D aily ♦ ASHLAND CLIMATE, wnnoui «■ €> the aid of medicine, cares nine <§> cases out of ten of asthma. 4> T his is a proven fact. 9 (International News Wire Service) VOLUME 4 (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 43) HiS SERMONS OFFEND TEXAS TRAINS FOR A M A N S COMING EVENTS KILLING 14 MEN HARDING REGARDS $3,000,000 AID WITH FAVORABLE ATTITUDE Ì MAJORITY OF INJURIES SUSTAINED BY NEGROES <®><®><»<®>0><3?><§>^<$> Passengers in '- First Two Coaches Contribute Heavily to Casualties; Those in Pullmans Are Badly Shaken; Panic Follow s C ollision.1 R e-B u ild in g of Com m ercial Street E lim in ated ; C on ten ts o f Many S afes F ou nd to be D estroyed; R e­ con stru ction Work U nder Way. tidings THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1922 <$> E leven Days Until Xmas. <& D ecem ber 15— Musical social <$> P resb y terian church. D ecem ber 16— B azaar and <«> food sale. C h ristian church. ® D ecem ber 16— S tew art Long, lec tu re r, Lyceum course. D ecem ber 18-19— U. S. navy ■i> rec ru itin g officer here. •$> D ecem ber 19 — M eeting <$> Civic club. SEVERAL COOKED TO DEATH BY I |<$> D ecem ber 25, Monday STEAM ESCAPING FROM [<$> C hristm as Day. WRECK !<$> D ecem ber 25— C hristm as ball b enefit 484th com pany, A rm ory. OREGON WILL ASSIST IN BUILDING HIGHWAY » M M M O O H U O L $ <§> ■$> $> <$> <8> <$■ <$- <§>' <8>l STIR CREATED! # MALARIA GERMS cannot su r- <9> vive th re e tio n th s in th e rich ozone a t A shland. The pure do- <$ m estic w ater helps. ♦ # $ # No. 87 MAKES RIOTERS WEEP BY GOVERNORS OF DE PU T IE S GETS W IRELESS FROM “TIGER” ON OCEAN INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT DE­ NOUNCED AT CONFERENCE r OF EXECUTIVES AMERICA’S FRIENDSHIP VITAL SAYS FRENCHMAN WAR OF RELIGIONS IS PREDICTED BY OLCOTT O regonian U rges D ia s t’c Steps to Sm ash Its Pow<*r; P ennsylvanian Says A m erica No P lace for Such An O rganization, 1 leini«T Urges Ratification of Wash­ ington Peace Treaty by Native I .and; Reply «to Message by Poin­ care Is Expected Tomorrow. W H ITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, W. HOUSTON, Tex., Dec. 14.— Five ASTORIA, Dec. 14. — C heering PA RIS, Dec. 14.— Clem enceau, on Va., Dec. 14.— U nited action in all d eaths in a hospital th is m orning, news h as bro u g h t new hopes to As- . his way home from A m erica, has states of the Union to destroy the brings the d eath to ta l to 14, as a> to ria n s. S enator McNary has in tro ­ I m ade his political influence felt b y 1 ! Ku Klux K ian was launched a t the < resu lt of a crash betw een a H ouston J duced a hill asking an a p p ro p riatio n ■wireless. In an interview sent by I annual governors’ conference in ses­ j E ast and W est Texas passenger tra in ■ of $3,000,000 for relief w ork here.. ■the correspondent on the vessel, he sion here. R eg istratio n of all mem- R eports indicate th a t P re sid e n t i and a sw itch engine a t H um ble, ta i ! created a sensation iu the cham ber Before you sta rt a riot examine the i bers of all secret societies by the | nearby oil town. C onductor W illiam H ard in g is very receptive anti has of deputies. above photograph. Capt. L. M. M e-. E ighteen d iffe re n t varieties of ap- Bride is showing the new tear gu8 ' dep artm en t of ju stice was the m eth- I>r. H an y Emerson Fosdick, pastor j Cam psy, M. Young, com pany agent, recom m ended th a t th e bill he, Clem enceau who opposes the oc- of the First Presbyterian churfti of an unidentified w hite m an and six Pies were shown d u rin g the W inter; gun with which Washington police |° d proposed by G overnor P arker, of passed. ! cupation of the R u h r valley by summened before New York, is to F air. Sw eepstakes for the best ex will he equipped for riot squad duty. ! Louisiana. The s ta te highw ay com m ission has in eg ro es were cooked to d e a th by France, urges the ratifica tio n of the the Presbyterian renerai assembly In G overnor Olcott, of Oregon, an- voted to build a highw ay through Indianapolis next May and compelled steam . A pproxim ately 34 o th er ne- h ibit