ishland daily tiding » Tuesday, December 12, 1022 aaauauài — SB PAGE THREB 9BM M K wave length of the circuit, depending The b arn on th e George Sullivan; upon the number of plates th a t are inserted in the condenser as it is va­ j place in th e Valley View d istric t ; ried from 180 degrees to zero. ¡burned to th e ground S atu rd ay a f-' One cent th e w ord each tim e. By reason of this characteristic the i tern o o n , w ith its contents. Some PHYSICIANS. !variable condenser allows for very hay in th e b a rn was the principal ¡close tuning. loss in the way of contents. The | DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practic« A condenser consists of two electri­ lim ited to eye, ear, nose ane loss am ounted to ab o u t $700 and cal conductors separated by an insu­ throat. Office hours, 1C to 12 ant was p a rtly covered by insurance car-j lator. The electrical conductors are ! ! to 6 Swedenburg Bldg., Ash M edford Man. Shoots Self— ried w ith the Billings agency. The called the plates and the insulating j land. Ore 7 3 -f W hile m aking ready to clean a cause of th e fire is unknow n. __________ medium separating the plates is called DR. J . i . EM MENS— P hysic’an anC loaded L uger pistol at his home, ■ ■ xu »-• j j i, ' l i the dielectric. But goon. P ractice iim ited U j George B arnum , M edford garage F r u it cake and m ince m eat tim e is How the Fixed and variable i n Fig. I ig Shown a simple conden- eye, e a r, nose and th ro a t. Glass»* ow ner, was shot through th e knee here. F o r citro n , orange and lem on Tvoes Are Constructed and iser consisting of tw° Plates* A and B- supplied. O culist and a a rls t fo : joint. He is now rep o rted to be rest- J with air between two plates acting us S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H ,, „ _ t „ peel, i^istn s, c u rra n ts , figs, spices, What They Do. I the dielectric. If now a battery C is Bldg., M edford. Ore. P hone 7 6 ' i ,nff m ore easily, th ro u g h the tirs t 8Bgar> etc., D etrick ’a G roceteria sells ----- -connected to the two condenser plates, ; -----------------------------------------------------n ig h t, spent a t the Sacred H eart hos- lpa~ z e tf A condenser in a radio circuit is a I the positive side of the battery to one j DR. M ATTIE II. S H A W -R e sid e n c e p ila , was ,te p a in fu l. and office, 1C8 P io n eer a v e n u e .; storage tank for electrical ch a rg e s., plate and the negative side to the oth- Telephone 28. Office house, 10 Cliff Payne has sp u r stS il ladders.! This storage unit may be either fixed er plate, a current will flow. This cur- V isited front Y r e k a - to 12 a. m .; 2 to 5 p. m., only. ---------- i or variable. The fixed condenser,! rent th at Hows from the battery termi- I Alice M. h^77 Young of -l* Y aw reka, r e - 1 C ottni-V C ourt Fixes Taxe*” DR. H. M. SHAW — Physician- and Ce n Mrs. tl7 VisiVed" o n -in “ a’ndi ! whlch consists Principally of a few jn a ls when the battery is connected to ) Jack so n co u n ty ’s tax levy for sheets of metal foil, intersectioned be- ti,e p!a tes of the condenser is called ) Surgeon Special a tte n tio n E y e s ,, t Mr d M H H M E ars, Nose, T h ro at. Glasses fit- , 1923 has been fixed by th e county tween paraffined paper or mica and • the charging current. During the proc-j ted. Room 6, Mills-McCall Block, berry, who la te r took her home in court, and will be 26.7 m ills for out- boUnd together, and which, u n -,ess of charging a condenser an elec- ! Phone 79 or 28. ¡th e ir car. ., • __ i „ „ j 1 like the variable condenser, does not trie displacement takes place in the | f t f °... J xl_„ , 7 „1__ i eost ver>’ much eith er to buy or build, dielectric. This electric displacement ! DH. G. C. P H E T T E I’LACE— D e n tis t; — successor to W. E. B uchanan 1 W e have the best prices on us«d d istricts, a m ill less th an la st year. Is the one generally used on the re- gives rise to an electromotive force ' ceiving circuit of the vacuum tube. which tends to oppose the applied Special a tte n tio n given to stra ig h t- cars to he found in th e city. Come A shland's levy will be 26.4, as the When connected across the termi- electromotive force from the battery j ening and care of c h ild re n ’s teeth. in and look them over. Bulck city is exem pt from the county li­ nals of the receiver, the fixed condeu- c . Finally a» point is reached where 1 Office h ours, 9 to 12 and 1:30 to ! Agencv 72tf b rary levy of two m ills, th e local ser has the property of discharging the back e. in. f. aud the charging cur- , 5. Office phone 151. R esidence phone 201-J. Cam ps Building,! “ building being m aintained a t m uni- witli great violence across these ter- rent become zero. A shland. Oregon. 