AgfiLANß DAHt t*AGE FOUR ìu esd a y , December 12, 1 Utili ÎUÎÏNGS —» , R ents Home Here— Au. » Accident— G. H. Johnson a rriv ed in th e citv An a u to accident happened S atur- ;th is week and ha3 rented one of th e day a t th e intersection of N orth Main ■ cottages a t th e B arber hom e on and W ater stre e ts, betw een the al- G ran ite stre e t. Mr. Johnson was m ost new F ord of C. M. W aite and SEW S is any human activity here for a sh o rt tim e a few y ears th e S tu d eb ak er af R. A. Avery. W aite or event that is of interest to ago and found th a t his a sth m a was W;‘S com ing so u th on N orth Main and other humans. The BEST news is m uch b e tte r here th an any place i>a,£ t- rC0£l to tu rn into W atei e t, that which interests the greatest had ever lived and has come back w hen th e A ver>’ c a r com ing froin the n um lxi of people. The Tidings to see if the clim ate will give him s^ th on Main s tre e t’ hit ,h e Ford would greatly appreciate it if you relief at th is tim e. a :' d Proceeded to park it in front of ______ .lie A shland V ulcanizing W orks. The would call 3i> when you have an item of interest. Thank you. M ortgage for sale, am ple p roperty fro n t fender of th e W alto c ar was .se cu rity , also responsible personal badly used up and one of the front H. P . O fficial H ere— ■.uaraniee. A m ount $5000, will sell wheels was com pletely dem olished. Conti- Both cars suffered a few o th e r less h . O. Lewis, trav elin g ag e n t for a [ price to yield 9 per cent the Southern Pacific, w ith headquar- d en tial business. Staples R ealty ’ serious dam ages. ters in Eugene, was in the city on Agency. 8-ttf ---------- business connected w ith his com pany Spuds— Spuds— Spuds— today. Mr. Lewis generally is a fre ­ C hanging R esidences — All you w ant, $1.25, and my nam e Mr. and M rs ^ F r e d W ilson a re ; Dennis. q u e n t v isitor to A shland, b u t has 84-3 been in th e W illam ette valley a g rea t m oving into one of the Ogg hom es ---------- deal lately, d u rin g th e m erger con- On Bush stre e t. Mr. H ollm eyer, one If you w ant those hens *o lay m ore troversy. _ of the new p ro p rieto rs of the Ideal eggs, get some cracklins 3 cents 85tf grocery expects his fam ily from Chi- per pound. P laza M arket. Make your clothes a Xm as p res­ cago soon and will occupy the hom e ! ---------- e n t of a cleaning and pressing. L a ­ vacated by Mr. W ilson. H e a lth Much Im proved— dles work a specialty. A shland ---------- 11 A. C. Spencer was down town Sat- C leaning and Dyeing W orks. Phone We will m eet any and all bona urday, and for th e firs t tim e in sev- 63. Auto delivery. 84tf fide subscription offers. ELH A R T’S eral m onths, w alked to his hom e east - -R e lia b le Agents. 85-eod-3 of the city. Mr. Spencer has been lx*Roy A shcraft Home— --------- ¡in very poor health d u rin g the g reat- LeRoy A shcraft, who has been I titu n i from Idaho V isit— j e r p a rt of the sum m er and his friends w orking in the neighborhood of Su­ Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. W enner r e - l a r “ glad to learn of im provem ent i r sanville, Calif., close to th e N evada tu rn ed this m orning from a few p}s health. s ia te linej has retu rn ed to A shland. w eeks' visit w ith th e ir d a u g h te r a t --------- - He expects to rem ain in the city for E m m ett, Idaho. Mr. W enner re- Home grown alm onds and w alnuts, a b o u t a m onth. ports th a t they encountered some 25 cents a pound. P laza M arket. 