<»<$>$>♦» ♦ ASHLAND CLIMATE, w nnout the aid of medicine, cures nine <£ cases out of ten of asthma. <$> Thi3 is a proven fact <5 <♦> ❖ * A shland D ati . y T idings #❖ «><«><$<*«>♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• MALARIA GERMS cannot sur- <$> vive three Months in the rich ozone at Ashland. The pure do- <$> mestic water helps. g> ■$> < Q> <§> <§> (International News Wire Service) VOLUME 4 T E INDEPENDENTLY IN RÜHR VALLEY <î> ROY, 1«, WINS COLLEGE COMING EVENTS $ SCHOLARSHIP AWARDING HIM FOUR YEAR COl RRE K TEN DAYS UNTIL XMAS. — U D ecem ber 15— M usical social I < ? > LINDSBORG K ans.. Dec. 15,— A P resb y terian church. scholarship, valued a t $4000, a n d Decem ber 16— B azaar and !$> which e n title s the holder to a tten d food sale. C hristian church. ! < $ > w ithout charge any college or u ni­ D ecem ber 16— S tew art Long, ♦ versity in th e U nited States for a lec tu re r, Lyceum course. I period of four years has been a w a rd ­ ! <» Decem ber 18-19— U. S. navy ed to K arl P earson, 16, of th is city. !-» rec ru itin g officer here. His essay on “ How to Im prove D ecem ber 19 — M eeting of M eans of C om m unication in the I !•» Civic club. Urfiied S ta te s," w as /declared th e LONG - STANDING REPARATIONS w inner in a nation-w ide contest in POLICY OF CHAMBER OF DEPU­ V » D ecem ber 25, Monday — TIES THREATENED BY CONTROVERSY NOW COMING f which m ore than 250,000 high school C hristm as Day. POINCARE D ecem ber 25— C hristm as ball TO AN END I stu d e n ts w ere entered. F irs t prize benefit 4 84tli com pany. A rm ory. !< $ > ; was w hat is know n as the “ F irestone i«> ACTION MAY BE TAKEN AMERICA SAID AGAINST sch o larsh ip .” UNITED STATES HAS IMPORTANT PLACE IN PACÍ No. 88 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1922 (Successor to the Semi-W eekly Tidings, Voi. 43) OCCUPATION BY FRANCE ALONE IF NECESSARY Tin.light A rran g e m e n ts Should Re .Made So T h a t G erm any Can Pay; Will No, P a rtic ip a te in Jo in t In ­ te rn a tio n a l Ijoan. Payment of Indemnity Necessary to Meet War Debts; French Engl neers to be Installed with Reser­ vations for English. - MACCABEES STAGE <& ❖ $> §> GIRL, AGE 15, MAKES SECOND VOYAGE OYER MATRIMONIAL SEAS <8> <§> HARDIN, Mont., Dec. 15.— Ena W illiam s * 15, entered upon her sec- $> ond voyage on th e sea of m atrim ony when she was m arried in this “ G ret­ na G reen of the N o rth w est” last : week to A rchie DeColon, 24, a m iner. <$> Two years ago, when she was only & 13 years old, the girl was m arried to Sam Apostle, p ro p rieto r of a shoe- shining parlor, of Sheridan, Wyo <8> R EPRESEN TA TIV E KELI ER SA VS <$- 241,000 WOUNDED MEN IN HOS­ This m arriag e was an n u lled follow- COMMITTEE IS “ PAC KED” PITALS TO RECEIV E ♦ Ì . the sudden d e p a rtu re of Apostle. The AGAINST HIM CHECKS <î> 'g i r l ’s home is in S heridan, Wyo. DISABLED VETS GOVERNMENT BUREAU TO WORK OVERTIME FURTHER INVESTIGATION OF CHARGES TO BE MADE I , O u tsta n d n g Claim s, A d ju stm en ts I am i S ettlem en ts to be C oncluded; Many W ill Be Able to R e-E n ter B usiness an d F o rm e r Callings. U nw illingness of R epublican to F u r­ th e r Im peachm ent of D augherty Will Not E n d Proceedings, S tates V olstead; W ar F ra u d s to be A ired. I .T E L .8 TEL. WASHINGTON, Dec. 15.— The un- PA RIS, Dec. 15. — Independent WASHINGTON, Dec. 15.— Uncle ‘ W ASHINGTON, Dec. 15.