Ashland Friday, December 15, 1922 ASHLAND DAILY TIPUN G R PAGB TWO Coming Year Predicted Prosperous One tor U. S.; If You Don’t Believe if Just Consult the Stars. Tidings Established 1876 Every Evening Exeep- i Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. Published O F F IC IA L C IT Y A N D C O U N TY PAPER what he expected of wife „ tJ ,4. , , .. BTNGHAMPTON, N. Y., Dec. 15.— cold and w et. w ith bad w eath er con- TELEPH O N E 39 YVutch U ndo Sam progress d u r.n g ditions. Che springs a re u n p leasan t,; 192::. ¡th e nights cool u ntil late iu th e sea-; C. K. LOGAN, E ditor T h a t’s the little tip the s ta rs hold son. Sum m ers cool w ith freq u en t Entered at the Ashland, Oregon for you, If you would accept the local h ard rains and high w inds, ac-' Postoffice as Second-clas3 Mall Mat s e e r’s in te rp re ta tio n of th e heavenly | com panied w ith heavy th u n d er,! < •> No one is ever rig h t all of th e ter. <$> tim e. bodies th a t will rule d u rin g 1923. ¡lig h tn in g and hail. Crops in v a rtr a s . * _ . . , i , > ---------- ® The a n n u al M acDonald a s tro lo g i-j sections will be devastated. T here is alw ays m ore sa la ry — predicts th a t “ a g rea t am o u n t o f ; freeze up and stay so. Food and fuel '•» People w on’t buy th in g s they • good in th e way of legislation will should be provided in abundance, as d o n ’t know ab o u t; so ad v ertise 4 be accom plished, and th e year is one both will be in g rea t dem and and FRIDAY', DECEM BER 15 • ’em! • especially fav o rab le for th e govern-; the m ark et active. TH E PO W ER OF THOUGHT: <$■ --------- <§’ m ent and those in high positions of “ The outlook in th e astrological — As he th in k e ih in his h e a rt, so The gang in th e g allery has a • tru s t. It will be know n as a year c h a rt is favorable for steady, persist- is he. P roverbs 23: 7. •> m uch b e tte r tim e th a n th e se- <♦.- o; hum an relatio n sh ip , w ith great en t conditions, w ith some disappoint- ,i, ]ec- few jn thg boxes. j m ents, lack of harm ony and u n rest '- sp iritu a l developm ent.” A D V ER TISED GOODS ----------- The a stro lo g ist foresees a “ steady betw een lab o r and capital. The year A dvertising benefits the cousum er people becom e aw ful tire - $> and active business period in th e a f- |w ill b rin g th rift, steady plodding, — m ost of all. A dvertised goods are .- some when they try to tell ev- fairs of m en as the new y e a r ad- fair dealing and g re a te r achievem ent tra d e -m a rk e d to protect th e consum - ery tb in g they know a t a single vances and m uch activity in real es- , along in d u stria l, com m ercial and e r for q uality and q u a n tity , declares <§. setting. ta te tra n s a c tio n s qnd pro d u cts of constructive lines, and wages com - H. H. G roth. th e e a rth .” ; m en su ra te w ith the kind of work T hink of th e in fin ite variety of ♦> The fellow who digs down M oreover, he forecasts a “ g reat perform ed. prepared foods, from w hich the • . a fte r th in g s finds bigger re- deal of building and a busy period to “ No g rea t ru sh es, sudden changes, g re a te r p a rt of a wholesom e m eal • . w ards th an the fellow who ju st -$> b an k ers and c a p italists, w ith the big failu res, big losses o r big fo r­ m ay be prepared w ith alm ost no ?• s, grabs th in g s off th e surface. comm on people to sh are in th e .busi­ tunes, b ut ta c tfu l, cautious m ethods w ork fo r the housew ife. $ ness successes, through steady em ­ — a ‘se ttle d dow n’ condition, with T hink of the household conven- si­ HEZ HECK SAYS: ploym ent g en erally .” less anxiety and try in g to get ahead. lences and business conveniences— , “ You a re g ittin ’ old “ Stock schem es will not flo u rish — MADE A HIT WITH STUDENTS Then th e m odern oracle goes on the tim e savers in your office or . when you notice how m uch <§• to tell: the public will be cautious about in­ home— th e accessories which m ake • quicker tom orrow com es <«> “ S a tu rn will have influence on vesting in u n c e rtain tie s and specula­ ‘"Cafeteria W ork” Was Something Which Evidently Had the Approval your autom obile a g re a te r pleasure. <$> th a n it used to .” <§> w eath er conditions th ro u g h o u t the tive v entures which will not stand of the Entire Body. How do you suppose th e m an who > 4 4 $ 4 4 + + < * > $ > > $ + 4 year. S atu rn y ears a re generally w ide in v estig atio n .” first th o u g h t of these th in g s w a s ------------------------------------------------- - — A new school for hoys In Terre able to m ake them for you at a &jx m onths a fte r the in v en to r firs t HUN M AIL-ORDER BU SIN ESS Haute, Ind., is a very modern vocation­ COURT NEW S OF IN TER EST price you could affo rd to pay? had his idea, everybody in th e U nit- al school, with