PAGB TWO ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Tuesday, December 12, Care of Poor Not at Poor Farm Nellie B oardm an, re g u la r in­ digent ....................................$ 25.00 Published Every Evening Kxcept ! A. D. Beardsley, re g u la r in ­ Sunday digent .................................... 10.00 THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO ¡Mr. C astile, re g u la r in d ig en t 8.00 OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY Mrs. K ate Copple, re g u la r in­ PAPER d ig en t .................................... 1.00 TEL EPH O N E 39 Millie D osler, re g u la r indi-, C. K. LOGAN, Editor gent ........................................ 10.00 D ave D aniels, re g u la r in d i­ E n te re d a t the A shland, Oregon Poetofftce as Second-class Mail Mat 8.00 gent ........................................ •• H igh-class securities alw ays Mrs. H udson, re g u la r indigent 8.00 subscription Price Delivered in City: «8» ---------- Three m o n t h s ............................... 1.95 & gent ........................................ 8.00 Six months .................................... 3.75 • w here conscience ha3 m ade a ! A lbert Jo h n sto n , re g u la r indi­ One year ................................. 7.5« <*> m istake. gent ........................................ 8.00 Mail and Rural Routes ■» ---------- One month ....................................$ .65 Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kelsoe, No m a tte r w hether you s ta r t Three m o n t h s ............................... 1.95 • re g u la r indigents 8.00 doing a th in g e ith e r rig h t or Hix m onths .................................... 3.50 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. K ane, re g ­ One year ...................................... 6.5t wrong, you will have im ita to rs. Display A dvertising Mrs. Lena Lee, re g u la r indi­ A fter a girl “ comes o u t,” she & .30c • single In sertion, each inch . . . 8.00 gent ...................................... . YEARLY CONTRACTS goes out, and then h e r m other <$■ Mrs. I. A. M ontgom ery, reg u ­ Display Advertising w orries because she stays out. <•> la r indigent .......................... 8.00 One tim e a w e e k ........................27 A ---------- Two tim es a week........................25 c. ; Mrs. C arrie E. M iller, reg u ­ Most m en w ait until they get <$> €very o th e r d a y ...........................20 c la r indigent ........................ 10.00 Local Readers ❖ old before reform ing, and then ! ;J . Meece, re g u la r in d ig e n t.. 8.00 Each line, each tim e ................... 10c let N atu re do th e th in g auto- Mrs. M arg aret Noble, reg u la r To ru n every o th e r Aiy for one <8* m atically. m onth, each line, each tim e . . 7C I indigent ................................. 10.00 < 8 > ---------- e To rucTevery Issue for one m onth Doc P arsons, reg u la r indi- of m ore, each line, each tim e . . 5? <8> It takes q u ite a bit of experi- 8.00 t gent ...............................». . . Classified Column ence to teach a m an th a t he Eliz. P a tte rso n , reg u la r indi­ One cent th e w ord each tim e. c a n ’t m ake money and m istakes <8> To run every issue for one m onth 8.00 gent ........................................ ? > sim ultaneously. or more, %c th e w ord each tim e. Jam es Pough, reg u la r indi­ ----- & Legal Rate gent ........................................ 10.00 F irs t tim e, per 8-pchit lin e ......... 10c ® HEZ HECK SAYS: Mrs. Mary Price, re g u la r in ­ AGNES AY RES’ CARAMEL CUSTARD Each subsequent time, per 8- ‘ In the m a tte r o’ sus­ Q O O K IN G is a hobby w ith A gnes A yres and h er frien d s often accept polnt line ...................................... 5c 8.00 digent .................................... ta in in ’ life hash goes fu r­ Card of t h a n k s .............................. 31.00 iitr in v itatio n s to tea or dinner with ala c rity because th ey know Mrs. Je an Ross Sm ith, re g u ­ O bituaries, the line .......................2 1£c <8> th e r th an philosophy.” -he wdi sh are m the p rep aratio n of the meal. H ere is a recipe she lar indigent ........................ 