ore grotesque abuse the sta te , according to the report, > ♦ > D ecem ber 18-19— U. S. navy < ? > hall Monday night, December 25, j form ation of “ fascisti,” along the of the term ‘A m ericanism ” could he “ The percentage of tu b e rc u la r ; < « > rec ru itin g officer here. ♦ w here suitable rem em brances will be lines of tlie Italian organization, and used (ban to call this organization 1 cows in and a b o u t A shland, M found ; < S > D ecem ber 19 — M eeting of -$ > igiven out to all Salvation Army S u n -, th re a te n e d to m ake war on social- by the federal teste r, Dr. Bishop, is “ A m erican,” he declared. WASHINGTON Dec. 16.— •> Civic club. OMAHA, Neb., Dec. 16.— Edw in R. day school children and to poor chil-i ists and com m unists. M aplon < S > ■ $ > --------- - rem arkably low ,” says Mr. Moss. 'Out of tlie first 705 cows tested i n 1 P itney, associate ju stice of th e-U n it- • Decem ber 19— C. of C. m eet- V G urney, of F rem o n t, Neb., president dren. A gift box will be placed i n ! ------------------ C H ESTE R Penn., Dec. 16.— '♦> of the defunct Lion Bonding and the hall, and those desiring to give T hom as C ulhane, secretary of the his section only four were found ’ ed S tates suprem e court, has se n t his <»> ting, Civic Club building. Decem ber 21.— ---------- Cooked ------ food ------- Surety , ----- com , pany, is believed to ---------, be in ¡g ifts of food may do so and th ey , D elaw are county branch association in fected, w ith th re e o th ers th a t w ere resignation to th e p resid en t, effect-; 4 ------ , ------------------------- ive J a n u a ry 1. Poor h ealth forced D ecem ber 21— “ Man in the is one of 43 b ankers and prom oters The Salvation Army “ C hristm as today received a le tte r signed “ K. “ The e n tire so u th e rn section of the lected his successor yet. I " ? > M aking.” Civic Club building. • indicted by the federal grand ju ry k e ttle s .” with th e ir sign ‘Keep the K. K .,” o rd erin g him to leave the 8-a te seem s to have m uch less iuber- < § > for using the m ails to defraud. P ot B oiling” (a fam iliar sig h t in, P itney was appointed in 1912 by L D ecem ber 25, Monday eounty or else receive a visit am ong the c a ttle th an does < § ■ O thers indicted include Clifford cities a t the Y uletide seaso n ), may P resid en t T aft. His resignation ere- < •> C hristm as Day. th e “ follow ers of the invisible em- seCfion in and around P o rtlan d C hristm as ball < ? > Leigh, of P o rtlan d , O regon; W illiam , be placed on the s tre e ts a tte n d ed by D ecem ber 25 p ire .” and th rough the W illam ette valley,” a tes a n o th e r vacancy, th e fo u rth dur-! ; î > benefit 484th com pany, A rm ory. < * > Ovanwick, of O klahom a, and E. Salvationists w here they public may C ulhane and his associates prom - declales Mr m O83. “ The M ultnom ah ing th e p resent a d m in istratio n . One 1922 model Buick, L u rk h a rt, of R iverton, Wyo. give th e ir co n trib u tio n for the ise a “ warm reception to the vi8itors c0lint y test showed th a t betw een 6 ■Christmas dinners, w inter relief and i W ashington license No 1 776; in night s h ir t s " ¡and 7 per cent of the cows in th a t FIVE-MONTHS-OLD RADY general work. w atch and $130 in cash, by a DIES EARLY THIS MORNING I section a re infected w ith the disease MORE THAN $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 C hristm as appeals have been d is-¡b y the nam e of C urtiss, while the percentage becomes less as IS PLEDGED FOR CHAIR Jean E sth er T rusty, five-m onths- trib u te d and in these is space pro*! This is noi a w ant a d ( b u t m erely the tests a re m ade fu rth e r south, old d a u g h te r of Mr. and Mrs. R ufus "WII I AMFTTF UNIVERSITY Sa- vided for the nam es of needy which ; the resu lt of a hold-up ju>t beyond and th is d istric t, with th e tests th at! T ru sty , died th is m orning a t 5 lem, Dec. 16.