Wednesday, DCceiuber 13, 1022 BRULAND ÖAHA TîB ÏX G î e fe /*ATARRH B, of head or throat is usually B U S I N E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L ] ^B ^ One cent th e w ord 6ach tim e, PK X blC lA N s. Ott ERNEST A. WOODS— PracUc lim ited to eye, e a r, nose an< th ro a t. Office hours, 10 to 12 in 2 to 5 B w edtnburg Bldg., As; laid. Or« 73-t benefited bj by the vapors of— VlisJSS Otter 1 7 Million Jan Used Yearly DO NOT DESPISE CRYSTAL DETECTOR some trouble in one of a dozen pieces of your apparatus. During these peri­ odic lapses there is usually some talk that you would like to have heard or a particular concert. A crystal detector will fill in these blanks very well, and you will be surprised at the quality of the music our broadcasting stations are sending out when you hear it via the crystal instead of at the noisy end of a two-step amplifier. Many of tiie so-called disadvantages of the crystal detector can he partially overcome. Crystal receivers usually tune broad­ ly; th a t is, a small change in tuning does not cause a very great change in signal strength, and u station can he heard over quite a range of tuning. This means that if two stations are sending and their wave lengths are not very far apart it will he impossible to tune one in and exclude the other, whereas if the receiver tunes sharply, a station will be heard over a very narrow band of wave lengths. In other words, a very few degrees either way from the point where tiie best audi­ bility is obtained will tune the station out. Then some selectivity can be had between two stations even if separated only by a few m eters with a sharply tuned receiving set. Tiie crystal in the usual hookups introduces a resistance into the oscil­ lating circuit, causing that circuit to lie somewhat aperiodic. T hat is, It will respond to more tliun one wave length. It is rather hard to tune Sharply with a crystal and a single tuning coll. In this case tiie crystal must be shunted across at least a part of the inductance and there is 110 way of keeping it entirely out of any of tiie circuits which may he used. In order to keep it as sharply tuned as possible, it is best to reduce the number of turns shunted by the detector circuit as low as possible without sacrificing too much signal strength. If the cir­ cuit shown in Fig. 1 is used, the Vacation Almost Here— S tudents from th e Oregon A gricul­ Dli. J. J . EMMENS— P b y sic'a a an tu ra l college a t C orvallis will oe on S’j.’ ie.-.u. P ractice iim .tsd t the hom ew ard tre k for the an nual It Is Dependable and Cheap and eye, e a r, nos» and th ro a t. Giaase C hristm as vacation th is week, the supplied. O culist aDd a u rist to Every Amateur Receiving Set S. P. R R. Offices, M. P. and P college closing its doors th e last of Should Have One. Bldg., M sdford, Ore. Phone ¿6 th is week. S tudents from th e Uni­ DR. M ATTIE B. SHAW — Residence We have the best prices on used versity of O regon and o th er in stitu ­ T here is considerable to know about and office, ,1 G 8 P ioneer avenue. cars to be found in th e city. Come tions in th e W illam ette valley will the crystal, and a little knowledge will Telephone 28. Office house, 10: in and look them over. Bulck follow su it next week. enable the operator to get better re­ to 12 a. m .; 2 to 5 p. m., only. sults and bring increased respect for Agency. 72tf DR. H. M. SHAW— Physician and F r u it cake and m ince m eat tim e ia this instrum ent. There are many rea­ Surgeon. Special a tte n tio n Eyes, F or th e best chili. Try Rose here. F o r citro n , orange and lem on sons for the longing of the owner of a E a rs, Nose, T hroat. Glasses f it­ Bros. 74tf peel, raisins, c u rra n ts , figs, spices, crystal receiving set for tiie vacuum ted. Room 6, Mlls-.McCall Block tube outfit. However, lie lias a great su g ar, etc., D etrlck ’B G roceteria sells Phone 79 or 28. many advantages which the owner of ---------- Buy th a t Xm as gift a t th e V ariety for less. 48tf the more expensive outfit does not pos­ 1>R. G. C. PH E T T E P L A C E -D entist, sto re . 