9 AâttLASÎi tiÂthî FAGB TWO Thui-scíay, Decem ber 14, 1 9 2 2 ÎTD LW 8 áü ÈHB Ashland Tidings Ankle Skirts Jam Traffic; Life Exposed, if Not Limb EaUbllBbed 187 8 Publlahed Every Evening Except Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. OFFICIAI. CITY AND COUNTY PA PE R TELEPHONE 39 C. K. LOGAN, E ditor E n te re d a t the A shland, Oregon Posteffice as Second-class M&il Mat- j ter. Subscription P rice D elivered in City: One month ....................................$ Three m o u t h s ............................... Six months .................................... One year .................................... Mail and R u ra l R outes One month .................................... 5 Three m o n t h s ............................... Six months .................................... One year ...................................... ADVERTISING KATES 3-^° ^.BC 1-95 3 ,r’° Total, á®Y¿ÉÉRT-MOSES E v ery th in g has two sides b u t <$> th e tru th . --------- s> The only Jh in g th a t prevents <§> dishonesty from paying is he- «> ing caught. ---------- »> A n e a t housew ife is one who constantly keeps th e house <$>! ♦I Road D ist, No. 3 Wm. P erry , payroll Dist. No. 3 ............................................. $813.49 R oad Dist. No. 4 W. M. T etherow , payroll Dist. No- 4 ......................................$171.73 <$> <•> <;i I 3>l Rond D ist. No. 5 Bulg ng Brow no Criterion of Intellectuality Electric Brain Waves “ Jazz Up” Dullards IY iim T i I is being raised for a tw o-year period. 1,1 tb e stru g g le to com pete, will provide $150,000 a year. The bulk of th is am o u n t will be expended Y et, on C hristm as m orning, in a d v e rtisin g the o p p o rtu n itie s Ore- W hen we hear the c h ild ren ’s cries, gon has to offer the w orld. T his; R aiding little stockings item in itself is a sizable one. Al- J * ra p tu re s of su rp rise : though it does not equal th e am ount " hen we open Parccls expended an n ually by o th er sta te s. T h at loving hands have w rapped, it m ark s a long step -in th e rig h t di-i Seems like springs of kindness rection. H eretofore th e s ta te has I» our h e a rts are tapped, expended nothing. ! Seoms o u r N o u g h ts grow gentler, A nother fund for th e ad v e rtisin g More ten d e r is the sm ile! of the no rth w est s ta te s will be m ade Ves, on C hristm as m orning, available d u ring 1923 for a th ree- C hristm as seem s w orth while. , . m. , „• ♦ „ „o n ;,,,, — Zeila Bissell C hatfield in F arm year period. This re fe rs to a m illion d o llar a p p ro p riatio n m ade by the Life. B urlington, G reat N o rth ern and M an and the Flow er«, N o rth ern Pacific railro ad s, to be de-j The fragm cce of plants is not foi voted to exploiting th e scenic and m an's pleasure; Il Is a menus of nt in d u stria l resources of th e n o rth ­ .ranting insects to fertilize Ihetn. Tl.t w est, th ro u g h a d v ertisin g in niaga-i objec! of many present-day florists is zines of natio n al circulation. As m i improve a flower in its coloring sum ing th a t Oregon will benefit size and substance-—in short to “palm Ute lily.’’ They cannot improve the from th is exp en d itu re on an equal: fragrance, which is peilie’-s the reason basis w ith o th e r no rth w est states, they seem ' > cure so little for its <':s an ad d itio n al $200,000 will be added tippearunce under then t.undiing.—Lx to O regon’s adv ertisin g budget. ■Lange. A nother im p o rtan t developm ent along th is line is th e grow ing num ­ b e r of Oregon in d u strie s th a t are adv ertisin g nationally. Each of these individual a d v ertisin g cam paigns c arry the m essage of Oregon th ro u g h out th e nation. T he building up o f ; stro n g co-operative m ark etin g organ izations, capable of adv ertisin g n a - ( tionallv, will add to th e to tal. O regon is learn in g the necessity of ad v ertisin g . A lthough im m ediate re ­ su lts cannot be expected, th e records! of o th er s ta te s show th a t u ltim a te ' re tu rn s m ay be practically u n lim ite d .1 $735.39 Road Dist. No. 2 Win. B ruin, payroll Dist. No. 2 $1055.30 '$> m ussed up cleaning it. <$> .» ---------- # Display A dvertising < •> It takes a ce rtain am o u n t of <§> iln g ie in sertio n , each in c h ............ 