ISìiLAICn DAILY TIDINGS rÀGB TWO Ashland Tidings Elula Hula at Home E aubllshed 187 6 Published Every Evening Except Sunday TUB ASHLAND PRINTING CO. j •«aesEii8<ï'i;’Sÿ,,v OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER TEL EPH O N E 39 C. K, LOGAN, Editor E n tered a t the A shland, Oregon Postoffice as Second-class Mall Mai ter. .BIBLE THOUGHT® — FOR TODAY— PARENTS OF NAVEL ORANGE From Two Trees Has Grown an In­ dustry Which is Now Estimated in Millions. From two loue orange trees, to which buds of the seedless “navel” or­ ange of Brazil were grafted some years ago. lias grown an industry which last year showed u net profit of some forty million dollars. Today mie hundred and seventy-five thousand acres of Cal­ ifornia laud is planted to navel or­ anges, which are set out in numbers ranging from 80 to 130 trees to the acre. William Saunders; one-time superin­ tendent of the government horticul­ tural grounds at Washington, D. C., learned in 1870 th at u new seedless orange had been developed at Bahai, Brazil, and procured 12 of the young trees through the aid of a missionary. They were brought to the United States and planted under conditions as nearly those of their native land us could be found, but they could not w ithstand the more rigorous northern climate, and they soon died. Buds had been taken from them, however, and grafted upon sprouts of native propa­ gation. Two of these sprouts survived and were transplanted to the West coast in 1875. From them have sprung the thou­ sands of trees which have made the na­ vel orange the foremost among the many varieties of oranges. Every year buds have been taken from them to impart navel characteristics to home-grown seedlings, and still though somewhat ravished by time, these patriarchs an­ nually add tlieir small quota to the thousands of bushels of fruit their off­ spring yields. One of them stands just outside Riv­ erside. igÿi'ÉËRT M oses <*> C apital wins some strik es, <ê> <8> labor o th ers, th e public none. Hubeeriptiou Price Delivered in City: <» One month ....................................I .65 < a > You can have m ighty big T h ree m o n t h s ............................... 1.95 tro u b les in m ighty sm all <$> Six m o n th s .................................. 3.75 One year . .................................... 7.5t< ❖ tow ns. Mail and Rural Routes ♦ One m onth ....................................$ -6o H aving your own way all ♦ T h ree m o n t h s ............................... 1 9 5 Six m onths .................................... 3.50 <£> the tim e is ju st about as tir e ­ One year ...................................... 6.5f <$> som e as never having it a t <$> ADVERTISING RATES ail. <3> Display A dvertising ♦ iln g ie Insertion, each in ch . . . . . .30c W hen a m an b rags about YEARLY CONTRACTS Display Advertising his kin folks it is a sign That One tim e a w e e k ............................... 27 % c he doesn’t am ount to m uch <3> Two tim es a w eek............................... 25 c him self. <$> livery o th e r d a y .................................. 20 t . Local Readers • • Each line, each t i m e . . .................10c W hen a m an ’s chief con­ To ru n every o th e r (Say for one .. cern is glands, and when a ♦ mon th , each line, each tim e . . 7c w om an’s is com plexion, prog­ To m n~every issue for one m onth ress m ay be said to be m ov­ ot m ore, each line, each t i m e . . 5c <«> Classified Column . ing steadily to th e rear. One cent th e word each tim e. To ru n every issue for one m onth .. A wom an is not w illing to o r m ore, % c th e w ord each tim e. be called “ m iddle-aged” u n til <$> Legal Rate F irst tim e, per 8-pc.'nt lin e ......... 10c th e beauty p a rlo rs a re no ♦ Each subsequent tim e, per 8- longer able to cam ouflage polnt line ...................................... 5 c her countenance. Card of t h a n k s .............................$1.00 -X Obituaries, the l i n e .....................2%c <§> F ra te rn a l O rders and Societies Hez Heck Says A dvertising for fra te rn a l order? • ■ <$• “A kiss a in ’t genuine o r societies ch arg in g a reg u la r initi unless it m akes you feel stlo n fee and dues, no discount. Re squirm y.” ilglous and benevolent orders will be charged th e reg u la r ra te for all ad vertlslng when an adm ission or othei eharge Is m ade. seat and see th a t he sits th e re or gets burned to a crisp. T his is no What Constitutes Advertising In o rd er to allay a m isu n d e rsta n d ­ tim e for negation. The issue is too . portant. ing am ong some as to w hat consti I im tn te s new s and w hat advertising, L e t’s build th e big hotel! we p rin t th is very sim ple ru le, which Is u sed by new spapers to d iffe re n ti­ a te betw een th em : “ ALL fu tu re THE COMMUNITY AMBULANCE events, w here an adm ission charge FUND Is m ade or a collection is ta k e n IS The com m unity am bulance will A D VERTISIN G.” T his applies to cost ab