— A final ' w illingness of R epresentative K eller, , Sam will play Santa Claus to 26,000 F ren ch action ag ain st G erm any, w ith show dow n, in which Am erica s voice, M innesota republican, to fu rth e r his I wounded v eterans of the world w ar occupation of a p a rt of th e R u h r is bound to play an .im p o rta n t part ; im peachm ent chdrges a g a in st A ttor- i riv e r basin is th re a te n e d by P re m ie r A decidedly recherche a ffa ir was ¡n governm ent hospitals. G ifts will is im m inent in the long-standing re- ; P oincare in his d eclaratio n on th e given last evening, by the O rder of be checks and com pensations for a SALEM Dec. 15.— In an effo rt to ,iey G eneral D augherty will not end p aratio n s controversy which has cm-J the Ladies of th e Maccabees, a t t h e ' fuU settlem en t of o u tsta n d in g claim s sbow that' the A m erican T elep h o n e!th e proceedings, but w ll resu lt in a ¡policy of th e cham ber of deputies. broiled E urope co nstantly for four “ F ran ce wishes to proceed w ith hom e of Mrs. O. W. Long, on E ast and ad ju stm en ts. and T elegraph compaiy is the real m ore determ ined investigation of the years. Six new w tra c k s are nearin g com- th e allies in fullest co-operation, h u t Main stre e t, in honor of Lady Com- The bureau forces will work night pow er behind the throne, the public “high crim es and m isdem eanors" It is unlikely th e A m erican pro- . . pletion at the S outhern 1 a c ific , if nece88ary( F ran ce will act alo n e,” m ander R uth G uisinger, who is and day from now u n til C hristm as if serv jce com m ission today asked At- charged ag ain st Dan glierty, R epre- cedure will be determ ined u n til Am- „♦»„.„♦-I • . . , round nouse here a t an estim ated ex- Poincare stated . He also said th a t leaving shortly for Los Angeles, necessary to conclude the settle- to in ey G eneral Van W inkle for an te n ta tiv e Volstead, com m ittee chair- b a rsa d o r H arvey, who has been , pense of from $.>0,000 to $40,000. F ran ce will in stall h er own m ining w here she will m ake her fu tu re m en t. The checks will be a God- opinion w bethe r the A m erican c o m - |m an ’ annonnced today. called from G reat B ritain, a r r i v e s ,1 ™ „Uin.1 W ork has been going steadily for- engineers b u t will reserve places for home. Mrs. Roy Hale was m istress send a8 manv men will then be able pany ¡s a - public u tility ” su b ject to C ongressm en W oodruff, of Michi- fresh from th e conference of allied w ard d u ring the past two m o u th s , B ritlsh engineers and o th e r officials of cerem onies, being chairm an of the to re tu rn to th e ir form er peaceful tbe jurisd ictio n of the Oregon reg u - £an’ and Royal Johnson, of South prem iers. and w orkm en a re now engaged In ^bey gQ Jn ja te r . m . ittee. ! callings ... . . business. . ‘ 1 n „ akota, v „ » . ...m e n . te . rta . in m e n t . com or re-en ter i latory bodies ¡D will be ------- requested to testify H a rd in g ’s pronouncem ent of the • • vb- i innindp work th a t will brin g th e tra c k s in ai F ran ce cannot nav the debts due u reau is _ determ ined to ad-1 The m isslo„ Mrs. Mabel Jacobs sang, A m erican policy is likely to include , tr a n c e cannot pay m e tieDcs ciue _ “ Some- , The ---- b --------- , uc v com u « ,,,,,« .» ,, claim s th e P a c ific ,o f D au g h erty ’s alleged delay in pros- w hether Am erica reg a rd s the ques- |)lace w here they Wl11 s00n be 6 | to her allies u n til G erm any pays her w here a Voice Is C a llin g ,- in h er ju st a li claim s, D irector Forbes said. Telephone and T elegraph com pany i s e c u tin 8 w ar fraud cases K eller charges the com