30c ?• ignorance to m ake you begin to <•> YEARLY CONTRACTS Display A dvertising see w hat the real tru th is. ♦ One tim e a w e e k ............................... 27 %c <» ---------- ♦ Two tim es a w eek............................... 25 c «> The m an who invented money Cvery other d a y ..................................20 c '•> has caused as m uch woe in the ♦ L ocal R eaders Each line, each tim e ......................10c w orld as the m an who invented <$> To ru n every o th e r (Jay for one ♦ ■$> war. m onth, each line, each t i m e .. 7c ♦ ---------- To ruxTevery issue for one m onth W hile it is often essential io T 6? ok m ore, each line, each tim e . . C lassified Column get o th ers to say “ Yes,” it is T One cent th e w ord each tim e. ■s> ju s t as often essejitial for yon • To ru n every issue for one m onth Q T R E E T car men of Philadelphia persons in the rear of one of these <§■ to say “ No.” or m ore, th e w ord each tim e. . look with disfavor on the new-fangled street-cleaning frocks 3> F irst tim e, per 8-pt.'nt lin e ..........10c <$> HEZ HECK SAYS: ease of style extrem ists, have re ­ ers which now seems to be in­ Each subsequent tim e, per 8- “ F e r every one th in g <8> placed th eir exceedingly abbrevi­ evitable. There is a ripping and point l i n e .......... ........................ a tearing, and the worst has hap­ th a t goes into a w om an’s <$> ated equivalents of yester-year. Card of t h a n k s .............................$1.00 pened, if not more. ♦- e ar two come out o ’ her T “ Some of these women are im ­ O bituaries, th e line ..................... “Personally I can’t see why all perilling th eir own lives,” said a T m o u th .” T Fraternal Orders and S ocieties the women can’t get as sensible in < onductor the other day, “ w here­ A dvertising for fra te rn a l orders <3> 0* as form erly they only im perilled regard to their clothes as most of o r societies c h arg iu g a reg u la r initi th e-liv e s of the men. It is tru e them seem to be getting. From atlo n fee and dues, no discount. Re AND SO IT GOES th a t the knee-length sk irts made the standpoint of the street car llgloua and benevolent orders will bt traffic accidents among the males conductor there is nothing like a Two brakeinen sentenced to the charged th e re g u la r ra te for all ad appalling. They stopped short in medium-length skirt. These same v ertistng w hen an adm ission or othei p e n ite n tia ry a t Salem for term s of Lie m idst of crowded streets, medium-length skirts do not give charge Is m ade. 11 years each fo r holding up ho­ t ; eir eyes on some object of high the masculine pedestrians pause in boes on a freight tra in going over R iia t C on stitu tes A d vertisin g visibility, w ithout regard to the the middle of the car tracks, and In o rd er to allay a m isu n d erstan d - th e Siskiyous, have been released to ssin g of tru ck drivers, the they do allow their wearers to lug am ong some as to w hat consti ¡ a fte r serving 18 m onths of the sen- clanging of car gongs, the shrill board and unboard common car- tutea news and w hat a d v e rtis in g ,; tence, 114 m onths off for good be­ wiustles of cops, and the general riers without endangering their wo p rin t this very sim ple rule, which c cos of traffic. Now they m eet lives and those of their immediate havior. A M edford m en, sentenced ia u sed by new spapers to d iffe re n ti­ no such tem ptations. They pro- followers. And if the question of ate betw een th em : “ ALL fu tu re to a term of th re e years for forgery i t cd alertly on their way, in com- appearance and general value to events, w here an adm ission charge of a deed, ad m itted to th e in stitu tio n five safety. But the women!; the community were put up to me. is m ade or a collection is tak e n IS seven m onths ago, has also been Accidents to them are bound I’d vote for ’em strong, petticoats A D VERTISIN G.” T his applies to .!crease. A crowd tries to get and all. I like my women lady­ given a pardon. T hree years ago o rganizations and societies of every d a s tre e t car all a t once, as like.” a n o th e r m an was received into the kind as well as to individuals. .¡..