8.00 Fraternal Orders and Societies ises fo r French caram el custard. Mrs. L. Schiefflin, re g u la r in­ A dvertising fo r fra te rn a l orders This consists of caram el syrup and custard, to be made in sepa- 6.00 or societies c h arg in g a re g u la r initl MUSE INSPIRED RY digent .................................... a te pans. F o r the custard, tak e five eggs, one pint of milk, two atlo n fee and dues, no discount. Re RHEUMATISM ATTACK Nancy Sisem ore, re g u la r in- .hires oi a cup of sugar, and one teaspoonful of vanilla. H eat milk liglous and benevolent o rd ers will be digent .................................... 10.00 ind sugar. B eat eggs slightly. P o u r in hot milk, add vanilla, and charged th e reg u la r rate for all ad >tra.n into the pan containing syrup. Had not D enm an Thom pson, in T - D- Stafford, re g u la r indi- v ertlsing when an adm ission or othei H ie syrup is m ade as follows: Take fo u r heaping tablespoons o f charge is m ade. 1875 then a variety a rtist, been a t- gent ........................................ ? agar, place in a pan and add a little w ater. Mix well and h e a t until tacked liy rh eu m a tism , “ T he Old W olgam ott .reg u la r indi- What Constitutes Advertising yrup is brown. Take pan out of the blaze and tilt it so th a t the syrup g en t ......................................... 15.00 In o rd er to allay a m isu n d e rsta n d ­ ! H om estead” m ight never have been •overs bottom and sides. F w ritten . This classic, which will be Alex W ilson, re g u la r indigent 8.00 ing am ong some as to w hat consti S et th e pan containing custard and syrup into an o th er pan con- tu te s news and w hat ad v ertisin g , ; seen on the screen as a P a ram o u n t Annie W atkins, re g u la r indi- a.m ng hot w ater and p u t into hot oven. The oven m ust be very hot we print th is very sim ple rule, which i picture a t the V ining th e a tre today, gent ......................................... 8.00 ICn t Pnddlng *S fi; 3t Put in ’ b u t ’ow*r the im m ediately to la u sed by new spapers to d iffe re n ti­ n u ll blue flame. Cook very slowly until custard is set. Take it tom orrow and T hursday, was origin- A m erican Red Cross, in d ig en t a te betw een th em : “ ALL fu tu re .it when done, and allow th e custard to boil. C ustard and syrup expense ................................. 180.92 events, w here an adm ission charge ally a sh o rt sketch called “ Joshua »ill rem ain sep arate. Is m ade or a collection is tak en IS W hitcom b.” Mr. Thom pson, con- A. B. E vans, indigent supplies 10.00 A D VERTISIN G.” T his applies to fined to his room by th e m alady, was G ranite City H ospital indi- organizations a n d societies of every unable to do his song and dance gent c a r e ............................... 30.00 kind as well as to individuals. For Steaming Eyeglasses. Lake Champlain num ber, and he w rote th e sketch, G odw ard M ercantile Co., indi- All rep o rts of such activ ities a fter When going ini,» a crowded room in [.ai e Champlain was discovered It “ Uncle Jo sh ,” for fu tu re use. gent s u p p l i e s ............................ 22.92 they have occurred is new3. cold or damp weather, eyeglasses 1C>?» by Samuel ,L> Champlain, a All com ing social or organization Mr. Ju lien Josephson, who w rote Good S am aritan H ospital, in- steam so that it is almost impossible !• reneli exp'orer end colonizer, who m eetings of societies w here no the co ntinuity for th is p icture, is a d ig en t care .............................. 60.00 to see. If rubbed with vaseline and gave it iii» own name. The lake Is m oney co n trib u tio n is solicited, in iti­ He has a phoenix M ercantile Co., in d i­ cleaned well, the glasses will not drained on the north by the Riche- atio n charged, or collecton tak e n IS form er R oseburg m an. 10.00 gather this m oisture.—From the De­ lieu river, a nidi empties into the St gift of providing typical situ a tio n s g e n t supplies ......................... NEWS. signer. Lawrence. for folks in ru ra l com m unities. C. H. Pierce, indigent su p ­ I plies ....................................10.00 COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS I Sacred H e a rt H ospital, in d i­ BIBLE THOUGHT3 (C ontinued F ro m Y esterday.) gent expense ..................... 