89 N. Main St. 75tf sess. — successor to W. E. Buchanan, i <______ If you w ant the best th ere Is in For instance, tiie crystal reproduc­ Special a tte n tio n given to s l i g h t - v;sjtp(1 -n Me(lfoi.(1 _ • erung and care ot children s teeth. bacon, boiled ham s, chipped beef, tion of tiie radiophone broadcasting is Office hours. !» to 12 and 1:30 to M’-s. J ° h n H essler, of M ountain lard and sh o rten in g , get it a t Det- of the best possible quality. Tiie ac­ 5. Office phone 151. R ' idence avenue, w ere M edford visitors r e ­ riok’s. We Bell for less. 48tf tion being only rectifying there is no phone 201-J. Camps Buliding, eently, visiting a t th e A ndrew s hom e chance of distortion. The tube re­ A shland, Oregon. 45tf ceiver nearly always distorts to some . ____________ eg well as seeing the sights around Here from Summit— extent. If maximum regeneration is ; town. CHIROPRACTORS H ugh M cKinzey, garage p ro p rie ­ used, even though {lie tube is not al­ D lt. E. B. ANGELL— C hiropractic F o r sale a t N eedlecraft Shop, baby to r n e a r Sum m it, a t the top of the lowed to oscillate, distortion is hound and E lectro-T herapv. The combi- . ,, . . . , , .. Siskiyous, was a business visitor in to result. Transform er or choke coil nation does w onders. F irst N at’l do11 se ts’ garden 8ets’ bloom er suits. the city yesterday. He reports m any coupling between amplifiers, no grid B ank Bldg. Phone 48-1 42. 80tf calls for chains by to u rists com ing bias or wrong grid bias, poorly House Calls ---------- matched tubes and transform ers or bad Our box candy a sso rtm e n t is the down over the hill. T here is nearly loud talker will all cause distortion. CONVALESCENT HOME m ost com plete in A shland. Rose two feet of snow now, he stated. A combination of several of these often 74tf causes very great distortion. CONVALESCENT HOME — Good Bros, New shipm ent of suits and o’coats cheer. Good care. Good food. When the crystal receiver is out of T erm s reasonable. 153 G ranite G. A. R E lects Officers— ju st in. W ill be glad to show them . commission it doe.* not take a genius 306-lm o St. P hone 411-R. to locate the trouble. The circuit and 1 !uinside post No. 23, G. A. R., P a u lse ru d 's. 84tf i ■■■ ■ — the adjustm ents are simple. A burned Those elected officers S aturday, VETERINARY chosen for office w ere: P ost com ­ Always see me firs t about your out tube means $5.00 or more for an­ DR. J. P. CHISHOLM G raduate other. A bad crystal means a little m ander, E. I< H all; senior vice-com­ Insurance; th e re ’s a difference; why? V eterinary. W alker Ave 84tf m ander, A. C. Spencer; ju n io r vice- Ask me. Yeo, of course. TR A N SFER AND EX PRESS. com m ander, V. C. Van N a tta ; C hap­ FOR prom pt and careful service lain, C aptain Thom as. The o th e r of­ Picture Is Picturesque— a u to tru c k s or horse drays, cal ficers will be appointed by the post “ The Old H om estead,’’ now play­ W h ittle T ra n sfe r Co. Phone 117 com m ander. ing a t th e Vining th e a tre , is a work Office, 89 Oak stre e t n e a r H ote of a r t and is wholesome th ro u g h o u t, Ashland. 56tl Cheap in su ran ce is costly at any w ith hum or and pathos interspersed T. L. PO V K L L — GENERAL TRANS price. F o r sound insu ran ce at rea­ d u rin g the en tire picture. Theodore P E R — Good team aad m otoi sonable ra te s, see B illings Agency. R oberts, th e grand old m an of the tru ck s. Good service a t a reason E stablished 1883. 34tf screen, is the cen ter of the players, able price. P hone 8 3 w hile the direction of Jam es Cruze W ANTED. A com plete line of c h ild ren ’s toys is no th in g sh o rt of m asterfu l. The WOMAN WANTS W ORK by hour in balcony. E a st Side P harm acy. 7 8t settin g s are perfect. The picture A ddress T idings office. 84-6* will be shown tonight and for the trouble to clean it up or nt tiie worst a number of turns between slider 2 and W hite C hristm as P lan n ed — dime for a new one. The crystal set ground should be kept less than a last tim e T hursday. FO R REN T. The C hristian Bible school is p lan ­ does not go out of commission period­ third of the number between slider 1 ning to have a w hite C hristm as this FO R RENT— A splendid th re e room Ask your grocer for Golden Sheaf ically as the tube set does, due to a and ground. This will allow the an­ worn out battery. tenna circuit to oscillate much more furnished a p a rtm e n t; a d u lts only. year and are p rep arin g a good pro­ Bread. 