(is invariably will, and eight Ding! Dingl All rep o rts of such activities a fter th e s ta te prison, b rin g in g w ith him they have occurred is news. a 10 year sentence for stealin g an All com ing social or organization m eetings of societies w here no autom obile. He also has been pa­ m oney co n trib u tio n is solicited, in iti­ roled. ation charged, or collecton tak e n IS And so it goes. The v iolator of NEWS. th e law does not fear its fnachinerv, j ...i hen h i. e „ i_____ ...in , ■ w know s i.„ he w ill only i J W e ■1 f*)ni Ji I ?, rtn. i : HI II i * illAy forced to serve a m ere portion of his BIBLE THOUGHT LONDON, Dec. 14.— T he “ d u n c e 'tr ie c u rre n ts in stim u la tin g m ental i sentence, providing he is caught. In cap” of the fu tu re m ay become t h e ' endeavor. He expressed th e belief 1 com m itting the deed, he stan d s the — FOR TODAY— symbol of intellectu al advancem ent th a t galvanism applied to c e rtain re ­ Bible Thoughts memorized, will prove a j chance of being undetected and to priceless heritage in after years. ; rem ain at liberty. U ntil prison sen- ra th e r th a n th e crown of educational gions of th e head has the effect of im proving m ental power. E xperi­ ; tences a re served, the law violator opprobrium . THURSDAY, DECEM BER 14 By th e sim ple process of e le c trifi­ m ents he had conducted, Dr. H ollan­ has little to fear from the law and GOD LOVES TH E GOOD: — cation, th e h eadgear th a t once was der said, resulted" in backw ard or has little respect for it. T ruly God is good to Israel, even an indication of stu p id ity or m ental indolent stu d e n ts succeeding in ex­ to such as a re of a clean h eart. Those who believe the sta te in sti­ indolence m ay be tra n sfo rm ed into am inations in which they previously Psalm 73: 1. had failed. tu tio n a t C orvallis refe rre d to by an intellectu al accelerator. m any people as th e “ Cow C ollege,” ! 11 is th e be,ief o£ Dr. B enrard D iscussing the su b ject of p h re n ­ ADVERTISING OREGON to be such, m ay be su rp rised to learn H ollander, em inent specialist, th a t ology Dr. H ollander a sse rte d th a t W hile in th e city on a recent lec­ the brain s of backw ard stu d e n ts may leading a n a t\m is ts have ac k n o w l­ tu re to u r, F ra n k B ranch Riley, one th a t th e debate team from O. A. C. be effectively “ jazzed up” by the edged th a t “ th e skull is m oulded up­ of the g re a te st publicity men a n y ! , recently won a 2 to 1 decision over application of electric cur- on the brain and grows w ith it.” The s u c tio n o f th e couutrv has ever had the d e b a te rs from th e U niversity of. Proper section of th e c o u n trj nas ever n a a ,, _ _ C orvallls 8tu. | ren ts. “ B rain w aves” tu rn e d loose size and shape of the head, he con­ told of th e plans of the Oregon sta te Oregon. All in a schoolroom , Dr. H ollander be­ tended, conform for a ll practical c h am b er of com m erce in developing d en ts a re not ta n n e rs . lieves, will stim u la te the m ental purposes to the size and shape of the O regon in p a rtic u la r and th e e n tire 1 recess of tlie d u lla rd s th a t they brain. Size of th e head, how ever, is ON CHRISTMAS MORNING n o rth w est te rrito ry in general. will soon be m oving tow ard the head not necessarily a m easure of the in­ The year 1923 will m ark th e be­ of the class instead of lagging along tellect, according to Dr. H ollander. ginning of a new developm ent fo riD h , C hristm as is a nuisance, a t th e foot. “ Even a capacious fo reh ead ,” he O regon. The s ta te will be a d v e r - ! ^ e som etim es think and say In a recen t address before th e said, “ does not signify su p erio r in ­ Used n atio n ally on a par w ith o th er Such a lot ot w 0lk an<1 worry congress of the B ritish P hrenological tellectual a tta in m e n ts, for it m ay be w estern s ta te s for th e first tim e in -,U£- fo r one short day! society, Dr. H ollander described ex- m erely an em pty w arehouse which its history H ard -earn ed m oney sq uandered, p erim ents which lie declared had had never been stocked w ith knowl- The state-w ide developm ent pro- W eary heads and feet— d em o n strated the efficiency of e le c -1 edge. gram , fo r which a fund of $300,000 I Useless giving, senseless striving Let us renovate y our su it now and ivoid th e holiday rush. P a u lse ru d ’s. ROAD FUND Road Dist. No. 1 Jack T rue, payroll m ark et No. 1 ............................................. $632.75 H arrison Bros., expense Dist. No. 1 .............. „ ..................... 