A8HLAHD DAILY TIDEMGS PAGE FOUR Entertain at Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Fay P o tte r, who are ! visiting a t the W . E verton hom e on i Allison s vegetables and fish G rocery, S aturday. Decem ber 16. S. & W. Coffee will be served. 88-1 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I. L O N G VETERAN OF TWO WARS will si>eak on U Reaching the Goal” ARMORY—8 o ’Clock DECEMBER 16 Adm., 25 and 50c FO R REN T— Five room furnished house, c en trally located; a d u lts preferred . In q u ire 357 V ista S t.' P hone 122. 8 8 -tf' B etter clothes for LESS a t P au l-: s e ru d ’s. 84tf M erry C hristm as will soon be here. FOR RENT— F u rn ish ed bed room , have a fn n n ne of n u t s and can-! hot and cold w a te r; b re a k fa st if' dies a t th e right prices. Plaza Mar- desired. 147 G ranite. 88-2* Now Convelescing— 83tf k et, 61 N orth Main. FOR REN T— A th re e room , com ­ Mrs. M arl H ale, of M orton stre e t, pletely furnished a p a rtm e n t. Two is convelescing from an a tta c k of Masons E lect Officers— blocks from post office on paved the “ flu .” The sta te d m eeting of A shland stre e t. P hone 432-Y or 4 0. 88-2 lodge No. 23, A. F. & A. M., was held C hristm as candy special at th e Va ¡last n ig h t in the M asonic tem ple, and FOR SALE— Good five room house riety store. Buy it now. 86tfi w ith b ath . Nice large lot on paved the follow ing officers were elected s tre e t rig h t in tow n, paving and for th e com ing y e a r: K arl P. Niins, lauly E lks Meet— sidew alk all paid for. F o r quick ! m a ste r; M ilton H. E llis, senior w ar- A large num ber of Lady E lks den; g A Pet(?rs J r jun5or w a r. sale will sell cheap. This is a spent a p leasan t afternoon in th eir den; w illia m Day> secretary , and E .i real b argain. No agents. Phone club room yesterday. Mrs. Ira V. C arter, tre a su re r. ow ner, 396-.T. 88-1 Shourty having the l,igh score in bridge and Mrs. C. R. M inkler th e high score in “ 500.” The hostesses, M esdam es Hile and B artges, served dain ty refreshm ents. The crowd will be a t Ja ck so n ’s dance S atu rd ay night. W ill you bq th e re ? ■ 87-3 With a certain similarity of appearance prevalent in all Christmas Gift assortments, the woman in $ arch of something unusual will find in this store a refreshing diversity of suggestions, many oi which are distinct 1\ apart from the commonplace in some vital characteristic. The items mentioned on this page give hut a brief idea of the variety and scope of our Christmas assortment. DO YOUR CHRISTM AS SHOPPING HERE TOYS ON THE BALCONY I () BEING to you and your friends as much possible of the Beauty, Mystery and Color of ( ’rater Bake is the mission of T as R c‘‘ie and Business Lots— At h alf value. Now is the tim e to get bargains. Don’t w ait u ntil sp rin g to buy. N uff Sed. Staples R ealty Agency. 88-2 Patterson Pictures DARLING’S STUDIO Articles for the Dressing Table To W inter in South— Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Pro3e, of 314 G arfield stre e t, a re am ong th e Ash-i land people who have left for the so u th to spend the w inter. They ex­ pect to rem ain a t P etalum a, Calif. McNAIR EROS. DRUG CO Here is a never failing source of supply for your Xmas list. The number of items you can obtain, things that will please your friends, from this assortment ot quality merchandise, seem unlimited. All at popular prices to please you. Scotch Scones— At th e Hom e B akery and R e sta u -| ra n t. E a t your Sunday d in n er here. I] 88-2 Mrs. Updegraft Improving— Mrs. S arah U pdegraft, of L ib erty , stre e t, who has been qu ite ill w ith ! “ flu ,” is im proving slowly. Photos m ade now d e liv e re d , for Xm as. Studio A shland. 84tf Visited at Belleview — Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Gall, of B elle­ view, visited rela tio n s in A shland th is week. For sale by Gifts that Serve T O -N IG H T PENTICOSTAL CHURCH COR. F IF T H AND EAST MAIN By Special Request G irls in free Shop. cem ber and boys, win a bicycle tire guessing contest a t F ix-It C ontest ends S atu rd ay , De­ 23, a t 6 p. m. 87tf Moves B lacksm ith Shop — N ate H igh, who has been o p e ra t­ ing a blacksm ith shop for th e past few years a t the co rn er of F irs t and C s tre e ts, has moved to a location on th e low er side of B stre e t betw een F o u rth and F ifth . The shop w here he was form erly located is on the lot belonging to th e city and will probably be to rn down in th e n ear fu tu re. IFghw ay P ro p e rty — Some splendid property on Pacific Highway betw een A shland and Med­ ford a t a ttra c tiv e price. Staples R ealty Agency. 