m ittee is ind in te rn a tio n a l the blS decapods. ¡indem nity, Poincare avers. m ost pleasing m anner, and la te r re- controlled and bled w hite by the tion of rep a ra tio n s a A cem ent lined pit some th re e feet, packed” a g ain st him and w ants a isponded to an encore of “ F o rg o tte n ." I w ar debts as two se p ara te proposi­ A m erican com pany, and th a t the I deep has been placed betw een the . . , , new house ju d iciary com m ittee se- ' Mrs. Bom ar gave a reading, “ How tions, w ith A m erica a g ain st th e oc- com m ission under the present la w ; . tia c k s as is the case in all round ; lected. Ruby P layed," sam e old selection, m nation of the R u h r valley by has little jurisd ictio n over the par • n also i , be considered nr..,ai,if>rpii houses, ’ m aking it . possible to get u n ­ I I also sam e old style, and encored on j i t will . ent company. F rance. der the g ian ts of the rails w ithout, 1 «-YEAR-OLD G IR L AT ¡ “ The Two K itte n s.” H a rrie t R uger; w hether rep a ra tio n s should he scaled kneeling or laying on the ground or, SEASII>E TAKES L IF E (and D orothy F ru la n H errin re n d e r-' any can pay and still CHRISTMAS TURKEYS so th a t G erm . , . floor. These pits a re all sloped to-; j ed a piano duet, “ V ienna F o re v er,” keep h er head above th e economic A RRIVE IN TH E MARKET SEASIDE, I 15 - V erna Lytle, , . . . . oncril,f w ard th e re a r of th e building w herei i with perfect tim e and expression, b u t ; w aters w hich th re a te n to en g u it 16-year-old girl, com m itted suiside they em pty any possible grease or; ! got to giggling and faked on an e n ­ , ROSEBURG, Dec. 15.— T urkeys her. here a t 11 o ’clock shooting h erself w ater into a larg e sew er which in ; core. Mrs. Hale then called on Mrs. ' are beginning to come in for the Am erica will not consider a can ­ with a revolver in h er 1> t tem ple. tu rn c a rrie s it tow ard A shland creek, j H aberly to m ake an im prom ptu C hristm as m ark et, a few being re- cellation of w ar debts, and will not The space betw een the pits is b e - ; speech, e ith e r political or scientific, 1 ceived W ednesday. They are being No reason is given. p a rticip a te in a jo in t in te rn atio n a l ing covered w ith bfick, laid on a: on how to raise a fam ily to be f o l- , The m any friends of L. Jam es taken on the m ark et price, and no loan to G erm any. foundation of cem eht, and will be The The re g u la r m eeting of the Civic lowed by Mis. H attie Sm ith in ie ^a L-, y eei.t Of 117 High stre e t, learned l,r 'ce is quoted at this , me q u ite an im provem ent over the p res­ club will be on Tuesday, D ecem ber >ng h er best story, to which th ere with 8adness of his death a t the rem ain d er of the week will see brisk ent w alks in the round house. 19. Every m em ber is invited to a t - , was no response except h earty ftp- Com m unity hospital sh o rtly before buying in turkeys, with th e pool ot The new tra c k s are some 30 feet I tend the business m eeting a t 2 plause. Mrs. Mabel Jacobs, as ch a i i - j nooil t oday< Mr. lle e r had been ill (he farm bureau exchange closing longer th an the old ones which will i ,b e refresh m en ts com m it ce, 1 tQr ,)U, a sh ort tim e, and was tak en Saturday. o'clock. The program at 2:30 will raan m ake th e han d lin g of th e larg e en-. Mr. J. H. rthl herself proud w ith her corps of tfae hospital \ h is week su ffering , . , . . , „ lo ‘ be of special in terest, guies, which are being used on t h i s , I D oran, in his illu stra te d lectu re 011 a b le a ssista n ts, in p rep a rin g elabo- w P h th e stoppage of a blood vessel • -‘'L I , FROM TR ESTLE division, m uch easier as th e tr a c k s • O regon,” has m any ra te refresh m en ts, which was served in Qne Qf Wg low er lim bs SMASHES MAN’S L E tì !" „uren !’ round house ° " ly 8 ¡b e a u tifu l slides illu s tra tin g th e t" courses as a lap supper, consist-^ Mr H eer had beeu id e n tified w ith ' The official team for the 484th ROSEBURG, Dec. 15. — G eo rg e’ ' 1- .1t m argin or e g ' 8Cenery of so u th e rn Oregon. Mr. inS of delicious f ru .t salad, brick ice t p ;s com m unity for nearly a dozen com pany, Oregon N ational G uard <> o , i ««1.! cream , cake and chocolate. i ¡years ____ m oving to A shland 11 years Cole, S outhern Pacific brakem an, I was selected a fte r heavy com petition MOUNT STERLING , Ky., Dec 15. h v ' s to pass by one a n o th e r when D oran recently lectured «+ a t d Reed col- cream , ------------ --------------- — H ostilities have been resum ed 111 going in and out of th e building, lege and a t C orvallis. A dm ittance Tbe decorations w ere in keeping ago next m onth from the east. Dur was severely in ju red T uesday night ¡m ilitary unit. when he stepped off a freight tra in th e m ountains of Mcni ee county W hile-no a rra n g e m e n ts have been to the lectu re will be by m em bership wRb the holiday season, in which -n g re s jdence here he has won a t the T hursday night drill of the m a r here betw een m oonshiners am i ^ r an overhead covering o r Qf g5 centg tQ b;ended th c coiors of the o rd er red, ’ . all th w ith whom which had stopped on a tre stle at M embers of the first team , and • -- - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 i Carnes. Cole did not know th a t the pro h ib itio n enforcem ent officers. sidew alls, it is understood th a t th is ¡any one not a m em ber of the Civic w hite and black. Old K ris K ringle pe dad com e in contact. ¡th e ir scores, a re : W ertz, 83; P e tiii, Bob B allard, said to be the le ¡der m a tte r will have a tte n tio n as s o o n ; c, ub ThJg ie c tu re is open to t he him self, in the person of Mrs. Dora H e Was born in G alena, 111., M arch I tra in was on th e tre stle and he fell! 2; Banks, 88; B arnard, 72, and of the outlaw gang, was sho and aa the present work has been Both womgn &re Payne entGred am id the jin g lin g of l f 18?2 A fter com ing to Ashland, 30 feet to the ground. His rig h t leg | Burns, 88. The second team is com ­ was broken betw een the knee and iiistan tlv killed, and his b ro th e r pleted. The new s tru c tu re will p ro b -: .nv-ted sleigh bells, and shouts of tum ul he was in terested in the A shland | the ankle, and he was severely prised of S outher, 94; Jalo , 73; Charles^ severely wounded. ()uy ably be co n stru cted on lines w ith th e; P ost cards of the Civic club house, tous applause, and a fte r a greetin g gt oiage p lan t for seven years, then Moore, 84; McKinney, 61. and P re s ­ bruised. Cole, a “ d ry ” ag en t, of Bowling Present building which is of brick photographed and prin ted by Mr. to all, presented to the guest of hon- cott, 70. T otal scores, out of a pos­ going with the A m erican Express G reen, was also killed. T otal cas- w.th a com position fire-proof roof. H in th o rn e w jl, also be on sale at or. an exqm sue reproduction rep .u u a c tio i. u of i v Cra- .a - company> where he was employed exquisite sible 500, were, first team , 403, and unities a re now bro u g h t to four, two , 