12.85 — FOR TODAY— ! T alent M ercantile Co., indi­ | Bible Thoughts memorized, w ill prove a 1 F iu it Inspector’s Office priceless heritage in a fte r years. 3.35 gent s u p p l i e s ........................ E R. O atm an, fru it in sp ecto r’s W IIHI uniiniBIllIWTt^ Lewis U lrich, in d ig en t su p ­ salary and e x p e n s e ............ 5222.50 plies ...................................... 28.31 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12 H ow ard E. W arner, fru it in­ Jno. M. W illiam s Co., indi­ L IK E PRODUCES L IK E :— Be sp ecto r's salary and ex­ gent supplies ..................... 5.26 not deceived; God is not m ocked: pense ...................................... 206.50 C. E. W ilhite, indigent su p ­ for w hatsoever a m an sow eth, plies ...................................... 4.50 th a t shall he also reap. G alatians Total, 3429.00 Will H. W ilson, indigent 6: 7. A ssessor’s Office supplies ................................. 6.60 J. B. Colem an, assessor's sa l­ “THE POWER OF LANGUAGE ary ...........................................3166.66 Mrs. H. B. H atch, re g u la r in ­ d ig en t .................................... 10.00 The U rdahl lectu re a t th e C ivic' L lnnie H auscam , deputy a s­ H utchison & L um sden, indi­ se sso r’s salary ................... 110.00 club building Sunday a t 3 p. m. was gent s u p p l i e s ........................ 25.00 well a tte n d ed . His su b ject was “The Ray Colem an, deputy asses­ s o r’s salary .......................... 90.00 Jo h n A. P erl, in d ig en t ex­ Key of K now ledge,” w hich he a s ­ pense ...................................... 30.00 serted to be th e "P o w e r of L ang­ E lva C. M itchell, work in a s­ uage.” It was a very able discourse, sesso r's office ...................... 75.00 W arner, W ortm an & Gore, in- full of sound reason and lo g ic a lly ! A shland Tidings, assesso r’s i digent supplies ................... 10.00 approached th e conclusion th a t the expense ................................. 2.85 Mrs. M. E. M iddlebusher, in ­ pow er of language is the key o f ! J- B. Colem an, assesso r’s digent supplies ............ 8.00 trav elin g expense .............. 12.50 know ledge, ta k in g th e th o u g h ts of his audience to th is conclusion s te p ! J. B. Colem an, assesso r’s of­ T otal, 3729.71 by step, u n til the th em e was u n ­ fice expense ................. 10.65 (To be continued.) .1 folded and th e ir m inds w ere open an d ready for « the announcem ent J T otal, 3467.66 th a t the pow er of language really Is Tax R ebate C ut This Out— It Is Worth Money th e key of know ledge. He has a fine! w . s . Ball, tax r e f u n d ......... .3 25.84 Cut out th is slip, enclose w ith 5c in te lle c tu a l, scientific philosophy, S. J. Myers tax refund . . . 5:69 and m ail it to Foley & Co., 2835 w ith th e soul as the connecting link M rs. II. W alker, tax refund 29.05 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., w riting betw een th e m ate ria l universe and -------------- your nam e and address clearly. You God, and th e pow er of language as! T otal, $ 60.58 will receive in re tu rn a tria l pack- th e force th ro u g h which th is soul W idow s’ Pensions age containing Foley’s Honey and m anifests, even to th e point of “ say- Ella A bbott, widow’s pension? 20.00 T ar Com pound for coughs, colds and ing It sh all be, and it is d one.” Ju a n ity B utler, w idow 's pen- croup; Foley K idney P iils for pains The lectu re which follow ed M onday; sion ......................................... 20.00 in sides and back; rh eu m atism , was “ H ealing.” His philosophy ap-! Effie M arie Baer, w idow ’s backache, kidney and blad d er a il­ peals m ore to the in tellect th an the pension ................................. 25.00 m ents; and Foley C ath artic T ablets, h e a rt. Those w ith a C h ristian ex- C alia C ard, widow s pension 54.00 a w holesom e and th o roughly cleans­ perience th a t am o u n ts to an a c tu a l Mrs. N ettie G reen, widow s ing c a th a rtic for constipation, bil- and real connection of the soul of pension ................................. 15.00 liousness, headaches, and sluggish m an w ith the o m nipotent pow er of Alice P How ell, widow's bowels. Sold everyw here. God th rough faith iu C hrist, will pension ................................. 