88tf M O S T O P OUR C U S TO M E R S U S F CALUMET Th« kcoa^m? BAKING POWDER PLUMMER’S GROCERY Children’s, priced Free W ill Offering Taken $1.39, $1.75 ■Oi Handkerchiefs with hand embroidery Priced ea. 25c, 29c, 35c, 39c DARLING STUDIO Children’s Handkerchiefs It is not too late to have your portraits finished in time for Christmas. Arrange for your sitting now Priced ea. 7c, 10c, 15c, 20c Men’s Handkerchiefs FRAMED PICTURES Crater Lake views, 50c and up. Manicure Sets Maxfield Parrish. Silk Ties ^/U m brellas W omen’s Handkerchiefs with fancy colored border Priced ea. 18c—3 for 50c Large assortment of patterns Til« Indespensable 69c each You don’t need an um brella all the tim e — h u t when you do, you need it bad. That is why one of , these high qual- : ity um brellas m akes a very acceptable gift. Men’s Bathrobes Made of Beacon Blankets Priced at $6.48, $6.98, $7.98 Holeproof Sox i Silk Umbrellas Pure Thread Silk Priced from. $4.98 to $11.98 Priced, pair 85c, 98c, $1.25 —in attractive leather cases, with Silk lining, will make a i Initial Handkerchiefs good Xmas Gift. Priced Priced each ................ 29c $1 98 to $3.98 Mottoes. Christmas Cards, We do picture framing. “ P ortraits T hat Please’’ Men’s Supports and Arm Bands Pure Linen Handkerchiefs Priced per pair. 39c and 50c Priced ea. 29c, 35c, 50c. 69c TODAY ¿TOMORROW TAC Betty COMPSON Handbags and Vanity Cases Men’s Suspenders The high quality and excellent workmanship of these exquisite bags make them ideal for Gift purposes. Put up in a Gift Box ? KARTTUU A com plete line of c h ild ren ’s toys in balcony. «East 9lde Pharm acy. 78t W ill Be Gut S a tu rd a y — Mrs. R. W. Conover will be a t her shop S atu rd ay a fte r two weeks en­ forced vacation caused by a severe a tta c k of pleurisy. $1.98, $2.19, $2.75 • Cheap in su ran ce is costly a t any price. F o r sound in su ra n c e a t re a ­ sonable rate s, see Billings Agency. E stablished 1883. J 4 tf Make Trip to Medford— Mr. and Mrs. J. E. K uykendall and Mrs. B urus. Mrs. K u y k en d all’s m other, m otored to M edford today. Men’s priced “ MY L IF E IN THE CONVENT AND MY CONVERSION TO PROTESTANTISM ’’ Spend Week-End H eie— G eorge B rookm iller spent th e l a s t ! w eek-end w ith his fam ily in A sh-|] land. of $1.25, $1.48, $1.75, $2.19 will repeat her lecture on Some new dance h its a t Ja c k so n ’s! H ot Springs S atu rd ay night. 87-3 j to give the masculine mem­ bers of your list for Christ­ The sheer loveliness silk underwear and dainty, mas. An easy problem when hand embroidered Philippine you shop here. underwear makes them ideal gifts from one woman to another. Silk Gowns, Combinations, Silk Knit Ties Camisoles, Bloomers, Petti­ 95c and $1.25 each coats and Boudoir Caps— Philippine Hand Embroid­ e r e d Combinations a n d Cheney Silk Ties Gowns. Priced $3.48 to $5.98 $1.25, $1.39, $1.85 Women’s, priced Miss Dorothy Nichols You are wondering what From one Woman to Another A Xmas gift is always ap­ preciated, hut a gift that is serviceable is double appre­ ciated. There ¡¡^nothing more serviceable than a pair of these attractive bedroom slippers, made of high qual" ity materials. 7:45 Gifts for Men if] II "The Bonded Woman” —A romantic drama of ship­ wreck and South Seas, primi­ tive passions and an all-con­ quering love. Richard Dix and John Bowers in the excellent cast. ----- Also—— “ OH PROMISE M E ’’ A Very Promising Comedy Admission—10 and 35c Hycrest Bags Blankets Priced at $1.25, $1.48, $2.48, $3.48, $3.98, $4.48, $4.98, A Gift for the Home. All- $5.98, $8.48, $«.98, $7.48, and $9.75.......................7........... s Men’s Arm Bands Put up in a Gift Box Vanity Cases wool blankets priced at 9.48, $11.50, $12.50 Priced per pair, ,59c and 75c Priced per p air...............50c Priced at $1.25, $1.39, $2.48, $3.75, $4.98,and $5.48. WHEN IN DOUBT GIVE A MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE The Gift that is Always Acceptable —SILK HOSIERY. Our assort­ ment of Holeproof and Burlington is complete. Priced $1.50 to $3.98 pr. THE STO RE 1 E. W HERE R. ISAAC & CO. THE QUALITY STORE YOUR PATRONAGE NECKW EAR— A Gift that always pleases. A new shipment just ar­ rived for Christmas shoppers. IS A P P R E C IA T E D