85tf ---------- very bad w eath er in th e n o rth e rn B etter clothes for LESS a t P âul- p a rt of th e s ta te on th eir way hom e. Ask your grocer for Golden Sheaf ae ru d ’f., 84tf but says bey had a very enjoyable B read. 52tf visit. V isits Cole Fam ily— | _______ (im a g e C hanges Locat on— Lee M. ( asw ell, a civil engineer in v estm en t Snap— Avery T rask , who has been oper- trom Eden Valley, Minn., stopped y Wo lots, paved stre e t, R. R. dis- a tin g th e P a rk garage fo r some tim e overnight in A shland tor a b rie f v is it' ren ta b le b u ilding $900, will past, has moved his equipm ent into w ith W. N. and T. A. Cole, w’hlle en earn 12 per cent net. Staples R eal- the room at the corner of Main and ro u te to San Francisco. Mr. Caswell ty Agency. 84tf p io n eer stre e t, which was form erly is an old-tim e schoolm ate of T. N. _ _ ---------- ' occupied by th e C lass A garage. The Cole’s, and had n o t seen him f o r h q akes qvjp (o >ie,lioi«l __ m achine shop in th e re a r of th e new' several \e a rs . He is also an overseas. John Dill was a business v isitor in location will be opened up with con- v eteran. i M edford todajr. {siderable new equipm ent and will be able to tak e care of all kinds of re- Photos m ade now delivered for J u s t received a block of new dates. p air work. 84tf I 85tf Xm as. Studio A shland. P laza M arket. Local and Personal B argain L et us renovate your su it now and R ca, Es(at<, C liangcs H ands— Shop. avoid th e holiday rush. P a u lse ru d ’s. an(, M rs H A S tearn s have in used “ bikes.” MANY RABBITS ARE LISTED P. R athe, first baby .u n io r doe; Les- FO R PR IZ E S DURING FA IR lie L. H eller, second doe and lh te:'. j N at Grey F lem ish— W . P. R athe. (C ontinued from Page 1) ____________________________________first senior buck, first senior doe; INSPIRED BY AMERICANS 'F C. S. R oberts, th ird senior buck; Hal C. S. R oberts, second and th ird sen- E. O sborne, first senior doe; J. F. ior doe; J. F. Sm ith, l is t ju n io r Sm ith, baby ju n io r buck, first and buck; G. W. P ra tt, first ju n io r doe; I second first on baby ju n io r doe. J. F. Sm ith, second ju n io r doe. Steel Gray Flem ish— W m. Crosby, Special P nuiiiunis • , PORTLAND, Dec. 12. — F orty ¡first senior buck; Movie R abbitry, Best New Zealand doe— Dick thousand dollars of a fund of $50,-j second ju n io r buck; W. W. Estes, Hitchcock. Best New Z ealand buck 000 was raised by P o rtlan d business second senior doe; Movie R abbitry, — Lucille Beswick. men at noon today for A storia re ­ first, second and th ird ju n io r buck Best labhit in show exhibited by lief. It is possible th e fund may be and first ju n io r doe; G. W. P ra it. boy or g irl— Dick Hitchcock, oversubscribed. * second ju n io r doe; Movie R abbitry, Best rabbit in Bhow— W hite F lem ­ Two hundred pairs of gloves were ish senior buck shown by J. I ’. ith ird ju n io r doe. rushed th ere to tak e care of the W hite New’ Z ealand— T. A. How- Sm ith, gu ard s and relief w orkers, who were land, first senior buck, first senior Best Flem ish G iant in show — Sen- ¡su fferin g from th e p e n e tratin g cold d o e .’ ior buck, by J. F. Sm ith. Silver Black F lem ish— Leslie L. H e l-1 Best Checkered Giant in show —• MORE THAN 4 0 0 0 WARPS jer> fjrst senior buck first and sec- Senior buck, by Hal K. Osborne. NOW IN 11 INSTITUTIONS! ond and th ird senior doe, first jun- Special silver cup for b si exhibit ---------- i ior buck, first ju n io r doe, first, sec- one breed— Sungold R abbitry, Tal- SALEM, Dec. 12.