10 centg each j te r lake in a m agnificient fram e, in up(il h -g ,.ecent jjjne8S. He was a second team , 381. governm ent agents having been R egular q u a rte rly inspection of I Recent gifts include $10 from Mrs. .b e h a lf of the ladies of the order, a s im em b er of the E lks lodge and the killed d u rin g the last week-end. 1 Yockey, who has alw ays been a loyal a token of th e high esteem in which F ra te rn a l B rotherhood. A rrange- \JL. I f m uskets will be m ade next M onday R einforcem ents a re being rushed ¡su p p o rter of th e Civic club; D r .; she is held. Tn the excitem ent oi raents to r tbe fu n e ral services have ¡night, D ecem ber 18 and no excuse to “ d ry ” agents. The m oonshiners ¡W oods, $15; C harles P ierce (an - j S an ta Claus, the hostess \e r y nearly no{ been com pleted and will be a n ­ .w ill be received for absence a t th is a re arm ed w ith high powered rifles o th e r) $25.00 check. Mr. N ininger. forgot to tu rn on the incandescents * ounced la te r tim e, according to word from the and have re tre a te d into the m oun­ illu m in ated a m in ia tu re , Mr H eer ig survived by his wife. besides flags a t cost, including which 1 local officers. I th e new 3 by 5 silk flag for th e audi-1 G hrislm as tre e w ith th e colors of the tWQ m arried d au g h ters, Mrs. C. L. tain fastnesses. ----------------- jto riu m . Mr. E llio tt. $5; Mr. K aegi, o rd er, in th e center of the room . A nderson (A lda H e e r), of P o rtla n d ; SALEM, Dec. 15.— ______ A rticles » — of in- SPREA D ERS OF 1SEASE MASONIC ORGANIZATION BUYS Am ong the num ber present, i n - ¡ Mrs C ar, Sm ith r TanpHc n in v Dnnsmuil> Mlss T helm a H eei. now co rp o ratlon d e p a rtm e n t yesterday Nelson, la y n e , R uger, Jacobs, Osk a i, of P o rtiand; Leslie H eer and Jim m ie . . W o rld ’s F le c tro -In d u stria l ex- CHICAGO, Dec. 15.— C.'.e of the ‘ Sol’’ Jones, was hanged today. He Hale, Dyrud G uisinger, Love. P ra tt, „ of Ashland ! Y « 7, Lnost s v e - in - health law in the A shland lodge, A. F. & A. M.. de­ ’ Heer, or A sniana. position, to be held 111 P o rtlan d in >»o-st s w ,e r in„ nean n ij w in u h iisplayed g ran ite stocism , and read cided last night to buy th e lot on B rookm iller, H all, H arrell, D e a r - ---------------------------- ------ cap ital stock is ¡country was prepared by the Chicago a poem and denied his g uilt on the ' the year 1927. E ast Main stre e t, now used by th e dorff, H aberly, H ardy, H osier, M id­ ' $5,000,000. The incorporators in- health dep artm en t today for subini - scaffold. His last wish to see h is' C arson Fow ler com pany as a wood dleton, Hobbs Bom ar. H am ilton, elude C. E. G ates, J. E. Dunn, W al- sion to th e next session of the sta te b ro th e r cam e tru e . lot, on which the Shell b a rb e r shop H errin, Jennings, Crowson, Carey, He com m itted the m u rd e r when in te r M. Pierce, A. H. Lea Eugene legislature. and the Yockey real e sta te offirW is Long, H a ttie Sm ith, Bessie Sm ith, ■Smith, F red K iser. T. A. W ord,; The proposed ’»w will send to th e the s ta te refo rm ato ry school, w here located, to hold for its new home and Miss H a rrie t R uger. All d e ­ George L. C leaver, Mrs. R. E. Bon- pen iten tiary any person who ’know- Jones was a guard. He had spent soon to be erected. The lot is 110 p a rtin g for th e ir hom es about m id­ d u ra n t, C harles Cooper and B. W ingly or w illfully com m unicated a half the years of his life in refo rm ­ by 120. and the price is sta te d as night, voted it the jo lliest p arty in disease to a n o th e r p erson.” a to ry schools. Sleem an. $10,000. SALEM, Dec. 15.