ASHLAND D A IL I TTDINGS Friday, December 15, 1022 PACK T u R im r Seniors Havo “Goot” Party— Basketball Under W a y - Here from Grants Pass—— W endell Colby and F. E. F rench J W ith a variety of b azairre cos- B asketball practice a t A sh lard G ran ts Pass business m en, w ere in itu m e s , m em bers of the senior class high school is now well u n d er w jy .j th e cky today on business. They of A shland high school held a p a rty ; w ith a series of inter-class contests; Oca cent th e w ord each tim e. w ere glad to see the sunshine, as 'i n M em orial hall T hursday evening com ing to a close this evening, a FO R EXCHANGE PUYN1CIANS. they had encountered heavy fog b e -|T h e a ffa ir was styled a “ Goofy” gam e betw een the ju n io rs and the R iver and M edford, j party, and everyone cam e dressed in sophom ores for the suprem acy of the Dll. ER N EST A. WOODS— P ractlc FOR TRADE— 160 acre u n in c u m -; tw een Rogue lim ited to eye, ear, nose an- bered ranch on Pacific highw ay M r. F rench is a form er A shland m an odd a ttire , firs t prize was tak en by school. The seniors w ere decisively th ro a t. Office hours, 10 to 12 an h o u -e °Uail'd l °o u tb ifitd in g s^’ Sgood and is now a3SO<:iated w ith A .¡O lin Caldwell, who was dressed as a defeated recently by the sophom ores, 8 to E. S weden b a rs Bldg., A st stock o r chicken ranch w ith plen-i Colby and W endell Colby in b u sin e ss! girl, and the secoud aw ard went to while the freshm en were defeated b v ; land. O ra 73-t ty of wood and tillab le land. W ill; in G rants Pass, M argaret Cam pbell, dressed as a boy. th e juniors. M embers of the regu- OK. J. 8. EM MENS-—PhyslC'an am tra d e for unincum bered A shland C haperons for the evening w ere la r q u in te t have not yet been select-' S uigeon. P ra ctice lim ited h acreage; prefer no house, but F r u it cake and m ince m eat tim e h Alice Heys, Zipora B lum enfeld and ed, and the best m aterial show ing eye, e a r. nose and th ro a t. Glass« w ould cnsider acreage w ith sm alt here. F o r citro n , orange and lem on supplied. O culist and a u rlst fc Coach W alter Hughes. up d u ring the inter-class gam es will house. E leanor G reer, 199 G ran, 8. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and B ite St. 231tf* peel, raisin s, c u rra n ts , figs, spices, ---------- vie for positions on the firs t squad, j Bldg., M edford, Ore. P hone Z6 L et us renovate your suit now and _______ su g ar, etc.. D etrick ’s G roceteria sells IN TER UK BAN AUTOCAR CO. 4 8 tf iav °id th e holiday ru sh . P a u lse ru d ’s. for less. DR. M ATTIE 15. SHAW— Residence The social circle of th e C hristian and office, ICS P ioneer avenue.' (E ffective January 1, 1922) Do not fail ¡ 7 7 ^ over the doll church wil1 give a bazaar and Cooked i Telephone 28. Office house, 10 Dally (Except Sunday) If you w a n t th e best th e re Is in sets a t the N eedlecraft Shop. 80tf food sale a t E nders Store S aturday. ' to 12 a. m .; 2 to 5 p. m., only. LV. MEDFORD . ASHLAND, bacon, boiled bam «, chipped beef. D ecem ber 16. Sale s ta rts a t 10 a. m. 7 :00 a. m. lard and sh o rten in g , get it a t D et­ DR. 11. M. SHAW— Physician and 7:00 a. m. S6-3 8:00 a. m. On R oid to Recovery— 8 :00 a. m. Surgeon. Special a tte n tio n Eyes. ric k ’s. W e sell for less. 4 8tf 9:00 a. m. 9 :00 a. m. Mrs. H enry Bostwick, of Seventh E a rs, Nose, T h ro at. Glasses f it­ 10:00 a. m. ted. Room 6. Mills-McCall Block. 