— A to tal of 4203 ond and th ird baby ju n io r buck; W. ent. w ards are in the s ta te ’s 11 educa tional, eleem osynary and penal insti- itu tio n s, whose m aintenance is cost­ ing the sta te approxim ately $1,150,- 000 annually, according to records in the office of R. B. Goodin, secretary of the sta te board of control. The p resent population of these in stitu tio n s shows a su b sta n tia l in ­ of Chicago, speaks on th e them e, “ MY L IF E IN TH E CONVENT, crease d u rin g eight years, th e av er­ AND MY CONVERSION TO PROTESTANTISM ." T hursday, 7 :3 0 age daily population for the bien-! nium of 1913-1914 being 2895, witlw P . M., at th e BAPTIST CHURCH. Photograph of the marble group ' the an nual m aintenance approxim at-! "The Poem of Pence,” Just brought to ing $587,500, or less than one-half! New York by Its creator Sm,or Ab,rc.,s thi!t a t the pre8ent time< Coll, Spanish sculptor who lias studied , . . , • . his art in France. Although this is These fl«u res rto not tak e in t° Senor Coil's first trip to America, lie consideration th e m ore th an 8 0 0 0 1 - hns long drawn bis inspirations and , phans, foundlings, w ayw ard girls and ideals from this side of the Atlantic, j o th e r w ards of priv ate c h a rita b le Of bis statue he says: “ When I read i in stitu tio n s tow ard whose support of President Wilson and his 14 points i the sta (e co n trib u tes m ore th an at the time of the peace conference $125 000 a n n u a lly . N either do they I was inspired with this idea. My twb , .. . . figures, with the woman standing a Id e lu d e ap p ro p riatio n s for buildings, full equal of the man, as she should, rep airs and o th er item s which are classed as m aintenance. ______ are composite studies of every type of not _________ American. They radiate benuty be­ cause the American m an and woman are beautiful, not only in face and figure but in spirit, which shines from their eyes. The American is the most perfectly developed as to body. There­ fore I have given iiim brawn and F ixit grace In the figure.” 84tf Come and Hear MISS DOROTHY NICHO3 S Gef Your I Christmas Furs at TII0US8NBS HAVE KIDNEY TROUBLE AND NEVER SUSPECT IT Qu'to Seriously 11'.— sold th e ir N utley s tre e t p roperty to Q rres cleans clothes, ¿»hone 64. H. G. E nders Sr. is reported as A pplicants for In su ran ce O ften Arrives from W ashington— W illiam E. C ounter, th e deal hav-! quite seriously ill a t his hom e on R ejected Miss E laine Todd arrived in the ing been com pleted M onday. Study Club M eets— East Main stre e t, having tak e n a city today from Cheney, W ash., The A shland Study club m et Mon-i Ju d g in g from rep o rts from d ru g ­ Save by buying doll clothes a t ¡day aftern o o n in the new com m unity severe cold, and it i3 feared th a t it w here she has been a tte n d in g norm al may develop into pneum onia. gists who are co nstantly in direct SOtf school. Miss T odd's hom e is in the the N eedlecraft Shop. . house, being th e firs t club to tak e touch with the public, th ere is one W illam ette valley, b u t she has spent advantage of the fine new’ building. I p rep a ra tio n th a t has been very sue- j th e g re a te r p a rt of th e past few U ndergoes O peration— The club spent some tim e in studying DAYS OF DIZZINESS cessful in overcom ing these condi­ George W. McNabb underw ent Shakesperian w orks, a fte r which y ears in A shland, com ing here to I’e o p l, tions. The m ild and healing influ- gain relief from asth m a. The s a m e . quite a serious nasal operation Mon Mrs, H. H. E lh a rt gave a very in te r­ T here a re days of dizziness; Spells of headache, languor, b a c k -!ence of Dr. K ilm er’s Sw am p-Root is day, but is reported to he restin g caused h er to re tu rn here tro u b le estin g talk on Y ellow stone national ache; 'so o n realized. It sta n d s the highest nicely a t th e C om m unity hospital. today. park, telling of som e of the w onder­ Som etim es rh eu m atic pains; , „ , , , , O ften u rin a ry disorders. for >ts rem a rk a b le record ot success. ful sights" th a t she and Mr. E lh a rt N arcissus bulbs, 15 cents each, a tj O ur candy prices a re rig h t, qual-j D oan’s K lciiey P ills a re especially An exam ining physician for one of saw when they m ade the trip through E L H A R T ’S. 85-3 ity considered. Rose Bros. ’4tf for kidney ills. . ; the p rom inent life insurance com- the park last sum m er. E ndorsed in A shland by g rate fu l pa n ;e8 ¡n an interview' of the sub­ friends and neighbors. 