hand equipment, big REACH ES OUT TO ASHLAND athletic park and cafeteria. And the It was th ro u g h a d v e rtisin g — of s ta te s knew about these delicious Circuit Court course. A dvertising orgartizes co- new chocolate covered ice cream E th el S. F reem an vs. John C. F ree- new students were much impressed by these facilities. operative buying units. The m an bars. T h at G erm any is m aking suprem e : m an. Motion. On the first day of school one of the w ith a new idea know s th a t he can This was a sp ectacu lar d e m o n s tra -! c i *o rts to regain A m erican tra d e is Rogue R iver Valley C anal Co vs new fellows watched a last year stu- tell th o u san d s or m illions of people ijon ot- how a d v ertisin g can brin g a evinced in a c irc u la r addressed to ' H ugh Storey. O rder. I dent make out his program, and It ab o u t his idea th ro u g h advertising. new idea to th e whole A m erican p u b -! AIr‘ R R ' G re e r> P u b lish ers, Ash- Bullock M ercantile Agency vs- ! re a d : “Shop work, wood work, clienil- He knows th a t th e united buying But iu everv a d v ertisin g sue- land, Oregon, A ineiique, from Geoig Jo h n K anasto. Sum m ons. I cal laboratory work and forge work.” power of all these people will en- cess the sam e principle holds tru e . ; A lb ert Berbig, Liepzig, G erm any, He studied it a little while and be­ Bullock M ercantile Agency vs. J. gan writing. And this is what he able him to produce his idea in prac- But a d v e rtisin g doe3 m ore than i S e\en ai tid e s th a t a ie of in te rest H. W heeler. Sum m ons. w rote: “Band work, athletic work,” tical form at a cost which is only a introduce new ideas to you. It safe- p articu la r to pu b lish ers and news- Jesse W inhurn vs. F. C. Homes. and then he hesitated, studied for a paperm en a re listed. These a re : “ A fraction of w hat the first a rtic le , ¡y gu ard s you in th e purchase of any Sum m ons. long time and finished, “cafeteria ty p ew riter, p o rta b le in would cost. ad vertised product. Y’ou can de- m in ia tu re Southern Pacific com pany vs. Cal­ work.” One of the best exam ples of h o w jp e n j upon it— no th in g can succeed o u r coat pocket,” offered as th e cir­ ifo rn ia O regon Pow er com pany. S tip ­ Before he could get any farther the th is is done is Eskim o Pie. W ith in , th ro u g h a d v e rtisin g unless th e a r- c u la r sta te s, “ a t th e unim aginable ulation. old student, having seen the program, t id e itself lias m erit. A dvertisin low* price of $10.” “ H ildso” paper F. L. Tou Velle vs. F arm B ureau seized it for exhibit, and it went on record as the most popular program of faste n in g tongs a re quoted a t $1, a had p roduct will m ake ju st ag. C o-operative exchange. Bill of ex­ the school. w hile an electric sealing a p p a ra tu s, m any enem ies for th a t product as ceptions. E xhibits. saving of m atches and candles w ith j a d v e rtisin g a good product will m ake F ran ces Bosqui vs. Jo h n W . Bos- Electricity and Bullets. the avoidance of th e irksom e sooting qui. Depositions. I friends for th e good product. At a rifle meeting in Switzerland it And so, if an a rtic le has been can be procured a t $3. P erm an en t A. W. W alker vs. E. H. L am port. was discovered that the steel-jacketed i widely ad vertised for a long tim e, b lo tte r silor stone is offered, two F in d in g s and conclusions: decree; bullets of the marksmen were swerved you can be sure th a t it is good o r 'l ’*®068 for 50c, w hile 100 bo ttles o t ! CQSt jjjjj from their course by the influence of Be Cured to Stay Cured the public would never have sup-i i :ie d r ^ ' nk b rlllia n tia (also p o rt- D aniel E. F lo ry vs. H a ttie Flory. telegraph and telephone wires miming alongside the range, says the Washing­ ported it. You know th a t th e ad- a ble in your coat p o c k e t), m ay be Sum m ons. GUARANTEE to per­ ton Star. Experim ents were then vortised and tra d e -m a rk e d product aa(l ^or 50c. The He.rmetos D am p­ Ida L oughlin vs. Jo h n Loughlin manently cure your Piles made at Thun by placing four steel without cutting, burning, m u st have a definite q u a lity — and e r , ” for m oistening envelopes, Sum m ons. cables parallel witli tlie range and he fully w orth the price. You can stam ps, etc., is offered, two dam pers about 40 yards distant from it and R eal E sta te T ransfers stitching, anaesthetic, con­ for $2.50. A se lf-filler fo u n tain pen sending a current of 8,000 volts be su re th a t you get m ore real value S heriff to Jackson County B uild­ finement or unpleasant “ E lja ,” fitted w ith a 1 4 -k ara t real ing & Loan A ssociation, deed to lot through them. The effect, it is said, in an adv ertised product for every after-effects. My patients penny you spend, th an you will in an gold plated pen, and which will w