10:00 a. m. : stre e t, who has been su fferin g fro m ! J u s t received a block of new d a te s ., 11:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m.i Now on F re ig h t R un— Phone 79 or 28. ! an a tta ck of influenza for the past Plaza M arket, 85tf 12:00 noon 12:00 n o o n ( E R W illiam a late of P o rtla n d , several days, is reported to be con-! 1:00 p. m J DR. G. C. P H E T T E P L A C E — D entist 1:00 p. m. 2 : 0 0 p . m . |'3 a new m an on local freig h t siderably im proved. — successor to W. E. Buchanan. 2 :00 p. m. Arrive from Klamath— 3:00 p. m .¡b etw een A shland and G ran ts Pass. Special a tte n tio n given to s tra ig h t­ 3 :00 p. no. ---------- | Dr. J. M. W ebster, of Phoenix, 4:00 p. m. 4 :00 p. m. j _______ ening and care of c h ild ren ’s teeth. 5. E very su ffe re r troni s to m a c h 'c a m e over the m ountain from K lam - Office hour3, 9 to 12 and 1:30 to 5 :00 p. m. 5 .0 0 p. na. New shipm ent of su its and o ’coats tro u b le, gas, belching, so u r stom ach, a th F alls T hursday, m aking the trip 6:00 p. in. 6:00 p. ra. 5. Office phone 151. R esidence 7 :0 0 p. m. Just in. W ill be glad to show them . nervousness, dizziness and b illio u s -p n fjve hours, and rep o rts the ro a d s' phone 201-.J. Camps Buliding, 7 :00 p. m. 84tf ness, should get a box of Mi-O-Na as being in very good shape despite! 8:30 p. m. P a u lse ru d ’s. 8:30 p. in. Sat. only A shland, Oregon. 45tf 9:30 p. m. 9:30 p. m. stom ach tab lets today and s ta r t a [be fact th a t th e re is considerable, CHIROPRACTORS 1G:3O p. m. Sat. only 10:30 p. m. Always see me firs t ab o u t your tre a tm e n t. G uaranteed by M cNair snow on tOp o(, t be m ountain, all of; Sunday Schedule in su ran ce; th e re ’s a difference; why? DR. E . B. ANGELL— C hiropractic Leave M edford for A shland and BI OS- ; which is packed solid and served to 84tf and E lectro-T herapy. The combi­ A shland for M edford every h our on Ask me. Yeo, of course. fill up all ru ts. Rev. and Mrs. Hu-! nation does w onders. F irs t Nat 1 the hour from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m .; Clift' Payne has sp u r b t?jl ladders. cam e w ith the doctor and s to p -1 B ank Bldg. Phone 48-1 42. then 6:30 p. in. and 9:30 p. in. * Health Is Improving— H ouse Calls ped in A shland. They expect to be; A shland w aiting room — E a st Side The m any friends of Mrs. M, S. I^eaves fo r C alifornia — P harm acy. in this section for several days and CONVALESCENT HOME H am ak er will be glad to know th a t D exter P a tte rso n left T hursday A SHI A N D-ROSEBURG STAGE she is well on the road to recovery afternoon for C alifornia for a six will visit som e of the Sunday schools, Daily (E xcept Sunday) CONVALESCENT HOME — Good as well as look a fte r o th er m atte rs in LV. ROSEBURG from h er recen t illness. w eeks’ business trip. cheer. Good care. Good food. LV. ASHLAND ; connection w ith th e work in the T erm s reasonable. 153 G ran-te; 1:00 p. in. 1:00 p. m. county. St. I ’hone 411-R. 306-lm c T ravel by stag e; sh o rte st ro u te by E a t b a tte r tam ales a t Rose Bros. W e have the best prices on use J 20 m iles; one of O regon’s most 7 4tf ears to be found in th e city. Come VETERINARY scenic trip s. F a r e — Ashlanxl-Rose» O n e s cleans clothes. P hone 64. Buick in and look them over V _______ CHISHOLM 1 S-I.OC; M edford - R oseburg. W e will m eet any and all bona DR. J P. T2Ü ; Agency. W alker Ave $1.15; G ra n ts P ass-R oseburg, $ 3 .0 0 .