of fru it and n u ts from one or . ' W ashington conference tre a ty by i The gun has two cylinders and a noz- tie a ty o? Compressed air in one Cylinder ' nounced be would recom m end a pro- ch ard w ere aw arded to A lbert John A storia, if rep re sen ta tiv e s and se n a ­ either to accept the tenets of the Pres- K™63 w ere scalded, five so seriously [ F ran ce and approves the p ro p o sa l' draw s tear gas from the other and gran» for a “ uniform law ,” supple­ son, w ith J. A. G ear second. to rs will prom ise th e ir support for byteri; church or to resign his pul- th a t they died. to have P resid en t H arding a rb itra te throws a stream through the nozzle. Follow ing a re the aw ards in the; m ented by a federal law, to deal w ith th e legislation in Ja n u ary . This will pit. So says Rev. Dr. L. S. M udge.! None of th e passengers in th e P ull- The stream breaks up into a line mist, A nglo-French difficulties. th e klan. He also w arned th a t “a save the rebuilding of Com m ercial stated clerk of the assembly. Dr. Fos- m an cars w ere killed, a lth o u g h they h o rtic u ltu ra l d e p a rtm e n t: He w arned F ran ce to m ake costly and If it ever reaches you, you are S in g le Box Displays dick was formerly pastor of a Bap- were badly shaken up. Ali th e dead going to cry and cry hard, no m atter religious w ar was a t hand unless im- stre e t. sacrifices in o rd er to reta in Am eri- tist church and his preaching is said ! N ew tow ns— A. Johnson, first; D. ; how stony your heart may be. The m ediate and d rastic ste p s were taken and in ju re d w ere iu th e first and C onstruction of the Tongue Point i can friendship. not to conform to the Presbyterian , 1 . ■ gun weighs seven pounds. | to check th e spread of th e klan and 'second coaches of th e tra in . A p a n ic 'A- Owens, second. naval base will be begun F e b ru ary 1, confession of faith. P re m ie r Poincare is expected to D elicious— A. Johnson, first; T. S. i to sm ash its pow er.” followed th e c rash in the negro according to word received from reply tom orrow . G overnor Sproule, of Pennsyl- W iley, second. ; coach. S enator McNary. T housands of men I vania, says he favored action to curb Golden D elicious— A. Johnson, will be em ployed. A PPL E S BEING PACKED I the klan on th e grounds th a t A iner- first. W ork of opening safes is now well FARMER REFUSES TO SPECIALLY FOR EXPO RT j ica was no place for an invisible B elleflow er— A. Johnson, first. u n d er way, th e co n ten ts of m any GIVE BOND; IN JAIL i governm ent. W in ter B anana— A. Johnson first; have been destroyed by the fierce Over 2000 boxes of Newton apples ROSEBURG, Dec. 14.— O. H. Cas- J. A. G ear, second. heat. Coins and papers have been j a re being prepared a t the F ru it and MANY SEALS ARE SOLD 't ie , who resides a few m iles south of j Shannon Pippin — A. Johnson, p rot}uce assocja tion for export ship- reduced to heaps of m olten m etal BY CITY SCHOOL PUPILS ¡R oseburg, was a rre ste d T uesday, first. and piles of ashes. The safe of the , m ent. They will leave A shland the A. Johnson, first. *fir8t of the W€ek I charged w ith a ssa u lt w ith a deadly K ing David Masonic lodge containing records and The school children of A shland i weapon. C astle is alleged to have Spitzenhurg— A. Johnson, f i i s t ,' A1j a p pieg for eXpOrt m ust be a ffa irs of men who cam e here in sold C hristm as seals Monday and draw n a revolver and ordered H. L. |T . S. W iley, second. 1 847, is a com plete loss. The rec­ bound w ith m etal strip s about each Tuesday of this week, and aided very Sw aar— A. Johnson, first. i E ppstein and A. L. Aiken off his land ords w ere am ong the oldest of the ■ end, and two men a re w orking this i m uch in this w orthy cause. The B aldw in— W. H. K neebone first; week placing these strip s on all th e; PORTLAND. Dec. 14.— A blizzard when they were endeavoring to m ake lodge in the west, and included pic­ WASHINGTON Dec. 14.