e ASHLAND CLIM ATE, v itn o u i th e aid of m edicine, cures nine $> cases o u t of ten of asth m a. « This i3 a proven fact. A shland D aily * <$> <9 <9 <$■<$$> LABOR PRESSES FIRST ATTACK ON DAUGHERTY FATHERS AND SONS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1922 <» OCCUPY POSITIONS «>’ ON SAME FACULTY ❖ -------- «• GENEVA, N. Y„ Dec. 12.— <» — F a th e r and son in two fam ilies <9. • are holding ch airs today on the • faculty of H obart College here. <3>, *> Newton I). Hubbs son of Dr. <£ • i • John B. H ubbs, chaplain and professor of history, is now an ❖ ! • in stru cto r in m ath em atics and • physics. W alter H. D urfee, son IM PEACHM ENT ACTION STARTS • of Dean W. P. D urfee, is an as- <«> BEFORE HOUSE JUDICIARY •• sista n t professor in his f a th e r’s, COMMITTEE m athem atical dep artm en t. • th ird m em ber of the D urfee • fam ily, Miss M ary D urfee, Is ■$* COUNTER CHARGES ARE « FLYING THROUGH AIR > teaching Greek in W illiam Sm ith. H o b a rt's co-ordinate in- <*> • s iitu tio n for the in stru ctio n of <$• V olstead T ells R alston That C om m it­ • women. te e W ill Conduct H earings as It , , Bn« uh , Noted D etective, 1 m A lso Targe,-. ♦ <§> £ # (International News Wire Service) V O L U M E 4 (Successor to th e Sem i-W eekly Tidings, Voi. 43) Sees F it; ■$> MALARIA GERMS cannot sur- vive th re e tio n th s in th e rich ozone a t A shland. The pure do- m estic w ater helps. • y I No. 85 PLANS BEING FORMULATED WHEREBY FINE TOURIST HOTEL MAY ARISE ON *> COMING EVENTS ---------- <$> <$> •' You w on’t lx* u nlucky i f you <9- •t> shop now — 13 «lays until *$* ; •> C hristm as. <*> ! $> Decem ber 12.— Annual m eet- ' >«> ing Red Cross. Civic Club. »' D ecem ber 12— W . C. T. IT. ?• m eeting. ! t> D ecem ber 16— B azaar and !<■•* food sale. C hristian church. <♦> D ecem ber 16— Stew art Long, <$> le c tu re r Lyceum course. D ecem ber 21.— High school <$> operetta, “ The C aptain of Ply- ¡3> m o u th .” ❖ Decem ber 18-19— IT. S. navy rec ru itin g officer here. i D ecem ber 25, Monday — <$> C hristm as Day. ■?> Decem ber 25— C hristm as ball benefit 484th com pany, Arm ory. * Articles of incorporation drawn and will be submitted to state ’ in short time; life members of Chautauqua Association meet and elect officers and pass resolutions favoring proposed site of hotel. <$> <** • *$> JOHN WANAMAKER, H5, SUC­ CUMBS TO COLD AT HOME ❖ THIS MORNING <•> <9> •£> •$> • ALL PHILADELPHIA MOURNS HIS PASSING Philan th rop ic and R eligiou s Iqjei-est In City E ndears Him to R esid en ts; W as P ostm aster G eneral Under P resid en t H arrison. LOW TEMPERATURE E LOWEST PH ILA D ELPH IA Dec. 12.— John- W anam aker, m erch an t prince, phil­ F irs t d efinite steps in acquiring stre e t using the present en tran ce to 'm e e tin g , the C hatuauqua association a n th ro p ist and ow ner of th e W ana­ a new to u rist hotel for A shland were C h au tau q u a park. All a rc h ite c tu ra l held its election last night, the fol- m ak er stores in New York, P hiladel- taken last n ight a t a com bined m eet- plans will be w orked out in detail lowing coming into office: W. Jud- 1 phia and P aris, died early this m orn- ing of those in terested in the pro-, once of the organization is well un- son Oldfield p resident: V. O. N. ! ing a t his home a fte r an illness la s t­ ject and m em bers of the C hautau- tier way. Sm ith, vice-president; H om er Bill- ing m ore th an two m onths. He was qua association. j The principal office of the C om -!in 5S, secretary, and G. G. E ubanks, j 85 years old, which is believed to U nder p resent plans the hotel w i l l |mUnity Hofei corporation, as the a r- tre a su re r. T rustees elected were ¡have rendered recovery impossible, be erected ad jo in in g the C hautauqua j tid e s of incorporation sta te , will he E - B utler, O. W inter, C. II. Vaupel, ¡as death followed a p ersisten t and j b,ullding, which will be p reservedj in A shland, though o th e r offices can | Mr8- E lla MiUs and M rs- s - P a tte r- 1 heavy cold which resu lted in violent and will serve as an a u d ito riu m in be m aintained w herever desired in son. -E xtrem e fits of coughing. PORTLAND. Dec. li M embers of the A shland football con«ecHon w ith the hotel. A rticles the U nited States. It will be incor-. Life m em bers of the association cold coutinues over (he n a tio n , in _ incor- W anam aker was educated ii^ the tea;n were guests of the 484th com- of incorporation have been draw n up porated for $300,000, to be divided proposed and unanim ously adoptedj clud ug Oregon and W ashington. public schools and received decrees pany a j a bjg old-tim e arm y feed af- bj A ttorney W illiam M. Briggs, a n d : ¡n to 3000 shares to sell a t $100 per a resolution to the effect th a t ar- The -m outh of the F ra zie r riv er a t from H ow ard university, U rsinius te rd rin th e A r m o v M onday '! wil1 be subm itted to the proper sta te j share. ran g em en ts be m ade for the use of V ancouver, B. C.. was frozen for the . . . th o o ritie r i t i e s s f for o r filing f i l i n p in r ‘ tim f im o e. _ night> which was very ¿ ’ reaUy en . I ' a a u u th in a a c sh h o n rt Those who have signed the articles the C hautauqua grounds in p art for, fjrgt tjm e jn m any yearg R Wftg college and the U niversity of P en n ­ sylvania. j oyed, a special dem o n stratio n of In locating the hotel on the C h au -¡o f incorporation to date, a re Jesse the erection of a hotel. Follow ing 9 below zero th e re last night. He s ta rte d work early, and ran er- hand-to-hand fig h tin g holds w a s ^ a u qua grounds, it is believed one W iuburn, whom, it is sta te d , will be this, a n o th e r resolution was 'adopt The Dalles records one degree b e -!ran(ls ?or a book store a t u Then g..,ge(j for the b enefit of the visitors of the finest hotel sites on th e P a ­ heavily financially in terested in th e ed, appointing the president, „ . V ce'llo w zero, w ith 19 above in P o rtla n d . | be becam e a r e ta il c lo th in e u tle a m a n Rivpr . ae oecaaie a le ia n ciotblng salesm an. by <=„r geant S argdnt and P riv ates cific coast will be had, as the hotel project, Bert R. G reer T. H. Simp- p resident secretary and board of Tf waa 7Prn nt * > ’ ilt as z e 1 o at Hood it i \ p i and it): i j p pq t lit mli a /1 tin* i'lntiiino- h a h c l i nf 1 established the clothing house of Middle and Burns. Com pany drill, will overlook the Plaza and the low­ son, H om er Billings, J. P. Dodge, | tru stee s, w ith M ayor C. B. L a m k in ! bp1ow a t Spokane W an am ak er & Brown, la te r branch- school of the soldier, squad, a rtille ry er end of L ith ia park. A driveway F. G Sw edenburg, R. L. Burdic J r., and E. D. Briggs, as an advisory com-¡ Frozen w ater pipes and ra d ia to rs j ¡n g olR into his own business w here d rill, signaling and radio work was has been proposed to perm it easy en- W. Judson Oldfield, Sylvester P at- m ittee. Upon arra n g e m e n ts m ade are common over P ortland. O ther j be becam e a great power in th e fi- tran ce to the hotel, while it has b e e n jie rs o n , Mrs. S. P a tte rso n and G. S. th a t a re satisfactory to tlie com m it­ also on th e program . iem p eratu res a re: U m atilla, 3 ;in a n c ia l world. A fter th e feed Coach H ughes b e - ' suggested th a t a covered en tran ce j B utler, tee, the board of tru ste e s will have W alla W alla, 2; Y akim a, 2; Seattle, He was an independent republican cam e excited and challenged L ie u -ibe erected from the hotel to Main In connection w ith the hotel full pow er to act. 20; Albany, 20; Eugene 22, w i t h j a nd was p o stm aster general under te n a n t Clyde Young to a s h o o tin g ’ zero at W hite Salm on, W ash. P resid en t H arrison. He declined the m atch, losing o u t by a close m a rg in .! candidacy for m ayor of P h ilad elp h ia. R eports from the contest sta te th a t His ph ilan th ro p ic w ork and religous RADIO FAN IS KILLED the coach alm ost m issed the ta rg e t BY FALL FROM TREE in terests endeared him to the city. several tim es, and th a t m any of the He is survived by a son, R odm an, boys believed him to be o p eratin g a ! Mrs. B arclay W a rb u rto n and Mrs. PORTLAND, Dec. 12.