¡fl(1e 8ub8cription offers. E L H A R T ’S Piano T uning— V eterinary. M EDFORD-GRANTS PASS 85-eod-3 W hy n ot buy h e r a Singer Sewing Now is the tim e to have your piano; -R eliable Agents. TR A N SFER AND EX PR ESS. Daily (E xcept Sunday) M achine for Xmas. $5 down and $ 3 |tu n ed - L ari H. Loveland. S tu d io j LV. G’T ’S PASS FO R prom pt and carefu l service LV. ÄIED1ORD per m onth will p u t one in your hom e. 1 E ast Main. P hone 465. *6tfj 7:30 a m. In City on Business— 10:00 a. m. a u to tru c k s or horse drays, cal 1:00 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Robbins, who 2 ;0 0 p. m. S inger Sewing M achine Co., 10 So. W h ittle T ra n sfe r Co. Phone 117 5:00 p. m. live on a ran ch down the valley, F ir St., M edford. 5:00 p. in ,x ‘ ive for Los A ngeles — Office. 89 Oak s tre e t near Hote Sunday Only ______ Mr. and Mrs. C. B. C risler who A shland. &6t 10:00 a. m. w ere in th e city on business T h u rs­ 10:00 a. m. H ere on B usiness__ ! have been visiting a t the hom e of 4:30 p. m. day. Mr. R obbins is to be the m an­ T. L. POWELLr—GENERAL TRANS 4 :3 0 p. m. George M cIntyre, rep resen tin g the Mr. and Mrs. F ra n k Nelson, 1101 F E R — Good team and mctOJ G rin te Pass w aiting room — The ag er of the fru it association a fte r tru ck s. Good service a t a reasor Bonbonniere, phone 160. W estern Bond & M ortgage firm of .B olevard left yesterday for Los An- th e firs t of th e year. Office and w aiting room — No. able price. Phone 83 P o rtla n d , was in the city today call- geles, w here they expect to spend the W ANTED. See our barg ain windows for Xm as ing on the local banking in stitu tio n s, w inter. NOTICE OF BOND SALE 84tf Notice is hereby given th a t sealedI gifts, Studio A shland. WOMAN WANTS W ORK by hour L ast m onth the A utom obile Spec-i B etter insurance at reasonable bids will be received by the b o a rd ' A ddress T idings office. 84-6* ialist insured th re e tru c k s, six auto- rate3. Billings Agency. Phone 211. ¡u n til Tuesday. Ja n u a ry 2 1923, a t Spuds— Spuds— Spuds— Phone 274 J. m obiles and 10 Fords. W ANTED TO REN T— C om fortable , i 10 o’clock a. m ., a t th e office of the All you w ant, $1.25, and my nam e 84tf Splendid m usic. Fine floor, Con- 84-3 Yeo, of course. refin ed hom e, p art furnished or ¡ioaV(1 ot D irectors of th e Gold H ill! is Dennis, ---------- ' genial crow d. F a ir G round Pavilion un fu rn ish ed , th re e bed room s. No j r r iga tion D istrict, w ithin the b oun-| O ur candy prices are rig h t, qua ‘" Dance. S aturday. L p C s go! 83-fr-s children. J. H. Robbins. Leave L]a r ies of said d istric t, in Jackson Hero h o m Hilt— ity considered. Rose Bros. 7 4tf; ’ ____ __ Ida L. C randall, of H ilt, was a house n um ber or telephone with COun!y, Oregon, for the purchase of O ur box candy a sso rtm e n t is the A shland F ru it and Produce Assn, bonds in th e sum of ten th ousand business visitor in th e city T hursday. E. V. C a rte r R e tu rn s— m ost com plete in A shland. Rose 86-6* dollars ($ 1 0 ,0 0 0 ), voted and a u th o -| ---------- E. V. C arter, who lias been In Bros. 74tf rized N ovem ber 15, 1921 of Gold! If you w ant those hens to lay m ore .......... u LOST. HUI Irrig a tio n D is tric t,’ Jackson *&g3, get som e cracklins, 3 cents P o rtlan d for several days, has re ­ - — — - tu rn e d to A shland, b ringing with 85tf LOST— Pencil p a rt of E v e rsh a rp pen- County Oregon. (Said bonds being Per pound. P laza M arket. TH E him a new m odel Buick sedan. cil, solid gold. F in d e r phone 4 3 9 -jin add itio n to the sum of eighty-flvej VIKING CREAM SEPARATOR N arcissus bulbs, 15 cents each, at J. W anda B atem an. 8 7 -2 ,th ousand dollars ($85,000.00) In is a n o th e r Catalog House b u rste r Hom e grow n alm onds and w a ln u ts ,' E L H A R T’S. 85-3 ____________________________________ bonds previously au th o rized and a t P eil's. Prices, $31.00 and up. 25 cents a pound. Plaza M arket. 