— A billion feet th e history of th e order. I H ealth Com m issioner Bundeson It is understood th a t all th e M a­ of tim b er in M arion and C l a c k a m a s ---------------------------- declared the law would m ark a new sonic bodies will join in building a DONALD K IRK , 21, OF | PORTLAND, Dec. 15.— The w ater RUTTER AND C H EESE MEN counties is reported to have been SILV ER LAKE TRIBUTARY TO NEED TRAINED H E L PE R S e ia 111 disease control fine new tem ple, one of the best 011 ST. PAUL, OR., DROWNS purchased by the E astern -W estern KLAMATH, IS STRAHORN PLAN m ains on th e east side are jam m ed V.- ihe coast. - • ---------- w ith ice from th e cold snap. Out- L um ber com pany. The ow ner of the OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL­ A ttderson Writ«-« M usical H’story— ST. PAUL, Or.. Dec. 15.— W hen a tim ber is th e F o ster L um ber com- KLAMATH FALLS, Dec. 15.— -lying d istric ts were sh u t off from G reat prom inence is given an a r ­ LEG E, Corvallis, Dec. 15.— (Special) canoe in which he was retriev in g pany, of Wisconsin. Young Mart i ack< n Honored— ' A cting on th e suggestion of R obert t h ^ w ater supply for several hours ticle upon “ Music Occupies an Im - — Oregon dairy factory m anagers A dditional honors have been re- ducks in the W illam ette riv e r n e a r E. S tra h o rn , th e cham ber ot com- today. The w eather has m oderated have found th a t quality of produc- p o rta n t P a rt in th e U niversity of a here tu rn e d over ceived bv C hester M acCracken 110 HURT, 2 DIE, FROM m erce has asked the sta te highw ay som ew hat, w ith the tem p e ra tu re tion as well as economy of operation O reeon.” prin ted in the D ecem ber senior in chem ical engineering at the K irk. 21, son of E m m ett K irk, St. COASTING IN SEA TTLE com m ission and th e county co u rt to aro u n d 19 above zero. depends largely on the q uality of num ber of “ Music and M usicians." Oregon A gricu ltu ral college, accord- Paul m erch an t, was drow ned. Ef-s 11 - consider construction of a road from ----------------------------- th e ir b u tte r, cheese and ice cream and w ritten by John W. Ander- ing to word received by his p a re n ts, fo rts to recover his body have been^ SEA TTLE, Dec. 15.— F ound un- the Sprague riv e r term in u s of the m akers, and are in terested in the son. a senior in th e school of jo u r- F IR E S IN CRATER Dr. and Mrs. Gordon M acCracken unsusccessful. The heavy clothing conscious and half buried in th e O. C. & E. railro a d to Silver L ake, 07 FOREST DURING SEASON m an u factu rin g courses a t the col- nalism at th e U niversity. T he a r- yesterday. Young M acCracken w rites worn by the boy and th e cold w ater foiling snow a few blocks from his a distance of some 80 or 85 m iles, _______ jege tid e deals w ith the various m usical hat he has ju st been pledged 1 a m ade his ef forts to swim to safetv hom e early th is m orning. C harles C. About half of th e road «would be in chem ical engineering honor H ater- futile. His th re e boy com panions Sm ith, 18 was picked up by an auto- K lam ath county, and the rem ain d er T here were 67 fires on the C rater Only experienced men a .u e been acti * . ,^7 pinhe n r . nitv. the second to have so honored w ere unable to save him. Young ist and 'rushed to a san itariu m , in L ake county. - national forest during the past sea- ad m itted u n til recently when t te »an men s .1 < Q \ ’ also sta te d K irk was a nephew or R ichard K irk , s m ith had been in ju re d when his S tra h o rn ’s assertio n is th a t the son according to Hugh B. R ankin, a g ain st inexperience was .m et . an< • • , 7 . , - ¿ . 