2.02 S tan d ard Oil Co., expense Dist. No. 1 ............................. 100.62 F. J. W atson, payroll Dist. No. 5 ......................................$248.20 Road D ist. No. 9 John W alch, payroll, m ark et No. 6 ......................................$773.53 John W alch, expense Dist. No. 6 ..................................... 76.00 Hugh Jones, expense, m ark e t No. G .................... . .............. 169.00 T otal, $1018.53 Rond D ist. No. 7 J. M. Allen, payroll Dist. No. 7 ......................................$ 62.60 C. F ra n k Rhodes, contract, m ark et No. 7 ......................6244.71 Bishop & Thom as, contract, m a rk e t No. 7 ..................... 88.00 Billings C ar & Auto W orks, expense, Dist. No. 7 .......... 29.00 T otal, $6424.31 Road D ist. No. K H. L. G regory, payroll Dist. No. 8 ................................’ . .$ 34.25 M edford Concrete Const. Co., expense Dist. No. 8 ............ 1.40 «■ ro ad s ...................................... 108.00 plies ...................................... 16.00 Roily R Inabarger, l^bor, gen­ The J. K. Gill Co., library eral roads ».......................... 112.50 books .................................... 14 66 M athew R ay, labor, general The K locker P rin te ry , book 11.25 roads .............. ....................... 56.00 lists, etc., for lib r a ry .......... Thos. R oseberry, labor, gener­ John B. Palm er, photos for 24.25 al roads ................... .. 174.00 fa ir ........................................ Southern Pacific Co., general road e x p e n s e ........................ 8.25 Total, $248.83 Sherw in-W illiam s Co., gener­ D og Fund al road expense ................... 36.76; H enry Schulz, sheep killed by 3.00 A rth u r Shaffer, labor, general dogs ................................... Bi.unly R eport roads ...................................... 150.00 Mike Van H outen, labor, gen­ E. H. N ie d e rm e y e r ............ . .$ 4.00 3.00 eral roads ............................. 36.00.G , W. H. A lbert . 7.00 Edw in V rom an, labor, general Ja sp e r T u n g ate . 2.00 roads ...................................... 108.00 Zera D ahack . . . . 3.00 W eeks-Conger Co., general |A usie Rock .......... 2.50 road e x p e n s e ........................ 100.00 C. E. W ilkinson . 4.00 J. H artm an , general road ex- i M. M. Mow .......... 2.00 pense ...................................... 1528.12 Dora S altm arsh . 8.00 A ssociated Oil Co., general , E. M. Case ........... 3.00 road e x p e n s e ........................ 3 7 7 .2 0 1 Jo h n Niederm eyer 4.00 Billings C ar & Auto W orks, ■ W. A. F ish er . . . . 4.00 general road expense . . . . 16.50, V erna M atthew s Clyde E quipm ent Co., general road e x p e n s e ........................ 32.00 Total, $ 46.50 C. E. Cass, general road ex­ CHAUNCEY FLOREY. pense ...................................... 45.00 County Clerk. F red J. Fick, general road ex­ Subscribe to r The T idings— now. pense ...................................... 66.32 F. E. Jen k in s, general road expense ................................. 17.25 M edford F u rn itu re & Hdwe., general road expense . . . . 12.94 M edford Sheet Metal W orks, general road expense . . . . 35.00 M edford T ent & Awning Co., 3.00 general road expense . . . . Oregon S tate H ighw ay Com., general road expense ....3 6 5 3 .3 5 R iverside G arage, general road expense . . ................. 8.25 S tandard Oil Co., general road e x p e n s e ........................ 1612.25 Southern Pacific Co., general road e x p e n s e ........................ 15.97 Union Oil Co., general road The e n tire E astm an line— variety expense ................................. 146.83 enough for every purpose and every purse— is a t your disposal T otal, $10,287.05 here, to g eth e r w ith photo album s photo calendars, pokescopes (th e County Library new pocket telescopes) — every­ E. Fay W oolsey, lib ra ria n ’s thing in photography. salary ....................................