52tf The crystal set is quiet In action, freely at Its natural period. If using a 357 V ista St. Phone 122. 80tf gram . adding no noise of itself, as do many single variom eter better tuning may 4. Mi-O-Na, th a t's th e nam e of FOB BALK. of the detector tubes. Reception be had by tapping off llie detector cir­ Piano T u n in g - th a best p rescription ever w ritten through static is nearly always more cuit, as in Fig. 2, about three-fourths Now is the tim e to have your piano FOR SALE Dry laurel wood, plenty for indigestion or stom ach distress. easily accomplished with a crystal. of tiie stationary coil of the variometer, of h e a te r ch u n k s; 12 inch tier. H ired. Carl II. Loveland. Studio. G uaranteed by M cNair Bros. The atmospherics Seem to tie brought instead of hooking It across the entire Phone 465. $ $4.50; also 12 inch body fir, $3.75; 1 13- Ragt Majn «¡6tf in all out of proportion to tiie signal variometer. 12 inch second grow th fir, $3.2a; Artro Swingle 111— delivered. 1224 Iowa St. 68-mo* by the tube detectors, while llie crystal The loose coupler is very much to be We have w hat you w ant for th at A rtro Swingle, son of F. D. Swin- seems to damp out the high voltage preferred over either of these two tun­ FOR SALE OR RENT- P a rtly tu rn - . V ariety s to re . Best Ished house. 311 G ranite In- a 6 cft v A . a . „ gle, of Bush stre e t, was on the sick peaks of tiie static or strays to some ing schemes. Tiie two circuits are extent, leaving the signals, which are loosely coupled to each other by Induc­ g u iie Nelrta Cafe. • T2tf values 1,1 to w n - 89 N- Main SL 75tf list th e first of the week. strong enough for it to rectify audibly, tion and both circuits will have a very clear. AUCTION SALE— H ousehold goods, MetL'ord R esid en ts V isit— higher resistance to any hut the wave W atch ou r window. One or m ore for cash, next S aturday a t 2 p. m. The crystal set has numerous dis­ length to which they are tuned, each Mrs. W illiam C arlton and g ra n d ­ a rticle s each day a t cost. Special advantages, of course, but so has the Mrs. Jam es Lowe 102 Oak St. 83-1» d a u g h te rs, F red a C arlton and Mrs. W ednesday, silk kim onas V ariety vacuum tube, and the good points of tending to damp out the undesired signal. The crystal is causing rather j M orris from n ear T alent, were in ­ Store. 84-tf tiie form er greatly overbalance its broad tuning in the secoudary circuit, EV ER B EA R IN G R A SPB E R R IE S terview ing old friends in A shland faults. but the antenna circuit with It is LA FRANCE, the la ig e st am . most recen tjy The C arltons are expect- It is not very stable, a slight ja r ra th e r broad in low resistance, is left See our bargain windows for Xm as proliflc, 50c each, 3 for $1; E r jng Mrg EU a McCollum> of M edford, 84tf often being sufficient to “knock out” a to oscillate freely, and will he sharply gifts. Studio Ashland. good point. There is no way in which tuned. Tills will exclude to a great sk in e P a rk , R a n e i.' and M. Legis, .(g a f
. McCollum was a fo rm er neigh- O. A. C. Debaters Win— it does not give sufficient signal wave length. These signals, if In­ per loo. E vcii.eai ing sH .i'vbei c a r itons a t th e ir hom e in By a decision of two to one, d e ­ strength to use with a loud talker. duced into the secondary a t all. will ries, $2 and $3 p er 100; ¡ « ^ 1 1 s p b a te rs from O. A. C., won th e con­ It usually causes broad tuning, which he greatly weakened. The secondary, and Siovilli, $2 per 100. The Coryj _______ makes it. difiicult to tune out inter­ though broadly tuned, will still have a test a t E ugene Monday night. T hornless B lackberry, tips 15c ference. It is not as sensitive to faint greater resistance to any signals not Better insurance at reasonable each. 20 for $2.50 o r $11 per 100. rates. Billings