4 5 tf is . re ; In the voice of the speaker. The voice nml state. Buy th a t Xm as gift a t th e V a rie tv ric k ’s. W® sell for less. CONVALESCENT HOME — Good impulses set up in tbe condenser are The charge th at can be placed on ' cheer. Good care. Good food. Store. 89 N. Main SL 75'.f forced to discharge immediately, in a static condenser depends upon three i T erm s reasonable. 153 G ranite, New shipm ent of suitB and o’coats order to leave room for the next factors. First, the area of the conden- St. P hone 411-R. 306-lm o Good Ik.uts A re A rran g ed — ju s t in. W ill be glad to show them . cliarge and to prevent the condenser’s ser p lates; second, the thickness and i B attlin g O rtega, of Pacific coast P a u lse ru d ’s. 84tf becoming overloaded. Ju st imagine a composition of the dielectric, and third, VETERINARY reservoir of w ater filling slowly until the potential difference applied to the fam e, has been signed to m eet Gor- the w ater were up to brim, and then plates by the battery C. CHISHOLM G rad u ate don McKay in a 10 round b o u t a t Cuts Thumb Badly— DR. J. P. V eterinary. W alker Ave. George Sheldon is m aking the flood gates opened so that the water the N a ta to riu m , D ecem ber 22. Jack W atch Your "A” Battery. — - Edm undson will m eet Tom S h a rk e y ( rounds w ith one hand bandaged up all ran out. This is a good example of the maimer In which the condenser When your storage battery Is TRANSFER ANP EXPRESS. in the sem i-final. The o th e r six-, as th e re s u lt of having chopped off “cranky” do you have It recharged FO R prom pt and c arefu l service ; round will fea tu re B attlin g F rick the end of his thum b S aturday even- without iiaving it looked over by ait au to tru c k s or horse drays, cal and Danny Cum m ins. T here w i l l i n g w hile s p littin g som e kin d lin g expert? If you do not take any no­ W h ittle T ra n sfe r Co. Phone 117 also be a four-round c u rta in raiser, ! wood T he thum b is quite sore, b u t tice of it you are ap t to be buying a Office, 89 Oak stre e t n e a r H ole An excellent card has been a rra n g e d it is th o u g h t th a t it will cause him new battery in a short time. Many A shlaud. 56tf for th e event by th e prom oters. very little inconvenience, once the are the things which can go wrong in a storage battery. Here are a few of soreness leaves and th e m em ber T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS the more simple troubles which lead F E R — Good team aud m otor F o r sale a t N eedlecraft Shop, baby heals. tru c k s. Good service at a reason doll sets, garden sets, bloom er suits. P/a-f-es- l i — ♦ to bigger o n es: Letting the specific ab le price. Phone 83. gravity of tlie battery go without no­ DON’T DI8CARD your R ubber 80tf rJ C ie /e c /-r/c tice, not using distilled w ater, over­ ---------- j Boots. LEEDOM’S TIRE HOSPIT- charging, letting the battery stand Idle WANTED. O ur box candy a sso rtm e n t is the AL will RETREAD them for you. for a length of time without charging Rose xkw MACHINERY' ju st installed. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL wishes posi­ m ost com plete in A shland. and drawing too much current from it. 74tf tion in fam ily, w here she can j Bros, 79tf i These are only a few of the many troubles which occur in storage bat- work for her board and clothes : teries of the lead-plate type. and go to school. In q u ire 637 7 Y 'slts in M edford- M erry C hristm as will soon be here. Thad C olem an, of the V a rie ty , W e hftve a fu|1 , ine Qf N uts and Can E ast Main. 82-4* store was a business v isitor in M ed-! dies ___ a _ t the ___ rig _________ _ Plaza Mar- W hat Is Meant by Resonance. h t prices, W ANTED— To tra d e two h eifer ford Monday afternoon. You’ll read in any radio magazine 83-tf ik e t, 61 N orth Main. calves for sow and pigs or some or other publication that in order to Sweet Cider, m ade fresh every detect incoming waves you must bring feeder hogs. Plum e 18F12. W. | Medford Soach 