7 , ' 7 . ‘ him . In his le tte r he in Ashbind No. 1025 E ast 17th s tre e t n o rth . 8jec| stru ck a telephone pole while road would open up a large new ter- supervisor of the forest. F o rty -eig h t u n tra in ed men m a\ have th e b enefit or ° 0 t __ % __ t___ i__~ th a t he expected to be of these w ere m an caused. 19 incen- of special courses beginning Ja n u a ry the Eugene churches, w hereby the S a tu rd a y n ig h t, and th a t Dr. C har- P o rtla n d . A b ro th e r was killed in coa8tin g last night. ; rito ry to th is city bringing in stock Skilled help is scarce, and fac- citizens of Eugene are given the best les S. Price, th e evangelist was th e (he Celilo wreck a year ago. j j i 8 condition is serious from a wool and o th er products to th is city diary, 19 were caused by lightning, 2. and h u n te rs "and ? 5 to ry m anagers may aid th e ir own possible tale n t. Several noted sing- 11 by cam pers fractu red skull and in te rn a l in- w hereas they now go to Bend. guest of his fra te rn ity . Sigma P hi by careless sm okers. Of th e rem ain- business by finding su itable raw erg have been b ro u g h t to Eugene by Epsilon, for th re e days. D uring the H au lin g O ut Airi>lauc— juries. I der, one was caused by b lastin g and m aterial fo r tra in in g to do the the school of m usic, independent of D ouglas C ochran, 8. redelved a A nnounces B aby’s B irth — C h ristin as recess M acCracken will be A tru c k b earin g th e wings of an jail lyceum num bers. In addition to em ployed by th e sho? dep artm en t of a irp la n e passed n o rth w ard th ro u g h broken leg e a rlie r in th e evening, W ord has been received by Mrs. tw o orig in ated from unknow n cause, skilled w’ork. i bis jo u rn a listic career, Anderson is The cost to th e forest service of th e E n d ers’ store. Ih e city today. The wings were from when his sled crashed into an auto- M ary E. Raw ley, of Lincoln stre e t. p rom inent in m usical circles, having --------------------------— th e plane which landed ab o u t two m obile. j of th e b irth of a fine 8 % pound boy suppressing these fires was $7.046.18 R etu rn iTom llilL — Mr. and Mrs. Ross H arding, who been a m em ber and m anager ot the m onths ago in th e Lowe p a stu re east These accidents brin g the to tal to a t th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan and th e dam age to tim b er inside the Move Reported— ranch n ear o rch e stra for several years. Miss The have orking The G ilm ore fam ily have moved of the city, and which has been th e re 12 in S eattle from coasting d u rin g Rawley a t 10:45 p. m ., D ecem ber 12. national forest was $1,057.31. The h a \e been een w wor ing on on a < Hicks of th e A shland library, has to th e E. R. Jones house on L iberty since th a t tim e. O th er p a rts of the the snow fall of th e p ast ten days. M other and son are reported to be dam age to tim b er outside is unesti- H ilt, for several m onths lave re 1C num ber on her desk. into ■ turned to Belleview for the winter, tne uecem uei uuui««» »» m ated. doing nicely. niaihiiie w ere tak e n o u t yesterday. Two boys have been killed. stre e t. DEATH CALLS HEER OF CIVIC CLUB SET J E Iflfll ri/nnOITinM IP I I M / / f LAI Arj!\t ■ I • I i\! UUl lUll tV .1 MOUNTS SCAFFOLD HUGE TIMBER DEAL s