Thursday-, December 14, 1922 ASHLAND DAILY TDMHG» PAGE FOUR W ÎK S X G l a s i ' .TIME TODÀŸ THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL 44 The Old Homestead” ----- witb- Theodore Roberts and an All-Star Cast ----- Also----- TOPICS OF THE DAY and AESOP’S FABLES Admission 10 and 50c First Show 7:15: 2nd Show 9:15 TOMORROW AND SATURDAY ADOLPH ZU»V>P _ P a e S E N T S —* B e tty (pm pson "ihvBoNDED W oman ' 10 and 35c See Us f o r - Gifts that Please Men Must Get Ccnfiaence. Riley Pleases Medford-— Lecture at Baptist Church— F ra n k B ranch Riley, who d e liv e re d 1 Miss D orothy Nichols, of Chicago, his fam ous lectu re on th e g reat! will lectu re tonight. B aptist church, no rth w est here d u rin g th e W in ter, 7 :45, on “ My L ife in th e Convent and F a ir, was a special guest a t a m eet- My Conversion to P ro te sta n tism .” ing of the M edford forum and the 87-1* C raters W ednesday. He was m ade an honorary m em ber of th e la tte r “Nick” Carter Returns— organization. A la rg e crowd heard “ N ick” ^Carter, one of the best him last n ig h t when he talk ed in! know n pianista in th e sta te , has re-, the P resb y terian church. tu rn ed to M edford from Eugene. Nick is a fo rm er U niversity of O re­ Some new d^pce h its a t Ja c k so n ’s gon stu d e n t, and a m em ber of Sigma H o t. Springs S atu rd ay night. 87-3 Chi fra te rn ity , and is w ell-know n, th ro u g h o u t so u th e rn Oregon. He G irls and boys, win a bicycle tire has a special engagem ent to playj in free guessing contest a t Fix-It w ith the O riental ballroom o rchestra Shop. Contest, ends S atu rd ay , De­ a t the M edford N atato riu m for the; cem ber 23, a t 6 p. m. given by the A m erican 8 7 tf dances Legion. W. C. T. U. M eeting— Mr?. Riley and h e r m other, Mrs. Coughs a n d Colds in W inter N orm an e n te rta in ed the W. C. T. U. Indoor sed en tary life in w in ter has a t th e ir hom e, 147 H igh stre e t, Tues-, a direct bearing on th e pievalence of day. Tt was a good m eeting w ith coughs and colds. Keep the bowels deep sp irit and earnestness. T hree; active and overcom e constipation pioneers of tem perance w ork w ere w ith Foley C a th artic T ablets. Colds, p rese n t: Mrs. R ussell, A shland’s first! coughs, croup, th ro a t, chest and relieved p resid en t; Mrs. H atch and Mrs. Nor-! bronchial tro u b le quickly w ith F oley’s Honey and T ar. Con­ m an. Mrs. L eav itt showed th e pic-; tain s no opiates— ingredients printed tu re of th e W. C. T. IT. booth a t the m idw inter fair. Several w ere p u r­ on th e w rapper. L argest selling cough “ Foley’s chased. The hostesses served dainty ; m edicine in th e w orld. refresh m e n ts a t th e close of the pro-j Honey and T ar i3 w onderful for a t­ tacks of coughs and colds,” w rites gram . W. H. Gray, Venice, C alifornia. Sold everyw here. ’ X m as F ru it Cake— Also whipped cream puffs. Hom e Bakery and R e sta u ra n t, G9 N orth M illion R eturns to A shland— A. E. M illion retu rn ed this m orn-, Main. 84tC ing from S acram ento, Calif., w here; D ick ey’s B u ild in g Garage— he has been fo r the past two weeks. F ra n k Dickey is building ai garage He rep o rts th e condition of Mrs. at his hom e in Allison s tre e t, to M illions to be very m uch im proved. house th e new F o rd sedan rec e n tly purchased by Mrs. Dickey. A lot of good second-hand fu rn i­ tu re a t Icenhow er’s new and second Save by buying doll clothes a t hand store. Come and see it. 389 the N eedlecraft Shop. 80tf E ast Main. P hone 171. 87-2 All th e cleverest hocus-pocus of the •‘born saL o iu an ” and all the system atic strateg y of the book-tru' ed ,'Sv.».ntia< salesm an” fall if th e custom er’s conti d en te ts^not aro used.—'P . K. March* " T 0 -N I G H 1 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE OR TRADE— O verland car. See C. L. Loomis. 87-3 ------------------------------------------------------ ■ FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN— Six' room house, wood shed and chick­ en house, lot 50 by 150 feet. A d-' dress A. D., care Tidings. 87-4*; FOR RENT— Bed room w ith outside door, suitable for two gentlem en.: In q u ire 376 B St. 87-3*, WANTED— Old in grain carpets. W ill pay highest price profitable. The M edford ru g m an will b e in A shland F rid ay of .this week. Phone 175. 87-1 FOR SALE— Fine Ith o d e Island Red rooster. Price $2. 27 6 Alm ond _ St. 87-2* r 7:45 Baptist Church COME AND HEAR Miss Dorothy Nichols of Chicago, speaks on the theme “ MY LIFE IN THE CONVENT AND MY CONVERSION TO PROTESTANTISM” LOST— Pencil p a rt of E v ersh arp pen­ cil, solid gold. F in d e r phone 439- J. W anda B atem an. 87-2 FOR SALE— F re sh m ilk goat y e a rs ), four q u a rts, second ding last July, two q u a rts long lactatio n period. $50. q uire Chas. D rue, 50 T hird Get Your (tw o kid­ now, In ­ St. 87-1 LOST— Saddle colored, sheepskin bag (re in fo rc e d ), lost en route th ro u g h M edford on Main St., to highw ay to A shland. C ontents of but little value to others, in clu d ­ ing poems and rem iniscences of m any years as a m iner and pros­ pector in Colorado. F in d e r will be liberally com