A shland D au . v tidings • ♦♦♦<>♦>♦<»♦<><»«>>♦♦* ♦ ASHLAND CLIMATE, wnnoui « «> the aid of medicine, cures nine <§> $ cases out of ten of asthma. ♦ ♦ This ¡3 a proven fact. <®> MALARIA GERMS cannot sur- ♦ vive three nonths in the rich # $> ozone at Ashland. The pure do- ♦ mestic water helps. < (International News Wire Service) VOLUME WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1922 4 (Successor to the Semi-W eekly Tidings, Vol. 4S) E OF PEACE IS SYMBOLIZED - MOTHER MASQUERADES G IRL AS BOY BECAUSE «> | FATH ER W ANTED A SON T ! ---------- INDIANA HARBOR, Ind., -■ Dec. 13.— F o r th e first eig h t • y ears of h e r life, “ W a lte r” • Y ouke lived as a boy, because of • th e overw helm ing desire of the • ch ild ’s m other to have a son. This was revealed recently in • Lake county juvenile court • when the ch ild ’s p a re n ts w ere “ T IG ER ” SAILS FOR NATIVE sum m oned to appear before LAXO TODAY A F T E R Ju d g e E. Miles N orton and ex- VISIT plain why they had a boy in th e ir hom e of school age who FRENCHMAN IS AGAINST had never a tte n d ed school. Investigation showed th e OCCUPYING OF GERMANY “ boy” was really a girl and had D e c lin e s A nnexation of Land Not been kept at hom e to conceal W anted; S uccess o f Trip Not ♦ h er sex. K nown, Rut L arge Crowd G athers To Bid Him A dieu. . > COMING EVENTS ---------- «>j i T w elve Days U ntil Xm as. . D ecem ber 16— B azaar and food sale. C hristian church. :<•> D ecem ber 16— S tew art Long, , ® lec tu re r, Lyceum course. ' D ecem ber 21.— High school <§> operetta, “ The C aptain of Ply- ; m o u th .” <*>' <$> D ecem ber 18-19— U. S. navy rec ru itin g officer here. <•' <•> D ecem ber 25, Monday — <3> <¥> DAY IS OCCUPIED WITH MUCH Christmas Day. WRANGLING BETW EEN D ecem ber 25— C hristm as hall MEMBERS , <§> benefit 484th com pany, A rm ory. ♦ ’ ; <£, <$> OF DAUGHERTY EVIDENCE EXCLUSION <§> IRKS LABOR COUNSEL <$>; ----------- 3> R alston M akes T hreat to Secure Or- i. <$.<§>.$> <§> <^ ^> <$>$> $ ---------------------------- - der; S am uel Gompers Brands Ap­ p oin tm en t o f W. J. B urns, D etec­ tive, a s a “P u b lic S candal.” No. 8G PRETTY WIDOW E; IS SUSPEGTED ♦ 5» <♦> MUSIC CAN DO MI CH TO OF FAM ED O PERA SINGER I <£> ■ ■ I ■- > DUBLIN, Dec. 13.— “ Sing, <§>' j 4s> don’t s h o u t!” ’ This was the advice given to I <♦? Irishm en by M adame T etrazzini, < ! fam ous opera singer, when she <¥> visited here recently. «> <$> “ I th in k it is a g reat pity Ire- <♦> land should be distu rb ed as it <$> <•' is,” she said in an interview , ❖ KATE TROSTELL MISSING IN <$> “ b u t it is an in te rn al q u a rre l, CHICAGO SINCE DECEM­ •<8> and I hope Irishm en will soon BER a |<8> all be friends and the present ■$> 1 trouble will pass like all squab- SWEETHEART ARRESTED «, tie s do in sensible fam ilies. A WHEN STAINS NOTICED » love and u n d erstan d in g of mu- _______ l<§> sic can do m uch to resto re hap- discord Police Ask S uitor to E xplain M arks <♦-• piness and rem ove In Car and on C lothes; Paid At- am ongst th e people.” Many Blue Ribbons Given Local People For Domestic Arts tent ion, to Y oung W om an B efore He.- M arriage. i ---------------------- <•> «• WEALTHY ROLE ENTIRE NATION <$> <•> <§> NEW POLICIES ARE URGED TO <§> STRENGTHEN AMERICA AT $>, HOME AND ABROAD <♦ PACIFIST ATTITUDE IS STILL MAINTAINED ‘Moral In flu en ce For Universal Peace" Is Need, He D eclares; Also «>j Glad Country Has R epresentative At Near E ast C onference. A NEW YORK. Dec. 13.— W illiam NEW YORK, Dec. 13.— Georges I WASHINGTON, Dec. 13.— Acrlm i- CHICAGO, Dec. 13.— Mrs. K ate Jen n in g s Bryan denounced the rule A large num ber of local people C lem enceau, the ‘ T ig e r” of France, I nous w rangling betw een m em bers of M itchell T rostell a p retty widow, , of the rich, which he claim s controls th e house ju d iciary com m ittee and'¡Placed e n tries in th e dom estic de- , m issing since Decem ber 2,! sybolized the dove of peace when he ¡this country, and urged new policies sailed for hom e sh o rtly before noon those pressing the im peachm ent o fjP a itm e n t c u rin g is ..