— Charges I fo u rth grade of ju n io r high school I th a t congressional m em bers who tu re s and sig n a tu re s th a t had been is raging here. Snow s ta rte d early a road survey th ro u g h his property. F. E. F rench, second. boxes. T heir sales sold the m ost seals, this m orning and fell continuously,I Upon a p p e arin g in ju stice court. Cas- Blue P e a rm a in — J. A. G ear, first. Tbe fru it wjjj be shipped to P o rt-j criticized A ttorney G eneral D augh- ■ kept for decades. T his e n title s [am ounted to $37.31. E rection of special knock-dow n reaching a depth of five inches a t tie was bound over to the grand j u r y [ G rim es Golden— J. A. G ear, firs t.j jand w here they will be loaded o n le r ty were “shadow ed” by d epart- a I ----- ~ - 7""" I th e fou rth grade to the possession types of buildings has begun, and ¡1 .. S treet car and au to tra ffic and bond9 were fixed a t $1000. C a s-1 W hite P erm ain — D. a . uw ens, board a vessel th a t will tak e them 1 m ent ot justice agents, featu red the [of th e silver loving cup, which was the sound of th e ham m er and the a re in d an g er of being paralyzed. A ; tie declared he “ would ro t in ja il” [ firs t; J. A. G ear, second. direct to Liverpool o r London, Eng. resum ption of th e im peachm ent held d u rin g th e pas year by the W illow Twig— J. A. Gear, first. saw can be heard from every side. driving e a st wind is piling up the before he would fu rn ish bond, ---------------------------- ' hearing before th e house judiciary sam e grade. Miss McCredie is the L aw ver— J. A. Gear, first. Com m ercial ag en ts have flocked in­ d ra fts. com m ittee. ---------------------------- teach er of the w inning grade. J o h n a th a n — J. A. Gear, first. to the city and a re busy booking or-, Jackson R alston, a tto rn ey of the T he C o lu m b ia riv e r a t V ancouver, At the H aw thorne school, Miss A rkansas Black— J. A. G ear, first. dera. The m ain problem confronting W ash., is reported to be filled w ith ' Am erican F ed eratio n of L abor, pro- T em ple's room sold $33.91 w orth. G ano— J. A. G ear, first. i secuting the im peachm ent charges in th e city at p resen t is th a t of h an d ­ ice floats, which are m enacing! The to tal seal sale by the school Plat«« Display ling the traffic. W ith aid prom ised steam ers. The tem p e ra tu re is 19 ; behalf of Oscar K eller, M innesota, children was. Ju n io r high. $102; New tow ns— T. S. W iley, first; A. from the sta te , it is thought this degrees above zero. i republican, m ade the charges. H aw thorne, $65.29; to ta l, $167.29. ■ H. D avenhill, second. T here is also snow in New York ! Paul Row land, a tto rn ey for w ill soon be rem edied. The com m ittee extends a hearty D elicious— A. Johnson, firs t; Mrs. and Chicago, and all th ro u g h Oregon : ___ D augherty, denies all charges. He vote of th an k s to the teachers and ' Mary E. Glenn, second. and W ashington. says if proof exists it will brin g vol- children of th e public school for Golden Delicious— A. H, Johnson, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu- u n tarilv everything on the subject th e ir co-operation in this work. J. H. R obbins h as been chosen to first. FUTURE FOR OREGON HOPS gene, Deo. 14.— (S p ecial.)— D ates iuto the trial. Belleflow er— A. H. Johnson, first. for the a n n u al Oregon N ew spaper HAS DISMAL OUTLOOK take the place of A. C. B riggs as ---------------------------- W in ter B anana— A. H. Johnson, conference, which is held each year GRANTS PASS LADIES H E R E ---------- ; m anager of th e A shland F ru it and SALEM, Or., Dec. 14.— The fu tu re produce association, effective the firs t; T. S. W iley, second. under th e auspices of the O regon' FD R MISSIONARY MEETING of the hop industry in Oregon is not firs t of the com ing year. Mr. Briggs Spitzenhurg— J. A. G ear, first. school of jou rn alism a t Eugene, have ---------- Sw aar— A. H. Johnson, first. b r i- h t, and th ere will be no increase handed his resig n atio n in a t a m eet-' been fixed for T hursday F riday a n d ' Mrs. M. R. B ritten and Mrs. Roy in the acreage next year, according ¡n g Of fbe d ire c to rs of th e associa- Blue P e rm a in — J. A. G ear first. S aturday, M arch 22, 23 and 24. The H ackett m otored up from G rants G rim es Golden— J. A. Gear, first. I conference d ates were agreed upon P ass to a tte n d th e m isisonary m eet- PH IL A D E L PH IA , Dec. 14.