1 . , , ,, . . , . . , R etu rn * from K lam ath— Auto for sale, good as new Over- Ask y our neighbor! Jec t- m ade th e asto n ish in g state- WIRE WHEEL SERVICE at Lee- Andy Johnson, of 550 F alrview ]an(j Sedan, run 5000 m iles, less th an Mrs. Je n n ie H a m m o n ,'6 4 9 E a st m ent th a t one reason why so m any dom ’s T ire H ospital. Broken spokes s tre e t, retu rn ed th is week a fte r hav- b a lf cost, term s. Staples R ealty Main stre e t, A shland, says: “ I have applicants for insurance are rejected replaced 25c. 84tf used Doan s K idney Pills w ith b e n e - ,^ jjecause kidney tro u b le is so com- ing spent the past ten days in var- Agency. S4tf I fit and am glad to endorse them . My lous p a rts of th e s ta te on business. I ---------- Do not fail to look over the d o ll1 kidneys troubled me for som e tim e Inon 10 ^ ie A m erican peop e, and t le W ednesday Club to M eet— sets a t the N eedlecraft Shop. 80tf and I h a d such severe backaches it large m ajo rity of those whose appli- The W ednesday club, a social or ______ ; | was h a rd for me to keep going. I cations a re declined do not even su s­ Xnvas Fruit Cake— ! was h ard ly ever free from dizziness pect th a t they have the disease Dr Also whipped cream puffs. Home ganization of P resb y terian women. by G irl A rrives— ! a n d headaches and th e action of my B akery and R e sta u ra n t, 69 N orth ' e n te rta in s tom orrow afternoon a t the! B Mr. and Mrs. A rth u r E rickson a re 'k id n e y s w as irre g u la r. D oan’s Kid- K ilm er’s Sw’am p-R oot is on sale at 84tf church. All women of the congrega-; —*• ****■•«• Main. nny P ills helped me m ore th a n any all d ru g stores in bottles of two — - tion, visito rs and stra n g e rs especially j the proud p a re n ts of a line baby gill o th e r rem edy I ever trie d and it was sizes, m edium and large. who arriv ed a t th e ir home Monday m o t long before I was free from the - are welcomed to H ow ever, if you wish first to test ¡m orning. Steve is stepping high and J backaches and o th er signs of kidney A bit of w ork, a bit of play, this g rea t p rep aratio n , send 10 cents ¡says th a t it is the finest ever. M o th e r, co m p plaint.” lain t.” A bite and sup to w hile aw ay lan d d a u g h te r are both doing nicely.! p fjce. cents a t all dealers. to Dr. K ilm er & Co., B ingham pton, The aftern o o n w ith friendly cheer Don’t sim ply ask for a kidney rem ­ N. Y.., for a sam ple bottle. W hen! T H E TH EA T ER B£AUTVi:> THE THEATER BtAUTVI A round th e C hristm as tree so dear. edy— get D oan’s K idney P ills— the w ritin g be su re and m ention this TONIGHT — T O M O R R O W See ou r barg ain windows for Xm as sam e th a t Mrs. H am m on had. Fos- paper. — adv. THURSDAY E a t b e tte r tam ales a t Rose Bros, ¡gifts. Studio A shland. 84tf tpr-M ilbnrn Co.. M frs.. Buffalo. N.Y. 74tf ----------- R e tu rn s from P o rtla n d — as.tnoo jo ‘ ooa H enry Pace retu rn ed Monday from ! JH 8 spjo^i 01 pun sojiqoui P o rtla n d , w here he has been spend-j T -IiZ e u o q j ■ ojiik xis *s)pn j 4 «oJtp p a jn su i isn e i i ing the past ten days of liis vaca- -aads a n q o u io jn v qjuotu js c q tion. He appeared before th e v e te r­ a n ’s exam ining board w hile In the Ask your grocer for Golden Sheaf n o rth e rn city. 52tf Bread. m u«u W atch ou r window. One or m ore Visit in C ountry— i articles each day a t cost. Special Mr. and Mrs. John Dill were guests W ednesday, silk kim onas. V ariety Sunday a t the T avener ranch w est Store. 