85tf LOST— Saddle colored, sheepskin sol(i j Said bonds a re num bered; Save you $1.90 on a 20 rod roll bag (re in fo rc e d ), lost en r o u t ' confeecU[ lVely, com m encing w ith ! Goes to H ilt— of fencing ag ain st anybody else’s th ro u g h M edford on Main S f.. to num bt.r one and following in n u m eri-i M rs’ H ‘ M’ ChappeH left T liurs- prices. New and used Sewing l.ighw ay to A shland. C ontents of i)f(ler, m atu re s e rla lly , ln a n n u a l day for H ilt, w here she will be en- Apply over throat and chest M achines for sale or rent. G arden —swallow small pieces cf— but little value to o th ers includ- ; !nounts, so as to be approxim ate gaged for th e next few weeks. tools and everything for the ing poems and rem iniscences of principal and in te rest, and shall farm er. Com plete sets for dolls a t Needle- many y ears as a m iner and pros- p. vabje in Gold Coin of the U nit- V A PO R U B PEIL’S CORNER pector in Colorado. F in d e r will be e(j gta tes; said bonds will be dated c ra ft Shop— Coats, su its, caps, etc , Over Ì 7 Million Jars Used Yemil reasonably priced. 80tf liberally com pensated. A ddress ,ia n u a ry 1 1923, and b ear in te re st at David F. Jack so n , 215 N utley St., g Der cent payable sem i-annually. A shland. Ore. I*. O. Box 63 87-3*, p oi. fu rth e r and detailed informa-.l W IR E W H E E L SER V ICE at Lee- ----------------------- t .o i ] iv {o (he g e c re ta ry Qf th e flora's T ire H ospital. Broken spokes FO R R E M . Gold Hill Irrig a tio n D istrict, G o ld ; rep' aced “ ^c> B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S I O N A L Domestic Science Schools Use Calumet Where baking is done sci­ entifically — where ingredi­ ents s ta n d o r fall under e x a c tin g te sts, you find C alu m et B ak in g Powder used more often than any other brand. — the choice of over hun­ dreds of brands—the perfect leavener—pure—uniform. Keep this in mind when you buy baking powder, because it is of vital importance to suc­ cessful-dependable baking. The purchase price of baking powder does not determine its economical merits—results tell the story. T h a t’s w h y th e sa le of Calumet is tim e s as much as that of any other baking powder. A pound can o f Calumet con­ tains full 16 ounces. Some baking powders come in 12 ounce instead o f 16 ounce cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it. CALUMET TfirEoonomy " • ■■ 'I . I « — ~ THE W ORLD'S G R E A TE ST B A K IN G POWDER, THE CLEARING HOUSE OF NATIONAL THOUGHT Do you know that Uncle Sam conducts the largest printing-plant in the world? It requires five thousand people and a plant worth five million dollars to pro­ duce the printing utilized in operating the government. Then there is the seven million dollar building—n e of the most beautiful in the world—housing the Library of Congress. The story of the small beginnings of these two great institutions, their steady growth, and their present importance in the work of the nation, is told in an attractively illustrated folder of the series on Our Government now being issued by this Institution. There has been a great demand for these stories and it is evident that they have been doing a valuable work in informing the people of this communiiv about our government. c° VÎ UGHS i FO R RENT— A splendid th re e ro o m ; H ill, Oregon. . . . , . ._, „„„ Im proved In H ealth — furnished a .u rtn ie n t; a d u lts only The rtg b t is reserved to reje ct any; • . ., : Mrs. Roby, who has been quite ill 357 Vista St. P hone 12 2. 