$ 66.66 A Kodak for Christmas T otal, $ 35.65 R oad Dist. No. 9 R. B. V incent, payroll Dist. No. 9 ....................................$1700.66 M edford F u rn . & Hdwe. Co., expense Dist. No. 9 ............ 143.92 E. F ay W oolsey, c u rre n t li­ S tan d ard Oil Co., expense b rary expense ..................... 15.00 Dist. No. 9 .......................... 166.83 M ildred B liton, a ssista n t li­ b ra ria n ’s salary ................. 70.00 T otal, $2011.41 M arjorie Myers, a ssista n t li­ Road D ist. No. 10 25.00 b ra ria n ’s salary ................. A. L. Goodm an, payroll Dist. A m erican L ibrary A ssociation, No. 10 ....................................$531.10 book lists for lib ra ry . . . . 6.01 A. L. Goodm an, payroll, m a r­ F o ster & K leiser, lib rary sup- k et No. 10 ........................... 183.73 Rice & Sm ith, co n tract, m ar­ ket No. 10 ...........................3958.74 Wm. Corwin, expense m ark et No. 10 .................................... 33.00 A rth u r S haffer, expense m a r­ k et No, 10 .......................... 25.68 G addis & Dixon, expense m a r­ ket No. 10 .......................... 83.73 M edford A uto Top Co., ex­ 4.30 pense Dist. No. 10 ............ T otal, $4820.28 Road D ist. No. 11 Chas. M agerle, payroll Dist. No. 11 ....................................$265.95 R oad D ist. No. 12 W. L. Van. H outen, payroll m ark et No. 12 ................... $488 50 W. L. Van H outen, payroll Dist. No. 12 ........................ 2109.28 T otal, $2597.7» i G eneral R oads Jack T h rash er, payroll gen­ e ra l roads ..............................$470.79 M arvin A bbott, labor general roads ...................................... 89.00 j B eaver P o rtla n d Cem ent Co., general road expense . . . . 5.30 J Busy C orner M otor Co., gen­ Dame Partington. e ral road expense ............ 15.44 Tlie original Dame Partington was W. J. B urhidge, labor general n respectable old lady who lived at roads ...................................... 127.50 Sidmouth, in Devonshire, Eng. Her cottage stood on the beach and dur­ E lm er B ertelson, labor, gen­ ing a severe storm in November, 1824, eral roads ................. 103.50. If food does not digest it tu rn s the sea rose to such a height ns C lianslor & Lyon, general road gradually to Invade the old lady’s into poisons which form gas. f h is expense ................................. 27,88 often presses on h e a rt and o th er o r­ residence. gans, causing a nervous, restless Wm. Corwin, labor, general Mrs. Partington with such help as Sim ple b uckthorn b ark , roads ...................................... 71.501 ! she could secure with mops and feeling. glycerine, etc., mixed in A dlerika, Isaac C offm an, labor, general brooms, as fast as the water entered rem oves foul, as decaying food-m atter the house mopped it out again until you never th o u g h t was in your sys­ roads ...................................... 35.00 at length the waves had the mastery tem , which caused gas and pressure George D ussault, labor, gen­ I uml she was compelled to retire to on h eart. A dlerika expels poisons eral ro ad s ............................. 108.00 an upper story. The first public al- : and gas from BOTH upper and lower Dave Dorn, labor, general lesion to tlie circumstances was made | bowel. EX CELLEN T to g u ard roads ...................................... 17.50 I by Sidney Smith in a speech on the ag ain st appendicitis. T. K. Bolton, Î reform hill wherein he compared the D ruggist. — 5 S. W. Davis, labor, general conservative opposition to the effort ro ad s ...................................... 117.00 i of "Dame Partington and her mop who Two lots, paved stre e t, R. R. dis­ E lectric Shop, general road endeavored to mop out the waves of tric t, ren ta b le b uilding $900, will expense ................................. 24.25 the Atlantic, earn 12 per cent net. Staples R eal­ F reem an W iley Co., general ! — ty Agency. 84tf road e x p e n s e ........................ 9.80 H a ir P u llin g T im e. N athan G resham , labor, gen­ Eight-year-old Frances had been COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS e ral roads ............................ 