¡a n d is believed to have been «” •>•- m nr-i to stre n g th e n Am erica here and AMnrnov n ai.e-h e rtv m arked! ing of prize prize w inners i ^ ........ A ttorney Gi.nprni G eneral D augherty a rk e d ^ Follow 'o n o w in g is th tne e list ot winner» , today on the liner “ P a ris .” ¡abroad. He says reports of a b rea k ­ H e declared a g a in st fu rth e r occu­ ; th e proceedings today. jin th is d e p a itm e n t. j been fovnd d o w n in Am erica under the prohibi­ pation of G erm any by F rench troops., ■ The exclusion of som e evidence b' it • n.- ! Police here a rre ste d A rth u r Fos- t i o n problem are exaggerated. saying th a t “ no real F renchm an j led Jackson R alston, chief counsel of ne rui 1 111 a ’ ite r, th e young w om an’s su ito r. They. In th e event of a strik e or lockout w a n ts to annex a foot of G erm an te r ­ ' the F e d eratio n of L abor, to m ake a M ain e . aw ey, ec . I found red stain s in his car, and a in in d u stry , he advocates laws giv- Best collection canned vegetables , „ • rito ry .” ¡th re a t to secure an ord er "from the; ¡b utton of h er sk irt was also found i ing th e governm ent power to take W hether successful in his effort ' full house of rep resen tativ es for tne — Dr M aude I. Haw ley, first; Mrs. in his car. Clothes in his room bear ¡over the in d u strie s and operate them A. H. D avenhill, second. to draw F ran ce and A m erica closer ~ -• of evidence.” stains. His c a r was found in a shed E xam inations for sta te c e rtific a te s , fo r public w elfare, u n til a se t­ F eeling th a t , citizens of f A shland ' production K „ T., S in gle Cans I to g eth e r, th e re was no doubt as to d The im peachers allege th a t W il­ will be held a t Jacksonville, com ­ tlem en t is reached. ™ p i „„„ f instead of th e garage. are being im posed upon by men ° j pjüarits Peas Mrs. Mary E. Glenn, firs t, I his personal popularity. liam J» B urns special ag en t of the i Mrs. T rostell, night m anager a t a m encing a t 9 o’clock o ’clock W ednesday, De- Bryan is glad Am erica has a re p ­ ^ ö Of f A m ericans and ' 'urinc th e m se lv e s to be w ar ' e te U d e p a rtm e n t Qj j ugtice> is u n fit to 'M iss E. D. P alm er, second. A vast throngT W estern Union branch office, was a cem ber 20, 1922, and continuing un- resen tativ e a t the N ear E ast confer- F ren ch resident« cram m ed the pier a n s ’ legionnaires, and form er sol S tring beans— Mrs. A. H. Daven hold office. Sam uel Gom pers brands hill first- Mrs T S H ackler s e c - 'sw eeth eart of F o s te r’s p rio r to her til S aturday a t 4 o’clock p. m. of t h e . enC6i “ w ithout su rre n d e rin g inde- and waved farew ells. Many women diers who visit the city from tim e I the appointm ent as a “ public scan- ¡m arriag e to T rotsell. A fter T ro tse ll’s sam e week. pendence of action, we should exert to tim e selling a soldier m agazine, sobbed. ------ “ ~ i da] »• ond. 'd e a th , F o ster renew ed his a tte n tio n s ' A pplicants m ust p resent th em ­ o u r m oral influence tow ard the pro­ H is dictum a g ain st the occupation A shiand post No. 14, of th e A m eri-, Sweet cucum ber pickles— E m aline selves for the exam inations they wish motion of universal peace,” he said. of G erm an soil is th e opposite of the can LeSion’ req u e sts th a t any per-j Allen, first. to tak e at the tim e set fo r the ques­ p resen t policy of P re m ie r Pfiincare. son bein» «elicited, ’phone to the: Sweet pickled peaches— Dr. Maude tion envelopes to be opened; as the J u s t before the ship steam ed away com m