o u t $1200. Up to date $891 o rganizations and societies of every has been subscribed and paid in. kind as well as to individuals. All rep o rts of such activities a fter T here has been $100 subscribed they have occurred is news. All com ing social or organization which has not been paid in. T hat m eetings of societies w here no leaves $209 still needed. m oney co n trib u tio n is solicited. In iti­ As soon as th e $1200 is fully sub­ ation charged, or collecton tak e n Iâ scribed and paid in, a com m ittee of NEWS. the subscribing physicians will be appointed to purchase the a m b u ­ . ’7T7Lff 1 j lance. L e t’s finish the am bulance u n d e r­ t a k i n g . W ill those who have not y eti Bible Thoughts memorized. will prove a rj ¡subscribed to the fund please call ‘ price^ss heritage in after years. |q a t th e T idings office and do so at! once. Everybody should have some W EDNESDAY, DECEM BER 13 p a rt in this com m unity und ertak in g . PR ID E A P IT F A L L :— P rid e goeth before d estru ctio n , and a In doing so, you will have a g re a te r in te re st in th e com m unity, and you h au g h ty sp irit before a fall. will be doing vour p art to provide P roverbs 16: 18. m eans to ta k e care of the unfortu-1 t TH E NEW HOTEL Come on. and le t’s finish the job A shland .is now approaching a before Mr W in b u rn re /u rn s next larg e ta sk : th e form ation of plans which will re s u lt in supplying the week. L e t’s show him we a re those « PASS UP ALL KINDS OF WORK Masculine Natives of the South Sea Islands Cannot Be Brought to Do Any Labor. I J T LA HULA is the chief indoor and outdoor dance c f the natives • jf th e Pacific Islands. The H aw aiian brand ' th e best known, b u t all th e South Sea Island natives enjoy i; ® ,acq u elin e Logan, th e P aram o u n t player, is here shown in one of the native costum es doing a version of it on the Pacific Island, w here scenes were made in “ Ebb T ide,” a new George M elfore production fo r P aram o u n t from the story by R obert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne. Southern Oregon Appointed on National Committee for Care of Eyesight in Nation’s Public Schools Aided by rep re sen ta tio n from P r e s - ! M edford, and J. Percy W ells, of ident H a rd in g ’s cabinet, federal and K lam ath Falls. sta te officials, university professors,! “ The object of an Eye Sight Con- engineers, in d u stria lists, and civic servation day in schools is to dis- leaders, the Eye Sight C onservation cover th e fact th a t a child has a de- Council of A m erica, with n a tio n a l feet of vision or sym ptom s of a de- h e a d q u a rte rs a t 4 2 S tre e t and Broad- feet ra th e r th an to determ ine th e de­ w ay. New Y ork C itv’ h as set in mo'i gree of deficency,” it is sta te d in the tion a m ovem ent for the observance suggested program w hich th e Eye th ro u g h o u t the co unrry of Eye Sight Sight C onservation Council is tak in g C onservation Day in the schools. ; up w ith the Oregon officals. Defective vision am ong children! Secretary of L abor Davis, in and w orkers in the in d u stries has, I sta te m e n t issued by the Eye Sight long-needed to u rist hotel. : who do things. recent surveys in num erous tow ns C onservation Council, a sse rts th a t N othing is ever acco m p lish ed ! It has been said th a t “ to him who a »d cities have revealed, caused enor- care of th e eyes is a n a tio n a l duty. th ro u g h negative th o u g h t and action It is d estru ctiv e of every forw ard w aits, all th iln g s com e.” This evi- «nous econom ic and physical losses.! “ In my e a rlie r life as a w orkm an plan and m ovem ent. T here is too dently is the belief of W ard Irvine, which, a u th o ritie s declare, can be and in th e course of my duties as m uch of it in th e disposition of Ash-! son of the e d ito r of the P o rtla n d wiped out by proper and system atici se cre ta ry o f labor, I have come to Jo u rn al. W ithout solicitation on his application of th e principles of eye know som ething of the problem be- land citizens. fore the Eye Sight C onservation P ositive th o u g h t and action will p a rt, so we a re told he has re- hygiene. W ith th e co-operation, am ong oth- Council, p a rticu la rly in its relatio n accom plish the hlg purpose. Big ceived th e appointm ent of private se cre ta ry by governor-elect W alter e r leaders, of Jam es J. Davis, s e c r e - ,to men and women in in d u stry , says th in g s a re already h alf lost when M. Pierce. In as m uch as th e Jo u r- iary of the U nited S tates d e p a rtm e n t Secretary Davis. It is a problem approached w ith fear, tre m b lin g and in hum an service which in its solu- d istru st. It is m uch e a sie r e sp ec -ln a l som ew hat favored Mr. P ierce in j of labor, Guy A. H enry, general di- tion, will m ean m uch to th e whole ially here, to express doubts th an his recent cam paign, and th a t young recto r of th e Eye Sight C