— The Associated S tu -)can be m ailed to the Salvation Army, ‘ ’he sum m it of the Siskiyous early have been m ade to d ate, is the low­ o’clock a t the home of her parents. dent body of W illam ette U niversity, j and th e >’ wil1 receive a tte n tio n . F riday night. est found in th e s ta te .” B urial will tak e place Sunday in W hile driving south, C urtiss was has pledged m ore th an $50,000 for; H elP th e Salvation Army continue The testin g work will continue M ountain View cem etery in charge stopped on the highw ay by two m en, The w orkers under- the Jam es T. M atthew s ch air o f , tb e good work south of A shland M onday, and as; of H. C. Stock, funeral director. m athem atics of the classes of 1 9 2 3 -!s^and hum an n a tu re and know h0W| who pulled guns upon him , according m uch te rrito ry as possible will be, [to a telephone report received by to help and relieve. 24-25-26. covered. All farm ers a re asked to j LOS ANGELES Dec. 16.— F ifty In his rep o rt of Salvation Army j Chief of Police H atcher, The m en co-operate by having th e ir stock tied! passengers and crew m em bers of the i work in Jackson county, C aptain C. i w ere described as being ab o u t 9 Zo ’ up in o rd er th a t no tim e will be lost; ! Ford sta te s th a t, on the e v a n g elistic ) years of age and five feet, six or sev- lin er “ Chicago M aru" had narrow when the te ste r arrives. An effo rt I TOKIO, Dec. 16.— Japanese p.ubli- escapes from death when fire broke side, 65 souls have knelt a t the a l t a r , en inches in height. One wore a red will he m ade to reach th e Neil creek, | cations and statesm en a re debating ■asking for God’s forgiveness d u ring sw eater and a d a rk su it, while his out in the hold of the vessel when road by noon, and all farm ers can ¡th e population and expansion prob-, the past 12 m onths, while 522 s e n io r ; p a rtn e r had on a rain coat. A fter she was tied in the o u ter harbor. m ake th e ir plans accordingly. It is I i lem again w ith all th e vigor o? o ld ;; The blaze is u n d er control, a fte r ' m eetings, w ith a to tal atten d an ce of tak in g th e car from C urtiss, th e two desired th a t every person ow ning' j yet for th e m ost p a rt it is in a new er th e e n tire San P edro fire d ep artm en t 15,200 have been held. Including m en headed on tow ard C alifornia, c a ttle get in touch w ith the teste r, j 'lig h t and w ith g re a te r cognizance of aided by a fireb o at, fought is for the Bible class, 100 ju n io r m eetings C u itiss notified S heriff C alkins, of and to th a t end it is asked th a t a llj PORTLAND, Dec. 16.— B urton L. th e real problem and the place to ¡w ere conducted w ith a total atten-1 Y reka, b y ’phone from s o m e p la c e on neighbors be notified of the te s te r ’s! The reason for, S tanford, for ten years a tru ste d eni- find the solution. OREGiON WOMEN PROVE TO Colonel dance of 2052‘ top of ,h e m ouutains sh o rtly a ite r ASTORIA, Dec. 16. this new o u tb u rst is publication of; ■SLACKERS" coming. {ploye of the U nited S tates N ational R elief work conducted included th e hold-up, and men were im m edi- HE REAL JURY the vital statintipa fn r which Thom as A nderson, heading th e arm yi 6 one n ig h t’s lodging for 150 people; ately sent to guard the bridge it bank here, is th e object of a nation- the vi.ai sta tistic s loi u - i , wnicn if th e >ly have a Portiam both w ith th e cards and tlie delight- J a n u a ry 25. before Ju d g es Lewis and VISCOUNTESS ASTOR Dr - George Ja rv is ........................ 100 torpedo carry in g planes. ; honor Qf her gixth b irth d ay. present plans carry. 100. . Dr. Wood ful two course luncheon which the Sanborn, A ttorney G eneral D augher- The little folks enjoyed them selves LONDON, Dec. 16.