ander, Donald M. Spencer, or I. Haw ley, first ; Mrs. Mary E. Glenn exam inations cannot be offered a t j Clem enceau said, “ My ghost p rob., the a d ju ta n t, Dr. J. W. C randall, th a t; second. any o th er tim e or place. The r u le s , ably will re tu rn , but I am s e e in g 1 the cred en tials may be exam ined. In , Dill pickles— Mrs. T. W. Sanford, i and reg u latio n s reg ard in g th e e x - . these glorious shores for the last a «re a t m auy " S ta n c e s , it has been first. ¡am in atio n s will be read a t 9 o clock ' found th a t these m en are im posters.; W hole canned peaches— W ilma j tim e.” ¡on the m orning of th e first day. tra d in g upon sym pathy to gain a I N u tter, f ir s t ; Mrs. T. S. H ackler, i ; Those e n te rin g la te r in the week and livlihood. Should the m an be found, ' second. ; w ishing to tak e only a few of the to be w h at he rep re sen ts he will bej i W hole canned p ears— Mrs. T. S .' ’ exam inations should present th em ­ endorsed by the Legion and perm it-j H ackler, firs t; Mrs. A. H. Daven-1 The E. T. Staples house on Oak selves a t the se c re ta ry ’s desk for ted to stay in the city as long as he! ’ hill, second. stre e t, located next door 10 th e tele ­ reg istra tio n and for in form ation re- wishes. These m en form erly con-, Canned squash— Mrs. Geo. Jarv is, phone exchange, was burned so badly PORTLAND. Dec. 13.— P o rtla n d fined th e ir activities to th e business! W ith 22 inches of snow on th e g aid in g the rules, i he 11 subjects first and second. y d istric t, h u t of late, due to th e ease has subscribed $53,000 for relief a in t; | L ight canned ch e rrie s— Mrs. Geo. sum m it of th e Siskiyous, to u rists required to r a one year elem ental > early th is m orning th a t the bihiding is a com plete wreck, the roof having I by which they could be located, have A storia. The quota was set i Ja rv is first; MrJ. T. S. H ackler, com ing from the so u th in p a rtic u la r certificate a re p rinted in black t\p e been burned entirely o f f , and all spread th e ir activities to th e resi-: $50,000. a re having a h ard tim e reaching this : in Die program . I — 1 G overnor Olcott m ay tak e a p e r - ; secontb p a rts of the building so badly c h a r­ deuce area. W ednesday P ro g ram Suit b rought by th e sta. against u ..-,. , ~~ ' / ‘L j D ark canned ch e rrie s— Mrs. T. S city. Five men a re a t p resen t e m -, red th a t it is beyond being rem od­ th e F ort K lam ath M eadows company A nother im p o rta n t m a tte r c o m in g , sonal appeal to P re sid e n t H ard in g , 1 ^ ^ , ^ M cCracken, ployed in keeping th e Pacific high- 9 a. m.— U. S. H istory, Music, eled. The contents of th e building and W. F. M arsters. w ealthy Rose to the a tte n tio n of th e Legion a t its u rg in g a fe d e ra l a p p ro p riatio n o f : way cleared of snow, b ut a freeze-up D rawing. 1 1 a . m.— W ilting- 1 P- a re a com plete loss, betw een fire and b urg h an k er, and o th ers, in which reg u la r m eeting Tuesday n ig h t, was $3.000,000 for the fire-sw ept city. i Q . eooseberries_ M rs. C A. of the -caterp illar tra c to r, and a m .— Physiology, M anual T raining, w ater very little of value rem aining fra u d in gaining title to some 8 0 0 |th a t one of th e lum ber concerns of; One m an donated $2.69 to t h e l R .. ." breakdow n of the D uck used to pull Com position, M ethods in R eading, undam aged. Several sets of books acres of land a t th e upper end of ¡th e city had been in the h ab it of a t - ( P o rtla n d fund, saying it was money _ Canned lo g anberries Mrs. E lh a rt, a drag snow plow has tem porarily ' 2:30 p. m.