onservation hopes on m a tte rs th a t look tow ard Irvine was active in the cause of Council is d irectin g the c a m p a ig n ,»ssrvlce of A m erica in l*fe> economic th e building of a great reso rt. T hat Jam es Cox d u rin g th e last presklen- which aim s to accom plish vast sav- P>°sperity and happiness, larg e success has been achieved by tial election, th e re su lt is not to be ings in h ealth and m oney by carry -j 1 m arch w ith the council in its ing the m essage, “ F irs t H ealth, Then work am ong children. I am con- o th ers w ith h alf the n a tu ra l re- w ondered at. W isdom ,” to every city and h am let ' !nced th a t m ankind owes no higher sources we have here has no place i n ; ------ d uty to society and to God th an th e a rg u m e n t of th e negative m ind.! Low tem p e ra tu re s a re rep o rted in the land w here children are service to childhood, and th a t w hat- “ We c a n ’t do it,” is th e slogan of from th e e n tire n o rth w est; M ontana ¿aught. negation. It is looking ever to an has w e a th er 27 degrees below zero: Every school in Oregon will be ever we m aJ a ^ ’e to do to a «d th e citizens of the fu tu re will earn a rg u m e n t why it cannot be done— 'W yom ing is a little w arm er, w ith th e asked to join in estab lish in g the new expressing doubt as to this plan and m ercury aro u n d 12 below. And yet sem i-annual custom of Eye Sight a g reat re w a rd- 11 tl i i f i l l m 11111 i i i i i m l L j th a t— excepting th a t som ebody is a l- som e people a re com plaining about C onservation day, planned as a uni-! tem pting to put over som e sin iste r a little frost on the ground and an versal and perm an en t co ntribution design— full of fear and forebodings occasional glim pse of ice. S outhern to the A m erica system of education.! and doubt as to u ltim a te success of Oregon m ay have its faults, but th e re The Eye Sight C onservation Coun- th e u n d ertak in g . N egative th o u g h t are o th e r places, not few in num - ell is en listin g the assistance of com -, and speech puts everybody in a ber, th at a re a whole lot worse. i tnissioners of education in every do u b tfu l and pessim istic fram e of ---------------------------- sta te , and of su p e rin te n d e n ts in ev- inind. It has killed m any a lively! M ortgage for sale, jynple p roperty erv county and school d istric t. Ore- chance for glorious accom plishm ent, security, also responsible personal gon school officials have been pro- It has destroyed m any a business g u a ra n tee . A m ount $5000, will sell vided w ith a com plete Eye Sight Con-' venture. It has kept m any a m an at prfce to yield 9 per cent. Confi- servation day program . To execute in penury who deserved b e tte r of d e n tia l business. Staples R ealty this plan. J. A. C hurchill, of Salem , h,s ta le n ts - | Agency. 84tf s ta te su p e rin te n d e n t of public in-} stru ct ion; and county su p e rin te n d W ill negative th o u g h t and action! L ast m onth th e .Automobile Spec­ dents will co-operate in th e Eye d e te r A shland in h e r present larg e . ialist insu red th re e tru c k s, six a u to ­ Sight C onservation day m ovem ent, u n d e rta k in g ? Let us hope not. m obiles and 10 F ords. P hone 27 4-J. including Mrs. E. M. Crail. of Vale. L e t’s get th e positive th o u g h t— th a t 84tf Yeo, of course. M alheur county; Mrs. M ary G riffin, th o u g h t which know s no defeat. of B urns, H arney county; P e a rl H all, W hen we find the negative expres­ of Lakeview , L ake county; J. E. My­ sion com ing from citizens, set down ers. of Prineville. Crook county; C. on them and stop it if you can; i E. M ulkey, of Coquille. Coos county; th e re is nothing to it but failure, O. C. Brown, of R o se b u rg Douglas w orry and woe. county; Mrs. Jen n ie M. Cope, of A shland intends to build th a t big Gold Beach, C urry county; Mrs, to u rist hotel. W e have been ta lk ­ .Alice M. Bacon, of G ran ts Pass, Jose ing ab o u t it for the past five years, J phine county; Susanne AV. Hom es, of now le t’s do it. and in o u r positive Jacksonville, Jackson county, and m ovem ent, brook no interference Miss Twyla H ead, of K lam ath F alls. from the negative forces. T here is K lam ath county. evidence alread y of th e ir activity in, q u estio n in g s and m isgivings. T here Local school su p e rin te n d e n ts in i t no sound reason why it should be these counties will also aid in th e bo . E v erything Is favorable to the m ovem ent including G. A. R uring, com pletion of th e great project. of N orth Bend; W. J. M ishler, of P ut th e negative guy on th e back ¡G ran ts P a ss; A ubrey G. Sm ith, ofi WON OVER ALL HANDICAPS Famous Explorar Conquered Disabil­ ities That Would Have Daunted Big Majority of Mankind. The belated dedication of a raonu- ment to Dr. Elisha Kent Kane, once a famous Arctic explorer, is a re- minder of an achievement quite as rem arkable as anything that Kane