— John io F rank W. D urbin, one of t h e don several weeks ago to tak e effect W an am ak er was buried t>^lay. As leading hop buyers of th e W illam ette j a n u a ry j , and since th a t tim e, the W hite P e rm a in — T. S. W iley, firs t, by Lee £jrake> p resident of the c o n -:in S held yesterday aftern o o n in the a m ark of respect, the e n tire city valley. d irecto rs have been busily engaged in J. A. G ear, second. ference; E lb e rt Bede, p resid en t of B aptist church. Mrs. Beswick had Many of the grow ers m ade a slight an effo rt to get a su itab le m an a g e r, L aw ver— J. A. G ear, first was silen t for five m inutes. th e S tate E d ito ria l association; H a l, charge of th e services, which were PORTLAND, Dec. 14.— C hairm an p ro fit from th eir hops th is year, Mr. fake charge w hen Mr. Briggs W illow Twig— J. A. G ear, first Bof>tb the stat0 highway commis- c E. Hoss, association secretary , and opened by devotional exercises a n d , _______ _____ D urbin said to n ig h t, but w ith the ex- ieaVes J o h n a th a n — J. A. Gear, first. 4IOO CHILDREN SAVED a sh o rt business session. Then M r s . ) ^ answ ered the charge8 m ade in ! Dean E ric W. Allen, of the Oregon Robbins has been living on a FROM NEWBERG EIRE 1 ¡ration ot the existing co n tracts A rkansas Black J. A. G ear, first. | school of jo u rnalism . B ritten , who is d istric t secretary of ; the recent e ,ectlon :ain8t th e crfm. m arket conditions will be u n s e ttle d .jra n c b jn th e valley for the past year. Gano— J. A. Gear, first. ! The conference will be held in th e the Colum bia R iver M issionary s o - 'mi88ion her0 today In convention Pears Local w arehouses now are weU :an d has m ade q u ite a n um ber of NEW BERG , Or. Dec. 14.— More new journalism building on the Uni- c:ety delivered th e address. She of cQUnty judgeg gnd comndBfih)nerg is little f rienns by bj8 pleasing m anner, and . W in ter B a rtle tt— A. H. D a v e n -.vergity cam pus. The structU re will spoke of the work laid o u t by the Boo. h ga,d thg perceniag and tak es th e m anage-j and th e executive com m ittee of the ing com m issioners. b u tch e r shop. He dictated the term s aid in these redem ptions, according , _ . m ent of the local organization a t a S tate E d ito ria l association to hold SALEM YOUTH SUI«’ IDES He said th e road over th e Siski- o f his will to th e b u tch e r who took to info rm atio n furnished by th e Fed- . . x , , „ _ , .sa la ry fa r u n d e r w hat he received a t m eetings a t th e conference. It is A F T E R LEAVING SW EETH EA RT yous south of A shland was originally it down in his ord«*r book. S u rro ­ Of ¡•al R eserve bank of San Francisco. I Spokane, In o rd e r to be able to live confdentally expected th a t th e th re e ______ i set for 12 feet, but when com pleted gate C oddington has decided th e will A fter th is date, no m ore in te re st will w here he m ay enjoy b e tte r h ealth. days’ m eeting will he the larg est in SALEM, Dec. 14.— W yndham Bu- m ade 16 feet w ith a heavier has is valid. accrue on these called notes and ow n­ th e h istory of the conference. ren, 22, son of Max O. Buren, prom i- which increased th e ag g reg ate but ers should th e re fo re lose no tim e in i nent Salem business m an, conunit- reduced th e u n it cost. Di ivi Her«« in Fin«« Far—— p resen tin g th e ir notes for redem p- D. A. C. STITIENTS BUSY C o n tributions to date, m oney d e ­ ' ted suiede by shooting him self with W H. Goodwin branch m an ager t on. O w ners can also exchange these TAKING FINAL EXAMS posited to the A m bulance F u n d , a re : TWO QUAKE SHOCKS a .3 8 caliber revolver late Tuesday W ednesday Club M eets— of the Ford M otor C ar com pany a t Victor; notes for the new issue of — - A shland Daily T i d i n g s .................