— R eading, Course of Stu- in the living room w ere badly K lam ath lake is charged, will come taching an A m erican flag to the r e a r , tak en from th e pockets of his s o n !firg t, Dj, H aw ley second, put an end to this work. dy for D raw ing, M ethods in A rith- scorched and Mr. Staples’ personal to tria l in th e circuit court of K lam - of th e ir lum ber tru c k s instead of a, who was drow ned. He in ten d ed , The road is ro u g h er th an if it had m etic, Dom estic Science. I Red rasp b erries — Mrs. C. A. effects dam aged. atli county on December 1 8._ The piece of red bunting. This m a tte r holding it as a keepsake, b u t gave: Thui-sday Program Brown, firs t; Mrs. E. D. P alm er, not been touched according to to u r-| The fire was discovered by Miss s ta te is seeking to recover title. is being investigated, and steps will it to the d e s titu te in A storia. i ists, several of whom were w arned 9 a m .— A iitlim rtic, H istory of isecond. Mae Sm ith, night o p erato r a t the Mrs. Mabel Nicl ols, slayer of lu -r! be tak e n th a t it does n o t occur again, j ---------------------------- Canned stra w b e rrie s— Mrs. J. E. i at H ornbrook and shipped th e ir cars E ducation, Psychology, M ethods in telephone exchange, who saw the O fficers elected a t th e m eeting I GUTTERS GET BIG DRINK com panion R obert G reer, a t th e; jG o w la n d ’ firs t: E m aline Allen, sec- over th e hill. Conditions on ihe Cali- G eography, M echanical D raw ing, Do- > 2 flam es th ro u g h the skylight in the Sum m it stage statio n on Decem ber ia s t n ig h t w ere Donald M. Spencer, W HILE CROWD THIRSTS ond. ; fornia side of th e sum m it are said m estic A rt, C ourse of Study in Do- telephone office and tu rn ed in the 2, was charged w ith m u rd e r in tin com m ander; C aptain J. Quincy Ad- C anned plum s— Mrs. E. D. Pal- to be even worse th an the Oregon m estic A rt. 1 p. m.— G iam m ai’, alarm a t 4:15. Owing to the h our first degree in an indictm ent re- am s vice-com m ander; Dr. W. J .j W ith a sym pathetic group looking m er, firs t; Mrs. J. E. Gowland. s e c -'s id e , as the snow is 18 inches deep sten o g rap h y , A m erican L ite ratu re, a t which the blaze occurred, a g rea t tu rn e d by the grand jury. She now C randall, finance officer. C. K. Lo- on a t the last sad rites, Chief of ond. i anti has not even been dragged, auto- physics, M ethods in L anguage. 2:30 deal of o th er dam age m ight have faces th e death penalty or life ini- gai, WdS e iected a m em ber of the ex- police H atch er poured 16 (count Canned figs— Mrs. G. M cCracken, ists being forced to break th e ir own p ,n — G eography, T ypew riting, The- been done but for the fact th a t the pi sonm ent, and is hein • held in the i Cntive com m ittee, o th ers of the com -' ’e m ) q u a rts, 26 pints and two one-! firs t. road. sis for P rim a ry C ertificate. night telephone o perator was on the c. covered by insurance. L ining I r i’gaiton Ditch— took th e edge away from the b itte r m any have had close calls. m en Booth Robinson, of A rkansas, vis, first. Saturday Program The firem en brought the blaze un- R. I. S tu a rt and son. of M edford, scene. and S tu a rt D. H aw kins, of M assa­ Je llie s 9 a. m.— G eom etry, Botany. i der control in a rem ark, bly sh o rt who have th e c o n tract for lining a D M B row er and E. R. E a ste rlin g c h u setts. convicted of hazing o th er I S traw berry -M rs. J. H. Frohboes W ill L eave lor Ari:«.na- .1 ip. m.