Agency. Phone 211. signals as the vacuum tube, although on its own natural wave length. Spuds— Spuds— Spuds— 1 have tried B urbanks and th ree it is surprisingly sensitive when prop­ ■ I Tiie secondary circuit can be made All you w a n t / $1.25, and my nam e erly adjusted. Adjusting the crystal is o th e r kinds and th e Cory is the Ask your grocer for Golden Sheaf still more selective by carrying out the 84-3 a tedious task, aud it 1ms become espe­ only “ th o rn le ss” p lan t th a t will g r oati 5 2 tf' is Dennis. same scheme as in the first two figures; cially so since the labor-saving vacuum produce enough fru it to pay to ---------- that is, by connecting the crystal If you w ant those hens to lay m ore tubes have become so numerous. p lan t and cultivate. 14-m onth-old D etrick sells for less, across only a p art of the circuit. 72tf A crystal detector should he included eggs, get som e cracklins 3 cents p lan ts have produced 25 pounds of! _______ Sharp tuning cannot be obtained in every receiving set. It is depend­ 85tf per pound. Plaza M arket. larg e b erries and no th orns. D. P P ro se’s Leave for W in te r— able, cheap, and takes up little space. with any ordinary outfit between local Blue, 500 A shland St., A sh la n d .• F. A. Prose and wife have left Even though you have a two-step am­ station even witli a vacuum tube detec­ Will Drill Thursday— plifier and a loud talker with all the to r; it is almost impossible with a O regon. 82-5» A shland, expecting to spend th e w in­ In o rd er to m ain tain th e re g u la r trimmings, you will admit that there crystal, but can be done witli a tube te r in P etalu m a, Calif. drill schedule dem anded by law, the are numerous tim es when your re­ outfit by using very loose coupling to ' 1 m em bers of th e 484th com pany will ceiver is out of commission because of the antenna circuit or by using a loop Com plete sets for dolls a t Needle- driU aga)n T h u rsd ay evening> the a bad A or B battery, dead tube or to pick up the signals. c ra ft Shop— Coats, su its, caps, etc . second tim e this week. 80tf reasonably priced. RADIO SYSTEM FOR JAPAN I 3? Social C ircle Meets— The social circle of the C hristian hurch m et this afternoon a t 2:30 a t the J. V. W right hom e at 2.63 M oun­ tain avenue. Mrs. A rth u r W ebber assisted Mrs. W right in e n te rta in in g . PACK THRKft n e t How They Vamp ’Em y •THOMAS MEIGHAN, the Paramount star, had to spend three weeks in Sag Harbor, Long Island, working in his new picture, »‘Back Home and Broke,” which was written for him by George Ade. He thought he had seen all the different styles of vamping on and off the screen, but this one who asked to have her picture taken standing beside him as he left the local bank was entirely original. See how he is enjoying it. MONTANA ROYAL MIXED FEED Straight Car Ju st Received 16 per cent protein—$40.00 ton I ’ ll.surpassed for Dairy and Poultry Ashland Emil Association ur-7Jg;yHyE3i We Like to Believe THAT SOME DAY, SOMEHOW, FORTUNE W ILL FAVOR US W ITH FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE. DON’T BE MISLED. FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE IS EARNED BY THE INTELLIG EN T USE OF MONEY, W HICH DEMANDS REGULAR SAVING. The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon IIIIIIIMIHOMMM F ixit here. B argain in used “ bikes.” 84tf Power Company of Nagoya Seeks Gov­ Can- Shop. ernm ent Permission for Mar- — — Plant. 83-tf ■ Hom e grown alm onds and w alnuts, 25 cents a pound. P laza M arket. 85tf Application for government sanction to establish a wireless telephone sys­ S: I- O ut— Goes S outh— tem has been made by the Daido Elec­ F ran k G uisinger lias sold his place Local Man Gets Contract— H ow ard H ow ard, of th is city, has tric Power company of Nagoya, Japan, on the Boulevard and has gone to I Los Angeles to reside. Mrs. Guisin- been given the c o n tract of felling according to advices received by the 1 tim b er for th e Moon L um ber com ­ Departm ent of Commerce. ger and ch ild ren expect to go soon Tiie company proposes to operate pan y ’s new m ill on ithe Green to Los Angeles. tills wireless