111— your secondary into resonance. Sounds 84-2” day, two gallons 75c, one gallon 40c I R. H ayter, owner. W hen E ddie D urno, coach of the tuidlike, doesn’t it? It's very simple. delivered. Phone 9 - F - ll. M edford football team , stepped from WOMAN WANTS W ORK by hour Take two tuning forks. Adjust them Cheap i n s u r a 7 7 7 costly a t a n y i th e tra in UP °" his re tu rn from the to the same pitch and strike one. The g t I ’ A ddress T idings office. other will respond to its vibrations. price. F o r sound in su ran ce a t rea- ‘a th le tic h e a rin * a t S alem ’ he was sonable ra te s, see B illings Agency. | rem oved t0 the hospital, w here he T hat's resonance. FO R REN T. Resonance in radio means bringing E stablished 1883. J4tf! underw ent an o peration for acute ! your couplings to a point of sympathy appendicitis. W ord is anxiously FO R RENT—-A splendid th re e room ; by tuning carefully witii the incoming furnished a p a rtm e n t; a d u lis only. A ppoints A g en t H ere — aw aited in M edford to see if a game j wave and you’ll get it. 357 Vista St. P hone 122. 80tf \ rep re sen ta tiv e of th e San F r a n - ; will be played betw een M. H. S. and 'J cisco Call was in th e city M onday in I th e Scott high school team of Tole- FOR SAI L. do Ohio, d u rin g th e C hristm as vaca-^ th e in te re st of his publication. He RADIO FLASHES FO R SA LE— Dry lau rel wood, plenty «appointed L ester Beck as ag en t for tion. It is n o t th o u g h t likely such of h e a te r ch u n k s; 12 inch tier, th e paper in A shland. a contest would be postponed, or i It is now tlie thing for social $4.SO; also 12 inch body fir, $3.75; even cancelled, should Coach D urno I clubs to have “radio commit- j 12 inch second grow th fir, $3.2 5 :! L delivered. 1224 Iowa St. GS-mo’ i A com plete line of c h ild ren ’s toys be unable to direct his men. ! tees.” is churged and disilmrged. However, in balcony. E a st Side P harm acy. 78t An eastern Institution for the I FOR SALE OR RENT— P a rtly tu rn - W hy not buy h e r a Singer Sewing the radio impulses come so fast that ; blind lias installed radio for its I tshed house. 311 G ranite. In­ M achine for Xmas. $5 down and $3 tlie condenser charges and discharges i hoys. The boys receive lessons | q u ire Nelda Cafe. 72tf P iano T u ning— ; in the code and learn to copy ! Now is the tim e to have your piano per m onth will p u t one iu your home. almost instantly. Tlie low capacity fixed condenser in I commercial messages. SW EET C ID E R — Made fresh every tuued C ar, H L oveland Studio, S inger Sewing M achine Co., 10 So the grid circuit of tlie vacuum tube 1 Dry cells cannot successfully j S e ^ p S e T r ? " 135 F a st Main. ’ P hone 465. - 6 t f |F i r St., M edford. detector functions as a checking con­ I be used for the filament supply | denser for the radio currents to the 1 of vacuum tubes. The batteries 1 Always see me firs t ab o u t youri FO R SA LE— R adio o u tfit, detector H e |e from plate of tlie tube and is generally | will bold up for about five min- | and two phase am plifier, n cabi . " ' ...... . in su ran ce; th e re ’s a difference; why? j p,nie Lloyd Cole, of Am ity, Or., who is, ,____ _ t _____ 8 4 tf | about 0.0005 m icrofarads. Without utes, and then they will slowly 1 net on b ak elite panel 12x36 inch.! Ask me. Yeo, of course. this condenser in tlie tube circuit tlie ! die down, until nothing at all can 1 Coat $120, price $50.00. Com plete r» ending a few days in th e city, vis- signals will be much weaker and tlie I he heard. | ¡ess a battery. W. H. R.. Giski- w ith Mr. and Mrs. J. E. K uyken- 83-3" , dall, of L aurel stre e t, Sunday. Mr. ; Grunts Pass Wants Club House— bulb may have a tendency to choke Radio waves from Queenstowm, I you, Oregon. M ayor C. H. D em aray has been] up so tliat no plate circuit will flow; I Ireland, were amplified iu New I FOR SALE— B ull,-Silver L ad 2D717- appointed by O. S. B lanchard, p re s i-j through the circuit, r Fixed u v » l condensers u u u l - h ^ i o ; 1 York with such success that | 947; price $101). V. . H. C hapm an, d e n t of th e cham ber of com m erce, toi must be made of tbe best grade of ma- j I they disturbed the proceedings | 83-3* Nell Creek. - - , , . „ ,v ,„ f ta k e charge of th e w ork - - looking to teriala possible; that is they must j of the Supreme court in a bulld- We have w hat you w ant for th a t; . . . .. . possess high insulating qualities s o , j jug opposite the receiving sta- 1 , V . arietv . . o Store. . . . Best the acq t u irin FO R SALE— C rochet and em broid- tnft nt . X the o g of a com _ m unity 1 build- . that the charges will not leak off | tion. ing, says the G ran ts P ass C ourier. cry pieces su itab le for Xm as gifts. itf through poor Insulation. Condensers | 89 N. Main St. At present France has the M ayor D em aray has tak en an active made of pure mica and copper foil are Call and see them . 