108.00 taught by her parents the art of keep- •ng a secret amt it irritates her to he H ubbard Bros., general road (C ontinued F rom Y esterday.) .uspected of telling anything she is expense ................................. 71.89 ssked not to tell. The other day she Young’s M achine Shop, gen er­ County A ttorney was visiting Aunt Grace, who also al road expense ................. 40.25 Raw les M oore, d istric t a tto r ­ tiad another young lady visitor. Aunt Co.. ney office expense ............ $ 50.00 K elly-Springfield Truck Grace had warned Frances not to tell general ro ad expense . . . . 108.78 tlie conversation, so she began to talk K ilham S tationery Co., dis­ M edford Concrete Const. Co., things which were secrets when the tric t a tto rn e y office ex- visitor, looking at Frances, said: “Lit­ general ro ad expense . . . 9.60 9.88 pens© tle pitchers sometimes have big cars, Raw les Moore, d istric t a tto r ­ M edford Sheet M etal W orks, my dear.” general road expense . . . . 9.60 ney’s expense ..................... 30.20 Frances looked back at her. “Yes," M edford Sheet M etal W orks, i ---------------- she agreed lucidly, “but that doesn't general road expense . . . . 23.00 T otal, $ 90.08 aurt If they don’t have spouts.” F. J. M cPherson, general Pi-ohibitt im E nforcem en t • S. B. Sandefer, prohibition road expense ..................... 7.32 Always With Us. Jack —Did you have much trouble ■ enforcem ent expense . . . . $645.71. Floyd McKee, labor, general B. L. Moses, prohibtlon en- I roads ...................................... 108.00 earning to siug? K itty—Yes; especially with the forcem ent expense ............ 64.00 E lm er Morse, labor, general neighbors.—Answers All. J. H. L eggitt prohibition en- : roads ...................................... 120.00 forcem ent expense ............ 4 8 .0 0 ¡A. Penw ell, general road ex- 8.26 pense O ur candy prices a re rig h t, q u a l­ T otal, $757.71 E a rl R eynolds, labor, general ity considered. Rose Bros. 7 4 t£ , CRATER LAKE PICTU RES E astm an Filins E xpert Finishing McNair Bros« The S fa r Christmas Specials F resh G olden Dates, per 11». 2 5 c— 5 !hs. f o r ......................................$1.00 Fresh Citron, L em on and O range P eel E n g lish Currants, per lb ............................................................................. 25c C luster R a isin s per lb................................................................................ 2 5 c Sun Maid S eed less R aisins, 7 lbs. for ...........................................$ 1 .0 0 D ates stu ffed w ith P ecans, per pkg....................................................... lOe No, 1 C alifornia W alnuts, per lb, 3 5 e — 3 lbs. f o r ............................$ 1 .0 0 Home grow n W alnuts, jier lb ............................................................... 25c Home grow n Alm onds, per 11»................................................................... 2 5 c Brazil N uts, 5 lbs. f o r .................................................................................. $ 1 .0 0 C hestnuts, per lb ............................................................................................. 25e Hickory Nuts, per lb ....................................................................................... 25c We Have a F ull Line of C hristm as Candies at the B est P rices GIVE US YOUR ORDER FOR CHRISTMAS T I’RKEY PLAZA MARKET 61 NORTH MAIN STREET A Sum m er “ »Clime Gas From Food Presses on Heart « for your W inter Outing th a t’s“ áfifomia ¿ 1- e m any o th ers a <-» F QílGOnn zxf u ik t lllîo this season of the year you a re th in k in g of a trip to a w arm er clime. C alifornia is ju st the place for your w inter outing. H ere the days are flooded w ith brig h t, warm sunshine. You may enjoy all o utdoor recreation or sim ply relax and rest in com fort u n d er su n lit skies. T here are noted golf courses, polo fields, ten n is courts, m iles of splen­ did highw ays and countless places of scenic and rom antic cl.arni. Go now and tak e ad v an tag e of Ex­ cellent T rain Service and T hrough Sleeping Cars to San Francisco and Los Angeles. LOW ROUND T R IP TICKETS Now on Sale F o r fares, tra in schedules, sleeping car reserv atio n s or descriptive folders, ask local Tairoad ticket agents, o r w rite JOHN M. SCOTT G eneral P assen g er A gent, P o rtla n d , Ore.