— Sanford m aehinft gun from the way his shots N orm an MacLeod. Sm ith. 61, No. 609 Siskiyou stre e t, w ere scattered . , was killed w hen he fell from a tree A nother rec ru it, obtained th rough C o n tributions to d ate, m oney d e ­ N early as m any rab b its were ex-i in the yard at his home. A limb Hie ag reem ent betw een -he 484th posited to th e A m bulance F und, a re : hibited d u rin g th e E ig h th A nnual broke u n d er his w eight w hile he com pany anil the M odern W oodm en, A shland Daily T i d i n g s .................$100 Sou. hern Oregon P et Stock and was disengaging a w ire of his radio was received into th e organization. Jesse W i n b u r n ............................... 100 P o u ltry exposition as w ere show n a ; i receiving o u tfit, and he fell 40 feet This fra te rn a l body is doing its best] l)r. G eorge Ja rv is ........................ 100 the Pacific In te rn atio n a l Livestock to th e ground. He died while being 12.__The to prom ote in te re st in th e local na- LONDON, Dec. 12.— Ju stice Sher- SAN FRANCISCO Dec. Dr. Wood ........................................ 100 m an today sentenced two women to ExP°»rtion in P o rtla n d , according to crew of the B ritish tram p s te a m e r_ carried into the house. I J. P. Dodge & S o n s ..................... 100 tional g u ard unit. death for m urder. This m akes t h e ' l,e°P^e "’bo atten d ed both of the ex- “ O rteric,” which w ent on th e rocks G. S. B u t l e r .................................... 100 i th ird wom an he has sentenced to bibttions. Stock was shown by 70 m iles n o rth of here, have been! Dr. S w e d e n b u r g ............................. 100 death in the past 24 hours for m u r - : b reeders in m an-v p a rts of the s ta ie - tra n sfe rre d to the fre ig h te r “C otton- The fact th a t Miss Alice Reid and H. G. E nders & S o n ..................... 100 I der. His sentences have created a Eo^ ° " * nS a re >be list of aw ards in p la tt,” radio advices sta te . The Andy McGee were quietly m arried B ert M o s e s ...................................... ¡sensation in London. ¡th is d e p a rtm e n t: “ O rteric’s ” hold is full of w ater and S aturday a t Jacksonville by the P re s­ O. A. P a u l s e r u d ............................. I The evening new spapers profess to ■ ^ ew Z ealand Reds Sungold Rab- . be vessei ¡8 fa st being beaten to byterian m inister of th a t place, be­ C. L. L o o m i s ................................. 1 ¡see a rev o lu tio n ary m ovem ent of the b ltry - first and second on senior I)ieces by the high waves. T ransfer came known to the young couple’s W . S. D e P e a u ................................. ¡ju d iciary to recognize the dem and of buck, th u d on senior buck, first, sec- ()f the 55 m em bers ot- the crew was O ther co n trib u to rs declared m any friends in this city Monday 't h e fem inists for equal tre a tm e n t ond and tIurd on senior doe; C. S danger0U8 a fld was only attem p ted evening. not yet paid, a re : Mrs. E ugenia A t­ for men and women under all cir- R oberts, first and second ju n io r as a last resort to save th e ir lives. kinson, $25; the M urphy E lectric Mrs. McGee is the d a u g h te r of Mr. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 12.— Thom as buck; Sungold R abbitry, th ird j u n - ; The .'C larem ont- has arriv ed a t cum stances. and Mrs. H enry Reid, of Oak stre e t, Co., $25, and A shland E lks lodge, CA SPER, Wyo., Dec. 12.