25 00 Coughs and Cohls in Winter recognize th a t, w hile his philosophy Mrs. Ina H uson, w idow 's pen­ I Indoor sed en tary life in w in ter has is elevating Intelectually, it lacks th e slou 54 00 a direct bearing on the prevalence of vitalizatio n th a t comes th ro u g h com- ¡\jarv R. H iggins, widow’s coughs and colds. Keep the bowels plete acceptance of th e Bible doc pension ................................. 15.00 active and overcom e constipation trin e of reg en eratio n . His point th a t M„ Dolly Love w idow -s I Dolly Love, widow s w ith Foley C a th artic T ablets. Colds, th e pow er of language is th e key of pension ................................. 25.00 COUgh3, croup, th ro a t, chest and in te lle c tu a l know ledge Is well tak e n M yrtle M. P a lm e r, w idow ’s bronchial tro u b le quickly relieved — language has a pow er fa r beyond! pension ................................. 15.00 w ith Foley’s Honey and T ar. Con- p resent teach in g of the great educa­ A nna P re sc o tt, w idow ’s pen- tain s no opiates— in g red ien ts p rinted tio n a l in stitu tio n s of the w orld. Too sion ......................................... 10.00 ou the w rapper. L arg est selling cough STANDARD OIL COMPANY little a tte n tio n is paid to it in the Rosa A. P effly, w idow 's pen- m edicine in th e w orld. “ F oley's (California; education of m ankind. Men and sion ......................................... 25.00 Honey and T ar is w onderful for at- ■women should be ta u g h t th e d e stru c ­ tacks of coughs and colds,” w rites tive force of negative language and Mrs. G ladys Row en, w idow ’s pension ................................. 20.00 w . H. Gray, Venice, C alifornia. Sold th e building pow er of positive con-! R etha M. R ichardson, w id­ everyw here. HARRISON BROS. Rtructive language, both as applied FORD GARAGE ow’s pension ........................ 32.50 to c h a ra c te r and healing of the m ind ENDERS COMPANY ASHLAND GARAGE and body. But sight should not be Mrs. Lydia S anders, w idow 's Man and the Flower«. pension .................................. 17.50 The t'ragm nce of plants is not for lo st in th is teaching of the reg en er­ M erlo Robison, Prop. T. H. SIMPSON a tin g , cleansing, uplifting force of a Eliz. Sevev, w idow 's pension 17.50 I'.ai.'s pleasure; It is a menns of at ractlng insects to fertilize them. The AVERY TRASK splendid, and if so, perfect connec­ Rose R. S ingler, w idow ’s pen­ TALENT GARAGE '•bjec! of many present-day florists is sion ......................................... 32.50 tion of the soul of m an w ith tru th Talent, Ore. io improve « flower In Its coloring, TOURIST GARAGE as exem plified in the leading of th e A ddle W ebb S hanks, w idow ’s Zerolene good cold-test oils size and substance—in short to “paint Holy sp irit, which perfect connection pensiou ................................. 10.00 'he lily." Tliey cannot improve the flow freely and lubricate per­ STANDARD OIL CO. SERVICE STATIONS is possible only th ro u g h the regener-, Amy R. T horn widow’s pen- fectly in zero weather—pro­ fragrance, which is peril«!« the reason atlng power of th e C hrist, T hat sion ......................................... 25.00 they seem ' » ta re so litrie for its dis- tect the hearings— increase f p.’crancv uuder (heir handling.—Ex force transcends in tellect. It is an Rosa A, Peffly, w idow ’s pen­ the power and flexibility o f experience. sion ........................................ 15.00 l . a t i g e . Ashland Tidings Established 1876 FILM STARS’ RECIPES WRIGLEYS «E&BEKILMOSES J i ^»•WINTER DRIVING buy Quick-starting RED CROWN jrom these dealers Fill your tank with "Red Crown” and nothin* <>bc and you won’t have any trouble starting, no matter how cold it gets. storting! 100?° POWER ZEROLENE your engine. Bead UM v i a t ads. T otal, 3173 0 ft! Subscribe for The T idings— now. "Red Crown” vaporizes readily, even in zero weather —yields 100% power at the first jump of the spark. Look for the Red Crown sign displayed by service stations, garages and dealers everywhere. They carry quick-starting insurance—the quickest-starting gas­ oline on the market today.