— V iscountess -T p - Dodge & S o n s ..................... 100 hostess served. ty announced today. d u rin g the afternoon, and did full T he invited g u ests w ere M esdam es ---------------------------- A stor was howled down F riday when G. S. B u t l e r .................................... 100 Give Social E ven ing— The young people of the Episcopal ju stice to the dainty refreshm ents JAPAN BUYS ARMOR she declared in an address before the Dr. S w e d e n b u r g ............................. 10 0 V. V. M ills, Jo h n F. F in n e ra n . R. L. lle c i F u n eral Sunday— PLATE FOR STREETS church e n te rta in ed th e ladies of th e th a t were served before th e h o u r of B urdic. W illiam Briggs Newton H ar- F u n e ra l services for th e late L ., Tory p a rty th a t ‘‘conservative reac- IL G. E nders & S o n ..................... 100 B ert M o s e s ...................................... 50 T rin ity Guild and th eir husbands d e p a rtu re arrived. i p p A V P I or o nec 16. _ j a - risOR, O. A. P a u lse ru d , S. A. Robin- Jam es H eer will be held from «.he t(on was as dangerous to E ngland as O. A P a u l s e r u d ............................ 25 la st evening a t the P arish house. The The invited guests nei* arice • - ’ b e it- e tt. E dm und Dews. E arl L ittlech ild , E lk s’ tem ple Sunday aftern o o n a t 2 bolshevist reactio n .” ’ ra m w iu u b V irginia C randall Con- pail IS doing so m ething akin to beat Phoebe W e l l s ................... .............. 20 evening was spent w ith card s, w ith Crow son, V irginia e r a , „ i« „ ^ h ebareq" F. G Sw edenburg, E. D. Briggs, Max o'clock, w ith the fra te rn a l organiza- ___________________ , . Neil M ildred ing sw ords into p lo u g h srares. K. H am m ond tak in g high score stance M illard, Jean wen, Ainure ” niate from C. L. Loom is ................................. 15 P. G eB auer. J. M. W agner. Amos Nin- tion assisting. In te rm e n t will be.w O U N D B D U. S. CONSUL F rances E a stb u rn , C harlotte! She is buying the a rm o r plate from P e e a a u n ................................... ................................. 1 1 in “ 500” and Dr. L ittlech ild w inning Dunn, n a n c e s m m ...:.« ., ---------------- .. IS BACK AT HIS DESK iV S. s D D e e P Inger K. P. Nims. J. H. McGee. H. m ade in M ountain View cem etery, Sric W eren .................................... 1 out in bridge. R efreshm ents were M itchell, M arietta W hitney 1 vonne A m enc.in ’ S R intQ pavin .r E r K. Tom linson, Dr. M attie Shaw and while the Rev. C. F. K oehler will O ther c o n trib u to rs declared but served d u rin g th e evening, and m u- Sheppard, R uth Doan, F reda oan, ’aal1’ Tananese streets. MALTA. Dec. 16.— Mason M itchell Miss R oberta W ard. High score was officiate. F u n e ral arra n g e m e n ts are John E dw ards, Mel- blocks for m uddy Japanese stre e ts. D. being m ade under th e direction of A m erican consul, recently slightly not yet paid, a re ; Mrs. E ugenia At- sic in th e form of saxophone duets E'.eanoi Doan Q uantities of th is m aterial, it was won by Miss W ard, w hile Mrs. E the H. C. Stock u n d e rta k in g parlo rs, wounded by an a ssa ila n t, re tu rn e d to kinson, $25; the M urphy E lectric by Jo Neil and R obert Redw ine, ac- horune Mast an a \u .learn ed today, a re being shipped B riggs was second. his desk today. The a ssa ila n t has ¡Co., $25, and A shland E lk s lodge, com panied by Miss R oberta W ard, i from San Francisco to Tokio. delighted the m em bers of the p a r ty ., T>ry th e classified colum ns Tidings classified ads get results. been com m itted to an insane asylum , 944, $50; H. A. S tearn s, $5. A want ad w ill sell it ÌEST MILK IN STATE fc> T BLAZE THREATENS T CONTINUED VISUS $ KEIIER'S CHARGES I T T E .V <* * • • .«> POLISH ARTIST ASSASSINATES