80tf . and all ,, bids. 1 ; a t her hom e in th e e a st p a rt of the GOLD H ILL IRRIGATION FOR SALE. ' city, is rep o rted to be im proving DISTRICT. FO R SALE Dry laurel wood plenty ! slowly. By Geo. W . Jacobs, P resident. of h e a te r ch u n k s; 12 inch tier, , D. N. Stead, $4.50; also 12 inch body fir, $3.75; M ake your clothes a X m as p res­ Clias. E. Gray, D irectors. 12 inch second grow th fir, $3.25; en t of a cleaning and pressing. La delivered. 1224 Iow a St. 68-mo* A ttest F red G. Guy, Secretary. dies w ork a specialty. A shland (S eal) 76-5-fr FOR RENT— Bed room w ith outside! i C leaning and Dyeing W orks. Phone door, su itab le for two gentlem en. ! 63. A uto delivery. 84tf f-3* In q u ire 376 B St. ■ BAKING POWDER Citizens Bank ot Ashland o •Ito Local and Personal In te re s t G u aran tee E xtended— EV ERB EA R IN G R A SPB E R R IE S • V m v u u « The s ta te irrig atio n securities com- I.A FRANCE, th e larg est and m o s t --------------------------------- _ ! m ission has agreed to extend th e l ’fic *0c ea h 3 for $1" E r-' A liland Man Pays I in o ” skine P a rk . R uiere and St. Regis. J. E. C allaghan, of A shland, w a s| s ta te ’s g u a ra n tee of in te re st pay- the best shippers. 10c ta c h or $5 L '' by Ju stic e Glenn O. T a y -|m e n t8 on approxim ately $1,390,000 per 100. E v erb earin g stre.wber lo r, o f M.••'.¡ord. when he pleaded j of bonds issued by the G ran ts Pass ries, $2 and $3 p er 100; M a rv e l; Ruilty to a charge of trav elin g to o ! irrig a tio n d istric t, over a period ranging from one and a h a lf to five and Siovilll. $2 per 100. The Corv fast n e a r Gold Hill. years, according to inform ation from T hornless B lackberry, tips 15c th e b est chili. Try Rose th e cap ital city. each, 20 for $2.50 or $11 per 1 0 0 .| F o r 74tf Bros. I have trie d B urbanks and th ree o th e r kinds and the Cory is the! F o r sale at N eedlecraft Shop, baby only “ th o rn le ss” plant th a t w ill, doll sets, garden sets, bloom er su its. ; produce enough fru it to pay t o ‘ 80tf p lan t and cultivate. 14-m onth-old p lan ts have produced 25 pounds of >|t. j i v e ’s M other D ead— larg e b erries and no th orns. D. P Word' has been received in the city Of Mrs. J. T. Love, who Blue. 500 A shland St., A shland. o - lhe 82-5" passed aw ay at M olalla, Or., Decem­ Oregon. ber 6, at th e age of m ore than 64 FO R SALE — O verland ro ad ster, years. Mrs. Love was the m o th er of 1920 m odel, practically new cas- lugs ru n very* little ' $325 if ta k - M erten J. Love, of A shland. Jam es 954 jjoui _ Love, M olalla, and Mrs. E d ith F ra n tz en a t once. L. A. Moss, S6-36 of C rescent City, Calif. ev ard, o r phone 256-R. 72tf: FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN— Six D etrick sells for less. room house, wood shed and chick- ..........- en house, lot 50 by 150 feet. Ad- B etter he safe th a n sorry. Sea dress A. D., care Tidings. 87-4* B earer R ealty Co. about your ln su r- 287ti