fiSKLÂITD D A tL l TTOIÏÎQS T hursday, D ecem ber 14, 1922 egmaBsAnsfiaasssenfeaas! Engineers' Fees Due— PAGS THREfl ■ Ú ^ j O l . í L . -5 5 - Cat This Out— It Is Worth Money Cut out th is slip, enclose w ith 5c MEAN MUCH TO HISTORIANS The renew al fee of S3 to practice professional engineering in th e s ta te j and m ail it to Foley & Co.. 28 3 5 , Decipherjnfl of Ancient Manuscripta of O regon for the calen d ar year 1923,! Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., w riting Cue cent the w ord each ihn«. Expected to Throw Light on Civili­ is due a n d p a y a b le 'a t the office o f ij’ou r nam e and address clearly. You ( zation of Past Age. L'.TERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. PUYtaCI/LRte. the secretary , 519 C orbett building, j will receive in re tu rn a tria l pack- Thousands of age-vellowed docu- P o rtla n d , Oregon, on o r before De-i age co n tain in g Foley’s Honey and DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practlc (E ffective January 1, 1922) Daily (Except Sunday) lim ited to eye, ear, nose an* Ajll reg istered ' T ar Com pound for coughs, colds and nients, recently added to the collection cem ber 31, 1922 th ro a t. Office hours, 10 to 12 an LV. MEDI ORD LV. ASHLAND e this navm ent ! croup; Foley K idney P ills for pains of Bancroft library. University of Cali- , p ¡„ oidoo KnnV- ,.boi,„ in t am ' fonda, may reveal past civilizations in 7:00 a. m. 2 to F. 8< ed « n b u rg Eldg., Aar 7:00 a. m. engineers should m ake sides and back; rh eu m atism , Ì n . ... land. Ore 73-t 8:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. th ls m onth, as th e lay im poses a in . . , , ., . ., ¡Mexico and the Southwest hitherto backache, kidney and b .ad d er a « - unknown to historians. 9:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. penalty of 10 per cent a m onth a fte r O il. J. J. E.MMENS-—Phyalc'&n an 10:00 a. in. 10:00 a. m. th e 31st of December. m ents; and Foley C ath artic .a b le ts, ; News of the impending discoveries Suigeon. P ra ctice lim ited t* 11:00 a. in. 11:00 a. m. a wholesom e and thoroughly cleans- was learned coincident with the re- eye, ear, nose and th ro a t. Glasse 12:00 noon 12:00 noon supplied. O culist and a u tis t to F r u it cake and m ince m eat tim e i3 ing c a th a rtic for constipation, b il-itu rn of Prof. H erbert E. Bolton, diree- 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m s, and sluggish tor of tlie library and noted American S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and R 2:00 p. m. 2 :0 0 p. m. ' here. F o r citron, orange and lemon liousness, headaches, Bldg., M edford, Ore. Phono 16 r ’w here. I historian, from a three weeks’ tour of bowels. Sold ever 3:00 p. m. 3 :0 0 p. m. peel, raisin s, c u rra n ts , figs, spices, regions inhabited by the cliff dwellers. 4:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. DR. MATTIE Li. SHAW— R esidence su g ar, etc.. D etrick ’s G roceteria sells The trip was one of many made 5 :0 0 p. ta. 5:00 p. m. and office, 1C8 P ioneer avenue. for less. 48t( Moves to K lam ath — during the last few years by Professor 6:00 p. rn. 6:00 p. m. Telephone 2S. Office house, 10 W illiam A m sler, wlio has been ! Bolton for the purpose of procuring 7 :0 0 p. m. 7:00 p. m. to 12 a. m. to 5 p. in., only. 8:30 p. m. 8:30 p. m. Sat. only em ployed for some tim e past in the . additional data before commencing the If you w ant the best th e re Is in 9 :3 0 p. m. N ininger & W arn er b illiard ball left ¡task of deciphering the manuscripts, I)K. II. M. SHAW — Physician and 9:30 p. m. Surgeon. Special a tte n tio n Eyes,; 16:30 p. m. Sat. only 10:30 p. m. bacon, boiled ham «, chipped beef, Tuesday with his wife for K la m a th 1 which, dealing with broken periods of lard and sh o rten in g , get it a t D et­ E ars, Nose, T h ro at. G lasses fit-1 Sunday Schedule 4 8tf Falls, w here he has secured a posi Spanish-American, Aztec and tlie cliff ted. Room 6. M'lls-McCall Block Leave M edford for A shland and ric k ’s. W e sell for less. dwellers' history, are expected to shed tion w ith th e W aldorf pool room. Phone 79 or 28. ¡A shland for M edford every h o u r onj _____ much light on the most advanced ------------------------------- -----------------------th e h our from 9 a. m. to 5 p. American civilizations. DR. G. C. P H E T T E P L A C E — D entis’ then 6:30 p. m. and 9:30 p. in. ¡O p e re tta Is P ostponed— O rres cleans clothes. P hone 64. Romance of the variety depicted