— G eneral H istory, Bookkeep-^¡time a fte r a rriv in g on th e .F ”ene de- T- ,,1 n a v .i portion of th e T alent Irrig a tio n dis- officiated a t the services and signed E v e rett S. Lewrnan expects to ing. stu d en ts in th e I m ted States navai 1 first. spite the fact th a t the blaze was , y ■ at , A , nnapolis, w e ie ordered nrrtered ,ric t a dltch , e ast Apple— Mrs. J. R. R eachert, first, leave in the n ear fu ure for Arizona, academ ■ ot , th e c it-v . a re the affid av it of destruction, leaping some 20 feet in th e a ir when J , ■ ,1 c carry in g on th e ir w ork as rapidly as --------------------------- dism issed from the service th is af- C u rra n t— Mrs. E. O. Sm ith, firs t; w here he will be employed by the if it is for A shland, we are fo»" it. ¡ possible. Subscribe io r The T idings— now. .'hev arrived. S outhern Pacific com pany. ternoon by S ecretary of the N avj Miss R ussell, second. L oganberry— E m aline Allen, first; Denby. Mrs. E. O. Sm ith, second. G rape— Mrs. Mary E. Glenn, firs t; Mrs. J. Gyger, second. P lum — Mrs. J. ftyger, first; Mrs. - s (C ontinued on page 4) AMERICAN LEGION V E STATE CERTIFICATE TO BE HELD DEC.20 PORTLANDER GIVES 11 IS EOP OF SISKIYOUS FIRE GIFTS STAPLES ¡I. Heiress Will Marry Peor Artist Put in Asylum to Block Elopement EHI AVIATORS Kill ED ¡ a SAN ANTONIO. Tex.. Dec. 13.— L ittle hope is held for finding alive L ie u te n a n t Colonel F ran cis M arshall and L ieu ten an t C harles W ebber, av i­ a to rs m issing since last week. T h eir plane is believed to have been forced down som ew here in the S an ta R eta m o u n tain s so u th east of Tucson, Ariz. The plane was re ­ ported last week as flying low with th e engine m issing badly. 2 I 1 SAYS EYKLYN N ESBiT O RDERED NARCOTICS NEW YORK. Dec. 13.— Among le tte rs o rd erin g narcotics seized to­ day in a d ru g raid w ere th re e signed “ Evelyn N esbit,” which one of the th re e p risoners tak en said were from Evelyn Nesbit Thaw , singing in an A tlantic City cabaret. Police con­ fiscated a ‘ blue hook” of addicts coutaining nam es in Hollywood, Cal., A tlantic City aud the th e a tric a l c ir­ cle of New A’ork. j PORTLAND, Dec. 13. — Mrs. George Feles, a young m other, who was ill and despondent, tu rn e d on the gas last night a fte r bringing her two babies by h er side. Her h u s­ band, a w aiter, en tered the home la te r and found M argaret, the year- old girl, dead, and Jam es, his three- year-old son died la te r in an a m b u ­ lance. The m other may live, alth o u g h her condition is critical. Police believe she is som ew hat deranged. GLADSTONE, Or., Dec. 13.— The post office safe here has been blown by a heavy charge for the second tim e in six m onths. P a r t of the ' stro n g box was blown th ro u g h the building. E xact losses a re not re- ; vealed, b ut several h u n d red dollars 1 a re believed to have been taken. M ILL CITY, Or., Dec. 13.— F. F. Sims is in a critical condition w ith a bu llet hole in his side, and his b ro th e r Roy is in jail, a fte r an u n ­ successful a tte m p t ta _ ro b th e g en ­ e ral m erchandse sto re a t G ates, O r.' C harles G raves, a w atchm an, s u r­ prised th e pair, whom he engaged in a ru n n in g gun b a ttle . Roy was cap­ tu red . Both m en reside here. Dorothy Gordon, heiress to ¡5400.000, is seeking her release from an insane asylum at Wuverley, Mass., und her guardian, William F. Jardine, has adm itted he placed her in th e institution to prevent her elopement with W illard B. New ell, a student. The superintendent of the hospital says he believes slie really is insane. Miss Gordon and Newell are shown in the Illustration. I E lk s H old N ovelty Dance— Miss Dellora Angell, nineteen-year-old heiress to the $3,>,000,000 estate left by John W. Gates, has just announced she will m arry Lester Norris, twenty-one-year-old free lance artist and son of Cal Norris, a St. Charles, 111., undertaker. Miss Angell and Norris have been sw eethearts since child­ hood. M embers of A shland E lks Lodge No. 944, e n te rta in e d a t a novelty dance in th e local lodge room s last night. The fea tu re of th e evening was the d istrib u tio n of sticks of candy to guests by a Santa Claus. The room s were decorated ap p ro p ri­ a te to the occasion. The com m ittee in ch arg e consisted of C larence L ane, John F inneran, Ed T hornton, B augh­ man and Ray Brown.