— A wom­ The last wom an executed in G reat ior buck; C. S. R oberts, firs t a n d j be gcene an(j ¡s standing by. A life H enry was shot th re e tim es, and and has lived in the city for several 944, $50. an taken off a tra in here was ques­ B ritain was in 1907. second ju n io r doe; G, H. M orrow, saving crew is also nearby. C aptain ‘ probabiy fatally wounded by one of i -klzl » up « w T -IZX F* VXZ ' • * tioned in tlie belief th a t she m ight j th ird ju n io r doe; C. S. R oberts, fira tj H arp ar and the radio o p e ra to r re- I I tb K re e b andits inL who A, I-tx held Henry Mr. McGee is tlie son of Mrs. W il­ be Cl ra Phillips, escaped m urder-! ¡second and th ird baby ju n io r buck,} I m ain on board. The radio is still in and C. Kelly and robbed them of JURY FR E E S EDITOR LESLIE ,1. H E E R YERY liam R. Davis, of AlLson stre e t, and css. She said her nam e was B eatrice : $96,000. ON M URDER CHARGE f ir s t> second and th ird baby ju n io r com m ission. ILL AT LOCAL HOSPITAL is well known by all the younger Craig, and her home was at K irby,! The men were tak in g th e money _______ doe; Sungold R abbitry, first, second W o. She said it was an ou trag e! DURANGO, Colo., Dec. 12.— R o d ! and th ird doe and litte r. ! from the post office to a national people of tlie city, having spent sev­ I.eslie J. H eer is a p a tie n t a t the TELEPH O NE REHEARING e ral years here and in K lam ath F alls. Black Flem ish G iants— G. W .i ] bank. H enry was shot when he re- C om m unity hospital and is su ffe r.n g t h a t s h e had been connected with s . Day, ed ito r of th e D urango Demo- SET FOR DECEM BER 15 ! sisted. The robbers escaped. Henry He has been employ ed here as book­ c rat has been freed of a charge of P ra tt, first senior buck; B. M. H eath.! from a stoppage of a large blood, ves­ th e Li s Angeles m urder. keeper for the S tan d aid Oil com pany SALEM, Dec. 12.— R ehearing of The wom an looked heavier and m u rd er for the killing of W illiam L. second senior doe; W. P. R athe, firs t' j is likely to die. sel in one of his legs, it is feared for the past few m onths. e ld e r th an Mrs. Phillips. She de- W ood, e d ito r of the D urango H erald, ju n io r buck; B. M. H eath, second: the Pacific Telephone and T elegraph he may not recover. Upon th e ir re tu rn to A shland, they , i coni pan v ra te case will be resum ed m issio n . H > was taken ill several day.- ago. ciared she form erly lived a t C a s p e r,' when ¿a ju ry retu rn ed a verdict of not ju n io r buck; C. o S. R oberts, babv 1 ............................. went im m ediately to th e ir new hom e in P o rtlan d December 15, according Today the comm ission heard the guilty a fte r d elib eratin g nearly -24 ju n io r buck. hut it was th o u g h t he was g etting md h er sta te m e n ts w ere verified. to announcem ent m ads a t the offices application for a boom franchise on i which had been previously fitted up. She has been released. hours. Checkered G iants— Hal E. Os­ along nicely u n til about 6:30 o’clock at 98 G ranite stre e t. The boys’ borne, first senior buck; C. S. Roh- of th e Oregon public service com Oswego lake. M onday evening, when the trouble ¡band tu rn ed out in force last even­ : e rts first and second sen io r doe, w ith the blood vessel m ade its ap ­ ing and serenaded them , until the first ju n io r buck; G. W. P ra tt, sec­ pearance, and it wafe th o u g h t he desired resu lts were obtained, m uch ond ju n io r buck; W. P. R athe, first w ould (tie before th e night was over, to the joy of all the boys. ju n io r doe; C. S. R oberts, baby j u n ­ l.a te rep o rts from the hospital to ­ ior buck; J. F. Sm ith, first baby ju n ­ day a re to the effect th a t he is LEGION ELECTION PROMISES ior (loa; W. W . E stes, first doe and alive, hut in a very serious condi­ TO RE LIVE A FF A IR TONIGHT i litte r. tion. R ufus R ed— C. S. R oberts, second A re p o rt was circulated Monday W ith Donald Spencer, nom inee for and th ird baby ju n io r buck, second evening to th e effect th a t Mr. Heer com m ander of A shland post, A m eri­ i baby ju n io r doe. bad died, and it was generally talked can Legion, out on the stre e ts, b u t­ W hite E nglish P ink Eye c. s. on the stre e ts d u rin g the m orning, tonholing all w earers of the Legion R oberts, first senior doe. b u t investigation proved th a t the button to come out to the m eeting A ngora W h ite— John B. P alm er, M onday evening report was erronous. this evening, called for th e purpose first senior buck firs t senior doe, of electing officers, to vote against second ju n io r doe. KU KLI X KLAN STAGES him as post com m ander, and a n o th e r H im alayan — Sungold R abbitry, FIGHT; MANY ROCKS FLY faction of the Legion pulling for all first senior doe; Hal E. OsW-rne, sec­ m em bers to come out and vote for ond sen io r doe: Sungold R abbitry, M cKINNEY, Tex.. Dec. 12.