by — successor to W. E. Buchanan. A shland w aiting room — E a st S id e : The o p e re tta to be given bv m em - Stevenson in his “T reasure Island” Special a tte n tio n given to stra ig h t- P h a rn iacy. Lbers of A shland high school has been Com plete sets for dolls a t Needle- and other novelists clings to Professor ening and care of c h ild ren ’s teeth ASHIAND-ROSEBURG STAGE I . _ I postponed. The d a te set for the Office hours, 9 to 12 and 1:30 to c ra ft Shop— Coats, su its, caps, etc , Bolton, who, in his wanderings, lias Daily (Except Sunday) 5. Office phone 151. R esidence LV. ASHLAND gOif visited Old Mexico, Arizona, Spain and LV. ROSEBURG production has been changed from reasonably priced. phone 201-J. Cam ps Building, D ecem ber 21 u n til J a n u a ry 26. the southwestern states for tlie last 1:00 p. m.! A shland, Oregon. 45tf 1:00 p. m. 15 years, constantly adding to the T ravel by stag e; sh o rte st ro u te by Dies in Spokane— library collection. 20 m iles; oue of O regon’s most CHIROPRACTORS- New shipm ent of su its and o’coats W ord h as been received in this By pack mule tram ping through the ---------------------------------------- -------------- | scenic trip s . F a re — Ashland-Rose- ju st in. W ill be glad to show them . city of the d e a th of Mrs. B. C. T abor stretches of the Mohave desert, on DR. E. B. ANGELL— C hiropractic bu $4.60; Medford - Roseburg. P a u lse ru d ’s. 84tf a t h er hom e in Spokane a few’ days horseback through parts of Mexico and E lectro-T herapy. The combi _ __ nation does w onders. F irst N at’l * 1 1 5 : G ,an t1 P ass-R oseburg, >3.00. ago. Mrs. T a b o r’s death was caused and often obliged to swing himself to a t M i v EDFORD-GRANTS i i i . 'i i n n . n » a y t u p PASS a qu B ank Bldg. Phone 48-142. Always see me firs t ab o u t your by h e a rt failu re and was unexpected the recesses in cliffs by ropes during Daily (E xcept Sunday) H ouse Calls insu ran ce; th e re ’s a difference: why? as she had been in. h e r usual health liis explorations, Professor Bolton bus LV. G’T ’S P( I,V. M EDFORD incessantly searched for data throwing 84tf 7 :3 0 a m. Ask me. Yeo, of course. 10:00 a. m. CON VA LES< ENT H OM E for som e tim e. The T ab o r’s own light on bis life study. 1:00 p. nt. 2:00 p. in. property a t 459 M orton s tre e t in The library, valved at more than CONVALESCENT HOME — Good 5:'00 p. m 5:00 p. Called H ere by Illness— ; $2,000,090, is today one of the most th is city. cheer. Good care. Good Sunday Only Mr. and Mrs. C arl Sm ith, of D uns­ Term s reasonable. 1 , complete in existence dealing with the 10:00 a 10:00 a. m. 306-lm o 4:30 p. ni. m uir, Calif., and Miss T helm a H eer, St. P hone 411-R. 4:30 p, S k atin g w ith m usic. Dickey’s Or- old conquistudores and Indian clviliza- who has been tak in g a course of « h e s tr a .. N atatoriuni. . Fi nlay n ight, tlon as seen by the Spanish explorers. G ran ts Pass w aiting room — ’ VETERINARY Bonbonniere, phone 160. n u rsin g in P o rtla n d , a re in the city D ecem lier 15th. 841-2* ' More than 80,000 of the documents Office an.l w aiting room — No. have never been read because tlieir DR. J P- CHISHOLM — G raduate called here by th e illness of Leslie quaint chlrography and In many cases V eterinary. W alker Ave H eer. J u s t received a block of new dates. blurred writing defies the skill of ail Plaza M arket. 85tf ~ TR A N SFER AND EX PR ESS. but the most expert. Ask your grocer for Golden Sheaf B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S I O N A L - WOUNDED HAWK FLEW FAR With Spear in Its Be(jy, Bird Had Traveled Distance of Two Tnousand Miles. As a hawk was swooping on the poultry yard of a farm er on the Vaal river, Africa, the farm er shot and killed it. Then be found embedded In its body what appeared to be an arrow, two feet six Inches in length, that apparently had been carried by the bird for a considerable period. As the arrow was of a peculiar j kind unknown in the Transvaal. in- qulrles were made and a description given, and It was found that the a r­ row was made by a native tribe, the Aknmbas of Kenyaland, 2.000 miles away from the place where the hawk was killed. Further Inquiries showed that the i transfixing of the hawk by a small ; spear, by an Akamha native, was well remembered. The hawk bad caused much lots in a chicken run, and was speared by a concealed native, but 1 was rescued and carried off by its mate, and evidently recovered from the wound though It could not