84-tf of the city. 3. M cNair Bros pay the cost of a tria l by refu n d in g y our m oney if Hyomei fails to relieve th a t cough or cold yon have. I — H ere's th e im m ortal dram a th a t has filled A m erican h e a rts w ith th rills and tea rs and gladness for fifty years? —You’ll th rill as the giganlic .¡yclone sweeps a whole town away — The screen p o rtray s w hat th e stage could only describe. — Also— “TOPICS OF TH E 1»AV" — and— “AESOP’S FABLES" A d m is s io n ................... 10 and 50c are reputable men and women in every walk of life co whom you may refer about this painless, non-surgical cure. If you are a sufferer from Piles, Fistula, Fissure or other rectal disease, call or write today for my FREE booklet. Cost of treatment returned if 1 fail to cure your Piles. DR. CHAS. J. DEAN 2N D AN D MORRISON PORTLAND.OREGON M E N T IO N I T H IS PAP ER W HEN W R I T I N 6 The e n tire E astm an line— variety enough for every purpose and every purse— is a t your disposal here, to g eth e r w ith photo album s photo calendars, pokescopes (th e new pocket te le s c o p e s )— every­ thing in photography. CRATEP. LA K E PICTU RES E a stm a n Filins E xpert F inishing M c N a ir Bros. rh Q Stor, 115 W. Main, Medford I. Wc L ik e to B e lie v e THAT SOME DAY, SOMEHOW, FORTUNE WILL FAVOR US W ITH FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE. DON’T BE MISLED. FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE IS EARNED BY THE IN TELLIG ENT USE OF MONEY, W HICH DEMANDS REGULAR SAVING. The Citizens Bank oí Ashland Ashland, Oregon A Sum m er ==Clime W inter Outing th a t’s ^ E you need a wrist watch for yourself or if you intend to present one as a gift— this is your opportunity to get rare watch value. I LADY MAXIM At $55.00 At $50.00 A Kodak for Christmas F. W. BARTLETT for your “ Must B tautifu H atch its the ff'trlj" GUARANTEE to per­ manently cure your Piles w ithout cutting, burning, stitching, anaesthetic, con­ finement or unpleasant after-effects. My patients Largest Stock in Oregon Outside of Portland A Wrist Watch for Chri stmas T h e s e L ady M a x im W atches are recognized as the season’s m ost popular styles. W e guar­ antee them for their tim ekeep­ ing a n d p re c isio n qualities. Be Cured to Stay Cured Bartlett’s Fur Store Solid 18-kt. engraved white' gold care fit- » ted with fine 17-Jewel Movement. Solid 18-kL engraved while fold case and tine rectangular 17-Jewel Movement. At $55.00 T hii watch has an 18-kt. «ohd white gold engraved vise and a fine 17-Jew el T bit fancy oral watch has a solid I I -kt. engraved white gold case, fia«_l7-Jewel Movement. M a tt year selection uttt< while our stocks are plete. A small deposit will hold any watch for y t t . JOHNSON JEWELRY STORE 1 ASHLAND alifornia id k e m any o th ers a t this season of the year you a re th in k in g of a trip to a w arm er clime. C alifornia is ju st the place for your w inter outing. H ere the days are flooded with b rig h t, warm sunshine. You may enjoy all outdoor recreation or sim ply relax and rest in com fort u n d e r su n lit skies. T here are noted golf courses, polo fields, ten n is courts, m iles of splen­ did highw ays and countless places of scenic and rom antic chai in. Go now and tak e advantage of Ex­ cellent T rain Service and T hrough Sleeping Cars to San Francisco and Los Angeles. LOW ROUND T R IP TICKETS Now on Sale F o r fares, tra in schedules, sleeping c ar reservations o r descriptive folders, ask local rairo ad ticket agents, or w riie JOHN M. SCOTT G eneral P assenger A gent, P o rtla n d , Ore.