rite 3 block 1, Sum m it add itio n to A sh­ was to turn the bullets so far from are reputable men and women their course th a t the deviation in every walk of life to whom u n ad v ertised product, because ad v er­ 10,000 le tte rs w ith one filling, is land— $1510. amounted to 24 yards on a range of you may refer about this painless, tisin g is the cheapest selling m ethod also m entioned. A clip box and di- Sheridan F. T hornton e t ux., to 260 yards. The bullets oil being taken non-surgical cure. Ihere is. rectio n s for use a re included in the E rn e st W. H ogue e t ux., w. d. to lot from tlie targets were found to he If you are a sufferer from Piles, Y’ou know th e ad v an tag es of co- price of $1. magnetized. Next, on an artillery in block 10, A shland— $10. Fistula, Fissure or other rectal range of 3,000 yards, the electro-mag­ operative buying. You have heard Mr. Berbig s ta te s th a t “ he invites disease, call or write today for netic influence was generated 200 a lot ab o u t the idea in th e last two I your a tte n tio n to my efficient col­ my FREE booklet. yards in front of the targets and 40 or th re e years. Y’ou belong to a co lection of addresses which is alw ays C ost o f tre a tm e n t re tu rn e d if 1 yards to one side. Tlie projectiles o p e ia tiv e buying society every t im e 'u p to d ate, and I beg to m ention fa il to cu re y o u r Piles. were swerved 14 degrees from a you buy an adv ertised product. Read j th a t I can prom ptly deliver all ad- straight line. adverfising. Buy ad vertised pro- dresses dem anded a t the ra te of $1 CND AND MORRISON PORTLAND.OREGON A Doubtful Hit. ducts. It is th e su re st way to he per tho u san d . F o r $2 I shall ask 50 M E N T IO N TH IS P A P E R W HEN W R IT IN G One sister in this Evansville family certain of satisfactio n and m oney’s m a n u fa c tu re rs in G erm any for the is a newspaper reporter and tlie other goods you d esire to buy.” w orth. a school teacher. And the little teach­ Term s are, “ Cash in b anknotes or er is much given to borrowing her sis­ by cheque in advance o r by le tte r of ' ter’s clothes. The good-natured re­ cred it w ith a bank in G erm any. I! porter usually doesn’t object, but the am a t your disposal to assist you in : other day she felt her sister had gone) p rocuring all th a t you m ay w ant to too fa r when she wore her new silk dress and fall hat to school. She told buy in G erm any. her so, too. “But I had heard the school board would he at the building today,” the I teacher excused herself, “and I want- i ed to make a hit with them.” “I bet you did,” came back the d ry' retort, “for they all nearly went wild I about that dress when I wore it toi the school hoard meeting last night.”— ; ï TgJ R The Hume of America's Larg- gc” est and Finest Army Goods Indianapolis News. ÎBY^SÈRT-MOSËS Today. There Is a thing called yesterday but that Is only the dust bin at the Girl’s Attitude Seems Unreasonable door, into which we cast our refuse, When These Few Small Things ! failures, our worn-out souls. There I is a thing called tomorrow, bursting Were All He Wanted. i with far better tiling- than those Beauty. Punctuality. Sweet temper. which we have discarded. But in to- Econolnv Trust, | day the whole passionate force of the And that she should be sound asleep 1 universe is poured—and therefore to­ day is marvellous.—S. I’. B. Mais. when he came in. And that he should not be questioned regarding the hour when he returned frt>m P°ker parties. N o r'th a t she should make any com- ments regarding the strangeness of the fflct thflt h wflg necesgary t0 have on. ion san(]Wiches at poker parties, And that she should spend such eve- nings as lie played poker or stayed downtown or went to stag dinners with fHends of the feminine sex. That she should always understand that his flirtations were too mild for any uncalled jealousy on her part. That it was quite a different thing for a man to be forgiven than for a woman. And th at he wouldn't have his wife make a fool of him as some wives he knew made of their husbands. With these clear understandings at the sta rt he knew th at she would be very happy with him, for he would make her an ideal husband. But he had been a little too previ­ ous. She saw now why two other wives had divorced him. And she saved time—by refusing to m arry h im !—Mary Graham Bonner In Judge. V . A. SHELL B A R B E R Safety blades resharpen id like new . Single bit, 3t'c doz. Dobule bit, 60c dos. Chlldw-n’fl Work A Specialty I DR. CHAS. J. DEAN See Us for-- Gifts that Please Men jijü Crder House, 1223 Pacific Ave., tor. 13th, îsconia, Wn Davy Jones' Toll. W rit,- fo r B argain Catalog? of A rm y and N avy Goods. S en t Free. All M erchandise shipped P.-.reil Post, F ree. Moneyback g u aran tee on ail m erchandise. Thousands of satisfied custom ers.