rid it­ self of the spear. Walrus Brand j i j ' ' ! ; A i/fc r y v o o /j en a t once. L. A. Moss, 954 Boul- the cup which it now reta in s pernin- e v a n l, or phone 256-R. 86-36 n e n tlj. FO R SA1.E OR TR A D E— Two fresh cows. Phone A. B Chapm an. 84-m on-thu Want Ads Attract Good Help AV. A. SHELL B A R B E R Safety blades resharpened like new. Single bit, 30r doz. Dobule bit, 60c dor Children’s Work A Specialty The social circle of the C hristian church will give a b azaar and cooked food sale a t E nders Store S aturday, D ecem ber 16. Sale s ta rts a t 10 a. m. S6-3 An In v estm en t Snap— A uto for sale, good as new O ver­ land sedan, run 5000 m iles, less than h alf cost, term s. Staples R ealty Agency. S4tf K lam ath Has B e tte r P ro tectio n — Since the in sta lla tio n of new w a­ te r m ains and th e fire alarm system , K lam ath F alls has been declared 100 per cent m ore projected from fires than before th e < im provem ents. A m ate ria l reduction from th e present insurance ra te is expected. A total of 18.600 feet of new m ains were laid and 37 fire h y d ran ts installed. CaLVIUET C rescent ■fljHBakint oth er w aterproof cloth in g. Positively dots N O T contain Alum. The Enders Co. Millions of Silkworms. In northern Italy huge plantations of mulberry trees are grown for the ex­ press purpose of supplying the well-to- do with silk. The silkworm is as greedy as he is industrious, and be cannot do his duty except upon an i ample diet of tender, juicy mulberry 1 leaves. The silkworm Is the caterpillar batched from the eggs of the silk moth. Tlie tiny spinner of fine fabric Is reared in millions In many a darkened Italian attic and loft. For days be does nothing but digest mulberry green, and at last, when he has bad his fill, he climbs up into a twig and begins to weave around himself a comfortable bed of silk. This takes him several days, and by the time Ids task is fin­ ished he has completely hidden himself iu a beautiful egg-shaped cocoon. Every Piedmontese cottage offers houseroom to tlie silkworm, says the Detroit News. M anufacturers offer good prices for cocoons, and they generally want more of them than they can get. Each peas­ ant can supply thousands of the won­ derful silken balls which have to be carefully unwound on to skeins, cleansed and passed through delicate combing machinery, until the egg of a moth and tlie leaf of tlie fruit tree are ready to be made up into articles of wear. Perhaps It Cured Her, elothirg Crescent Manufacturing Company Seattle, Washington C oats, pants, aprons and all MONTANA ROYAL MIXED FEED Straight Car Just Received 16 per cent protein—$40.00 ton Unsurpassed for Dairy and Poultry Ashland Fruit Association Wc Like to Believe T hat W as Different. They were having a prize tight in a M ortgage for sale, am ple property building at Coney Island, and a wom­ security, also responsible personal an was hanging around tlie door. When guaran tee. A m ount $5000, will sell she was asked what she wanted she a t price to yield 9 per cent. Confi­ answ ered: " It’s my Mike who is one of tlie den tial business. Staples R ealty fighters. Will you tell me liow the Agency. 84tf light is going?” "Yes, I will,” was the reply. “Your E a t b e tte r tam ales a t Rose Bros. Mike has knocked the fellow down 74tf nine times.” “Glory, glory be!” shouted tlie R e tu rn s to G ia n ts P ass— woman. Dr. F lan ag an , G rants Pass physic­ "But, you see,-’ said her informant, ian, who was confined to th e Com­ "the other man has knocked your Mike m unity hospital for some tim e, has down ten times and was going to make retu rn ed to his hom e in G rants Pass. It eleven just as I came out.” “Oh, th at’s It,” said the disappoint­ F o r a w hile it was believed he would ed woman. "Then I had better go not recover from his in ju ry , received home and get my club ready for Mike, while driving an autom obile. for I told him lie would get Ills head cracked if lie didn’t win this fight.” 1 Ask your grocer for Golden Sheaf ; Bread. 52tf Them Was the Days. “Sorry, but I can t insure you— Make your clothes a X m as p res­ you're too tall,” said the agent to 1 ent of a cleaning and pressing. L a ­ the man who wanted to tuke out un dies work a specialty. A shland accident policy. "Too tall? W hat's the m utter with C leaning and Dyeing W orks. Phone that?” protested tlie applicant. "And 84tf 63. A uto delivery. anyway I’m not as tall as my father was, and lie had no trouble getting in­ J a ile r is Overpower e