— \ Ku him, th e m eeting to n ig h t prom ises to th ird senior doe. firs t ju n io r buck, K lux K ian parade last night devel­ be a w arm a ffa ir. Spencer is the second doe and litte r. oped at one tim e into a free-for-all only c a n d id a te for office and as he A m erican Blue— C. S. R oberts, rock th ro w in g fig h t betw een the lias been very active in local Legion first senior buck; H. W. G raham , klansm en and m en w atching th e pa­ m atte rs, and a c h a rte r m em ber of second senior buck; Dan Sisem ore, rade. Several klansm en received th e post, a m ajo rity of the m em bers th ird senior buck; C. S. R oberts, b ru ised heads, it was said, and sev­ believe liim to be th e only logical ¡first senior doe; Dan Sisem ore, sec­ e ral of th e unm asked p a rticip an ts m an for th e honor. ond senior doe first ju n io r doe, first w ereb ruised. W indow lights in a A rran g em en ts were m ade today baby ju n io r buck; W. P. R athe, first p assin g in te ru rb a n e a r alsto were for a good feed to be served follow­ baby ju n io r doe; Dan Sisem ore, sec­ broken out by flying m issies. ing the election, and a large num ber ond baby ju n io r doe; H. W. G raham , of men are expected to a tte n d fho first doe and litte r. On Sicl L ist— m eeting, which will be the last one Heavy Belgian— C. S. R oberts, Mrs. C lara Borah is quite seriously Simple but impressive ceremonies attended the dedication of a window in of tlie year. Officers will be installed firs t and second ju n io r doe. ill a t h e r hom e on N orth Main stre e t. memory of the women of the South, presented by the Uuited D aughters of m e at th e first m eeting a fte r Ja n u a ry 1. H. E. Hallborg (left), and II. R. Miller (right), of the U. S. Nav.v de- W hite Flem ish G iants — J. F. __________________- Mrs. Cora Van Fossen is quite ill partm cnt. who are joint Inventors of a key for “breaking’’ wireless messages Sm ith, first and second senior buck; Confederacy to the American Red Cross a t the Red Cross building, W ashington. The presentation w as made by Mrs. Livingston Rowe Schuyler, president gen­ a t h e r hom e, co rn e r of W im er and on boa .1 seafaring vessels. It is sim ilar to the telegraph key for “breakin, eral of the United D aughters of the Confederacy. i t pays to read th e classified page. , messages sent over landline wires. N o rth M ain stre e ts. (C ontinued on Pago 4) I • WASHINGTON, Dec. 12.— In a flu rry of charges and counter charges the im peachm ent proceed­ ings ag ain st A ttorney G eneral D augherty a re u n d er way before the house ju d iciary com m ittee. O rganized labor, represented by Jackson R alston, pressed the in itial a tta ck . R epresentative Volstead. M innesota republican, told R alston th e com m ittee would conduct the h earin g s in its own way. He said: You have not produced a scin tih a of evidence in any of the charges. W hy are you a fra id to p resent evi- A « « /.« »” d en ce?” . "W e a re dealing w ith \ \ illiam J. B u rn s,’’ R alston answ ered. R alston refused to nam e the men associated w ith the charges. F inally pressed, he said he is prepared only to present the charges a g ain st Burns. O ther changes w ere pressed by Sam uel U nterm eyer plus o th e r law- yers. L Many Rabbits Are Listed ter Prizes | During Winter Fair LI OFF PACIFIC COAST Key for Breaking Wireless Messages Memorial to the Southern Women MISS ALICE REID