system prim arily for its Springs road a n d will s ta rt w ith the own convenience in connecting tiie Why not buy h er a Singer Sewing work in a sh o rt tim e various stations witli its electric light T IIE M achine for Xmas. $5 down and $ 3 : and power system, but its use may be VIKING « BEAM SEPARATOR Orres cleans clothes. Phone 64. extended eventually to the general .p e r m onth will put one in your home. is a n o th e r Catalog House b u rs er public if sufficient demand should S inger Sewing M achine Co., 10 So. W IR E W H E E L SERVICE a t Lee- a rise. a t Pell s. Prices, $31.00 and up. F ir St., M edford. dom ’s T ire H ospital. Broken spokes Save you $1.90 on a 20 rod roll As at present planned the system 84tf will sta rt from Okuwa in Nagano pre­ of fencing ag ain st anybody else’s Cliff Payne has sp u r s te il ladders. replaced 25c. fecture on tiie Central Japan railway prices. New and used Sewing line, from which point communication M c lfo n l E lks Have T r e e - ° ° nOt fail t0 l° ° k OV6r the do11 M achines for sale or ren t. G arden will be established through Nagoya tools and everything for the M edford E lks will have th e ir an- setd a t th * N eedlecraft Shop. 80tf I and as fa r as Osaka, a distance of (arm or. n u al C hristm as tre e in the tem ple about 150 miles. .... . Moves Rej»orted— tom orrow evening, and it is expect- PFIL’S CORKER . . . . .... J. W. W hipple has moved from an Value of Good Receivers. ed everv Elk in th e countv will be. a p a rtm e n t in Mrs. A nna G regory’s Because the energy th at a receiver present and do his bit for th e house on P ioneer s tre e t, to an a p a rt­ set picks up is extremely small and w orthy poor and needy. The C h rist­ m ent in th e B ergner building on the every possible means must he used to m as tre e a ffa ir will begin earlv convert this energy, the best results Plaza. T hursday evening and last u ntil past are obtained when receivers of high B A B B E E m idnight, giving every m em ber ^ f quality are employed. A great mis­ take is made by spending much time the organization an o p p o rtu n ity to DON'T BE DIBAPFOtNTBD- Safety blades resharpened upon the construction of a tuner, de­ ALWAYB USB he present, reg a rd le ss of any o th e r like new. Single bit, Sth tector, etc., but giving thought only to engagem ent. doz. Dobnle bit, 6uc doz the price, aud not the quality of the receivers. The B /U ilN C POWDER B e tte r ne safe that; sorry. See; Children’« Work A B eaver R ealty Co. about your insur-) .1. X. DENNIS Specialty ance. P hone 68. 287ti' , M erry C hristm as will soon be I We hav e a full line of N uts and di s at the rig h t prices. Plaza ket, 61 N orth Main. Want Ads Attract o o d H elp 4« Ì G 1KVH AV. A. SHELL CALUMET RADIO FLASHES Montclair, N. J., has installed on its high school an aerial equal in size to some of the broadcasting stations. Tiie re ­ ceiving set is in tiie physics de­ partm ent and many of the pupils are licensed operators. High-powered radio stations will be in operation in 1923 at Bogota bay, Cuba, and Buenos Aires. Tltis will make possible relaying messages to Buenos Aires by way of Cuba and Bo gota. Commander Tosi of Italy, a noted inventor in the radio field, states th at the land of Marconi is far behind in installing radio broadcasting and th at future prospects are far front prontis ing. One hundred thousand persons heard the bride and groom make their nuptial vow« in a recent ly broadcast m arriage service Quite an impressive number o witnesses if a divorce shouh ever be sought. It required the erection of 11 aerials before radio could be sue cessfully operated at Camp Cur ry, in tiie Yosemite valley. Rock walls rear tiiousands of feel above the valley in which the cutup is situated. T r y the C lassified Columns. In Stock Dtiplicailag Sales Books W ITH CARBON Two Books .............................................................. 25c Per D o z e n .................................................................$1.25 Two D o z e n ....................... $2.25 One H u n d re d ...........................................................$8.00 ASHLAND TIDINGS