595 Roca St. | most powerful radio station in p a rt in this work in the p ast and is to be preferred over paper and tinfoil i the world in the American built S4-2 Mrs. R. H. Coffin. B e tte r in su ran ce a t reasonable greatly in te rested in th e psoject. He condensers, as they will build up their | L afayette towers near Bordeaux. rates. Billings Agency. P hone 211. stated th a t he would do everything voltages to the highest point without ! The station now being erected at E \ EKBEARING R A SPB E R R IE S in hi3 pow er to brin g about th e es-. leaking, before they suddenly dis- I Port Jefferson, Long Island, will LA FRANCE, th e larg e st and m ost M issionary Society to M «‘t— | by the end of the year take first tab lish m en t of such a building in charge. prolific, 50c each 3 for $1; E r- The B ap tist M isisonary society will G ran ts Pass. In com m enting edi-i Variable condensers should also pos- | place. skine P a rk . R anere and St. Regis, m eet a t th e church W ednesday a fte r- Dr. H. W. Nichols, an eminent to rially upon th e subject, th e Cour-i »ess insulating qualities and such parts I th e best shippers. 10c each o r $5 noon at 2:30 o’clock. Mrs. Beswick ier says: “ Of course, G ran ts Pass insulating buslimg and top plates 1 electrical engineer, announces per 100. E verbearing stra w b e r is the leader. Mrs. B ritto n , of G rants w ant. • community building. Other! : that the ether is not only not of b' « ',5 » °? s™ 1” i use in radio transmission, hut ries. $2 and $3 per 100; M arvel P ass, who has charge of m issions in places a re doing It and G ra n t, P a s , “ ■ 8'«“1 '» « " ¡ ‘¡"S ! Fiber w ashers and bushings soon de­ I that it is an interference. Dr. and Siovilli, $2 per 100. The Cory th is d istric t, will be p resen t. All la- H will u ltim ately join th e ran k s of the velop leaks, as fiber has the property ■ Nichols believes th a t much can T hornless B lackberry, tips 15c dies of the church and congregation progressive cities which have p ro ­ of absorbing m oisture and warps in I be done to remedy the static dis- each, 20 for $2.50 or $11 per 100. a re cordially invited. vided such places.” time, causing tlie plates in the conden­ I turbance by a means of sharper 1 have tried B urbauks and three ser to touch. Variable condensers are j tuning. o th er kinds and the Cory is tbe Ask your grocer for Golden Sheaf FIGHT FIRE! generally made from aluminum so as | Radio outfits have become so onlv “ th o rn le ss” plant th a t will B read. M ttj P ro te c t hom e a n d property. If you! to make them as light as possible, | numerous In the apartm ent produce enough fru it to pay to th in k you should insure, if you in- Aluminum has the property of keep- ': ; houses in New York that it has 72tf tend to in su re p re tty soon, DO IT ing its shape in flat plates and is also I become a problem to find space D etrick sells for less. p lan t and cultivate. 14-m onth-old 1 for the antennae on the roofs. I NOW p. d. q., and avoid cause for a good conductor. p lan ts have produced 25 pounds of 1 A scheme is being developed to Built-up variable condensers with Com plete sets for dolls a t N e e d le-,g AD R E G R E T and self chatisem ent. larg e b erries and no thorns. D. P R em em ber also th a t th ere is as washers used as separators gen- 1 have community service ren- Blue. 500 A shland St,, A shland. craft Shop— Coats, suits, caps, etc . 80lf g rea t or g re a te r risk on your house-1 era,,y «»ve n,ore satisfaction than otli- I dered to tenants over the house Oregon. 82-5* reaso n ab ly priced. ______ 17 , . j •. «.„¡er types. Experience lias proved that I telephone wires. 1 Dr. Marconi is reported as Celebrate« Birthday__ et ec an c ° 1R * *, C°? they keep their plates separated with- | Miss Carol M itchell celebrated h er 54 ° r leSS P