pensated. Address David F. Jackson, 215 N utley St., A shland, Ore. P. O. Box 63 87-3* Christmas Furs at Bartlett’s Fur Store Largest Stock in Oregon Outside of Portland F. W. BARTLETT 115 W. Main, Medford A ssortm ent Is Complete g CHENEY- V i • ( JOHNSON’S JEWELRY STORE Not Many Men Have Too Many- stock of Silverw are is com plete w ith seven new p a tte rn s in the old, w ell-known m akes. Lowest prices, b u t th e highest grade goods. Ask to see our new “H elen” p a tte rn . The sto re p ro m in en t for its capacity in m eeting dem ands for C hristm as, W edding, B irthday and Anniversary Gifts. Ties W e m eet all com petition, and then save you e x tra m oney, in any article you m ay w ant, and all o u r m erchandise is sta n d a rd and tra d e m arked goods. W e have som e real b argains in D iam onds— some we can recom ­ m end as a real good investm ent. D on't overlook our new stock of C ut Glass. Som e of the “ N if­ tiest” styles im aginable. O ur An endless supply of fine w rist w atches from $7.50 to $90.00. NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE O.H. JOHNSON J e w e le r I t a ly L e a d s in V io lin s . Photos m ade now delivered for X m as. Studio A shland. 84tf T he best violin strin g s have alw ays 1 come from Italy. W hy th is should be is som ething of a m ystery, but in the m aking of strings, as in th e m aking of violins, Italy has »lw ays led the world. B etter clothes fo r LESS a t Paul se ru d ’8. 84tf! C hristm as candy special a t the Va­ riety store. Buy it now. 86tf E udeuvorers P la n Social— T he C h ristian E ndeavor society will hold a m usical social a t the P resbyterian church F riday evening, a t 7 :3 0 o’clock. T here will be a m usical program followed by m usi­ cal gam es. E veryone has been re ­ quested to dress to rep resen t some p opular song. T he public is invited to a tte n d th e a ffa ir. T he crowd will be a t Jack so n ’s dance S atu rd ay night. W ill you be there? 87-3 Real Estate and Real Insurance E stablished 1885 41 E. Main St. Phone 211 ANNOUNCEMENT! A National Discount Coupon Given with Each Ten Cent Purchase Until Christmas Redeemed for Merchandise of all kinds by National Certificate Association. A Full Line of Christmas Presents for "Father, B rother, Husband or Son. A large discount in all lines. For Men «Z p O R TIN C C O O D Z1 For Boys Air Rifles, Pocket Knives, Footballs, Harmonicas, Watches, Basketball Shoes, A sh land O ffers to A ssist— G. A. Briscoe, su p erin ten d en t of schools, has notified M edford th a t A shland is backing th a t school for th e com ing New Y ear’s football game betw een M edford and Scott high, of Toledo, Ohio. An offer was m ade to lend W alter H ughes coach, if th e need arises. “ Shy” H u n tin g to n , Uni­ versity of O regon football m entor, accom panied by his wife, have a r ­ rived in M edford. Billings Agency ASHLAND Hampshire Breeders Organize— O rganization of the S o uthern Ore-! gon H am pshire Swine B reeders a s­ sociation w ith a m em bership of 35 has been com pleted a t G ran ts Pass, breeders of th is variety of sw ine in 1 Jackson and Jo sep h in e counties be­ ing present. It was the opinion of C. C. C ate. Jack so n county agent, th a t 2000 m ore hogs could p ro fn - ably be raised in the two counties. O fficers elected w ere W. B. Lind­ sey, M erlin p resid e n t; H. M. H ar-; te r, M urphy, secretary - tre a s u re r; and th e follow ing d ire c to rs: C. C. H u n t. Josephine C ounty; J. E. Mc­ Donald. Bruce F lem ing and J. V. G alliger, all of Jack so n county. The ap p allin g news of A sto ria’s recent fire loss is still fresh in th e m inds of the people of the N orthw est. This is probably the larg e st co n flagration in th e history of Oregon, and yet A storia is only a m oderate sized city. W ith a predom inance of shingle roofs, not infrequent high winds and a w ater supply from a single source, the conflagration hazard exists in A shland ju st as it has been shown to have existed in A storia. O ur fire d ep artm en t is well-equipped to lig h t a single fire— b u t how could they handle th e situ a tio n when the one fire was s ta rtin g new fires every m inute? Insurance is on th e job a t A storia to pay its lo sses in full. RUT THE E E L W W WHO WAS NOT INSURED HOES \O T GET A CENT. The only safe way to protect your property against loss by fire is to c arry ad eq u ate insurance in strong, w ell-m anaged com ­ panies. A few do llars today may save you several thousand to­ night. Call us today. 1 am the only merchant in town in my line giv­ ing National Coupons. National Coupons ex-- elianged for any other coupons. You can exchange a mixed buneli of coupons for all of one kind. EXáOt Rifles, Revolvers, Fishing Rods and Reels, Binocu­ lars, Sport Boots, Leather Vests, Automobile Coats, Purses and Bill Folds, Hunting Clothes, Marbles Axes, Knives, Cleaning Rods and Water - proof Match Boxes, Outing Suits Elkhorn Gun Store R. MIDDLETON ! IN SHOOK BUILDING 372 East Main St. « I Each customer who brings a new customer or sends one to buy goods at my store will receive Free a coupon valued at 100 National Certifi­ cates. Yours for Service and Lowest Prices.