$100 DISTURB H ELIX, OR. T he W ednesday club had a very night. The bullet entered ju st be- P o rtla n d ; J. D. Jo rd a n , a ssista n t 4 per cent tre a su ry notes, series OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL- Jesse W i n b u r n ............................... 100 HELIX , Or., Dec. 14.__Two dis- low the chin, ran g in g upw ard and pleasant g a th e rin g yesterday at the m an ag er at P o rtla n d ; C. A. Lock- C-1925, dated Decem ber 15, 1922. LEG E, Corvallis. Dec. 14.— F in al ex- .Dr. George Ja rv is ................... 100 fe lt em erging ju st above the rig h t e y e .: P resb y terian church. As a v ariation wood. m an a g e r of the Ford com pany and m a tu rin g Ju n e 15, 1925; or am in atio n s and th e C hristm as h o li-jD r. W ood ........................................ 100 i “ ict e a rth q u a k e shocks w ere . j ,,, „j « ntnrk- Iren«red nn«t enrds a t R oseburg, and C. A. W ein tro u t, they can convert the redem ption pro- days a re upperm ost in th e m inds of J. P. Dodge & S o n s ..................... 100 here Monday night and one Tuesday Young B uren had escoifp« . .^s ( , n E xam inations began th is G. S. B u t l e r .................................... 100 m orning about 10 o'clock. B uildings na Howd, w ith whom he ia( een in-, o , , w rote m anager of th e G ran ts Pass b ranch, ceeds of th e ir V ictory notes into the [ stu d en ts. 100 w-ere shaken perceptibly. The noise keeping com pany, to hei lu m p on or m a h „„nt’ Mr« were in the city today in one of 1923 series of five-year tre a su ry sav-Jnoon, and will continue u n til S a tu r-:D r. S w e d e n b u r g ................... .. s m - 10 .. • • th e new Lincoln to u rin g cars. This ings certificates, issued in denom ina- day noon. College will th en tak e a H. G. E nders & Son . . . ............... 100 accom panying th e shocks sounded C entre stre e t, about 10 o clocks Ac- r• .et •• o : recess u n til J a n u a ry 2, w hen regis- B ert M o s e s ...................................... 50 like th e dull th u d of a heavy falling cording to Miss Howd, she ha jus 1 nackaces c a r is one c f the best looking cars tions of $25, $100 and $l(?00. ---------------------------- (tra tio n for th e w in ter term opens. IO. A. P a u l s e r u d ................................................ 25 object and m any ran to th e ir doors, left Buren and was enjiertng h e r ( ler a ptep re m- m s _ on th e m ark et and is being tak en Many stu d e n ts from C alifornia, C. L. L o o m i s ................................. 15 believing th a t som e accident had oc- hom e, when a shot rang out and she or a n»oc auc ion. < 1 over the s ta te to the various F ord L e a ra f«>« Horn«’— i k u r r e d nearby. | tu rn e d to see her esco rt sta g g e r and high and lively and th e packages agencies. Mr. and Mrs. R alph D unlap and Idaho and ea ste rn W ashington a re W. S. D e P e a u ................................. fall. She ra n to him and found him when opened revealed som e stran g e baby w ere tak e n to E agle P oint, ' planning to sta y in C orvallis d u rin g [ O ther co n trib u to rs declared b ut articles. M esdam es A tkinson, F u ller FO STER, Or.— A survey has been dead. Scio— Six school d istric ts in th e W ednesday evening by L. G. F itz - 4 h e holidays. M ary’s peak will be not yet paid, a re : Mrs. E ugenia At- __________________ and Johnson served the guests w ith J o rd a n co u n try , w ith an assessed w ater. The D unlap’s live a t T rail th e mecca of num erous h iking par- kinson, $25; th e M urphy E lectric sta rte d for a proposed electric log-; ’ Salem has adopted a $212,489,96 cocoa and tasty cookies before au valuation of $583,000 a re to be con­ and expected to m ake th e rest of ties, ag a new m an tle of snow on th e Co., $25, an d A shland E lk s lodge, ging ra ilro a d up th e South Santiam ! jo u rn m en t. j riv e r to W hite City. solidated. th e ir trip hom e today. ¡crest has beckoned to o utdoor lo v e r s .'944, $50; H. A. S tearns, $5 1budget for 1923. [ [ DAUGHERTY TRIAL PORTLAND; ENTIRE EDITORS OF STATE FI FIET FOR FIVE M l « F